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  • Rantala, Emilia (2019)
    The research focuses on the views and experiences of professional youtubers and about where they have acquired their knowledge and skills. Also, how they develop their expertise is at the heart of the review, as there is no actual training in the profession of a youtuber. The aim of the study is to outline the different dimensions of knowledge and the areas that a person needs in his / her work. The context of the research is competence, competence development and new work. The labor market of the future requires updating skills, and through this research it is possible to look at the demands of the skills of such a new work represented by the youtubers in this study. The material consists of four interviews in which the most successful tubers in Finland tell about their own work and describe the related skills and areas of expertise. The analysis proceeds according to content analysis, where I summarize the categories of different competencies emerging from the interviewees' stories. On the basis of the analysis, four top classes describing the skills of professional youtubers were gathered: Technical skills, self-management skills, professional skills and networking skills. Under these four upper classes, there are even more sub-categories that define the skills required in the work of youtubers. The categories of competence are not intended to cover the skills and requirements of the entire profession, but to gain access to the individual's own expertise and development. Through the results, it is also possible to get more information on about the youtubers work, that represents new manifestations of worklife. The results show how new ways of working have come to stay and there is no return to the old bureaucratic organization style of work in these young people's expectations. Expertise and its development were seen as a self-contained factor. The future as a professional youtuber was seen as unstable, but still unlimited and bright. New forms of work and the changing attitudes of young people towards work require more research at a single level. New larger phenomena are often formed through micro-phenomena and when these micro-phenomena can be accessed early enough, greater changes could be better anticipated.
  • Vesander, Jaakko (2015)
    Aims. The number of students with special needs in mainstream classes in Finland has been steadily rising in recent years. The purpose of this study was to determine how well the class teachers, subject teachers and special education teachers feel that they succeed in their work when dealing with students with special needs and what are the things that impact their level of competence. Particular attention was paid to how the special education studies and teaching experience affect teachers' skills in relation to teaching special need students.The research was carried out as a part of a project focused on clarifying the state of teaching students with special needs in Finland today, and later to take advantage of this knowledge to arrange further training and education for teachers. Methods. The study was conducted using quantitative research methods. The data was a random sample collected with a questionnaire from schools in a Finnish city. The questionnaire was responded by class teachers and subject teachers (N= 118), responses were analyzed using SPSS-software. Statistical parameters were used in describing the teachers' level of competence in different areas of teaching students with special needs. The impact of special education studies on teachers competences were tested using one-way variance analysis. The impact of general teaching experience on teachers' competences was examined with Mann-Whitneys U-test and the impact of special teaching experience on teachers' competences was examined with independent samples t-test. Results and conclusions. The results showed that teachers who had completed basic studies in special education or extensive special education studies, rated their skills significantly stronger than the teachers who had completed only the basic course in special education or who hadn't completed any special education studies at all. The mere completion of the special education basic course didn't seem to have almost any effect on teachers' competences when compared with the teachers' who hadn't completed any special education studies at all. The amount of general teaching experience had only little effect on teachers' competences. However special teaching experience had a significant impact on teachers' competences.
  • Karjalainen, Tommi (2005)
    This study examines the leadership skills in municipal organisation. The study reflects the manager views on leadership skills required. The purpose of this study was to reflect the most important leadership skills currently and in the future as well as the control of these skills. The study also examines the importance of the change and development needs of the leadership skills. In addition, the effect of background variables on evaluation of leadership skills were also examined. The quantitative research method was used in the study. The material was collected with the structured questionnaire from 324 Kotka city managers. SPSS-program was used to analyse the study material. Factor analysis was used as the main method for analysis. In addition, mean and standard deviations were used to better reflect the study results. Based on the study results, the most important leadership skills currently and in the future are associated with internet skills, work control, problem solving and human resource management skills. Managers expected the importance of leadership skills to grow in the future. Main growth is associated with the software utilisation, language skills, communication skills as well as financial leadership skills. Strongest competence according to managers is associated with the internet skills. Managers also considered to control well the skills related to employee know-how and manager networking. In addition, significant development needs are required in leadership skills. Main improvement areas were discovered in software utilisation, work control, human resource management skills as well as skills requiring problem solving. It should be noted that the main improvement areas appeared in the leadership skills that were evaluated as most important apart from software utilisation. Position, municipal segments and sex were observed to explain most of the deviation in received responses.
  • Jehkonen, Laura (2020)
    Expanded expertise research is more considerate of the perspective of community and is more interactional. Work has changed on a societal scale and Finnish football coaching culture has changed, for example athletecentered coaching is more emphasized. The purpose of this study is to research, understand and delineate, the interviewed football coaching experts’ thoughts and understanding regarding 1. the expertise of a football coach and coaching in general, 2. the change in Finnish football coaching work and the required competence and 3. the development of a coach’s expertise. This qualitative study was conducted based on data of seven interviews. At the time of the interviews the participants of the study had coached between five to thirty-one years and were currently employed by some Finnish football club or organization in the footballing world. The first research question about the expertise of a football coach and coaching in general was analyzed by theory directional content analysis. The second research question about the change in Finnish football coaching work and the required competence and the third research question about the development of a coach’s expertise were inductively analyzed by databased content analysis. The football coaches’ expertise and coaching expertise were understood as both individual and distributed expertise. Individual expertise consists of different competencies and it depends on operational environment. The quantity of experience did not solely define expertise. The aim of the expertise development could be also the specializing in some field of football coaching or in a specific age group. Distributed expertise consisted of perceptions about the competence and skills of coaching teams and coaches and it partly included by using technology. The work of the football coaches and the required competence had changed in many different areas, according to the interviewees. Among those areas were pedagogic skills, information evaluation and management, technology and planning skills, leadership of the coaching team and knowing oneself. The range of different coaching methods and styles has brought both challenges and opportunities. Expertise is developed in many ways, but continuing learning, coaches’ self-guidance and interactional ways of learning were highlighted in every interview.
  • Kurru, Niina (2015)
    Aims. The aim of this qualitative study was to examine conceptions of competence and competence development and well-being at expert work from the employees' perspective. The aim was also to examine how the phenomena are attached to each other. Previous studies have shown that competence is a key factor in well-being, and competence development has positive effects on well-being, especially at knowledge-intensive work. The topic is important since expert work is more and more common. The research questions were: What kind of conceptions of competence and competence development and well-being at expert work the target organization's employees have, and how are the phenomena attached to each other according to the conceptions of the target organization's employees. Methods. The study was conducted by interviewing 12 employees from the selected target company. The target company is an expert organization and its employees are considered as experts. The research approach in this study was phenomenography. Results. According to the results, competence in expert work was extensive and complex, and the most essential way of learning was learning on the job. The results highlighted, that competence development took place in discomfort zone and required reflection and self-awareness. According to the results, well-being at work was based on meaningful, challenging, developing job with reasonable work load as well as open and collaborative atmosphere. Based on the results of the study, competence, competence development and well-being at work were attached to each other through work tasks that match one's competence, opportunities that develop one's competence, and competence in managing one's work, i.e. time management, organization and balance between the different areas of life. Work tasks are key elements of competence, competence development and well-being at expert work. Work tasks are a channel in applying and developing competence, and work tasks that match one's competence also serve as a basis for well-being. Work tasks require special attention when planning and managing expert work. Work management skills help in everyday work situations and support comprehensive life management, and these management skills should be taken into account in education and employment training. Work management skills and other potentially relevant well-being related skills would require further research.
  • Kivilahti, Jenni (2020)
    Objective of the study. Learning as an expert and skills development are one of the themes of a change-oriented and constantly evolving organization in modern times. The financial field is currently undergoing a major transformation and facing changes due to the development of technology. The nature of work is changing, which imposes new kind of competence needs on staff. Therefore, understanding the required skills and learning processes from the experts’ perspective is important. The purpose of this study was to determine what are the skills needs of financial experts and how they learn in the workplace. The study also examines the ways in which the expert’s learning can be supported. New research on the learning needs of experts is needed to identify what expertise the financial sector currently has, what environment supports competence, and what is needed and what should possibly be given up. This study aims to answer the above questions. Methods. The data consisted of eight semi-structed theme interviews with eight financial experts from the human resources department of a financial institution. The experts interviewed were asked, among other things, about the important knowledge and skills required in the expert’s work, in what situations they felt they were learning in their work, and about the factors that promote and hinder learning. The interview data were qualitatively content analyzed by using an abductive strategy. The competencies the experts felt were important in their work, in what kind of environment they felt they were learning most efficiently, and what kind of support they felt they needed to support their learning were analyzed. Results and conclusions. The research results showed that the skills financial experts consider important for their work are professional skills, digital skills, willingness to commit to change, self-development in spare time, interpersonal skills, and financial skills. Experts learn in their work communally and through experiences, with the support of colleagues, and through mentoring, but communal and experiential learning were considered most relevant. The results suggest that the factors that promote experts’ learning are willingness of colleagues to commit to change and a community-oriented and development-friendly organization. On the contrary to positive experiences, the negative learning environment and lack of time were considered especially negative and barriers to learning.
  • Rajala, Roope (2016)
    Learning agility is a concept that arose around the year 2000 as a reaction to changing challenges of work-life. Learning agility is usually defined as willingness and ability to learn from experiences in order to perform successfully in difficult situations. However, there has been criticism against this definition saying that it is rather imprecise and complex. The definition combines too many different elements of learning. This study aims to clarify the context of learning agility by defining learning agility as ability to learn quickly and flexibly. The study examines how learning agility is related to managers' attributions of their own managerial competences and goal orientations. Goal orientations are individual tendencies that affect how people set their goals under performance conditions. In addition, it is investigated if goal orientations act as mediator between learning agility and managerial competencies, which would mean that learning agility is related to managerial competencies through goal orientations. Research environment is Finland's Slot Machine Association (RAY), and the goal of this study is to provide new perspectives for RAY about how RAY can develop its leaders and supervisors. Sample consisted of RAY's supervisors and leaders. Data was collected with electronic survey during May and June of 2015. Total of 63 supervisors and leaders answered to survey and 32 of those were male and 31 were female. Data was analyzed by using statistical methods. Analyses that were primarily used were t-test, Pearson correlation and regression analysis. In order to test the mediation 12 regression analyses were performed. Results showed that learning agility was statistically significantly related to both learning orientation and the way managers feel about their own managerial capabilities. Learning orientation was more strongly related to managerial capabilities than learning agility. Performance orientations were negatively related to both learning agility and the way manager's feel about their managerial capabilities. Based on mediation analysis there were found three mediations of which two were partial mediations and one was full mediation. Mediators were learning orientation and performance-avoidance orientation. Results indicate that willingness to learn is at least as important as the ability to learn. Developing leadership competencies and learning should focus more on supporting learning orientation than enhancing the learning abilities. Moreover, results address a question if learning agility is in fact a combination of other learning-associated concepts such as cognitive capability and goal orientation rather than separate and independent concept.
  • Kurkinen, Tuula (1998)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ollut kuvata pian valmistuvien sairaanhoitaja- ja laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoiden teoreettista työnhallintaa kliinisen mikrobiologian alaan kuuluvien potilasnäytteiden ottamisessa. Tutkimuksessa haluttiin selvittää, miten peruskoulutus ja työelämän harjoittelujaksot ovat vaikuttaneet näytteenottovalmiuksien syntymiseen sekä minkälainen käsitys valmistuvilla hoitajilla on omista mikrobiologisista näytteenottotaidoistaan. Syy tutkimuksen tekemiseen oli tarve arvioida ammatillisen koulutuksen tuloksellisuutta sekä hakea mikrobiologian opetusalueelta tutkimustietoa opetuksen kehittämiseen ja sisältöjen suuntaamiseen. Tutkimukseen osallistui 21 laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijaa ja 27 sairaanhoitajaopiskelijaa. Opiskelijat olivat viimeiseltä lukukaudelta ja valmistuivat keväällä 1998. Tiedonkeruumenetelmänä oli kyselylomake, jonka alkuosa koostui neljästä mikrobiologisesta näytteenottotilanteesta. Opiskelija vastasi toimintatapansa kertoen ja perustellen, miten hän ottaisi näytteet näissä tilanteissa. Vastaukset ryhmiteltiin käyttäen luokitteluun mukaeltua Solo-taksonomiaa. Koulutusta ja opiskelijan käsityksiä kartoittavat kysymykset olivat joko puolistrukturoituja tai avoimia. Laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoiden tiedollinen työnhallinta sijoittuu tulosten perusteella tyydyttävän ja hyvän välimaastoon. Sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden tietotaso oli heikko ja osin hyvin heikko. Laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijat arvioivat koulutuksen antamia mikrobiologisen näytteenoton valmiuksia pääasiassa hyviksi tai tyydyttäviksi; sairaanhoitajaopiskelijat pitivät opetuksesta saamiaan valmiuksia heikkoina. Näytteenoton arvostusta pidettiin kaiken kaikkiaan matalana, ja tietoa laadukkaasta näytteenotosta arvioitiin puuttuvan työelämässä laajasti. Tutkimuksen perusteella näyttää siltä, ettei valmistuvilla sairaanhoitajilla ole tiedollisia ja taidollisia valmiuksia suoriutua edes perusnäytteenotosta niin, että saatu näyte edustaisi laadukkaasti potilaan tilaa näytteenottohetkellä. Näytteenotto on koko laboratoriotyön prosessin kriittisin vaihe. Jos näyte on otettu, säilytetty tai kuljetettu väärin, paraskaan analyysitekniikka ei pysty tuottamaan siitä potilaan hoitoa oikeaan suuntaan ohjaavaa tulosta. Kaikkien laboratorionäytteiden oton siirtäminen laboratoriohoitajille ja runsaan lisäkoulutuksen anto tälle ammattiryhmälle voisi tuottaa parannuksen vallitsevaan tilanteeseen.
  • Viljakainen, Reeta (2020)
    The aim of this study was to find out how much enjoyment, boredom and anxiety students experience in mathematics-related situations: during lessons, homework and tests. The study investigates the relations of these emotions with achievement in mathematics. Moreover, gender, school and classroom differences in these relationships are examined. In spring 2017, 215 third-graders from four Helsinki schools responded to the AEQ-ES (Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Elementary School) survey and participated in three tests measuring mathematics achievement as part of the MathMot study. The fit of the data for the AEQ-ES structural model was analysed using confirmatory factor analysis. The connections between emotions and achievement as well as differences in these connections were studied by non-parametric methods: the Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis H tests, as well as Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The study revealed that students experienced much more mathematics-related enjoyment than boredom or anxiety, which were experienced very little. Consistent with findings from previous research, it was found that emotions are related to achievement, positively to enjoyment and negatively to boredom and anxiety. This connection was strongest in emotions associated with lessons. Few statistically significant differences were observed between genders. In terms of achievement, there was a statistically significant difference between schools in all mathematics tests. Differences were also found between classrooms, albeit not in all tests. Furthermore, between a school receiving positive discrimination funding and a school providing weighted-curriculum education, there was a statistically significant difference in achievement and some emotions.
  • Määttä, Jenni (2015)
    Aims. Cleaning work is practical work, meaning identification of professional competence cannot be based on written tests but must be based actual performance of practical tasks. The aim of this Master's thesis was to identify the main skills in professional maintenance cleaning and to define levels of skill within various levels of ability. The aim was to create a tool for employee and supervisors which can be used to identify employee skills through practical work tasks. Methods. The study was carried out in two different cleaning service companies. Features of process analysis, collaborative planning and stimulated recall methods were applied to the research. Classification of the key skills in maintenance cleaning was based on the views of the companies' trainers, as well as a questionnaire which was answered by supervisors. The skill level descriptions were produced as part of the companies' training programs, and the expertise and experience of the participants were also utilized. In the last step the skill matrix was piloted with employees and its usability in skill identification was evaluated. Results and conclusions. According to the results, 14 different skills were identified as the main skills of maintenance cleaning. They were classified as management of processes and working methods, maintaining working capacity and general professional skills. A theory with four levels was developed to represent the different skill levels: the novice's skills are defined as random, the apprentice's as repetitive, the journeyman's as applicable and the master's as skills developed through work. To reach the master skill level both theoretical knowledge and practical experience are required. To allow for the identification of knowledge, skill matrices were produced for the employee as well as for the supervisor. The matrices can be used as a part of induction and also in training.
  • Vuori, Jaana (2019)
    There is currently a lively public debate about change in working life and future skills needs. When working life changes, it is important that knowledge and leadership should also change. The aim of my thesis was to examine changes in work and skills in the restaurant industry from the perspective of the restaurant manager. The goal was to describe and add to the understanding of the restaurant manager's work and role through their experience and vision. Knowledge management is an integral part of the competence, which is part of the work of the restaurant manager. The thesis examines what knowledge management means for supervisors and how competence development is reflected in work and practice. The theoretical framework of the thesis is made up of literature related to knowledge, leadership, competence management and managerial work, as well as a brief overview of the nature of the hospitality industry and the future. The empirical part of the thesis was carried out with semi-structured theme interviews and the results were analyzed by theory-driven content analysis. The data was collected between May 2018 and December 2018. Ten restaurant managers working at Fazer Food Service were interviewed in the study. As a result of the study, it became clear that the work of a restaurant manager in that organization was interdimensional and consisted of many different tasks and roles. It was important for the restaurant managers to act as superiors and to encourage their staff. Interaction with staff, customers, supervisor and colleagues was important. Knowledge management was one of the tasks that was performed as part of daily management. As a future challenge, restaurant managers saw problems with the availability of skilled labor. The availability and commitment of the workforce can be influenced by good leadership, competence development and employee appreciation. The study found that leadership should change in a more human-oriented direction.
  • Jussila, Jaana (2019)
    This thesis studies the views of managers working in specialist organizations regarding leadership and emotional intelligence. The purpose of this study is to form an understanding of what views and concepts of the managers in specialist organizations have regarding emotional intelligence and its significance in managerial work. The purpose is to build an understanding of what the challenges are in managing specialist knowledge and to form an understanding of what the understanding and experience of emotional intelligence is in relation to leading an organization with specialist knowledge. The theoretical framework of the study was formed around three concepts: emotional intelligence, leadership and leadership of specialist knowledge. Theories of emotional intelligence, especially the concept of emotional intelligence by David Goleman and concepts of emotionally intelligent leadership were used as a theoretical framework. Concepts and definitions related to leadership and knowledge and theories in leadership of knowledge - such as the concept of transformational leadership presented by Bernard M. Bass – that have been combined with management that furthers learning by Riitta Viitala and Pirjo Kolari were also used in the study. The empirical research material was gathered by interviewing eight people who work or have worked in managerial positions in the specialist organization. The interviews were conducted as theme interviews. The methodological approach of the study was content analysis through which the research material was analyzed. Based on the material of the research, the challenges of managerial emotional intelligence in the specialist organization were the expectations and broad range of tasks related to managerial positions, substance knowledge, the management of strategic specialist knowledge, motivating, supporting and interaction. According to the study, the most important competences of emotional intelligence were emotional self-awareness, good selfassessment, self-control, transparency, ability to perform, empathy, service orientedness, inspirational leadership, ability to develop others and teamwork and collaboration skills. The conclusion of the study is that in the management of specialist knowledge in specialist organizations, matters such as interaction, individual attentiveness, empathy, ability to motivate and support, being present and enabling are highlighted. In a specialist organization a manager needs sufficient substance knowledge, purely emotional leadership is not sufficient. In specialist organizations, succeeding in knowledge management requires emotional intelligence, substance knowledge and transformational leadership. When these are combined by competent managers, they are able to motivate, focus on individuals and enable development.
  • Koskinen, Tiina (2018)
    Verme is a tailor-made peer-group mentoring method for Finnish educational thinking. It sup-ports the professional development of teaching and education professionals. In this study, a similar methodology was tested as a supportive activity for the development of the kid’s min-istry volunteer team at Suhe church. The study adopted an action research approach. The field research lasted from October 2017 to May 2018, during which the first cycle of action research was carried out and the next cycle was started. The team’s peer-group met three times and the activity was evaluated and further developed based on the participants’ expe-riences and views. The entire team-of-six participated in the study. Qualitative data collection methods such as particapatory observation, research journal and feedback inquiries were used as part of the research. The main research material was obtained using a focus group method and that da-ta was supported by the feedback received during the research process. Focus group and feedback materials were both analysed with the inductive content analysis and the SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis was considrered as the theory based approach in the study. The research concluded that the method is sensible to support the team’s work. The benefits of the method were more diverse than those related to the professional development alone. The team voted for the continuation of the method in the autumn term 2018. Based on the participants' experiences and views, the research identified the strengths and weaknesses of the group and the opportunities and threats involved in participating in the group. Based on these, the group's activities were further developed and the next cycle of activity research was primed but not carried out within the framework of my Master's thesis.