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  • Nekhay, Ekaterina (2021)
    The objective of the study was to shed light on the Chinese soft power in France, and, in particular, on such a political tool as panda diplomacy. In the following thesis I am answering the research questions of the role the soft power is playing in the Chinese foreign policy aimed at France, what is its image in the news outlets and among readers of those articles, and how and when panda diplomacy is carried out. As the following thesis deals with the role of Chinese soft power in France, the information about the emergence and meaning of the term “soft power” is provided to the reader for a better understanding of the content. Moreover, the theoretical background of the concept of panda diplomacy itself, the development of the concept of “soft power” in China, the France-China Relationship, and the position of Chinese soft power in the world are presented in the paper. For the research, the articles and readers’ comments retrieved from 3 different politically orientated news outlets (Le Monde, France 24, and Le Figaro) were used. A total of 15 newspaper articles and 286 readers’ comments were analyzed. This Master thesis presents the research findings primarily based on the content analysis of reader comments and newspaper articles. The first finding is that soft power and panda diplomacy, as a tool, plays an important role to signify the positive China-France relationship and economic achievements between the two countries. Secondly, panda diplomacy has a controversial image in the French news outlets. Some news outlets are positively evaluating the practice, while others doubt it. The readers are mostly putting in negative comments accusing authorities of the unnecessary expenses of money for pandas. Lastly, Panda diplomacy is carried out to celebrate the economic achievements of its partner country. In France, according to the articles, the rental contracts of pandas were signed following the successful deals and supported by the government, Zoo facilities, foundations, and sponsors.
  • Fiskaali, Tiina (2024)
    Biodiversity is under threat globally, and this is also the case in China in general and in the so-called Great Bay Area in southern China. However, China has woken up to the need to protect nature, at least at the strategic and program level. In addition to nationwide plans, ecological conservation and green development of the Greater Bay Area is now a major national strategy. Ecological conservation is one of the basic principles of the Great Bay Area Development Plan published in 2019. This study seeks to systematically reveal and interpret which aspects of biodiversity issues and biodiversity protection measures are highlighted in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Plan. The research questions in this study are: How are the biodiversity issues addressed in the Plan and what kind of measures related to biodiversity protection does the Plan emphasize? The primary data source for the study is the Great Bay Area Development Plan. This study uses qualitative content analysis as an approach to examine it. The Convention on Biological Diversity serves as the conceptual framework from which are derived the initial categories according to which the data is categorized. The initial categories are combined into a few broader categories to form a more concise analysis. The analysis shows that the categories of “preserving the state of nature” and “minimizing adverse impacts” are strongly represented in the Plan, especially in terms of protecting various ecological environments, saving resources and promoting green and low-carbon development as well as controlling emissions. The categories of “obtaining and disseminating information” and “enablers” are less prominent in the Plan, yet it recognizes their role in cherishing the environment. The Plan aligns with the major development ideas highlighted by the Chinese government, such as ecological civilization, beautiful China and green and low carbon development. It also reflects the knowledge on the state of biodiversity in the Greater Bay Area.
  • Dahlberg, Kasper (2019)
    The Master’s thesis is about Finland China trade and what factors have been driving it. The research question of the thesis is to see what the leading factors have been to drive the trade and its growth between China and Finland. This is done both as a literature study of the subject as well as an econometric study based on the economic gravitational model for trade. The investigation is done on factor like macroeconomic factors of like GDP of the countries, as well as politics, history, trade agreements, bilateral relations and structure in the trade between the two countries. The main findings in the thesis is that GDP growth of Finland and China effects strongly positively the trade floe between the countries. Additionally, concerning the access of China into the WTO it had statistically a positive effect on the Chinese exports to Finland, while Finnish exports to China did not have the same positive effect, thanks to Chinese access into WTO. Concerning the progresses of trade between the countries it can be seen from first being part just of bilateral trade relations between the two countries of different goods, to more develop into investment of booth countries in each other’s. Regarding the trade of goods, that of exports form Finnish has been more shift from before being exports of higher technology goods of electronic machines and other manufactured goods and machines to more a mix of raw material exports as well as high technology goods. In case of Chinese exports, they have been evolving from low level of goods like textiles and simple manufactured good in 1990s to current day of exports of higher level of especially electrical machinery and machinery and mechanical appliances being of importance, while textiles and simple manufactured goods lost shares in exports. Finland and China have had kind of good political relations with each other’s, by Finland begging its political relations with recognizing China in 1950 and having opening embassy in Beijing in the year of 1952. Furthermore, Finland has had more a policy of most non-interference by its higher political officials and companies into Chinas internal more sensitive affairs, and more promoting good trade and political relations between the two countries.
  • Liehunen, Lumi (2020)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan ympäristödiskursseja maatalouspoliittisessa massakampanjassa, joka toteutettiin Mao Zedongin aikaisessa Kiinassa 1960- ja 1970-luvuilla. Kyseisen kampanjan tarkoituksena oli saada koko Kiina ottamaan mallia Dazhai-nimisestä kylästä, jonka Kiinan kommunistinen puolue katsoi edustavan esimerkillistä maanviljelyskulttuuria kaikilla mittareilla mitattuna. Ympäristödiskurssien lisäksi tässä tutkielmassa haetaan vastausta siihen, miten ihmisen ja luonnon välinen suhde esitettiin Dazhai-kampanjan yhteydessä. Näin tarkoituksena on tuottaa lisäymmärrystä Kiinan ympäristötuhoihin Maon hallinnon aikana. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkastelun kohteena olevat asiat sijoittuvat Kiinan kulttuurivallankumouksen aikakauteen. Tutkielman teoreettinen ja metodinen puoli nojautuu kriittiseen diskurssianalyysiin. Analyysin teossa on lisäksi käytetty apukeinona Norman Fairclough’n kolmijakoista analyysimallia. Aineisto koostuu yhteensä 21:sta lehtiartikkelista, jotka on julkaistu vuosien 1965 ja 1976 välillä lehdessä nimeltä China Pictorial. Tutkimusaineisto on kokonaisuudessaan kiinankielinen. Aineiston perusteella on havaittavissa neljä erilaista ympäristöön liittyvää diskurssia, joiden kautta Dazhai-kampanjasta kirjoitetaan. Diskurssit on nimetty ”luonto vallankumouksen jatkumona”–, ”luonnon muuttaminen kamppailun kautta”–, ”luonto välinearvona”– ja ”luonto sotilaallisena kohteena”–diskursseiksi. Näistä diskursseista ensimmäisessä näkyy ajatus siitä, että muiden yhteiskunnan osa-alueiden lisäksi myös luonto tulee mullistaa ja saattaa Kiinan kommunistisen puolueen hallintaan. Toisessa diskurssissa luonto nähdään asiana, jota on mahdollista muuttaa äärimmäisyyteen asti tahdonvoiman ja fyysisen kamppailun tuloksena. Kolmas diskurssi näkee luonnon sen tuoman hyödyn näkökulmasta, sekä heikentää perinteisiä kiinalaisia luontokäsityksiä. Neljännessä diskurssissa luonto on kohde, joka on voitettava, jota kohden pitää hyökätä ja jota vastaan pitää aloittaa sota. Näiden neljän diskurssin kautta havaittava ihmisen ja luonnon välinen suhde on vahvasti antroposentrinen sekä tiukasti poliittiseen ideologiaan kietoutuva.
  • Romeo, Simone (2018)
    The thesis is intended to be like a snapshot on a particular aspect of China, India and Iran that has not yet received much scholarly attention: the perceptions of their Generation Y, or “Millennials”, populations. It aims to describe what Generation Y is like in China, India, and Iran, what they think and how they describe their own countries, why they developed in this way, and how that is connected to their home country’s historical, religious, and political context. The work aims to avoid the common research mistake of being Western-centric, and instead, points out Millennials’ reciprocal similarities and differences in each country. You will find three sections. The first section is a general introduction about Millennials in the three countries, a review of the existing literature on the topic. The second section is about how the government has been using religion in order to strengthen nationalism a unite these countries. I will be analysing the development of Asian values in China, Hindu nationalism in India and political Islam in Iran, and I will review these countries’ history to explain how the three movements developed like they did. Finally, I will show the output of my interviews in the last section. I have been interviewing around sixty young people divided by country and social attributes and I let them speak about their home countries. The section will point out the main themes that came up during the interviews and we will see how they are connected to the concepts we discussed before.
  • Taskinen, Mika-Matti (2020)
    Over the course of the last decades, China’s rise has been among the most essential phenomena in world politics. Along with it, the consensus among scholars is that in the era of president Xi Jinping, China has abandoned the “hide and bide” principle and become an active norm leader in the global arena. This study examines China’s influence and activity in the United Nations General Assembly, the organ which has the broadest agenda within the UN system and in which every state has equal representation. This work fills the gap in recent research on the General Assembly by studying resolutions adopted between 2013 and 2018 that China participated drafting. Hence, the study expands the scope of China's known activity in international affairs. This study utilizes both quantitative and qualitative content analysis. By using mixed methods, it was possible to extract numeric data from the sample (n=351) but also to take a closer look at the language of the resolutions. Furthermore, the data also revealed the countries that supported and opposed China-sponsored resolutions, determining the group of countries that enabled China’s rise in the General Assembly. The analysis showed that China’s global responsibility campaign stretched to the General Assembly in which it actively participated in decision making. While the majority of the resolutions that China sponsored were in line with the overall sentiment, clashes occurred especially in the subjects concerning individual freedoms and human rights. In these spheres, the individual-centered order led by the United States competes with China’s state-centered order. China appears to have gained the upper hand by having the support of circa 120 states, mostly in the developing world. The study concludes that China is the most active global power in the General Assembly, and with the help of the majority of the UN member states, has managed to promote its worldview in the resolutions.
  • Pelto-Timperi, Henriikka (2023)
    During its history HIV has changed from a death sentence to a medical condition manageable with treatment. As knowledge about the virus has spread it has brought about a change in attitudes. Knowledge promotes understanding and does away with fear. However, in China awareness about HIV/AIDS remains to be lacking among ordinary people. Non-governmental organisations have an important role as norm adapters. What is the role of NGOs in China in relation to HIV/AIDS advocacy? Arguments for further inclusion of civil society organisation in HIV/AIDS policy making is supported by UNAIDS. A human rights framework has entered the global discourse around the topics of AIDS prevention and reducing the stigma related to the disease. The aim of this thesis is to explore the manifestations of stigma and the reasons behind it. This is done through looking at the history of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in China and how it has shaped the image Chinese people have about individuals living with the disease. These constructed, discriminatory attitudes affect the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS negatively in numerous ways. They also endanger the realisation of the human right to health. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the overall HIV/AIDS situation in the country are examined as a phenomenon not void of stigma. While it affected the whole population, its effects on the individuals living with HIV/AIDS was amplified by previous discriminatory practices. Research done in this thesis supports the notion that the continuous discrimination and stigmatisation of HIV/AIDS and the people living with the disease sustains an environment where further infections can not be avoided. To address this situation the Chinese government should focus on stigma reduction in combination with long-term treatment plans.
  • Eskelinen, Eva (2023)
    During its history China has seen growing numbers of immigration of its population to other countries in hopes of increased opportunities abroad or when returning to China. Finland on the other hand has shifted from an emigration country into an immigration country in the last few decades with immigration numbers increasing. The growing immigration flows and decreasing birth rates have become a source of discussion and dispute. As both China and Finland face similar demographic changes, the migration tendencies along with policies relating to migration and discussion and attitudes surrounding them, have been in change. With Finland’s decreasing fertility rate and workforce, the demand for skilled workers remains high and is expected to keep increase further. As a country with a good reputation for high language skills in English for a non-Anglophone country, peaceful society and good enough reputation in the academic field, this study aims to reflect the experience of ten Chinese and Hong Kong students to previous research while highlighting the possible issues for retaining these Chinese students, and furthermore international students and to some extent, highly skilled migrants in Finland. The socio-political environment in Finland, together with consideration to migration theories, the environment was explained to the extent allowed by this thesis. The case study on Chinese and Hong Kong students was correlated to previous studies on the topic to give a reflection of the lived experience of these individuals in the contemporary setting and how well it correlates with the findings of the previous studies from five or more years ago. The socio-political environment in which Finland is in now, as understood through media, and has been in the past when it comes to the topic of immigration and integration will be evaluated and correlated to the new government plan (2023) with the findings reflected on for a better understanding on the possible challenges that they might bring. The findings of this study show that for these Chinese and Hong Kong students the main concerns for staying in Finland after graduation concern language abilities, employment possibilities, and the social and political environment. While there have been active attempts to increase language learning possibilities by higher education institutions in Finland, it was found that many degree programs don’t allocate enough room and encouragement for language learning. For employment possibilities the main concerns were related to the forming of networks and mastering one of the national languages, Finnish or Swedish, as well as the possible changes to residence permit as proposed by the new government plan. When it comes to the political environment the new government plan has caused much worry for both work-based and study-based migrants and thus decreasing the change of these students staying in Finland after graduation.
  • Kaura, Eeva (2020)
    EU-China search for common understanding on what activities should be considered “green” and eligible for financing by green bonds started recently. Common understanding could, according to negotiation parties, facilitate greater cross-border flow of green finance. As China and EU together lead the global green bond market, a common understanding could even enhance much sought after harmonization of green bond rules at global level. This study examines how realistic and influential the search mission for common EU-China green bond language is, filling gap in research on green bonds in the EU-China context. Analysis is based on multimethod approach combining qualitative standard comparison, interviews and media analysis. The work is carried out applying a liberal two level game approach (Putnam, 1988), from the field of International Political Economy, which has proved useful when analysing domestic-international dynamics present in international negotiations on e.g. energy, climate and environmental policy. Based on the analysis, where China balances with fear of slowing economy, growing energy demand and urgency to fight pollution, the EU can already afford to focus on the climate change combat. This difference is reflected, based on the analysis, in the regulations the two regions have recently developed for green bonds. With preferences not aligning, it may prove difficult to find aligning views on the types of projects eligible for green bond financing. This means that the domestic win sets (Putnam, 1988) of the two regions don´t currently overlap implying that a common EU-China agreement on green bond rules may at the moment be impossible. However, even with a fully aligning views on green bond definitions and rules, the cross-border green finance between the EU and China would likely not increase significantly as there are other market barriers that hinder the flow at present. Nevertheless, having the EU-China dialogue was still viewed to enhance climate change cooperation and raise awareness.