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  • Suomalainen, Iina (2021)
    The symptoms of ADHD can cause many challenges for children and adolescents in school. Today, traditional learning environments are challenged by more open, flexible learning environments. However, there is only little earlier research on classroom experiences in flexible learning environments and classroom experiences comparing traditional and flexible learning environments have not been studied from the perspective of students with ADHD symptoms. In addition, previous research has shown that students with symptoms of ADHD often experience lower self-esteem than their peers. It is also known that girls are more likely to report lower self-esteem than boys. The purpose of this study is to examine how students at risk for ADHD experience their self-esteem, engagement, autonomy, relatedness and competence in traditional and flexible learning environments. In addition, this study examines whether there is a gender difference in the above-mentioned experiences. The theoretical basis of the research is the self-determination theory, to which autonomy, competence, relatedness and engagement are essentially connected. The data was collected from students in grades 7 and 8 who had participated in the Learning, grouping, evaluation and well-being in large learning areas project of the city of Vantaa and the University of Helsinki Education Assessment Center in 2019–2020. Of all 7–8th graders (N 1446), students at risk of ADHD (n 113) were selected for the study. Spearman’s correlation coefficient was used to examine the connections between attention, self-esteem, and the components of self-determination theory. Next, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine whether there is a difference between traditional and flexible learning environments in self-esteem, autonomy, competence, relatedness and student engagement in students at risk for ADHD. The same method of analysis was used again to examine whether there is a gender difference in self-esteem, autonomy, competence, relatedness and student engagement in students in the risk group of ADHD. The data was analyzed by using IBM SPSS Statistics 26. The results showed that the experiences of self-esteem and the components of self-determination theory (student engagement, autonomy, relatedness and competence) did not differ depending on the learning environment in students at risk of ADHD between traditional and open plan (flexible) learning environments. However, experiences of self-esteem, autonomy and engagement among at-risk students in ADHD differed between the sexes, with girls having lower self-esteem and experiencing less autonomy and engagement than boys.
  • Forss, Krista (2021)
    In the context of education, ADHD has already been studied quite a bit. However, the way that teachers understand the ADHD diagnosis and what kind of image they create in their speech about children diagnosed with ADHD has received less attention. The purpose of this thesis is to find out what kind of meanings teachers generate for the ADHD diagnosis and what kind of image teachers create about children diagnosed with ADHD. It is important to study the way teachers speak because the way they speak can have either a positive or negative impact on the well-being and learning of children diagnosed with ADHD. I have collected the material for my thesis through an e-form, which has been answered by 70 teachers working in early childhood education and basic education. Respondents to the form were found through social media. The form consisted of open-ended questions and the data was analyzed using discourse analysis methods. I identified a total of six interpretive repertoires for the diagnosis of ADHD: diagnosis as evidence of medical background, diagnosis as a provider of understanding, diagnosis as an explanation of behaviour, diagnosis as a provider of support, diagnosis as a possible label, and diagnosis as a questionable phenomenon. The diagnosis appeared to be mainly necessary and good in these interpretive repertoires, but the possible negative effects of the diagnosis were also brought up. A total of six subject positions were produced for a child diagnosed with ADHD: patient, different child, troublemaker, child in need of support, labelled child and ordinary child / misunderstood child. Teachers described children diagnosed with ADHD mainly through problems and challenges, but the writings also conveyed an empathic attitude towards the child. I hope this thesis will inspire teachers to reflect on their ways of speaking and to think about the origins and consequences of the meanings they have given to the diagnosis.
  • Paasio, Panu (2023)
    The aim of this study was to shine light to ADHD as a phenomenom in a teachers career. Hypothesis was that a teacher can have ADHD but it doesn’t make a teacher unqualified. This study focused on key themes of ADHD which were hardships, compensation or alleviation of these hardships and strengths in a teacher’s career. Research shows that ADHD can cause hardships but it is also possible to affect these hardships with certain actions (Lehtokoski, 2004, 75−78; Nadeau, 2005, 550; Adler & Florence, 2006, 41−42; Michelsson ym,. 2004, 21 & 93). Research also states that ADHD can also be a strength, which means that it is important for an ADHD individual to find a job that fits those personal ADHD related traits (Hansen, 2017, 13 & 114; Michelsson ym., 2004, 93). Research question was to find out how teachers experience their professional identity and teacherhood and which hardships and strengths they experience in their career as a teacher because of ADHD diagnosis. This study was executed by interviewing seven teachers from varying levels of education with means of semi-structured interview. Answers in these interviews were analysed with means of qualitative content analysis. Results of this study consisted of many experiences about teacherhood and a teacher’s professional identity from teachers who have ADHD diagnosis. Experiences about teacherhood and teachers’ professional identity were in line with earlier research about teacherhood. Although in this study the teachers emphasized a bit more on humanity and understanding as part of teacherhood and related personality traits. ADHD can affect the working of a teacher via hardships as well as strengths. Teachers brought up many different hardships, compensation methods and strengths related to ADHD. For example, hardships with time management and memory were brought up in these interviews. These for example can be alleviated by using a calendar and other sources of written reminders of important things. The use of ADHD medication was also mentioned in some form on most interviews. ADHD related strengths were linked to more humane and understanding approach to students, creativity, efficiency, increase of neuropsychiatric knowledge and curious or enthusiastic lifestyle. ADHD affects a teachers work, but it most certainly does not mean, that the teacher would face big problems in his or her career because of ADHD. It is important that a teacher with ADHD finds his own best way to do things and to find out his or her strengths as well as to utilize them. In this way a teacher can succeed in their line of work despite of their hardships. ADHD related traits or attributes do not define an individual, its more about how they can be utilized and alleviated via different solutions in work related environment, if needed.
  • Sandberg, Erja (2012)
    The purpose of this study was to find out what kind of status siblings have in a family in which one child has ADHD. In the background, there was a doubt regarding sibling equality in a family in which one child needs substantially more parental time and attention. In Finland, no similar studies have been made. The study used Brofenbrenner's ecological systems theory. The study involved five families with elementary school age children with ADHD. The families had a total of fifteen children. The parents and the siblings of these families were interviewed. The study was divided into four themes: (1) everyday family life, (2) feelings, (3) family roles and interpersonal skills of the family members, and (4) the importance of siblings in an ADHD child's life. The interviews were analyzed by content analysis. The research problems were: 1) How do parents and siblings perceive sibling status in their family? and 2) What is the significance of siblings in the life of a child with ADHD as assessed by the parents and the siblings themselves? Parents felt that the most significant factors as regards the status of siblings were the way the siblings take responsibly for the family's daily life, the siblings' own understanding of their family, family transparency, taking the siblings into consideration and dealing with their feelings in everyday life. A tight feeling of cohesion was a factor in empowering the family. Parents considered ADHD medication an important element of their family. The meaning of the siblings for an ADHD child's life was very significant. The siblings described their families as positive and lively. They had got used to the qualities and characteristics of the child with the diagnosis. They did not perceive the ADHD child as being a different child in their family. The siblings recognized their parents' fatigue and thought that the parents did not have enough time for them. However, they did not feel that the parents treated them unequally. The siblings reported that they looked after the ADHD child to some degree, but they thought that this was part of family life. The siblings described cooperation as strength of their family. As compared to international studies, converging factors concerning sibling position, sibling relationships and the ideal family functioning came up in the interviews in this study. Siblings' mental problems, which this investigation did not reveal, were an exception. Consistent with previous studies, parents' assumptions about sibling relationships were more positive than the siblings' descriptions. According to the study, an ADHD child's family relationships were a challenge, but with appropriate internal measures the position of siblings in a family can be good.
  • Ylikopsa, Venla (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Objective. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is developmental neurobiological disability. The aim of the current study was to examine what symptoms women diagnosed as adults with ADHD recognize emerged in their childhood before puberty, which symptoms were reported to manifest together and whether the reported symptoms fit the diagnostic criteria used by health care. In addition, the aim was to find out which were the most common reasons to apply for support as an adult. Untreated ADHD has been found to be associated with depression, exclusion from education, and an increased risk of substance use. Early identification and proper targeting of support measures can reduce health risks and improve quality of life. Method. The data were collected through the online survey, that the Finnish ADHD Association published on social media carried on the social network service Facebook in April 2020. The questionnaire was made based on previous research for this study, and was created with the E-lomake -program of the University of Helsinki. The participants (n = 360) were women diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood, aged 20 to 50 years, who retrospectively assessed their own ADHD symptoms in childhood. The data thus gathered was analysed using statistical methods in the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 -program. Results and conclusions. The most commonly reported symptoms of ADHD included attentional regulation, systemicity, minor motor restlessness, and emotional and verbal impulsivity. The most common symptoms were reported to be co-occurring, but the review of also showed large variability for some symptoms. Of the eleven most commonly reported symptoms, only three were directly related to the diagnostic criteria in use. The most common reasons for applying assessment of ADHD as an adult were the identification of one's own symptoms, previously diagnosed depression, and feedback from close relatives. Based on this thesis, the diagnostic criteria in use do not adequately cover the dimensions of girls ’ ADHD symptoms are expressed. Two of the common symptoms were absorption in games intense and losing sense of time, that is comparable to with hyperfocusing, and clinging to details. The results are consistent with previous research data; the diagnostic criteria are based on research data obtained from boys with ADHD.
  • Pettersson, Catarina (2019)
    Aim. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is defined as a neuropsychiatric disorder in medicine. In the field of sociology on the other hand the diagnosis is questioned through medicalization critique and seen as medicalization of human behaviour. Still, the everyday life of families that are effected by ADHD is not defined by such theoretical models or simplifications. The aim of this study was to describe, analyze and interpret the narratives of everyday life of diagnosed children and the mothers to find out, what explanatory models they cling to in their stories, how they describe meaningful experiences and what deeper meanings are hidden in the stories told. This study describes the everyday life in families with ADHD, and the struggles and strengths they experience, as narrated by themselves. This helps increase the knowledge of teachers of how to support and undrestand their students and their needs better, by not only looking at the indivual, but also understanding the meanig of the context of the whole family for the well-being of the child. Methodology. The study was carried out as a narrative case-study. Three families (child and mother) were interviewed, where the children, ages 6, 10 and 16, had been diagnosed with or were suspected of having ADHD. The interviews were conducted separately for each individual. Also medical certificates and documents from the school were used to complement the interviews and for background information. The material was analyzed by utilizing the actant model, where actants (action and deep meanings) were localized in the stories of the individuals and the families. Results and conclusions. The study found, that the families strongly depended on medical explanations in explaining etiology, struggles and symptoms and in attaining support from the school. Everyday life was described as tough, filled with worry, but still loving and wonderful. The results depict how demanding life can be in a family where the child has been diagnosed with ADHD, and the great need for the family to be heard. Symptoms, conflicts and worry for the child are a weight to the family and a risk for it’s well-being. Therefore knowledge of the multifaceted phenomenon and the understanding of teachers is a major factor in giving students appropriate support.
  • Lerto, Tobina (2019)
    Approximately 5% of the Finnish population has ADHD. The main criteria for a diagnosis are deficits in sustained attention, behavioral inhibition and hyperactivity. Aside from these, ADHD also includes e.g. restlessness, impatience and difficulties with self-regulation. The symptoms are causing problems in many areas of ADHD patient´s lives. They also tend to affect people around them. The aim of this thesis is to examine how adults with ADHD describe their lives before and after the diagnosis. The focus is mainly on the description of their self-efficacy, self-esteem, identity and stigma. The aim is also to examine how the individals felt about getting the diagnosis, since it is usually a significant turning point in life. This qualitative study uses life stories as a method of collecting data and analysis. The participants have been diagnosed with ADHD after the age of 30. This enables to examine the life without a diagnoses, care or attention, and inspect if getting the diagnosis has had any positive consequences. Semi-structured interviews were used as the data collection method to answer the research questions. The results of this study demonstrate the lives of the participants as chaotic and eventful. They appear as typical for a person with ADHD, including addictions, school dropouts and divorces. The self-efficacy and self-esteem appear low, especially as a teenager, but the diagnosis seems to have had a positive effect. The participants describe ADHD as an important part of their identity. The stigma brought on by ADHD is focused on the symptoms rather than the diagnosis itself.
  • Dima, Oliver (2021)
    Aim of the study. The aim of the study is to find out what kind of tools novice teachers have to support students with ADHD symptoms. This study aims to find out how much novice teachers know about ADHD and the challenges it brings to the students with ADHD. The research examines the tools, that novice teachers use to support students with ADHD symptoms and the solutions they have found out to be the most useful in supporting students with ADHD. The study also focuses on the co-operation between school staff and student’s parents, and evaluates the key aspects behind succesful co-operation, that provides the best possible help for the student with ADHD symptoms. Methods. This research is conducted as a qualitative interview research. The interviews were conducted as half-structured theme interviews. The interviews were transcribed and the findings from the interviews was compared to previous studies. Five primary school teachers with less than five years of experience participated in the interviews. Results and conclusions. This research found out, that good co-operation between school and student’s home supports students with ADHD symptoms. The key to good co-operation is active communication between the different stakeholders. According to this research, novice teachers have a good acknowledge of ADHD and the challenges it brings, but the novice teachers believe, that they don’t have enough knowhow on how to provide the best possible support. Good knowledge about the students was considered important and the most important factor in supporting students was to provide clear written instructions and to have a good structure when providing the assignments and when planning the studies.
  • Mustonen, Ville (2021)
    Objectives. Character-strengths-based (CSB) pedagogy stems from positive psychology’s PERMA theory. CSB pedagogy has been studied in Finland to an increasing extent since the 2010s and internationally since the early 2000s. The research results show it has positive effects on, for example, support for the inclusive school system, student well-being, learning motivation among students with special needs, and student participation. The aim of this research was to find out what kind of experiences and perceptions class teachers have about the importance and implications of becoming aware of, acknowledging, and developing character strengths. This research was also interested in what significances CSB pedagogy has among students with neuropsychiatric abnormalities according to class teachers, as well as classroom teachers’ perceptions of 5th–6th graders’ awareness of their own character strengths. One hypothesis was that classroom teachers perceive CSB pedagogy to be particularly important with ADHD students. Another hypothesis was that CSB pedagogy is used in Finnish primary schools with a very varying volume and in different ways. Methods. This research included both interview and questionnaire surveys. The analysis was carried out both qualitatively and quantitatively and by means of mixed methods. Interview material was six classroom teachers. Questionnaire was 106 respondents. Results and conclusions. Results support the use of CSB pedagogy in primary school. Perceived ease of using CSB pedagogy, the school's commitment to CSB pedagogy, and the perceived guidance to CSB pedagogy in national core curriculum for basic education have the biggest effect on the perceived importance of CSB pedagogy. One of the general views of the effects of CSB pedagogy was that it had beneficial effects on school-positivity and classroom atmosphere. The interview material much emphasized the preventive role of CSB pedagogy, especially among students with behavioral challenges or ADHD.
  • Oubajja, Sara (2023)
    Goals The aim of this study is to find ways in which a classroom teacher can support students with ADHD. The goals of the thesis are to examine how experienced teachers support ADHD students in school and in teaching. This research also aims to provide more information about ADHD and its support in school context. The interest of this the-sis’ topic arose from the need to find support strategies for common challenges in the field of education. The thesis primarily addresses the most common challenges of ADHD in the school context, as well as the strategies used by classroom teachers to address the challenges of ADHD students. In addition, the study focuses on classroom teachers’ knowledge of ADHD, ADHD diagnosis, and treatment. Methods The study is qualitative research in which research data was collected through thematic interviews. The interviews involved primary school classroom teachers from different classes, each of whom had at least 10 years of teaching experience and experience in teaching ADHD students. The research data was analyzed using a data-driven content analysis approach. The interviews were transcribed, and then the data was examined in relation to pre-vious theory. Results and conclusions The study revealed that that a classroom teacher can support ADHD students in many ways. In teaching, clear goals and structure, as well as multi-modal guidance, were crucial in supporting ADHD symptoms. It is particularly important fo ADHD students to know what is expected of them in class and what they need to do to achieve the goal. Multi-modal guidance, which is visual and verbal, asl well as step-by-step, helps maintain the atten-tion span of ADHD students. ADHD students understand instructions more ef-fectively when using step-by-step guidance. In addition, classroom teachers can support students with ADHD by differentiating tasks, providing immediate feedback, and making the teaching as engaging and active as possible. In ad-dition to work, classroom teachers can support student concentration by break-ing the teaching into shorter segments, allowing the attention of ADHD stu-dents to last longer. All of these strategies are aimed at ADHD students, but these strategies are often beneficial to the entire group.
  • Dromberg, Hanna (2021)
    This study examines how psychoculture which means the psychologization of everyday life, is constructed in news coverage concerning adult ADHD. It is interesting to look at psychoculture in the context of adult ADHD, because adult`s problems with attention and hyperactivity only began to be categorized as psychiatric disorder in 1994. This despite the fact that the real underlying causes of the phenomenon have not yet been proved by clinical methods. The topicality of this study is also reflected in the fact that ADHD has gained a lot of media attention in recent decades, which has been seen to be associated with a significant increase in ADHD diagnoses. In this study, adults ADHD and psychoculture are seen as socially constructed phenomena. Since the research material is constructed by news and attached to media, it is natural to approach the phenomenon with discourse analytical view. This means, that the use of language is considered to play a key role in constructing social reality. In this study, rhetoric analysis was chosen as the method of analysis. The aim of this analysis method is to study the construction of reality through the use and argumentation of linguistic rhetorical means. The study showed that news coverage related to adult ADHD manifested psychoculture by reproducing the mechanic of therapeutic authority through rhetoric argumentation and excluding certain aspects of the phenomenon of ADHD from the coverage. In line with the idea of therapeutic authority, individual`s problems in various areas of life, such as everyday life and working life were problematized. Based on analysis mainly neuro-psychological explanations, and medical or therapeutic solution, such as psychiatric drugs or peer support for ADHD was provided. The analysis showed that the challenges and problems of people’s everyday lives were seen as individual-driven, and solving these problems was seen as the responsibility of the individual. A process reflecting the psychologization in which problems of everyday life are transformed into psychological problems, which eventually become medical-scientific problems for example through the use of psychiatric language, was found in the news.
  • Borgström, Annika (2023)
    The aim of this study is to give a more nuanced understanding about neuroatypical youth and possible challenges attending school. There is little knowledge about the school situation and SAPs for neuropsychiatric conditions, and few empirical studies on the additive effects of holding several neuropsychiatric diagnoses, or a diagnosis in combination with other symptoms (e.g. anxiety, depression). The bio-ecological and multi-level framework of factors linked to school absence, which is an application of Bronfenbrenner´s bioecological systems model, has been used in this study. The SAPs are classified according to types: school refusal, truancy, school exclusion and school withdrawal. The cutoff for when the SAP is problematic is different in different countries. In this study we used, the commonly used measure, missing over 10 % of school classes for persistent absence. Guardians of 789 youth (mean age 12 years, 68% boys) with neuropsychiatric challenges reported school non-attendance and reasons for this (the School Non-Attendance ChecKlist SNACK) through an online survey. Most of the children in the sample had multiple diagnosis (45 %, N=356). The groups with only one diagnosis were the ADHD 32% (N=228), Autism 11 % (N=81), Sensory hypersensitivity 2% (N=15) and Tourette .6% (N=5). During the measurement period the youth on average missed 4 school days. 82 % of the sample had current or prior SAP and the problems were for most of the youth onset before 7th grade. Persistent absence (over 10 % absence) occurred in 42.8 % of the sample. The most common reason for absence was non-problematic absenteeism (46%). School refusal was the most common of the four non-attendance types (36 %). Truancy (3%) was not likely for this group of students. SAPs were most likely for youth with ASD and multiple diagnosis. Overall, the situation for students with more than one neuropsychiatric diagnosis was most challenging with most individuals suffering from anxiety and/or depression, sleeping difficulties, learning disability and behavioral difficulties. The relationships in school with teachers and peers were often challenging. The situation was most worrying for the autistic and multiple diagnosis groups, these youth more often than the other groups are lacking friends. More than half of the group had now or before been bullied in school or during free time. Findings suggested that the school situation for neuroatypical youth is challenging.
  • Koljonen, Riikka (2014)
    Aims of the study. Relative age refers to age differences between children in a school class or in another age-based group of children. In research conducted in the United States and Canada, relative age has been connected to the probability of being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). According to studies, children who are the youngest in their class have a higher probability of being diagnosed with ADHD. Researchers have hypothesized that this effect could be explained by teachers mistaking the immaturity of the youngest children for ADHD. Other possible mechanisms of the relative age effect include underdiagnosing the relatively older children in a class, and the classroom environment exacerbating ADHD symptoms in the relatively younger children. The aim of this study is to examine whether relative age has an influence on the prevalence of ADHD diagnoses among the patients of Finnish specialized medical care in Helsinki Metropolitan area. Methods. This study compared the birth date distributions of patients diagnosed with ADHD (the sample) and all those born in Helsinki within the same time period as the sample (1983-2011) with a x2 goodness-of-fit test. The sample (N=3051) consisted of patients from child psychiatric and child neurological specialized medical units at the Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUCH), including patients of outpatient clinics as well as of inpatient wards. The sample included all patients treated for ADHD at the aforementioned units between 2nd January 2000 and 2nd May 2013. During their treatment, patients were between 1 and 18 years of age. In total, 2596 of them were boys and 455 girls. The data was collected from hospital patient records. Results and conclusions. The birth date distribution of patients diagnosed with ADHD differed statistically significantly from the birth date distribution of all those born in Helsinki. Those born during the last quartile of the year, who are the youngest in their class in Finland, were 31 % more likely to enter HUCH specialized medical care as ADHD patients than those born in the first quartile. It is not known whether the effect of relative age was caused by a systematic error in recognizing or diagnosing ADHD patients, or whether being among the youngest in a class could increase ADHD symptoms in some children. Clarifying the influence mechanisms of the relative age effect requires further studies
  • Oja, Lea (2005)
    Abnormal involuntary attention may lead to enhanced distractibility and has been proposed to be an underlying factor for cognitive problems in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In the present experiment, involuntary attention switching of 6–11-year-old ADHD and healthy children performing an auditory discrimination task was compared. Deterioration of task performance and event-related brain potentials (ERP) to distracting sounds associated with attention switching, were considered as measures of distractibility. During the experiment the children performed an auditory discrimination task in which they were instructed to differentiate two animal sounds from each other. In the task-related sounds presented from loudspeakers in front of the child there were occasional task-irrelevant changes in the sound location. In addition, novel sounds completely unrelated to the task were presented from behind. The hypothesis of the present study was that the ADHD children would get more distracted than the control children as a consequence of the deviance in the direction of the task-related sound and after an occurrence of a task-irrelevant novel sound. The performance of the ADHD group was highly variable. The task-irrelevant novel sounds prolonged the reaction times, decreased the accuracy, and increased the number of omitted responses in the ADHD group more than in the control group. In addition, abnormalities in the ERPs suggest that the ADHD group was more distracted than the control group by the deviances in the task-related sounds and by the novel sounds and that the ADHD group processes the sounds partly in different brain regions than the control group. To understand these regional and functional abnormalities in more detail, additional research is required.
  • Järvenpää, Taina (2018)
    The aim of this study was to provide visibility to everyday life challenges caused by the Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome. Through the experiences of the parents of children and adolescents with Tourettes, this research has aimed to examine what kinds of challenges Tourettes causes, how it is recognized within welfare and education, and what kinds of support are available. When compared to other neuropsychiatric disorders, very little re-search on Tourettes exists. Likewise, there is not much literature about Tourettes availa-ble in Finnish, so herein lies a need for a study such as this. Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome is a common neuropsychiatric disorder with onset in childhood, characterized by multiple motor tics, and at least one vocal (phonic) tic. A symptom called coprolalia, the utterance of obscene words, has made Tourettes, other-wise quite a rare syndrom, famous. Symptoms of Tourettes are usually divided into mo-tor and vocal tics. This research represents a new way to divide its symptoms and high-light its challenges, i.e. internal and external symptoms. The data was collected from Facebook peer-group volunteers by using Helsinki Universi-ty’s e-form. A qualitative study of a total of 23 participants' experiences of the challeng-es of children and adolescents with Tourettes emphasizes multiple symptoms and every-day life challenges. The results indicate that most challenges are caused by internal symptoms, like aggression and tantrums. The frequency of these should be pointed out in literature. Most challenging in schools was the lack of understanding with regards to the involuntary nature of tics, and the demand of authorized diagnoses before granting pupils support for their studies. The Finnish support system is not based on medicaliza-tion, so this aspect is in need of development, since a child who has Tourettes is chal-lenging not only for their parents’ relationship, but also for their own relationship with their siblings. Therefore, more support for the family should be provided.
  • Lillqvist, Miranda (2021)
    The aim of this study was to examine what consequences the informants experience adult ADHD has had in their working life and how the informants themselves wish that the workplace would take ADHD into account. Previous research shows that ADHD in adults causes difficulties in many areas of the person's life and leads, among other things, to underperformance in working life. Adults with ADHD have, on average, lower education, more unemployment, short-term employment and an increased risk of fatigue and burnout. According to previous research, adults with ADHD can still be successful in working life, but the workplace must take the diagnosis into account. The study involved seven adults diagnosed with ADHD. In the study, qualitative research methods were used and as data collection method, semi-structured life world interviews were used. The study was based on a phenomenological perspective. The empirical material was analyzed by inductive content analysis. Previous research in the subject was used as a background. The results showed that ADHD in adulthood have had consequences for the informants in working life. According to the informants, ADHD had influenced several career choices in that they did not dare to pursue their dream profession or could not achieve it due to the difficulties associated with ADHD. The informants also experienced that ADHD affected job searching and the opportunity to be employed. ADHD had led to challenges at work, such as concentration and communication difficulties. In addition, the informants experienced that ADHD has led to an increased risk of fatigue and burnout. Despite challenges in working life, the informants also thought that ADHD has contributed to various strengths in working life, such as creativity, productivity and quick responsiveness. The informants wanted the working community to have an understanding for the individual's difficulties and strengths. They also wished an open and supportive working community. In line with previous research, this study shows that ADHD in adulthood can lead to many difficulties in working life, but the results of this study also show that ADHD can lead to strengths in working life. This study also shows, in line with previous research, that it is important that the workplace takes the diagnosis into account.