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  • Lintuvuori, Meri (2010)
    The number of Finnish pupils attending special education has increased for more than a decade (Tilastokeskus 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005a, 2006b, 2007b, 2008b, 2008e, 2009b; Virtanen ja Ratilainen 1996). In the year 2007 nearly third of Finnish comprehensive school pupils took part in special needs education. According to the latest statistics, in the autumn of 2008 approximately 47 000 pupils have been admitted or transferred to special education and approximately 126 000 pupils received part-time special education during the 2007-2008 academic year. (Tilastokeskus 2008b, 2009b.) The Finnish special education system is currently under review. The Reform, both in legislation and in practice, began nationwide in the year 2008 (e.g. Special education strategy document, November 2007 and the development project Kelpo). The aim of the study was the statistical description of the Finnish special education system and on the other hand to gain a deeper understanding about the Finnish special education system and its quantitative increase, by analysis based on the nationwide statistical information. Earlier studies have shown that the growth in special education is affected by multiple independent variables and cannot be solely explained by the pupil characteristics. The statistical overview and analysis have been carried out in two parts. In the first part, the description and analysis were based on statistical time series from the academic year 1979-1980 until 2008. While, in the second, more detailed description and analysis, based on comparable time series from 1995 to 2008 and from 2001-2002 to 2007-2008, is presented. Historical perspective was one part of this study. There was an attempt to find reasons explaining the observed growth in the special needs education from late 1960s to 2008. The majority of the research was based on the nationwide statistics information. In addition to this, materials including educational legislation literature, different kind of records of special education and preceding studies were also used to support the research. The main results of the study, are two statistical descriptions and time series analysis of the quantitative increase of the special needs education. Further, a summary of the plausible factors behind the special education system change and its quantitative increase, is presented. The conclusions coming from the study can be summarised as follows: the comparable statistical time series analysis suggests that the growth in special education after the year 1999 could be a consequence of the changes in the structure of special education and that new group of pupils have been directed to special needs education.
  • Kukkamäki, Katriina (2007)
    The purpose of this study was to describe and get a deep understanding of pedagogical change process. The phases of pedagogical change process and the nature and the role of teacher's pedagogical thinking in it were mapped. The change process as a whole was also modeled. The previous research of teaching change process has had been scarce on an individual teacher level, but on a school level it has been investigated abundantly. The theoretical background of this study consists of theories of teacher's pedagogical thinking and action and how their thinking and action change and develop. Teacher change has been researched from the point of view of both school change and professional development. The basic principle in the theoretical frame is that change in teacher's thinking leads to change in action. Three men teachers and a woman teacher who have put change into practice took part in this study. The data consisted of two parts: teachers' essays of their change process and interviews that were based on the essays. The data was analysed by content analysis. The categorizations of both parts of the data were made separately but they were interpreted together. In this way a deep understanding of pedagogical change process could be reached. The results of this study were descriptions of the phases of pedagogical change process and the nature and the role of teacher's pedagogical thinking in it. In addition a model of pedagogical change process was presented. Pedagogical change process started up because of disorder in teacher's pedagogical thinking and action. The disorder leads to an absolute necessity to change the activities. Change activities stabilize throughout intuitive experiments and reflection-on-action. The change in a teacher's thinking is a prerequisite for the start of the process but also, a teacher's thinking develops as a result of the process. Thus, the whole process results in a real, deep level change in instruction and in the teacher's thinking. That is why pedagogical change processes are visible, significant and they have wide and extensive effects. The study gives out information of controlling the change processes. Consequently, the results of this study encourage teachers to confront change and put their new ideas into practice.
  • Turusenaho, Päivi (2016)
    Changing work as well as changing expertise requirements are an often discussed topic in our current public discussion. In this study, the main interests were the conceptions of expertise and experiences of changing work and expertise requirements. The participants of the study (n=12) were a group of professionals working in a company providing language services. The aim of the study was to analyse how the participants understand expertise and what kind of changes and new expertise requirements they have experienced at their work. The main analytical concept of the study is expertise, and the theoretical framework consists of research literature on expertise on individual and collective dimensions which were compared to the conceptions of expertise among the sample group. The changes the research subjects have experienced at work were thematically analyzed by mirroring their views against some viewpoints on changing work and the historical work types. The study is based on a qualitative research strategy and the material was analysed by applying phenomenographic content analysis. The material was collected through one-to-one interviews. The work related expertise as described by the participants is presented through examples, whereas the phenomenographic analysis focuses on the participants' conceptions of expertise and on experiences of changes of work. To conclude, the results of the study were collected to categories of description. The results clearly showed that the contextual dimension of expertise as experience in the professional field was considered as one of the most important element of expertise. In addition to knowledge, skills, self-awareness and education, expertise was also related to learning new things as a prerequisite for expertise development. Also, knowing the customer was seen as expertise. In addition, respect from others was also seen as part of being an expert. In this material, expertise was portrayed more as an individual rather than a collective quality, even though the work was considered a team effort. The changes at work were related to increasing customer demands, changing technology and financial pressures. Despite these changes, the underlying nature of work was seen as unchanged and overall, the changes were not considered to lead to any completely new expertise requirements.
  • Suhonen, Lilli (2021)
    The study examines what home will look like as a space and how home will be made during the coronary pandemic in 2020. The research topic is topical, as the coronary pandemic continues and affects the whole world and thus every home. The home is seen in this dissertation as a concrete, imagined, and lived home space that includes residents, emotions, functions, home material, and interactions. Experiences associated with the home by naming the home as a symbol that is shaped by the meanings and experiences the resident gives to their home. Previous studies show that concept of the home is multidimensional and escapes by precise definitions, but still for most people it is an obvious part of life. In previous studies, the home has expanded in terms of operations and new meanings with the corona pandemic. The corona pandemic appears in this dissertation as a situation of change, to see the attitudes of the home that have become invisible are broken and the experiences and meanings of meaning-making are reappeared. The study is implemented as narrative research. The method of data acquisition was autobiographical stories. The data eventually consisted of 23 stories ranging in length from half a page to three pages. The authors of the stories were Finnish women and men aged 20-48. Data analysis was performed using Atlas software. The analysis utilized thematic design and metaphorical analysis. During the Corona Pandemic, the home became a more private space and the importance of the home expanded. A metaphor was attached to the home to explain the new and strange situation of change. The home appeared on the one hand as an anxious prison and a constant performance but on the other hand as a refuge and an opportunity to finally rest when there was nothing else to go. The importance of the positive meanings inherent in the feeling of home in the home is thus associated with many negative meanings that weakened the feeling of home. The partially lost home feel was sought by providing decorating and repairing the home as well as acquiring new furniture and items. The dissertation provides new information on how the home is perceived during a serious health-threatening crisis, what new meanings the home acquires during it and how the home can be adapted to change situations.
  • Laakso, Outi (2012)
    Aims. In the year 2010, the Finnish national core curriculum for basic education went through some amendments and additions when it comes to support for learning and schooling. A new three-step support model was introduced. The new support model contained general, intensified and special support. The aim of this thesis is to find out how primary school teachers execute the three-step support model at Vantaa: what support measures are most valued and who fills out the support model's pedagogical documents? The support model's aims and goals are also examined. The last aim is to compare the three-step support model to the idea of an inclusive school. Can we say that our education system is now more inclusive than what it was before? Methods. The research began with an interview with the person who is responsible for the planning of education in Vantaa. After the interview, part of the primary school teachers of Vantaa (N=61) answered to a questionnaire about the three-step support model. The research was conducted as a mixed method research because it has elements from both qualitative and quantitative research. The interview answers were analyzed by using content analysis. Quantitative methods were used while analyzing the questionnaire answers with the IBM SPSS Statistics 20-program. Results and conclusions. The study showed that the primary school teachers value differentiation, collaboration between school and home and part-time special education the most. Special education was valued as a part of the special support. Pedagogical documents were most likely filled by the class teacher or the special needs teacher although the work is assigned to class teachers . Collaboration between teachers was valued when filling the pedagogical documents. It's difficult to estimate how the goals of the three-step support model have been achieved. During the time of this research the new model had been used only for six months. The teachers admitted that more pupils are studying in mainstream education because of the new support model. Nevertheless the teachers felt that the education system needs special education schools and classes. They did not agree with the idea of shutting down all the special education schools.
  • Rydberg, Irene (2021)
    The Master´s Thesis examines home economics teachers´ experiences of home economics education during the exceptional circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in spring 2020. The topic is important as the coronavirus pandemic continues, affecting and will affect home economics education. Previous research has shown that home economics is a civic subject that is constantly evolving as the world changes. Previous studies have also found that the management of competencies (such as consumer skills, cooking and home sanitation) included in the home economics subject supports people’s well-being in everyday life. The Thesis analyzes how home economics teachers experience the changes brought about by exceptional circumstances in their work when they switched to distance learning in schools. The material of the Thesis is part of the “Towards more sustainable home economics education 2020” survey, which was collected during the pandemic. The qualitative material consists of the answers of 99 home economics teachers to a two-part open-ended question: "Explain how your teaching changed in a state of exceptional circumstances caused by the coronavirus. Describe how the collaboration with students and their guardians has gone." Coding and thematic design were used in the analysis of the material. According to the home economics teachers who responded to the survey, challenges were posed by, for example, practicing the use of digital tools, inventing new teaching tasks, taking into account different family situations, and the fact that some students had difficulty getting in touch. Home economics teachers though welcomed, for example, the development of digital skills, student assessment and co-operation with students´ guardians. Home economics teachers experienced an increase in workload and working hours during exceptional circumstances, which had a detrimental effect on home economics teachers' resilience at work. The conclusion of the Thesis is that the resilience of home economics teachers must be supported, for example, by providing clear municipality- and school-specific instructions for the implementation of home economics education.
  • Huikari, Hanna (1999)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää Finfood - Suomen Ruokatieto ry:n alullepanemassa kummimaatilatoiminnassa mukana olleiden opettajien ja maatilojen käsityksiä ja kokemuksia toiminnasta sekä tarkastella kummimaatilatoimintaa innovaationa. Kummimaatilatoiminta liittyy Finfoodin internetissä julkaisemaan oppimateriaaliin suomalaisen ruoan tiestä. Kummimaatilatoiminnan tavoitteena on, että mahdollisimman monella peruskoululuokalla olisi oma kummimaatila, missä luokka voisi vierailla vuosittain, joka säilyisi luokalla mahdollisimman pitkään ja jonka kanssa luokka suunnittelee oman yhteistyönsä. Kummimaatilatoiminnan avulla pyritään omakohtaisten kokemusten ja elämysten kautta lisäämään nuorten tietoa maaseudun elämästä. Tutkimuksen tausta -osassa tarkastellaan koulun ja yhteiskunnan muiden tahojen yhteistyötä, esitellään tutkimuksia koulun ja teollisuusyritysten yhteistyöstä sekä koulun ja maatalouden yhteistyöhön liittyvää materiaalia. Lisäksi tarkastellaan innovaatiota ja innovaation diffuusiota. Koska kummimaatilatoiminta on uusi toimintamuoto, jossa toisena osapuolena on koulu, tutkimuksessa käsitellään myös kasvatuksen muutoksia (educational change). Tutkimusta käsitellään tapaus- ja toimintatutkimuksena. Tutkimusaineistona ovat kummimaatilatoiminnan alkuvaiheessa syksyllä 1997 mukaan lähteneiden seitsemän opettajan ja kuuden maatilan teemahaastattelut. Tutkimuksessa on haastateltu myös Finfoodin edustajaa. Aineisto kerättiin kevään ja syksyn 1998 aikana. Innovaatiotarkastelun pohjana ovat lisäksi tutkijan omat kokemukset toiminnasta sekä erilaiset kokoukset ja keskustelut. Opettajien ja maatilojen kokemuksista selvitettiin heidän toiminnan aloittamiseen johtaneita motiivejaan, toiminnalle asettamiaan tavoitteita, toiminnassa havaitsemiaan ongelmia sekä käsityksiä toiminnan onnistumisen avaintekijöistä ja toiminnan kehittämisestä. Suuria näkemyseroja ei opettajien ja maatilojen kokemusten välillä ollut. Osapuolet pitivät maaseutua tärkeänä ja halusivat tarjota lapsille kokemuksia elämästä siellä. Yhteisenä tavoitteena opettajilla ja maatiloilla oli, että toiminta olisi mahdollisimman laajaa, ei pelkkiä retkipäiviä maalle. Opettajat korostivat myös vierailujen toiminnallisuutta. Maatilat toivoivat voivansa lisätä toiminnalla myös omaa tietämystään ja ammattitaitoaan. Käytännön asiat kuten matkat olivat eniten ongelmia aiheuttaneita asioita. Muina mahdollisina ongelmina mainittiin asenteet ja tiedotus. Toiminnan avaintekijöinä pidettiin suunnittelua, molempien osapuolten motivoituneisuutta ja aktiivisuutta, vierailujen toiminnallisuutta, tiedottamista ja toiminnan laajentamista. Kehittämisideat liittyivät toiminnan laajentamiseen ja monipuolistamiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella kummimaatilatoimintaa on ryhdytty kehittämään niin, että koko koululla yksittäisen luokan sijaan on yhteinen kummimaatila. Innovaatiotarkastelu osoitti, että kummimaatilatoiminnan kehittäminen ja levittäminen on pitkä prosessi, jossa koordinaattorin rooli on tärkeä. Osallistujien sitoutuminen toimintaan, osallistujien tukeminen sekä heidän kokemustensa hyödyntäminen on myös tärkeää. Tärkeimmät lähteet tutkimuksen taustateorian kannalta olivat Rogersin, Fullanin ja Hargreavesin teokset.
  • Myrskylä, Nanna (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of craftmaker's self-concept after a diagnosis of physical disease or injury, and the meanings of crafts for physically ill or injured long-term craftmakers. In this study I use a term ”craftself-concept” to describe the craftmaker's self-concept of her/himself as a craftmaker. A Craftself-concept is a belief system of her/himself, that includes all the person's knowledge and skills of crafts. The research data consists of thematic interviews of four physically invalid women who all have different kind of backgrounds. All intervieweers have a different diagnosis of physical disease or injury and a long-term craft hobby. A Disease or injury has affected in their ability to function, which have affected, not only their lives, but their ways to do crafts as well. I have analysed the craftself-consept via themes: A change in craftmaking, change in a self-esteem, change in a feeling of capability and valuation. And the meanings of craft via themes: Pain relief, success experiences, expressional and social meanings. By analysing the chance in craftself-consept, there was a few common elements that could be found. In general, physical disease or injury does change a person's craftself-concept and strenghthens the meanings of crafts in their lives. A Physical disease or injury had changed the intervieweers ways to do crafts and it had also increased or decreased craftmaking significantly. It had affected to their self-esteems as craftmakers and their feeling of capability and valuations of crafts in a positive way. The intervieweers had also found a new meaning of making crafts: Pain relief. Craft making relieves the pain and feeling of illness, and it's good for a health in many ways.
  • Lassinharju, Eeva-Sofia (2017)
    Objectives. Flipped learning has been widely visible in newspapers and news in recent years. This ideology of learning was also presented a few years ago in a Finnish TV show called Koulukorjaamo. In flipped learning the learning starts from the learner. Teacher guides student's learning and supports his or her self-direction. The student is given responsibility and freedom and for example, the student can choose in which order they want to complete the given tasks. This thesis investigates what benefits and challenges flipped learning has brought to a class teacher's work. The class teachers in this study had used some other teaching method before flipped learning. The second research question of this thesis is how the class teachers have felt their work has changed with the flipped learning model. Methods. This thesis is a qualitative research. This thesis investigates class teachers' views and thoughts of the flipped learning model and the changes it has brought to heir work. The class teachers in this thesis had used flipped learning for one to four years. The class teachers in this study were presented an electronic questionnaire with statements. The questionnaire was done with Google Forms and there were 31 statements. The statements were based on several books which discussed flipped learning, change and how it is felt in a class teacher's work. After every statement, the teachers had to choose whether they agree, partially agree or disagree with the statement and explain their selection in their own words. The class teachers answered the questionnaire in July 2017. The answers were analysed with content analysis. The data was split into five categories: change as experienced by the teacher, teachers' teamwork, teacher's view of the change in students, working in class, assessment. SWOT analysis was utilized in content analysis i.e. the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of flipped learning were investigated. Results and conclusions. All teachers in this study except one felt positive about flipped learning and the changes it has brought. Many advantages but also some disadvantages were seen in this ideology. Flipped learning does not fit students with poor self-direction and talented students have an advantage. Positive effects of flipped learning were the increase in the teamwork of the teachers and the possibility of helping the students more individually.
  • Vuori, Jaana (2019)
    There is currently a lively public debate about change in working life and future skills needs. When working life changes, it is important that knowledge and leadership should also change. The aim of my thesis was to examine changes in work and skills in the restaurant industry from the perspective of the restaurant manager. The goal was to describe and add to the understanding of the restaurant manager's work and role through their experience and vision. Knowledge management is an integral part of the competence, which is part of the work of the restaurant manager. The thesis examines what knowledge management means for supervisors and how competence development is reflected in work and practice. The theoretical framework of the thesis is made up of literature related to knowledge, leadership, competence management and managerial work, as well as a brief overview of the nature of the hospitality industry and the future. The empirical part of the thesis was carried out with semi-structured theme interviews and the results were analyzed by theory-driven content analysis. The data was collected between May 2018 and December 2018. Ten restaurant managers working at Fazer Food Service were interviewed in the study. As a result of the study, it became clear that the work of a restaurant manager in that organization was interdimensional and consisted of many different tasks and roles. It was important for the restaurant managers to act as superiors and to encourage their staff. Interaction with staff, customers, supervisor and colleagues was important. Knowledge management was one of the tasks that was performed as part of daily management. As a future challenge, restaurant managers saw problems with the availability of skilled labor. The availability and commitment of the workforce can be influenced by good leadership, competence development and employee appreciation. The study found that leadership should change in a more human-oriented direction.
  • Kleemola, Katri (2016)
    In previous research, changes in self-efficacy have been studied only at group level. Very little research has been done on relations between self-efficacy and approaches to learning. The aim of this study was to explore changes in self-efficacy in first-year Law students at group level and individual level, and also relations between changes in self-efficacy and approaches to learning. The data were collected in the HowULearn project. First-year Law students filled in a questionnaire twice: at the beginning of the autumn term and at the end of the spring term. Altogether 133 students filled in the questionnaire at both times. Self-efficacy and approaches to learning were measured using the scales of the HowULearn questionnaire. Changes in self-efficacy at group level were analyzed by a paired samples t-test. Changes at individual level were explored using change groups and change profiles. Relations between changes in self-efficacy and approaches to learning were analyzed by Pearson correlation and one-way ANOVA. On the group level, self-efficacy deteriorated between the measuring points. The individual analyses revealed that the number of students who showed deteriorating self-efficacy was equal to the number whose self-efficacy was unaltered. More than half of the students were placed in change profiles representing unaltered weak, moderate or strong self-efficacy. As self-efficacy increased, deep and organized approaches to learning also increased, while surface approach decreased. Compared with others, students with unaltered weak self-efficacy tended more toward a surface approach and less toward deep and organized approaches. Compared with others, students with increasing or unaltered strong self-efficacy were using more deep and organized approaches. In order to promote a deep approach to learning, students' self-efficacy should be strengthened through feedback focusing on successes. A promising direction for future research would be to focus on individual changes in self-efficacy in relation to factors such as study success and perceptions of the learning environment.
  • Mettälä, Katri-Maria (2015)
    Objectives: The main objective of the research was to find out the changes in eating habits of Russians who had been residing in Finland for over ten years and the reasons behind the changes. An additional objective was to find out Russians positive and negative experiences concerning Finnish food culture. Tahire Koctürks theory of eating habit changes while living in a foreign country was used as the main theory in the research. In addition, Kittlers chart explaining the selection of food was used. Results of the study have been compared to a survey by Pirjo Honkanen and Research by Ganskau et al. about food selection of Russian consumers has also been used as an aid in analyzing the results. Methods: A qualitative interview was used as the research method. A theme interview was conducted with seven Russians, who had resided in Finland for over ten years and were living in the metropolitan area at the moment of the research. In addition the informants had to have moved to Finland as an adult so that Russian food habits and cultural traditions had already been fully adopted. All interviews were recorded and transcribed. The results were compiled and bound to a theoretical framework using content analysis. Results and conclusions: During the years residing in Finland, Russians eating habits had changed towards a diet containing less fat, salt and sugar. The Russians had adapted well to Finland without major negative signs of acculturation. The results of the research are in line with Koctürks theory of eating habit changes while residing in a foreign country. The changes begin to take place in a predictive order and from certain food groups. Furthermore, the Russians food choices can be explained by the factors listed by Kittler et al. Based on this thesis, it can be concluded that dietary habits are affected by immigration but some of the cultural habits remain unchanged. Due to the small amount of informants, it is not possible to generalize the results to cover all Russian immigrants residing in Finland. However, the results can be considered as guidelines.
  • Renko, Marianne (2023)
    Objectives. Previous research shows that teachers are required to work under constant change. The changes in society affect schools and teachers’ job descriptions. Working in the changing environment requires the ability to confront changes as well as comprehensive professional knowledge. With the help of generic skills it is possible to face different challenges and problems, and thus survive in the changing world. The purpose of this study was to investigate classroom teachers’ conceptions of what their work entails today and in the future as well as the changes that have impacted their job description. In addition, this study examined classroom teachers’ conceptions of their most important generic skills, the meaning of these skills in changing situations and teacher education as a supporter for building these skills. Methods. This qualitative research is phenomenographic. The material of this study was collected with thematic interviews with four classroom teachers. The research material consisted of transcribed interviews that were analysed by using the phenomenographic analysis. The results of this study were processed in four different sections with the help of the research questions. As an outcome of the analysis, a descriptive category was formed for each section to help with the presentation of the results. Results and conclusions. According to this research the classroom teachers’ conception of their job description is wide and unclear. In addition, the research shows that in the present the classroom teachers’ job description contains tasks that the classroom teachers don’t have qualification for. The interviewed classroom teachers felt that various social changes had had an effect on their own work and as well as the students and the entire school community. This research reveals that the classroom teachers’ most important generic skills are knowledge and skills related to their own field, collaboration and organization skills, the ability to delineate their own work, stress tolerance, digital and data acquisition skills, flexibility and readiness to face changing situations, self-development and taking care of one’s own well-being. The classroom teachers considered these skills to be helpful in changing situations. Additionally, this study showed that teacher education may not necessarily provide sufficient support for developing generic skills during the studies.
  • Pakarinen, Saila (2014)
    The aim of this study was to examine what relevance a research and development project about the educational use of information and communication technology (ICT) had in Ukombozi school, a public primary school in rural Tanzania. Introducing ICT in a school organization can result in many changes through various change mechanisms. The changes can be observed at the classroom level, school level or the school's surrounding community level. Especially in developing countries, ICT projects are often targeted to facilitate changes on various levels of a school's development. This research was conducted by interviewing teachers and collecting field notes during a project conducted at Ukombozi school. The research data were collected between November 2010 and March 2012. Thematic interviews were conducted among teachers of Ukombozi school and with one of the parents of a pupil at Ukombozi school. Three individual interviews and one group interview with three teachers were conducted by utilizing a thematic interviewing technique. The interviews were conducted in March 2011, January 2012, and February 2012. The collected data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results show that the relevance of the educational use of ICT in this research and development project included improvements in the school's work culture and changes in the classroom dynamics. Improvements in the school's work culture included establishing co-operation with new partners and networks, clarification of the school's ICT vision, and increased support to help the work of the school's management. Changes at the classroom level involved teachers' capacity-building, pupils' new active role in classroom interaction, and changes in the dynamics of communication in the classroom. The results of this study show that supporting the educational use of ICT can have many effects in school organizations in developing countries. The results also show that more research and development activities are needed in order to gain a better understanding of the aspects of the educational use of ICT in schools in developing countries.
  • Friman, Tuula; Friman, Tuula (2023)
    The purpose of this Master's thesis is to explore the vocational education teacher's visions of the future working life in the teaching field and the working life skills needed there. The purpose is also to find out how the teacher in his or her work takes into account the change needs of the future and how he or she teaches and prepares students for the working life of the future. The focus of the review is on the vocational education school teacher's views on the future working life of the motor vehicles sector and the working life skills needed to work there. In this thesis the concept of “future” means the situation after next ten years. The thesis focuses on three research questions: 1) What will the working life of the field to be taught be like in the future? 2) What working life skills do students in the field of teaching need in the working life of the future? 3) How will a vocational education teacher prepare students for the working life of the future? A semi-structured theme interview has been used as a method of data collection in this thesis, and the data has been collected by interviewing 6 from vocational education in the motor vehicles sector. The interviews were conducted as individual interviews via video call over remote connections. The method used for the analysis of the material was thematic content analysis, theming the material on the future prospects of the motor vehicles sector, the future working life skills needed in the field, and the guidance and preparation of the teacher's current students for the working life of the future. The material was also typed into two further subsections, the themes of which were related to the renewal of teaching work required by changes in working life and the everyday challenges of teaching work. The theoretical framework of the thesis consists of a literature review, the topics of which consist of the drivers of change in working life, future working life skills as well as the objectives of vocational education and training and, in general, vocational education in the motor vehicles sector in Finland. The research results found that vocational education teachers are professionally minded and interested in following the changes in the field being taught, and they aim to take into account changes in the motor vehicle sector and new competence needs in working life in their work. The results of the study show that the automotive sector is undergoing a transformation and that there will be more and more demanding jobs in its future working life and they will require employees to learn learning ability and new skills. The future time span for a vocational education teacher in the automotive sector is short, extending to the near future, because it is the teacher's duty to train students to become professionals in the current working life. Although the competence needs of the change in the working life of the future are known, there is no possibility to reach further into the future in the everyday life of teaching. In addition to teaching, challenges for the teacher are created by heterogeneous student groups, the safety concerns raised by new technologies, such as the electrification of cars, and the disruptions in teaching situations and educational challenges that have increased with the expansion of compulsory education. With new technologies, it is necessary to update the teacher's own competence and, due to busy work, renewing one's expertise would require a fresh attitude and the use of one's free time to learn new things.