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Browsing by Subject "hoitoon sitoutuminen"

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  • Tyyskä, Miia (2009)
    Diabeetikoiden määrä lisääntyy jatkuvasti. Samalla hoitokulut ovat kasvaneet merkittävästi. Paras tapa hillitä kustannusten kasvua on hoitaa diabetesta mahdollisimman hyvin. Näin voidaan ehkäistä myös diabetekseen liittyvien oheissairauksien syntyä. Diabeteksen hoidossa on tärkeää kiinnittää huomiota hoidon jatkuvuuteen ja potilaan hoitoon sitoutumiseen. Apteekin henkilökunnan asema on noussut yhä keskeisemmäksi diabeetikon hoitoon sitoutumisen edistäjänä. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, mikä on apteekin farmaseuttisen henkilökunnan rooli diabetespotilaan hoitoon sitouttamisessa, elämäntapamuutosten toteuttamisessa ja niiden pysyvyyden varmistamisessa. Asiaa tarkasteltiin voimaantumisen teorian näkökulmasta. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten voimaantuminen yksilössä tapahtuu, miten sitä voidaan apteekkineuvonnalla edistää ja mikä on apteekin rooli ulkopuolisena voimaannuttajana. Tämän tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty Mäntyharjun Havu apteekissa ja se on osa laajempaa tutkimusta, jonka päätavoitteena on kehittää ja testata apteekkeihin soveltuva yksilökeskeinen toimintamalli tyypin 2 diabeteksen hoidon tukemiseen. Toimintamalli perustuu säännöllisiin neuvontatapaamisiin apteekissa. Pro gradu -tutkielmaan analysoitavaksi valittiin tutkimusjoukosta (n=19) ne, joilla tapahtui apteekkiohjelman aikana eniten positiivisia muutoksia yksilötasolla sekä elämäntapamittareilla mitatuissa arvoissa että kliinisissä parametreissa (n=4). Kvaliatiivisessa analyysissä käytettiin sekä deduktiivista että induktiivista lähestymistapaa. Vaikka diabeetikoilla oli tietoa sairaudesta ja elämäntapojen merkityksestä, niin käytännön tasolla jokainen henkilö kaipasi hoitoon ja erityisesti muutosten toteuttamiseen tukea ulkopuoliselta taholta. Apteekin rooli ulkopuolisena voimaannuttajana koettiin erityisen keskeiseksi. Tapaamiset loivat oikeanlaisen ympäristön ja ilmapiirin elämäntapamuutosten toteuttamiseen ja voimaantumisprosessin etenemiseen. Voimaantuminen ruokavaliomuutoksiin oli koko intervention aikana melko nousujohteinen prosessi. Sen sijaan voimaantuminen liikunnalliseen elämäntapaan oli aaltoilevaa. Apteekkitapaamiset sosiaalisena tapahtumana paransivat asiakkaan hoitoon sitoutumista. Asiakas koki, että häntä kohdellaan yksilönä kokonaisvaltaisesti. Voimaantuakseen yksilö tarvitsi aikaa. Vuoden mittaisen intervention aikana voitiin saavuttaa pysyviä muutoksia elämäntapoihin, mikäli yksilöllä itsellään oli halu ja motivaatio sitoutua tukiohjelmaan. Tämä tutkimus osoitti, että tämänkaltaista apteekkiohjelmaa tarvitaan. Nykyisessä kiireyhteiskunnassa ihmiset arvostavat, jos jollakin on aikaa paneutua yksilöön itseensä ja hänen sairautensa hoitoon kokonaisvaltaisesti.
  • Ylinen, Varpu (2016)
    Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a malignant hematologic disorder, which is fatal without a treatment. Oral tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have revolutionized the treatment of CML and transformed the disease to a chronic condition that can be treated at patient's home. The common problem in the treatment of CML is patient's poor adherence to TKIs. The regular, consistent use of TKIs is crucial to keep disease under control. For this reason and to obtain an optimal treatment outcome, adherence to TKIs is extremely important. The aim of the study was to assess reasons for poor adherence to TKI-medications in Finnish CMLpatients, including patient characteristics, treatment related factors, comorbidities and concomitant medications. In addition, patients' experiences, beliefs, knowledge and perception about CML and its treatment were explored and how these could contribute to nonadherent behaviour. This study is part of the larger study, assessing adherence to TKI treatment among Finnish CML population. The data was obtained by using patient questionnaires and semi-structured theme-interview during patient meetings in 2012. Study population consisted of Finnish adult CML patients who had been on TKI -medication (imatinib, nilotinib or dasatinib) for more than six months prior to the study baseline. Patients' adherence was measured using Morisky Medication Adherence 8-Item Scale (MMAS-8) and based on their score, patients were divided into three groups: high, medium and low adherence. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in data analysis. Study findings show that 21% (n=18) of the patients were low adherent and 23% (n=20) were high adherent to their treatment. Patient sociodemographic characteristics or experienced adverse drug reactions (ADRs) did not predict adherence, while more concomitant medications and comorbidities were associated with high adherence. However, ADRs had negative effect on the quality of life of several nonadherent patients. All nonadherent patients reported unintentional nonadherence and the most common reason was forgetting. Two-thirds of the patients (n=12) reported intentional nonadherence, which often was a result of experienced ADRs. The knowledge of CML and its treatment was poor among all patients while over half of the nonadherent patients (n=11) thought that they received enough information received. Overall, patients were very satisfied with care provided by the hospitals, physicians and other healthcare professionals. Managing TKI-treatment regimen is challenging for many patients and ADRs can have a negative impact on the quality of life. Healthcare professionals should regularly assess patient adherence and provide information and support for the patients to help them to succeed in medication management. Reasons for poor adherence are complex and have to be identified from each individual patient so that adherence can be improved.
  • Huhtanen, Elina (2023)
    Nonadherence has been a challenge in health care since ancient times, and it is still a major source of poor therapeutic outcomes today. Various theories and theoretical models have been applied to explain adherence. So far no single theory or theoretical model has proved comprehensive, and the effects of various interventions applied have been limited. Theorizing of adherence is still incomplete. The aim of this study was to review the theoretical background of adherence so far, and to find the commonalities in theories and theoretical models, but also to discover possible trends in them. Study material comprised 20 theories and theoretical models. Material was found in reference books and documents with an aspect of adherence. Inclusion criteria involved adult outpatients with chronic diseases, excluding any special groups such as pregnant women. Emphasis was on the relevance of the theory, but comprehensive time span as well as various theory views were also considered. A chronological order was created. A qualitative content analysis was conducted, where phrases describing essential theory contents were categorised into distinctive classes. The incidence of classes and the possible trends of the incidence were analysed. Five classes emerged as commonalities in majority of the theories: Patient factors; sociocultural factors; motivation; phrases that referred to a behavioral view; and cognitive processes. Factors that diminished towards this day were the pivotality of cognitive processes in theory, and the subjective view of the health threat. Several factors were found to increase towards present-day theories and models: phrases that described the individual’s agency, such as self-efficacy or empowerment, concrete expressions of the individual’s abilities, skills and actual opportunity to the desired behavior, phrases that consisted of behavior being a function of its context or environment, and phrases where multifaceted intervention or tailoring the intervention according to the change process phase were considered. The commonalities found in the material reflect its emphasis on psychological behavior theories. The changes reflect the shift in how the patient’s agency is viewed in a patient care relationship. Newer theories also amplify the importance of viewing health behavior change as a series of phases. To achieve patient-centered care, these aspects create an increasing demand to health care professionals’ proficiency in how they encounter their patients. Moreover, there is an important signal for future intervention development in the form of a shift into multifaceted interventions and a system approach. Furthermore, a trend exists from using more general and abstract theories to a more concrete and applied approach. In the future, it is probably more fruitful to pursue knowledge-based and validated models and guidelines that are applicable to practice instead of aiming at developing a comprehensive universal theoretical approach.
  • Niittymäki, Johanna (2017)
    There are many challenges in use of dosage forms in medication of elderly people. Especially swallowing of solid dosage forms can be difficult. Dosage forms are often altered to enhance drug intake. Medication adherence is a major contributor to the success of therapy. Adherence is a multidimensional phenomenon which is also affected by properties of medicinal product. Theoretical framework of this thesis is World Health Organization's multidimensional adherence model. Only few studies exist on how properties of dosage forms affect to the success of medical treatment of elderly. The aim of this study was to find out what kind of difficulties related to dosage forms occur in medical treatment of elderly people living in nursing homes. Future goal is to develop dosage forms better suited to elderly and hence improve their medication adherence. This study consisted of interviews and e-survey. This study was carried out in six nursing homes where 322 elderly residents fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the study. Nurses (n = 48) were interviewed to explore their views on difficulties related to dosage forms. Other difficulties in use of dosage forms were also surveyed as well as frequency of tablet crushing. Difficulties in use of dosage forms on the medical treatment of the elderly were gathered in the e-survey. Also, the need to crush tablets and open capsules was surveyed as well as need to split tablets to obtain the dose needed. Difficulties in use of dosage forms are common in medical treatment of elderly people. Majority of the interviewed nurses has encountered these difficulties at least few times a week. The most common problematic dosage form was the tablet. About half of the nurses named the big size of tablets and capsules as the most important difficulty in the use of current oral or peroral dosage forms. Over half of the nurses have crushed or given crushed drug daily. The most common reason for dosage form altering was the big size of the medicinal product. Majority of the nurses has often encountered also other than dosage form related difficulties of which the most common challenges are related to suspiciousness. In e-survey, nurses submitted entries regarding 111 elder people. Most cases were related to splitting of a tablet to obtain the desired drug dose. Tablet crushing was reported for little less than one-fifth of the elderly people. Both the splitting and crushing entries were distributed over multiple different medicinal products. Some other difficulties related to dosage forms were reported for less than one-tenth of the elderly people. Based on this study more appropriate dosage forms should be developed for the medical treatment of elderly people. Oral solutions, orodispersible tablets as well as transdermal patches all have advantages. Pharmaceutical research and development can facilitate medical treatment of elderly people and hence improve their medication adherence by introducing more appropriate dosage forms.