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  • Salmi, Laura (2017)
    The aim of the study. Multilingualism is a growing phenomenon worldwide and also in Finland. It means that speech and language pathologists (SLPs) will also encounter more multilingual people in their occupation. Multilingual customers may induce challenges to typical speech and language therapy, since international research has already shown that for example assessment methods standardized with monolinguals cannot be used as such with multilinguals. Multilingual speech therapy may also require using an interpreter which may induce even more challenges. Since the topic has only begun to majorly surface during the 2000s, presumably there are no unified clinical procedures among SLPs. Hence, the aim of this study was to gather a comprehensive overview of the clinical speech and language therapy procedures used with multilinguals in Finland today. In addition, this study aimed to gather information of the amount of multilingual customers and how they are distributed geographically throughout the country. Methods. The data was collected using an electronic questionnaire, which was sent to SLPs belonging to the speech and language pathologists' trade union. The questionnaire received 141 answers. The questionnaire comprised of four sections and basic background information of the informants. The data was analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The quantitative analysis was carried out by using Word Excel -spreadsheet. The qualitative analysis was carried out by gathering information from the open questions under different themes arising from the answers. Results and conclusions. Multilingual customers in speech therapy are most common in the Helsinki metropolitan area and in Southern-Finland, but their amount is increasing throughout the country. According to this study, to date, there are no unified therapy procedures in multilingual speech and language therapy. For example, the limited amount of suitable assessment materials, inaccessibility to research and cultural differences caused challenges for SLPs. With an interpreter the challenges were connected to the roles of different agents in the situation. Despite the challenges brought upon by this group of customers, the SLPs felt like they also gained a lot from working with this group of customers. This study can potentially bring SLPs closer to unified therapy procedures in multilingual speech and language therapy and evoke more studies on the subject.
  • Viljanen, Salli (2017)
    Aims. Speech and language therapists can use manual signs in the speech therapy of children with hearing impairments, and manual signs are commonly used as an augmentative mode of communication in this group. Despite the fact that manual signs are known to be used, there is little research made to describe their use. The aim of this study was to clarify which aims one speech and language therapist had for the use of manual signs in the speech therapy of three different children with hearing impairments and what kind of signs the therapist actually used. The aim was also to describe how the children used signs in their own communication. Method. The data was collected from a speech therapy session of three children in spring 2016. The speech and language therapist was also interviewed about the aims of the therapy and signing in general. The sessions were video recorded and transcribed applying the practices of conversation analysis. The data was examined using theory-guided content analysis. With the guidance of literature, different themes concerning the use of manual signs was examined and categorized from the data. The interviews functioned as a guideline for the analysis. The number of signs was quantified. Results and conclusions. The speech and language therapist used manual signs in order to teach new signs to children. During these situations, the focus was aimed directly at signing. The therapist repeated and modeled signs, formed child's hands and extended her expressions using signs. Manual signs were also used to support interaction in order to maintain fluent communication. In these situations the child and the therapist focused on the mutual action rather than signing. The therapist signed the most important key words to support the child's understanding and the signs facilitated conversations when mutual understanding was not reached. The speech therapist used nouns the most and adjectives the least. She signed the most with the child who signed the most and used the least signs with the child who had problems with sight and motor coordination of hands. This baseline study visualizes how a speech therapist can exploit manual signs in the speech therapy of children with hearing impairments. By means of a concrete description, it is possible to examine the therapy interaction and the professional action of the speech and language therapist by detail. It is also possible to bring the therapy interaction open for discussion and to form new and more specific research questions concerning this topic.
  • Kuusio, Laura (2017)
    Tausta ja tavoitteet. Selektiivinen mutismi, eli valikoiva puhumattomuus on usein lapsuudessa alkava häiriö, jonka pääoireena on kyvyttömyys puhua tietyissä tilanteissa, vaikka toisissa puhuminen onnistuu. Häiriö asettuu lasten psykiatrian ja logopedian rajapintaan, mutta aihetta ei vielä ole Suomessa tutkittu puheterapian kontekstissa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää: 1. Kuinka paljon suomalaiset puheterapeutit kohtaavat valikoivasti puhumattomia henkilöitä työssään? 2. Minkälaisia menetelmiä suomalaiset puheterapeutit käyttävät valikoivasti puhumattomien henkilöiden arvioinnissa ja kuntoutuksessa? 3. Minkälaista on valikoivan puhumattomuuden puheterapeuttisen kuntoutuksen tuloksellisuus Suomessa? 4. Mikä on puheterapeuttien kokemus omasta osaamisestaan valikoivan puhumattomuuden kuntoutuksessa? Menetelmät. Tutkimus oli kyselytutkimus. Lomake laadittiin tätä tutkimusta varten Helsingin yliopiston E-lomake -ohjelmalla ja levitettiin 23.8.2016 sähköpostitse Puheterapeuttiliiton kautta kaikille liiton varsinaisille jäsenille (n=1207). Lopullinen vastausprosentti oli 12,1 %. Aineiston analyysiin käytettiin tilastollisia menetelmiä, ja se toteutettiin IBM SPSS Statistics 23 -ohjelmalla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Arvioitujen valikoivasti puhumattomien asiakkaiden esiintyvyys aineistossa oli 0,94 % ja kuntoutettujen 0,80 %. Arviointimenetelmistä suosituimpia olivat vapaa havainnointi ja strukturoimaton haastattelu, harvinaisin taas strukturoitu haastattelu. Myös logopedisiä testejä oli käytetty. Kuntoutusmenetelmistä suosituimpia olivat vanhempien sekä päiväkodin tai koulun henkilökunnan ohjaaminen, vähiten suosittuja kognitiiviset menetelmät. Kuntoutuksessa oli käytetty myös puhetta tukevia ja korvaavia menetelmiä (AAC). Selkeää hoitoketjua näille asiakkaille ei vaikuttanut olevan. Tässä aineistossa puheterapeuttien antama kuntoutus vaikutti tulokselliselta, sillä valtaosa valikoivasti puhumattomista asiakkaista oli alkanut puhua kuntouttaneelle puheterapeutille, sukulaisilleen sekä päiväkodin tai koulun edustajille. Keskimäärin aineiston puheterapeutit kokivat valikoivan puhumattomuuden arvioinnissa ja kuntoutuksessa parhaimmaksi teoriatietonsa aiheesta. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että valikoivasti puhumattomia asiakkaita esiintyy suomalaisten puheterapeuttien vastaanotoilla, ja että he kuntouttavat näitä asiakkaita tuloksellisin keinoin.
  • Zagai, Jasmina (2017)
    Tavoitteet. Monikielisyys on lisääntynyt merkittävästi Suomessa viimeisen kahdenkymmenen vuoden aikana. Monikielisyyden lisääntyminen näkyy myös puheterapian asiakaskunnassa. Esimerkiksi Helsingissä puheterapiassa vuonna 2015 käyneistä lapsista 40 – 50 % oli monikielisiä. Monikielisillä ei tutkimuksissa ole todettu olevan suurempaa riskiä kielelliseen erityisvaikeuteen kuin yksikielisillä. Heitä kuitenkin ohjautuu puheterapeutin tutkimuksiin suhteellisesti enemmän ja heitä myös herkemmin ylidiagnosoidaan. Toisaalta monikielisten on todettu ohjautuvan puheterapeutin tutkimuksiin yksikielisiä myöhemmin ja aloitteen tulevan useammin päivähoidon kuin neuvolan taholta. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia kielellisten vaikeuksien merkkejä suomi toisena kielenä (S2) -lastentarhanopettajat ovat havainneet työssään monikielisillä lapsilla sekä pohtia, kuinka puheterapeutit voisivat auttaa näiden vaikeuksien tunnistamisessa. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin puolistrukturoituna teemahaastatteluna. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin yhdeksää S2-lastentarhanopettajaa tai vastaavaa työtä tekevää varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilaista Helsingistä, Vantaalta, Kotkasta, Turusta ja Jyväskylästä. Tutkittavat hankittiin ottamalla yhteyttä edellä mainittujen kuntien varhaiskasvatuksen monikielisyys- ja kulttuuriasioista vastaaviin henkilöihin. Tutkittavilla oli kokemusta monikielisten kanssa työskentelystä yhdestä kahteenkymmeneen vuoteen. Aineisto kerättiin keväällä 2017. Haastattelut litteroitiin, ja ne analysoitiin Atlas.ti -analyysiohjelman avulla. Analyysin avulla aineistosta muodostui kuusi teemaa. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Haasteltavilla oli selkeä näkemys siitä, millaisia piirteitä he pitivät huolestuttavina ja puheterapeutin arviota vaativina. Tällaisia olivat muun muassa sanojen hidas omaksuminen, jo opittujen sanojen jääminen pois käytöstä, puheen huomattava epäselvyys, puheen ymmärtämiseen liittyvät vaikeudet sekä käyttäytymisen ongelmat. Haasteita kielellisten vaikeuksien olemassaolon määrittelylle muodostivat erityisesti riittävän toiselle kielelle altistumisajan määritteleminen ja lasten äidinkielen taitotason arvioiminen. Haastateltavat kokivat puheterapeuttien kanssa tehtävän yhteistyön pääasiassa hyvänä, mutta toivoivat erityisesti lisää mahdollisuuksia konsultoida suoraan puheterapeuttia sekä keinoja arvioida ja tukea monikielisten lasten kielellisiä taitoja.
  • Pystynen, Johanna (2017)
    There has been little research on writing impairment due to memory illness compared to how common memory illnesses are. For instance, extremely few studies on writing impairment due to Alzheimer's disease have been conducted in Finnish. The effects of AD can often first be noticed in semantic and pragmantic skills. Writing impairments emerge in the early stage of AD, and writing problems can be perceived as early signs of AD. The aim of this research was to study, what kind of changes emerge in the use of verb processes of a person with AD. Previous studies have shown that persons with AD have difficulties processing semantic roles related to verbs due to impairment of semantic memory. In AD the difficulty of generating verbs is not related to syntactic structures of verbs. Research material consisted of diary texts written by a woman with AD. She was born in 1932. Familiziaring with the research material, transcribing and narrowing of the research material was a collaboration between three students writing their Master's Thesis and a University Lecturer. The final research material consisted of texts written in June of 1986, 1996, 2001, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012. The verbs were categorized as belonging to Halliday's (2004) five primary process types and then the process types' percentages within the inspection points were calculated. As a result it was noted that the use of verb processes changes in AD. Especially the proportions of the three main process types levelled slightly during the last years of writing: the percentage of material processes declined, the percentage of relational processes remained relatively unchanged and the percentage of mental processes increased. The writer used verbal processes seldom throughout the years, and finally they vanished altogether. Levelling of percentages can be a sign of a fading recount ability in AD when the understanding of complex language and the awareness of incidents that recently happened to self or other incidents weakens as the disease proceeds. This research provides new logopedic information when it comes to impairment of spontaneous writing. It also provides a new perspective for applying SFL in the research of linguistic skills. Research of changes in writing abilities may sometime in the future supply a diagnostic tool in healthcare.
  • Ohtonen, Jenni (2017)
    Aims. People with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) communicate with pre-verbal communication techniques. They have severe difficulties in interaction with other people and building up relationships. Due to the limitations of the physical and mental capacities and the limitations sense organs, sense of touch is a meaningful way to interact with other people. Intensive Interaction is a technique of communication with people who communicate with pre-verbal communication techniques. Intensive Interaction is based on natural interaction between people. Its main goal is to create meaningful interaction and strengthen the basic skills in communication. The purpose of this study is to find out what role does touch play in the interaction between a person with PMLD and a skilled communication partner when the skilled partner uses Intensive Interaction methods. Method. The data of this study were collected in the Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Tikoteekki. The data were total 36 videos and collected during Intensive Interaction -Coordinator training process. This study had two participants whose interaction sessions were monitored. The skilled partner used Intensive Interaction methods during these sessions. The data were studied with a large table and transcriptions. The data were analyzed with qualitative and quantitative means. Results and conclusions. The most interesting result of this study was the touching between the partners as it became more complex during the intervention session. Touching was a way to orientate towards communication partner, take turns in interaction, participate in shared activities and strengthen the relationship between the communication partners. The results suggest that when used systematically, Intensive Interaction can help build meaningful inter-action with people with PMLD. Role of the skilled partner is crucial in this meaningful interaction.
  • Aho, Petra (2017)
    Objectives. There are approximately 14,500 new cases of dementia-associated diseases each year in Finland. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease (AD). There are many changes associated with AD that affect the person's ability to participate in interaction. Until now only very few Finnish studies have been conducted on assessing, treating and supporting language and interaction in dementia-associated diseases, and this type of treatment is not widely available in Finland. The purpose of this study is to introduce one indirect group speech therapy intervention aimed at the spouses of persons with AD, and to study its effectiveness in the interaction strategies they apply as well as their perceptions and satisfaction regarding interaction. The participants' experiences of the intervention and its usefulness are also examined. The study also touches the applicability of a recently translated method for assessing the interaction between persons with AD and their spouses. Method. Three couples participated in the study, all of whom had one partner diagnosed with AD. The studied intervention consisted of six group meetings aimed at the healthy spouses. Data was collected at three separate occasions using VNVIS-CG – a method based on analyzing video-recorded material – and a questionnaire. The participants also filled out a feedback form at the end of the intervention. Results and conclusions. The study found that the participants adopted and implemented some of the strategies that were addressed during the intervention. The changes observed in the behavior of the participants were individual. However, the intervention seems to even out the differences in the number of strategies used by the participants. All of the participants found the intervention useful, and felt that it had affected their behavior, but only one of the participants reported greater satisfaction with the couple's interaction after the intervention. The participants' perceptions of interaction varied greatly, so conclusions about possible changes in these perceptions cannot be made. Further research on the matter, with a larger group of participants and a comparison group, is definitely needed. In the future, the methods used to evaluate effectiveness, as well as the content and the execution of the intervention, should also be modified as needed.