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  • Petäjä, Sanna (2011)
    Kartiokeilatietokonetomografiakuvaus (KKTT-kuvaus) on erityisesti hammaslääketieteelliseen käyttöön kehitetty kuvausmenetelmä. KKTT-kuvauksella saadaan kuvauskohteesta kolmiulotteinen kuva, jolla saadaan tietoa esimerkiksi preoperatiivisesti alaviisaudenhampaan ja mandibulaarikanavan kolmiulotteisesta sijoittumisesta toisiinsa nähden. Eri KKTT-laitteiden kuvanlaadussa on havaittu selkeitä eroja, joskin eri teknisten parametrien käytölläkin on vaikutusta kuvanlaatuun. Tutkielmassa arvioitiin teknisten parametrien vaikutusta kliiniseen kuvanlaatuun. Kuvaukset suoritettiin kallofantomilla käyttäen Instrumentarium 3000 3D® KKTT-laitetta muuttamalla jännitettä, virtaa, kuvakenttäkokoa sekä käyttäen hilaa tai alumiinilevyjä. Myös säteilyannos vaihteli. Leikesarjoja kuvattiin 58. Leikesarjoista arvioitiin anatomisten rakenteiden kliinistä kuvanlaatua neliportaisella asteikolla. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että foramen linguale ja mandibulaarikanava kuvautuivat molemmilla kuvauskentillä ja samoilla säteilyannoksilla selkeämmin kuin pienemmät anatomiset rakenteet, kuten juurikanavat tai parodontaalirako. Käyttämällä korkeampaa jännitettä (90 kV) saavutetaan yhtä hyvä kuvanlaatu pienemmällä säteilyaltistuksella kuin käyttämällä alhaisempaa jännitettä (85 kV). Johtopäätös oli, että esimerkiksi preoperatiivisessa implanttisuunnittelussa kanavarakenteiden sijaintia voidaan tutkia kuvaamalla matalimmalla kuvausannoksella ja kummallakin kuvakentällä kliinisen kuvanlaadun merkittävästi heikentymättä, mutta pienemmät anatomiset rakenteet tulee kuvata hiukan suuremmalla kuvausannoksella riittävän kuvanlaadun saavuttamiseksi.
  • Kiekeben, Julia (2021)
    Objectives. As the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders increases, the number of people with ASD who may benefit from speech therapy methods will also increase. People in the autism spec trum have been found to be interested in technology in many studies, so it could be beneficial and smart to utilize it in the context of rehabilitation. In particular, the utilization of 3D and virtual real ity, as well as the usability of HMD-technology are at the center of many research regarding the potential use of technology in ASD rehabilitation. The aim of this literature review is to determine what kind of technological devices, softwares and the types of tasks performed with them are used in the context of ASD. The aim is also to determine what kind of user experiences with these meth ods and technologies have been reported by people with ASD. Methods. The research method of this dissertation is a literature review. The data was collected from five international databases (ACM digital library, Ovid Medline, Pubmed, Scopus, Web of science) using the search phrase (autism* OR autism spectrum disorder* OR high functioning au tism* OR HFA* OR Asperger* OR pervasive disorder*) AND (intervention* OR rehab* OR reha bilitation* OR therap* OR training) AND (virtual* OR augmented* OR “mixed* vr” OR HMD OR headset OR “head mounted” OR head-mounted* OR helmet OR glasses OR goggles OR ve OR im mersive OR immersion OR 3D OR head-worn OR “head worn”) AND (“computer assisted” OR computer-assisted OR “computer aided” OR computer-aided). In accordance with the selection criteria, 17 original studies were selected for the dissertation, regarding technologies and methods used in ASD rehabilitation. Findings and conclusions. Rehabilitation for ASD utilizes technology assistance from traditional computer and video game -technologies to wearable HMD-devices and virtual reality. The technol ogies used in the studies were mainly computer-implemented virtual software and virtual environ ments. About half of them utilized wearable HMD technology. The methods were mainly focused on various problems of social interaction, such as attention, emotion recognition and cooperation skills. People with ASD reported mostly positive reviews of technology-assisted methods, includ ing the use of wearable devices.
  • Rinkinen, Juuso (2022)
    Aims of the study: In the last couple of decades a central problem in the Finnish society has been an aging of the population. The aging of population is a big challenge for a Finnish welfare society, which creates pressure for the economy as well as for the health care and public services. Therefore, the search for solutions that will be able to meet the growing demand of elderly services has started. A central subject in these solutions has been a larger integration of technology. Technology has enormous potential to help to meet the care needs of the elderly and in its own part ease the labor shortage of the elderly services. Previous research about the technologies in the Finnish elderly care and the factors affecting the use of the technology has mainly focused on surveys and interviews. However, research concerning the factors and phenomena affecting technology has remained very limited. The aim of this study is to analyze an extensive Finnish cross-sectional data and examine what factors affect the use of technology in the Finnish elderly care. In addition, the aim of this study is to also examine how technology and the phenomena related to technology affect the adequacy of staff of the elderly services. Methods: A cross-sectional data from Finnish elderly care units was used in this study (N=2950). The data was collected as a part of the larger Vanpal-project that is carried out by Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). Concerning the use of technology, a sum variable was formed. The sum variable expressed how many technologies or how many applications of technology there were at the care unit. Associations between the use of technology and the factors examined were analyzed with the independent samples t-tests and with analyses of variance. Associations between technology-related phenomena and adequacy of staff were also analyzed with t-tests and with analyses of variance. In addition, for a couple of variables the use of technology was analyzed by examining variables’ frequency distributions. Results and conclusions: In this study it was observed that several factors have an association with the use of technology. The use of technology was higher on average if the unit had undergone structural changes in recent years. The use of technology was lower if a person in charge of the equipment was assigned in the unit. The use of technology was also affected by the form of service the unit provided, while technology was used the most in domiciliary care. The more clients of the unit were allowed to participate in the planning of their own care, the more technology was used in the unit. The units where the adequacy of staff was perceived to be better, technology was used less. Utilization of remote connections was not used that much, but ERP-systems were in use, and they were perceived useful. The staff’s competence in technology-related matters as well as clients’ competence and attitudes towards technology were associated with the adequacy of staff in the units. This study added information concerning use of technology in Finnish elderly care, and how the technology-related phenomena affect the operations of the elderly care units. In the future if the use of technology in the elderly care is researched more, this study can be of use when planning the research or while delimiting the phenomena and factors affecting the use of technology.
  • Tölli, Pekka (2021)
    Objectives: Cognitive abilities are highly heritable, but several other factors beyond genes also influence the realization of one’s genetic potential. The role of temperament potentially modifying the association between genes and actualized cognitive performance is not well understood. This study examined whether temperament is associated with cognitive performance and whether it modifies an association between genetic cognitive potential and cognitive test performance. Methods: The participants (n = 1,571, 56% female, 35-50 years) were from the population-based Young Finns Study. Temperament was assessed four times (1997, 2001, 2007, and 2012) with the Temperament and Character Inventory’s four dimensions: Novelty Seeking, Harm Avoidance, Reward Dependence and Persistence. Polygenic scores were calculated based on GWA studies to measure the genetic potential for cognitive performance. Cognitive performance was assessed in 2012 with four CANTAB tests: Visual memory, Reaction Time, Sustained Attention and Spatial Working Memory. Results: Temperament did not modify the realization of genetic potential for cognitive performance but had main effects on the performance: High Persistence was associated with higher visual memory, low Harm Avoidance with higher overall cognitive and reaction time performance, while Novelty Seeking and Reward Dependence had insignificant associations. Harm Avoidance’s subscale high Anticipatory Worry was associated with lower overall cognitive and visual memory performance and high Fatigability with lower reaction time and lower sustained attention performance. High Shyness with Strangers preceded higher visual memory performance. High Fear of Uncertainty was associated with lower visual memory, but higher sustained attention performance. Conclusions: Temperament does not seem to give an advantage or hindrance for an individual to realize their genetic potential for cognitive performance. High Persistence appears beneficial for cognitive performance, whereas high Harm Avoidance is detrimental in certain tasks but beneficial in others.
  • Räsänen, Karla (2020)
    Objectives: Stability over time is a core assumption concerning the definition of temperament or the constellation of biologically based tendencies to behave and experience the world. The stability can be considered either homotypic, when the phenotype of the trait remains the same at different ages, or heterotypic, when the phenotype of the trait changes as the child grows. Several studies have demonstrated both homo- and heterotypic stability of child temperament at least from infancy to middle childhood. However, there are only few studies that have monitored the development of temperament until adolescence. In addition, most studies have relied exclusively on maternal reports although fathers make important contributions to their children’s lives and can be considered comparable informants of their children’s behavior. This study addressed the stability of child temperament on the level of both higher order temperament dimensions and individual temperament traits from infancy to middle childhood and further to early adolescence. Additionally, the study examined whether there are any differences between maternal and paternal ratings of child temperament stability. Methods: The sample of this study was obtained from the 0.5-, 8- and 12-year cohorts of the Glaku- research project which initiated in 1998. The final sample consisted of those mothers (n = 128) and fathers (n = 48) who had rated their child’s temperament at all the three timepoints. Parental ratings of child temperament were derived using the age appropriate questionnaires within the theoretical framework of Rothbart: the Infant Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ) in infancy, the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ) in middle childhood and the Early Adolescence Temperament Questionnaire-Revised (EATQ-R) in early adolescence. Results and conclusions: On the level of temperament dimensions homotypic stability was found from infancy to middle childhood and from middle childhood to early adolescence. No direct association was found between temperament in infancy and temperament in early adolescence. Heterotypic continuity was found for negative emotionality and effortful control from middle childhood to early adolescence. Negative emotionality in middle childhood was associated with lower levels of positive emotionality and effortful control in early adolescence. Effortful control in middle childhood was associated with higher level of positive emotionality and lower level of negative emotionality in early adolescence. On the level of individual temperament traits homotypic stability was found from infancy to middle childhood and from middle childhood to early adolescence according to maternal ratings. According to paternal ratings homotypic stability was found only for one trait from infancy to middle childhood. From middle childhood to early adolescence, however, father rated homotypic associations were comparable to those found for maternal ratings. The results of this study support prior research and theoretical expectation of the stability of child temperament and the comparability of mother and father ratings. The results, however, suggest that maternal and paternal ratings about the stability of child temperament may be more alike regarding to older children, which should be further examined in future research.
  • Järvinen, Aurora (2020)
    The aim of the study. Internalizing symptoms are mental health problems of which the most common forms are depression and anxiety. Internalizing symptoms emerging in childhood are associated with a risk of cumulating negative consequences and a tendency to become chronic. To narrow the risk of developing internalizing symptoms, it is crucial to understand their early risk factors. The association between temperament and internalizing symptoms has been demonstrated in earlier studies. However, longitudinal studies have typically examined these associations within relatively short time frames. Studies on the role of early temperament as a potential predictor of internalizing symptoms occurring later in school-age are scarce and insufficient. Also, due to a lack of research data, it is still unclear how temperamental change and stability of traits during childhood years explain the risk of school-age internalizing problems. This study examines the role of infant temperament in the etiology of school-age internalizing symptoms. The study also explores how the changes and the stability of temperament traits from infancy to school-age are associated with the risk of school-age internalizing symptoms. In this study, the definition of temperament is based on Rothbart’s temperament theory. Methods. The data of this study is a part of a larger follow-up study PREDO (The Prediction and Prevention of Preeclampsia and Intrauterine Growth Restriction). The sample consists of 919 children. In this study, data from the 6-month infancy assessment point and follow-up at the age of 7 to 11 years were used. Mothers and partly fathers (n = 581) assessed the child’s temperament with the Revised Infant Behavior Questionnaire at the age of 6 months. At the age of 7 to 11 years, mothers assessed the child’s temperament with the Temperament of Middle Childhood Questionnaire and internalizing symptoms with the Childhood Behavior Checklist and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Associations between temperament traits and internalizing symptoms were examined with linear regression analyses. In terms of studying the stability and change of temperament traits, residualization and interaction analyses of traits were used. Results and conclusions. Negative emotionality appeared as a significant risk factor for internalizing symptoms; high levels of negative emotionality in infancy can be seen as an early risk factor for subsequent symptoms. Also, weak regulation capacity in infancy increases the risk of school-age internalizing symptoms. In this study, the stability of temperament traits was low and the role of temperamental change from infancy to school-age was highlighted. According to this study, changes in temperament traits explain the risk of internalizing problems more than the stability of the traits. An increase in negative emotionality and a decrease in effortful control during childhood years are associated with elevated risks of internalizing symptoms. The association between extraversion and internalizing symptoms was modest, but low levels of extraversion through childhood years slightly increase the possibility of symptoms. The results of this study create a possibility to recognize early risk factors, intervene at an early stage, and prevent the development of internalizing problems.
  • Rinkinen, Mikko-Oskari (2022)
    Abstract Background Knowledge of the adverse effects of drugs with anticholinergic properties (DAPs) has increased in recent decades. However, research on the temporal trends of the clinical use of DAPs is still sparse. Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the temporal trends of DAP use over two decades in the older community-dwelling population and to explore the medication classes contributing to the use of DAPs. Methods The study involved random samples of ≥ 75-year-old community-dwelling Helsinki citizens in 1999, 2009, and 2019 from the Helsinki Ageing Study. A postal questionnaire inquired about their health, functioning, and medications. The medications were categorized as DAPs according to Duran’s list. In addition, we grouped DAPs into various medication groups. Results The prevalence and burden of DAPs on Duran's list showed a decreasing trend over the years. In 1999 the prevalence was 20% and the burden 0.35, in 2009 they were 22% and 0.35, respectively, and in 2019 they were 16% and 0.23, respectively. There were no differences in how the 75- and 80-year-olds used DAPs compared with those aged 85 years and older. The proportion of typical antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, hypnotics, urinary antispasmodics, and asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease medications decreased, whereas the proportion of atypical antipsychotics, antidepressants, strong opioids, and antihistamines increased. In particular the use of mirtazapine increased—to 3.9% in 2019. In 2019 the three most prevalent groups of DAPs were antidepressants (7.4%), opioids (2.7%), and antihistamines (2.4%). Conclusions The decrease in the use of DAPs on Duran's list is a welcome change. Although the use of old, strong DAPs has decreased, new DAPs have simultaneously emerged. Physicians need continuous education in prescribing DAPs and more recent information on the use and effects of DAPs is needed in order to decrease their exposure among the rapidly growing older population.
  • Tuominen, Siiri (2022)
    Abstract: The objective of the thesis is to evaluate the validity of different examination questions in testing the theoretical information of fixed prosthodontics and to create a bank of exam questions. Materials Chapters 1, 2, 4, 6.1 and 10 of the textbook A Textbook of Fixed Prosthodontics: A Scandinavian Approach are used as the analyzed material in the thesis. Methods The different possibilities for testing the theoretical information have been identified based on the literature used. Different exam question types are used as testing methods for the crucial contents of the analyzed material. The question types are presented and evaluated separately using versatile didactic literature sources. Results A bank of exam questions created for testing the analyzed material is presented as the results of this thesis. Discussion The exam questions created and evaluated in the thesis can be used as exam questions themselves or as inspiration for exam questions in the future fixed prosthodontics exams. The precise analyzation and the creation of the exam questions based on the analyzation can be perceived as an absolute strength of this thesis. A clear weakness of the thesis is the fact that it was not possible to test the created questions in practice.
  • Lindström, Joona (2024)
    Ison sarvennoisen kiputila on yksi yleisimmistä alaraajojen tendinopatiapohjaisista kiputiloista. Ison sarvennoisen kiputilan taustalla ajatellaan nykyisin olevan pääasiassa keskimmäisen ja pienen pakaralihasten jänteiden tendinopatia, eli jänteen rappeumatila joka kliinisesesti näyttäytyy kipuna ja jänteen toiminnan vajauksena. Ison sarvennoisen kiputilan hoitona on perinteisesti käytetty kortikosteroidi-injektioita, painon pudotusta, kuormituksen vähentämistä sekä fysioterapiaa. Erityisessä riskiryhmässä ovat keski-ikäiset naiset, mutta vaivaa tavataan myös miehillä. Tietyt urheilulajit (mm. hyppylajit) nostavat kiputilan riskiä. Ison sarvennoisen kiputila on myös pitkäaikainen vaiva, kuten tendinopatiat yleensäkin, ja paraneminen kestää useita kuukausia, osalla pidempäänkin. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin, millaista tutkimusnäyttöä terapeuttisesta harjoittelusta on ison sarvennoisen kiputilan hoidossa. Kirjallisuuskatsaus suoritettiin systemaattisesti PRISMA-ohjeistuksen mukaisesti artikkeleita PUBMED- ja Scopus-tietokannoista etsien ja määrittäen tarkkaan sisäänotto- ja poisjättökriteerit. Tätä katsausta varten etsittiin erityisesti satunnaistetussa koeasetelmassa suoritettuja tutkimuksia, joissa päätemuuttujana käytettiin joko numeerista kipuasteikkoa (NRS, numerical rating scale), visuaalista analogista kipuasteikkoa (VAS, visual analogue scale) tai pakarilihastendinopatioiden seurantaan kehitettyä VISA-G (Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment – Gluteal) toimintakykymittaria. Sisäänotto- ja poisjättökriteerit täyttäviä tutkimuksia katsaukseen valikoitui yhteensä viisi kappaletta. Kaikissa tähän katsaukseen päätyneissä artikkeleissa havaittiin terapeuttista harjoittelua suorittaneessa ryhmässä suotuisa tilastollisesti merkitsevä muutos tarkastelluissa päätemuuttujissa, kun verrattiin alkutilannetta ja pisintä seuranta- ajankohtaa. Lisäksi kaikki päätemuuttujanaan NRS-muuttujaa käyttäneet tutkimukset raportoivat suuremman muutoksen kuin yleisesti hyväksytty kyseisen muuttujan pienin kliinisesti merkittävä muutos 2 (MCID, minimal clinically important difference). Sen sijaan yhdessäkään VISA-G-muuttujan raportoineessa tutkimuksessa ei saavutettu kyseisen muuttujan pienintä kliinistä muutosta (20 pistettä) ylittävää muutosta. Kuitenkin muutokset olivat harjoittelun tehon kannalta suotuisia ja tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Katsauksen perusteella harjoittelu ison sarvennoisen kiputilan hoitona vaikuttaakin tehokkaalta hoitomuodolta.
  • Salmi, Laura (2017)
    The aim of the study. Multilingualism is a growing phenomenon worldwide and also in Finland. It means that speech and language pathologists (SLPs) will also encounter more multilingual people in their occupation. Multilingual customers may induce challenges to typical speech and language therapy, since international research has already shown that for example assessment methods standardized with monolinguals cannot be used as such with multilinguals. Multilingual speech therapy may also require using an interpreter which may induce even more challenges. Since the topic has only begun to majorly surface during the 2000s, presumably there are no unified clinical procedures among SLPs. Hence, the aim of this study was to gather a comprehensive overview of the clinical speech and language therapy procedures used with multilinguals in Finland today. In addition, this study aimed to gather information of the amount of multilingual customers and how they are distributed geographically throughout the country. Methods. The data was collected using an electronic questionnaire, which was sent to SLPs belonging to the speech and language pathologists' trade union. The questionnaire received 141 answers. The questionnaire comprised of four sections and basic background information of the informants. The data was analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The quantitative analysis was carried out by using Word Excel -spreadsheet. The qualitative analysis was carried out by gathering information from the open questions under different themes arising from the answers. Results and conclusions. Multilingual customers in speech therapy are most common in the Helsinki metropolitan area and in Southern-Finland, but their amount is increasing throughout the country. According to this study, to date, there are no unified therapy procedures in multilingual speech and language therapy. For example, the limited amount of suitable assessment materials, inaccessibility to research and cultural differences caused challenges for SLPs. With an interpreter the challenges were connected to the roles of different agents in the situation. Despite the challenges brought upon by this group of customers, the SLPs felt like they also gained a lot from working with this group of customers. This study can potentially bring SLPs closer to unified therapy procedures in multilingual speech and language therapy and evoke more studies on the subject.
  • Leivo, Marianna; Heinävaara, Sirpa (2019)
    Background: We only know a little about healthy women’s preferences for breast cancer treatment. In this study we examined demographic and other factors that may influence these treatment preferences. Our interest was specially focused on who preferred the lightest cancer treatment. Methods: A survey including questions on lifestyle, quality of life and health was sent to 10 000 randomly selected 49 - year- old women in Finland. The survey covered womens’ treatment preferences for breast cancer. Associations between the treatment preferences and demographic factors were analyzed with cross tabulations and logistic regression. Results: 53% women participated in the survey. These women had different treatment preferences. However the most common wish was any treatment that would definitely remove the tumor. Women that were married or in a relationship, and women who attended the working life, were less likely to prefer the lightest and the most saving treatment. Women who wished for the lightest treatment didn’t worry about breast cancer nor did they have relatives that had been through breast cancer treatment. Conclusions: Anxiety over cancer and fear of losing your family may be the reasons why married women and those with more worries about breast cancer did not prefer the lightest treatment. Although there were different views in how to treat breast cancer, majority of women would prefer any treatment to assure a successful result.
  • Kuusinen, Matleena (2023)
    Päivystyksen ja erikoissairaanhoidon keskittäminen ovat supistaneet monen sairaalan toimintaa Suomessa. Päivystystoiminta on keskitetty vuodesta 2018 lähtien laajoihin ympärivuorokautisen päivystyksen yksiköihin ja leikkaustoiminta keskitetty pääosin yliopistosairaaloihin. Pohjois-Kymen sairaalan leikkaus- ja päivystystoimintaa supistettiin keskittämissäädösten aikaan 2017–2018. Erikoissairaanhoidon palveluita aiemmin tarjoavasta Pohjois-Kymen sairaalan päivystyksestä tuli 1.1.2018 yleis- ja akuuttilääketieteen yksikkö. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten päivystyksen ja erikoissairaanhoidon keskittäminen vaikutti Pohjois-Kymen sairaalan päivystyksen potilasliikenteeseen. Tutkielmaan kerättiin kolmen kuukauden ajalta Pohjois-Kymen sairaalan päivystykseen ambulanssilla kuljetettujen potilaiden ensihoitokertomukset ennen keskittämistä keväällä 2017 ja keskittämissäädösten jälkeen keväällä 2022. Lisäksi kevään 2022 tarkasteluajanjaksolta kerättiin päivystyksestä siirtokuljetettujen potilaiden ensihoitokertomukset. Vuoden 2017 aineiston perusteella olisi kuudesosa tarkastelujakson ambulanssikuljetuksista kuulunut muuttuvilla uusilla valmiuksilla ohjata muualle kuin Pohjois-Kymen päivystykseen. Vuonna 2022 Pohjois-Kymen sairaalan päivystyksestä ambulanssilla muualle uudelleen ohjattujen eli jatkokuljetettujen määrä oli noin 6 % päivystykseen kuljetettujen määrästä. Ambulanssikuljetusten määrä Pohjois-Kymen sairaalan päivystykseen oli kasvanut lähes 25 % viidessä vuodessa. Kaksi yleisintä kuljetuskoodia pysyivät samana. Merkittävä ero oli kuljetuskoodi 785 mielenterveysongelman kaksikertaistumisessa. Huomattava ero tarkasteluajankohtien välillä oli A-luokan tehtäväkiireellisyyksien väheneminen sekä poikkeavien peruselintoimintojen parametrien esiintyvyyden väheneminen. Tutkielman perusteella voidaan todeta Kouvolan alueen ensihoitotehtävien lisääntyneen viidessä vuodessa. Keskittämisten myötä Pohjois-Kymen sairaalan päivystykseen kriittisten potilaiden kuljettaminen vähentyi, mikä lisäsi alueen ambulanssikuljetusten määrää Kymenlaakson ja Päijät-Hämeen keskussairaaloihin.
  • Peippo, Sara (2024)
    Suomessa noin 6 % kaikista myrkytysten uhreista ehtii saada hoitoa ennen kuolemaa, mutta tutkimustiedon määrä hoitoon päätyneiden potilaiden myrkytyskuolemista on tällä hetkellä vähäistä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä aineet aiheuttivat myrkytyskuolemia henkilöillä, jotka pääsivät hoitoon ennen kuoleman toteamista. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin eri ikäisten ja eri sukupuolta olevien henkilöiden välisiä eroja myrkytyksen tärkeimmissä aiheuttajissa ja kuolemanluokissa. Aineisto koostui 197 henkilöstä, jotka kuolivat Suomessa vuosina 2016–2020 myrkytykseen ja ehtivät saada myrkytystilaan hoitoa ennen kuolemaa. Miehillä oli enemmän tapaturmien aiheuttamia myrkytyskuolemia kuin naisilla, kun taas naiset kuolivat todennäköisemmin itsemurhan seurauksena kuin miehet. Kuolemia tapahtui eniten 50–70-vuotiaiden ikäryhmässä. Kuolemista tapaturmia oli 54,3 %, itsemurhia 33,0 % ja kuolemanluokalta epäselviä tapauksia 11,2 %. Eniten myrkytyskuolemia aiheuttivat alkoholi (22,3 %), parasetamoli (17,3 %), opioidit (17,3 %), diabeteslääkkeet (8,1 %) sekä sydän- ja verenkiertoelimistöön vaikuttavat lääkkeet (8,1 %). Lisäksi runsaasti kuolemia (5,1 %) aiheuttivat psykostimulantit ja psykoosilääkkeet. Kaikista myrkytyskuolemista 34 % oli sekamyrkytyksiä. Hoitoon ehtineiden myrkytysten uhrien toksikologinen profiili on muuttunut viime vuosikymmenen aikana ja se on erilainen verrattuna myrkytyskuolemien kokonaiskuvaan. Itsemurhien uhrit päätyvät todennäköisemmin hoidon piiriin ennen kuolemaa kuin tapaturmaisesti kuolleet myrkytysten uhrit, joten myös itsemurhiin käytettyjen aineiden osuudet korostuivat aineistossa. Eroja löydöksissä voivat selittää esimerkiksi aineiden erilaiset kuolemaan johtavat fysiologiset mekanismit, vaste hoidolle sekä kuoleman äkillisyys.
  • Yahya, sara (2022)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tutustutaan terveydenhuollon käsitteisiin: saatavuuteen, rahoitukseen, hyödyntämiseen, kansalliseen terveydenhuoltoon ja niihin vaikuttaviin tekijöihin. Saatavuus määritellään mahdollisuudella tyydyttää terveystarpeita. Terveydenhuollon rahoituksella tarkoitetaan varojen keräämistä, rahastojen muodostamista ja palveluiden ostamista. Palveluiden hyödyntämiseen vaikuttavat yksilön käyttäytymisen lisäksi sosioekonominen asema ja palveluiden saatavuus. Kansallisella terveydenhuollolla tarkoitetaan koko väestön mahdollisuutta terveyspalveluiden käyttöön tarpeen tullen kohtuuhinnalla. Terveysalan ammattilaisten epätasainen maantieteellinen jakautuminen sekä pienituloisuus ja korkeat palvelumaksut vähentävät saatavuutta sekä pohjoismaissa, että Itä-Afrikassa. Pienituloisuus ja korkeat palvelumaksut ovat kuitenkin pienituloisissa maissa moninkertainen ongelma verrattuna korkeatuloisiin maihin. “Out-of-Pocket payment” eli terveyspalveluiden omasta taskusta maksaminen ajaa pienituloisia köyhyyteen. Pohjoismaissa palvelujen käyttämättömyys on yleisesti alhaista. Hyvinvointivaltioissa alhaiset henkilökohtaiset tulot ovat merkittävin hyödyntämistä vähentävä tekijä. Pienituloisissa maissa palveluiden käyttämättömyyttä lisää palveluiden huonoksi koettu laatu ja puutteet terveystiedoissa. Kansallinen terveydenhuolto on globaali tavoite, joka on saavutettu Suomessa vuosikymmenien kehityksen seurauksena. Jokaisella pysyvästi maassa asuvalla on oikeus sosiaaliturvaan, joka sisältää terveyspalvelut. Sub-Saharan Afrikassa tavoitteeseen ei olla vielä päästy. Esteinä ovat alhainen sairausvakuutuksen kattavuus, lukuisat sairausvakuutusjärjestelmät ja riittämätön valtion rahoitus. Ruanda on ainoa maa Sub-Saharan Afrikassa, joka on saavuttanut 80 % sairausvakuutuksen kattavuuden.
  • Lindahl, Anna (2019)
    Pitkäaikaissairaudet kuormittavat suomalaista terveydenhuoltojärjestelmää enenevästi väestön ikääntyessä. Elintapahoito on tärkeä osa mm. aikuistyypin diabeteksen hoitoa, ja toisaalta terveet elintavat tukevat hoitoa kaikissa sairauksissa. Valtaosa suomalaisista lääkäreistä ja hoitajista kokee potilaan motivoimisen ja elintapamuutoksessa tukemisen osaksi tehtäviään, mutta lähes puolet kokee taitonsa elintapaneuvonnassa riittämättömiksi. Terveysvalmennus, elintapamuutosta tukeva valmentava työote, on näyttöön perustuva elintapainterventio. Tämä kirjallisuuskatsaus tarkastelee tutkimusnäyttöä arvioimalla terveysvalmennusta ja sen vaikuttavuutta. Muutosvalmius ja motivaatio ovat elintapamuutoksen keskeisiä osia. Valmennus nostaa potilaan toimijaksi: sen keskiössä on potilaan voimaannuttaminen ja aktiivisen toimijuuden lisääminen perinteisen auktoritatiivisen terveysneuvonnan sijaan, potilaan autonomiaa korostaen. Tavoitteena on potilaan motivoiminen hänen itse asettamiensa tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Terveysvalmennus tukee hoitoon sitoutumista ja myönteisiä elintapamuutoksia pitkäaikaissairailla sekä parantaa potilaiden elämänlaatua. Heikommassa yhteiskunnallisessa asemassa olevat potilaat hyötyvät terveysvalmennuksesta keskimäärin enemmän kuin muut, joten valmennus voi myös lisätä terveydenhuollon tasa-arvoisuutta. Terveysvalmennuksen menetelmien opettaminen lääkärille tarjoaa hyödyllisiä taitoja potilaan tukemiseen. Samalla se voi parantaa potilas-lääkärisuhdetta ja tuoda uutta näkökulmaa lääkärikoulutukseen. Terveysvalmennus tarjoaa lupaavan lähestymistavan tukea potilaiden elintapahoitoa osana suomalaista terveydenhuoltoa. Elintapamuutosten vaikutukset sairauden, kustannusten tai kuolleisuuden muutoksina havaitaan pitkän aikavälin seurannassa, ja terveysvalmennuksen kustannusvaikuttavuudesta on toistaiseksi vasta alustavaa näyttöä. Tarvitaan siis lisää tietoa ja pitkäaikaistutkimuksia siitä, miten ja kuinka paljon terveysvalmennusta tulisi tarjota ja mitkä sen pitkäaikaisvaikutukset ovat.
  • Sakari, Lotta (2018)
    Perinnöllinen gelsoliiniamyloidoosi on suomalaiseen tautiperimään kuuluva systeeminen sairaus, joka aiheutuu pistemutaatiosta gelsoliinia koodaavassa geenissä. Tauti ilmenee tyypillisimmin aikuisiällä silmä-, iho- ja hermo-oirein muuttaen erityisesti sekä kasvojen ulkonäköä että toimintoja, joita perinteisesti oireenmukaisesti hoidetaan plastiikkakirurgisin toimenpitein. Ihon löysyys, etenevä kasvohermohalvaus sekä muut gelsoliinimutaation aiheuttamat poikkeavuudet, kuten taipumus postoperatiivisiin vuotoihin, asettavat kuitenkin haasteita sekä plastiikkakirurgisten toimenpiteiden toteutukselle että saavutettujen leikkaustulosten pysyvyydelle. Parantavan hoidon toistaiseksi puuttuessa terveyteen liittyvän elämänlaadun optimoiminen on etusijalla. Tauti ilmenee näkyvimmin kasvoissa, minkä lisäksi esiintyy lievempiä systeemisiä manifestaatioita, kuten rytmihäiriöitä, munuaisvaurioita sekä raajojen perifeeristä neuropatiaa. Taudin vaikutusta elämänlaatuun ei ole systemaattisesti aiemmin tutkittu. Tutkimuksen aineistona toimi 23 perinnöllistä gelsoliiniamyloidoosia sairastavaa potilasta, joille tehtiin plastiikkakirurgisia leikkauksia Helsingin Yliopiston plastiikkakirurgisessa yksikössä aikavälillä 12/2004-10/2010. Seurannan päätteeksi vuonna 2015 he täyttivät 15D-lomakkeen, joka on validoitu geneerinen, laajasti käytetty suomenkielellä saatava terveyteen liittyvän elämänlaadun mittari. Mittarin suomalaiset väestöarvot ovat saatavilla Terveys-2011 -tutkimuksen perusraportista. Havaitsimme, että perinnöllistä gelsoliiniamyloidoosia sairastavien potilaiden elämänlaatu on tilastollisesti merkitsevästi alentunut verrattuna suomalaiseen väestöön. 15D-intrumentti osoittautui olevan herkkä havaitsemaan perinnöllistä gelsoliiniamyloidoosia sairastavien potilaiden tyypilliset terveysongelmat, ja kaikki potilaat palauttivat kyselylomakkeen täydellisin merkinnöin. Täten lomake osoittautui käyttökelpoiseksi työkaluksi gelsoliiniamyloidoosi-potilaiden terveyteen liittyvän elämänlaadun tutkimisessa. Terveydenhuollon vaikuttavuuden keskeiseksi mittariksi on noussut terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu. 15D-instrumentin on osoitettu olevan sensitiivinen muutoksille, joten nyt kun olemme osoittaneet 15D-instrumentin olevan soveltuva perinnöllistä gelsoliiniamyloidoosia sairastavilla potilailla, aikomuksena on sen avulla tutkia plastiikkakirurgisen hoidon vaikuttavuutta tässä sairaudessa.
  • Testiane 
    Juntura, Jonne (2015)
  • Kuvaja, Heidi-Maria (2019)
    Aim: Psychosis risk has been researched a lot during last couple of decades and different tools for predicting psychosis have been formed and taken in the clinical practice. About one third of those in clinical high risk for psychosis develop psychosis, but only in help-seeking population. There is ongoing research aiming to improve on the existing psychosis prediction tools and to develop new ones with better prognostic accuracy and greater generalizability to the more varied populations. It has been also argued that psychosis transition is not the most useful outcome to focus on and that functioning is more clinically relevant. However, lack of replication or external validation studies remains problem. The current study aimed to test the performance of the published psychosis prediction models in general psychiatric sample of adolescents. In addition to this, same prediction models were also used to predict functioning using psychiatric hospitalization as an proxy. Methods: The current study utilized Helsinki Prodromal Study cohort, an ongoing prospective psychosis risk study. The sample (N=146) consisted of adolescents aged 15-18 at baseline who had been starting as new patients in public psychiatric care. The psychosis prediction models tested in the current study were selected from recent exhaustive review. Final amount of prediction models was 16 from 13 published articles. Predictors included parts of Structured Interview for the Prodromal Syndromes (SIPS), cognitive functions, substance use, and functioning ability and outcome variables were psychosis diagnose and psychiatric hospitalization. Analyses methods were logistic regression and area under the receiver operator characteristics curve. The participants were followed 7 years or until they developed psychosis. Findings and conclusions: Performance of the models was not as good as in original studies, which was to be expected since the sample was more varied than in original studies. However, almost all of the models predicted both psychosis and hospitalization better than high psychosis risk assessed by the SIPS did. For psychosis predictors that would perform well regardless of the model couldn’t be found, but models including disorganized communication performed worst. For hospitalization, models including positive symptoms, functioning, and duration of (untreated) symptoms performed best. Accuracy of the models was not clearly connected to the models ability to explain variance. More research aiming to validate and replicate suggested psychosis prediction models is needed.
  • Harkki, Juliana Sade Maria (2020)
    Background: Alcohol dependence is a chronic severe substance use disorder that has devastating personal and public health consequences. The efficacy of the current pharmacotherapy options for the treatment of alcohol dependence are modest at best, therefore better alternatives are greatly needed. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) has shown promise in treatment of alcohol dependence in several clinical trials. A sigle high dose of LSD has been suggested to have a treatment effect that last for at least six months, indicating a remarkably better efficacy than the currently available methods. LSD itself has been reported to have a low addiction potential. In mouse models, acute LSD has been demonstrated to reduce ethanol consumption. Yet, the mechanism of action behind these effects has remained largely unknown. LSD is an agonist of serotonin’s 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors which have been shown to modulate the dopaminergic activity of the reward circuitry, a crucial brain area in the initiation of addiction. Intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) is a procedure for a quantitative assessment of reward behavior in animal models. In ICSS, laboratory rodents self-administer electric stimulation to the dopaminergic pathways of the reward circuitry inducing a reinforcing effect similar to drug reward. Aim: The aim of the current body of work was to use ICSS to assess the acute effects of LSD on reward behavior in C57BL/6JRj mice. This was done to improve the understanding of the mechanism of action of LSD and to evaluate whether the ethanol-consumption-reducing effect of LSD in mice is mediated through the reward mechanism. Methods: Bipolar electrodes targeting the medial forebrain bundle were implanted in the brains of C57BL/6JRj mice in a stereotaxic surgery. The animals were trained to acquire the self-stimulation in the discrete-trial current-intensity procedure. First, the possible dose-dependent acute effects were tested with three different doses of LSD. Next, the acute effect of LSD on amphetamine-induced changes in ISCC were tested. Lastly, a small preliminary test on the effects of LSD on lipopolysaccharide (LPS) -induced changes on ICSS were conducted. Results and conclusions: Acute LSD did not affect reward behavior in ICSS on any of the tested doses. Accordingly, LSD did not affect the facilitation of ICSS induced by acute amphetamine. The results of the LPS experiment were likely to be skewed by the development of tolerance to LPS, therefore the evaluation of the possible effect of LSD was not possible. These findings suggest that the previously reported LSD-induced reduction in ethanol consumption in mice, is not mediated through alteration of the reward mechanism. At the same time, these findings provide further evidence supporting the suggestion that LSD itself does not induce facilitation of the reward circuitry needed for the development of addiction.
  • Saikkala, Minea (2021)
    Lung cancer is one of the most common and deadliest cancers worldwide, but the mechanisms behind different types of lung cancer are still poorly understood. Non-small cell lung cancer makes up 80% of lung cancers, and some epigenetic mechanisms have been proposed for it. Epigenetic modifications are a way of influencing the expression of genes by inhibition or activation. PRC2 is an epigenetic modulator that catalyses the formation of methyl groups on histone 3 lysine 27, which is an epigenetic mark with repressive nature. PRC2 has been proposed to be downstream of AMPK, an energy sensor of the cell, which is phosphorylated by LKB1 under energy stress conditions. Inactivating mutations in LKB1 are known to cause and worsen non-small cell lung cancer, and the overexpression of EZH2, the catalytic subunit of PRC2, has similar effects. Therefore, establishing a novel downstream mechanism linking LKB1, AMPK, and PRC2 together could explain one mechanism for NSCLC tumorigenesis. Changes in metabolism are a feature of cancer cells, and this pathway could also link energy stress and cancer together. Mouse embryonic fibroblast and H358 cell lines overexpressing wild type EZH2, mutant EZH2 and GFP were generated and treated with the glycolysis inhibitor 2-deoxyglucose to study the effects of energy stress. Levels of histone methylation and phosphorylation statuses of AMPK and its downstream target ACC were assessed with Western blotting, and expression levels of potential PRC2 target genes with RT-qPCR. The study setting proved to be functional for the response of AMPK to energy stress conditions, as both AMPK and ACC were phosphorylated in the presence of 2-DG. In mouse embryonic fibroblasts, PIM1 showed different gene expression with wild type and mutant EZH2, suggesting that its activation would be regulated through the phosphorylation of the T311 site of EZH2 during energy stress. The results from histone methylation statuses did not follow the hypothesis, possibly because of the lack of specificity of detecting global H3K27me3. Other target genes besides PIM1 in MEFs did not show significant changes in expression level. Considering that the incorporation of the mutant EZH2 into PRC2 complexes was not validated, additional research would be needed to confirm or deny the explained mechanism between PRC2 and AMPK.