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  • Hooli, Minna-Maria (2023)
    Aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella lasten psyykkinen oireilu ja mielenterveyden haasteet ovat lisääntyneet kouluympäristössä. Tässä tutkimuksessa lapsen psyykkisellä oireilulla tarkoitetaan lapsen omaa psyykkistä häiriötä tai ulkoisten tekijöiden, aiheuttamaa reaktiota, jonka vuoksi oppilas ei syystä tai toisesta kykene, osaa tai halua toimia yleisesti asetettujen normien mukaisesti kouluympäristössä. Oppilaalla ei tarvitse olla erillistä diagnoosia, jotta oireilu voidaan katsoa psyykkiseksi oireiluksi. Aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa on havaittu, ettei erityisopettajien tämänhetkinen koulutus ja resurssit vastaa työelämän vaatimuksia liittyen psyykkisesti oireilevien oppilaiden kohtaamiseen ja tukemiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää alakoulussa työskentelevien laaja-alaisten erityisopettajien kokemuksia omista valmiuksista tunnistaa ja tukea psyykkisesti oireilevia oppilaita sekä kartoittaa millaista tukea erityisopettajat saavat psyykkisesti oireilevien oppilaiden kanssa työskentelyyn. Tämä tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jonka tutkimusstrategiaksi valittiin fenomenologis-hermeneuttinen lähestymistapa, jossa pyritään syvällisesti ymmärtämään ja tulkitsemaan ihmisen kokemusta ja kokemusmaailmaa. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu seitsemän alakoulussa työskentelevien laaja-alaisten erityisopettajien teemahaastatteluista. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä hyödyntäen Gioia- metodologiaa. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan erityisopettajat tunnistivat oppilaan psyykkinen oireilun normaalista poikkeavana lapsen ulospäin ja sisäänpäin suuntauvana oireiluna. Psyykkisen oireilun ilmenemisessä painotettiin yksilöllisyyttä ja muutosten tunnistamisessa tärkeäksi koettiin hyvä oppilastuntemus. Erityisopettajat tunnistivat psyykkisen oireilun taustalla ympäristötekijöitä, neurologisia tekijöitä ja ikäkausiin liittyviä muutoksia. Työkokemus, haasteet, uuden oppiminen ja oppilaan asioiden edistämisen koettiin lisäävän voimavaroja ja työn antoisuutta. Toisaalta liialliset odotukset, resurssien puute ja käyttäytymisen haasteet koettiin uuvuttavana. Yleisesti erityisopettajan koulutus nähtiin hyödyllisenä, mutta sen ei koettu antavan riittävästi valmiuksia kohdata psyykkisesti oireilevia oppilaita. Erityisopettajat kokivat saavansa valmiuksia työkokemuksesta, työyhteisöltä sekä koulutuksista. Erityisopettajat mainitsivat saavansa tukea psyykkisesti oireilevien oppilaiden kanssa työskentelyssä oppilashuollosta, luokanopettajilta, erityisluokan opettajilta, mentoriopettajilta ja lähiesihenkilöiltä. Ammatillisen yhteistyön toimivuudesta huolimatta oppilashuollon koettiin olevan liian työllistetty. Suomessa ei ole tehty aikaisempaa tutkimusta, joka keskittyisi pelkästään alakoulussa työskentelevien erityisopettajien kokemuksiin oppilaiden psyykkisen oireilun tunnistamisesta ja tukemisesta. Tutkimus vahvistaa aikaisempia tutkimustuloksia siitä, ettei erityisopettajien koulutus ja saatavilla olevat resurssit vastaavat nykyisiin työelämän vaatimuksiin psyykkisesti oireilevien oppilaiden kanssa toimiessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksia ei voida yleistää koskemaan kaikkia alakoulussa työskenteleviä erityisopettajia, mutta tutkimus luo kuvaa erityisopettajien työn resursseista, koulutuksen tarpeista sekä työssäjaksamisesta psyykkisesti oireilevien oppilaiden kanssa työskennellessä. Lisäksi tutkimus vahvistaa käsityksiä koulun tukitoimien resurssien puutteellisuudesta sekä kuinka laajasti psyykkisesti oireileva oppilas vaikuttaa kouluympäristössä.
  • Hyttinen, Heini (2022)
    This master’s thesis aimed to identify and analyse the most relevant job resources that support and promote workplace well-being in knowledge work, focusing on the social and organisational aspects as well as their functional prerequisites. Previous studies have shown that job resources help cope with work goals, alleviate job demands and mental and psychological stress, as well as encourage growth and development. This thesis is based on a resource-centred approach by approaching workplace well-being from the view of positive psychology – seeing that workplace well-being forms in the interplay of social and organisational practices as well as the job itself, which the individual interprets from their own perspective. The study utilises the Job Demands Resources Model (JD-R) as well as Perceived Organisational Support Theory. The research material was collected through a semi-structured thematic interview of eight knowledge workers. The interviewees worked as architects, designers, engineers and in HR. The analysis of the interviews was conducted through a theoretically guided content analysis. The most essential social aspects supporting the interviewees’ workplace well-being were organisational culture and work atmosphere as well as workplace communication. The most essential organisational resources were autonomy and perceived organisational support. The most important perquisites for these resources were general attitude, allocated time resources and work community skills. The organisational and social aspects are best able to support the workers’ well-being when the individual’s, work community’s and organisation’s attitudes, action and allocated time meet. The results are in line with previous research and support the JD-R model and Perceived Organisational Support Theory.
  • Prittinen, Satu (2015)
    Aims of the Study. This Study's Aim was to find out the factors that influence Well-Being in the storycrafted stories of Finnish and Palestinian Children. In the past ten years the research of Children's Well-Being has partly developed to a more childperspective direction. Children have slowly started moving from being objects to active subjects and becoming experts of their own Well-Being. This sort of expertese and respect of Childrens own visions has been the Aim also in this Study. In the present Study the focus is on both the resources and suppressors of the Well-Being as well as the similarities and differences between the stories of the Children from two Nationalities. Awareness of the factors influencing Children's Well-Being can on it's part help the Adults working with Children to pay more attention to the things that are meaningful for Children. Methods. The Research Data was given as a ready collected data from the research project Children tell about their Well-Being – Who listens? (projectnumber 1134911), that was funded by Academy of Finland. The research consortium was a collaboration between the Universities of Helsinki and Oulu. In the University of Helsinki it was led by professor Liisa Karlsson. The Finnish stories were retrieved from the Finnish Social Sciences data archive. These stories were collected between the years 1996-2001. The Palestinian data was gathered in Lebanon among the Palestinian refugees between the years 2006-2012. Altogether the datas consist of 81 stories, of which 42 are from Finns and 39 are from Palestinians.Children in both datas were 2-12 years old. In the review of the stories the wellfare theory by Erik Allardt(1976), a Finnish sociologist, was used as a guideline. The resources and suppressors of Well-Being were monitored through Allardt's dimensions of wellfare; material conditions (having), social relationships (loving) and the societal level (being). In the analysingprocess quatifying and contets specification were used. Results and conclusions. The resources of Well-Being in the stories from both datas were home, the satisfaction of basic needs, happiness, play, peer relationships, family and the possibility to influence in their own matters. In addition to these, in the stories of the Palestinians feeling secure and the possibility to influence thorough dance were also regarded as resources. In Finnish stories also autonomous adventures with peers were labelled as resources. Suppressors for Well-Being in the stories of both datas were shortcomings of material conditions, fear and shortcomings of the possibilities to influence own matters. Suppressors in the stories of Palestinians were also the lack of peer relationships, impossibility to play or to attend school, loss of close-ones and the unsaturation of basic needs. Additional suppressors in the stories of the Finns were difficulties in play and being left alone. In the stories of Palestinian Children one can find the experiences and consequences of War from the Child's point of view. In the stories of Finnish Children material conditions and possibilities of influencing own matters were better than in the Palestinian stories. Finnish stories revealed also challenges in peer relationships. As a conclusion from the stories of the Children peer relationships, play, family, satisfaction of basic needs and the possibility to influence ones own matters appear to be meaningful for the Well-Being of Children from both countries.
  • Mäntysaari, Laura (2018)
    Objectives: The aim of this study was to clarify, if the employees of the target company experience work engagement. The study also aimed to understand the contributing factors such as job resources and demands related to engagement experiences. One aim for this study was to find out what increased or decreased work engagement. Work engagement is meaningful because it improves employees work well-being, work performance and customer satisfaction. Methods: The study applied the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES, 2002) to sales unit of large company. Job resources ja demands were studied with an instrument made by the author of this study. The study was conducted in May 2017 by structured quantitative questionnaire. The sample consisted of 81 participants of 317 employees. The data was analyzed by using the SPSS statistical program. Analyses methods were factor analysis, Spearman correlation, regression analysis and Kruskall Wallis and Mann Whitney tests. Results and Conclusions: The results showed that the level of experienced work engagement among the participants was on average level. The experienced level of work engagement was not related to gender or work tasks. Three factors of work resources and work demands related to work engagement were found in the study. Three factors were related to managerial competence, well set work assignments and goals and make use of work competencies and opportunity to improve work competencies. The most essential job resource was to make use of own work competence and to improve it. That is also what target company should take into account when planning new improvements. There are different kind of ways to improve felt work competencies like learning at work or learning by education.
  • Oiva, Mari (2018)
    Research aims. The aim of the study is to examine what types of conflicts arise within first and second graders in primary education and how teachers experience these conflict situations and the process of resolving them. Numerous conflicts arise within first and second graders in their everyday school activities that require teacher’s attention. Previous studies have shown that these types of conflicts and the process of resolving them create a significant amount of stress for teachers. This study examines these conflict situations and how they come to existence in a school setting. Furthermore, teachers’ well-being at work and ability to manage work-related stress is being investigated together with questions such as which factors create stress for teachers, how stressful do teachers experience conflicts and the process of resolving them, what types of coping skills do teachers have for handling the stress arising from these conflicts and where do teachers acquire resources for their work. Methods. Five teachers who had experience on working with first and second graders in Helsinki region were interviewed for this study. Three of them were highly experienced whereas two were in the beginning of their teaching careers. Semi-structured interviews that were later carefully transcribed were used for data collection. Method of study was data-driven content analysis. All transcribed data was initially read through for an overall view. Later content that was most essential for research purposes and questions was inspected in more detail. The analysis was categorized to match research question of the present study as well as categories from previous studies and also connected to a broader research on the field. Finally, after describing the conflict situations and forming categories analyzing teachers’ experiences and coping skills, the most pivotal results were gathered. Results and conclusions. The conflicts within first and second graders emerged mainly in situations in which there was no adult supervision, when moving from one place to another or during class. The reasons behind these conflicts were often based in relationships, individual personality traits or specific situations that occurred in fast-phased school environment. According to the teachers, the most challenging part of the conflict resolution was the feeling of inadequacy. The less experienced teachers found these situations more challenging compared to those with more teaching experience as the latter often had better tools not only for resolving these conflicts but also for preventing them. Tools that the teachers used for resolving these conflicts were mostly resourceful and solution-focused.
  • Makkonen, Sini (2018)
    Objectives. In this thesis, I will look at the resources of well-being at work of trade employees in terms of customer service, organization, supervisor ship, teamwork and individual aspects of the individual. In addition, I find employees' own resources to maintain or increase resources to support well-being at work. Methods. The subject of the thesis is the theme interview of eight employees of the HOK Elanto Alepa chain. I used the data analysis method of material output that is inductive content analysis. My analysis consisted three stages: reduction, grouping and abstraction. Results and conclusions. This study examined that empoyees in Alepa have a lot of resources at all levels. In terms of quantity, the most interviewed named the resources of the client and team level. The results clearly focused on social interaction and interaction resources, such as good time with customers and co-workers. Organizational-level resources were felt as the benefits from the organization and the care of the employee. The flexibility of the supervisor's level of resources, the sympathy of the supervisor, and thanks and the recollection of employees, increased. Individual-level resources were divided into the resources of leisure and work. The free time resources were largely the same, which people generally name themselves as important things. For example, family, friends and hobbies were considered as a resource. The work resources varied individually. The varying personality traits and individual strengths influenced the type of work that the interviewees named. For example, work resources, breaks, and ease-of-work were experienced as work resources. The research also raised the interviewees' own means and actions to improve well-being at work. These included, for example, job tuning and avoidance of negative mood.