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  • Vinkenes, Audrey (2024)
    In the Anglophone world, California remains a glamorized place, reserved for movie stars, surfers, and cowboys. While there are many famous Californian writers, Joan Didion and Eve Babitz remain incredibly popular for their depictions of California. Though Didion and Babitz hailed from slightly different social strata, both have an obsessive focus on California. Both write in a New Journalistic style and focus on similar happenings in their state. This makes a comparison of their works effective for analyzing cultural attitudes in their age group and social position. This thesis analyzes the works of Joan Didion and Eve Babitz. With Didion, I examine The White Album, Slouching Towards Bethlehem, Where I was From, and South and West. With Babitz I focus on Eve’s Hollywood, Slow Days, Fast Company, and Black Swans. In this thesis, I will closely examine Didion and Babitz’s portrayal of Californian history, the environment, and identity, and the consequences of these portrayals. In this thesis I primarily use postcolonial theory, econarratology, and historical contextualization to analyze how California is depicted. After analyzing these works in these contexts, I find that although Didion and Babitz share a similar focus, they end up having very different treatments of those subjects. Didion’s past filled mythology end up erasing the horrors of colonization and cements a present where there is no space for those outside her circle. Babitz’s focus on the present makes her ignorant of the past that her present is dependent on. I additionally find that Didion relies on metaphor where Babitz uses the literal to create mythology. Finally, I find that California has been mythologized to such an extent that those born there at times see it as foreign and exotic.
  • Pitkänen, Paula (2020)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan ihmissuhteita ja niiden tuhoisaa luonnetta Emily Brontën romaanissa Humiseva Harju (1847). Tutkimusmetodeina käytetään sukupuolentutkimusta ja väkivaltatutkimusta. Väkivalta vaikuttaa vahvasti lähes kaikkiin romaanin ihmissuhteisiin, sekä siinä esiintyviin henkilöihin. Tutkielmassa keskitytään erityisesti Heathcliffin ja Catherinen henkilöhahmoihin, ja pyritään näyttämään, kuinka väkivaltainen kasvatus ja elinympäristö ovat vaikuttaneet heihin lapsuudessa niin, että hahmot päätyvät kohtelemaan muita ihmisiä fyysisesti ja henkisesti kaltoin myös aikuisina. Heathcliffin ja Catherinen kokema väkivalta on peräisin erilaisista syistä: Heathcliff kärsii orpotaustansa, etnisyytensä ja kasvattiveljessään herättämänsä kateuden takia, kun taas Catherinea rangaistaan, soimataan ja väheksytään oman sukupuolensa takia. Esseessä tarkastellaan myös yleisellä tasolla yhteiskunnassa vallitsevia sukupuolinormeja, jotka vaikuttavat suuresti sekä tyttöjen ja poikien omaan ajatteluun, että muun lähipiirin suhtautumiseen heihin. Heathcliffin ja Catherinen lisäksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan myös muita keskeisiä henkilöhahmoja, kuten Nellyä, Edgaria, Isabellaa ja Lintonia. Nellyn, Isabellan ja Catherinen välisiä suhteita tutkiessa kiinnitetään huomiota erityisesti siihen, kuinka henkilöhahmot ja heidän keskinäinen dynamiikkansa edustavat stereotyyppistä kuvausta naisten välisistä ystävyyksistä, joita värittävät vahvasti kateus, huijaus ja kilpailu. Edgarin ja Lintonin henkilöhahmoja tarkasteltaessa käsitellään toksista maskuliinisuutta ja sitä, millainen maskuliinisuuden ihanne on yhteiskunnassamme, ja kuinka se vaikuttaa miesten kohteluun. Tutkielmassa tuodaan esille kolme erilaista keskeistä väkivallan muotoa: lapsiin kohdistuva väkivalta, naisiin kohdistuva väkivalta sekä lähisuhdeväkivalta. Kaikki nämä väkivallan muodot ovat vahvasti esillä Humisevassa Harjussa. Lähes jokainen romaanissa esiintyvä lapsihahmo kokee fyysistä ja/tai henkistä väkivaltaa, mikä kertoo myös siitä, kuinka lapsiin suhtauduttiin 1700- ja 1800- lukujen Englannissa. Lapsena koettu väkivalta tekee myös monesta hahmosta, kuten Heathcliffista, Catherinesta ja Hindleystä, erittäin julmia aikuisia. Naisiin kohdistuvaa väkivaltaa tarkasteltaessa keskitytään erityisesti Isabellan ja Catherinen tyttären, Cathyn hahmoihin. Naiiviksi nuoreksi romantikoksi kuvailtu Isabella ihastuu Heathcliffiin, joka käyttää häntä hyväkseen tuottaakseen tuskaa Edgarille. Isabella päätyy naimisiin Heathcliffin kanssa, mitä seuraavina viikkoina hän tulee lähes päivittäin pahoinpidellyksi, nöyryytetyksi ja eristetyksi aviomiehensä taloon. Hän tulee todennäköisen raiskauksen seurauksena raskaaksi, pakenee ja joutuu muuttamaan yksin pois kotiseudultaan. Isabellan henkilökehityksessä kiinnitetään huomiota myös siihen, kuinka hänen lähipiirinsä suhtautuu paheksuttuun avioliittoon ja sitä seuranneeseen kärsimykseen. Isabellan veli Edgar katkaisee välinsä siskoonsa, ja Nelly paheksuu ennemmin Isabellan avioliiton jälkeen siveettömäksi muuttunutta ulkoasua kuin Heathcliffin väkivaltaa. Cathy puolestaan elää lapsuutensa ja varhaisnuoruutensa samassa turvatussa ympäristössä kuin Isabella, kunnes Heathcliffiin tutustuttuaan joutuu pakkoavioliiton, fyysisen väkivallan ja vapaudenriiston uhriksi. Lähisuhdeväkivaltaa esiintyy Humisevassa Harjussa erityisesti Catherinen ja Heathcliffin sekä Catherinen ja Edgarin suhteissa. Catherinen ja Heathcliffin suhteen väkivalta on molemminpuolista mustasukkaisuutta, pakkomiellettä, omistamista ja fyysistä vallankäyttöä. Edgarin ja Catherinen avioliitossa puolestaan on hyvin selkeästi nähtävissä tekijä (Catherine) ja uhri (Edgar). Vaikka molemmat ihmissuhteet ovat epäterveitä ja vaarallisia, ne ovat myös vahvasti romantisoituja romaanissa, mikä omalla tavallaan kyseenalaistaa väkivallan vakavuuden ja luo erityisesti Heathcliffista ja Catherinesta kuvan kirjallisuushistorian merkittävimpinä rakastavaisina. Tutkielmassa näytetään paitsi se, kuinka sukupuolinormit, naisten väliset suhteet, toksinen maskuliinisuus ja väkivalta näyttäytyvät Brontën romaanissa ja vaikuttavat sen henkilöhahmoihin, myös se, kuinka käsitellyt teemat ja ongelmat ovat olemassa ja yleisiä myös nyky-yhteiskunnassa, ja miten niiden tunnistaminen kirjallisuudessa on osa ongelmaa vastaan taistelemista.
  • Ackrén, Salla-Mari (2022)
    Abstract Faculty: Faculty of Arts Degree programme: MA Programme in English Studies Study track: General Line Author: Salla-Mari Ackrén Title: Ceremony: Representing Native American Cultures through Trauma and Healing Level: Master’s Thesis Month and year: May 2022 Number of pages: 48 Keywords: Native American literature, Native American culture, trauma, healing, colonialism, war traumas, Leslie Marmon Silko Supervisor or supervisors: Merja Polvinen Where deposited: Helsinki University Library Additional information: - Abstract: This thesis reviews a Native American novel, Ceremony, published by Leslie Marmon Silko in 1977. In her narration, Silko mixes traditional Laguna poems with the experiences of the contemporary protagonist, Tayo, relayed in prose. With this reading, I want to raise awareness of Ceremony and its real-life themes for Native Americans, such as cultural crisis, post-colonial traumas, and mental health problems, along with the importance of nature and animals in Native American cultures. As a group of minorities, Native American literature has not always received the respect and understanding it deserves, which is why I want to raise awareness about Native American culture and the traditions influencing it. In this thesis I use a close reading method to analyze the protagonist Tayo, who has an identity crisis between Anglo American and Laguna cultures. Tayo also suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and an alcohol problem due to his experiences in the Pacific theatre in World War II. I analyze his cultural identity development with the help of the narratological theories of James Phelan (1989), the effects of colonialism analysed by Patrick Hogan (2000) and discuss his war traumas with the help of theories by Cathy Caruth (1996) and Suzanne LaLonde (2018). At the beginning of the novel, Tayo blames himself for surviving a war that killed his cousin and for the droughts in his pueblo. He is taken to a Native American ceremony to heal from his depression. However, the first, traditional ceremony does not help him. Instead, the second medicine man, Betonie, performs a ceremony that combines traditional rituals to modern world problems (the war and colonialism), which gradually heals Tayo. During his journey to healing, he has many confrontations, for instance with his alcoholic war veteran friends. However, Tayo benefits from mythical guides along his journey, such as Betonie, a woman called Ts’eh, and Tayo’s lost cattle. At the end of the novel, when Tayo heals and finds his place in Laguna society, also the rains come back, emphasizing the succeeded ceremony, and healing in both the individual and the Native American culture as a whole.
  • Frangén, Linnea (2022)
    Climate change is increasingly influencing young people’s reproductive decisions, and more and more people are hesitant to have children due to climate change and climate anxiety. In contrast, the hegemonic reproduction discourse in the West, pronatalism, portrays having children as universally desirable and fulfilling and stigmatises childfreedom. Consequently, childfreedom is inherently situated in resistance to pronatalism and it is examined here as a counter-discourse. This study aims to contribute to research about the interconnection of reproduction and the climate crisis from a critical discourse analytic perspective, as linguistically oriented studies are currently lacking in what is already an under-researched field. This study examines how a childfree subreddit is challenging the hegemonic pronatalist reproductive discourses from the perspective of the climate crisis and environmentalism. The question is answered by examining (1) the main themes in the discourse and (2) the linguistic resources that are utilised. The material is collected from a subreddit r/childfree, a discursive space where pronatalist ideology is contested and consists of 11 threads where the interconnection of reproduction and climate change are discussed. An online environment was chosen because they can enable solidarity, offer respite from hegemonic ideologies and discourses, legitimize and normalize alternative discourses and even formulate strategies of resistance. I conducted a critical discourse analytic study using content analysis as a method. Critical discourse analysis was chosen because it enables one to examine how discourse structures reproduce or challenge relations of power. Content analysis, on the other hand, is a systematic and transparent way to classify text into categories. The results not only showed that the people who post on the subreddit use the climate crisis strategically and deliberately to counter pronatalism, but also that they deploy linguistic resources creatively and playfully in the interests of their own ideologies. The posts demonstrate awareness of pronatalist discourse and behaviour, which are often collectively analysed. Interestingly, both childfree and pronatalist discourses use climate change rhetoric to accommodate to the changing cultural context, and the constant negotiation between the discourses is evident in the data. On the one hand, climate change is used to create a reflective, selfless, and morally superior childfree subject. On the other hand, it is employed to portray all “breeders” not only as irresponsible, selfish, hypocritical, susceptible to external pressure, but also as in denial of climate change. “Breeders’” naivety and denial are contrasted with the seriousness of the climate crisis. Although children are mainly portrayed in a negative light, some posts use child-centred rhetoric to justify why having children is immoral in the age of climate change, thus challenging pronatalism. Regardless of how the topic is framed, the different categories identified in this study all work to deconstruct the parenthood mandate.
  • Nurmos, Laura (2021)
    Tutkielma tarkastelee seksuaalisesta häirinnästä käytyä keskustelua yhdysvaltalaisessa uutismediassa kriittisen diskurssianalyysin näkökulmasta. Aikaisempi tutkimus seksuaalisesta häirinnästä ja sen esiintymismuodoista mediassa osoittaa uutisdiskurssin keskittyvän ensisijaisesti olemassa olevia valtarakenteita tukevien ilmenemismuotojen korostamiseen ja edistävän osaltaan seksuaalista väkivaltaa ympäröivien myyttien (rape myths) olemassaoloa. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella ovatko aihetta ympäröivät otsikot muuttuneet viime vuosien feminististen liikkeiden johdosta kartoittamalla, keskittyvätkö otsikot uhreihin vai ahdistelijoihin ja analysoimalla, miten ne hyödyntävät seksuaalisen väkivallan myyttejä diskurssissaan. Lisäksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, eroavatko konservatiivisen ja liberaalin julkaisun uutisoinnit aiheeseen liittyen. Analyysin kohteena on kahden eri poliittista taustaa edustavan julkaisun, New York Timesin (NYT) ja Wall Street Journalin (WSJ), otsikot ennen ja jälkeen #MeToo -liikkeen nousun lokakuussa 2017. Tutkielma kattaa kaikki vuosien 2015-2019 lokakuussa julkaistut uutisotsikot, jotka NYT ja WSJ julkaisivat avaintermillä ”sexual harassment”. Hakusanalla löytyneet 857 otsikkoa analysoitiin luokittelemalla ne sen mukaan 1) keitä otsikossa mainittiin (uhri, ahdistelija vai ulkopuolinen kommentoija), 2) tuotiinko heidän sukupuolensa otsikossa esille, 3) lainattiinko ketään otsikossa mainituista henkilöistä joko suoraan tai epäsuorasti, 4) oliko joku otsikon henkilöistä julkinen henkilö tai viitattiinko häneen tittelillä, 5) mitä seksuaalisen väkivallan myyttejä (rape myths) otsikossa ilmeni ja 6) millaista sanavalintaa uhria kuvatessa käytettiin. Analyysissä nousi esiin kaksi eri poliittista taustaa edustavaa, valta-asemaansa väärinkäyttänyttä miestä ja otsikot analysoitiin toiseen kertaan luokittelemalla ne sen mukaan, keskittyikö otsikko kyseisiä henkilöitä vastaan esitettyihin syytöksiin vai ei. Analyysin tulokset vahvistivat osaltaan aikaisempia löytöjä, sillä enemmistö otsikoista keskittyi klassisiin seksuaalisen häirinnän muotoihin, joissa ahdistelijana toimi valta-asemassa toimiva mies ja uhrina oli haavoittuvaisessa asemassa oleva nainen. Tämän lisäksi otsikot keskittyivät pääasiassa ahdistelijaan ja hänen tekoihinsa. Tulokset osoittivat kuitenkin julkaisusta riippuen muutosta tasapainoisempaan suuntaan, jossa ahdistelija oli yhä vähenevissä määrin otsikon ensisijaisena kohteena. Samanaikaisesti otsikot siirtyivät yhä enenevissä määrin esittämään seksuaalisen häirinnän uhreja (NYT) tai aiempaa laajempikatseiseen esitystapaan (WSJ). Otsikoista ainoastaan 1,3% sisälsi seksuaalista väkivaltaa ympäröiviä myyttejä, ja niitä käytettiin hyvin harkitusti joko lainaamalla jotakuta, joka käytti myyttiä tai vetoamalla lukijan tietoisuuteen myytin olemassaolosta. Wall Street Journalin ja New York Timesin otsikot erosivat toisistaan huomattavissa määrin lähinnä julkaistujen otsikoiden määrässä ja republikaanien presidenttiehdokkaan Donald Trumpin julkisoinnissa. Siinä missä NYT:in raportointi seksuaaliseen häirintään liittyen lisääntyi huomattavasti jo Trumpia kohtaan esitettyjen syytösten aikaan lokakuussa 2016, WSJ:in raportointi aiheeseen liittyen lisääntyi hitaammin ja suurin nousu otsikoiden määrässä tapahtui vasta lokakuussa 2017.
  • Urbanová, Kristína (2021)
    My thesis examines Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick as an anti-capitalist text. I mainly utilize the theory of capitalism as defined by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the nineteenth century, focusing on class relations and the idea of class struggle; that is, the unrest that results from the inherent inequality of classes under capitalism. The aim of the thesis is to demonstrate the plausibility of an anti-capitalist reading of Moby-Dick and show how such a reading sheds light on the famously enigmatic character of Captain Ahab and on his motivations. To achieve this, I rely on social and historioeconomic analysis of the whaling industry to illustrate the usual working conditions on board whaling ships, and then apply my findings to a close reading of the novel. As Ishmael, the narrator, is generally the reader’s point of access, I first analyze his position vis–à–vis the industry he is about to enter, highlighting his inexperience. Then, I demonstrate how any struggle he may have undergone as a result of that inexperience is suppressed in favor of highlighting Ahab, ostensibly supplanting the struggle of the lower–ranking crewmembers with that of their superior. Ultimately, however, I argue that Moby-Dick illustrates the immutability of class dynamics under capitalism, and that it does so mainly through its portrayal of Ahab who, despite being at the top of the Pequod’s social hierarchy, suffers within the larger system that exploits him just as it does his inferiors. Furthermore, the perpetuity of these dynamics is illustrated by the fact that Ahab, despite becoming aware of his condition under capitalism, is unable to transcend the confines of that condition. Though he wants revenge against the whale, the insular nature of his position that arises from capitalist social hierarchies, combined with his self-involved mental struggle, results in an attempt at resistance that is ineffective precisely because of its solitary nature. In Moby-Dick, we then find just one representation of a ubiquitous capitalist system designed to crush individual resistance.
  • Nekhay, Ekaterina (2021)
    The objective of the study was to shed light on the Chinese soft power in France, and, in particular, on such a political tool as panda diplomacy. In the following thesis I am answering the research questions of the role the soft power is playing in the Chinese foreign policy aimed at France, what is its image in the news outlets and among readers of those articles, and how and when panda diplomacy is carried out. As the following thesis deals with the role of Chinese soft power in France, the information about the emergence and meaning of the term “soft power” is provided to the reader for a better understanding of the content. Moreover, the theoretical background of the concept of panda diplomacy itself, the development of the concept of “soft power” in China, the France-China Relationship, and the position of Chinese soft power in the world are presented in the paper. For the research, the articles and readers’ comments retrieved from 3 different politically orientated news outlets (Le Monde, France 24, and Le Figaro) were used. A total of 15 newspaper articles and 286 readers’ comments were analyzed. This Master thesis presents the research findings primarily based on the content analysis of reader comments and newspaper articles. The first finding is that soft power and panda diplomacy, as a tool, plays an important role to signify the positive China-France relationship and economic achievements between the two countries. Secondly, panda diplomacy has a controversial image in the French news outlets. Some news outlets are positively evaluating the practice, while others doubt it. The readers are mostly putting in negative comments accusing authorities of the unnecessary expenses of money for pandas. Lastly, Panda diplomacy is carried out to celebrate the economic achievements of its partner country. In France, according to the articles, the rental contracts of pandas were signed following the successful deals and supported by the government, Zoo facilities, foundations, and sponsors.
  • Henriksen, Sofie Malm (2021)
    This thesis investigates the affective economies present in Danish-Greenlandic encounters when the Danish-Greenlandic relationship is discussed, in order to understand how certain feelings are constitutive of Danish colonial aphasia. Moreover, inspired by Indigenous research ethics and methodologies, the author employs a reflexive research approach to scrutinize her positionality and to start a discussion about epistemic injustice within Danish academia. In the study, colonial aphasia is theorized as an occlusion of knowledge and a conceptual dissociation with coloniality, which results in the inability of previous colonial powers to link present postcolonial issues with colonialism. The sources consist of namely a recorded conversation as well as autoethnography produced throughout the thesis process. By employing analytic autoethnography, the study shows how feelings of protectiveness, entitlement, shame and guilt are circulated by the author, a Dane, vis-à-vis Greenlandic people when discussing the Danish-Greenlandic relationship. The study concludes that feelings of protectiveness, entitlement and shame are present as coloniality, but that the Dane perceives coloniality as existing through the struggles of the Other, or as structural, but not as present within us as individuals. Consequently, these feelings are constitutive of colonial aphasia. Finally, the study suggests that the absence of researcher reflexivity in Danish research focusing on Danish-Greenlandic contexts is ultimately sustaining epistemic injustice. Concludingly, the study argues that employing reflexivity and introspection to investigate the particular is not only apt in understanding Danish colonial aphasia, but also in scrutinizing our own colonial complicity as Danish students and researchers investigating Greenlandic or Danish-Greenlandic contexts.
  • Storås, Marja (2021)
    Tutkielma käsittelee suomalaisen Moomin Language School -kielenoppimispalvelun oppisisältöjä sen tarjoamissa opetusmateriaaleissa sekä lapsille suunnatussa digitaalisessa oppimissovelluksessa. Varhaisessa kielenopetuksessa suositellaan käyttämään erityisesti toiminnallisia ja leikinomaisia oppimistapoja. Opetussuunnitelmassa toiminnallisten työtapojen lisäksi mainitaan erityisesti musiikki, draama, pelit ja liike. Digitaalinen opetus on nykyään osa niin koulujen kuin päiväkotienkin arkea ja myös kielenopetuksessa digitaalinen oppiminen on arkipäiväistynyt. Lasten omaksuessa digitaalisten laitteiden käytön jo varhaisessa iässä, on laadukkaiden, oppimista tukevien, digitaalisten oppimisympäristöjen käyttö opetustarkoituksessa perusteltua. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia aktiviteetteja Moomin Language School-oppimisympäristö tarjoaa ja miten ne vastaavat niitä varhaisen kielenoppimisen opetustapoja, joita opetussuunnitelmat painottavat. Lisäksi tutkitaan digitaalisen oppimissovelluksen ominaisuuksia aiempien tätä aihetta koskevien tutkimusten pohjalta. Aineisto muodostuu Moomin Language School-palvelun materiaaleista. Palvelu tarjoaa opetusmateriaalia 50 viikolle, sisältäen tuntisuunnitelmat 50 opetustuokiolle sekä digitaalisen sovelluksen lapsen käyttöön. Palvelu on suunnattu 3–10-vuotiaille lapsille ja sitä tarjotaan esimerkiksi päiväkotien ja peruskoulun alaluokkien englannin opetuskäyttöön. Analysoitavana oli opetustuokioiden opettajalle räätälöidyt tuntimateriaalit sekä digitaalinen sovellus. Tuntisuunnitelmien eri aktiviteetit analysoitiin niiden sisältämien elementtien perusteella. Tutkittuja elementtejä olivat puhuminen, liike, musiikki, riimit, draama ja aktiviteeteissa käytetyt välineet. Eri elementtien esiintyvyys ja määrä koottiin taulukkoon. Tutkimus soveltaa pääosin laadullista sisältöanalyysia, jonka avulla kuvataan yksityiskohtaisesti niin yksittäisiä tuntiaktiviteetteja kuin digitaalisen sovelluksen tehtävätyyppejä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että varhaisen kieltenopetuksen menetelmät olivat laajalti käytössä opetustuokioiden aktiviteeteissa. Leikinomaisuus ja toiminnallisuus olivat läsnä tutkittujen opetustuokioiden tuntisuunnitelmissa. Digitaalisen sovelluksen tehtävät sisälsivät elementtejä, joiden voi katsoa tukevan lapsen englannin kielen oppimista. Pohdittavaksi kuitenkin jää, ovatko aktiviteetit sekä digitaalisen sovelluksen tehtävät optimaalisia koko kohderyhmälle vai olisiko palvelun aiheellista tuottaa erilaista sisältöä eri ikäryhmille.
  • Risku, Jaakko Tuomas (2024)
    The linguistic landscape of an area is indicative of its contemporary culture and linguistic identity. The purpose of this study is to provide an illustration of the linguistic landscape of central Helsinki and to demonstrate the ways in which the linguistic landscape of a city can be researched by examining the advertisements from different points of contact in the city to enable a generalization of its linguistic routines. Additionally, the thesis aims to demonstrate the complex relationship between English and Finnish in the capital city of Finland, as well as provide insight into the role of English as a global marketing language. Previous research on multilingual marketing and the role of English in the Nordic countries, central Europe, and Southeast Asia has resulted in findings that display the vast influence of English in the linguistic space of non-native English-speaking countries. Research also shows that the linguistic practices of governmental institutions can be affected by language policies and as such can be different from the community-driven linguistic routines of advertisers, which is why this study focuses on only the commercial linguistic landscape. Furthermore, advertisements can be considered as the most accurate representation of an area’s linguistic identity, as competitors in the free market must use effective marketing strategies to connect with their demographic. The data of the study consisted of 366 phrases collected from 80 advertisers. The data was analyzed with a mixed methods approach, of which the quantitative part found English to cover 40% of all phrases in advertisements in Helsinki. The qualitative content analysis found English to be prioritized by advertisers more often than Finnish, which was the most significant finding of the study as it indicated that when advertisers do use English, they want it to be seen. Advertisers used English as the language of brand management and to cater to tourists, whereas the role of Finnish was to provide detailed information and in-depth descriptions. The study also found variation by area in Helsinki and recognized a correlation with the amount of English used in an area and the area’s geographical proximity to the center of the city, where most tourist attractions and entertainment districts are located. Future studies could replicate the methodology of this study in a different non-native English-speaking city to continue the research on the role of English as a global marketing language.
  • Kim, Sergey (2021)
    The thesis focuses on the process of large-scale privatization in Russia and Kazakhstan in the 1990s, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The main research problem was finding the structural similarities that two countries shared before and during the implementation of the economic reforms and, also, the differences that defined the divergence of the political and economic trajectories already in the second half of the 1990s. The main method used in the thesis is a comparative analysis based on David Kang´s analytical framework described in his book ‘Crony Capitalism: Corruption and Development in South Korea and the Philippines’ (Cambridge University Press, 2002). The focus of the analysis is the balance of power between the government and the private sector as one of the main determinants of economic development. The conclusion of our work is that the large-scale privatization that was supposed to be democratic and distributive ended up enriching a small group of beneficiaries in both Russia in Kazakhstan but because of completely different reasons. Kazakhstani regime very early transformed into the predatory state where the political elite, consolidated around a strong figure of the president, could successfully take advantage of the private sector. Whereas, in Russia, stronger political polarization led to the rise of the powerful economic groups and actors (the ‘oligarchs’) that had a say in the key political decisions during the 1990s. Thus, portraying just one group of actors (whether the oligarchs or the corrupt government) as responsible for the ‘failure’ of large-scale privatization is too simplistic. The dynamics between the government and the private businesses as the system constraint was much more important.
  • Pakarinen, Emmi (2020)
    Tutkielmassani analysoin kirja-arvosteluita ja niissä esiintyvää arviointia. Tarkoituksena on näyttää, mistä osista internetissä julkaistavat kirja-arvostelut koostuvat eli minkälaiset piirteet ovat tyypillisiä kirja-arvosteluista koostuvalle genrelle sekä ammattikriitikoiden että harrastelijoiden keskuudessa. Tämän lisäksi vertailen ammattikriitikoiden ja harrastelijakriitikoiden kielen käyttöä. Tutkimuksen teoria perustuu genreanalyysiin, erityisesti Paltridgen (1995) esittämään analyysimalliin, ja kielessä esiintyvän evaluaation analyysi keskittyy kirja-arvosteluissa käytettävään vertailuun, subjektiivisuuteen sekä kirjoja arvottaviin ilmaisuihin (Thompson & Hunston: 2000). Tutkimuksen materiaali koostuu ammattikriitikoiden ja harrastelijakriitikoiden kirja-arvosteluista. Ammattikriitikoiden kirja-arvostelut kerättiin kahden sanomalehden The New York Timesin ja The Guardianin verkkosivuilta, kun taas Goodreads ja LibraryThing toimivat harrastelija kirja-arvosteluiden lähteinä. Yhteensä materiaali sisältää kaksitoista ammattikriitikoiden ja 48 harrastelijoiden kirja-arvostelua. Harrastelijoiden arvosteluja on käytettävässä materiaalissa enemmän, koska niiden välillä on enemmän eroja ja ne ovat lyhyempiä verrattuna ammattikriitikoiden kirja-arvosteluihin. Analyysin perusteella kirja-arvostelut muodostuvat kahdesta tärkeästä osasta. Ne sisältävät kirjaa kuvailevan osan, johon sisältyy esimerkiksi juonen ja kirjailijan esittely, ja kirjaa arvioivan osan, johon kuuluu esimerkiksi kirjoitustyylin tai hahmojen arvostelua. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat myös, että ammattikriitikoiden ja harrastelija-arvostelujen väliltä löytyy niitä erottavia piirteitä. Osa harrastelijoiden kirja-arvosteluista ei sisällä kirjaa kuvailevia osia, vaan ne koostuvat ainoastaan kirjaa arvioivista osista. Ammattikriitikoiden kirja-arvosteluissa taas on enemmän kirjailijoita koskevaa informaatiota ja muutenkin enemmän kirjojen sisältöihin liittyvää tietoa. Ammattikriitikoiden arvosteluista löytyy myös enemmän vertailevaa kieltä harrastelijoihin verrattuna. Kirjojen positiivisia ja negatiivisia piirteitä tuodaan esiin esimerkiksi vertaamalla niitä toisiin teoksiin. Ammattiarvostelijoihin verrattuna, harrastelijat puolestaan ovat subjektiivisempia kirjoja arvioidessaan. He käyttivät esimerkiksi enemmän minä-pronominia kertoessaan, mitä he tunsivat kirjaa lukiessaan ja mitä he pitivät kirjasta.
  • Lai, Kenneth (2021)
    This thesis compares the extent to which instruction and assessment in the Finnish National Curriculum (FNC) and International Baccalaureate (IB) at one Finnish high school align with the pedagogical approach to language instruction recommended in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR; Council of Europe 2001, 2018). Comparison of the two curricula will be used to inform curriculum development at the school, where the aim is to combine pre–Diploma Program (DP)—i.e., instruction of first-year students who have been provisionally accepted to the DP program—and FNC instruction in the first year of high school. Action-oriented language is envisioned in CEFR as a pedagogical approach that (1) treats language as a tool rather than an object for mastery and (2) recommends the instruction, assessment, and learning of the broad range of social contexts in which communication occurs. The first point draws largely on Focus on Form (FonF) approaches, developed in SLA research, while the second point draws largely on task-based language teaching (TBLT), developed in pedagogical research. While CEFR is regularly used today for benchmarking student language mastery, its uneven application in curriculum, course instruction, and course and exam assessment in the IB and FNC leave much to be desired, calling into question whether CEFR benchmarking can really be used for EFL students graduating from the IB and FNC. This thesis uses a school in Espoo, Finland as a case study to compare the IB and FNC instruction of first-year students, the assessment practices of EFL teachers based on the marking of a common essay and a subsequent interview, and quantitative analysis of IB and FNC exam results and essay scores for first-year pre-DP and FNC students in academic year 2019–2020. The mixed methods research (MMR) approach of the thesis is designed to account for the broad set of data (i.e., curriculum, European language policy, academic literature, local needs) that are taken into consideration when developing curriculum at the school level. The results of this thesis indicate that FNC assessment is more closely aligned with CEFR but that both FNC and IB in Finland, especially pre-DP education, are still lagging behind in implementing the framework developed already two decades ago. At least some of this lag, as indicated in the qualitative data, seem to originate from the continuation of outdated practices of language assessment (esp. in its focus on language mastery rather than action-oriented language use) regardless of changes in CEFR and the Finnish curriculum. In the case of assessment in FNC, the mixed use of continuum criterion-referenced assessment of written production in an exam designed for mastery norm-referenced assessment is an already imperfect combination that is further undermined by lack of transparency around how to apply criterion-referenced assessment to written production as well as how essays marked by teachers have been moderated by sensors. While the IB is much better at enabling communication between moderators and teachers, EFL instruction in the IB offers a very limited set of communicative language activities, partly due to the broad language profile of students in the international program. For the purposes of students in Finland, however, especially at the school studied, EFL instruction in IB omits an alarmingly wide range of communicative activities in course and exam assessment, an absence that should threaten to invalidate CEFR benchmarking of students graduating from EFL courses, given that most communicative language activities are never taught or assessed. Many of the issues that arise in this thesis are indicative of systematic issues in the curriculum and examination process, which have a negative washback effect on instruction and assessment at the school level. Nevertheless, some suggestions are made at the end of the thesis for how teachers can mitigate problems with validity in the FNC and IB curricula, though changes in FNC assessment is difficult without transparency from the Finnish Matriculation Board. The results of the thesis also indicate that areas of action-oriented language missing in one curriculum are often well explored in the other, such that serious consideration should be given to closer alignment of pre-DP and first-year FNC English instruction at Finnish schools that offer both programs, an effort towards which this master’s thesis is intended to contribute. The comparative weaknesses of EFL instruction and assessment in FNC discussed in this thesis can also be used to inform curricular development of the FNC.
  • Kim, Yealim (2020)
    English has become a global language, and students around the world know English is an essential foreign language to expand their knowledge. For the same reason, English has been the most common foreign language that students learn in South Korea and Finland. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to examine the curricula in South Korea and Finland to see the similarities and differences of the two countries’ English education. Although both countries focus on teaching English by using the communicative approach, their outputs in English education differ from each other. The study analyzes the curricula and textbooks by using Curriculum-Analysis Procedure. Then, the study analyzes the textbooks based on Littlejohn’s task analysis sheet. According to the analysis, the Finnish curriculum provides more specific learning goals than the Korean curriculum even though the Finnish curriculum does not specify teaching methods to teachers. The Korean curriculum provides specific word limitations for each level, and it provides specific teaching methods. However, the Korean curriculum’s learning goals are rather vague. The analysis on the textbooks suggests an interesting result. Although the Korean textbooks provide a higher number of oral tasks than the Finnish textbooks, the results demonstrate that the Korean textbooks are focused on repetition. Also, the Korean textbooks are quite regulated since the tasks ask students to focus on certain task types. On the contrary, the Finnish textbooks include a smaller number of oral tasks than the Korean textbooks, but the oral tasks encourage students to produce their own sentences rather than focusing on form. The Finnish textbooks try to provide as diverse task types as possible.
  • Katsev, Libbie (2021)
    Music in the Metro, a city-run project wherein musicians audition for the right to play in Moscow’s metro system, opened in 2016 following a police crackdown on street musicians in the 2010s and consequent activism by street musicians. This M.A. thesis is based on semi-structured interviews conducted with street musicians in 2017 and 2018. It uses qualitative analysis of interviews to understand the impacts of the Music in the Metro project for the meaning of street music in Moscow—both for street musicians themselves, and in the wider context of cultural production in Russia. The focus of the study is threefold: First, I draw on Russian cultural studies to discuss the history of street music in Moscow and how Music in the Metro has commodified the practice. Second, I use theory based in popular music studies to outline the discursive practice of street music in Moscow and argue that Music in the Metro is incompatible with the standards by which street musicians value their own music. Finally, I apply a spatial perspective to street music to examine the specific implications of the space of the metro. I conclude that despite the city’s attempts to commodify both street music, the performance of street music in Moscow’s metro, even under the aegis of Music in the Metro, can have subversive and transformative meanings.
  • Lauhakangas, Vilma (2020)
    Käsittelen tutkielmassani Edith Whartonin teosta The Custom of the Country vuodelta 1913. Wayne C. Boothin (1961) teoriaa mukaillen pohdin oletetun kirjailijan eli ’implied authorin’ henkilöllisyyttä ja mahdollisen omaelämänkerrallisuuden vaikutusta tekstin tulkintaan. Lähden näkemyksestä, että oletettu kirjailija on Wharton, ja arvioin tätä näkökulmaa analyysin eri vaiheissa. Varsinainen tutkimuskysymykseni koskee sitä, millainen viesti teoksesta välittyy 1900-luvun alun muuttuvasta maailmasta. Esitän Whartonin käyttäneen retorisia keinoja ja erilaisia kerronnan muotoja tuodakseen teoksessaan esiin kiihtyvän kulutusmyönteisyyden, jopa ahneuden, kasvun. Tutkin sitä, miten kasvavan keskiluokan uusrikkaat ja heidän kantamansa arvot kirjan mukaan horjuttavat sekä newyorkilaisen että ranskalaisen yläluokan asemaa länsimaisessa yhteiskunnassa. Henkilöhahmot tarjoavat karikatyyrimäisiä esimerkkejä jokaisesta mainitusta ryhmästä. Kulutusmyönteisyys, joka hallitsee päähenkilö Undine Spraggin elämää, toimii tutkielman pääasiallisena temaattisena aspektina. Keskeisiksi käsitteiksi nousevat imitaatio ja yksityisyys. Lähestyn aihepiiriä erityisesti Jean Baudrillardin (1998) teorioiden kautta. Analyysissäni käsittelen romaanissa esiintyviä rakennuksia ja asuinpaikkoja. Ryhmiä, joihin kuuluvat newyorkilainen yläluokka, ranskalainen aristokraattisuku ja amerikkalaiset uusrikkaat, lähestyn tarkastelemalla heitä yhdistäviä ja erottavia kulttuurisia tekijöitä sekä taustatarinoita. Teoksessa kuvaillut hotellit ja asuintalot kertovat muutoksista yhteiskunnassa, ihmisten mieltymyksissä ja kulutuskäyttäytymisessä. Käsittelen kerronnan fokalisaatiota, eli tutkin, mistä eri perspektiiveistä katsellen tarinaa kerrotaan. Lähteinäni käytän Gérard Genetten (1980) sekä Mieke Balin (2009) teorioita. Toinen kirjallisuusteoriaan viittaava näkemykseni liittyy teoksen satiirillisuuteen. Lähestymistapa tarjoaa mahdollisuuden tutkia, kohdistaako Wharton satiiriaan erityisesti uusrikkaiden ryhmään. Tähän soveltuu Dustin H. Griffinin (1994) erittely satiirin erilaisista kohteista ja käyttötarkoituksista. Näyttää siltä, että Wharton ei kohdista satiiriaan niinkään yhtä ryhmää kohden, vaan kaikki kolme yhteiskunnallista ryhmää ovat kriittisen kommentoinnin kohteena. Kuvauksellinen ja retorinen kieli, jota hotellien ja asuinpaikkojen kuvauksissa käytetään, paljastaa ryhmien välisiä näkemyseroja. Tekstianalyysi osoittaa, miten Wharton käsittelee kulutusmyönteisyyttä ja liiallisen kulutuksen aiheuttamaa ahneutta. Tekstistä käy ilmi, kuinka jatkuva muiden omistamien asioiden ihannointi ja kyltymätön uutuuksien hankinta saa ihmisen kadottamaan kykynsä arvostaa laatua. Tällainen toiminta johtaa turhaan kuluttamiseen ja arvojen rapautumiseen. Modernisaation tuoma muutos, eli elämän kaupungistuminen, liittyy keskeisesti henkilökohtaisen tilan mallien muuttumiseen. Ihmisiä asuu tiheästi kaupunkialueella, mikä vaikuttaa tilakäsitykseen. Whartonin teksti heijastelee ristiriitaisia tunteet muuttuvaa aikaa kohtaan. Näin ollen teos on tulkittavissa myös eräänlaiseksi Whartonin itsetutkiskeluksi. Vaikka kirjan satiiri kohdistuu yksittäisiin henkilöihin, välittyy viesti, että kyseessä on laajempi ilmiö, johon yksittäiset ihmiset eivät enää voi vaikuttaa. Tämä tuo kerrontaan myös surumielisen aspektin sen näennäisen humoristisuuden ja esteettisyyttä korostavien seikkojen lisäksi.
  • Boone, Carter (2022)
    Faculty: Master’s Degree Program in Russian Studies (MARS) Carter Boone, MA Student Master’s Thesis May 2022 Number of pages: 57 Keywords: Canada, Russia, Arctic Exceptionalism, Great Power Competition Supervisor: Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen Helsinki University Library Abstract: Canada and Russia have a long history of cooperation in the Arctic region. The two see themselves as Arctic great powers responsible for agenda setting and institution building in the region. This long history of cooperation has fueled the perception of the Arctic as an exceptional zone of peace where often competing powers shield the region from extra-regional conflict in favour of cooperation in science, technology, climate change, and business-to-business linkages. The notion of the Arctic as a zone of peace and cooperation has been termed “Arctic Exceptionalism”. This concept is based on several central tenets including the longstanding lack of interest in the region, the sufficient existing institutional framework for mitigating conflict, the enduring preference of the Arctic 8 states for cooperation in the region, and the overarching desire to foster a fruitful investment climate in the Arctic. Historical analysis of the Canada-Russia Arctic relationship does support the argument of Arctic Exceptionalism, but the resilience of Arctic Exceptionalism moving forward is less certain. The rise of Great Power Competition between the United States, China, and Russia has the potential to upset the existing balance in the region as increasingly competitive rhetoric from both sides complicates efforts at cooperation. Climate change and its influence have increased access to the Arctic region, drawing the attention of Arctic states and non-Arctic stakeholders such as China to try and capitalise on the vast natural resources previously trapped beneath sea ice. Disputes arising over resources in the Arctic region, competition between great powers, and the impact of extra-regional conflicts will test the ability of the existing international framework to govern the Arctic. It remains to be seen if increased GPC and the impact of climate change will inhibit or complicate cooperation between Canada and Russia in the Arctic, but it is clear that many of the preconditions for Arctic Exceptionalism are no longer fulfilled.
  • Ongley, Leena (2021)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract The focus of this study is on an English variant known locally as Alaska Village English, which theoretically falls within the categories of pidgin and creole languages. These contact languages lexicalized by English are still spoken in many different places in the United States. The goal of this study is to identify instances of syntactic variation between Village English and Standard American English that is variant enough to potentially interfere with learning to read. Because leveling of grammatical markers is a rule rather than an exception in all contact languages, the theoretical review section explains the difference between pidgin and creole languages and contrasts uniformitarian theory of creolization with the concept of creole exceptionalism. The latter theory maintains that the language with the simplest grammar gradually replaces the local heritage language, while the former is based on the hypothesis that languages change either because internal or external forces act upon them. The morphosyntax of African American Vernacular English, Hawai’ian Pidgin/Creole, and Village English are contrasted with a non-regional contact language of global use of English as a lingua franca. The final contact language is discussed under language acquisition where the morphosyntactic structure of English of a child entering kindergarten at the age of five years is laid out in a comparative manner. The pivot schemas used by adults speaking Village English do not include Where is X?, Let’s X, and What is Y Xing? because these are replaced by Iñupiaq expressions of Nauŋ X?, Kiita! and Suvat? which helps understand why the lack of copula and auxiliaries is characteristic to Village English. The syntactical analysis is based on a corpus of 4 000 words spoken by four adults speaking Village English. It revealed the highest degree of variation in the marking of past/present tense and four other verb tense-aspect features. The use of pronouns, prepositions, and determiners is also impacted as they are not used in a manner consistent with Standard American English constructions. Since the educational system and current reading instructional methods are based on the mastery of Standard American English, it is not surprising speakers of Village English experience learning difficulties when faced with decoding morphosyntactic features they have not yet mastered. Therefore, this study supports the need to implement Standard American English language instruction in support of a traditional reading curriculum.
  • Kuusinen, Markus Valtteri (2024)
    Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is an interdisciplinary approach that is used to analyze the relations between discourse and social practice. CDA has a normative aim by addressing social wrongs (such as misuse of power) via the use of language. This study uses Gee’s (1996) method of discourse analysis, which focuses on prosody, cohesion, discourse organization, contextualization signals, and thematic organization, on seven COVID-19-related tweets by Donald Trump, the president of the United States (2017–2021). This qualitative approach analyzes how Trump’s COVID-19-related tweets feature misuse of power and whether these tweets are populist by nature. The study also has a quantitative approach which features a corpus of 640 COVID-19-related tweets from Trump from January 2020 to January 2021. This demonstrates how often Trump used neutral terms versus Sinophobic (xenophobic towards China) terms to refer to the coronavirus, the disease, and the pandemic. The quantitative results also feature a list of the most frequently used words in the tweets which were generated by the corpus software AntConc. The qualitative findings showed that Trump’s COVID-related tweets featured ambiguous and unjustified claims, logical fallacies and were often self-centered. The tweets that featured Sinophobic terms were, contrary to expectations, more hostile towards Trump’s political opponents and the media than China. The quantitative results showed that Trump used neutral terms such as ‘COVID’ or ‘Coronavirus’ more often than Sinophobic ones, although after excluding retweets, the difference was less significant. The most frequently featured words in Trump’s tweets support the qualitative finding that many of his tweets were especially hostile towards his political opponents and the media. Applying CDA to tweets, which have merely a 280-character limit, is somewhat of an unorthodox approach. However, this qualitative approach enabled a much more nuanced analysis of the tweets than a purely quantitative result would have done. In this study, especially the findings on Trump’s argumentation tactics and the cohesion in the tweets are applicable in future studies. As one of CDA’s advantages is its interdisciplinarity, similar approaches that draw from different sciences may be taken to analyze similar political discourses in the future.
  • Leminen, Lasse (2024)
    This study aims to reveal what kinds of evaluations were given to the novel coronavirus, the pandemic it caused, and COVID-19 by news journalists and their sources in New Zealand written news during the first year of the pandemic. It also pursues an overview of how the framing of the disease changed during the year. The theoretical basis of the study draws from the Critical Discourse Analysis tradition. The analysis of the evaluations is conducted using a linguistic framework of parameters categorizing the evaluative language used in the articles under scrutiny. The analysis is conducted through close reading of the articles to find the relevant evaluative language. The analytical framework consists of ten parameters of evaluation, the presence of which is systematically scanned to classify different expressions. After the articles are scrutinized for evaluations of COVID-19 and related matters, the results from different months are compared with the changing circumstances considered. The main finding in terms of the general nature of the evaluations is that the threat was labeled very serious and strong action needed to be taken to prevent its escalation. The adverse effects of this action, however serious, should be given secondary priority in order to stick to the elimination approach chosen as the country’s COVID strategy. The evaluations changed during the pandemic to include more expressions of the negative aspects of the lockdowns and, later, satisfaction with the success of the chosen approach and the relatively normal life it made possible in March 2021.