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  • Rantala, Emilia (2019)
    The research focuses on the views and experiences of professional youtubers and about where they have acquired their knowledge and skills. Also, how they develop their expertise is at the heart of the review, as there is no actual training in the profession of a youtuber. The aim of the study is to outline the different dimensions of knowledge and the areas that a person needs in his / her work. The context of the research is competence, competence development and new work. The labor market of the future requires updating skills, and through this research it is possible to look at the demands of the skills of such a new work represented by the youtubers in this study. The material consists of four interviews in which the most successful tubers in Finland tell about their own work and describe the related skills and areas of expertise. The analysis proceeds according to content analysis, where I summarize the categories of different competencies emerging from the interviewees' stories. On the basis of the analysis, four top classes describing the skills of professional youtubers were gathered: Technical skills, self-management skills, professional skills and networking skills. Under these four upper classes, there are even more sub-categories that define the skills required in the work of youtubers. The categories of competence are not intended to cover the skills and requirements of the entire profession, but to gain access to the individual's own expertise and development. Through the results, it is also possible to get more information on about the youtubers work, that represents new manifestations of worklife. The results show how new ways of working have come to stay and there is no return to the old bureaucratic organization style of work in these young people's expectations. Expertise and its development were seen as a self-contained factor. The future as a professional youtuber was seen as unstable, but still unlimited and bright. New forms of work and the changing attitudes of young people towards work require more research at a single level. New larger phenomena are often formed through micro-phenomena and when these micro-phenomena can be accessed early enough, greater changes could be better anticipated.
  • Myyryläinen, Roope (2023)
    Objectives. The purpose of this master’s thesis was to find out what kind of effects being part of community has on being vegan. The community in which context veganism was studied was punk ja hardcore community where veganism is considered to be common lifestyle. This study aimed to find out in which way punk and hardcore communities relate to veganism and what is the significance of being vegan in order to be part of the community. Study also aimed to find out how does the community effect on being vegan. The theoretical framework of this study was constructed from the background factors and implementation of veganism and punk and hardcore subculture research. Methods. The study material was formed through a semi-structured thematic interviews. Eight vegans belonging to the punk and hardcore community (n=8) participated in the study. The interviewees were asked, among other things, how they experience community atmosphere regarding veganism, how the community affects their veganism and what they perceive community to be for those who aren’t vegans. The data was analyzed using theory-guiding content analysis. Results and conclusions. Veganism is viewed positively and is perceived as a significant part of punk and hardcore community and subculture. Veganism is not a determining factor in terms of belonging to the community, you can also belong to the community without being vegan. However, community encourages and slightly pressures towards a vegan lifestyle. The positive and helpful atmosphere of the punk and hardcore community has a positive effect on the initiation of veganism for the members of the community. The commonness of veganism in the community is perceived as an easing factor for the implementation of veganism. The community offers support, advice and encouragement in implementing a vegan lifestyle, which has been found to have a significant impact in terms of starting and continuing the vegan lifestyle.
  • Paavilainen, Tuula (2018)
    This study reviews co-production with citizens in the context of working-life projects of higher education. Studies on the topic in question and on the outcomes of co-production with citizens are rare and, the study serves both needs. The object of study is the Until Now project, realised by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. In it, an art performance was co-produced with the working-life partners and citizens for the Finnish National Opera. The project participated especially the elderly but also children and young people. The research problem covers the interests of the participants and resources brought by them into the project, as well as the challenges and possibilities of the project. The study was realised as qualitative case study. The analysed data, gathered especially for this study, was based on the semi-structured interviews of five individual participants of the project. The method of thematic analysis was deployed in the data analysis. Four separate analyses were carried out, altogether, one for each of the specific research questions. The results of them were reflected against activity theory and the prior research on co-production with citizens. The results showed the multi-layered nature and variety of the interests of the participants. The significance of sufficient and appropriate material resources and of qualities of the immaterial resources were emphasised. Various challenges emerged during the project, the productional and practical ones being stressed. The possibilities and positive effects of the project were multiple and expanded also beyond it. The focal meaning of the community, joint activity and encounter between the generations for the citizen participants also came up. The role of the elderly was of critical importance from the standpoint of the artistic work and meeting the learning objectives. Expansions of the activity caused additional challenges but also allowed positive outcomes to emerge. The activity theoretical angle highlights characteristics of expansions of activity, knot-working and distributed agency in the results. The main conclusion is that co-production with citizens is a relevant form of collaboration in the context of working-life projects of higher education. The results of the study add knowledge on the outcomes of co-production with citizens, which is scarce so far. The results also can be applied in the practical work, especially in the development of higher education and public service production.
  • Tikka, Lotta (2018)
    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the aspects and elements of physical activity relationship of CrossFitters. The objective is to provide scientific data about CrossFit as a hobby and to consider confluences between CrossFit and physical education. Answers to these questions were sought by interviewing CrossFitters about their experiences and perspectives. The point was to find out the aspects and elements of physical activity relationship of CrossFitter’s, and the characteristics of CrossFit, and to give a description of the interviewees' views and experiences in regard to CrossFit in relation to their social lives, the ideals of physical appearance and the overall impact on their lifestyle. This thesis is a qualitative case study. The primary method used in the study was a semi-structured interview of the participants. Six (6) CrossFitters from different age groups were selected for this study. All the participants belonged to the same CrossFit gym and had been doing CrossFit for at least a year, three times a week minimum. I approached the study from the phenomenological-hermeneutical perspective by interpreting the collected data while keeping the dialogue within theoretical context. The CrossFitter’s physical activity relationship is typically constructed of various aspects and elements, such as health, competition, goal-orientation, joy and fun -all of which were especially important to all participants. There were no major differences between the sexes. They had very similar experiences about the way CrossFit had impacted their lives and general wellbeing. Physical activity relationships appeared positive and consistent among all the participants and CrossFit had become a part of their lifestyle. Although CrossFit is an individual physical activity, CrossFitters tend to form tight communities. By researching physical activities that are popular among the adults, the findings can also be useful when contemplating physical activity regimens for children. CrossFit can be identified as a lifestyle sport (Wheaton, 2004). It is defined by the curriculum that school should guide their students towards physically active lifestyles.
  • Mäntynen, Annukka (2019)
    The skills and knowledge stored by the body have been given lower value than the knowledge learned through thought. However, in today’s research the learning process is more comprehensive. Learning is not only about acting through though, learning includes also the learner's bodily sensations, feelings, and social interactions. The purpose of this study was to find out how embodied skill learning and teaching in a community appears in general and how the subjective embodied skill learning is recognized by a new participant in the community. In this research general embodied skill learning appearance was studied by ethnographic methods, which were refined to the auto-ethnographic method when looking at the subjective process of embodied skill learning. The research material was collected during spring 2019 from craft project which was carried by Visually Impaired Association of Helsinki and Uusimaa. Ethnographic data collection was carried out through participatory observation and interviews at craft evenings, clubs and other events for the visually impaired by collecting observations and discussions into the field diary. To collect auto-ethnographic data I as a re-searcher settled as a pupil into this craft community and produced two products. During handcrafting I observed my embodied skill learning process by writing a research journal, photographing and reviewing the finished products. The research data has been analyzed using content analysis. The results describe how the individual and the community draw from each other in the stag-es of embodied skill learning process during multisensory craft activities. Individual embodied skill learning and community support around the learner, as well as the knowledge and skills network, are in continuous circular interaction. It is possible for the learner to share subjective experiences in the community, where the experiences are articulated and given meaning. Multi-sensory teaching can provide building blocks for embodied skill learning for learners of different types, where meaningful experiential learning can enable more holistic learning. Sharing and acting in the community is an interactive activity where one can also learn to act more ethically towards others and the environment.
  • Vesa, Paula (2022)
    Aim of the study. Community is a very important topic of discussion. For example, in the schools of Porvoo, community well-being was broad theme of the 2021–2022 semester. The importance of community has been underlined during the coronavirus pandemic, when traditional community means, for example events, have had to be avoided. Previous research has been done relatively little concerning school’s communal operational culture. The aim of this study was to find out what the principals think about community means at schools, how the communal operational culture of the schools appear and how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the sense of community in schools. Methods. The research was implemented by interviewing principals of the Finnish language elementary schools in Porvoo. Six very different types of schools were selected for the study in terms of location, size, and student material. Semi-structured interviews were implemented using a remote connection. The interview focused on three themes: principals´ views on community, the school´s communal operational culture and the school´s community during the coronavirus pandemic. The research material was analysed by using phenomenography analysis. In phonomyography research the analysis is based on the search for meanings and thereby the formation of categories. Results and conclusion. Working together, good cooperation and feeling good in the community were emphasized in describing the community. The principals mentioned cooperation, student participation, common rules and goals and openness as structures that promote community. Community as a value appeared on the background of the school´s operating methods, and community as goal emerged from the values. Communal activities were, for example, common events, trips, and activities. Professional interaction was mainly promoted during the common planning time. The principal´s role from the point of view of community was to be its leader or enabler. The principal also had to be interested in the subject, open minded and appreciative. The cooperation of the school community was aspired promoting, for example, shared leadership. The coronavirus pandemic had no positive effects on community, but it emphasized the value of community and improved teaches´ ICT skills.
  • Ajosenpää, Kirsi-Marja (2019)
    Group building creates new possibilities to improve the quality of living and everyday life of individual inhabitants. It adds the competition to the housebuilding and promotes communal operation. The communal living is seen as one alternative because there is an increasing interest in communities. The aim of the study was to clear the ways of action of cohousing projects and their creation process at the planning stage and building stage of projects. The research subjects were two separate cohousing projects in which the building was carried out as non-profit group building. Group building means that the future inhabitants design their private apartments and the common premises, and function as constructors themselves. In the described projects the communal living is carried out with the Nordic model of communal living which is determined by common operation, common premises and the communal organization. The study describes the ways of action of the two projects starting with the planning stage of the block of flats and ending with the beginning of the building. Furthermore, the study examines factors, wishes and expectations affecting the choice of communal living, forming of the community and the creation of communal ways of action. The head concepts of the study are community, sense of communality, confidence, social capital and living. The material consisted of ten (10) theme interviews. The participants in the study represented the future inhabitants from both cohousing projects. The material was collected in spring and autumn 2018 and the results were described with the help of qualitative research methods. It was possible to find features of the case study also in this study. A theme interview was used as an interview method and the results were analyzed by utilizing a content analysis. Social, communal, ecological and economic factors affected the choice of communal living. The choice based on a natural desire to share the life with other people. The creation process of the communal living was determined by the common goals of which the building of the house was the most important. The sense of communality was not left to chance or randomness, but it was consciously built in the ways of action and in the jointly planned premises. Getting acquainted with each other, meeting practices, decision-making process, hearing different point of views and the possibilities to influence the operation were some of the ways of action. The inhabitants hoped that communal living would create safety and versatility of the social life as well as make every-day life easier through neighbourly help, planning and spontaneous doing together and also through shearing information and commodities. It was generally hoped that communal living and group building as a method of construction would become more common on the housing market.
  • Naskali, Tiina (2016)
    Positive deviance is a theoretical behavioural approach. It reviews the impact of education and problem solving through individual activity. Positive deviance as an approach has been involved in larger amount in the development of workplace and organization development. For the educational field the linkage is rather new and additional research was needed. This study does not focus on education as a whole but more specifically the learning process. This is due to the active characteristics of a learning process. Learning is a continuous activity and cannot be bound to certain structures and contexts only. This study wanted to bring knowledge for to support the design of education and teaching processes. The study aimed to place positive deviance to the framework of the radical educational theories. In addition to similarities clear differences were expected to be found between the theories chosen to the comparison. However, the expectation was that positive deviance can be seen as a separated radical educational approach. By reviewing a case example this study aimed to define whether positive deviance can be seen as a new type of approach, answering the current demands set on the education sector. The study was based on written materials and combined phenomenological basis with classifying text analysis. The concept of positive deviance was first defined based on earlier studies focusing on its theoretical background. After concept definition the study compared the positive deviance approach with theories of anarchist pedagogy, pedagogy of the oppressed, swarm intelligence and expansive learning. The comparison was done by using a comparison framework, structured specifically for this purpose. The following seven factors were used as the basis for the framework: activating effect, departure from norms of a referent group, intentionality of behavior, voluntary characteristics of action, individual activity, community activity, and aim to make a positive impact in the society. In order to define the applicability of positive deviance to the education sector, the functionality of the approach was described through a case study executed in Argentina in early 2000s. The study showed that positive deviance is not identical with the studied radical theories. The terminology differed somewhat between the chosen theoretical approaches. However, this did not have a significant effect on the overall comparison results. In this study the review of the case study did not give a full picture on the applicability of positive deviance to the educational field. The results of the case study, however, showed a possibility for the applicability of the approach, as long as the context factors are properly taken into account.
  • Laihosola, Mayling (2024)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella vertaisopettajatoimintaa vertaisopettajien näkökulmasta uusille opiskelijoille suunnatulla orientoivalla kurssilla. Tavoitteena oli kartoittaa vertaisopettajien näkemyksiä siitä, miten he kokivat oman roolinsa kurssilla ja vuorovaikutuksen opettajien kanssa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli ymmärtää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttivat vertaisopettajien integroitumisen kokemuksiin ja mitkä motiivit saivat vertaisopettajat lähtemään mukaan vertaisopettajatoimintaan. Aiemmat uusiin opiskelijoihin keskittyneet tutkimukset osoittavat, että vertaisopettaminen kehittää erilaisia geneerisiä taitoja ja auttaa uusia opiskelijoita integroitumaan opintoihin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli täydentää aiempia tutkimuksia vertaisopettajien näkökulmasta. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jonka aineisto koostui kymmenestä (N=10) Helsingin yliopiston bio- ja ympäristötieteellisen tiedekunnan sekä maatalous-metsätieteellisen tiedekunnan vertaisopettajien haastatteluista ja haastatteluiden osana luoduista piirrosaineistoista. Aineiston analyysissä hyödynnettiin temaattisen analyysin keinoja. Tulokset osoittivat, että vertaisopettajat pyrkivät tarjoamaan vertaistukea, jakamaan tietoa uusille opiskelijoille sekä vahvistamaan yliopiston yhteisöllisyyden tunnetta. Vertaisopettajat kuvailivat yhteistyötä opettajien kanssa sujuvaksi - osa vertaisopettajista koki opettajat helposti lähestyttäviksi jo ennen vertaisopettajatoiminnan mukanaan tuomaa yhteistyötä mutta viimeistään lisääntyneen vuorovaikutuksen myötä opettajat koettiin helpommin lähestyttävimmiksi. Tulokset osoittivat, että vertaisopettajatoiminnan lisäksi vertaisopettajien omiin integroitumisen kokemuksiin oli vaikuttanut tuutori- ja ainejärjestötoiminta, sekä oma aktiivisuus ja halu integroitua osaksi yliopistoyhteisöä. Vertaisopettajien motiivit painottuivat vertaisopettajuuden hyötyarvoihin kuten kurssista saataviin opintopisteisiin, geneeristen taitojen kehittämiseen tai itsensä haastamiseen. Vertaisopettajien näkökulmien ja motivaatiotekijöiden ymmärtäminen on tärkeää, kun pohditaan vertaisopettajien täyden potentiaalin hyödyntämistä ja vertaisopettajatoiminnan kehittämistä. Parhaimmillaan onnistuneesti toteutettu vertaisopettajatoiminta voi hyödyttää koko yliopistoyhteisöä; opettajia, uusia opiskelijoita ja vertaisopettajia.