Browsing by Subject "HAEC"
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(2019)Literature review part: The enteric nervous system (ENS) often called “the second brain” is considered its own autonomic division that can independently regulate gut function. The ENS is derived from enteric neural crest-derived cells (ENCCs), which colonize the gut during development. Development of the ENS is a complex process, and many signalling pathways are required for a properly functioning ENS, especially GDNF/Gfrα1/RET signalling controlling survival, proliferation, migration, and differentiation of ENCCs. Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR) is the most common congenital disease affecting gut motility. The prevalence of HSCR is 1:5000, and it is characterized by a complete lack of enteric neurons (aganglionosis) in the distal colon. Due to impaired intestinal motility, infants may have constipation, emesis, abdominal pain or distention, and, in some cases, diarrhea. The most life-threatening symptom is HSCR-associated enterocolitis (HAEC), which occurs in 30-50% of patients. Routine treatment for HSCR is a surgical operation called “pull through” in which the aganglionic segment is removed, and the remaining ganglionic segment is joined to the anus. However, the risk of developing HAEC after successful surgery still exists. Histopathological analysis has revealed that HAEC is accompanied by various changes in the gut epithelium, especially in mucin-producing goblet cells. These changes include hyperplasia of the goblet cells, altered mucin profile, retention of mucin, damaged and disorganized epithelium structure, inflammation, and bacterial adherence to the epithelium. However, a lack of suitable postnatal HSCR mouse models has partially hindered the progress of pinpointing the exact order of these events. A RET mutation found in half of the patients is overwhelmingly the biggest risk factor for HSCR. RET is a receptor on the cell membrane that mediates the effects in GDNF/Gfrα1/RET signaling pathway. of Knock-out mice of Gdnf, Gfra1 and Ret all have intestinal aganglionosis, resembling HSCR. However, to date, no mouse models of HSCR affecting GDNF/Gfrα1/RET signalling exist because pups are born without kidneys and die soon after birth. Experimental part: The GFRa1 hypomorphic mouse line (Gfra1hypo/hypo) created by Dr. Jaan-Olle Andressoo is the first successful model that survives past birth while manipulating GDNF-Gfrα1-RET signalling and phenocopying HSCR. These mice have 70-80% reduction in the expression of Gfrα1 in the developing gut and kidneys, which is sufficient to cause aganglionosis in the distal colon, yet not enough to impair kidney development.These mice are sacrificed between P7-P25 because of welfare problems yet giving a time window for analysis of the development of HAEC. Histological analyses revealed that Gfra1hypo/hypo mice had goblet cell hyperplasia and a shift away from acidic mucin production in the distal colon. Goblet cell hyperplasia was first observed at P10, but the shift in mucin profile already appeared at P5. It is not known what causes goblet cells to change their mucin production, but it seems to be the earliest histopathological change in HAEC preceding goblet cell hyperplasia. qPCR-analysis revealed that Muc2, the main secreted mucin that protects epithelium from invading pathogens, was upregulated at both P5 and P10. mRNA levels of Tnfa were also upregulated at P10. The aforementioned changes were not observed in the duodenum where the ENS had developed normally despite the reduction in Gfra1 expression. This indicates that the changes observed in the colon are likely due to the lack of ENS innervation, rather than a direct effect from GDNF-GFRa1-RET signalling itself. Finally, serum analysis indicated that systemic inflammation did not occur from P10-P16, although one Gfra1hypo/hypo animal had high levels of IL6 and TNFa at P14-16. This indicates that inflammation is not an early stage event and it is preceded by goblet cells related changes. In conclusion, changes in goblet cells seems to be earliest histopathological findings preceeding HAEC.
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