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Browsing by Subject "pakolaiset"

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  • Wiker, Anna-Maria (2021)
    This master’s thesis examines the themes of integration and social support and their interconnectedness, through the experiences of young adults with refugee or asylum seeker background. This thesis was driven by a desire to discover what makes integration processes successful and what are the first-hand experiences of these processes. The thesis was driven by research questions asking whether social support equaled to a more successful integration, what kind of values were given to support practices and whether interviewees perceived support being available to them. The data for this study was produced through five personal interviews with young adults aged between 19-28 who have all migrated to Finland in the years 2015-2016. The data produced by these interviews is not meant to be used as a generalization of a larger group, rather to depict the personal experiences of those interviewed. The data was analyzed using thematic content analysis. Through the means of thematic content analysis four themes and one sub-theme was recognized: Support – in all its forms – is valued, (sub-theme) Safe integration experience vanished in adulthood, In between feelings of Finnishness and residence permit, Feelings of the other and finally, Freedom of belief as a new constant. The findings of this study indicate that no causal connection can be drawn between social support and successful integration, integration processes just like the people going through these experiences are unique and every process and the needs for support looks different. However, all those who had access to social support during their integration felt to have benefitted from it and put great deal of weight and gratitude towards received support.
  • Pajasmaa, Irene (2016)
    Tutkielma tarkastelee, kuinka sanoja asylum seeker, refugee ja migrant (suomeksi turvapaikanhakija, pakolainen ja siirtolainen) käytetään Ylen englanninkielisissä verkossa julkaistuissa uutisartikkeleissa, jotka käsittelevät Euroopan pakolais- ja siirtolaiskriisiä. Aihetta tarkastellaan kolmen tutkimuskysymyksen kautta. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat sanojen esiintymistiheys, synonymia sekä kielelliset representaatiot turvapaikanhakijoista, pakolaisista ja siirtolaisista. Tutkielman teoriataustana toimii kriittinen diskurssianalyysi, joka on luonteeltaan monitieteistä. Kielitieteellisten kysymysten lisäksi tutkielmassa sivutaankin sosiologisia ja sosiaalipsykologisia kysymyksiä. Aineisto koostuu Ylen englanninkielisistä uutisartikkeleista, jotka on julkaistu Ylen verkkosivuilla kolmena eri aikakautena: lokakuussa 2014, lokakuussa 2015 ja huhtikuussa 2016. Tutkielmassa hyödynnetään korpuslingvistisiä metodeja, mutta tarkastelutapa on ensisijaisesti kvalitatiivinen. Tutkielman tuloksista ilmenee, että tarkasteltujen termien esiintymistaajuus vaihtelee aineistossa eri vuosina. Turvapaikanhakijoita, pakolaisia ja siirtolaisia käsitteleviä uutisartikkeleita esiintyy vuoden 2015 aineistossa moninkertaisesti vuoden 2014 aineistoon verrattuna. Vuoden 2016 aineistossa esiintymiä on huomattavasti vähemmän kuin vuoden 2015 aineistossa mutta kuitenkin enemmän kuin vuoden 2014 aineistossa. Turvapaikanhakijat, pakolaiset ja siirtolaiset olivat korostetusti esillä uutisissa syksyllä 2015, mutta kiinnostus aihetta kohtaan on sittemmin vähentynyt. Tuloksista ilmenee myös, että termit refugee ja migrant viittaavat vuoden 2014 aineistossa eri ihmisryhmiin. Termiä asylum seeker ei esiinny vuoden 2014 aineistossa lainkaan. Sen sijaan vuoden 2015 ja 2016 aineistoissa kaikkia kolmea termiä käytetään synonyymeina, ja asylum seeker on esiintyvyydeltään yleisin. Turvapaikanhakijoita, pakolaisia ja siirtolaisia käsitellään aineistossa suppeasti, eikä ryhmien representoinnissa ole havaittavia eroja. Ryhmiä käsittelevä uutisointi ei ole aineiston perusteella erityisen monipuolista, vaan keskittyy tiettyihin, toistuviin aiheisiin.
  • Nikanne, Iiris (2018)
    Following the so-called migrant crisis in Europe, the number of Muslim asylum seekers invoking conversion to Christianity has increased considerably. It can be assumed that there are multiple motives behind the conversions – this thesis aims at increasing understanding of the experiences of those who have undergone a religious transformation. The means of achieving this objective include data from semi-structured interviews with ten self-proclaimed converts and three pastors working with people of Muslim backgrounds, analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. Each participant had his own unique experience about the conversion process, but there were also common aspects shared by the interviewees. For many, losing faith in Islam was affected by the societal problems in their home countries. Accordingly, the freedom and peace in Europe were linked to Christianity. Most of the participants had initially attended the congregations from other than religious motives. Many had felt alone, bored and depressed in a foreign country without meaningful activities, and therefore they had accepted the invitation to attend a church event in the absence of other competing options. The most common reason for becoming interested in learning more about Christianity was the dissonance between their earlier views and what they faced at the congregations. The interviewees had strong views about the differences between their old and new faiths, which is common among recent converts. However, most participants had at some point struggled between Islam and Christianity. The conversion had affected the lives of the participants significantly. All of them experienced that their feelings and attitudes had changed along with the conversion process. They felt that through following Jesus they had found a new kind of a peace and they had grown to be more loving and forgiving. According to the participants, the reactions of the families were mostly negative, including cutting ties, insults and threats, and in the most extreme cases also honour violence. The participants expressed that they had faced disapproval also from some Muslims in Finland, but there were also neutral and positive reactions. The participants hoped people would understand that among the people of Muslim backgrounds attending congregations there are those who have become ‘real Christians’. They underlined that the conversion is a long and challenging process – therefore, the example of Jesus should be followed in showing love and patience also to those who initially approach the congregations with non-religious motives. At a general level, the experiences disclosed by the interviewed converts are in line with the interviewed pastors’ observations about what is common among the people of Muslim backgrounds they have worked with.