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Browsing by Subject "race"

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  • Kasala, Katariina (2016)
    Pro gradu -tutkielmassani analysoin HBO-tuotantoyhtiön Baltimoreen sijoittuva The Wire -televisiosarjan kahden hahmon, Omar Littlen ja Felicia “Snoop” Pearsonin, murteellista kielenkäyttöä tyylillisen analyysin keinoin. Tutkimani hahmot ovat alaluokkaisia mustia homogangstereita, jotka ovat mukana huumejengeissä ja katukulttuurissa. Tarkastelen näiden hahmojen puheessa esiintyviä diskurssipartikkeleita yo ja man ja niiden eri käyttötapoja, kirosanojen diskursiivista käyttöä sekä muita “mustien käyttämälle englannille” (African American Vernacular English eli AAVE) tyypillisiä tyylikeinoja. Pääasiallinen metodini on Baugh'n (1983) kehittämä puhetilannetyyppien luokittelumalli, jonka pohjalta puhetyylin muodollisuutta analysoidaan tilanteen osanottajien keskinäisen suhteen perusteella. Lähestymistapani on intersektionaalinen, mikä tarkoittaa useiden eri sosiaalisten ja yhteiskunnallisten muuttujien samanaikaisen vaikutuksen huomioonottamista yksilön asemaa ja toimintaa tarkastellessa. Esittelen teoriaosiossa sukupuolen, rodun ja luokan yhteenkietoutumista käsitteleviä teorioita sekä Butlerin (1990) teorian sukupuolen performatiivisesta luonteesta. Tarkastelen erityisesti maskuliinisuuden performoimista ja sitä, kuinka se kytkeytyy rotuun ja luokkaan. Tutkimuksessani keskityn murteelliseen kielenkäyttöön (AAVE) yhtenä tärkeimmistä mustan rodullisen identiteetin ja luokkataustan merkitsijöistä tv-sarjassa, jossa mustia henkilöhahmoja esiintyy kaikkien yhteiskunnan kerroksien edustajina. Sidon tyylillisen analyysin aineistoni – käsikirjoitetun dialogin – muotoon. Teoretisoin sarjan tuottajien ja käsikirjoittajien tekemien murteellisten valintojen merkitystä sukupuolen, luokan ja rodun esittämiselle populaarikulttuurissa ja otan pohdinnassani huomioon tarkastelemieni hahmojen paikantumisen amerikkalaisessa yhteiskunnassa ja kulttuurissa. Eräs havainnoistani on, että koska tarkastelemani hahmot eivät rakenna maskuliinisuuttaan valtavirtaisen maskuliinisuuden representaatioiden peruselementin eli heteromieheyden varaan, merkittäväksi tekijäksi näiden hahmojen maskuliinisuuden performoimisessa nousee alempiin luokkiin yhdistetty ja rodullistettu kielenkäyttö.
  • Timko, Maria Alexandra (2021)
    This thesis examines the role of the three female protagonists in Lorraine Hansberry’s 1959 play A Raisin in the Sun. The thesis argues against the interpretation of the play as pro-integration and assimilationist and posits instead that there is an inherent radicalism in the play that reflects the feminist and political views of its author. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the feminist themes are highlighted through the three female protagonists of Raisin: Ruth, Beneatha and Lena Younger. In order to further assess these themes, the 1959 play is contrasted with three screen adaptations, by Daniel Petrie (1961), Bill Duke (1989), and Kenny Leon (2008). This comparison is carried out with a particular focus on how the protagonists are represented in these adaptations. The thesis begins with a discussion of the historical context in which the play was written, set and performed for the first time. This is followed by a discussion of Hansberry’s biographical background, in order to contextualise and clarify her political beliefs so as to better support the main arguments in the thesis. These arguments are also supported by the works of the Black feminist scholars Patricia Hill Collins, bell hooks, and Tricia Rose. The thesis examines the play and each of the three screen adaptations separately, presenting a close literary analysis of the play before contrasting it with the three films. The literary analysis discusses three core aspects of the play that serve as a rejection of racist and patriarchal values: the rejection of the American dream; the domestic sphere of the play; and the subversion of racialised gender roles and stereotypes. This analysis highlights the ways in which Black women experience a specific form of double oppression due to their race and gender, an experience that is reinforced by the use of racialised gender roles and stereotypes. This thesis argues, however, that Hansberry uses the female protagonists to reject these roles and the racist and sexist ideology from which they stem. The film analysis places the films within their temporal and socio-cultural contexts to observe how they reflect, highlight or undermine the three core aspects discussed in the literary analysis. This analysis reveals the significant role played by context in producing starkly different representations of the female protagonists. The analysis of these works, written and visual, demonstrates the enduring significance of Hansberry’s famous play, which continues to be revived and performed. The conclusion underlines the importance of challenging representations that perpetuate racist and sexist ideologies, and of granting agency to groups that have long been under- or misrepresented across mediums.
  • Rangel Bustamante, Francisco (2022)
    In the past two decades, Finland has gone through significant demographic changes. As more migrants from the Global South arrive in Europe, comparing their stories and analyzing how migration has impacted their lives is critical. Specifically, the particularities beneath migrant communities are necessary to grasp the diversity of minority groups arriving North. This thesis investigates the migration stories of queer migrants living in Finland. From an insider's perspective, this research analyses how Latin American gay migrants position themselves within migration narratives. Six participants who identified as gay men living in the metropolitan area of Helsinki were interviewed to reveal their perspectives on race, migration, and sexuality through an intersectional lens. Using holistic-content narrative analysis and position analysis, the participants' stories were examined to depict the specific nuances of the migration experiences of sexual and gender minorities. The study showed that gay Latino migrants strategically located and dislocate from positions according to the context narrated in their stories. Participants preferred to accentuate their queerness and hide their Latin American identity in different social circumstances. Particularly in Finland, gay positioning was narrated as more positive than the Latin American position. Accordingly, this research depicts how queer migrants from Hispano-America living in Finland accept and reject distinct social positions and reimagine their identity after arriving in Finland through narrative inquiry.