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Browsing by Subject "roolit"

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  • Laura Liedes (2024)
    The societal goals of decoupling from fossil energy have made the energy transition a subject of common public discussion. Especially the onset of the conflict in Ukraine accelerated media coverage on the topic, as it became apparent that importing fossil energy from Russia was financing the conflict. Simultaneously, Europe was rapidly attempting to adapt to phase out fossil energy imports from Russia. The onset of the conflict offers an interesting opportunity to study the energy transition. The data chosen for the study included 139 articles about the energy transition. Articles are published by a Finnish national online media for one year period after the onset of the conflict. The aim of this media analysis was to assess the relationship between citizens and the energy transition, and to identify actors and actions portrayed in the data. A system based on renewable energy is utilizing multiple different technologies and energy sources. This kind of diversity and variable nature of the system requires active citizen participation and increased awareness of their own energy consumption. Citizens are also potentially playing an important role as producers of renewable energy and in providing the flexibility required by the system. It is assumed that the data used in the study is influencing citizens' perceptions of the energy transition and their role within it. The study was conducted using mixed methodology approach and includes both quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the data. The quantitative overview was conducted by categorizing the actors and actions within the data, while quantitative quota was focusing on the content about citizen by using frame analysis. The content addressing citizens formed six thematic main frames: economic, political, social, environmental, technological and innovation. For each main frame, subframes describing actions were also developed. Based on the results, the energy transition belongs primarily to experts and political and economic actors, also the roles suitable for citizens are addressed insufficiently. The relationship between the energy transition and the citizen is based on economic factors. Agency based on consumption choices is restricting and outsourcing citizens from the active participatory roles. In conclusion, the content produced by the media does not support an effective and equitable societal transition.
  • Virtanen, Mimmi (2024)
    We have long been invited to engage in climate action in different forums, without specifying what is actually expected of us to solve the accelerating climate crisis. Traditionally, individual citizens have only been seen as consumers in climate action. Although citizen participation in climate work has also been studied more and more in recent years, there is a little research on how citizens themselves perceive their own role in climate action. Climate action at local level and small municipalities, as smaller administrative units, could also provide better opportunities to support individuals in their own climate actions. In this thesis, I examine the climate agency and participation of residents in local climate action through their perceived roles and means of participation. I am conducting a review at the level of one small Finnish municipality by carrying out a qualitative case study. The case municipality is Kokemäki in the Satakunta region, with a population of about 7000. My research questions are (1) how the municipal representatives and local residents perceive the roles of the municipality and local residents in local climate action, and (2) what means are identified by municipal representatives and local residents to strengthen the climate agency of local residents. The research material consists of thematic interviews of the municipal representatives, group discussions of the residents and a survey conducted for the residents. As a method of analysis, I have used qualitative content analysis. The results show that municipal representatives and local residents have a similar perception of the roles, even though there are differences. In total, six different roles were identified for the municipality, and communication as a cross-cutting role. A key finding is that local residents perceived their own role more active than the municipal representatives did. A total of five roles were outlined for the residents, two of which emerged mainly in the experiences of the residents: the role to support each other and the role to activate the municipality to act. The roles of the municipality and the residents are strongly linked, and instead of looking individual means to support climate agency, it might be useful for small municipalities to shift the examination more strongly to their own role in relation to the residents. The development of communication and interaction is a key means of supporting climate agency. In addition to communication based on positive tone and examples in particular, the need for encounter and discussion emerged. Discussions with local residents, also on the topic of climate change, could bring new knowledge, understanding and ideas to the municipality, and at the same time provide a forum for communicating the importance of climate action, which also supports sustainable choices in everyday life. Strengthening the experience of working together increases the potential for self-motivated action and also enables peer learning and interaction between residents. The desire to take care of one's own home region could also support local climate action, as long as the objectives and actions are set at a local scale.
  • Halminen, Maija (2003)
    Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on tutkia hevosesimerkin avulla eri ulottuvuuksia ympäristönsuojelusta, kulttuurista, kotieläimistä ja luonnosta. Luonnontieteet eivät kotieläimiä kovinkaan arvosta, kotieläintiede sen sijaan usein katselee eläimiä puhtaasta hyötyajattelun näkökulmasta. Jos kotieläimet eivät kuulu enää luontoon, ovatko ne osa kulttuuriamme? Tähän kysymykseen tutkimus pyrkii hevosesimerkin kautta vastaamaan. Myös villi- ja kotieläinten välistä suhdetta ja statusta ympäristönsuojelussa tarkastellaan tässä tutkimuksessa. Tutkimuksen viitekehys on ympäristönsuojelutieteellinen analyysi, jonka avulla haetaan vastausta siihen, mitä eri rooleja hevosesta ympäristönsuojelun kentässä voidaan löytää. Hevoselle löytyi ainakin neljä eri roolia: hevonen voi toisaalta olla ympäristönsuojelun kohde, ympäristömuutosten kohde, ympäristömuutosten aiheuttaja ja ympäristöongelmien ratkaisija. Tutkimus ei osoittanut, että hevonen olisi merkittävä ympäristönsuojelullinen toimija, mutta merkittävää oli, että nämä "inhimilliset" roolit pystyy sille löytämään. Tärkein hevosen rooli on suojelukohteena oleminen: jotkut hevosmuodot ja käyttömuodot ovat uhattuina. Suojeltavia kohteita on ainakin hevosen työkäyttö sekä monet maatiaisrodut. Suojelukohteena olemisen tutkimiseen kehiteltiin tässä työssä käsite kulttuuris-ekologinen lokero. Sen avulla pyrittiin osoittamaan, että myös kotieläimet ansaitsevat suojeluarvon ympäristönsuojelussa, vaikkakin inhimillinen kulttuuri on vaikuttanut niihin vuosisatojen ja -tuhansien ajan. Suojelun argumentteina voidaan käyttää muitakin kuin puhtaasti ekologisia perusteluja. Esimerkkeinä käytetään mm. suomenhevosta ja Amerikan ja Australian villiintyneitä hevosmuotoja. Ihminen on aikanaan ensin metsästänyt hevosta, sitten kesyttänyt se. Ympäristömuutosten aiheuttaminen hevoselle jatkuu nykyäänkin esim. jalostuksen ja ympäristövaikutusten (esim. melun) kautta. Nykyään hevosia elää keskuudessamme pääosin vain domestikoituneessa muodossaan. Kotieläinten kesyttäminen yleensäkin on vaikuttanut vastavuoroisesti valtavasti myös ihmisen kulttuureihin. Hevonen voi aiheuttaa ihmisen kumppanina ympäristöongelmia esim. eroosion, maastovaurioiden ja ravinnekuormituksen muodossa. Hevonen voi olla myös ympäristöongelmien ratkaisija mm. vertailtaessa hevosvoimaa polttomoottorilla käyviin koneisiin.