Browsing by Subject "vesiensuojelu"
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(2023)The external nutrient load of the Archipelago Sea weakens the state of the sea. Gypsum is applied to fields in the catchment area because it has been found to reduce phosphorus leaching from fields. Gypsum treatment of fields is organised by the the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY) of Southwest Finland through "KIPSI-hanke" (GYPSUM Project). Participation in gypsum treatment is free of charge for farmers. To achieve water protection objectives, more farmers in the area should participate in gypsum treatment. I study what factors that influence the participation of farmers in the catchment area in gypsum treatment of their fields. The underlying motivation for this study was to promote gypsum treatment of fields and improve the state of the Archipelago Sea. My research is a qualitative interview study. My interview data consists of nine farmer interviews. In my analysis, I also use scientific and social research literature and other sources. I compare the interviewees' perceptions of the effects of gypsum with the information presented in the natural science literature. On the other hand, I will unpack social phenomena and events that affect farmers' perception of gypsum treatment and their activities. According to my observations, farmers' participation is influenced by knowledge about gypsum treatment, or the lack of thereof. Also, farmers' perceptions of the effects of gypsum treatment affect their participation decisions. Yield and yield impacts are at the heart when a farmer decides on participation in gypsum treatment, even though gypsum treatment is free of charge for the farmer. Based on my results, farmers' participation in gypsum treatment of their fields is promoted by available solid, experience based, research data on effects of gypsum, especially on the effects on yields. Agricultural advice also proved to be a factor influencing participation in gypsum treatment. At least some farmers would receive information on gypsum treatment of fields as part of other agricultural advice. According to my research, agricultural advisors' knowledge of the effects of gypsum was variable and partly incomplete. According to my research, expert and active gypsum advice would promote participation in gypsum treatment. The historical tensions between rural and urban areas, as well as tension between the implementors and targets of environmental projects, have an impact on farmers' attitudes towards the KIPSI-hanke. From the point of view of the rural population, unjust and top-down environmental projects will also hamper future projects if the design of projects does not consider the involvement of the rural population as participants of the projects, not only as targets of measures.
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