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Browsing by Subject "CDNF"

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  • Hella, Emilia (2015)
    This review focuses on neurotrophic factors, especially CDNF, and Amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This review finds out which neurotrophic factors have been studied in clinical trials of ALS and what kind of results have been got. Neurotrophic factors are important for development and function of neurons because they prevent apoptosis of neurons. They also play role in differentiation, development and migration of neurons. It is also known that many of the neurotrophic factors have protective and restorative properties. ALS is a rare neurodegenerative disease which causes the destruction of motor neurons and leads to death in three years. The disease degenerate the upper and lower motor neurons. Symptoms are muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, cramps and problems with swallowing. At the moment there is no cure for ALS so it is important to study neurotrophic factors that could prevent the progression of the disease and perhaps to protect or repair destroyed motor neurons. This is why it is important to study potential of CDNF in ALS. The experimental part consists of three different parts. The purpose of the first part study was to determine the distribution of CDNF after intraventricular delivery at different time points. CDNF was labeled with 125I (125I-CDNF). The distribution was determined by gammacounter and autoradiography. To determine the stability of the injected 125-I CDNF we performed SDS-PAGE. The second part studied the diffusion volume of CDNF after intraventricular injection with seven wild type mice. After stereotaxic surgery CDNF-immunohistochemistry staining from coronal sections was done. The last experimental part studied the effect of single intracerebral injection of CDNF on motivation, locomotor activity, anxiety and depression with male and female mice. Light-dark box, open field, rotarod, forced swim test (FST), elevated plus maze and fear conditioning were carried out with male mice. After behavioural tests mice were sacrified for HPLC-analysis. Light-dark box and IntelliCage were carried out with female mice before c-fos staining. Gammacounter and autoradiography shows that 125I-CDNF distributes widely after intracerebroventricular injection. It spread throughout to the brain and also all the way to the spinal cord after one and three hours from injection. After 24 hours 125I-CDNF was cleared so the CDNF signal was very weak. SDS-PAGE showed the stability of radioactive CDNF. CDNF increased locomotor activity and decreased anxiety in male mice. But a statistically significant difference appeared in forced swim test and fear conditioning test. HPLC-analysis supported these results partly. CDNF also increased motivation of female mice in IntelliCage experiment. C-fos staining was observed in CDNF group and PBS group so quantitative analysis should be done from these sections so that reliable conclusions could be done. However, because CDNF distributed to spinal cord and it showed some effect on locomotor activity, motivation and depression it might be potential for ALS disease.
  • Viljakainen, Tuulikki (2019)
    Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease, in which dopamine neurons are dying in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway. This causes motor symptoms such as slowness of movement, tremor, and rigidity. In addition, various non-motor symptoms appear. All currently used medicines are symptomatic, and there are no disease modifying treatment available for Parkinson’s disease. Several neurotrophic factors have shown promise in animal models of Parkinson’s disease. One of those is cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) which has been studied in different animal models, including rodents and non-human primates. CDNF is a secreted protein but it is also localized in endoplasmic reticulum (ER). CDNF has two domains, N-terminal and C-terminal, which may have distinct functions. CDNF can be retained in the ER by the ER retention sequence at the end of the C-terminal domain. The C-terminal domain also has an evolutionarily conserved disulfide bridge which is crucial for the biological activity of CDNF. The exact mechanism of CDNF is still unknown. However, it has been shown that CDNF affects the unfolded protein response (UPR) in the presence of ER stress. Neurotrophic factors do not penetrate blood-brain barrier (BBB), for this reason, they need to be injected directly to the brain. Penetration of the BBB is also a problem in the treatment of many other diseases. Various methods for enhancing the BBB penetration of drugs have been studied. For example, permeability of the BBB can be temporarily increased by focused ultrasound combined with microbubbles. Another possibility is the use of a carrier molecule, which can be transported through BBB via specific transport mechanisms. Furthermore, molecule modification offers many applications to achieve enhanced BBB penetration. In view of peripheral administration, a next generation variant of CDNF (ngCDNF) has been developed. The efficacy of this novel variant after intrastriatal injection is equal to that of CDNF in a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) rat model of Parkinson’s disease. Systemic administration could also enable treatment of non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The aim of this experiment was to study the effects of subcutaneously injected ngCDNF on rotation behaviour, and nigrostriatal TH-positive cells in rats with 6-OHDA lesions. 6-OHDA was injected unilaterally to three different sites in the striatum. Two weeks later, the lesion size was estimated, via amphetamine- induced rotation test. ngCDNF, at two dose levels, was injected twice weekly for three weeks. Amphetamine-induced rotation test was assessed every other week, until week 12. At the end, optical density of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) was measured from sections of the striatum, and TH positive cells in the substantia nigra were counted. In addition, the effect of ngCDNF on anxiety and depression like behaviour, learning, and locomotor activity were studied at three different levels in naïve mice. Behaviour was analyzed by open field test, forced swim test, and fear conditioning test. The ngCDNF did not seem to have clear effect on rats’ behaviour or TH positive cells and fibers compared to the control group, but positive tendency was found in the group with lower dose. The reduced efficacy of ngCDNF,via subcutaneous administration, is likely due to rapid metabolism and insufficient entry of the active form to the brain. In naïve mice, ngCDNF did not reduce anxiety-like behaviour and did not affect locomotor activity after subcutaneous injections. This result supports previous findings, which suggest that the effects of CDNF are specific to the toxin treated cells and CDNF has no effect in naïve animals.
  • Peltola, Roosa (2020)
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rare fatal neurodegenerative disease in which both the upper and lower motor neurons degenerate. Pathological features of the disease include misfolded proteins and accumulations in the central nervous system. The molecular mechanisms of the disease include neuroinflammation, glutamate induced excitotoxicity, and endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER-stress). Numerous genetic defects have been identified in the background of ALS, the most common mutations are in the C9ORF72, SOD1, TDP43 and FUS genes. For each gene mutation, it is important to develop a reliable animal model of ALS for studying pathology and testing new therapies. The most common and most recently found gene mutation, the C9ORF72 repeat expansion mutation, does not yet have an established animal disesase model. The molecular mechanisms of the disease include neuroinflammation, glutamate induced excitotoxicity, and endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER- stress). There is no drug treatment to cure or slow ALS, so the need for new drug therapies that affect the course of the disease is significant. Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) protects and restores dopamine neurons and controls ER-stress in preclinical models of Parkinson’s disease. CDNF has also been shown to improve motor coordination as well as protect spinal cord neurons from cell destruction in ALS genetic SOD1- G93A mouse and TDP-43M337 animal models. The purpose of this master's thesis study was to characterize the changes related to neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation in the new C9ORF72-500 disease model and study ER stress of the SOD1-93A disease model and the effect of CDNF on ER stress in SOD1-model and on inflammation in C9-model. In the first sub-study, brain sections from C9ORF72 transgenic and wild-type mice at different time points were subjected to six different immunohistological stainings. The results were compared at each time point (30, 70 and 170) between the wild type and the transgenic group. In another sub-study, spinal cord sections from CDNF snd vehicle treated SOD1- G93A mice were subjected to immunofluorescence staining, after which the intensity of their ER stress marker, GRP78, was analyzed using a confocal microscope. GFAP stained brain sections from CDNF and vehicle treated C9ORF72 mice were analyzed using microscope and imaging analyses. The results of the first sub-study showed neuroinflammation at 24 weeks timepoint in the transgenic group compared to wild-type mice. Pathological features of C9-ALS, various protein accumulations, were observed only in the transgenic group, mainly at 24 weeks. No neuronal loss was observed in this study. The obtained results support the previously published research results and support the reliability of the studied disease model. In the second sub-study ER stress levels were higher in SOD1-mice compared to wild-type mice. Single intracerebroventrical CDNF injection reduced ER stress in SOD1-G93A transgenic mice almost to the same level as ER stress in wild-type mice. CDNF treatment also showed a tendency for reducing inflammation in hippocampus and motor cortex of C9ORF72 mice. The results confirm the pathological role of ER stress in ALS and show that CDNF reduces ER stress when administered as early in the disease as possible, when neuronal damage begins to occur but does not yet lead to neuronal destruction. CDNF appears to be a promising drug candidate for the treatment of ALS and should therefore be further investigated.
  • Silmu, Veera (2021)
    Parkinsonin tauti on hitaasti etenevä hermorappeumasairaus, jossa mustatumakkeen dopamiinihermosolut tuhoutuvat. Taudille on tyypillistä dopamiinihermosoluissa esiintyvät Lewyn kappaleet, jotka koostuvat pääasiassa väärin laskostuneesta ja kasautuneesta alfasynukleiiniproteiinista. Myös neuroinflammaation uskotaan olevan osa Parkinsonin taudin patofysiologiaa. Nykyiset lääkkeet vaikuttavat ainoastaan taudin oireisiin, joten tarve uusille lääkkeille on suuri. Pilottikokeen tarkoituksena oli selvittää aiheuttaako adenoassosioidun virus- (AAV) vektorin alfasynukleiinin ja alfasynukleiinifibrillien yhdistelmämalli rotilla liikehäiriöitä ja tyrosiinihydroksylaasi- (TH) positiivisten dopamiinihermosolujen tuhoutumista mustatumakkeessa ja hermopäätteiden tuhoutumista aivojuoviossa sekä saadaanko mallilla aikaan neuroinflammatorinen vaste. Varsinaisen pitkän kokeen tarkoituksena oli selvittää aivojen dopamiinihermokasvutekijän (CDNF) mahdollinen neurorestoratiivinen vaikutus tässä mallissa. Alfasynukleiinin kasautumispatologian tasoa ja CDNF:n neurorestoratiivista vaikutusta selvitettiin käyttäytymiskokeilla sekä mustatumakkeen ja aivojuovion TH-vasta-ainevärjäyksillä. Yhdistelmämallista aiheutuvaa neuroinflammatorista vastetta selvitettiin ionisoidun kalsiumia sitovan adapterimolekyylin 1 (Iba1) ja gliaalisen fibrillaarisen happaman proteiinin (GFAP) vasta-ainevärjäyksillä. Pilottikokeen sylinterikokeessa yhdistelmämalli ei indusoinut liikehäiriötä, mutta pitkän kokeen askel- ja sylinterikokeessa mallin osoitettiin aiheuttavan unilateraalille leesiolle tyypillinen liikehäiriö. Pilottikokeen ja pitkän kokeen TH-vasta-ainevärjäyksissä mallin osoitettiin aiheuttavan TH-positiivisten dopamiinihermosolujen tuhoutumista mustatumakkeessa ja hermopäätteiden tuhoutumista aivojuoviossa. Nämä tulokset osoittavat, että yhdistelmämallilla saadaan aikaan alfasynukleiinin kasautumispatologiaa. Pilottikokeessa osoitettiin myös, että yhdistelmämallilla saadaan aikaan neuroinflammatorinen vaste, mikä osoittaa, että malli soveltuu hyvin uusien lääkkeiden vaikutuksen tutkimiseen Parkinsonin tautiin liittyvässä neuroinflammaatiossa. Pitkän kokeen sylinterikokeessa AAV-CDNF:llä ei ollut vaikutusta mallista aiheutuvaan liikehäiriöön. Sen sijaan askeltestissä kämmenen suunnan mittauksessa AAV-CDNF korjasi liikehäiriötä. AAV-CDNF ei kuitenkaan suojannut TH-positiivisia hermosoluja mustatumakkeessa tai hermopäätteitä aivojuoviossa, minkä perusteella johtopäätöstä CDNF:n neurorestoratiivisesta vaikutuksesta ei voida tehdä.
  • Tallberg, Thomas (2017)
    Transactive DNA Response Element Binding Protein 43 (TDP-43) is a RNA binding protein participating in gene expression on a transcriptional level. It is localized in the cell nucleus. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease affecting upper and lower motor neurons. In most ALS patients TDP-43 becomes localized into the cytoplasm of neurons and glia cells. The TDP-43 rat ALS model provide insight in ALS disease progression and molecular mechanisms. This animal model has been characterized previously in the literature. Cerebral Dopamine Growth Factor (CDNF) is a neuroprotective and restorative protein in rat animal model of Parkinson's disease. CDNF may have an impact on disease progression in ALS. One of the goals in this work was to recharacterize the TDP-43 rat ALS model and to try repeat published data. The other aim of this work was to treat TDP-43 rats with intraventricular chronic infusion of CDNF, and to compare symptom progression with TDP-43 rats treated with phosphate buffered saline. Behavioral assays were done trice a week and when rats reached endpoint, spinal cords were removed. Motor neuron counting and detection of stress granule formation were investigated in spinal cords with immunohistochemistry. Also, the volume of CDNF diffusion in rat brain after chronic intraventricular CDNF infusion was investigated with immunohistochemistry. In the characterization part, symptom progression was repeated in a similar manner as it has been reported previously. CDNF treatment could not stop the symptom progression nor slow down the progression of symptoms in TDP-43 rats. Motor neuron counting revealed a heavy loss of motor neurons in the lumbal part of the spinal cord in both treatment groups. Diffusion of CDNF was very poor in the rat brain. Higher doses of CDNF and proper administration depth in the brain or route of administration should be reconsidered in the future.
  • Montonen, Ella (2015)
    Endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER-stress) is the result of accumulation of unfolded and misfolded proteins in the ER. The unfolded proteins activate the unfolded protein response (UPR), which seeks to reduce the protein load in the ER and reduces ER-stress. When ER-stress is prolonged, the UPR will activate apoptosis. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rare, progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects lower and higher motorneurons. The cause of ALS is unknown but ER-stress is known to play a role in the disease progression. CDNF is a new neurotrophic factor, which is known to play a role in protein folding in the ER. CDNF is neuroprotective and neurorestorative in animal models of Parkinson's disease. Thus, CDNF is a potential new drug candidate for treating ALS. The aim of this work was to examine the effect of CDNF on disease state and life span in transgenic SOD1(G93A)-mice. CDNF or PBS was injected into the mouse's ventricle in stereotaxic surgery when the mice were about 90 days old. Clinical status and motor coordination was monitored twice a week throughout the study. The mice were dissected when they reached the end point that was set for the study. Deepfrozen gastrocnemius muscles were stained with antibodies, to examine the integrity of the neuromuscular junctions (NMJ). Quantitative PCR (qPCR) was executed on deepfrozen spinal cord and motor cortex samples to measure the expression of ER-stress genes. The results showed that CDNF improves motor coordination and delays disease progression in SOD1 female mice. The NMJs were notably more damaged in SOD1 mice than in wild type mice, but CDNF did not have any significant effect on NMJ integrity. ER-stress could be observed in the spinal cord and motor cortex of SOD1 mice and CDNF decreased ER-stress in the motor cortex. CDNF did not decrease ER-stress in the spinal cord where the expression of apoptosis related genes was increased. Thus, CDNF is a potential new drug candidate for treating ALS and it should be studied further.
  • Korpelainen, Anna (2019)
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rare neurodegenerative disease in which both upper and lower motor neurons degenerate gradually. The disease leads to a total paralysis of almost all skeletal muscles and to death within 3-5 years after onset. At the moment there are two disease modifying medicines available, riluzole and edaravone. Neither is able to cure the disease or even to stop or remarkably slow down its progression. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress has been proposed as one of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying ALS. During ER stress misfolded of unfolded proteins accumulate in ER lumen. As a defense mechanism, the cell launches unfolded protein response (UPR). UPR response aims to reduce the protein load in ER and restore cell’s normal functions. If the damage is already beyond repair, UPR signal cascades lead to programmed cell death. Neurotrophic factors (NTFs) regulate the growth of nervous tissue and participate in repairing processed. Many of the known NTFs have first seemed promising in the preclinical models of ALS but however failed in clinical trials. Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) differs drastically both in structure and function from conventional NTFs. CDNF has seen to relieve ER stress and improve motor behavior in the animal models of Parkinsons’s disease. Recently CDNF entered clinical trials in Parkinson’s patients. Since ER stress is believed to be present not only in ALS but also in Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, it might have an effect in treating ALS patients. SOD1-G93A is a well-established animal model of ALS in which the animals show typical motor impairments comparable to human disease. In this study we used a novel mouse line obtained from crossing traditional SOD1-G93A model and CDNF knock out models. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of endogenic CDNF loss in survival, onset of symptoms, motor behavioral and spinal motor neuron degeneration in the new line. ER-stress and autophagy marker levels were studied with quantitative polymerase chain reaction (CNDF) and western blotting techniques. Spinal motor neuron loss was examined by anti-choline acetyltransferase antibody (ChAT) stainings. SOD1-G93A CDNF knock out animals were observed to have more severe motor impairments in the early stages of the disease compared to the traditional SOD1-G93A mice. In addition, the degeneration of spinal motor neurons appeared to be more severe in the new line. There were no statistically significant differences in ER stress between the genotypes although a trend of increased ER stress was observed. Endogenous CDNF loss had no effect on the healthy animals. The results suggest that CNDF is a potential treatment for ALS and it might have only little side effect since it does not seen to affect healthy tissue. In medical usage, CDNF might be most effective when administered immediately after disease onset. However, this might be difficult because of the challenges in ALS diagnosis.
  • Saukkonen, Anni (2015)
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive fatal neurodegenerative disease affecting motor neurons. It finally leads to the malfunction of the respiratory muscles and death after 1-3 years of diagnosis. Sporadic cases of ALS cover 90-95% of all patients and familial 5-10% respectively. The onset of the disease is usually between age of 40 and 60 and the worldwide incidence is considered to be 1-2/100000. Currently discovered cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor, CDNF, has showed neuroprotective effects on Parkinson's disease model. What is more, it is known that CDNF is expressed in the muscles of mice and one of its' main functions is to protect cells from ER-stress, one of the pathological mechanisms in ALS. Hence, it is rational to study the effects of CDNF in ALS mouse model. Treatment options are needed, since there is only one approved treatment for ALS, anti-glutaminergic rilutzole. The aim of this study was to find out whether CDNF shows neuroprotective effects in SOD1-mice e.g. by measuring the changes in motor function with different behavioral tests. More over, the distribution of CDNF after intrathecal ventricle injection was studied using immunohistochemical and radioactive labeling methods. The hypothesis was that CDNF is distributed through the cerebrospinal fluid into the spinal cord and muscles in the limbs and shows neuroprotective effects in this SOD1 mouse model.
  • Renko, Juho-Matti (2012)
    Review of the literature: The purpose of the review is to go through what is known about mechanisms of actions of different neurotrophic factors (GDNF, neurturin, CDNF and MANF) and how they are transported within the brain. Neurotrophic factors are endogenous and secreted proteins which have a pivotal role in the development and maintenance of neurons. They support the survival of neurons and they can help them to recover from different injuries. Due to these functions neurotrophic factors might be beneficial for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease. There are a great deal of studies that clearly show the neuroprotective and neurorestrorative function of GDNF and neurturin on dopaminergic neurons. They are also studied in clinical studies with Parkinson's patients but the results have been partly contradictory. The signalling route of GDNF and neurturin via RET tyrosinekinasereceptor is fairly well known but the other mechanisms of action of these factors needs to be studied further. CDNF and MANF constitute a novel, evolutionarily conserved family of neurotrophic factors. They are shown to have neuroprotective and neurorestrorative actions on dopaminergic neurons both in vitro and in vivo in a rodent model of Parkinson's disease. The mechanisms of action of CDNF and MANF are not quite clear at the moment. There are two different domains in their structure both of which are likely to carry different functions. The N-terminal domains of these proteins are close to saposins, lipid and membrane binding proteins, some of which are shown to have neurotrophic and anti-apoptotic effects. The C-terminal domain of MANF, in turn, is structurally close to the SAP-domain of Ku70-protein which binds Bax in the cytoplasm and thus inhibits apoptosis mediated by Bax. CDNF and MANF might protect neurons both via intracellular mechanisms and extracellularly acting like a secreted neurotrophic factor. CDNF and GDNF are transported retrogradially from striatum to substantia nigra. MANF, unlike the others, is transported from striatum to the frontal cortex. MANF and CDNF are shown to have better diffusion properties in the brain parenchyma than GDNF. Experimental part: We studied, by means of microdialysis, the effects of CDNF, MANF and GDNF on the dopaminergic neurotransmission of naive rats within the striatum. Neurotrophic factors (10 µg) and PBS as a negative control were injected into the left striatum in stereotaxic surgery. After this rats recovered one week before the first mircodialysis. The second mircodialysis was performed three weeks after the surgery. The samples were collected from the left striatum of freely moving rats. During the microdialysis neurotransmission was stimulated by replacing the perfusion solution with hypertonic potassium solution and with amphetamine solution. The concentration of dopamine, DOPAC, HVA and 5-HIAA was measured from the dialysate samples. In vivo TH-activity experiment was carried out for three rats in each group. NSD1015 was injected i.p.after which rats were decapitated and their striatums were dissected. The concentration of L-DOPA, dopamine and metabolites on the treated and untreated hemisphere were analyzed from the tissue samples. The amount of L-DOPA in the striatum after NSD1015-treatment indicates how active TH-enzyme is. There were no significant differences in the concentrations of dopamine and metabolites during the baseline. MANF and CDNF increased the release of dopamine from the nerve terminals compared to GDNF and PBS one week after the surgery. Three weeks after the surgery there was still significant increase in the release of dopamine in MANF group compared to GDNF group. Also the dopamine-DOPAC-turnover was increased significantly in MANF group compared to GDNF and PBS groups one week after the surgery. DOPAC/HVA -ratio was significantly smaller in GDNF group than in other groups one week after the surgery. These findings suggest that MANF potentiates dopaminergic neurotransmission most drasticly. The effects of MANF seem to last longer time than the effects of other neurotrophic factors. CDNF seems to increase the release of dopamine from the nerve terminals as well. The potentiation of dopaminergic neurotransmission could be due to increased biosynthesis of dopamine or due to the potentiation of the function of nerve terminals. In the results of the TH-activity experiment there was a trend according to which L-DOPA is synthesized less after the neurotrophic factor treatment that after the PBS treatment. This suggests that neurotrophic factors might decrease the activity of TH-enzyme.
  • Pöyhönen, Suvi (2017)
    Cortical stroke induces a chain of events that results in secondary injury in the ipsilateral thalamus. Inflammation is a key player in the delayed injury. Microglia, the resident innate immune cells of the brain, seem to have an important role in the initiation and maintenance of the inflammation. After infarct they are rapidly activated and start to proliferate and release proinflammatory cytokines. They may even phagocytose viable neurons, a phenomenon called "phagoptosis". Many studies, which have aimed at inhibition of the the detrimental function of microglia, suggest that inhibition of microglia might offer promising therapeutical targets. However, microglia are also involved in the resolution and the repair phase after infarct, which makes development of novel therapies challenging. The only approved treatment for ischemic stroke, a fibrinolytic agent, has a very narrow therapeutic time window. Thus, new treatments are urgently needed. Modulation of inflammation may offer a wider therapeutic time window. In this study, we investigated the effects of two potentially neurotrophic factors, CDNF (cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor) and MANF (mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor), as well as a specific vitronectin receptor blocker, cRGDfV, on the prevention of neuronal death in thalamus in a transient murine cortical stroke model. MANF and CDNF are proteins released during stress of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). They have been shown to protect neurons during ER stress and to reduce the production of some proinflammatory mediators. The vitronectin receptor blocker has in vitro inhibited microglial phagoptosis. The treatments were administered as single injections to the thalamus 7 days after the stroke onset. CDNF and MANF alleviated functional deficits, but did not protect thalamic neurons from death or affect the accumulation of phagocytic microglia. cRGDfV neither enhanced functional outcome nor protected neurons from death. The mechanisms of action were not investigated. In addition, we investigated, whether the death of thalamic neurons in the cortical stroke results in sensitization to pain. Central post-stroke pain has been reported on stroke patients and it has been associated with the death or the disturbances in the function of thalamic neurons. However, in spite of significant reduction in the number of neurons in the ipsilateral thalamus and the increase in the accumulation of phagocytic microglia on day 30 after stroke, we did not observe any significant sensitization to pain caused by thermal or mechanical stimuli on days 3, 14 and 28 after stroke. In conclusion, transient ischemic cortical stroke doesn't seem to induce sensitization to pain. MANF and CDNF seem to alleviate functional deficiencies, but they do not protect thalamic neurons from delayed death.
  • Toivonen, Johanna (2012)
    Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder where dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra are gradually destroyed. Less than 10% of Parkinson's disease cases are genetic. For example mutations in α-synuclein, LRRK2-, parkin-, PINK1- and DJ-1 are known to cause Parkinson's disease. There is still no curative treatment for Parkinson's disease. Alpha-synuclein is linked to Parkinson's disease through Lewy bodies. Three point mutations causing Parkinson's disease have been found in a gene coding α-synuclein. Alpha-synuclein has been expressed in Drosophila melanogaster, C. elegans and mouse. Main function of LRRK2-protein is thought to be kinase activity. Mutations in LRRK2-gene are the most common known cause of Parkinson's disease. LRRK has been expressed in Drosophila melanogaster, C. elegans and mouse. LRRK2 knock-out Drosophila melanogaster and mouse have also been studied. Parkin is a neuroprotective protein and its deficiency results in a loss of neurons in substantia nigra. Mutations in Parkin cause 50% of recessive Parkinson's disease. Parkin knock-out Drosophila melanogaster and mouse and Drosophila melanogaster and mouse expressing human Parkin are Parkin animal models. PINK1 is a mitochondrial protein coded by nucleus. DJ-1 is thought to have a part in mitochondria maintenance and protection. Both PINK1- and DJ-1 knock-out Drosophila melanogaster and mouse have been studied. None of the genetic animal models of Parkinson's disease is identical to symptoms and pathology of human Parkinson's disease. The purpose of the experimental part of this thesis was to examine non-drug induced behavioural test and Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) in 6-OHDA lesioned rats. CDNF protects and restores dopaminergic neurons. The non-drug induced behavioural tests included in this study were stepping test, cylinder test and staircase test. An old and widely used drug induced test for Parkinson's disease, amphetamine-induced rotation test, has problems that have led to a seek for replacing and complementary test methods. In amphetamine-induced rotation test dopamine agonist is given to a unilaterally 6-OHDA lesioned animal. The agonist causes rotational behaviour that can be measured with designed equipment. The stepping test measures forelimb akinesia in rats. In the experimental setting the rat is moved sideways when it is held only one front paw on a table and adjusting steps are counted. In the cylinder test front paw preference is measured. In the experimental setting the rat is placed in a transparent cylinder and the front paw preference is counted on rears and on ground contacts after a rear. The staircase test measures front paw coordination and function. In the experimental setting the number of sucrose pellets picked up from a double staircase is counted. There were no significant differences between lesioned groups in stepping test, cylinder test or in staircase test. It is possible that the 6-OHDA lesion used in the experiment was not extensive enough. Different non-drug induced behavioural tests supplement each other and they should be combined for the best result. Combining different behavioural tests enables more reliable results and versatile information than the amphetamine-induced rotation test alone.
  • Siekkinen, Jenni (2015)
    Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative movement disorder which is characterized by the death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. In addition, other neuropathological features of the disease are intracytoplasmic protein inclusions as well as oxidative and ER stress. Currently there is no cure for Parkinson's disease so there is a need for novel therapies which could stop the disease progression. Because neurotrophic factors can promote the survival of neurons they might be beneficial for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) has proven to be neuroprotective and neurorestorative in rodent models of Parkinson's disease. However, the development of new therapies requires relevant disease models. The defects of the current models of Parkinson's disease increases the need for better and more descriptive disease models. The literature review of this thesis presents an overview of ER stress and oxidative stress. Their role in Parkinson's disease 6-OHDA, MPTP, α-synuclein and rotenone models is also reviewed. The experimental part consists of three studies. The aim of the first study was to establish a preformed α-synuclein fibril mouse model of Parkinson's disease. The development of the lesion was studied by testing the motoric skills with balance beam, rotarod, wire hanger and cylinder test. In addition, TH and α-synuclein immunostainings from striatum and substantia nigra sections was performed. In the second study the effect of CDNF on mice behaviour and TH- and α-synuclein-immunoreactivity in the α-synuclein fibril mouse model was examined. The same motoric behaviour tests as in the first study were used. The purpose of the third experimental part was to investigate the effect of CDNF and GDNF on ER stress proteins in 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson's disease. The levels of ER stress markers GRP78 and phosphorylated eIF2α were analyzed by Western Blot. The results of the studies were promising. In further studies the effect of α-synuclein fibrils on mouse behaviour and TH- and α-synuclein-immunoreactivity could be studied for longer time. The effect of CDNF on α-synuclein aggregation could also be studied further. The expression levels of other ER stress markers could be investigated so it would clarify the effect of CDNF and GDNF on ER stress.
  • Tamminen, Tuulia (2012)
    Parkinson's disease is a progressive degenerative brain disease that causes degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Characteristic motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease are caused by dopamine deficiency in striatum. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) is the enzyme that catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the dopamine biosynthesis. Because of this TH has a significant role in the function of the dopaminergic system. TH activity is regulated by several mechanisms. The most important regulatory mechanism is phosphorylation of TH protein by spesific protein kinases. Alterations in the function of TH have been associated with Parkinson's disease. The most prominent findings are decreased TH protein and TH mRNA content in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. A possible pathogenic role of TH in Parkinson's disease has also been suggested. In addition TH might be a potential therapeutic protein for gene therapy. One possible approach is viral vector-mediated gene transfer of TH gene directly into the brain. Simultaneous gene transfer of TH gene and neurotrophic factor gene could both enhance dopamine synthesis and prevent remaining dopaminergic neurons from dying. None of the current treatments of Parkinson's disease can halt or retard dopaminergic neuron degeneration. Novel treatments are being developed and amongst other strategies neurotrophic factors have proven promising candidates for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Member of CDNF/MANF family of neurotrophic factors, cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF), is currently being studied. Previous studies have demonstrated the neuroprotective and neurorestorative effects of CDNF but more research is needed for optimal administration technique and dose. The aim of this work was to study the neuroprotective effect of AAV vector-mediated delivery of CDNF (AAV-CDNF) in a rat model of Parkinson's disease. Rats' brains were unilaterally lesioned with intrastriatal injection of 6-OHDA two weeks after viral vector injections and amphetamine-induced rotational behavior was monitored for ten weeks. The CDNF protein expression after intrastriatal AAV vector-mediated gene transfer was analyzed with immunohistochemical staining of brain sections. We confirmed that CDNF protein is expressed in rat brain after intrastriatal injection of AAV-CDNF. AAV-CDNF treatment also reduced the amphetamineinduced ipsilateral rotations nearly as much as AAV-GDNF treatment. AAV-CDNF treatment also had an effect on the amount of remaining TH-immunoreactive cells in the substantia nigra pars compacta and the optical density of striatal TH-immunoreactive fibers but these results did not reach statistical significance. The immunohistochemical measures did not correlate completely with the behavioral data and further studies are needed to confirm the results obtained here. The results of this research support the conclusion that AAV-CDNF treatment has a neuroprotective effect on nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons.
  • Kontti, Arttu (2014)
    Parkinson's disease causes changes in the basal ganglia GABAergic neurotransmission in addition to the well-known dopaminergic changes. These GABAergic modulations may cause somed of the symptoms not responding well to the standard dopaminergic medication. Neurotrophic factors are a group of endogenous proteins showing promise as a future treatment for Parkinson's disease. They are known to have neuroprotective and neurorestorative effects on the dopaminergic cells. Their effects to the GABAergic cells are still mostly unknown. Intrastriatal injection of GDNF to rats caused significantly slower weight gain compared to CDNF, MANF one week after stereotaxic operation (p=0,002 for CDNF vs. GDNF and p<0,001 for MANF vs. GDNF). Difference to the vehicle (phosphate buffered saline) used as a negative control was not statistically significant (p=0,055). Three weeks after the operation the differences between the treatment groups were no longer statistically significant. Because of problems with the separation in analysis, microdialysis samples remain still to be analysed. To help the analysis of GABA in the future we determined the analytical parameters of the analytical apparatus. We also defined differences in probe permeability between 1 mm and 2 mm probes and between old and new batches. GABA analysis was performed with a HPLC-fluorometric detection of o-phtaldialdehyde-derived GABA. Detection limit for old apparatus was 7,2 nM and for new apparatus 6,2 nM in a sample of 15 µl (0,11 pmol and 93 fmol respectively). Quantification limits defined were 22 nM and 19 nM (0,33 pmol and 0,28 pmol) for the old and the new apparatus, respectively. Upper limit of quantification was estimated to be 246 nM (3,7 pmol). Probes had significant differences in permeability between 1 mm and 2 mm probes, as well as between batches. The variance of permeability of 1 mm probes was estimated to be approximately twofold compared to the 2 mm probes. Furthermore the permeability of 1 mm probes varied between batches significantly. An average of permeability of the old batch was 34 % lower than that of a new batch (p<0,001).