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Browsing by Subject "moniammatillinen yhteistyö"

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  • Herva, Eszter (2014)
    Aims The first aim of the research was to analyze conflictsituations in the comprehensive school. In the process of the analyzing I focused into conflicts in the multiprofessional teamwork. The second aim belongs to the multiprofessional teamwork: descript the building process of the multiprofessional teamwork and the special teachers attitude in the prosess of development a multiprofessional teamwork. Methods The material of the research is a document written by special teachers. In the analyzing the material I used qualitative methods. Results and conclusions I found four groups of conflict situations in the material: conflicts in own professionalism, in the multi-professional teamwork, in the contact with the pupils and in the contact with the pupils family. Group of conflict situations in the multi-professional teamwork was the biggest group. The multi-professional teamwork is built in three steps: step before multi-professional teamwork, meeting the members of the team and adaptation to the team. Before the multi-professional teamwork special teachers reflect the own role and the members responsibility in the teamwork, the own development as a member of the team and the own opinions about other members and about members way to do the teamwork. In this step special teachers want to develop the own skills of communication, and the teamwork. In the step of meeting the other members of the team special teachers reflect the other members opinion and way to work in the team and the differences between the own and the others opinion and way to work. The special teachers reflect too how much they want to do teamwork now and in the future. In the step of adaptation to the team special teachers reflect the goals of teamwork, the ways to work in the team, the polarization of the commitment and the responsibility in the teamwork. The special teachers opinions about the teamwork and the team members are getting better in the process of the building the teamwork from the step before teamwork to the step adaptation to the teamwork. But first, the special teachers opinion is getting worse in the step of meeting the members. Special teachers wants a lot to develop the teamwork in all steps of building the multi-professional teamwork, and it is getting better in all steps. My conclusion in this research is that it is possible to develop the attitude in the multi-professional teamwork by talking about the goals, the values and the ways to work in the team, by getting know each other and by focusing to the facts in our teamwork.
  • Hooli, Minna-Maria (2023)
    Aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella lasten psyykkinen oireilu ja mielenterveyden haasteet ovat lisääntyneet kouluympäristössä. Tässä tutkimuksessa lapsen psyykkisellä oireilulla tarkoitetaan lapsen omaa psyykkistä häiriötä tai ulkoisten tekijöiden, aiheuttamaa reaktiota, jonka vuoksi oppilas ei syystä tai toisesta kykene, osaa tai halua toimia yleisesti asetettujen normien mukaisesti kouluympäristössä. Oppilaalla ei tarvitse olla erillistä diagnoosia, jotta oireilu voidaan katsoa psyykkiseksi oireiluksi. Aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa on havaittu, ettei erityisopettajien tämänhetkinen koulutus ja resurssit vastaa työelämän vaatimuksia liittyen psyykkisesti oireilevien oppilaiden kohtaamiseen ja tukemiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää alakoulussa työskentelevien laaja-alaisten erityisopettajien kokemuksia omista valmiuksista tunnistaa ja tukea psyykkisesti oireilevia oppilaita sekä kartoittaa millaista tukea erityisopettajat saavat psyykkisesti oireilevien oppilaiden kanssa työskentelyyn. Tämä tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jonka tutkimusstrategiaksi valittiin fenomenologis-hermeneuttinen lähestymistapa, jossa pyritään syvällisesti ymmärtämään ja tulkitsemaan ihmisen kokemusta ja kokemusmaailmaa. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu seitsemän alakoulussa työskentelevien laaja-alaisten erityisopettajien teemahaastatteluista. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä hyödyntäen Gioia- metodologiaa. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan erityisopettajat tunnistivat oppilaan psyykkinen oireilun normaalista poikkeavana lapsen ulospäin ja sisäänpäin suuntauvana oireiluna. Psyykkisen oireilun ilmenemisessä painotettiin yksilöllisyyttä ja muutosten tunnistamisessa tärkeäksi koettiin hyvä oppilastuntemus. Erityisopettajat tunnistivat psyykkisen oireilun taustalla ympäristötekijöitä, neurologisia tekijöitä ja ikäkausiin liittyviä muutoksia. Työkokemus, haasteet, uuden oppiminen ja oppilaan asioiden edistämisen koettiin lisäävän voimavaroja ja työn antoisuutta. Toisaalta liialliset odotukset, resurssien puute ja käyttäytymisen haasteet koettiin uuvuttavana. Yleisesti erityisopettajan koulutus nähtiin hyödyllisenä, mutta sen ei koettu antavan riittävästi valmiuksia kohdata psyykkisesti oireilevia oppilaita. Erityisopettajat kokivat saavansa valmiuksia työkokemuksesta, työyhteisöltä sekä koulutuksista. Erityisopettajat mainitsivat saavansa tukea psyykkisesti oireilevien oppilaiden kanssa työskentelyssä oppilashuollosta, luokanopettajilta, erityisluokan opettajilta, mentoriopettajilta ja lähiesihenkilöiltä. Ammatillisen yhteistyön toimivuudesta huolimatta oppilashuollon koettiin olevan liian työllistetty. Suomessa ei ole tehty aikaisempaa tutkimusta, joka keskittyisi pelkästään alakoulussa työskentelevien erityisopettajien kokemuksiin oppilaiden psyykkisen oireilun tunnistamisesta ja tukemisesta. Tutkimus vahvistaa aikaisempia tutkimustuloksia siitä, ettei erityisopettajien koulutus ja saatavilla olevat resurssit vastaavat nykyisiin työelämän vaatimuksiin psyykkisesti oireilevien oppilaiden kanssa toimiessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksia ei voida yleistää koskemaan kaikkia alakoulussa työskenteleviä erityisopettajia, mutta tutkimus luo kuvaa erityisopettajien työn resursseista, koulutuksen tarpeista sekä työssäjaksamisesta psyykkisesti oireilevien oppilaiden kanssa työskennellessä. Lisäksi tutkimus vahvistaa käsityksiä koulun tukitoimien resurssien puutteellisuudesta sekä kuinka laajasti psyykkisesti oireileva oppilas vaikuttaa kouluympäristössä.
  • Teräs, Enni (2023)
    The need for interprofessional collaboration has increased as products and services have become more diverse. According to previous studies, experts can achieve objectives that would be impossible to achieve alone when collaborating. It is also possible to reach the desired outcome quicker, when working in collaboration. The intention of this study was to get information about the collaboration of experts working in a retail company’s Ecom process. Ecom is a process that requires experts from different functions to collaborate with one another. For this reason, this study uses the term cross-functional collaboration, along with the term interprofessional collaboration to the describe the collaboration of the experts. This study aimed to answer the questions, what kind of collaboration do the experts take part in and what characteristics arose as the experts described cross-functional collaboration. The research data was collected via a semi-structured interview. Seven Ecom process experts were individually interviewed. The interviewees were from sales, marketing, and IT. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. It was found that constant cross-functional collaboration was needed in the Ecom process. The experts had different experiences of the collaboration, depending on their job roles, tasks, and individual experiences. It was observed that the collaboration varied in intensity ranging from the transfer of information between functions, essential collaboration for the advancement of the process to ideation, planning and developing together. Relation expertise, collective information and cooperative procedures arose as the results for the second research question. Features related to relation expertise e.g., understanding the expertise of others and the other functions, and also shared information and cooperative procedures, which related to both research questions, suggested that recognizing and understanding boundaries is substantial for cross-functional collaboration. The results of this study are aligned with previous studies of what supports interprofessional collaboration and the significance of relational expertise and boundary crossing for collaboration, combining these research topics.
  • Dammert, Hanna (2020)
    The aim of the study was to analyze the debate on special education in the context of social decision-making. The purpose was to find out how special education comes up in the discussions of the Helsinki City Council and whether any topic related to special education comes up more in the speeches of the delegates. The research focuses on the discussion of special education in preschool education, primary and secondary education, as well as interprofessional collaboration. The city council decides on the municipality's policies and priorities, so the topics of discussion and contents arising from the speeches of the delegates are very interesting from the point of view of the residents. The approach of the study was a case study. The Helsinki City Council consisted of delegates representing different political parties and their deputies. The public speeches of the members of the Helsinki City Council were approached through a qualitative, material-based content analysis. The subject of the study was the minutes of the discussion of the public council meetings of the Helsinki City Council from 2011–2019. The content of the speeches of the Helsinki City Council delegates on special education emphasized three perspectives: the resource perspective (52%), the quality perspective (31%) and the value perspective (17%). The resource perspective was divided into three levels: support for learning, availability of preschool education and study places, and targeting of support. The quality perspective, in turn, was divided into two levels: teaching and the organization of preschool education and training (equity). The value perspective was divided into two levels: inequality and integration and inclusion. In this perspective, the jointly agreed goals of the council delegates and the parties' own values were reflected in the speeches of the delegates. The views and policies of the parties were also largely in line with the stated educational policy guidelines. There were differences in the number of speeches and the emphasis on the subjects of the discussion. Inclusion was mentioned in Helsinki's stated goals for education and training. However, there is still a long way to go before inclusion is achieved.
  • Syrjänen, Sakari (2014)
    Objectives of the study: Multidiscipline knowledge is needed in evaluation of person's functional capacity in work: physical and psychosocial factors must be considered. Generic models and tools are needed to provide common practices to evaluate work-ability (or demands of the work) and to understand the relevance of multifaceted factors underneath. Reflective processing of one's own knowledge and intuitions is seen to improve a person's ability to understand the relevance of unfamiliar information and to achieve a higher cognitive congruence in a multi-professional group. That can be achieved through group-learning practices. In a current research effect of IMBA- methods training is studied. It is assumed that training will increase the cognitive congruence between professionals evaluating work-ability. Methods: Three training groups were arranged in 2005. 51 professionals of vocational rehabilitation participated (43 women and 8 men). They evaluated both the functional capacities of a person and the demands of work before and after their IMBA-training. Evaluations were done on the basis of written case-information. The data of these evaluation tasks is data of this study. Both independent samples and repeated measures settings was used. The effect of training is analyzed as a measure of absolute agreement indexes (ICC and rrg) Results and conclusions: The results agreed with the hypothesis: After IMBA training the level of absolute agreement was higher in evaluating both the demands of work and the functional capacities of a person. Differences between training groups, features of the task or familiarity of the material didn't seem to influence the effect. Agreement got higher in evaluating physical and psychosocial factors of workability. The effect was very systematic. The evaluations were more congruent after training even though the effect was not strong enough to reach statistical significance with these samples. What was surprising was that demands of work were systematically evaluated lower after training as the functional capacities of persons were evaluated the same or a little higher after the training. Interesting question is: Do the professionals overestimate the demands of the work in general when making evaluations based on their intuitive thinking? If that's the case, the customers of vocational rehabilitation are seen as more disabled compared to demands the work than they are in real. The possibility of a systematic error like this in evaluating workability must be studied more in the future.
  • Ikonen, Eeva-Kaarina (2020)
    Preventing youth’s marginalization is a major challenge for the whole society and it has been in the forefront media coverage as well as in the government programme. Earlier research has shown that juvenile delinquency has a connection with both dropout and challenging position in labour market later in life. It is seen as a path to subsequent marginalization. Finnish Ministry of the Interior has launched an youth’s criminal behavior preventing programme, Anchor work (ankkuritoiminta). Since 2018 Anchor teams (ankkuritiimit) have meen mandated to co-operate more tightly with local schools. The aim of this study is to determine the experiences of multiprofessional collaboration between school personnel and Anchor team when preventing juvenile delinquency. The goal is to find out how collaboration is experienced and to identify the factors that are perceived as guiding the collaboration. This qualitative study is a case study with a background in phenomenological research tradition. The data was gathered by theme interviews from three (3) members of Anchor team located in Southern Finland and three (3) members of school personnel from the same area. Interviews were held in the beginning of June 2020. Interviewees were from four different professions. The interviews were transcribed and analysed by content analysis. The result showed that the experiences of collaboration between the Anchor team and school were mainly positive but also dependent on the situation. Collaboration was perceived as concrete, consultative, solution-orientated and interactive. There were four (4) factors guid-ing the multiprofessional collaboration: youth’s position, interaction, values and later conse-quences.
  • Penttinen, Sakari (2020)
    The topic of this master’s thesis is the collaborative use of the building information management systems. The present national standards require collaborative use of the 3-dimensional models both. The research is focused on the multidisciplinary use of the building information model in the building design and planning. This master’s thesis is a case study concerning a planning phase of a large public building project. The study is based on three meetings of the planning phase of the project. The research method of this study is qualitative content analysis of the recorded meetings. The content analysis is partially based on the theory of messy talk introduced by Carrie Sturts Dossick and Gina Neff. Messy talk and its typologies form a theoretical context for the analysis of the collaborative procedures. The BIM program family recognizes automatically low-level design faults and clashes. However, the higher-level problems, like water damage risks, were not implicated by programs or simulations. In this thesis, I claim that multidisciplinary collaboration is the key to solving these more abstract design problems. The collaborative use of building information management largely remains a utopia. According the content analysis the problems in the multidisciplinary collaboration and communication are the insufficient identification and voicing the issues using the building information model.
  • Volotin, Ida (2022)
    The purpose of this study is to find out what kind of tensions school actors experience and bring up as a part of the multi-professional collaborative planning and action process related to food education. In addition, this study is interested in what kind of collaborative learning is built based on these tensions. These results are conceptualized using levels of shared food sense. The study examined the collaboration process between three subject teachers and the school's food-service manager, during which a theme day for the whole school “environment friendly food day” was planned, implemented, and evaluated. So far, there has been no similar research in Finland on cooperation between food service and teaching staff or the utilization of school meals as a multidisciplinary learning entity in school communities. This study aims to respond to this research gap, as the national recommendations covering school meals (2017) and the Finnish National Curriculum (2014) guide and recommend the school community to consider school catering more widely as part of food education and multi-professional collaboration. This study was part of the RUOKATAJU (2020–2022) project. In this study data included multi-professional meetings, the teachers' open feedback questionnaire and interviews. The analysis was theory-based and utilized the definition of shared food sense and tensions. Collaborative learning was noticeable in relation to planning the ”environment friendly food day” implementation through joint understanding. Instead, the tensions that appeared during the evaluation phase provided appropriate information about the challenges related to the cooperation between the food service and teaching staff. Tensions were related, for example, to the hectic work of the food service staff, the staff resources provided by the employer, the diversity of the teacher's work, lack of information about school meal practices, the lack of professional competence or meaning. When considering further research ideas, it would be worthwhile to also make the voice of principals and the food service industry heard.
  • Parviainen, Oona (2018)
    The purpose of this research is to describe multi-professional support for autism spectrum persons during their life's transition points. The research describes collaborative practices and challenges in multi-professional cooperation. Furthermore, the purpose is to describe the diagnosis and post-treatment of people with autism as well as their views from professionals' point of view. Autism and autism spectrum especially in adult individuals have been studied in Finland moderately little and therefore participation in the European Union ASDEU project is significant for Finland. The material of this research has been collected as a part of the project and the results of the research are later comparable with the countries participating in the project. Consequently, the subject of this research is significant from the societal point of view. This is a qualitative research with a discretionary sample of elven people (N1-N9). They are professionals in four different sectors, namely social services, health care, the third sector and the Social Insurance Institution. They are working in different parts of Finland which makes regional comparison possible. The data collection method is a structured theme interview and all the interviews are recorded and transcribed into written form. The data analysis methods used are discourse analysis and coding. In addition, the research strategy takes advantage of the features of survey research. A variety of methods are used in order to get the most comprehensive analysis of the research material. The research results show that the autistic spectrum individuals are offered some support and services by different professionals. The challenge is the availability and accessibility of services needed by persons with autistic spectrum because there are significant regional differences around Finland. The lack of a formal care chain is also identified as a major problem. On the other hand, a multi-professional cooperation between different professional groups works best within a single sector. The challenges in multi-professional cooperation are both within the sectors and in collaboration across sectors. However, the interviewed professionals' nominate a total of 15 good practices for autistic spectrum adults in Finland.
  • Andström, Oskari (2023)
    Finnish homelessness work has a long tradition. For quite a long time Finnish homelessness work was largely based on the so-called stairwell model all the way until the 2010s when Housing First model emerged. The arrival of Housing First model has had a lot of effect on the everyday work of professionals in the field homelessness work. Therefore, I’ve decided to pose the following question in my study: What kind of challenges and possibilities lie in multiprofessional collaboration of housing counselling, real estate management and rent control in the context of a Housing First based work. It is worth pointing out though, that Housing First based work entails much more than just the work of housing counselling, real estate management and rent control. Despite this I’ve decided to focus my research to studying multiprofessional collaboration of the three previously mentioned actors in the context of Housing First based work. The material studied was collected by interviewing housing counsellors, real estate managers and rent controllers working at Y-Foundation. The interviews were carried out as theme interviews in groups so, that housing counsellors were interviewed as one group, real estate managers as one group and likewise rent controllers as one group. Narrative analysis and more specifically an analysis of expectations was utilized to produce the results. The research material indicated, that the interviewees were particularly concerned over questions about shared responsibility between professionals, flow of information, professional roles as well as differences in views. In many ways these themes resembled those observed in previous research about multiprofessional collaboration. Moreover, the interviewees viewed the employer as a pivotal actor when it comes to strengthening multiprofessional collaboration and knowledge about Housing First based work.
  • Björkbacka, Emma (2023)
    The purpose of this study is to explore how the educational arrangements of foster children are executed according to different professionals working in the school context. The aim was also to discover whether there are differences in the views of different professionals. The foster children may regard additional support in learning, well-being and participation in education. Multiprofessional collaboration that is well executed is one way of supporting the special needs. (Saariluoma, Eriksson & Korhonen 2021; Olsson ym., 2023.) To implement multiprofessional collaboration, a shared interpretation of the situation is needed (Isoherranen, 2012). Research material consisted of data drawn from surveys of three different groups of professionals working with foster children in education: the school administration and management, teaching and educational work and student welfare (N = 40). The professionals assessed how the educational arrangements of foster children are executed. The survey was conducted by VIP-verkosto in spring 2022. VIP-verkosto is a network of professionals aiming to better support students with additional needs that has a subsection representing children placed in care. The analyse was conducted using quantitative methods. The results show that according to professionals working with children placed in care, the educational arrangements were executed with varying degrees of success. The three groups of professionals seemed to share a view of how the educational arrangements are implemented and the differences were more visible inside the groups rather than between them. However, small differences can be distinguished. There was more variation in responses of student welfare professionals and in this group they were more likely to report that the educational ar-rangements are not well executed. The group of school administration and management had the most positive view of how the educational arrangements are implemented whereas the responses of teaching and educational work professionals appeared to be more neutral. The results cannot be generalized due to the small sample size and the differences in the sizes of the groups examined. However, the somewhat shared interpretation of the situation between the groups of professionals may indicate that conditions for multiprofessional collaboration are, from this point of view, good. According to previous research, together with this study, further research is needed to better understand and to develop the multiprofessional collaboration in education when working with children placed in care.
  • Sjölund, Jonna (2018)
    Objectives. The purpose of the study was to examine which factors affect the formation of the interactive relationship between a special needs assistant and a class teacher and to explore if there is multiprofessional co-operation and professional agency between a special needs assistant and a class teacher. The theoretical background of the study was the concept of professional agency (ammatillinen toimijuus) by Anneli Eteläpelto (2017) which refers to the possibilities of influence of an employee and experientiality of their job. Subject focused sociocultural approach i.e. the idea of selves–that are shaped by experiences and values–is also connected to professional agency. Methods. The material was collected in December 2017 in one of the comprehensive schools in Helsinki metropolitan area. Two pairs consisting of a third-class special needs assistant and class teacher were interviewed. The pairs did not work together or operate within the same cell of classrooms, but the special needs assistants worked as cell centred special needs assistants co-operating with the other class teachers of the same cell of classrooms although mainly they worked with the class teacher participating in the study. These pairs were coded as work pair 1 and work pair 2. The material was collected by pair interviews with the semi-structured theme interview and the material was analysed by using material-oriented content analysis. The material was coded by using the theory by Eteläpelto (2017) and the conclusions drawn on the material were based on the theme categories created with the same theory. In this study the theoretical background was supported by a previous literature review on the same topic. Results and conclusions. There are all dimensions of professional agency between the work pairs, and the subject oriented sociocultural approach is a significant part of the formation of an interactive relationship. In this study, the school building is not an influencing factor in the formation of interactive relationship, but the resources of the working environment advance the interactive relationship e.g. by alert phone system. The interactive relationships are advanced by time spent together, appreciation, the clarity of the work roles and multiprofessional co-operation. The interactive relationships are weakened by space planning, rush, incompatibility of the pairs, turnover of the staff and the unappreciation of the special needs assistant in the working community. The work pairs feel the relationship between them to be important because it has positive effects on the working community and the learning process of the children. The work pairs think that the school environment is not fit for working if one is unwilling to co-operate. The special needs assistants and class teachers feel that their interactive relationship should be improved considering the time resources by adding more time for them to spend together.
  • Heinonen, Ida (2021)
    Class teachers collaborate substantially with classroom assistants. However, teacher education does not include information about this kind of collaboration, and whether the students gain this type of collaboration experience is up to their own work life experiences. Yet collaboration with class assistants can be extremely helpful, both at the beginning of a teacher’s career and later on. There is little research on collaboration between class teachers and classroom assistants. In Finland Marjatta Takala has done the most research on this collaboration form. There is no research on collaboration between class teachers and classroom assistants in the context of primary education. The objective of this master’s thesis is to discover what kinds of views class teachers and classroom assistants have on collaboration in primary education. Additionally, this thesis’ objective is to discover how class teachers and classroom assistants would develop this collaboration in primary education. The objective of this thesis is to produce new information and thus support the researcher’s own teacherhood and the collaboration that will take place in work life. This thesis was conducted between March and August in 2021 by using qualitative methods. Five class teachers and five classroom assistants were interviewed as part of the thesis by using semi-structured interview method. The interviews were carried out remotely through Zoom. The data from the interviews was analysed with data based content analysis method. Class teachers and classroom assistants interpret collaboration in primary education as an extensive entity that consists of the class assistants’ role in primary education, factors that enable the collaboration and the specific qualities of collaboration in primary education. The issues needing further development in primary education’s collaboration are the time required for collaboration, education, working culture and the class assistants’ competence. According to this thesis’ results collaboration in primary education is multiprofessional collaboration with indications of shared expertise. It is possible to elaborate the study of collaboration with ethnographic methods by studying the significance of different grades or how shared expertise manifests itself in collaboration.