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  • Heinonen, Outi (2020)
    Advertising has been an area of interest in linguistic research for the past decades due to its pervasiveness and role in shaping our notions and values in society. This study sets out to examine the socio-cultural practices in a specific field of advertising discourse, influencer marketing on social media. Influencer marketing is a recent branch of marketing, brought forth by the popularity of social media. In Influencer marketing, the products are marketed by individual influencers instead of corporations or companies. Brands turn to social media influencers in order to reach a wider audience and to utilize the influencers’ social media presence and their ability to influence their audience to promote their products and to turn this social power into capital. The hypothesis is that this key difference between traditional marketing and influencer marketing. The aim of this study is to present a critical discourse analysis to examine the social context and relationship between the influencer and the reader. The methodologic approach applied to the analysis of the data is critical discourse analysis, more specifically Norman Fairclough’s three-dimensional model. Critical discourse analysis and Fairclough’s model allow focus on the linguistic properties in addition to the production and reception processes of discourse and the socio-cultural practices within discourse. The data and its analysis deemed that influencer marketing reveals consumerist ideologies that promote purchasing of goods as a means to reach happiness and well-being, as presented by the social media influencers.
  • Berglund, Jenny Johanna (2021)
    Avhandlingens syfte är att undersöka hur orenhet, äckel och hot skapar konstskräck i utvalda berättelser från Clive Barkers Books of Blood och Thomas Ligottis Songs of a Dead Dreamer. Båda verken är novellsamlingar från 1980-talet, och kan klassificeras som skräcklitteratur. Min analys koncentrerar sig på hotfulla utrymmen och omgivningar i novellerna och beskrivningar av abjekta och äckliga kroppar. Min analys grundar sig på Noël Carrolls teori om hur konstskräck, en sorts fiktiv skräckkänsla som kan uppstå genom att läsa skräcklitteratur, alltid består av en kombination av både äckel och hot. Äcklet innehåller alltid någon form av orenhet, och det orena skapas då någon kategorisk gräns överträds. Jag använder mig dessutom av Julia Kristevas koncept om abjektet, som också beskriver något orent och innebär en sorts gränsöverträdelse; abjektet är någonting som är en blandning av vanligtvis skilda kategorier och kan skapa en våldsam chock för den som vittnar en blandning eller störning av dessa kategorier. Jag använder också Martha Nussbaums teori om äckel för att analysera det orena i verken. Min analys visar hur karaktärernas trygga utrymmen som beskrivs i verken invaderas av olika monster och väsen som är orena, och förvandlar dem till hotfulla omgivningar genom sin närvaro. Dessa inkräktare kan vara olika varelser, som spöken, demoner och mördare, eller mer abstrakta varelser och krafter som symboliserar ett mer ogripbart hot. I Barkers noveller sker invasionen ofta stegvis i större, allmänna utrymmen som storstäder, och i Ligottis verk i mer privata omgivningar som det egna hemmet. Avhandlingen undersöker också varför äckliga och orena kroppar ses som abjekt: kropparna bryter någon sorts kategorisk gräns och orsakar en djup och radikal störning i vår världsbild eller självbild som följd. I Barkers noveller skapas olika kroppsabjekt bl.a. via skildringar av kroppar med sjukliga egenskaper och drag som påminner om lik, genom att beskriva överträdelser av accepterade gränser gällande fysisk kontakt med djur och detaljerade beskrivningar av lidande människokroppar. I Ligottis verk riktas abjektet och äcklet i stället mot den egna kroppen, då karaktärerna eller deras kroppsdelar ofta genomgår olika formskiftningar och förvandlingar eller smittas ner med främmande substanser. De abjekta monsterkropparna kan symbolisera delar i olika förtryckande samhällssystem, och dessa system tvingar ofta karaktärerna att bli en del av dessa hierarkier. Hotet som monstren och de abjekta kropparna skapar kan vara enbart fysiskt, men också ha moraliska, psykologiska eller politiska nivåer och kan rikta sig mot enskilda karaktärer eller större samhällen och gemenskaper. De orena skräckfigurerna representerar och förkroppsligar alla dessa hot, och när de möts i skräcklitteratur, fungerar de som fysiska manifestationer och spegelbilder av karaktärernas rädslor och skapar konstskräck.
  • Pentikäinen, Katariina (2023)
    This study investigated Finnish students’ attitudes towards English accents. Since the topic had not been studied recently in the Finnish context and mostly with upper secondary students, the study set out to provide current insight into the topic. Furthermore, to observe how age, education, and proficiency level are related to the attitudes, students at both lower and upper secondary level and at both regular and bilingual (Fi-En) programs were selected as informants. The attitudes were studied via a combination of direct and indirect methods. First, a widely used indirect attitudinal measure, the verbal-guise technique, was employed to observe what kinds of immediate reactions different accents elicit in the students. The students heard authentic samples of eight different accents, two native and six non-native, and evaluated them on various adjectives on a semantic differential scale. Second, the students answered questionnaire items regarding their familiarity with accents and their views and practices in relation to speaking English. Altogether 156 students completed the survey. Mainly quantitative analysis of the students’ answers showed that although their attitudes towards the accents were mostly positive, they had significantly more negative attitudes towards non-native than native English accents. Furthermore, accent strength seemed to be a discriminating factor with mild-accented speakers preferred over heavy-accented speakers. While all students showed very similar preferences with respect to the accents, the strength of the attitudes somewhat varied between the respondent groups with bilingual upper secondary students indicating more positive attitudes than the rest of the students. With respect to the different characteristics that the speakers were rated on, the students considered native speakers very competent, intelligent and fluent, whereas non-native speakers were regarded as more honest than competent. The students were very adept at categorizing the speakers as native or non-native; however, apart from the British and heavy Finnish accent, they struggled with recognizing the speakers’ accents. Although no significant correlation was found between accent recognition and attitude, the better the students identified the speaker as non-native, the more negative attitudes they showed towards the speaker. The study found that although Finnish students’ attitudes towards non-native accents have become more positive compared to previous studies, they are still somewhat subject to the native speaker, standard language ideology. Further research is still needed to provide deeper insight into the ideologies functioning behind this, at least covert, preference for native speakers.
  • Hurme, Erika (2023)
    This thesis examines Finnish upper secondary school English teachers’ practices and beliefs regarding authenticity and autonomy in the EFL classroom. The aim of the study is to find out how EFL teachers promote experiences of authenticity and learner autonomy in the classroom and this way create connections to students’ use of English outside school. The study is also interested in English teachers’ attitudes towards authenticity and autonomy as well as the teachers’ support for students’ Extramural English use. Research on EFL learners’ Extramural English use has reported of a gap between formal and informal language learning settings, and this thesis investigates the applicability of experiences of authenticity and learner autonomy in bridging this gap. The data of the study consists of qualitative classroom observations and interviews with English teachers. Four upper secondary school English teachers participated in the study. Three lessons were observed from each teacher, which adds up to twelve observed lessons in total. The observations focused on the teachers’ motivational practice and teaching materials. In addition, semi-structured retrospective interviews were conducted with the teachers after the classroom observations. Qualitative content analysis was applied to both sets of data to describe the teachers’ practices and attitudes towards authenticity and autonomy in language learning. The data analysis shows that while the teachers used a variety of motivational strategies to promote authenticity and autonomy in the classroom, each teacher also had their preferred motivational practices that characterised their teaching. Comparing the classroom observation data and the interview data revealed a connection between the teachers’ practices and their definitions and attitudes towards authenticity in language learning. While the teachers considered authenticity and autonomy important in language learning, they perceived promoting them in class as difficult due to constraints such as available time and materials. Authenticity and autonomy were promoted in the classroom mostly by using strategies of teacher discourse, which aimed at arguing for the relevance or purpose of the learning tasks and connecting the learning to students’ everyday lives. Interestingly, the teachers were not especially keen on supporting their students’ Extramural English practices and questioned whether students desire experiences of authenticity and autonomy at all in school. The results of the study shed light on the complex relationship between formal and informal language learning settings from the EFL teachers’ perspective.
  • Schuravleff, Matilda (2023)
    An increasing number of socio-linguistic studies of Present-day English intensifiers have utilized the variationist socio-linguistic method because it is regarded as superior to other quantitative methods. Regardless of the prevalence of the method in the socio-linguistic research of Present-day English intensifiers, the method has more rarely been applied to the socio-linguistic research of historical English intensifiers. In the present study, the variation of intensifiers between social ranks was investigated in late Middle English. The material consisted of a small sample of 15th-century English letters which was derived from the Corpus of Early English Correspondence (CEEC). In addition to the variationist method, an original method was utilized where the normalized frequencies of intensification were calculated solely in the non-formulaic contexts of the letters. It was discovered that, in the sample of the study, there were differences in the frequencies of intensifiers between the social ranks, the lowest social rank was the most frequent user of intensification, and the middle rank was the least frequent user of intensification. Moreover, in comparison to a previous variationist research of Present-day English intensifiers, it was detected that variation of intensification between socio-economic classes seemed to be present both in late Middle English and Present-day English, but that the socio-economic class which used intensifiers the most frequently appeared to be different between late Middle English and Present-day English. Overall, it was discussed that the sample size of the research was too limited for general interpretations to be made about the variation of intensifiers in late Middle English. Furthermore, the numerical differences between the social ranks could have been marginal, and therefore, not enough for interpreting variation to have occurred. However, it was discussed that the methods of the research were relevant, and they could be utilized in future socio-linguistic studies of historical English intensifiers.
  • Määttä, Jussi (2024)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan laskennallista näkökulmaa kaunokirjallisuuden analysoimiseen kognitiivisen kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ja bayesiläisen tilastotieteen lähtökohdista ja sovelletaan näiden synteesiä Aleksis Kiven romaanin Seitsemän veljestä (1870) analyysiin. Keskeisenä teoriakehyksenä tutkielmassa on kognitiivinen kirjallisuudentutkimus, erityisesti Karin Kukkosen (2020) esittämä todennäköisyysrakenteiden (probability designs) analyysi. Kukkosen lähestymistapa liittyy läheisesti kognitiotieteen ennustavan käsittelyn hypoteesiin, joka puolestaan kytkeytyy bayesiläiseen tilastotieteeseen. Tutkielmassa tehdään tämä yhteys näkyväksi ja rakennetaan sen pohjalta kytkentä konkreettisiin laskennallisiin malleihin. Sovelluskohteena tutkielmassa käytetään Seitsemästä veljeksestä johdettua sekundääristä aineistoa, puhujasekvenssiä, joka perustuu teoksen dialogeihin ja sisältää tietoa vain repliikkien esittäjistä. Tämän puhujasekvenssin analysoimiseen esitellään räätälöity laskennallinen malli, joka tunnistaa puhujasekvenssistä muutoskohtia. Mallin antamien tulosten pohjalta tutkielmassa erotetaan Kiven romaanista kahdeksan osin päällekkäistä jaksoa, jotka voidaan motivoida lähilukemisella ja aiemman tutkimuksen kautta. Tutkielma osoittaa, että kognitiivisen kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ennustavan käsittelyn mallin pohjalta voidaan rakentaa laskennallisia apuvälineitä kaunokirjallisen teoksen analysoimiseen, ja että tällaisella lähestymistavalla voidaan tuottaa mielekästä ja hyödyllistä informaatiota Seitsemästä veljeksestä.
  • Bouzoubaa Teerineva, Saara (2023)
    This thesis argues for an ethical reading of Miriam Toews’ Women Talking. Based on real-life events that happened in the Mennonite colony of Manitoba in Bolivia between 2005 and 2009, the novel is a response to those acts of violence. This thesis investigates the diversity of processes in the narrative that present strategies of oppression. The narrative reveals that those who do not fit the normative category of a man who acts according to the masculine hegemony are deprived of privileges and lower in the hierarchy. The goal is to show that revealing the processes of oppression contributes significantly to the ethical reading of the novel. Through close reading, I analyze three ethical dilemmas I have discerned from the narrative. I analyze the dilemmas, characters and events through an interdisciplinary theoretical framework that consists of an ecofeminist perspective to gender violence, the Mennonite Christian principles, and James Phelan’s narrative ethics (2013). I argue that the presentation of the ethical dilemmas in the narrative contributes to the reader’s ethical reflection that is necessary for ethical reading. The main result of this thesis is that both readers and authors have ethical responsibilities in relation to the text. In addition to creating believable characters, relationships, and events, it is part of the ethical responsibilities of the author and reader not to reproduce readings that are not consciously ethical. Moreover, it is part of the ethical reading to recognize that as a literary work of fiction, Women Talking is not fully independent from the world and from the real-life events to which it is a reaction.
  • Gofurova, Shakhnoza (2024)
    This cross-sectional study explores language choice and acculturation processes among Uzbek immigrants in Finland and also focuses on the role of English proficiency in integration. Language choice is a fundamental aspect of sociolinguistics, which explores how individuals use language in various social contexts. Acculturation theory suggests that when individuals from one cultural group come into contact with another, they may experience changes in cultural behaviors, attitudes, and values. Language choice plays a crucial role in this process, as it reflects both individual preferences and societal pressures to assimilate or maintain one’s cultural identity. Data from 33 immigrants were collected through an online questionnaire via the E-Lomake software. Additionally, short interviews were conducted with 5 immigrants to explore experiences of discrimination in both host and home countries. The data were analyzed using a mixed-method approach, employing quantitative analysis for Likert-scale questions and qualitative analysis for the comments section and interviews. The results show that short-time male immigrants tend to use English in their daily interactions with locals, whereas women prefer Finnish. Although Finnish was the main language of communication with the host society among long-term immigrants, it did not become the language of the family. Moreover, the importance of English was the highest among the respondents, surpassing the importance of their mother tongue, Finnish, and other languages. It is noteworthy that immigrants considered Russian to be more useful than Swedish in Finland. Furthermore, despite their positive attitudes towards their mother tongue and willingness to keep it as the main language for their children, immigrants were generally well integrated into Finnish society, as evidenced by the overall high scores on the host national identity. However, those who were using Finnish in their daily lives and had at least moderate proficiency in this language showed a higher sense of belonging and host national identity compared to those who lacked the proficiency at all. Additionally, the analysis revealed a factor that hinders the integration process even more than language choice or length of residence - the experience of discrimination in the host country. Given that discrimination among immigrants was mostly observed in the work-related context, this study suggests that authorities should pay more attention to policies of inclusion, diversity, and fair recruitment processes. Furthermore, as English language skills are not seen as a barrier to immigrants’ integration but rather as a useful tool for relocating to Finland and facilitating the early stages of integration, it is important to create more English-speaking workplaces to attract highly educated immigrants to the country.
  • Laiho, Elina Anna Maria (2024)
    Genre conventions and associated tropes can be considered intrinsic to any form of genre fiction but are brought to attention especially in young adult speculative fiction (YA SF) since they participate in creating visible trends in contemporary book culture. Established, recognisable conventions invite subversions, and this is highlighted especially in the phenomenon of retelling narratives that draw inspiration from mythology, folklore, and history, using the established frameworks to address contemporary concerns. Such is the case for Xiran Jay Zhao's Iron Widow (2021) and Shelley Parker-Chan's She Who Became the Sun (2021). Both novels are a reimagination of the rise to power of two imperial Chinese rulers, Wu Zetian and Zhu Yuanzhang, respectively. Through the analysis of three prominent themes of YA and SF – the character of the hero, femininity/masculinity, and romance – this thesis shows how both novels deliberately subvert their genre conventions while echoing warrior epics in the form of heroic SF. Current scholarship agrees that SF, and other literary genres for that matter, are not stagnant categories, and often occupy liminal spaces that can be seen as amalgamations of distinguishable characteristics of several genres. The awareness of this intertextuality is at the core of reimagining narratives as well. Gender, especially the potential dissonance between social and individually embodied expressions of gender identities, emerges a prominent factor in the novels’ exploration of these themes, which prompts queer and feminist readings. Drawing queer theory and on scholarship surrounding Judith Butler’s conceptualisations of the performativity of gender this thesis looks at the way gender is discussed in the novels as both a social construct and as a means of self-actualisation.
  • Zhukova, Ekaterina (2021)
    I denna magisteravhandling undersöks hur Skandinavien och skandinaviska fenomen presenteras i ryska medier, särskilt i en rysk tv-dokumentär Самые. Самые. Самые., under åren 2018-2019. I Ryssland finns det ett stort intresse för skandinaviska länder, och målet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på hurdan bild av Skandinavien ges i det ryska tv-programmet. Programmet består av fyra delar där Norge, Sverige, Danmark och Finland behandlas ur olika kulturella, samhälleliga och politiska perspektiv i tur och ordning. De centrala forskningsfrågorna som fungerar som en grund för analysen är: Vilka skandinaviska och finländska fenomen diskuteras i tv-programmet, och varför lyfts fram just de. Källmaterialet analyseras med hjälp av två metodologiska utgångspunkter – diskursanalys och medieanalys. Teoretisk referensram omfattar nationella stereotyper och imagologi. Avhandlingen bygger sig på tidigare forskning kring stereotyper om Finland och Skandinavien: heterostereotyper som finns utomlands samt autostereotyper – självbilder som finländare och skandinaver har idag. Unika kulturella och samhälleliga fenomen som lyfts fram i dokumentären anses inte vara gemensamma skandinaviska utan de presenteras tydligt som svenska, norska, danska och finländska – det skandinaviska området presenteras som enskilda länder med egna problem och resurser, fördelar och nackdelar. Som unika norska fenomen presenteras bl.a. pengar och oljeindustri, samer och jämlikhet; som svenska – den svenska modellen och socialismen, migrationspolitik samt svensk duktighet; som speciellt danska fenomen lyfts fram lycklighet, skattesystemet och Jantelagen; och som det unika i Finland – landets position mellan Sverige och Ryssland, skolsystemet och sisu. Syftet med att lyfta fram just dessa fenomen är delvis att dra paralleller med det ryska samhället och vad som idag händer i Ryssland, och delvis att visa att om man kunde agera och organisera samhället på ett annat sätt kunde man även nå bättre resultat – lika högt resultat som i Skandinavien.
  • Stenius, Nasti (2023)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelen perusopetuksen koulukohtaisten tasa-arvosuunnitelmien sukupuolidiskursseja, sekä niissä ilmeneviä ja uudelleenluotuja vallan ja sorron käsitteitä sukupuolen moninaisuuden subjektien lähtökohdasta. Nojaan tutkielmassa Foucault’n subjektin rakentumisen teoriaan, Butlerin teoriaan sukupuolistettujen subjektien tuottamisesta ja uudelleentuottamisesta toiston kautta, sekä Kumanshiron sorronvastaisen pedagogiikan käsitteelliseen lähestymistapaan. Tutkielma sijoittuu feministisen tutkimuksen kentälle, lähennellen myös queerfeminististä lähestymistapaa käsitellen perusopetuksen tasa-arvotyön suunnittelun sukupuolidiskursseja erityisesti sukupuolivähemmistöjen kannalta. Etsin tutkielman aineistosta sukupuolten ilmaisutapoja, joilla sukupuolen moninaisuus tuodaan suunnitellussa tasa-arvotoiminnassa näkyväksi, tai toisaalta jätetään huomiotta. Tarkastelussa nousee esille myös kysymyksiä siitä, minkälaisena tasa-arvosuunnitelmien kirjaukset näyttäytyvät lakisääteisiä vaateita vasten, huomioidaanko sukupuolen moninaisuutta koulujen tasa-arvosuunnitelmissa, ja minkälaiseksi sukupuolen moninaisuuden subjektipositiot rakentuvat analysoimissani tasa-arvosuunnitelmien sukupuolidiskursseissa. Tavoitteenani on analysoida ja valottaa sellaisia tasa-arvotyön suunnitteluun liittyviä käsityksiä, oletuksia, ristiriitaisuuksia ja paradoksaalisuuksia, joita sukupuolikäsitykset ja niihin linkittyvät sukupuolidiskurssit ilmentävät ja tuottavat. Tunnistan analysoidusta materiaalista kolmenlaisia sukupuolidiskursseja: binääriä sukupuolijärjestelmää toistavan sukupuolidiskurssin, marginalisoivan sukupuolidiskurssin, sekä kriittisen sukupuolidiskurssin. Keskeisessä asemassa analysoidussa materiaalissa näyttäytyi hegemoninen, eli toisiin nähden hallitsevassa asemassa oleva, binääriä sukupuolijärjestelmää toistava sukupuolidiskurssi, joka hiljaisuuksien ja eksplisiittisen ilmaisun kautta väittää binäärin sukupuolen olevan ”luonnollisesti” kaksinapainen. Eksplisiittisesti binääriä sukupuolijakoa ja -käsitystä vahvistettiin ja toistettiin oppilaiden eksplisiittisellä jaolla tyttöihin ja poikiin, sekä implisiittisellä viittauksella ”molempiin” sukupuoliin. Tutkielmani keskeisin johtopäätös on, että perusopetuksen tasa-arvosuunnitelmat ovat usein lähtökohtaisesti binääriin sukupuolikäsitykseen nojaavia. Vain noin kolmasosassa materiaalina käytetyistä koulukohtaisista suunnitelmista sukupuolen moninaisuuden huomioi eksplisiittisesti, vaikka siihen on jokaisella koululla velvoite niin tasa-arvolain kuin opetussuunnitelman perusteidenkin kautta. Väitän, että binääriä sukupuolijärjestelmää toistava sukupuolidiskurssi lähtökohtaisesti kieltää – tiedostaen tai tiedostamatta – sukupuolivähemmistöihin kuuluvalta subjektilta kontekstissa lähtökohtaisen position. Näin ollen suunnitelmissa tuotetaan ja toistetaan tasa-arvotyön tuottamisen nimessä myös epätasa-arvoista ja sortavaa diskurssia. Analyysini asettuu kontekstiin, jossa suuri osa koulujen tasa-arvosuunnitelmista ei käsittele koulukohtaista tasa-arvotilannetta, ja/tai ei määritä toimintoja, joilla tasa-arvotilanteeseen pyritään parantavasti vaikuttamaan. Moni tutkielman tutkimusmateriaalina käytetty tasa-arvosuunnitelmaksi nimetty dokumentti hahmottuukin ”suunnitelman suunnitelmana” varsinaisen toiminnallisen suunnitelman sijaan.
  • Sjölinder, Elina (2021)
    Trots att det senaste årtiondet (2011–2020) var Den biologiska mångfaldens decennium, då särskilda insatser för mångfalden skulle åstadkommas, har inget av de 20 Aichimålen som FN:s konvention om biologisk mångfald satte för perioden nåtts. I stället fortsätter förlusterna av biodiversitet snabbare än någonsin förr, främst till följd av mänskliga aktiviteter. Det första Aichimålet gick ut på att människor skulle göras medvetna om den biologiska mångfaldens värden och hur man kan bevara och använda mångfalden hållbart, men i dag brister allmänhetens kunskaper om biologisk mångfald. En del av problematiken ligger i att biologisk mångfald är ett komplext begrepp, som forskare inte klarat av att kommunicera till allmänheten på ett tillräckligt informativt och engagerande vis. En annan aktör som inte kunnat informera människor ordentligt om biologisk mångfald är journalister. Medier utgör en viktig aktör såväl som arena när det gäller att medvetandegöra allmänheten om miljöfrågor, men den biologiska mångfalden är ett fenomen som inte passar det typiska medieformatet. Klimatfrågan har däremot lyckats etablera sig i den offentliga debatten, men i stället för att denna fråga kopplas ihop med den nära förbundna biodiversitetsfrågan, blir biodiversiteten överskuggad av klimatet i medierna. Avhandlingens källmaterial är således hämtat från medier, med utgångspunkt i 26 texter på svenska. Texterna är publicerade mellan år 2010–2020 och har rubriker som innehåller antingen ”biologisk mångfald” eller ”biodiversitet”. Studien består i en diskursanalys, eftersom diskurser illustrerar hur språk och kunskap hänger samman. Diskursanalysen tar avstamp i en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, utifrån ett frågeschema om sex frågor som kartlägger frekvensen av biologisk mångfald samt begreppsförklaringar, bildliga uttryck, teman och aktörer i rapporteringen av ärendet. Frågorna besvarar den mer övergripande forskningsfrågan ”Vad, på vilket sätt, hur mycket och enligt vem rapporterar Dagens Nyheter vad gäller biologisk mångfald?”. På det sättet syftar avhandlingen till att utreda språkbruket i förhållande till biologisk mångfald, mot bakgrund av samhällets otillräckliga insikt i och intresse för ämnet. Den ideationella funktionen fokuseras, då denna uttrycker kunskaper och värderingar. Det ideationella relateras dock till det textuella, då text manifesterar kunskaperna, och till det sociokulturella, som villkorar människors språkbruk och medvetenhet, med hänsyn till de ömsesidiga sambanden däremellan. I resultatet framgår att Dagens Nyheter rapporterar om biologisk mångfald i allt högre grad och utifrån ett antropocentriskt perspektiv, baserat på dess nytta för människor. Diskursen bottnar i vetenskap, där olika aktörer utnyttjar forskning i enlighet med sina egna intressen. Därtill lyfts ofta arter fram i biodiversiteten, samtidigt som vissa förkunskaper krävs av texternas mottagare.
  • Weckman, Mikaela (2022)
    Avhandlingen behandlar den stadspolitiska och den massmediala debatten gällande stadsplanen för området Björkholmen i Helsingfors, både i beredningen av planen och när den godkändes av stadsfullmäktige i september 2021. Materialet i avhandlingen är publicerat mellan 2015-2021. Den byggda miljön gentemot naturmiljön är ett genomgående tema i debatten kring Björkholmen i tidningsmedier och inom stadens politiska beslutsfattande. Frågan kring naturmiljö och den arkitektonisk miljö undersöks både i ett lokalt och nordiskt perspektiv. Avhandlingens analysmetod är kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Materialet är uppdelat i följande kategorier: Insändarmaterial, nyhetsmaterial och kommunalpolitiskt material. Frågeställningarna är dessa: Vem deltar i debatten och hur positionerar dessa aktörer sig i debatten? Hur definieras den planerade byggda miljön på Björkholmen enligt stadens beredning och hur ter sig nybyggnation i stadsmiljö i lokalt och i nordiskt perspektiv? Hurdana naturbevarande värden och hurdana urbana värden lyfts fram och betonas i debatten? Resultatet visar att tidningsmedierna Hufvudstadsbladet, Helsingin Sanomat och Lauttasaari-lehti för det mesta hade tydliga åsikter om huruvida man antingen ska bevara naturen i området eller bygga hus enligt stadens planer. Också bland ledamöterna i stadsmiljönämnden, stadsstyrelsen och stadsfullmäktige skiljde sig åsikterna. Inom diskussionerna i stadspolitiken var de flesta partier positivt inställda till utbyggnad av området Björkholmen: essensen kring att skapa nya bostäder och ett urbant område togs upp, medan man fram för allt i insändarna i tidningsmedierna mestadels talade för att bevara naturen i ursprungligt skick.
  • Halter, Ronja (2023)
    This thesis discusses the links between consumer capitalism and the body in literature. The primary material for this thesis is Bret Easton Ellis’s 1991 novel American Psycho, which details the daily life of its main character and narrator Patrick Bateman, which mostly consists of him sitting in his office, going to restaurants and clubs, shopping, and getting various beauty treatments. What break the monotonous routine of Patrick’s daily life are at first the very detailed sex scenes between him and various women, including sex workers, and later in the novel, the equally detailed gruesome murders committed by Patrick. Set in the 1980s, the novel criticizes the consumerist lifestyle of yuppies (“young upwardly mobile professionals”) and the intense need to conform that causes it. The theoretical background of this thesis consists of a brief cultural-historical background of the setting of the novel, an introduction into the field of body studies, and how bodies are viewed within consumer culture. Additionally, I also discuss objectification. Through the close reading of American Psycho and with the help of the theoretical background and other secondary material, this thesis argues that Ellis is criticizing the objectification of people prevalent in our consumer culture by creating a satirized character who takes this objectification to the extremes as he murders women and creates objects out of his victims in an attempt to find satisfaction. It is the combination of the unsatisfactory nature of consumer capitalism, as well as the misrepresentation of women in the media that Patrick consumes, which lead him to torture and murder women.
  • Heinonen, Sara (2022)
    This thesis studies body positivity in a Finnish EFL textbook series. This goal is approached by finding out which aspects of body positivity, such as body size, skin colour, and gender, are represented in the visuals of the textbooks chosen for this study, and how the textual contents affect these representations. Based on the findings it is then concluded whether the textbooks promote a type of body standard or not and whether the findings correlate with the contents of the updated national core curriculum. The theoretical background for this thesis consists of indicating the importance of body image and representation as well as the goal of the body positivity movement. Due to the lack of previous studies on EFL textbooks focusing on body positivity, previous studies on body positivity on social media, and textbook studies on separate aspects of body positivity are introduced. An upper secondary school A-level EFL textbook series New Insights which has been developed according to the update of the national core curriculum (NCC) in 2019 has been chosen as the data for this study as it is the most current data available and has not been the focus of many studies yet. The data consist of the first two textbooks of the series, New Insights 1-2, and New Insights 3, as they are the only ones published at the time of this study. The material was collected manually from the online versions of the textbooks and consists of both the visual and textual contents of the textbooks. In addition to the textbooks, the NCC has been used to draw connections from its goals to the textbook contents. The method chosen to analyse the aspects of body positivity that are present in the visual and textual contents of the textbooks is qualitative and quantitative content analysis. Content analysis was chosen due to the data-driven and interpretative nature of the study as it attempts to find themes and underlying meaning in the contents that it set out to explore. The results of the study echo the results of previous textbook studies that have been conducted on similar subjects. The results show that the textbooks are not particularly body positive as most of the aspects studied have disproportioned representation among them; Light skin tones are represented far more than medium or dark skin tones. Mostly slim and athletic bodies are represented and very few larger bodies are present in the visuals. Other aspects, such as body hair or acne, have very little to no representation, and physical disabilities have little representation in the visuals but some more in the textual side. Mostly binary genders and heterosexuality are represented, although there are some mentions of e.g., non-binary pronouns and homosexuality. The textual contents provide more positive representation of some aspects, however, in other cases they enforce problematic stereotypes. Perhaps unwittingly, the Western beauty standard that body positivity tries to combat is promoted in the textbooks. The textbooks meet the goals of the NCC relevant to this study, although just barely in some cases, such as with gender equality.
  • Räsänen, Tinja (2020)
    På sommaren år 1818 gav friherre Fredrik C. Boije ut det första numret av Boijes Magasin, en av Sveriges första modetidskrifter och en av de mest långvariga på sin tid. Den kom ut en gång i månaden fram till slutet av år 1844. Det handlade om en tidskrift som var riktad till en kulturell läsare oavsett kön. Innehållet varierade mellan vers och prosa, ritningar över byggnader, trädgårdar, möbler, porträtt och det nyaste klädmodet. I varje nummer publicerades fyra planscher, varav en kolorerad, som visade upp klädmodet från europeiska städer. I denna pro gradu-avhandling behandlas ett växande konsumtionssamhälle under första hälften av 1800-talet, med fokus på lyx och smak som Boijes Magasin förmedlade till de svenska läsarna. Som teoretisk referensram används Pierre Bourdieus teori kring smak samt forskning om konsumtion och livsstil. Avhandlingens källmaterial baserar sig på ett urval av reportage och notiser ur Boijes Magasins 26 årgångar. Mellan åren 1818–1822 hade årgångarna i genomsnitt 48 sidor och mellan 94–191 sidor åren 1823–1844. Tidningens reportage och notiser behandlas både kvantitativt och kvalitativt genom en närläsning av varor av olika slag – kläder, accessoarer, möbler och dylikt. Den kvantitativt baserade analysen ger en bild om vad Boijes Magasin presenterade och eventuella förändringar under åren 1818–1844. Den kvalitativa analysen gör det möjligt att fördjupa sig i källmaterialet för att närmare reda ut frågor kring lyx och smak. Avhandlingen lyfter fram en värld av olika slags varor under 1800-talet, både klädmässigt och inredningsmässigt samt i dyra och mindre dyra material. Varorna var aktuella för sin tid och samtidigt började nya och lyxiga varor började träda fram. Samhället var fyllt med många skrivna och oskrivna regler för hur man skulle klä sig och bete sig inom sin egen sociala position. Modereportagens längd varierade mellan några meningar till två sidor och största delen av klädmodet som presenterades kom från Paris, Wien och London. Dessa tre städer hade redan länge stått som förebild för överklassen för det fanns ett hov i alla tre städer. De var bland de största städerna i Europa under 1800-talet och där hade det tidigt utvecklats stora marknader och en konsumtion av lyxprodukter. Modereportagen visade en värld där överklassen hade en mängd olika kläder för olika ändamål och olika tidpunkter på dagen. Det handlade om utstyrslar för baler och bröllop, hur man skulle klä sig då någon gått bort samt hur man klädde sig då man var hemma eller gick på visit. Huvudbonaderna för kvinnor ändrades från månad till månad i de modereportage som Boijes Magasin publicerade. Herrskapshemmen fylldes med bekvämligheter och hemmen inreddes sakta med olika möbler, tavlor och textilier. Till det sociala livet hörde att ordna olika tillställningar, som tebjudningar och middagar och man gjorde visiter hos andra. Boijes Magasin visade både vardagliga föremål blandat med lyxföremål. Nya material såsom kashmir och mahogny blev vanligt i kläder och möbler. Även de dyraste föremålen gjordes i billigare varianter och nådde således ut till den växande medelklassen.
  • Myllyoja, Markus (2020)
    This Master’s thesis explored the British national identity in the early phases of the Brexit process in the years 2017–2018. The aim of the study was to examine whether a new non-EU British identity which could be detected in the speeches by Prime Minister Theresa May and what kinds of linguistic devices were employed in the construction of such identity. I approached these questions with a triangulating method which finds its home in Critical Discourse Analysis. The data consisted of transcriptions of May’s three speeches: the first one was given in London in January 2017, the second one in Florence, Italy in September in 2017 and the third one again in London in March 2018, as a storm prevented May from traveling to Manchester. I attempted to observe the respective temporal and spatial contexts, as well as the imagined audience in my analysis. I first conducted a quantitative analysis of the data by employing the Appraisal Framework developed by Martin and White. This framework is designed to recognise value positions encased in a text. It is based on Systemic Functional Linguistics and Bakhtin’s ideas on dialogic language. I.e. it views language as a semiotic system of inter-referential signs which is constructed in interaction. I applied the framework to the extent of Engagement. This category of the framework is specifically concerned with dialogic utterances. In the qualitative analysis, I applied several social scientific approaches and concepts related to questions of nation and national identity. In terms of dialogic language, the results displayed that over time May’s speeches began to contain less contractive utterances in which one would exclude other positions from the discourse. At the same time, there was an increase of expansive utterances in which one would allow other positions to seem plausible or neutral. In other words, May seemed to opt for a more conciliatory tone as Brexit visibly decelerated. When it comes to national identity, it would seem like a crucial concept for a state looking for less integrated international co-operation especially if pursuit of national sovereignty is presented as the main reason behind the endeavour. However, this study implies that May’s speeches did not offer elements which a new national identity could have been built upon. In the light of previous research on national identity, they would have evidently needed to contain more emotion-laden language.
  • Leino, Hannu-Heikki (2022)
    This study examines the leader’s speeches given by Prime Minister Theresa May during the years 2016–2018 after the result of the Brexit referendum on 23 June 2016. The study aims to answer questions concerning what kinds of speech acts, pronouns, and rhetorical devices May uses to refer to Brexit, what are the intended meanings conveyed in her utterances related to Brexit, and how the rhetoric concerning Brexit has changed over time. All utterances in the speeches that have their meaning related to Brexit were selected for the analysis. The identification of speech acts is based on Searle’s (1979) taxonomy for types of illocutionary acts. The most common speech act used by May in relation to Brexit is an indirect commissive. In the 2016 speech, all but one of the commissives are made indirectly. The speech in 2017 focuses on making direct assertive statements instead, whereas the 2018 speech contains both direct assertives and indirect commissives more equally. May’s use of pronouns and rhetorical devices varies between the three speeches. While all speeches contain the devices of lexical choice and repetition, these are not used similarly and to the same extent in all of them. Only the speech in 2016 makes use of the device of metaphor. Repetition is often linked to the use of pronouns across the speeches. Comparison of the findings reveals that the rhetoric concerning Brexit has changed over the years. May’s role as the Prime Minister heavily influenced her choices of rhetoric. In the speeches in 2016 and 2018, May employed indirect speech acts as a strategy in making promises, and she used the rhetorical device of repetition in both speeches to provide emphasis in semantically connected groups of utterances. Throughout both speeches, May remained dedicated to realizing Brexit and her stance did not change. Her use of the personal pronoun we is linked to her stance, and she used the pronoun as means of persuasion to inclusively refer to the Conservative Party, her government and the British people. However, May’s strategy for persuasion changed over the years. She connected Brexit with patriotic ideas in the speech in 2016, but she no longer used similar rhetoric in the two later speeches. The 2017 speech contains few references to Brexit and May appears to have been avoiding discussion on the topic. Brexit is again a central topic in the speech in 2018, and May’s focus was on convincing the audience on her approach to Brexit and the importance of securing a favourable deal before Britain leaves the European Union. The results of the study provide insight into the ways Theresa May used rhetoric in her role as the leader of the Conservative Party and the Prime Minister of Britain to shape the discussion concerning Brexit during her time in office.
  • Maijala, Iida (2024)
    This linguistic study examines the media representation and portrayal of pop star and celebrity Britney Spears. Within contemporary media discourse, young female celebrities frequently experience the dual nature of fame as they are often idolized and scrutinized at the same time. Despite her status as a cultural icon, Spears is a fitting subject for examination due to her multifaceted and intricate relationship with the media. Using a qualitative approach, this study analyzed eight cover stories from Rolling Stone magazine featuring Spears, spanning from 1999 to 2008. Critical Discourse Analysis by van Dijk (2015) served as the overarching theoretical framework, with Social Actor Analysis by van Leeuwen (2008) utilized as a complementary approach to explore Spears’ representations in the magazine. The findings revealed that Spears was consistently nominated and categorized as a social actor. Moreover, the analysis uncovered a mix of positive, negative, and mixed appraisals of Spears. Additionally, a shift over time in linguistic portrayals was observed. Initially, Spears’ portrayals were mostly positive, but later, negative appraisals became more prominent. The study offers insights into broader societal dynamics surrounding language, gender, and power, demonstrating how media representations and discourse have the potential to reinforce harmful stereotypes, and how media practices reflect and shape public perceptions of women.
  • Karppinen, Sara (2024)
    This thesis discusses the construction of church-state relations and Ukrainian nationhood through the memory of the political framing of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine’s Facebook communication. Since the Revolution of Dignity, the autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine became an aspiration for anti-Moscow politicians. Russia’s Russkiy Mir initiative became recognized as a security threat to Ukrainian independence, and the process of gaining autocephaly from the Patriarchate of Constantinople became an attempt to detach Ukraine from Moscow’s imperial narrative. After the autocephaly, the political narratives emphasizing church-state relations became less topical, but the situation changed after Russia’s War Against Ukraine broke out in 2022. Ukrainian politicians and the heads of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine again stressed the church-state connection. The memory political framing of the data suggests that Ukrainian nationhood is being built in relation to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, two of which are bound together by one inseparable past. This interpretation highlights Ukraine and OCU as heirs to the legacy of Kyivan Rus and the Byzantium tradition, as well as Ukraine’s path as part of European civilization.