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Browsing by master's degree program "Master 's Programme in Logopedics"

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  • Smedman, Nadja (2022)
    The continuum in child language development is a well-known phenomenon. Language skills consist of several different language domains that a child must learn/accomplish to become a fluent language user. Language acquisition is a complex process. It is still partly unknown how the different language domains develop in relation to each other and how they associate to later language skills. The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to find out the longitudinal associations between and predictive value of the mastery of lexicon and language structures of a 3 to 4 year old child and language skills at the age of five. The study aims to look at the connections between a child’s expressive and receptive lexicon and language structures (morphology, syntax and phonology) and later language skills. The sample of this study consisted of 92 children who participated in the LEINIKKI research project. Participants were healthy and typically developing children who acquired Finnish as their first language. The language skills at the age of 3 to 4 were assessed using the LEINIKKI method’s subscales that assess vocabulary, morphology, syntax and phonology and WPPSI-III subscales assessing expressive and receptive lexical skills. At the age of five language skills were assessed again using The Children’s Communication Checklist (CCC-2). The relationships between age 3- to 4-year-old and 5-year-old language proficiency were examined using correlation coefficients and regression models. The results of this study showed that there were several statistically significant and moderately strong correlations between the expressive lexical skills of a 3- to 4-year-old child and the language skills at five measured by both the LEINIKKI method and the WPPSI-III method. The association between toddlers’ receptive lexical skills and language skills at five was not significant. Several statistically significant and moderately strong associations were also found between the mastery of language structures of a 3- to 4-year-old child and the language proficiency at the age of five. The LEINIKKI method’s subscales that assessed morphology and syntax correlated with almost all aspects of language proficiency at the age of five and with the variable measuring overall language proficiency. The LEINIKKI method subscale, which measures speech clarity and sound system, correlated with five-year-old speech clarity and overall language proficiency. Both the lexicon and language structures of the 3- to 4-year-old child significantly explained language proficiency at the age of five years. The best models for explaining later language proficiency included variables of both 3-4-year-old lexicon and language structure variables and explained about 30 % of the language proficiency at the age of five years. Based on the results of this study, attention should be paid to the mastery of both lexicon and grammar in the assessment of a 3- to 4-year-old child's language skills.
  • Anttila, Elina (2022)
    Children’s language skills can be evaluated by formal testing, parent report or assessing spontaneous speech in recorded language samples. This study focused on measures of lexical diversity determined from children’s spontaneous speech. These measures are one way to assess children’s lexical skills. However, there is only little research on the relation between the most recent lexical diversity measures and validated measures of lexical skills. The first aim of this study was to find out if there is a relation between the lexical diversity assessed from spontaneous speech of preschool children and lexical skills assessed by validated methods. The second aim was to examine if the measures of lexical diversity predict the lexical skills of a child assessed by validated measures and if so, which of the measures is the best predictor of a child’s lexical skills. The data of the study was collected in LEINIKKI research project. The participants (N = 68) were 2;6–4;0-year-old, healthy, Finnish-speaking children. The spontaneous speech of the participants was recorded in free play settings, the speech of the children was transcribed and token, type, type-token ratio (TTR) and moving-average type-token ratio (MATTR) values were determined from the first ten minutes of each language sample. These values were used as measures of the children’s lexical diversity. The following validated methods were used to assess the children’s lexical skills: the lexical skills assessing part of the parent report method LEINIKKI and Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence 3rd edition subtests Picture Naming and Receptive Vocabulary. The relation between the lexical diversity measures and the validated measures of lexical skills was examined by Spearman’s correlation. It was also researched if the measures of lexical diversity had the ability to differentiate the children who scored the least in the validated lexical measures. Linear regression models were used in examining whether the measures of lexical diversity predicted the lexical skills assessed by validated methods when the age of the children was considered as a background variable. The token values neither correlated with the children’s lexical skills nor differentiated the least scoring quarter in the validated lexical measures. The type and TTR values correlated significantly (p < 0,05) with two out of three validated measures of lexical skills but were not statistically significant predictors of the children’s lexical skills. The type value did not differentiate the least scoring quarter in the validated lexical measures whereas the TTR value did in two out of three validated lexical measures. The relation of the MATTR value to a child’s lexical skills was the most significant: the MATTR value correlated highly significantly (p < 0,001) with all validated measures of lexical skills, differentiated the least scoring quarter in all three validated lexical measures and was a highly significant (p < 0,001) predictor of lexical skills in all regression models. This study supports the use of the MATTR value instead of the more traditional measures of lexical diversity when assessing the lexical diversity of preschool children. The MATTR value can be used especially in supplementing the view of a child’s lexical skills acquired by other measures. However, more research on the topic is needed.
  • Leppälahti, Eija (2023)
    Autism spectrum is neurodevelopmental characteristic, the central feature of which is an abnormality in interaction of the person with other people and their environment. Mild autism spectrum is not associated with a significant delay in linguistic–cognitive development. Mild autism spectrum is often detected later than a more severe autism spectrum, or it may not be detected at all, which can weaken the well-being of both families and individuals on the autism spectrum. Delaying intervention can weaken intervention results and require more health-care resources than early intervention. In Finland, speech therapists perform a developmental assessment in which the increased probability of autism spectrum disorder is identified. However, there are no official recommendations for detecting mild autism spectrum, so there may be differences in practices. In this study, detection practices for mild autism spectrum in speech therapy are ascertained. The research was carried out as a survey, which was fully answered by 20 and partially (at least six answers) by ten speech therapists. In particular, the survey investigated the structure and resources of the service system, the availability and use of high-quality screening methods and the clinical competence and the experiences of speech therapists. The data were analysed by creating graphs, cross-tabulation and assessing percentages. The answers to the open questions were tabulated and themes were searched for in the answers using colour coding and tabulation. Detection of mild autism spectrum takes place in different medical units. Most typically, children under school age were taken to the speech therapist's assessment with a referral from the counseling center, but often in mild autism spectrum, early detection was not even attempted. Speech therapists make an extensive overall assessment using various of methods. The use of standardized autism spectrum screening methods was quite low. The clinical symptoms were stressed the most in the conclusions of assessment. Differences were observed between both service structures and professionals. Of the individual factors, age, other possible disorders, language and cultural background, and the severity of the autism spectrum affect the detection process. The speech therapists felt that they had received information about the special features of detecting mild autism spectrum to varying degrees. The themes of the speech therapists' experiences were multidisciplinary, practical methods of operation and observations, and diagnostic challenges. Efforts should be made to unify the practices of speech therapists, and the goal should be early detection of mild autism spectrum. More attention should be paid to the mild autism spectrum in girls. However, the extensive assessment of development by speech therapists contributes to the detection of key rehabilitation needs.
  • Viljanen, Satu (2021)
    Background. Aphasia is a linguistic disorder most commonly caused by a stroke. The ability to learn is essential to rehabilitation from aphasia. Verbal short-term memory is seen as one prerequisite for verbal learning and refers to the temporary, limited-capacity storage of linguistic information. It might explain the individual variation in the learning ability of people with aphasia since studies have shown that verbal short-term memory impairments are common in aphasia but may not occur in all individuals. A correlation has also been found between verbal short-term memory and novel word learning ability in chronic aphasia but some of the research findings are contradictory. Verbal short-term memory is little studied in the subacute stage of aphasia. Also, the relationship between verbal short-term memory and novel word learning ability has not been previously studied in subacute aphasia. Aims. The aim of this study was to examine verbal short-term memory in subacute aphasia and compare it with verbal short-term memory in healthy controls. The objective was also to determine whether there is a relationship between verbal short-term memory and novel word learning ability in people with aphasia and healthy subjects. Methods. 10 aphasic individuals were examined 0–3 months post-stroke. The control group consisted of 20 healthy elderly subjects. Verbal short-term memory was measured with a word pointing span task in which participants heard sequences of words and pointed corresponding images in a visual array of items. Novel word learning ability was examined with a computer-based word learning task in which participants’ task was to learn to identify correct nonword-visual referent associations on the basis of online visual feedback. The data was analyzed with statistical methods, as well as at the individual level. Results and conclusions. At the group level, verbal short-term memory capacity of the aphasic subjects was lower than that of the healthy controls, but there was individual variation. Some of the aphasic subjects had impaired verbal short-term memory, some performed at the level of the controls and one subject presented only partially impaired verbal short-term memory, regarding the span for serial order. Both the healthy and the aphasic subjects recalled items better than simultaneously their order. Verbal short-term memory capacity correlated with the severity of aphasia, naming accuracy and language processing skills of the aphasic subjects. Verbal short-term memory was not correlated with novel word learning ability in the aphasic and healthy subjects. Consequently, verbal short-term memory does not predict novel word learning ability, and even weak verbal short-term memory does not impede learning. However, the results suggested some kind of link between verbal short-term memory and novel word learning ability.
  • Nuorteva, Paula (2023)
    Monikielisen väestön osuus niin koko maailmassa kuin Suomessakin lisääntyy jatkuvasti. Monikieliset lapset muodostavat suhteellisen suuren osan myös puheterapeuttien asiakaskunnasta monilla alueilla. Monikielisyyteen liittyvien kielellisten haasteiden erottaminen erilaisista kielen kehityksen häiriöistä voikin usein olla haastavaa. Monikielisten lasten kielellisen kehityksen ja mahdollisten kielellisten haasteiden arvioiminen perustuu usein yksikielisten lasten mukaan normitettuihin arviointimenetelmiin ja testeihin. Olisikin tärkeää saada lisää tietoa monikielisten lasten tyypillisistä kielen kehityksen piirteistä, jotta voidaan paremmin tunnistaa niistä poikkeavat ilmenemismuodot ja kehityskulut. Varsinkin kouluikäisten monikielisten kielenkehityksestä ja sen arvioinnista löytyy vielä melko vähän tietoa. Erityisesti kielellisen ymmärtämisen arvioiminen voi olla hyödyllinen työkalu monikielisten lasten kielen kehitystä arvioitaessa, koska kielelliseen ymmärtämiseen liittyvät vaikeudet vaihtelevat monikielisillä eri kielten välillä vähemmän kuin tuottamisen vaikeudet. Kyky noudattaa ohjeita on kielellistä ymmärtämistä sekä työmuistia vaativa taito. Se on olennainen edellytys paitsi monenlaisen arkisen toiminnan kannalta, myös uusien taitojen oppimiselle ja tiedon omaksumiselle. Tässä tutkimuksessa verrattiin 11-vuotiaiden tyypillisesti kehittyneiden moni- ja yksikielisten lasten ohjeiden noudattamista. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin työmuistikapasiteetin, ohjeen pituuden sekä kielellisen kompleksisuuden vaikutusta ohjeiden noudattamiseen. Tutkimukseen osallistui 11 monikielistä lasta sekä 21 yksikielistä verrokkia. Ohjeiden noudattamista mitattiin CELF-5-arviointimenetelmän Ohjeiden noudattaminen -osatestillä. Tulokset analysoitiin tilastollisilla menetelmillä IBM SPSS Statistics 28 -ohjelman avulla. Monikieliset lapset pärjäsivät tilastollisesti merkitsevästi heikommin kuin yksikieliset ohjeiden noudattamisessa. Työmuistikapasiteetin ja ohjeiden noudattamisen yhteys jäi kuitenkin tämän tutkimuksen pohjalta epävarmaksi. Ryhmien välillä oli tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja eri pituisten ohjeiden osalta, mutta selkeää trendiä esimerkiksi suurenevista eroista ohjeen pidetessä ei löydetty. Käsitteiden määriä tarkastellessa tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero löydettiin ainoastaan ensimmäisessä luokassa, jossa kuvaavia käsitteitä ei käytetty ollenkaan. Tutkimuksen tulos vahvistaa aiempien tutkimusten tarjoamaa käsitystä siitä, että normeja heikompi suoritus ei välttämättä ole viite kielellisistä pulmista, vaan saattaa liittyä tyypilliseen monikielisyyteen kytkeytyvistä haasteista.
  • Leppänen, Marleena (2022)
    Background and Objectives: In today's world, multilingualism is more the rule than the exception. Successively multilingual children from immigrant backgrounds are more likely to be referred to speech therapist diagnostic tests and receive a relatively larger amount of support measures in kindergarten and school. This is often due to insufficient exposure to the target language, in which case age-level language skills are not achieved. Studies show that it is important to support the development of the second language at an early stage, especially with a focus on vocabulary, in order to enable successively multilingual children to have sufficient language skills before entering school. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the development of narrative skills of multilingual children before and after the small group language intervention and compare their development to children who did not participate in such intervention. This thesis is part of the MULTILINGUA research project. Subjects and methods: In this thesis, a research and control group of a total of 41 children eere selected from a larger sample of the Paula-research project. The children who participated in the study were all successively multilingual children with a foreign background whose first language and language spoken at home was other than Finnish, Swedish or Sámi. The children of the research group (n = 21) participated in weekly small group activities in the kindergarten for about six months. The aim of the small group intervention was to support the development of the Finnish language. There were no similar small group intervention in the kindergartens of the control group (n = 19). The development of narrative skills was assessed using the Kissatarina -test. Narrative skills were measured twice every six months. Key Findings and Discussion: The narrative skills of both the research and control groups developed during the six-month follow-up. Looking at both groups, the increase in both the mean length of the expression and the information score of the narrative between the initial and final measurements were statistically significant. When comparing the groups, a statistically significant difference was found only in the positive development of the information score of the narrative. The higher information scores of the final measurement were 24% explained by the background variables group (study) and the sex of the child (girl). The results of the study provided indications that small group intervention supports the development of Finnish-speaking narrative skills of multilingual children. In further research, the results could be analyzed more qualitatively and compared with monolingual children.
  • Latvala, Laura (2023)
    Other-initations of repair are turns where speaker express to the interlocutor that there was some problem with receiving the previous turn. Problems can for example be related to hearing or understanding the previous turn. Other-initations of repair are used for maintaining the intersubjectivity of the conversation i.e. mutual understanding between the participants. By studying the other-initations of repairs by multilingual children information can be obtained for example about language development and conversations skills of multilingual children. The purpose of this thesis was to study the other-initations of repair used by 5-year old multilingual children. The study aimed to find out what type of other-inititations of repair multilingual children use, what kind of problems children were dealing with by other-initiation of repair and in what situations the other-initations or repair are used. The study was also comparing the other- initations of repair by children in play and evaluation situations. 6 multilingual 5-year old children were selected for the sample from the participants of the PAULA project of Univercities of Helsinki and Turku. The language background of all subjects was Russian. Material consisted of videos about play and evaluation situations between children and logopedics students. The other-initations of repair by children were annotated from the videos with ELAN program and classified by using a ready-made template. A total of 27 other-initations of repair were found and analysed qualitatively using conversation analysis. The study found that the most common type of other-initations of repair by 5-year old multilingual children was open repair initations with a total of 14 of all the found other-initations of repairs. The second most common type of other-initation of repair was candidate understandings with a total of 13. The study revealed that children used bodily repair initations in particular. Repetition of the previous turn also emerged as a common type of other-initation of repair. Multilingual children used the other-initations of repairs more in the evaluation situations than in play situations. The other-initations of repair used by children were found to be particularly focused on situations where the child was expected to respond or act in response to the adult's turn. The children often brought up the whole previous turn with their other-initations of repair.
  • Luoma, Anna-Sofia (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Kuulovamma voi aiheuttaa sanahaun, toiminnanohjauksen ja sanaston kehittymisen viivettä. Näitä taitoja tarvitaan sanasujuvuustehtävässä ja Nopean sarjallisen nimeämisen (RAN) testissä. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa musiikkiharjoittelun on huomattu vaikuttavan positiivisesti normaalikuuloisten lasten kielellisiin taitoihin ja toiminnan ohjauksen säätelyyn. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten alle kouluikäiset, kuulovammaiset lapset suoriutuvat sanasujuvuustehtävästä ja RAN-testistä ennen musiikki-interventiota ja sen jälkeen ja vaikuttaako musiikki-interventio tulosten kehittymiseen. Tutkimus on osa MULAPAPU-tutkimushanketta. Menetelmät. Tähän tutkimukseen osallistui neljätoista 2–6-vuotiasta kuulovammaista lasta, jotka käyttivät molemminpuolisia sisäkorvaistutteita tai kuulokojeita tai toisessa korvassa istutetta ja toisessa kojetta. Tutkimuksen mittausmenetelminä käytettiin RAN-testiä ja sanasujuvuustehtävää. Sanasujuvuustehtävässä tarkasteltiin hyväksyttyjen sanojen lisäksi sanahaunstrategioita sekä klusteri- ja virhetyyppejä. Tutkimusasetelma oli vaihtovuoroinen: osalla lapsista oli odotusperiodi ennen interventiota ja osalla sen jälkeen eli lapset toimivat itse omina verrokkeinaan. Tehtäväsuoriutumista ja intervention aikaista kehitystä tarkasteltiin tilastollisesti taustamuuttujaryhmittäin, joihin tutkittavat jaettiin kuulolaitteiden, sukupuolen ja ikäryhmän mukaan. Musiikki-intervention vaikuttavuutta tarkasteltiin interventioperiodin ja odotusperiodien aikana tuloksissa tapahtuneita muutoksia vertailemalla. Tulokset ja pohdinta. Koko ryhmää tarkasteltaessa tilastollisesti merkitseviä muutoksia intervention aikana tapahtui eniten sanasujuvuustehtävän vaatekategoriassa. Taustamuuttujaryhmistä iällä oli vahva yhteys parempaan suoriutumiseen ja suurempaan kehitykseen. Vanhempien lasten ryhmä kehittyi nuorempia tilastollisesti merkitsevästi enemmän intervention aikana ja sai merkitsevästi parempia tuloksia eläin ja vaatekategoriassa intervention jälkeisellä mittauskerralla. RAN-tehtävässä tilastollisesti merkitseviä muutoksia ei tapahtunut. Odotusperiodeilla tutkittavat eivät kehittyneet tilastollisesti merkitsevästi kummassakaan tehtävässä, mutta interventioperiodilla vanhemmista lapsista koostunut kevään 2020 ryhmä kehittyi vaatekategoriassa usean muuttujan kohdalla tilastollisesti merkitsevästi. Tulosten perusteella musiikkia kannattaa käyttää kuulovammaisten lasten kuntoutuksessa jo ennen kouluikää, sillä se voi vaikuttaa positiivisesti lasten sanahakuun.
  • Julia, Forsman (2022)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Tavoitteet. Kuulovammaisilla on usein vaikeuksia puheen prosodian kuten äänenkorkeuksien havaitsemisessa. Nämä vaikeudet haittaavat muun muassa puheen ja kielen kehitystä sekä puheen emootioiden havaitsemista. Musiikillisen toiminnan on havaittu tutkimusnäytön perusteella edistävän kuulovammaisten lasten puheen prosodisten piirteiden havaitsemista ja kielellistä kehitystä. Tutkimuksia musiikkitoiminnan vaikutuksista kuulovammaisten lasten prosodisten piirteiden havaitsemiseen on tehty kuitenkin vasta vähän. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, minkälaista on molemminpuolisesti (bilateraalisesti) kuulovammaisten, bilateraalisesti kuulolaitteita käyttävien lasten äänenkorkeuksien ja -kestojen havaitseminen ja parantaako musiikki-interventio niiden havaitsemista. Lisäksi tässä tutkielmassa selvitettiin, eroaako nuorempien ja vanhempien kuulovammaisten lasten sekä kuulokojeita/bimoodaalisesti kuulokojetta ja sisäkorvaistutetta käyttävien (KK/SIKK) ja molemminpuolisia sisäkorvaistutteita käyttävien (SI) kuulovammaisten lasten äänenkorkeuksien ja äänen kestojen havaitseminen sekä intervention aikainen kehitys toisistaan. Tässä tutkielmassa vertaillaan tiedettävästi ensimmäistä kertaa kuulokojeita/bimoodaalisesti kuulokojetta ja sisäkorvaistutetta käyttävien ja molemminpuolisia sisäkorvaistutteita käyttävien kuulovammaisten lasten äänenkorkeuksien ja äänen kestojen havaitsemista ja kehitystä toisiinsa. Menetelmät. Tämän tutkielman koehenkilöt koostuivat MULAPAPU-tutkimuksen tutkittavista. Viisitoista 3–7-vuotiasta kuulovammaista lasta suoritti äänenkorkeuksien sekä -kestojen havaitsemisen tehtävän, jonka avulla kerättiin äänenkorkeuksien ja -kestojen erottelukynnysarvoja. MULAPAPU-tutkimus toteutettiin vaihtovuoroisella tutkimusasetelmalla, jolloin musiikki-intervention vaikuttavuutta voitiin tarkastella vertaamalla interventionperiodin aikaista kehitystä ennen interventiota ja intervention jälkeen tapahtuneeseen kehitykseen. Tulokset ja pohdinta. Tilastollisesti merkitseviä tuloksia intervention vaikuttavuudesta ei saatu, vaikka tulokset äänenkorkeuksien ja äänen kestojen havaitsemistehtävässä paranivat ryhmätasolla intervention aikana. Yksilötasolla useampi SI-lapsista edistyi äänenkorkeuksien havaitsemistehtävässä musiikki-intervention aikana verrattuna KK/SIKK-lapsiin ja puolet molempien kuulolaiteryhmien tutkittavista kehittyi äänen kestojen havaitsemisessa. Myös vähintään puolet nuoremmista ja vanhemmista tutkittavista edistyi intervention aikana. Äänenkorkeuksien ja äänen kestojen havaitsemisen harjaannuttamisesta musiikkitoiminnan avulla on mahdollisesti hyötyä kielellisten taitojen edistämisessä, millä on myönteinen vaikutus kuulovammaisten lasten elämänlaatuun.
  • Aakko, Iida (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Kasvavan tutkimusnäytön perusteella ultraäänilaitteen visuaalista palautetta voidaan hyödyntää äännevirhekuntoutuksessa. Ultraäänikuva voi auttaa asiakkaita havaitsemaan kielen sijainnin ja liikkeet äänteen tuoton aikana edistäen äänteen motorisen tuottotavan oppimista. Aiempien utkimuksien mukaan visuaalisesta palautteesta voivat hyötyä erityisesti ne asiakkaat, jotka ovat saaneet aiempaa äännevirhekuntoutusta mutta eivät ole oppineet tavoiteäännettä. Tutkimusta on toistaiseksi tehty vähän muilla kuin englannin kielellä. Tässä tutkimuksessa kehitetään perkeptuaalisen arvioinnin verkkosovellus, jolla voidaan arvioida ultraäänikuntoutuksen vaikutusta [r]-äänteen tuottotapaan. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan perkeptuaalisen arvioinnin yhdenmukaisuutta, sen soveltuvuutta äännevirheiden arviointimenetelmäksi sekä arvioijan kokemuksen vaikutusta arviointituloksiin. Tutkimuksessa arvioidaan myös alustavasti ultraäänilaitteen soveltuvuutta [r]-äännevirhekuntoutukseen. Menetelmät. Tutkimus on monitapaustutkimus, johon osallistui neljä 10–11-vuotiasta poikaa. Kaikilla osallistujilla oli primaari [r]-äännevirhe. Tutkimusaineisto lasten [r]-äänteistä ja niiden varianteista kerättiin interventiossa kolmena ajankohtana: intervention alussa, puolessa välissä ja lopussa. 11 arvioijaa (6 puheterapeuttia ja 5 logopedian opiskelijaa) ja arvioi kuulonvaraisesti 181 sanoista eristettyä äännenäytettä verkkosovelluksella. 12 näytettä arvioitiin kategorisesti ja 169 jatkuvan muuttujan asteikolla. Perkeptuaalisen arvioinnin aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisin menetelmin, ja lasten äänteiden arviointituloksia tarkasteltiin ryhmä- ja yksilötasolla. Tulokset. Arvioijien yhdenmukaisuus (ICC2) oli intervention alun arviointituloksissa 0,83 (p<0,001), intervention puolivälissä 0,89 (p<0,001) ja intervention lopussa 0.92 (p<0,001). [r]-äänteen tuottotavassa oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero intervention alun ja lopun mittausten välillä ryhmä ja yksilötasolla (Wilcoxonin järjestettyjen sijalukujen testi, p<0,001). Äänteen tuottotavoissa oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero myös intervention alun ja puolivälin sekä puolivälin ja lopun mittausten välillä ryhmä- ja yksilötasolla (p<0,001), paitsi puolivälin ja lopun mittauksien välillä lapsilla 1 (p ≈ 0,78) ja 3 (p ≈ 0,62). Puheterapeuttien ja logopedian opiskelijoiden arviointituloksien välillä oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero intervention alun arviointituloksissa (Mann-Whitneyn U-testi, p ≈ 0,0036), mutta eroa ei ollut intervention puolivälin (p ≈ 0,067) eikä lopun arviointituloksissa (p ≈ 0,80). Johtopäätökset. Perkeptuaalisen arvioinnin verkkosovellus vas-janaa käyttämällä osoittautui luotettavaksi menetelmäksi suomen kielen [r]-äännevirhekuntoutuksen vaikutuksen arvioimisessa, sillä arvioijien antamien arviointituloksien yhdenmukaisuus oli hyvää tai erinomaista tasoa. Arviointitulokset vas-janalla kuvastivat [r]-äänteen ja sen varianttien tuottotapaa. Alustavien tuloksien perusteella kaikki neljä lasta vaikuttivat hyötyneen [r]-äännevirheen ultraääni-interventiosta. Perkeptuaalisen arvioinnin tuloksia tulisi verrata jatkossa akustisiin analyyseihin tai ultraäänikuvien kvantitatiivisiin analyyseihin suuremmalla otoskoolla intervention laajemman vaikuttavuuden selvittämiseksi. Perkeptuaalisen arvioinnin verkkosovellus on sellaisenaan valmis jatkotutkimuksessa käytettäväksi.
  • Kallionpää, Anne (2022)
    Gesture use plays an important role in children's early communication, because it provides children with a way of expressing themselves already before they are able to speak. Earlier studies have shown that gestures and gesture-word combinations may also play a role in predicting later language development. However, there is not much research evidence concerning the gesture use of very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) children yet. At the same time, many studies have shown that VLBW children face an increased risk of later difficulties in language development. Since gestures might provide insight into child's later language development already before the child is able to speak, gestures could make it possible to detect potential language difficulties early on. Therefore, it would be important to gain more information about the gesture development of VLBW children also. In this master's thesis, I aim to study the gesture use of VLBW children by comparing the gestures and gesture-word combinations of 18-month-old VLBW children to those of 18-month-old full term (FT) children. Another aim is to compare the gestures and gesture-word combinations of 18-month-old children to their expressive vocabularies and early grammatical skills at two years of age. The data of this thesis has been collected as part of a bigger study, The language development of very-low-birth-weight children, which is a sub study of the PIPARI study (Development and functioning of very-low-birth-weight infants from infancy to school age). The participants of this master's thesis study were 10 VLBW and 10 FT children. The participants' gestures were analysed from 10-minutes-long videotaped sessions by categorizing gestures into ritualized requests, deictic, iconic and conventional gestures as well as play schemes. In addition, gesture-word combinations were counted from the videotapes. Children's language skills at two years of age (the size of expressive vocabulary and the mean length of the three longest utterances, M3L value) were measured with the help of the Finnish version of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories. Mann-Whitney U-test and Spearman's correlation coefficient were used in the statistical analysis. There were no statistically significant differences in the gesture use or the amount of gesture-word combinations between 18-month-old VLBW and FT children. Neither VLBW nor FT children had statistically significant correlations between 18-month-old gestures and 2-year-old language skills. Instead, the gesture-word combinations of 18-month-old VLBW children did correlate statistically significantly and quite strongly with 2-year-old VLBW children's expressive vocabularies and M3L values. For FT children the correlation between gesture-word combinations and expressive vocabulary did not reach statistical significance, while the correlation between gesture-word combinations and M3L values was almost statistically significant considering the significance level of 5 %. That is to say, based on this study, it seems that for VLBW children especially gesture-word combinations may have an important role in providing information of later language skills.
  • Saloranta, Aila (2022)
    Speech pathologist is in charge of AAC implementation in Finnish health care. A speech impaired person can also be granted additional support from an AAC teacher as adaptation training. This service supports other means of rehabilitation. There is only little research on the teamwork of speech pathologists and AAC-teachers both internationally and in Finland, but it appears so that the teamwork has been rare but there is motivation for increasing the teamwork. This thesis tries to sort out the experiences of speech pathologists and communication teachers working inside the Helsinki metropolitan area regarding teamwork between the two different professional groups. This thesis focuses on what kind of experiances the professionals have, the factors affecting the teamwork and finding out what kind of teamwork is seen as beneficial for each professional´s own work. The subjects of this thesis were 21 speech pathologists and 12 AAC teachers working inside the Helsinki metropolitan area. The subjects worked as entrepreneurs or in private enterprises, basic health care, special health care or organizations. The working experience of the subjects varied between 1 and over 10 years. The data was gathered by a questionnaire and analyzed with inductive content analysis. The teamwork between speech pathologists and AAC teachers appears to not be common and sometimes there is no teamwork ar all. Both the speech therapists and AAC teachers are however motivated in increasing and developing the teamwork. The most important factors affecting the teamwork are challenges in timing, lack of knowledge and the flow of information. Both professional groups felt sharing information, joint goalmaking, setting a division of labour, joint planning and learning from each other to be beneficial. The challenges that hinder the teamwork cand be lessened by for example adding information and education in the matter.
  • Lampenius, Aida (2023)
    Children who are unable to express themselves with speech can use various communication aids. Often communication partners support and motivate the child to use an aid in various ways. This study increases understanding of how a speech and language therapist (SLT) can support using a speech generating device (SGD) and turn-taking in play interaction. Play interaction in which someone uses an SGD has been studied little. A typical interaction situation for a child is playing. Play is a natural and motivating context to strengthen and practice a child's communication skills. It is, therefore, relevant to know how to support aided play. When the partner can support and activate the child using the SGD to produce turns in the play interaction, the child using the SGD will get the opportunity to participate play and play can be made as flowing and successful as possible. The data of this thesis consisted of three play situations between an SLT and a school-aged child. The device that the child used for communication was tablet-based TAIKE -communication application. The data was filmed during speech therapy sessions. Conversation analysis was used as the method of the thesis. The next-turn-proof procedure was used for analysis. In addition to next-turn procedure, sequence structure was utilized in the analysis to perceive larger sequential context. In this thesis, the child produces the first and the second position turns with TAIKE as well as collaborative turn sequences with the SPL. The SPL supported the child using the SGD through various partner strategies, including time giving, modelling, sabotage, and verbal and gestural cues. The SLT regulated strategies to guide and support the use of the child's SGD if he did not act as expected by the SLT. The SLT varied strategies from motivating to direct cues and, if necessary, used more strategies sequentially or simultaneously. In this thesis, the child who practices using an SGD was noted to be more active in producing turns with the SGD when the communication partner supports him. In this thesis the natural orientation of conversationalists to alignment activities when interacting is not enough for the child using an SDG. The partner strategies used by the SPL take the play forward, strengthen the interactive roles of the conversationalists and guide to turn preference. The play interaction is an appropriate context to practice producing turns with an SGD and play can be seen as one strategy to support a child to use their device. Partner strategies used in play interaction give a child the opportunity to practice play and means to take the play forward. In their clinical work, speech therapists should consider how partner strategies can be a part of the motivational play and how play can be utilized as a strategy to support using an SGD.
  • Ihalainen, Erika (2023)
    Varhaisen sanaston koostumus kehittyy sanaston määrällisen kehityksen myötä. Sanaston koostumuksen on havaittu kehittyvän omaksuttavasta kielestä riippumatta pääpiirteittäin samantyyppisesti. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on löydetty yhteyksiä varhaisen sanaston kehityksen ja muiden kielellisten taitojen kehityksen välillä. Sanaston koostumuksen kehityksen yhteyttä muihin kielellisiin taitoihin on kuitenkin tutkittu vain vähän. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella ilmaistun sanaston koostumuksen kehitystä toisen ikävuoden lopulla sekä sen yhteyksiä ymmärretyn ja ilmaistun kielen kokonaistasoon kaksivuotiaana. Tämän tutkimuksen otos (n = 50) koostui Sanaseula-tutkimushankkeen tutkittavista. Tutkittavat olivat terveitä suomenkielisten perheiden lapsia. Ilmaistun sanaston koostumusta mitattiin 18 ja 24 kuukauden iässä Varhaisen kommunikaation ja kielen kehityksen arviointimenetelmällä. Menetelmästä käytettiin Lapsen kommunikaation kehitys: Sanat, taivutukset ja lauseet -versiota. Ilmaistun sanaston koostumusta tarkasteltiin sanakategorioiden raakapisteiden, word opportunity -pisteiden sekä kokosanamäärästä laskettujen prosentuaalisten osuuksien avulla. Ymmärretyn ja ilmaistun kielen kokonaistasoa mitattiin 24 kuukauden iässä Reynellin kielellisen kehityksen testillä sekä Bayley III -testin kielellisen kehityksen asteikolla. Ilmaistun sanaston koostumuksen sekä ymmärretyn ja ilmaistun kielen kokonaistason välisiä yhteyksiä tutkittiin Spearmanin korrelaatiokertoimien ja lineaaristen regressiomallien avulla. Ilmaistut sanastot koostuivat 18 kuukauden iässä enimmäkseen sosiaalis-pragmaattisista sanoista sekä substantiiveista. Toisen ikävuoden lopulla tutkittavat omaksuivat ilmaistuihin sanastoihinsa erityisesti substantiiveja sekä verbejä. Sosiaalis-pragmaattisten sanojen prosentuaalinen osuus pieneni, kun taas muiden sanakategorioiden prosentuaaliset osuudet kasvoivat toisen ikävuoden lopulla. Ilmaistun sanaston koostumuksen yhteydet ilmaistun kielen kokonaistasoon olivat pääosin vahvempia kuin vastaavat yhteydet ymmärretyn kielen kokonaistasoon. 24 kuukauden iässä mitattu ilmaistun sanaston koostumus korreloi pääosin 18 kuukauden iässä mitattua vahvemmin kahden vuoden iässä mitatun ymmärretyn ja ilmaistun kielen kokonaistason kanssa. Ilmaistun sanaston sanakategorioiden raakapisteet 18 ja 24 kuukauden iässä selittivät yhdessä sukupuolen kanssa ymmärretyn sekä ilmaistun kielen kokonaistasoa kahden vuoden iässä tilastollisesti merkitsevästi. Ilmaistun sanaston koostumus selitti selvästi paremmin ilmaistun kielen kokonaistasoa kuin ymmärretyn kielen kokonaistasoa. Tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat näkemystä, että tyttöjen varhaiset kielelliset taidot ovat keskimäärin poikia paremmat, ja että varhaisessa kielenkehityksessä ilmenee huomattavaa yksilöllistä vaihtelua. Tulokset osoittavat, että varhaisen sanaston koon arvioimisen lisäksi on aiheellista tarkastella myös sanaston koostumusta, sillä näin saadaan tarkempaa tietoa lapsen varhaisista kielellisistä taidoista.
  • Paajanen, Auri (2022)
    Aims. In face-to-face communication, information contained in speech is also transmitted visually via observing articulation movements on the speaker’s lips and face. Silent lipreading is difficult since many of the phonemes of spoken language look visually similar and thus fall within the same viseme categories. Lipreading at single word level requires at least some of the phonemes to be recognized with sufficient accuracy in order for lexical activation to reach the correct target word in the observer’s mental lexicon. Word-level lipreading is also guided by language specific phonotactics, but its’ contribution to lipreading is not well understood. Lipreading ability shows great individual variation in both normal hearing and hearing-impaired populations. There is currently a lack of lipreading assessment tools in logopedic clinical practice in Finland. The aim of this study was to develop a Finnish single word lipreading test that can be delivered via a web application. I examined whether word videos produced in the Huulioluku research project can be used to measure lipreading ability in normal hearing adults and which test procedure appears to be functional. In addition, viseme analysis was used to examine features that contributed to the lipreadability of individual test words. Methods. The lipreading task used in this study consisted of word videos (43 Finnish words containing 2-3 syllables) developed in the Huulioluku research project. The participants (N=60) were normal hearing adults aged from 18 to 50. The data was collected remotely in March 2021 via a web application. Participants viewed silent word videos spoken by a female speaker and indicated which word had been said via a free text response. A point was given to each response that matched the target entirely. Deviation in participants’ scores (max 43 points) and the proportion correct for individual words were analysed. In a qualitative part of the study, the most frequent erroneous responses for each individual word were collected and a viseme comparison between the target and error response was carried out. Results and conclusions. The lipreading test showed great individual variation in the participants’ lipreading ability (score range between 1 and 34). The percentage correct for individual words ranged from 0 to 78 %. A short test of 20 best recognised words also showed great individual variation, with scores ranging from 20 to 1, suggesting that it could be used as such in future test developments. As seen in previous research, words with the least amount of visual competitors in the lexicon were recognized with the most accuracy. Consonants /v/ /p/ and /s/ were highly recognizable, whereas /r/ and /n/ were poorly recognized. The ability to perceive phoneme duration accurately as short/long proved important in recognition of Finnish words. Vowel discrimination was facilitated by a feature in the Finnish language phonotactics – vowel harmony. The words used in the test assessed the ability to lipread Finnish language specific phonological, morphological and prosodic features, which suggests that the 20-word test may be a valid tool.
  • Kanerva, Viivi (2021)
    Aims. Speech processing has traditionally been studied with simple paradigms that do not take the variety of natural speech perception situations into consideration. Speech processing in everyday situations becomes more difficult if, for example, the auditory quality of speech is poor, there are other distracting voices in the listening environment or if the semantic context of the conversation is not clear. Nevertheless, humans possess an exceptional capability to selectively attend to a specific speech stream even in suboptimal listening conditions. In a recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, participants followed audiovisual dialogues amongst distracting speech. The dialogues were presented in various experimental conditions including two different levels of semantic predictability. The results gave support to the novel notion that high-level semantic information has an impact already at lower levels of auditory processing. The aim of the present study was to examine whether support for this notion would be demonstrated using a method that has a better temporal resolution than fMRI. I examined the effects and interaction of semantic context and selective attention in the processing of naturalistic speech using the same stimuli as the recent fMRI study but collected neurophysiological data with electroencephalography (EEG) as it has a temporal resolution of milliseconds. Methods. Thirty adults selectively attended to audiovisual two-person dialogues with distracting speech in the background during EEG recordings. Half of the dialogues had a coherent narrative and the other half consisted of mixed lines from unrelated dialogues. The participants answered questions on dialogue content. In addition, the participants carried out a visual control task during which they were instructed to ignore all speech. I analyzed behavioral performance and event-related potentials (ERPs) timed to the beginning of dialogue lines in the two tasks. Results and conclusions. Based on the behavioral results, a coherent semantic context enhanced speech intelligibility. The ERP results suggested that semantic contextual coherence modulated the processes of auditory selective attention at around 180 ms after dialogue line onset. This attentional effect was significant only when the dialogues were attended to, and the semantic context was coherent. Furthermore, the beginnings of lines in incoherent dialogues elicited a P300 effect which could be linked to memory-related operations of contextual updating. Alternative interpretations are discussed. In conclusion, the present study provides both behavioral and neural evidence that semantic contextual information enhances the processes of auditory selective attention in compromised listening conditions. A coherent semantic context seems to facilitate the processing of contextually relevant information through semantic priming already at early stages of auditory attentional processing.
  • Viljanen, Reetta (2022)
    Speechreading is a technique of understanding speech by interpreting visual information from the speaker’s face. Speechreading is a skill that can be trained and to determine the need for rehabilitation and monitor the progress a reliable assessment tool is needed. In Finland, there does not exist any online assessment tool that can be used to assess sentence-level speechreading skills in adults. This study aimed to find out how well the 100 CID Everyday Speech sentences used in the assessment of speechreading skills are suitable for the assessment of speechreading skills when translated into Finnish. This thesis examined how Finnish-speaking normal-hearing adults aged 18–65 perform sentence-level speechreading tasks, whether sentence length affects performance, and whether CID sentences differentiate speechreading skills when translated into Finnish. Study participants (n = 38) were normal-hearing adults aged 18–65 with no reported learning disabilities. The data was collected from an online speechreading test responses and analyzed by statistical methods with the R programming language. The translated CID sentences were divided into ten collections of ten sentences and comparisons were then made between those collections. Participants’ performance was examined using the Friedman test and post-hoc testing was done with the Durbin-Conover test. The consistency in the responses between collections was assessed using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Sentences were also divided into groups by word count and both the Friedman test and the Durbin-Conover test were used to examine these groups. The translated CID Everyday Speech sentences differentiate speechreading skills well. Statistically significant, moderate, or strong positive correlations were found in the responses between the sentence collections. The word count of the sentences was found to be connected to the percentage of words recognized correctly. Based on the results the translated CID sentences are suitable for assessing the speechreading skills in normal-hearing adults. Based on the results it could also be possible to divide the collection of 100 sentences into shorter collections, which could for example be utilized in monitoring speechreading rehabilitation.
  • Kola, Aino (2022)
    Background. Aphasia is a deficit of language and cognition caused by brain damage. Rehabilitation is based on reactivating and reorganizing the nervous system – or learning things anew. Learning is based on many factors, that would require more thorough examination to best allocate and plan rehabilitation. The impact of reaction speed on the ability to learn novel words has not yet been studied in aphasic patients, although inter- and intraindividual variability in their reaction times clearly exists. Some aphasic patients have also been associated with a behavioral pattern called speed-accuracy trade-off, a pattern where a person balances between acting fast or accurately. This has led to overly cautious or overly hasty responding in some aphasic patients, which potentially could influence the learning ability. Objectives. The purpose of this study is to examine reaction times and response accuracy and their possible relationship in a novel word learning task in aphasic patients and healthy controls. Special interest is placed on the occurrence of speed-accuracy trade-offs, or overly cautious or fast responding related to response accuracy outcome. Additionally, it is being examined if intrapersonal variability in reaction times predicts novel word learning ability. Methods. The participants of this study consist of 10 aphasic patients in subacute stage and 21 healthy age-matched controls. This study was executed as a part of “Opi sanoja” research project, in which novel word learning ability was studied through a computer-based word learning task. The purpose of the task was to learn six pseudo-words associated with a picture. The pictures were shown in pairs, of which the examinee was told to choose the right one according to seen and heard pseudo-word and earlier received feedback. Reaction speed was measured by reaction times recorded by the word learning task. Reaction times were compared with response accuracy in and between the study groups. Results and conclusions. Aligned with previous studies, aphasic patients learned novel words worse than the controls, although great interindividual variability was noted. The reaction times of aphasic patients were significantly slower, but again interindividual variability was large in the group. Reaction speed correlated with novel word learning in the control group, but not significantly in the aphasic group. Intraindividual reaction time variability was notable in both groups, being twice as large in the aphasic group. Broader intraindividual variability correlated with weaker novel word learning ability in the control group. The speed-accuracy trade-off pattern occurred in two aphasic patients: one with overly cautious and one with overly hasty response behavior. According to this study, examining reaction times and possibly speed-accuracy trade-offs with, for example, a specific learning test would help to recognize the patients with maladaptive timing patterns. This would benefit the patient, as optimizing the speed-accuracy trade-offs has been studied to improve item naming, the effect even being transferred to connected speech. The relationship of speed-accuracy trade-offs with novel word learning requires further studying, taking into consideration factors behind reaction times and word learning ability.
  • Rogers, Benjamin (2023)
    Understanding early language development is crucial for identifying atypical developmental features. Syntactic development stages and typical characteristics in Finnish-speaking children at the end of their second year are not yet fully understood. Research data has been gathered, for instance, regarding the emergence of word combinations at the end of the second year and the mean lengths of utterances. The aim of this master's thesis is to examine the syntactic structures in the utterances of Finnish children at 18 and 24 months of age and to determine whether the utterances can be classified based on their syntactic characteristics. Additionally, the objective is to investigate the relationship between the development of morphology and the development of verbs and closed-class words in relation to a child's syntactic development stage. The participants in this study are 49 typically developing Finnish-speaking children learning Finnish as their first language. The sample for this thesis consists of participants from the Sanaseula research project. In this thesis, data collected through the Finnish version of the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories (MCDI, 16–30-month version) is analyzed. Information was gathered from parents when the children were 18 and 24 months old. At both measurement points, the verbs and closed-class words acquired by the children, inflectional forms, and the three longest utterances produced by the children were collected. The utterances were classified using a syntactic development scale created for this thesis. Spearman's rank correlation coefficients and linear regression analyses were used to investigate relationships between variables. At both measurement points, there was significant variation in children's syntactic abilities, with the highest variation occurring at 24 months of age. At eighteen months, the combined number of verbs and closed-class words acquired significantly explained the variation in syntactic development stage determined at 18 months of age. The number of inflectional forms acquired at two years of age significantly accounted for the syntactic development stage at 24-months. The study generated new and detailed information on the variability of syntactic development. The observed wide variation in syntactic skills enhances our understanding of the dispersion of language skills at the end of the second year. The findings of the study also tentatively suggest a high explanatory value of inflectional form mastery, verb acquisition, and closed-class vocabulary in syntactic skill variation.
  • Niskanen, Kirsi (2023)
    Background and Objectives. An individual with complex communication needs mainly communicates otherwise than by means of speech, for example by sign language, writing or a communication device. However, the purpose of the messages may remain unclear to the communication partners. A person may be at risk of being left out in interaction situations. In order to set rehabilitation goals, it is advisable to evaluate communication skills using a variety of methods, and it is therefore justified to look for new kinds of assessment methods. The purpose of this study was to try out two assessment methods from the EMC3 communication assessment and rehabilitation model: sensory assessment and communication assessment. It is known that the EMC3 method has not been widely used in Finland, and there are no international publications available on it. The EMC3 method is based on mapping out interesting sensations and individual responses and, based on them, creating meaningful rehabilitation goals for communication. Method. In this qualitative case study, the EMC3 method was tested on one five-year-old child with autism spectrum disorder. The research material consisted of interviews and comments by two speech therapists, one occupational therapist, and the child's father, as well as the author's observations regarding the method. The interviews were transcribed and the material was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results. Based on sensory assessment some new sensations of interest to the child were found, as well as surprising things about how the child acted. On the other hand, some of the issues that emerged in the assessment contradicted previous knowledge. The child participating in the study may have been more skilled than the intended target group of the method. On the basis of the assessment, the people involved in the study suggested some goals for communication rehabilitation, but setting goals was also perceived challenging. The assessment gave the child's father new ideas for diversifying communication with his child. The goal to determine the meaning of a particular sense did not seem valid. Instead, information about attractiveness of individual stimuli was provided. The Communication Assessment questionnaire proved useful in collecting basic information about a child's communication skills in different situations. Conclusions. Sensory assessment in combination with the Communication assessment questionnaire may be a useful part of creating the goals of communication rehabilitation for a person who communicates at a prelinguistic level. Individual interests that have emerged in the sensory assessment could be used to create successful interaction situations, and thus to increase the motivation and opportunities for communication in people who communicate in a pre-linguistic way.