Browsing by Subject "indometasiini"
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(2012)Solid materials can exist in two major forms: in crystalline or amorphous form. Amorphous form is defined as no long term order existing in solid structure in molecular scale. Amorphous materials have different physicochemical properties compared crystalline forms of same substance. Amorphous materials doesn't have sharp melting point as crystalline materials. When heated above so called glass transition temperature amorphous materials become rubbery (plasticization) and when cooled below they become glassy (hard and brittle). Amorphous forms can also have different dissolution properties which makes them useful in formulation of poorly soluble drugs. Amorphous forms are less stable compared to crystalline form. That's due amount of free energy stored in it's structures. Amorphous materials can be manufactured in many ways including quench cooling, hot-melt-extrusion, spray drying and lyophilisation (freeze drying). In experimental section effect of grinding method in properties of amorphous indomethacin was studied. Amorphous indomethacin was prepared by quenching of melt in liquid nitrogen. Properties of amorphous indomethacin was studied by x-ray powder diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. Measurements were performed in different time stamps varied form 0 to 92 days. Measured properties were crystalline content, glass transition temperature, change in heath capacity, heat of crystallization, heat of melting and melting points of crystallized forms. Calorimetry data was recorded only from totally amorphous samples. It can be seen in results that different patches are not comparable statistically but when comparing room temperature ground and liquid nitrogen ground samples to each other differences can be found in every set. Difference is observed in initial time of crystallization (time when crystallinity can be measured first time) and in thermodynamical properties such as change in heat capacity, glass transition temperature and heat of melting. Solid dispersions of indomethacin and xylitol were prepared in 3 different compositions (5%, 10% and 20% xylitol in indomethacin). XRPD and DSC data were measured at different time stamps (aged 1 to 63 days). 5% and 10% dispersions found to be stabile and being amorphous in all time stamps. 20% dispersion was already partly crystallized at 63 days (especially liquid nitrogen ground sample).
(2024)Indomethacin is a poorly soluble but highly permeable drug, and its biological availability can be improved by enhancing its solubility. In this study, co-crystals and co-amorphous systems of indomethacin and nicotinamide were prepared in a 1:1 molar ratio, which have previously been shown to enhance the solubility of indomethacin. It has also been observed that the co-amorphous indomethacin-nicotinamide system crystallizes into a co-crystal during storage. This study aimed to further investigate the properties, solubility, and stability of these compounds, and tablet formulations were also prepared from the co-crystal and co-amorphous systems. Powdered co-crystals and co-amorphous systems, as well as tablets prepared from them, were stored at 25°C with 60% relative humidity and at 40°C with 75% relative humidity, and their solubilities were studied for 12 weeks. The stability of the samples was also examined using Fourier infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry over the same period, and changes in the physical properties of the tablets were monitored throughout the study period. Additionally, the effect of HPMC on the prevention of indomethacin recrystallization was investigated. Both the co-amorphous and co-crystalline forms were found to enhance the solubility of indomethacin in both powder and tablet formulations in this study. The co-crystal was stable, with no changes observed in its crystal structure or solubility over the 12-week study period. However, handling the co-amorphous material turned out to be difficult due to its low glass transition temperature of 19.68°C, causing the powder to soften at room temperature. During storage, it was shown to crystallize into a co-crystal, but its solubility properties were weaker to those of the actual co-crystal. None of the solubility tests showed evidence of indomethacin recrystallization, so the potential effect of HPMC on this phenomenon could not be determined in the study. Warmer and more humid conditions were found to increase the tensile strength of the tablets, resulting in slower dissolution.
(2018)The majority of potential new chemical entities reaching drug development phase belong to Class II the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) which complicates formulation of orally administered drugs. Therefore, there is a need to develop methods to increase the solubility and dissolution rate. Transformation of a crystalline drug into its amorphous form can be used to enhance these properties of poorly water-soluble drugs. However, amorphous drugs are thermodynamically unstable and tend to recrystallize back to the crystalline form. Coamorphous forms are a new and promising method to stabilize amorphous form. A relatively new approach is to combine the active drug compound with an amino acid to form a coamorphous system. In this study, co-amorphous systems were prepared from gamma, alpha or amorphous form of indomethacin (IND) and tryptophan (TRP) by ball milling. The solid-state changes during milling were investigated to obtain information about the co-amorphization process. The main objective was to investigate the effects of initial solid state of indomethacin on the formation pathways. In addition, different analytical methods were compared with respect to observed endpoints of the formation process. Raman spectroscopy has not been used in previous studies regarding solid state changes in co-amorphous forms. The presence of fluorescence in amorphous systems may have limited use of the method. A time-gated Raman setup together with X-ray powder diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to investigate this kind of potentially fluorescent system. Principal component analysis of spectral data revealed that the three different binary systems had individual and direct pathways towards the same end points during milling. This indicates that the co-amorphous form formed after 60 minutes of ball milling is not dependent on the initial solid-state form of IND. Straight pathways also indicated direct transformation to the coamorphous form. DSC was found to be the most sensitive method to detect changes for the longest period during co-amorphization. Conventional Raman spectroscopy was found to be suitable for investigation of the co-amorphization process. However, time-gated Raman spectroscopy did not show significant advantages compared to conventional Raman data. This study revealed that the most stable form of IND could be used for production of co-amorphous form together with TRP. Raman spectroscopy could potentially be used for investigating coamorphization also as an in-process analytical method.
(2016)Pharmaceutical nanocrystals are under one micrometer sized crystals composed of pure active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and stabilizer. Their apparent dissolution rate is improved compared to conventionally sized crystals. Rapid dissolution is mainly due to increased intrinsic surface area of API powder. Solubility increase is significant only with very small, under 100 nm crystals. Nanocrystal formulations with improved dissolution rates can be utilized to increase bioavailability of fairly insoluble BCS class II APIs. Few nanocrystal based products are already on market. Common methods for dissolution study of nanocrystals arecompendial dissolution apparatus 1 or 2, which usually rely on sampling and separation of undissolved fraction. The reliability of these methods is dependent of the separation efficiency. Unfortunately separation becomes more tedious with diminishing crystal size. Thus it would be desirable to replace the methods that require sampling and separation with methods that do not require separation of undissolved fraction (in situ methods), preferably with continuous detection. With the dialysis method the separation is easily achieved. However, the rate limiting step is not dissolution but diffusion through the dialysis membrane. Electrochemical in situ detection methods can only be applied to electroactive APIs. Utilization of in situ UV probes for monitoring nanocrystal dissolution is limited by the UV absorbance of the nanocrystals themselves. To date, light scattering methods have mainly been applied to solubility studies, with few attempts on dissolution studies. In this study the light scattering, dialysis and compendial paddle methods were compared for their ability to monitor the dissolution of indometacin nanosuspensions (NS). Light scattering experiments were performed with Zetasizer equipment. Three poloxamer 188 stabilized NSs, with average diameters (Dz) of 300 nm, 600 nm, and 900 nm, were evaluated. Dissolution studies were executed in sink conditions (under 30% of saturated concentration) and in slightly higher concentration (intermediate conc., 30-50% of saturated concentration) at pH 5.5. The compendial paddle method was performed on the same suspensions with the same medium at intermediate concentration. In the dialysis method the studied NS had a Dz value of 350 nm. The pH of the dissolution medium was 7.4, and the membrane was made of regenerated cellulose. Experimental results were fitted to exponential equation and the dissolution time DT, i.e. time to reach 99% dissolution, was determined based on the equation. In sink conditions the dissolution of all of the NSs was so rapid that reliable estimations of dissolution times could not be made with the light scattering method. In intermediate concentration the dissolution time (51±12 s) of the 300 nm NS was significantly lower than those of 600 nm (340±80 s) and 900 nm (230±50 s) NSs with a confidence level of 5%. The slowest dissolution of the 600 nm NS could be attributed to its broad crystal size distribution. With the compendial paddle method no significant differences in dissolution times could be detected. Compendial dissolution times, about 600-700 s, were markedly longer than those from light scattering experiments. The dialysis method was unable to discriminate between 350 nm NS and indometacin solution, which can be explained by rapid dissolution of the nanocrystals, followed by slow diffusion across the dialysis membrane. Of the studied methods, light scattering was the only one to discriminate between dissolution times of various NSs. It was most applicable to narrow crystal size distributions. It is a fairly small scale method requiring only 1 mL of dissolution medium and about 10 µg of nanocrystals. The method was not dependent on chemical analysis. Theost important limitation was the fact that due to the operational method of the Zetasizer, the first data point was not acquired until about 20 s after the measurement started.
(2012)Improvements in drug screening technology have resulted in a situation where more poorly soluble compounds enter the drug development pipeline. Poor aqueous solubility is a major issue especially in preclinical toxicity testing, where the generation of high drug loads is needed. For oral delivery, liquid formulations are often used and suspensions are potential options for poorly soluble drugs. While several different techniques to enhance solubility exist, most of them have method specific disadvantages or are not universal. Solid state modification, and especially the use of the high energy amorphous form, offers an efficient technique to enhance dissolution properties of a wide range of compounds. A problem of the amorphous form, however, is its physical instability. Amorphous drug in aqueous suspension can re-crystallize via solid-solid and/or solution-mediated pathways. To maintain the solubility advantage of amorphous forms for sufficient period of time, stabilization is needed. One way to stabilize the amorphous form is to prepare a solid dispersion, where the amorphous drug is dispersed in a stabilizing hydrophilic carrier matrix. Another way to add stabilizing agents is to dissolve them into the suspension medium prior to the amorphous solids. Solubilizing polymers may elevate the equilibrium solubility and reduce the driving force for solution mediated crystallization. The aims of this study were to stabilize amorphous indomethacin in aqueous suspensions and to understand the mechanisms behind stabilization. Indomethacin (IND) was used as a poorly soluble model drug (BCS class II). Four different polymers (PVP, HPMC, HPMC-AS and Soluplus®) were selected as stabilizing agents. Crystallization of solid amorphous IND and the concentration of dissolved IND in water were studied after adding: i) the pure amorphous IND, ii) solid dispersions (SDs) at 1:1 and 9:1 drug:polymer ratios (w/w), and iii) the pure amorphous IND into aqueous medium containing predissolved polymer at concentrations of 10 mg/ml or 1 mg/ml, total drug and polymer concentrations being equivalent to 1:1 and 9:1 drug:polymer ratios (w/w) in the SDs, respectively. For HPMC-AS only a 1 mg/ml polymer concentration was used due to its limited solubility. Both the solid and solution phases of the suspension were analysed at different time points for up to 24 h or until crystallization had occurred. Phase transformations in the solid phase were analysed using ATR-FT-IR spectroscopy combined with principal component analysis. The concentration of dissolved drug over the time was assessed by UV spectroscopy. In general, all the polymers, either in SDs or pre-dissolved in medium delayed the onset of crystallization of amorphous IND. Higher polymer concentrations inhibited the crystallization longer than lower ones. A general trend was that SDs were superior in stabilization of amorphous solids, but pre-dissolved polymer solutions generated and maintained higher IND concentrations in solution. Of the four polymers studied, Soluplus® showed the most promising results: SD of Soluplus® and IND at 1:1 ratio (w/w) stayed amorphous in aqueous medium for more than 28 days. On the other hand, crystallization was quite rapid (30 min) when the amount of polymer was inadequate (9:1 w/w). Soluplus® solution (10 mg/ml) generated a 20-fold higher IND concentration than the corresponding SD, possibly due to micellisation. Different polymers showed different abilities to inhibit crystallization and enhance the drug concentration in solution. The addition method and the drug-polymer ratio had an influence on the stabilization abilities of the polymer. Stabilization mechanisms may be both thermodynamic (type of polymer) and kinetic(method of addition).
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