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Browsing by Subject "neoliberalism"

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  • Parman, Marlene (2020)
    Based on previous studies, neoliberal features have been observed in Finnish education policy. The government has made education-related reforms in recent years. My research examines the recent public debate surrounding education reforms in a neoliberal framework. I examine what themes, goals, rationales, and attitudes toward education reform are given in the public debate. I will try to find out how neoliberalism manifests itself in these debates. The aim of my dissertation is to bring out the public debate around education reforms and education policy. The study of the debate is intended to bring out different perspectives and voices, from education policy experts, academics, students, and individual citizens. I examine the manifestations of neoliberal education policy in the light of these debates. My research is a qualitative study. I search answers to two research questions. My data consists of articles. As a research method, I used content analysis. The data of my research consists of 51 articles by Helsingin Sanomat published in 2015–2019. Articles were analyzed by content analysis. Through content analysis, I found four different themes. I looked at the results in a neoliberal framework. The education reform debate revolved around student selection, industry changers, education cuts, and education policy. The debate around education reforms was controversial. On the one hand, education reforms were justified as profitable and good ideas, but on the other hand, they were criticized and questioned. Educational reforms raised concerns and appeared to pose threats to education and the scientific community, as well as to society. Based on the discussion, neoliberal features emerge in education reforms.
  • Suontama, Roosa (2022)
    The meaning of this study is to find out how the pursuit of efficiency and education at univer-sities is viewed university students. According to the Finnish university act, the purpose of universities is to cultivate education and give the highest form of research-based education. The neoliberal educational policy has driven universities to an ever-increasing pursuit for effi-ciency, and the university has changed significantly during the 2000s, especially after the university act of 2010. The current state of university has been criticized a lot and the staff of universities have voiced a concern regarding the direction of the future of the university. This study examines how students experience the present university’s goals regarding efficiency and education. Nine students from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Helsinki partici-pated in this study. They have also acted as student activists which means that they have been in a student organization or have acted as a student representative in a body of the uni-versity. The data was collected by interviewing the student activists. The base of the inter-view was a background information form which asked students about their views of university studies. The data was analysed with theory-based content analysis. The results show that the pursuit of efficiency, education and their interweave occurred at university studies. The studies were considered easy, the university staff focused on their re-search rather than teaching and there was a strong encouragement to graduate in target time. These are examples of how the pursuit of efficiency rises up in studies. The values of educa-tion were shown in studies in the studies being in a good level of difficulty, the university staff putting effort into teaching and a trust in extensive possibilities of studying. The interweave of efficiency and education appeared for example through students aiming for a degree and ed-ucation at the same time in university studies. The university studies appear to have gotten new conditions that concentrate on performance-oriented studies. On the other hand, the studies seem to have signs of education and the students of educational sciences consider them to be important. Efficiency and education exist at the studies at the same time.
  • Viita-Aho, Mari (2016)
    The starting point of this thesis is the question of a probable tension between educational and economic objectives in art museums. I have chosen to approach this question by focusing on gallery education. My primary aim has been to analyse what kind of concepts, goals and values gallery education is founded on. I have also deliberated upon the change in gallery education during the last decades. The data for this thesis was produced by interviewing gallery educators in nine (9) separate interviews. The interviews were partly structured and proceeded according to chosen themes. I have analysed the interviews by using the discursive approach. The main themes and negotiations that arose in the interviews were set between institutional and individual point of views, but also between economic objectives and intrinsic values. As a result of the analysis of these negotiations I have constructed a discursive field of gallery education. On this discursive field gallery education is approached from four points of view – as an experience, as service, as learning, and as an opener of new horizons. On the basis of the discursive field, I conclude that gallery education and its development at the present time has two strong emphases: individual experience and economic interests. These emphases are partly opposite and partly supportive to each other. There is a tendency to underscore the economic objectives and design activity according to these objectives. Sometimes this tendency is opposed and answered by using the concept of experience. By using experience it becomes possible to keep the economic objectives at a distance. On the other hand, the stress on experience shifts activity to more individualistic ways of thinking and sometimes further away from cultural and educational goals. On the basis of this thesis it seems that emphasizing individualism in general is producing a need to strengthen the connection between society and individuals, and anchor the activity back to the society. It also seems that this is done by bringing the focus back to the intrinsic values of the activity by applying the goal of societal effects to gallery education as a separate object.
  • Viita-Aho, Mari (2016)
    The starting point of this thesis is the question of a probable tension between educational and economic objectives in art museums. I have chosen to approach this question by focusing on gallery education. My primary aim has been to analyse what kind of concepts, goals and values gallery education is founded on. I have also deliberated upon the change in gallery education during the last decades. The data for this thesis was produced by interviewing gallery educators in nine (9) separate interviews. The interviews were partly structured and proceeded according to chosen themes. I have analysed the interviews by using the discursive approach. The main themes and negotiations that arose in the interviews were set between institutional and individual point of views, but also between economic objectives and intrinsic values. As a result of the analysis of these negotiations I have constructed a discursive field of gallery education. On this discursive field gallery education is approached from four points of view – as an experience, as service, as learning, and as an opener of new horizons. On the basis of the discursive field, I conclude that gallery education and its development at the present time has two strong emphases: individual experience and economic interests. These emphases are partly opposite and partly supportive to each other. There is a tendency to underscore the economic objectives and design activity according to these objectives. Sometimes this tendency is opposed and answered by using the concept of experience. By using experience it becomes possible to keep the economic objectives at a distance. On the other hand, the stress on experience shifts activity to more individualistic ways of thinking and sometimes further away from cultural and educational goals. On the basis of this thesis it seems that emphasizing individualism in general is producing a need to strengthen the connection between society and individuals, and anchor the activity back to the society. It also seems that this is done by bringing the focus back to the intrinsic values of the activity by applying the goal of societal effects to gallery education as a separate object.
  • Kangasniemi, Heidi (2019)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yliopisto-opettajien arvoja, ja selvitetään, ovatko arvot yhteydessä näkemyksiin siitä, miten he kokevat yliopistotyön ja yliopiston perustehtävät. Yliopistouudistuksen jälkeen markkinaistumisen korostuminen on tuonut uusia elementtejä myös yliopistomaailmaan, ja yksittäisten ihmisten toimintaa ohjaavat arvot voivatkin potentiaalisesti muodostaa ristiriitoja ulkoisten ja sisäisten tavoitteiden välille. Korkeakoulutuksen piirissä arvoja on tarkasteltu pääosin opiskelijoiden osalta, mutta toisaalta suomalaiset tutkijat ovat olleet kiinteästi muodostamassa vallitsevaa arvomittaria, ja käsitys suomalaisten yleisistä arvopainotuksista on siten melko systemaattisesti tutkittua. Siksi tällä tutkimuksella on mahdollisuus tarjota laajempi näkökulma siihen, miten arvot painottuvat yliopisto-opettajilla. Tutkimus toteutettiin sähköisellä e-lomakekyselyllä, joka lähetettiin niille Helsingin yliopiston, Tampereen yliopiston ja Taideyliopiston opettajille, joiden yhteystietoja sai käyttää tutkimustarkoituksiin. Tutkimuksessa käytetty valmisaineisto on kerätty vuonna 2015, ja sitä täydentävä materiaali kerätty vuonna 2017. Kyselyyn vastasi 146 yliopisto-opettajaa. Kyselyssä tiedusteltiin akateemista alaa, työnimikettä ja työn luonnetta koskevien taustakysymysten lisäksi laajasti näkemyksiä yliopiston perustehtävistä opetuksesta, tutkimuksesta ja yhteiskunnallisesta vaikuttamisesta tai taiteellisesta työstä. Kyselyn viimeisenä osiona oli Schwartzin universaalien arvojen mittarin suomalaismuunnos. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selville, että yliopisto-opettajat ovat arvoiltaan hyvin yhtenäinen vastaajajoukko, joiden arvoja kuvaa erityisesti muutokselle avoimuuden korostaminen säilyttämisen kustannuksella. He ovat tyypiltään itseohjautuvia universalisteja, ja heille itsensä korostaminen, yhdenmukaisuus tai turvallisuus olivat varsin vähän tärkeitä. Yksittäisten arvojen sijaan työnäkemysten kanssa olivat yhteydessä arvojen kokonaisuuksista muodostetut klusterit, jotka jakoivat yliopisto-opettajat vapaudenhakuisiin, traditionalistisiin ja minäkeskeisiin. Yhteys arvoklusterien, taustamuuttujien ja työnäkemysten välillä oli sirpaleinen, mutta yksittäiset yhteydet olivat muodoltaan koherentteja. Arvojen ja työhön liittyvien näkemysten yhteys on siten hyvin moniulotteinen ilmiö, jonka erityispiirteitä kuvaa yhteyksien luonteen holistisuus.