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  • Suni, Mari (2016)
    Background and aims: Aphasia is commonly associated with deficits in all linguistic modalities.In mild, chronic aphasia syndromes difficulties in reading can interfere with tasks of everyday life. The rehabilitation of reading difficulties caused by a general linguistic deficit is closely related to the rehabilitation of spoken language, especially in the early stages. Partly due to the limited resources granted to speech therapy, rehabilitation seldom proceeds to reading in its own right. Research has shown that rehabilitation of reading as such can however be beneficial to more general linguistic abilities. In this study, the quality and responsiveness to treatment of a sublexical reading deficit related to mild, chronic conduction aphasia were examined. The aim was to investigate, whether a sublexical therapy method and in particular text-level reading practice were effective in enhancing the fluency of reading or more general linguistic abilities. Methods: A 37-year-old man with mild, chronic conduction aphasia and resulting phonological alexia participated in the study. The intervention consisted of 17 training sessions (total of40 hours) of speech therapy, during which independent practice of repetitive reading that lasted for 11 weeks was started. Therapy consisted of phonological and word-level repetition and naming tasks combining the auditive and written modalities. Data consisted of linguistic tasks collected before, during and after the practice period. The effects of the intervention were evaluated by examining oral reading speed and accuracy of connected text and nonwords. More general phonological and linguistic abilities were examined through auditive repetition and auditive memory tasks. Results and discussion: The reading deficit reflected a more general linguistic difficulty that seemed to originate in auditive processing. Difficulties in reading seemed to arise from weakened phonological activation of word forms. No clinically significant changes were observed after the rehabilitation period. Still, positive changes were noted that imply the rehabilitation can be efficient when carried out through a longer period. Reading speed increased in nonword reading task, but speed of reading connected text increased steadily through the whole study period. A positive change in oral reading speed was observed in first readings of practice texts that might imply a more consistent enhancement during a longer training interval. No rehabilitative effect was apparent in auditive repetition or auditive memory, even though individual tasks improved. The results of this case study imply that repetitive reading ought to be further investigated as a reading rehabilitation method for persons with mild phonological reading deficits. Considering more general phonological rehabilitation, systematic methods could enhance the effectiveness of practice.
  • Huovilainen, Tatu (2016)
    Background and aims. Most of the knowledge about neurocognitive processes of reading is based on artificial reading paradigms, such as serial presentation of isolated words or linguistic violation paradigms. The main aim of this thesis was to develop a novel approach to study the neural processes of reading. Specifically, a naturalistic reading task was employed due to concerns for ecological validity, that have been raised about the effects of task on the reading processes. A combination of methods was used to overcome difficulties introduced by this unconstrained reading approach. The second aim was to apply this novel paradigm to test if early differences in the neurocognitive processing of words from different word classes can be found during naturalistic reading. Early processing differences between word classes have been observed before, but they might be task-specific or due to processing related to linguistic violations. Methods. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and eye movements were recorded simultaneously while participants (8, 4 males) silently read a biographical novel presented on a computer screen. The eye movement recording was used to relate the MEG recording to specific word fixation events during reading. Independent component analysis (ICA) was used to remove eye movement artifacts from the MEG recording and to extract activations of individual cortical areas. An automatic parser was used to extract word class information for all the words in the reading material. Event-related fields (ERFs) evoked by fixations on nouns and verbs were compared using nonparametric cluster-based permutation tests in time window of 0–250 ms after the fixation onset. Results and conclusions. The novel combination of methods used in this study proved to be a promising approach to examine neural processes of reading. In comparison to mainstream methodology of cognitive neuroscience of reading, the present approach has several theoretical and practical advantages. Statistically significant differences between nouns and verbs were found in the sensors above the left temporal cortex, in the 138–164 ms and 184–206 ms time windows after the fixation onset. The results confirm some of the earlier findings that were based on non-naturalistic reading settings and suggests that syntactic and/or semantic information is accessed remarkably early in the course of normal reading.
  • Hirvonen, Satu (2022)
    Objectives. The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to assess the methodological quality of intervention studies examining the effect of digital learning games on the reading skills of children with or at risk of reading difficulties. Learning games can serve as a tool to motivate and engage in learning when a child needs more time and repetition to learn. Learning games are utilized in teaching, but the results for their effectiveness vary. The target groups for special needs education are small and heterogeneous in their skills, which makes it challenging to demonstrate the effectiveness of interventions. Methods. The dissertation was carried out as a systematic literature review using PRISMA guidelines. The studies to be evaluated were retrieved from the databases ERIC (Proquest), PsycINFO (Ovid), SCOPUS (Elsevier), Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) and Web of Science. The studies selected for review (n = 13) were published between years 2011 and 2022, were peer-reviewed and English-language intervention studies. The target group was children with reading difficulties or at a risk of reading difficulties, and the intervention sought to influence reading skills through digital learning games. The evaluation was carried out based on the criteria of the EPHPP framework. Results and conclusions. The majority (8) of the intervention studies were rated as strong, three as moderate and two as weak. For the study design, all were assessed as strong for evaluation, while for selection bias and blinding, all studies were rated as only moderate. For confounders, all but one was rated as moderate. Weak ratings were given to only a few studies for data collection methods and withdrawals and dropouts. Based on the results of this study, there is the most room for improvement in the reporting of these two parts to ensure the reliability of the studies.
  • Muhonen, Saimi (2016)
    PISA-studies (Linnakylä, 2004; Sulkunen et al, 2010) and evaluations of education (ia. Harjunen & Rautopuro, 2015) show that young boys read little and they have poor reading skills. But there are still opposite results: Merisuo-Storm and Soininen (2014) say that students in elementary school largely see reading as a positive hobby. The aim of this Master's Thesis was to study and analyze the characteristics of the reading hobby of third grade boys. The aim was achieved by studying the time boys use to read, their favourite books and their attitudes towards reading. This study was performed as a qualitative case study in four schools around the Helsinki metropolitan area. 33 third grade boys filled out a questionnaire after which ten of them were chosen to be interviewed. The data from the questionnaires was categorized and adapted as graphs and the data from the interviews was analyzed by data based content analysis. The attitudes of third grade boys towards reading were positive. Nearly all boys who participated in this study read non-school texts daily. Most of them read less than 30 minutes a day. The boys liked funny and exciting literature the most. They read more books than magazines or electronic literature. The reading hobby of their parents and family members didn't automatically impact how the boys read. All of the ten interviewed boys thought that reading is important. Most of them based that on the importance of reading skill as an instrumental value. Third grade boys had very varied reading skills. Some of them still read picture books while others read long fantasy novels. This puts schools in a challenging position as readers of every level need to be offered meaningful reading experiences during literary education. According to this study, negative regard towards reading seems to affiliate with older students. The role of schools is remarkable when talking about maintaining and encouraging the reading motivation of children so it could carry on to adulthood.
  • Ylämäki, Laura (2019)
    For years there has been concern for children who are reading less in their spare time and whose reading skills are worsening. Earlier research has proven that reading groups can have positive effects for classroom climate, reading motivation and pupils to become a lifelong readers. Social interaction and pupils’ own choices support children’s reading motivation. The most common definition for reading group is that small group of students reads a book, plan timetable for their reading and discuss about the book together. In this study the aim was to find out how pupils define reading group, what they think about it and how reading group can support pupils’ reading motivation. Study gives the voice for pupils and provides valuable information about reading groups that have not been studied a lot before in Finland. This thesis is part of Lukuklaani research project which is funded by Suomen kulttuurirahasto and Kopiosto. Participants of this study included 37 pupils from fifth and sixth grade. They participated Lukuklaani’s ’Narrit’ reading group for three weeks in 2019. Data of this study was collected with online survey in the beginning and in the end of the reading group. The survey provided data about pupils’ reading habits and thoughts about different parts of reading group. Also 12 students were interviewed in groups of four. Data analysis method was qualitative content analysis. Earlier research supported results while they were analysed. The pupils in this study had positive thoughts about reading group and reading already in the beginning of the study. Students liked working with the group and choosing books by themselves. Group and book choices supported reading in the reading group. Pupils wanted to have reading group also the next time when they read a book at school because in reading group pupils got to discuss with others. They also thought that it was a nice learning method. This study shows that reading group can motivate pupils to read if the book choices are succesful and working in the group goes without problems.
  • Suokas-Ikonen, Minna (2016)
    The aim of this Master's Thesis was to find out what kind of different joy of reading – projects are executed in lower grades, what kind of goals do teachers set on their projects and what kind of experiences do teachers have on their projects. Reading is seen as a remarkable factor to prosperity at school and at the same time both skill – and fact subject as well as an instrument in studying. Reading has a versatile influence on a person and it even effects person's mental well-being. Literature according to curriculum is an important part of Finnish and literature – subject. This study was executed as a qualitative case study by interviewing seven (7) class teachers in southern Finland. This study is an expanded case study. All the interviews were transcribed and its contents were analyzed. Teachers chose their projects mainly according to their own interests. Peer support from other teachers in the same school activated as a motivator for projects. Main goal for their projects seen by the teachers was that students would find joy of reading and inner motivation. Sharing experiences on reading projects will encourage teachers to organize different kinds of projects in their own class rooms. Schools should be emboldened to organize literature projects where the whole school takes part in.
  • Lähteenaro, Klaara (1999)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa ja kehittää modernia opiskeluympäristöä hyödyntävää kirjallisuuspiiritoimintaa ja sitä kautta edistää oppilaiden mahdollisuuksia osallistua elämyksellistä lukemista painottavaan kirjallisuuspiiriin sekä vahvistaa heidän kiinnostustaan tieto- ja viestintätekniikan käyttöön. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin lukuvuonna 1997 1998 kyselyin ja haastatteluin sekä observoimalla lähiopetustilanteita ja virtuaaliryhmien sähköpostiviestintää. Lisäksi käytettiin valmiita dokumentteja ja asiakirjoja. Tutkimusjoukkona oli Matildaan osallistuneet 4.-6. luokan oppilaat kuudelta Espoon ala-asteelta sekä neljä tutoria, koordinaattori ja joitakin luokanopettajia Matilda-kouluista. Tutkimusongelmat suuntautuivat pääasiassa matildalaisten kokemuksiin opiskelusta modernissa opiskeluympäristössä, suhteesta tieto- ja viestintätekniikkaan sekä siihen, mitä uutta lukemiseen ja kirjallisuuteen liittyvää he kertoivat oppineensa ja kokeneensa. Koska tutkimuskohteen kaltaisia kokeiluita, joissa yhdistyy kirjallisuuspiiritoiminta ja moderni tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, ei ainakaan Suomessa ole aikaisemmin ollut, päädyttiin tutkimusmetodologian valinnassa kvalitatiiviseen otteeseen. Tutkimusote noudatti tapaustutkimuksen ja kehittämistutkimuksen periaatteita. Vaikka tutkimus oli menetelmältään kvalitatiivinen, aineistoa käsiteltiin myös kvantifioiden, mutta yleistyksiä tehtiin ainoastaan tapauksen suuntaan. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että opiskelu oli oppilaille positiivinen kokemus. He pitivät erityisesti etäopiskelun itsenäisestä työskentelystä ja lähiopetuspäivistä. Heidän suhtautumisensa tieto- ja viestintätekniikkaan muuttui positiivisemmaksi ja heidän taitonsa tieto- ja viestintätekniikan käyttäjinä kehittyivät. Oppilaat saivat positiivisia lukukokemuksia, heidän lukualueensa laajeni ja osa heistä kertoi lukutyylinsä muutoksista ja syvenemisestä. Oppilaat kokivat ongelmallisimmaksi hankkeen sekavan tutorointi-systeemin, kiireisen aikataulun sekä tietokoneisiin ja -verkkoon liittyvät ongelmat.
  • Nurmi, Katariina (2015)
    Previous study shows that reading motivation among Finnish children and youth has diminished. Recreational reading is known to be an essential factor in literacy development. With support of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, new ways of promoting reading are being developed. In Sweden, the municipalities formulate plans of reading promotion with the collaboration of various operators. In Finland, there is no similar system. There are no previous studies or reports to be found on the topic in Finland or in Sweden. This study examined the methods of reading promotion presented in the plans and their justification. The study aimed at considering whether there is something to be learned from the Swedish system in Finland. Plans of reading promotion of 17 Swedish municipalities were chosen as the data of this study. The method chosen was inductive content analysis. The actions of reading promotion described in the plans could be portrayed as efforts between four factors: the professionals, the parents, the children and the material. The professionals aim at both having an impact directly on the children, using methods that take place in children's groups, and indirectly by informing and supporting the parents. They try to improve the achievability of the material by bringing the library close to the children and by offering reading that is suitable by its contents and suitably easy for each reader. The professionals also aim at improving their own actions and cooperation. The viewpoint of the librarians stands out in the plans. Cooperation with the educationalists does not seem to be widely used in planning, purchasing material or agreeing on the distribution of work. The methods are usually adult-centered. The methods, where the child becomes a subject instead of being an object, stood out clearly: the children were given an opportunity of either collaborating in purchasing the material and making it achievable or influencing each other by developing the library environment and by networking. Significant qualitative variation was found in the plans. This report offers ideas of reading promotion for an elementary school teacher and can be helpful in formulating plans of cooperation of school and library. Comparing the reading interest of Finnish and Swedish children and finding out the effects of planning on reading motivation would further contribute to the findings of this study. That information would make it more possible to evaluate if the Swedish system is worth introducing in Finland.
  • Turunen, Piia (2015)
    Object: The object of this study is to examine whether children's proficiency in different aspects of reading after first grade can be predicted by a set of basic skills assessed before first grade and background attributes independently and jointly. Reading proficiency is examined as three separate skills: reading accuracy, reading speed and reading comprehension. The goal is to find out which skills and factors predict these different aspects of reading and whether they are the same for all three. This in turn will help in recognizing the children in need of early support. It will also help in selecting the focus of these early interventions. Previously, several different and partially conflicting theories about the causes of reading difficulties have been proposed. Examining reading from different angles might help solve this controversy. Methods: The participants were 152 native Finnish speaking children of whom 70 had a familial risk for dyslexia. At pre-school age (mean age: 6 years 5 months) the children were evaluated for their verbal IQ, phonological skills, rapid naming skills, working memory and letter naming. Information about background attributes, such as the socioeconomic status of the family, was gathered with questionnaires. Reading skills were assessed after first grade. Children were categorized into two groups in accordance with their performance in different reading skills. Using logistic regression analysis, the information about background and the basic skills assessed at pre-school age were used to predict who performed worse than average at a specific reading skill. Results and conclusions: The three aspects of reading were predicted to some extent by the same set of skills and attributes. Common predictors of all three aspects in unison were verbal IQ, rapid naming, phonological skills, letter naming and working memory. Familial risk of reading difficulty was included in predicting reading speed and accuracy, but for reading comprehension the length of the parents' education was more essential. Those who were younger and had poorer phonological and verbal reasoning skills had greater odds of reading less accurately. Those at familial risk of dyslexia, slow at naming and those with poorer phonological skills had greater odds of being slow readers. Those with poorer verbal reasoning skills, phonological skills and working memory skills and boys had greater odds of being poor at reading comprehension. These results agree in part with previous findings. They also bring new insights into the various skills and factors that are connected to different aspects of reading and can be directly applied into practice.
  • Linnanmäki, Eveliina (2019)
    Aims. Previous research and tests of reading achievement have shown that literacy among children and adolescents has weakened and leisure time reading has decreased especially among boys. Girls have outscored boys on tests of reading achievement and boys read less than their female peers. There has been a public concern about boys when it comes to reading; however there have been few studies made from boys’ own point of view. The main objective of this study was to find out what kind of thoughts the boys, who don’t read much on their freetime, have about reading and literature assignments and how boys are portrayed as readers in Lukuklaani research project data. The aim was also to find out if there is reason to be concerned about the situation of boys. Methods. In this study eight boys from 5th and 6th grade were interviewed. These boys identified themselves as boys who don’t read much on their freetime. This study also used the data of Lukuklaani research project that executed a survey that was answered by 885 teachers. The data (in-terviews and Lukuklaani survey) was analyzed by theory-guided content analysis and categorized to themes. The results were compared to the theoretical framework. Results and conclusions. The boys had rather positive attitudes toward reading; however there seems to be some contradiction in their perceptions. The boys found reading boring even though everyone told they had red an interesting book sometimes. It is important that one can read an interesting book: the boys liked to read books that interest them but they don’t have motivation to read boring books. It is important to find appealing books and it is profitable to introduce boys to various books at school so that they would be able find books that interest them. Relatedness was also a significant factor in this study. Conversations about literature seemed to motivate the boys. Social reading would be a beneficial method to use at school, for example in the form of literature circles. It appears that the concern about the situation of boys is not completely groundless because they seem to prefer other activities such as video games over reading. Nevertheless it is optimistic that the boys have a rather positive attitude toward reading and they like to read books that interest them.
  • Peti-Peti, Kiese (2023)
    Aims. The aim of this study was to find out what kind of discourses related to literacy and reading occur in the writings of Helsingin Sanomat newspaper in January-February of 2022 when there was an intensive discussion about literacy. The literacy of the Finnish youth is still excellent, but the national PISA reports show a rapid increase of weak readers and a decrease in reading habits, especially among boys. The publication chain was initiated by an essay by Silvia Hosseini published in Helsingin Sanomat in January 2022. The essay discussed the differentiation and deterioration of literacy and its effect on surviving everyday life. The essay also commented on measures taken to promote literacy and offered solutions to stop the decline in literacy. This study examined how literacy and reading were portrayed in the writings published after the essay. What was discussed and what was overlooked. Methods. The study was based on the framework of social constructionism and the method was discourse analysis. The data consisted of 36 publications from Helsingin Sanomat. The material was compiled from the online archive of Helsingin Sanomat using the keywords “lukutaito” (literacy) and “lukeminen” (reading). Content analysis techniques were used in the analysis of the data. Results and discussion. The constructed discourses were reading is life, reading is beneficial, civic skill, reading requires alternatives, need for measures, measures are done, competition with digitalization, new era and differentiated literacy. Through the means of discourse analysis, it was possible to structure and identify different dimensions within the diverse public opinion discussion. Literacy was given significance as a key factor in the Finnish society from both an individual and communal perspective. The data contained concern, but the perspectives varied among discourses. The trend of declining literacy was seen as a problem that needed to be solved. The approaches to solutions differed and were partly contradictory across different discourse types. Digitalization was seen as a cause of illiteracy, but also as a solution. The differentiation of literacy caused almost unanimous concern.
  • Pyrhönen, Susanna (2022)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract According to research, teachers' own reading hobbies influence their literature teaching. Reading has been found to have many benefits and therefore educating and encouraging reading in schools is important. The aim of this study is to investigate the reading of future class teachers in their free time, this study does not include the course literature included in their studies. This study also unfolds what class teacher students think about teaching and reading literature in school and what kind of methods or practices of teaching literature class teacher students are going to use as teachers. The data of this study consisted of the responses of 38 class teacher students at the University of Helsinki. Responses were collected by using an e-form. Of the respondents, 30 were women and eight were men. Half of the respondents were fifth year students. The study is a qualitative study, and the data was analyzed using content analysis methods. Student responses were categorized, and the results were written open. As a conclusion a large proportion of class teacher students had an active reading hobby and they enjoyed reading. Reading had been important to many in childhood as well. Class teacher students described receiving the same type of benefits from reading and literature as studies describe the benefits of reading and literature. The meanings of reading were similar in childhood and today. The class teacher students also told the reasons why they don’t read as much as they would like. The answers to the reasons for not reading were mostly about technology and then about the lack of time and having a lot of reading in their studies. Almost all class teacher students considered the teaching of literature important and were able to name methods of teaching literature that they themselves intend to use in school. However, many had not felt that they had received enough of their studies to teach literature. Thus, the reading hobby of class teacher students and their attitude towards the teaching of literature seems to be mainly such, that it can have a positive effect on their future teaching and students.
  • Savinainen, Anna (2019)
    The importance of high reading literacy is well known: it can be seen as the basis for learning, and reading literacy affects ones life for long after primary school. Worry about the loss of Finnish peoples reading literacy and motivation to read has been a topic of much conversation in the media. Latest PISA-scores indicate that the difference in reading literacy between genders as well as good and weaker readers is growing. Previous studies have shown that reading motivation is strongly linked to how much children read during their free time. According to studies self-motivated reading correlates to better reading literacy. In this study I will investigate primary school teachers perceptions of childrens reading literacy and motivation to read. I looked at teachers perceptions of childrens reading literacy today, challenges in reading, attitudes towards reading and differences in gender in reading and reading literacy. I clarified the factors which teachers believe affect childrens development in reading literacy. Furthermore I wanted to clarify how reading motivation appears in children and what role motivation has on reading literacys development. The study was conducted as a qualitative case study. The case consisted of 3 primary school teachers of a school in Espoo. Research material was collected through theme interviews and was analyzed through theory-driven content analysis. The results showed that teachers believe childrens reading literacy today varies widely, which brings challenges to teaching. Another challenge teachers face is finding enjoyable reading material and a general lack of interest towards reading. On the other hand, teachers at this particular school in Espoo did not perceive gender differences in literacy and reading ability to be present as strongly as previous studies have shown. The teachers had however noticed that girls in general read more during their free time than boys. Teachers believe that the support of the school and family play a strong role in the development of reading literacy. Teachers also believe that reading experiences in early childhood influenced reading motivation, which in turn is related to self-motivated reading. Commitment to reading was seen as a vital factor in developing reading literacy and in turn affecting success at school. In summary, according to teachers understanding, reading literacy, reading motivation, and self- motivated reading are strongly correlated and supporting of each other.
  • Jaakkola, Piia (2018)
    Former studies have shown that reading fiction has an impact on the development of different kinds of skills regarding our minds. Skills like empathy or making conclusions based on something we read can nowadays be included in the concept of literacy, along with knowledge of literary elements and the mechanical ability to read. International literacy tests also scrutinize the mental skills connected to reading. However, their ability to measure these skills are restricted by their narrowly phrased questions and short texts. The purpose of this study is to look into the mental skills connected to reading fiction from a child-focused viewpoint. The study examines the topic through the concept of aesthetic knowledge referring to knowledge gained through an aesthetic activity such as reading fiction. The aim of this study is to portray the kinds of aesthetic knowledge that reading fantasy literature evokes in child readers, and to is to describe how the aesthetic knowledge appears. The data of this study consists of video messages filmed by five 5th and 6th graders while reading a fantasy novel of their choice during January-March 2017. The transcribed data was analysed using content analysis and by mirroring the data to Maria Nikolajeva's (2014) theory of the aesthetic knowledge of child readers. The aesthetic knowledge of these children had three categories: 1) knowledge of others, 2) knowledge of the real world, the world of literature and the relationship between these two, and 3) knowledge of themselves. Aesthetic knowledge appeared when the children discussed their understandings and conclusions, as well as their uncertainties and initial impressions that were changed by new information. The versatility of these results brings up the need and interest to further investigate the connection between children's mental skills and reading fiction.
  • Laukkanen, Annika (2019)
    Aims. The decline in reading skills and reading habits of Finnish children and adolescents has been a concern in Finnish society. The decline in reading skills has been noticed in PISA-surveys. It is worrying that particularly the number of adolescents with poor reading skills has been increasing. Previous research has shown that reading skills correlate with reading motivation and reading habits. The aim of this study was to investigate how a classroom teacher can promote children’s reading motivation. Also the aim was to examine the ways in which reading is displayed in learning environment and in what ways does the teacher use materials received from Lukuklaani research project. This study creates an in-depth look at one classroom teacher and examines the ways how that teacher promotes children’s reading motivation. Methods. This study was conducted as a qualitative case study as part of Lukuklaani research project. The participant was a fourth-grade teacher who is experienced, thinks reading is important, is interested in motivating children to read and tries to promote reading motivation by using different methods. The data of this study was collected by interviewing and observing the teacher and taking photographs of school environment. The data was collected during two days in spring semester of 2019. Theory-based content analysis was used to analyse the data. The theoretical framework used in this study consisted of motivation studies and self-determination theory. Results and conclusions. This study showed that the teacher in this study used diverse methods to promote children’s reading motivation. The used methods satisfied basic human needs presented in self-determination theory. There were many different reading-related things displayed in school environment. Books received from Lukuklaani-project were available for students to read and teachers had also created different tasks and assignments related to those books. A guide to reading circles that was received from Lukuklaani was little used. Based on this study teacher can promote children’s reading motivation by being a model of a reader, supporting children’s reading skill development, providing children chances to make their own choices and organizing social activities related to reading.
  • Kruus, Niina (2020)
    The aim for this study is to investigate primary school teachers’ and lower secondary school teachers’ reading habits and describe teachers’ recreational reading habits. Earlier research indicates that even thought the majority of teachers enjoy reading and they are unanimous about the importance of reading, it doesn’t necessarily mean that teachers use their leisure time to read. Teachers are important reading models to their students. By modeling they can demonstrate to students that reading is an important skill to know and a fun recreational activity. With the help of this study, information about finnish teachers as readers can be obtained. It is also possible to portray what kind of reading model teachers give to students at school. This study was conducted as a part of the Lukuklaani-project. The data was part of a survey that was sent to primary school teachers and lower secondary school teachers. Over 1800 primary school teachers, mother tongue and literature teachers from lower secondary school and other subjects’ teachers from lower secondary school answered the questions that are part of this study. The data was analyzed with quantitative methods. The majority of teachers read more than one book in a year. When compairing different teacher groups, mother tongue and literature teachers from lower secondary school read on average a little bit more than other teachers. Teachers read variety of different kinds of books, but a novel was by far the most read genre. The other subjects’ teachers from lower secondary school read more non-fiction than other teachers. Recreational reading habits were investigated also by asking about the respondents’ participation in literary circles, because increasing the use of communal reading emphasizing literary circle method in primary schools was one of the aims of the Lukuklaani-project. Most of the teachers didn’t participate in literary circles. The most popular type of literary circle, within those who took part in one, was friend group’s literary circle. The survey also investigated, what teachers had last read. Those who read a lot and those who read a little weren’t different from each other when looking at the book they last read. There were no great differences between different teacher groups’ recreational reading habits. However there were more teachers that were a part of a literary circle within the teachers that read more than within the teachers that didn’t read that much. The study indicates that teachers read quite a lot, especially fiction. Therefore they have a chance to give a good model of recreational reading to students.
  • Suorsa, Minna (2020)
    Aims. Finnish children and youth are succeeding in the international reading tests quite well but especially amount of weak readers has increased. In addition, the commitment of Finnish children and young people to reading and reading as a hobby have decreased. In particular, reading of entire books has declined. Some students read whole books in their mother tongue and literature classes, but it is not self-evident that it happens in every teachers’ class. In addition to reading the literature, the use of the library services is also one of the goals of the National Core Curriculum for Basic education. The National Core Curriculum does not define how often teachers should visit some kind of library with their students. The aim of this study is to find out what library services mother tongue and literature teachers in Basic education use in their teaching or preparation of it and how often they use those. Additionally, the aim is to find out why mother tongue and literature teachers can not use library services as often as they would like to. I will also find solutions to increase their use of library services. Methods. This study is based on the data on the Lukuklaani research project. I used the answers of 884 teachers from primary schools and 407 answers from mother tongue and literature teachers from secondary schools. In their answers to the survey, they described their use of library services in their teaching or preparation of it. The data were analyzed by qualitative content analysis and also described by quantitative methods. Results and conclusions. This study showed that teachers working in primary schools and secondary school mother tongue and literature teachers cannot use the library services as often as they would like to. The barriers to use library services are concrete and related to public libraries, book buses and school or classroom libraries. Those were also the most used library services by the teachers in this study. The barriers to use library services could be demolished by putting enough resources to both public and school libraries.
  • Kröger, Heta (2016)
    Objectives: The present study examines dyslexia related to perinatal risks and its persistence into adulthood. It is known that perinatal risks affect later cognitive outcomes but influences related to language development and reading are poorly understood. Dyslexia is a specific reading disorder and its prevalence rate is about 5-10 %. Dyslexia is predicted by early deficits in language development and reading difficulties are known to persist from childhood to adulthood. The present study focuses on prevalence, predictors and persistence of dyslexia in the perinatal risk group. The hypotheses were 1) that the prevalence of dyslexia among the perinatal risk group is higher than usual 2) that early problems in language skills are associated with reading and writing skills in school age and 3) that reading difficulties show continuity from school age into adulthood. Methods: The present study is part of a longitudinal research project examining long-term effects of perinatal risks. Examinees were Finnish speaking adults with one or more perinatal risks (n=168). Reading and phonological processing skills in adulthood were assessed in neuropsychological examination and the examinees were classified to fluent or non-fluent readers by reading tasks. In the longitudinal analysis the childhood data of language skills (at the age of 5) and reading and writing skills (at the age of 9) were examined by linear and logistic regression. Results and conclusions: In the perinatal risk group there was a 15,5% rate of non-fluent readers. Language skills at the age of 5 did not predict reading and writing skills at the age of 9, but reading and writing skills at school age affected reading and phonological processing in adulthood. It appears that perinatal risks are associated with a higher risk of dyslexia which continues from childhood into adulthood. The usual predictors of dyslexia were not found in the present study. Dyslexia related to perinatal risks may differ from usual dyslexia by ethiology and development.
  • Emmes, Nelli (2020)
    Aims. The earlier research indicates that young people are reading less during their spare time. Due to the fact that young people are reading less on their spare time the importance of school is highlighted as a tool to increase the amount of reading. It is important that the teachers are using as inspiring methods as possible when choosing the books to be read. The aim of this study was to find out how the literature was selected in the subject of Finnish language and literature. Furthermore, how the teachers explained their criteria of choosing the book. Methods. The research was conducted as a part of the upper comprehensive school “Lukuklaani-project”. The research material was part of a survey that was directed to upper comprehensive school teachers in spring 2019. The questionnaire comprised of 54 questions, out of two questions were examined in this research. 354 Finnish language and literature teachers had answered the questions. The research was performed by using qualitative methodology and using elements of source-based content analysis. In addition, quantitative methodology was used when presenting the findings in figures. Results and conclusions. This research shows that approx. 75 % of the teachers gave at least some freedom of choice to the students to choose the book. However, almost one quarter of the teachers didn’t let the students to be part of the selection process, instead the teacher selected the book. The selection criteria was argued in many different ways. The most common selection criteria was justified by the wish to examine the book in a specific way. This argument was used by approximately one fifth of the teachers. The most common argument, but only approximately one third, was expressing the view that took into consideration increasing the students reading motivation. Furthermore, the research shows that the teacher should more often consider more thoroughly the selection criteria of books to be read, in order to support the students reading motivation in a better way.