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  • Heikkilä, Emilia (2018)
    This is a narrative research about the career paths of adult immigrants in Finland. The study is conducted in the context of a course that prepares immigrants to study in higher education in Finnish. Based on earlier research immigrants’ paths to work life are often complex and include overlapping studies. Different kinds of transitional courses and trainings have emerged to support educational transitions. There is little research of preparatory courses that focuses on the narratives of students taking part on a preparatory course. This research aims to describe career paths of the students studying in a preparatory course, and the most defining factors of the career paths progress. This phenomenon is specifically examined from a theoretic point of view based on agency of the students. 10 interviews were conducted with different students studying in a preparatory course. The course focused on the field of social and health services. The data was collected and analysed through the means of narrative methods. The interviews were semi-structured theme interviews that included questions about the students’ backgrounds, study experiences in the preparatory course and their visions for the future. The approach contains features of the life-course research branch in the narrative methodology. The results of the study illustrate the different factors on individual-, community- and society levels that affected the students’ career paths either progressively or restrictively. Different factors from individual attitudes and ways of action to policies of educational organizations affected the progression of career paths in the students´ stories. For example, motivation and Finnish language skills, the preparatory course and good studying opportunities in Finland appeared to be progressive factors for career paths. On the other hand, as restricting factors were described for example challenging life situation for studying, lack of high skill level Finnish teaching and bureaucratic obstacles in the education system. The different factors are put into perspective in type stories that describe the most typical career paths of the students in the preparatory course. For the highly educated the preparatory course seemed to be a secondary choice in their career paths and an adjustment to the current situation. The one’s with children described studying as motivating but challenging in their busy phase of life. The young adults who were the closest to the typical studying phase of life appeared to be very committed to their career choice and seemed to experience the least contradiction related to studying.
  • Lumivaara, Salla (2018)
    Objective. The context of this thesis is working life and personnel training, to be more specific managerial and leadership work and management training as a framework of learning and identity construction. The objective of this study is to investigate meanings that examinees give to the management training they participated in and meanings that that training has had concerning developing their leader identities. An also how do they perceive and experience the everyday work of a manager. The management training in question is part of personnel training and the participants are persons that are starting their managerial and leadership careers. The approach in this study was narrative in which narratives of the examinees are examined as intermediator and constructor of knowledge and meanings. The fundamental assumption was that identity is personally and socially determined, constructed and told by people themselves. Methods. At the first stage of collecting research material a questionnaire was used to reach the examinees for interviews. Ten persons who participated in management trainings were interviewed. They were all working in the same Finnish commercial company. Interviews were conducted as focused interviews and the material was analyzed using inductive content analysis with narrative methods. Outcomes and conclusions. The results show that the management training help to improve overall conception, develop competencies, increase professional self-confidence and networking. The training also increased understanding towards managerial and leadership work particularly what comes to roles and responsibilities as well as everyone´s own conception of self as a manager. The results show that the interviewees experienced that the training offered them concretes benefits for everyday managerial and leadership work as well as support for developing a leadership identity and strengthen professional agency.
  • Boele, Rosa-Maria (2016)
    Objectives. Today migration and mobility have become easier and more common, which will affect people's relations to place. The purpose of this study was to examine the link between identity and place from the perspective of an individual, who belongs to diverse groups. This means that the meaningful places for identity formation were not necessarily mutually shared with the larger group. The aim was, above all, to bring out an individual's perspective on the importance of place in identity building process and to determine the impact of changed places due to occurred migration for an individual and his identity construction. The research task is to describe, analyze and interpret the significance of place for identity formation process for young adults who once lived in at least two countries. The link between identity and place occurs in the research groups place relationships and social contacts, which have evolved in the context of migration. Methods. The research data consisted of three interviews of young adults who had lived in at least two countries. All of the people from the research group had dual nationalities of both parents' homelands. From all of the interviewees one of the parents was Finnish and the other from another European country. Theme interview was used as the method of collecting data. It was conducted by individual interviews, which utilized theoretical frameworks main themes. These themes were identity, place, migration and social relations. The data was analyzed by means of a qualitative research by using the narrative analysis. Following the content analysis, the data was coded in various categories, which allowed us to examine the formation of identity in relation to place. The analysis referred the theory but didn't connect only to it because it also arose from the data. Results and conclusions. The research result shows clearly that the place and changes of place has an importance for the construction process of identities. Examining the link between identity and the place the uniqueness of the experience and the individual's personal perspectives were emphasized. The upper categories of the analysis; identity, location, migration and social relations, were a useful in presenting the results of the study. However, the upper categories had a lot of duplication and only by violating the structure by joining the categories together the actual research results were brought out. The research results were formed by the interactive whole of place and identity, which reflected the research groups' experiences of how meaningful the place had been in their identity formation. It showed also how a wide range of individual factors contributed to the formation of a sense of belonging as well as the relevance of the place. Due to migration, the changes of places played a big role in shaping the re-search groups identities. The migration affected the identities, relations of place and social relations to change toward the diverse cross boarder and diasporic manifestations. However, the research groups' reports were strongly personal and contained a lot of unique features. References to cross-border and diasporic identities, open understandings of place and widespread connections in addition to cross-border relationships were common to the entire research group. However, it should be borne in mind that the diasporic, hybrid, and the cross-border identities shouldn't be seen only connected to place, but identity should always be remembered identity consisting of a variety of factors. In addition to place the constructs of identity consist of various factors, ranging from situations and different life paths.
  • Holopainen, Marika (2016)
    The starting point for this thesis was my observation that early education varies in many different ways in different day care centers. My main objective was to study what early education teachers that represent different professional generations feel and think are the main factors that influence their work. My aim was to find out what these teachers tell about their careers and to examine what those stories reveal about their pedagogical consciousness which has not been studied very much even though it is a relevant issue. Previous research has shown that early education teachers can be categorized into different professional generations based on their professional thinking. I obtained the research data by conducting narrative and thematic interviews. The informants were four early education teachers, who work in the same municipal day care center and represent different professional generations. I analysed the data in a versatile process, in which I examined the thematic questions on the basis of their themes and classes. The analysis of the narrative questions I used the narrative plot analysis and an adaptation of Ricoeur's narrative theory. At the end of the data analysis, I combined the questions that were analysed using different methods into cohesive narratives, in which each teacher told their story about their career. Then I examined the narratives from the point of view of the professional generation and the pedagogical consciousness. My goal was to find out, how early education teachers that represent different professional generations describe the essence of their pedagogical consciousness. The results show that early education teachers' work is a constant balance between factors that are either exhausting or uplifting. The professional generation proved to be an interesting point of view, however, I could not prove it's effect on the pedagogical consciousness. Nevertheless, I did find clear emphases in the early education teachers' pedagogical consciousness. These can be seen in the differing strengths, on which they base the planning and execution of their work. The main factors that each of the teachers shared, were the strong commitment to their work, their pedagogical knowledge and the need and desire to improve themselves. On the basis of this thesis, I can state that the development of pedagogical consciousness is something worth focusing on already in teachers' education.
  • Pitkänen, Noora (2017)
    The aim of this study was to observe bread memories as a part of a Finnish food culture. The purpose was to examine what kind of experiences do Finns have about bread and what do the memories tell about Finnish food culture and its change. Bread is one of the oldest foods in the world and it has a significant role in many food cultures. Dark bread has a specific place in the Finnish food culture. Rye bread was chosen as national food of Finland in January 2017. Ruoka-Kalevala is a website where S-Group and Martha Organization are collecting food memories from Finns. Anyone is free to write a food story in Ruoka-Kalevala. The data of this study was collected from Ruoka-Kalevala and it consisted of 134 food stories which all were connected with/related to bread memories. The theoretical framework of the study was narrative approach. The data was analyzed in two parts. At the first part the focus was to read the stories through model of food experience and find details of the stories. Narrative analysis was used in second part when bread memories were organized into type stories. Type stories were reflected to previous research and the Finnish food culture. The typical stories of bread were self baked bread, dishes made of bread, packed bread, bought bread and recipes of bread. One collectively shared bread memory seems to be home made fresh and warm bread baked by grandmother or mother. Good memories were also "bread porridge" made out of dried bread and packed bread eaten in a forest or at school. People had memorized baking traditions, childhood and the people with whom they shared their memories. According the data, it was possible to distinguish two basic stories of bread: The story of traditional bread and the story of modern bread. The story of traditional bread is related to time when bread was baked at home and self-sufficiency was more common. The story of modern bread tells about time when bakeries have the main responsibility of making bread and a purpose of baking is more about spending time than daily need.
  • Rovamaa, Nelli (2015)
    The freedom of choice has driven people to look deeper into their own identities, and researchers are more interested in the construction of identity due to changes in the society. Entrepreneurship is also identified in the Finnish government's new policy as a driver of the growth of the Finnish economy. This study examines the paths and professional identities of entrepreneurs who have studied education. The research questions were How do educationalists become entrepreneurs and What types of professional identities do entrepreneurs have? The study examines the construction of professional identities narratively through stories because stories are a natural way for humans to talk and tell about their lives. The theoretical framework concentrates on the various dimensions of identity, professional, entrepreneurial and narrative identity. Ten entrepreneurs holding a master's degree in education participated in the research. The data was collected in October 2015 with interviews and the transcribed interview data was analyzed by using a narrative approach. All interviewees were somewhat familiar with the concept of entrepreneurship before becoming entrepreneurs themselves by living in an entrepreneurial environment. Interactions with other entrepreneurs, the person's own attitudes and their history of being an entrepreneur were all major reasons behind the decision of becoming an entrepreneur. The firm was often founded as a solution to a problematic situation. These situations included having spare time, an obstacle for career development or a desire to develop, unemployment and the lack of a business idea. When talking about the present and the future, the entrepreneurs identified themselves as persistent, goal oriented, being sociable, willing to learn and enthusiastic about their work. Three types of professional identities were detected: Gyro Gearloose, Ambitious and Realistic. These features were not specifically linked to the professional field in which the entrepreneurs work. This shows that the entrepreneurial identity is strongly related to the professional identity of the entrepreneurs.
  • Ylinen, Pauliina (2008)
    The Finnish instrumental education system is said to be one of the bests in the world. Finnish musicians have become famous and they have gained success all over the world. To produce professional musicians has been the main goal of the whole Finnish instrumental education system for a long time. This has meant that playing an instrument as a hobby has been neglected. The focus of this qualitative study is the culture of instrumental education from the view of amateuring. One of the goals is to describe the Finnish context where music lovers grow up and where they construct their identities. The other aim is to give answers to the question "How can we develop the culture of instrumental education to serve also the needs of amateurs?" The data of this study is narrative. It consists of the stories of five amateurs, who were in their thirties. In the analysis I've used two different types of analysis: the analysis of narratives and the content analysis. In the analysis of narratives the stories were seen as narrative identities. Because the main focus of this study is the culture of instrumental education, I used the qualitative content analysis to find out some themes or phenomena which should be improved from the view of amateuring. This study has shown that there are many ways to become a music lover. An essential factor in the construction of an identity of a music lover seems to be a society which values the amateuring. In this study music schools weren't that kind of societies. The present study reveals that to construct the identities of music lovers should be one of the most important aims of the music education. This means for example that, in practice, instrumental studies could be more activating, there should be more music making in groups, and the evaluation should concentrate on the whole learning process.
  • Toivonen, Annina (2018)
    Goals of the study. Studies of compassion in organizations indicate that compassion experienced in work communities strengthens positive emotions and commitment to the work. Compassionate acts are central to an employee’s ability to makes sense of him or herself, co-workers and the work community as a whole. There has been relatively little research about compassion as a phenomenon in early childhood settings. This study aims to explain how master’s students of education sciences depict the construction of compassion and the sensemakings of suffering in narratives. Furthermore, the study explains what the compassionate acts are in the master’s students’ narratives. The study is part of the research project Constituting Cultures of Compassion in Early Childhood Education. Methods. The research material was collected in the lecture room. Master’s students in education were asked to write a one-page narrative about their experiences of compassion in work communities. 26 narratives were collected. Qualitative, theory-driven content analysis was used to analyze the data along with abductive reasoning characterized by a dialogue between empirical perceptions and theoretical ideas and concepts. Results and conclusions. According to the narrative approach, the construction of compassion contained sensemaking processes and compassionate processes. The study by Lilius et al (2008) served as an analytical framework. The sensemakings of suffering included personal concerns, experiences of unfair treatment, workplace conflicts, work-based requirements and concerns, as well as injuries and accidents. The compassionate acts in master students’ narratives contained providing emotional support, giving time and being flexible, providing material support and informative support. It appeared that it was also challenging to express compassion in early childhood settings. It is important to acknowledge humanity in work environments and enhance possibilities for compassion. Even small compassionate acts are central in order to support well-being and mutual trust in work communities.
  • Rantala, Sirpa (2015)
    This qualitative Master's thesis is a narrative case study which examines life of an elementary school teacher who worked for 42 years in the same school in a municipality located in Uusimaa region in the early 20th century. The study began from the researcher's interest in village school teacher's role, status and long work history in the same village school where the researcher herself was working on the end of the same century for 27 years. The investigation determines who Kaarlo Juho Vitalis Ollila was and what he was like as a teacher and educator. The study aims to answer what kind meaning Ollila's teaching had to his students and their parents. It is also being pointed out how teacher Ollila's life and development of the village could be seen and experienced in the village, and what role teacher Ollila's family had in the development of the school and village. Previous studies show that the village school teacher has been quite alone and separate from the villagers when entering teacher's position in the village community and the villagers were expecting good teacher's signs from the new teacher. Villagers also required the teacher to participate in the development of the village. 16 villagers born in the years 1908 – 1941 were interviewed in this study. Nine of the interviewees were men and seven were women. All the interviewees were lively older people motivated to interviewing. Data was gathered as theme interviews which took place mainly in the interviewees' homes. Data were transcribed by the theme.
  • Pohjola, Tanja (2014)
    Thesis narrates a dressmaker's life in a small village called Itäkylä, located in Lappajärvi municipality in the late 1940s and in the early 1950s. This study is placed in the history of craft and craft culture. It is a narrative study; the literature and empiric data discusses with each other through the entire study. The aim was to understand the studied phenomenon, in this case the dressmaker's work and to describe and interpret it in the light of her time. How much the environment in which she grew up affected the dressmaker's career choice? What was Itäkylä's craft culture like during the Second World War and after it? What kind of craft traditions the dressmaker's childhood home offered and above all, what it was like to be a dressmaker in the 1940s and 1950s in a small rural village community? The perspective of this study is in micro-history and craft culture that surrounded the dressmaker. The study is a narrative and the empiric data consists of interviews with 83 years old informant. The aim was to collect her stories, and the transcribed data consists of sixty pages. The interview data was processed in a narrative way; a new story, the dressmaker's biography was created on the basis of it. The analysis is a data-oriented narrative content analysis. The data were divided in eight different themes, which reflected the study's chronology. During the dressmaker's childhood and youth, crafts were present in everyday life and they were associated with positive memories and encouragement. In the stories she told, the post-war countryside is coloured as a world that was dominated by women. Itäkylä was known for its linen fields. Crafts were villagers' daily life and an important economic activity. The dressmaker's work in the late 40s and early 50s seems to have been a busy but rewarding occupation, where the most stress was caused by the shortage of fabrics and materials. Due to the period of shortage, the dressmaker's ingenuity was under severe strain. She has, however, experienced herself as a self-confident seamstress. Patterns were not used in making clothes, which was typical in rural areas. The informant's home environment and surrounding craft culture seem to have been a good seedbed on her way to become a dressmaker.
  • Peräkylä, Henna (2020)
    The aim of this study was to investigate from what a warm student-teacher relationship consists of and how this relationship is meaningful to a pupil’s life path. Earlier studies have shown that pedagogical relationship is much more than just a way to get an education for a child. It is a life experience which an individual carries with them possibly for the rest of their life. Therefore, it is important that the relationship is seen as positive. This study aims to describe, analyze and interpret these warm pedagogical relationships through narrative research on participants’ memories of their teachers. The study asks what kind of warm memories the participants have of their teachers and how these memories have influenced participants life paths. Research data consisted of semi-structured interviews of five university students. The participated students were approximately 20 to 30 years old and all represented different field of study. Semi-structured interview was constructed based on earlier research and it consisted of three themes: dialogue, pedagogical love and pedagogical authority. This study was qualitative, and the data was analyzed by using content analysis, coding and thematizing. The results show clearly, how meaningful the teacher’s role is in a pupil’s life and how the teacher can affect a child’s life even after the school years. Teachers that stayed in university students’ memories, were seen very similar compared to each other. The studied themes appeared in their pedagogical interactions through eight different subthemes. Participants also experienced that these teachers gave them a lot of skills to use even after the school years. University students noted that they had received tools for working life from their teachers, and teachers had also affected their carrier choices and broadened their worldviews. There results can be utilized by raising the educators’ awareness about this subject and also as a guide on how to create warm interaction in classrooms.
  • Sormunen, Maria (2015)
    Boundaries between necessary and unnecessary consumption have blurred because of the large supply of goods in markets. More and more goods are becoming necessary. 2000s youngsters have born in the middle of the world of goods, and presumably, reflecting on necessaries isn't natural for them. The research problem is based on these above-mentioned thoughts. The aim of this study is to find out Helsinki-based youths' views on necessary and unnecessary consumption, and meanings related to consumption. The approach of this study was mainly qualitative, and it was implemented with narrative methods. The data was collected in a form of narratives, which were written by 15-18 years old youngsters. 20 high school students and 17 vocational school students participated in the research. Youngsters wrote narratives of necessary and unnecessary consumption in a context of their own lives. The focus in analyzing narratives was to make a synthesis of youngster's essays by combining narrative and narratives analyses. A notable finding of the study was that dividing consumption to necessary and unnecessary was too narrow. Therefore, a third consumption category was needed, and it was named voluntary consumption. Research results show that youngsters understand well which goods are necessary for subsistence. However, in essays there were a huge amount of necessities which weren't related to basic needs. In addition, only a few goods were named as unnecessary. Unlike in traditional Finnish consumption ethos, youngsters didn't consider unnecessary consumption as depraved consumption. Voluntary consumption was meaningful to youngsters and it was related to leisure time, pursuing well-being and self-actualization. According to the data, searching for pleasures was essential in youngster's lives. However, youngsters didn't appear as materialists in narratives. According to the survey, attitudes to necessary consumption seems to change with age.
  • Paavola, Anne-Maria (2024)
    The purpose of this qualitative research is to find out whether experiences in school bullying has effects on the bullied persons in adulthood, more in detail concerning relationships, health, studying and working life. This research was conducted by using a narrative approach where the people participating in the study told in their own words about their experiences. The people that participated in the study were all women that had experienced school bullying in their childhood and/or in their teens and have been in working life at least few years. The objective of this study was to answer following research questions that were based on the relevant theories: In what way the school bullying has impacted in the relationships in adulthood? How the experiences in school bullying effect on the victim’s health? How the experiences in school bullying effect on studying and working life? The research material was collected by using narrative interviews. The structure for the interview was based on the research questions and were categorized into relationships, health, studying and working life. The interview structure worked as a frame for gathering the research material, but the most important outcomes of the interview were the stories that the interviewees told in their own words about their experiences. The material was analyzed by using theory guided content analysis where the material was categorized from the original expression to the main category. The results of the study show that school bullying has effect on the victim’s life as an adult. The study shows that school bullying has effect on the relationships, health, studying and working life in adulthood. The relevant findings concerning relationships are that everyone suffered from a lack of trust and a negative perception of themselves and that created chal-lenges in relationships. Concerning health, issues such as mental health problems and self-punishing due to low self-esteem and self-hate were discovered as consequences. The re-sults show that everyone participating in the study were goal-oriented and aimed into pro-fessions that are linked with their own survival of the bullying experiences and where they also get the chance to help others suffering from the same challenges that they have experi-enced.