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Browsing by Subject "liposome"

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  • Kosma, Oona (2016)
    The leading causes of vision loss in developed countries are related to the impairment of the posterior segment of the eye. The drug delivery to the posterior segment with topical or systemic methods is challenging due to the protective barriers of the eye. The conventional and effective technique to deliver therapeutic concentrations of drugs to the posterior segment is intravitreal injection. Since naked molecules usually have a rapid vitreal clearance, the invasive injections need repeated administration in chronic conditions, resulting to increased risk of complications and poor patient compliance. The growing field of research of drug delivery systems, such as implants, nano- and microparticles and liposomes emphasizes to answer these challenges by enhancing time-controlled and targeted drug release to retinal and choroidal tissues, enabling less frequent administration and reduced off-target side effects. Liposomal drug delivery systems have potential in delivering therapeutics to posterior eye tissues in sustained and targeted manner. The experimental part of the thesis focused on studying the cell uptake, content release and cytotoxicity of light triggered pH-sensitive gold nanoparticle liposomes in human retinal pigment epithelial (ARPE-19), human umbilical vein endothelial (HUVEC) and monkey choroidal endothelial (RF/6A) cell lines. To enhance the cell differentiation to resemble the in vivo morphology, ARPE-19 cells were also used as a filter-cultured model. HUVEC cells were cultured on an artificial basement membrane matrix and induced with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) to form capillary like tube structures. The liposomes were not cytotoxic during 24-hour incubation. All cells internalized liposomes to some extent, but in HUVEC capillary tubes the uptake seemed to be negligible. The light induced calcein release was variable between the experiments, possibly due to the study setting related factors, such as difficulties in temperature control. The liposomal carrier system has promising attributes to posterior eye drug delivery. Liposome-encapsulation prolongs the half-live of a drug. Light triggered release and pH-sensitivity enables highly targeted intracellular drug release decreasing the off-target side effects. Optimization of the study arrangement and liposome production procedure is needed in order to get more reliable results and further assess the future potential of these liposomes in the treatment of posterior eye diseases.
  • Hiltunen, Anukka (2010)
    The major problem in cancer treatment is toxic side effects of the chemotherapy. Typically less than 1 % of the administered free drug reaches target cells while the rest damages non-diseased cells. Toxic side effects often limit dose escalation of anticancer drugs which leads to incomplete tumor response, early disease relapse and possible the development of drug resistance. Liposomes can be targeted in cancer tissue with passive or active targeting. In passive targeting the liposomes accumulate in abnormally formed cancer tissue through the process of extravasation and enhance the concentration of liposomal drug in solid tumor. To further improve the anticancer efficiency of passive targeted liposomes is to couple a targeting ligand to the surface of the drug carrier (i.e. active targeting). The ligand specifically binds to a surface epitope on the target cell leading to the accumulation of the liposomal drug inside the tumor cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the cytotoxicity of targeted immunoliposomes. In experimental part the liposomes were constructed using cetuximab (C225, Erbitux®) antibody and evaluated for specific cellular uptake and cytotoxicity in vitro. Cetuximab antibody is specific and selective inhibitor of HER-1 -protein (ErbB-1, EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor). HER1 -protein is frequently expressed in high levels in human carcinomas (for example in lung and colorectal cancers, head, neck and breast cancers and in pancreatic, ovarian, prostate and bladder carcinomas). Specific immunoliposome uptake and cytotoxicity were studied in SKOV-3cells (ovarian adenocarsinoma cell line) which overexpress the EGF -receptor. Monkey kidney epithelial cells (CV-1) were used as a control cell line which represents non-diseased cells. Active targeting and cellular uptake of liposomes were investigated in cell uptake studies. Non-targeted pegylated liposomes were used as control liposomes. Specific binding of the cetuximab antibody to EGF -receptor was noticed in competition studies. The in vitro cytotoxicity of doxorubicin containing immunoliposomes was studied with Alamar Blue® cell viability assay. Liposome size was determined at intervals of about two weeks during the experimental part. In conclusions, antibody targeted immunoliposomes showed greater cellular uptake and cytotoxicity in EGFRoverexpressing target cells (SKOV-3) than the corresponding non-targeted liposomal drug. Immunoliposomes showed greater cytotoxicity after five days incubation, which can be a consequence of liposome formulation and slow rate of release of doxorubicin. In contrast, antibody targeted liposomes did not show specific cellular uptake or cytotoxicity in CV-1 control cell line. In clinical cancer therapy actively targeted liposomes could improve the therapeutic effectiveness of the liposomal preparations. Many studies have shown that ligand-bearing liposomes will selectively bind to target cells in vitro, but only few studies have shown the possibility in vivo.
  • Kraft, Hanna (2018)
    Liposomes are nanosized drug delivery vesicles composed of phospholipid membranes. They present an attractive drug delivery system due to their bioavailability and flexibility. Liposomes can be prepared by different techniques. They can carry both hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules and their surface can be modified with targeting molecules. Coating the liposome surface with the PEG derivative makes their pharmacokinetics easier to predict. There are several liposome-based medicinal products already on the market. Triggering of drug delivery systems by different external or internal stimuli allows precise control of drug release. Light-triggered drug release is an attractive alternative due to the easy control and regulation of the stimulus. The problem with light-triggered therapy has previously been the need to use high-energy ultraviolet light that penetrates badly to the tissues and is not safe. In TTA-UC process the low-energy red or green light is converted to high-energy blue light. In this process photosensitive molecules are excited by visible light and after that the energy is transferred from sensitizer to annihilator molecules. Collision of two annihilators leads to the excitation of the other molecule while the other returns back to its general energy state. The excitation breaks up with fluorescence. In this process the highly permeable and safe red light is converted to blue light which has enough energy to induce drug release. The aim of this work was to optimize liposomal preparation method and prepare a pegylated and stabile liposome formulation for TTA-UC process. Hydrophobic light sensitive molecules were loaded into the phospholipid membrane as much as possible. One of the problems in this work was to find proper methods to measure the concentrations of these molecules. The lipid composition for formulation was chosen after thermostability studies. As a quality control, the size, capability to load calcein and phase transition temperature of liposomes were measured. The quality control of light sensitive molecules was operated too. In this work, the formulation for TTA-UC was prepared. In further studies TTA-UC process happened with sufficient efficacy. The formulation was pegylated and stable in physiological conditions and the concentrations of the molecules were high enough. This was the very first time to get TTA-UC to happen in this kind of liposome formulation that may be useful as a drug carrier. Long-term stability studies and further optimization of TTA-UC method are needed in the future. Some drug release studies are important to arrange in the future, too.
  • Kari, Otto K. (2018)
    Nanolääkkeiden pinnalle elimistössä muodostuva biomolekyylikerros eli proteiinikorona vaikuttaa muun muassa jakautumiseen, toksisuuteen ja soluvuorovaikutuksiin. Koronan ominaisuuksien tuntemus jakautumisen eri vaiheissa on siten edellytys tehokkaampien ja turvallisempien nanolääkkeiden kehittämiselle, mutta kehitystyötä on hidastanut soveltuvien menetelmien puute. Turvallisuuden ja tehon ennakoinnin osalta on korostettu leimavapaiden in vitro -menetelmien tarvetta. Tutkielmassa kehitettiin multiparametriseen pintaplasmoniresonanssilaitteistoon ja laskennalliseen mallinnukseen perustuva menetelmä liposomien koronan tiheyden ja paksuuden määrittämiseen. Toisin kuin koronan tutkimiseen yleisesti käytetyt menetelmät, valoon perustuva kajoamaton ja leimavapaa menetelmä ei vaikuta koronan rakenteeseen. Näin voidaan tutkia myös löyhemmin sitoutuneista proteiineista muodostunutta pintakerrosta, mikä vastaa keskeisimpään kirjallisuuskatsauksessa todettuun menetelmäpuutteeseen. Menetelmää sovellettiin neljän biosensorille immobilisoidun liposomiformulaation pinnalle ihmisen seerumissa muodostuvan koronan tutkimiseen. Sen avulla oli mahdollista määrittää ensimmäistä kertaa tiiviin ja löyhän koronan tiheys ja paksuus laimentamattomassa seerumissa. Tulokset tukevat käsitystä ns. erotteluhypoteesin kuvaamasta erillisestä löyhästä proteiinikerroksesta ja avaavat uusia mahdollisuuksia sen biologisen merkityksen arviointiin. Lisäksi voitiin määrittää ensi kerran opsoniinimolekyylien sitoutumiskinetiikka liposomien pinnalle, minkä avulla voidaan arvioida nanolääkkeiden taipumusta poistua verenkierrosta ja aktivoida sisäsyntyinen immuunipuolustus. Menetelmä soveltuu siten liposomien koostumuksen ja pinta-arkkitehtuurin optimointiin prekliinisessä lääkekehitysvaiheessa.
  • Haapalainen, Joonatan (2022)
    Traditional 2D cell cultivating vessels and experimental models cannot often simulate natural chemical and physical environment of different cell types. For example, availability of oxygen, chemical gradients, messaging molecules, fluid pressure, flow and surface topography are factors that may affect significantly in cell differentiation, growth, cellular structure, and metabolism. Modular bioreactors like Quasi-Vivo® -system can be used to simulate these factors. Liposomes are particles of phospholipid bilayer with aqueous space enclosed within. They can be modified in numerous ways, like loading them with hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules, changing their transition temperature or coating them according to different needs. Doxorubicin is effective and widely used cytostatic agent, but when administered as a free drug it has often severe side-effects, like cardiotoxicity. Goal of this thesis is to determine appropriate manufacturing parameters and verify adequate shelf-life of ICG-Doxorubicin liposomes, that they are applicable for future in vitro experiments. Then survival of HepG2 cell line under flow in Quasi-Vivo®-equipment is determined, after which A549 and HepG2 will be then combined into one two-cell model. Finally, a simple illumination experiment in this cell model with previously made liposomes is conducted, and the effect in whole system is examined. Using protocol presented in this thesis it is possible to produce successfully and repeatedly liposomes with both ICG and doxorubicin encapsulation over 70%. Their shelf-life was at least 14 days when stored in 4°C protected from light. This was determined to be sufficient for in vitro testing. Cultivating A549 and HepG2 cell lines combined in the same system with shared media and fluid flow conditions was successful. Neither of the cell lines show significant difference in viability when compared to static control. When light-activating liposomes are administered to the system and then illuminated, from preliminary results we can see significant difference in drug effect. Both illuminated chambers and off-target chambers connected via Quasi-Vivo® show increased suppression, which shows promise that this in vitro model would be useful for future experiments.
  • Savolainen, Roosa (2018)
    Liposomes are nano-sized vesicles in which the aqueous phase is surrounded by lipid-derived bilayer. They are excellent drug vehicles for example in ocular drug delivery because they can, among other things, increase the bioavailability and stability of the drug molecules and reduce their toxicity. Liposomes are known to be safe to use, because they degrade within a certain period of time and they are biocompatible with the cells and tissues of the body. Owing to its structure, the surface of liposomes can also be easily modified and functionalized. Light-activated ICG liposomes allow drug release in a controlled manner at a given time and specific site. Their function is based on a small molecule called indocyanine green (ICG) which, after being exposed to laser light, absorbs light energy and thereby locally elevates the temperature of the lipid bilayer. As a result, the drug inside is released into the surroundings. The blood circulation time of liposomes has often been prolonged by coating the liposomes with polyethylene glycol (PEG). Although PEG is generally regarded as a safe and biocompatible polymer, it has been found to increase immunological reactions and PEG-specific antibodies upon repeated dosing. Conversely, hyaluronic acid (HA), is an endogenous polysaccharide, which is present in abundance for instance in vitreous. Thus, it could serve as a stealth coating material which extends the otherwise short half-life of liposomes. One of the main objectives of this thesis was to find out whether HA could be used to coat liposomes instead of PEG. In order to prepare HA-coated liposomes, one of the lipid bilayer phospholipids, DSPE, had to be first conjugated with HA. For the conjugation, potential synthesis protocols were sought from the literature. Ultimately two different reductive amination-based protocols were tested. Consequently, the protocol in which the conjugation was achieved via the aldehyde group of HA, proved to be working. Thereafter, HA-coated liposomes were prepared by thin film hydration from the newly synthesised conjugate as well as DPPC, DSPC and 18:0 Lyso PC. Calcein was encapsulated in the liposomes. HA-covered liposomes were then compared with uncoated and PEGylated liposomes by examining their phase transition temperatures, ICG absorbances, sizes, polydispersities, and both light and heat-induced drug releases. The aforementioned tests were also conducted when the effects of the HA and ICG doubling were examined and the possibility to manufacture HA liposomes with small size was assessed. HA-liposomes showed similar results as PEG-coated liposomes. In addition, successful extrusion of HA-liposomes through a 30 nm membrane was also demonstrated in the results. Doubling of HA did not significantly affect the results. In contrast, increasing the molar amount of ICG by double caused spontaneous calcein leakage even before any heat or light exposure. Based on these findings, HA could work as a coating material instead of PEG, yet further studies are required for ensuring this conclusion. The other key objective was to evaluate the stability of four different formulations, named as AL, AL18, AL16 and AL14, in storage and biological conditions. Based on the differences in the formulation phospholipid composition, the assumption was that AL would be the most stable of the group and that the stability would decrease so that AL18 and AL16 would be the next most stable and eventually AL14 would be the least stable formulation. As in the previous study, the liposomes were prepared by thin film hydration with calcein being encapsulated inside the liposomes. In the storage stability test, liposomes were stored in HEPES buffer at either 4 °C or at room temperature for one month. In the test conducted in physiological conditions, the liposomes were added either to porcine vitreous or fetal bovine serum (FBS) and the samples were incubated at 37 ºC for five days. Regardless of the experiment, phase transition temperatures as well as light and heat-induced drug releases were initially measured. As the test progressed, calcein release, ICG absorbance, size, and polydispersity were measured at each time point. The initial measurements confirmed the hypothesis about the stability differences of tested formulations. In the storage stability test, all formulations, except AL14, appeared to be stable throughout the study and no apparent differences between the formulations or temperatures were observed. On the other hand, the stability of liposomes stored in biological matrices varied so that the liposomes were more stable in vitreous than in FBS and the stability decreased in both media as expected.