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Browsing by study line "Digitaaliset ihmistieteet"

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  • Salmi, Senja (2024)
    This study gives a glimpse on some elements that were used in Neo-Assyrian names. The data set used in this study is ‘A Social Network of the Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire’ that has been edited by Dr Heidi Jauhiainen and Dr Tero Alstola. The data set is based on the ‘The Prosopography of Neo-Assyria (PNA)’ project directed by Dr Simo Parpola at the University of Helsinki. The data set originally included names in more than ten different languages, but this study focuses solely on names that are in Akkadian, so names of other origins were left out. Also, only names that were identified as male were studied. As this study is a master’s thesis for digital humanities, digital methods were used. Neo-Assyrian names offer an interesting insight to the society of Neo-Assyria and how the Akkadian language was used. The names were short phrases or sentences, so they can tell a lot of the surrounding society. Especially theophoric elements and how they were connected to other elements is something that this study focuses on. Theophoric elements are usually names of deities which were often used in Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian names. The most common theophoric elements in this data set were Nabû, Aššur, and Bēl. In addition of theophoric elements, other elements were studied too. The most frequent other element was naṣāru ‘to protect’ which was almost only found together with theophoric elements. Other popular elements were nadānu ‘to give’ and šarru ‘king’. The naming patterns of Neo-Babylonia have been studied more than Neo-Assyrian practices. For example, it was quite common for Neo-Babylonians to give their first-born son a name that incorporated the elements aplu ‘heir’ and the theophoric element Marduk. In the names of second-born sons the theophoric element Nabû was often combined with some form of the verb nadānu ‘to give’. Based on this study it seems that a similar practice of naming a second-born son might have been used in Neo-Assyria as well. However, the element aplu was very infrequent in the studied data set.
  • Matulis, Haralds (2024)
    Master’s thesis, guided by an overarching research question of usability of computational methods in the study of digitized collection of self-writing, is examining Latvian Diary Corpus (LDC), which was compiled in 2021 and contains 36 handwritten, digitized diaries spanning from 1917 to 2012, with a corpus size totalling 2,771,300 tokens. The theoretical and methodological framework of the master’s thesis is situated in digital humanities, drawing on corpus linguistics approach in corpora compilation, and informed by digital curation and archival practices of cultural heritage domain. Diary, as a genre, is a part of the self-writing field, and various humanities disciplines, such as folkloristics, literary studies, and cultural anthropology, examine diary from different viewpoints. The main body of master’s thesis is structured into an Introduction, four chapters, and Conclusions. Chapters build onto each other to discuss from different perspectives: (1) the representativeness and heterogeneity of digital collections in the humanities; (2) conceptualizations of the diary in self-writing research field and how these theoretical concepts translate into practical decisions regarding diary domain operationalization, crowdsourcing diaries from population, and methodological border cases encountered by curators in composing LDC; (3) statistical exploration of LDC and probing the correlation between diary length and four variables: time intervals between diary entries, and three linguistic features – personal pronouns, past and present tense, activity and non-activity verbs. The results of computational analysis reveal significant variance in diaries, suggesting not only diverse writing styles of individual diarists but also structural heterogeneity within LDC. There is a reason to believe that texts in LDC, merged under the umbrella term of “diary”, contain several specific sub-genres of self-writing, each with its own distinct signature. Starting the research by inquiring the concept of representativeness, the findings of this master’s thesis suggest that it also could be fruitful to study heterogeneous digital collections, their diversity being not a drawback, but a source of richness, which can be further leveraged by using computational methods to uncover and analyze these heterogeneities, which are then assessed by critical reading methods. To apply computational methods on heterogeneous humanities collections with a sufficient degree of generalizability of results, the master’s thesis proposes careful domain operationalization, source criticism, and cultural analysis steps, and then, guided be the particular research question, subsetting a homogeneous sub-corpus from a larger collection of heterogenous items for computational analysis.
  • Peura, Telma (2023)
    Maisterintutkielmassani tutkin kvantitatiivisin metodein, miten suomenkielisten romaanijulkaisujen monimuotoisuus on kehittynyt viimeisen 50 vuoden aikana. Tutkimukseni perustuu Kirjasampo-tietokannan metadataan suomalaisten julkisten kirjastojen kokoelmasta, ja keskityn analysoi- maan tekstin ulkoisia piirteitä. Moninaisuuden indikaattoreina käytän kirjoituskieliä, kirjailijoiden kansalaisuutta ja sukupuolta sekä romaanien genreluokituksia. Lisäksi tarkastelen julkaisijoita ja pohdin, kuinka he toimijaryhmänä vaikuttavat kirjallisuuden monimuotoisuuteen. Kvantitatiivisten analyysien rinnalla kuljetan digitaalisille ihmistieteille tyypillisesti runsaasti kvalitatiivisia havaintoja taustoittamaan tuloksia. Lähestyn kirjallisuutta kansainvälisenä dynaamisena kokonaisuutena, jossa eri kirjalliset kulttuurit ovat vuorovaikutuksessa toisiensa kanssa, muodostaen kirjalliseen tilaan paikallisia keskuksia ja periferioita. Ylirajaisuuden käsitteen avulla kuvaan, kuinka globalisoituvaa kirjallista kenttää on mahdotonta rajata kokonaan erillisiin kirjallisuuksiin, vaan se kehittyy yli kansallisuus-, kieli- ja genrerajojen. Tulokset osoittavat, että romaanikirjallisuus on 1990-luvun jälkeen alkanut kehittyä monimuotoisemmaksi määrittelemieni indikaattoreiden perusteella. Silti kenttää hallitsevat kotimaisen kirjallisuuden osalta suomenkielinen ja käännöskirjallisuuden osalta angloamerikkalainen sekä pohjoismainen kirjallisuus. Kustantajien tarkastelu viittaa siihen, että kentällä on paljon erikokoisia toimijoita. Erityisesti vuosituhannen vaihteen jälkeen pienten toimijoiden sekä omakustannejulkaisujen osuus on kasvanut ja haastanut kustantajien perinteisen roolin kirjallisuuden portinvartijana. Tutkimus osoittaa, kuinka kirjastojen metadataa voidaan käyttää hyväksi digitaalisessa kirjallisuudentutkimuksessa. Runsaudessaan Kirjasampo osoittautui monipuoliseksi tietolähteeksi, jonka perusteella voi tehdä päätelmiä suomalaisen kirjallisuuden laajoista kehityskaarista.