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  • Lehtinen, Juho (2023)
    Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli luoda mittari, jonka avulla voisi vertailla viljankuivauserien ominaisenergiankulu-tusta ja kuivaustehokkuutta. Tutkielma tehtiin yhteistyössä Antti-Teollisuuden kanssa. Viljankuivaus on maatalouden suurimpia energiankulutuskohteita. Nykyisin viljankuivauksessa 110 °C kui-vauslämpötilatkaan eivät ole poikkeuksellisia. Tällöin energiaa kuluu paljon, mutta myös kuivausajat ovat lyhyitä. Viljankuivureiden ohjauskeskukset ovat kehittyneet viime vuosina voimakkaasti. Nykyiset ohjelmoitavaan logiik-kaan perustuvat ohjauskeskukset mahdollistavat kuivaustapahtuman tarkan säädön ja datan tallentamisen jälki-tarkastelua varten. Tutkielmassa käytettiin Antti-Teollisuuden Ultima-ohjausjärjestelmän tallentamaa dataa. Ultima on Antti-Teollisuuden monipuolisin viljankuivurin ohjausjärjestelmä. Ultima mahdollistaa kuivurin reaaliaikaisen säädön lisäksi mm. erä- ja siilokirjanpidon. Tutkielmaan otettiin keskiarvot kaikista vuoden 2021 kuivauseristä, kuivauk-sen kannalta olennaisimmista arvoista. Ehtona oli, että erän kokonaispituus oli oltava yli yksi tunti. Eristä suoda-tettiin pois kaikki selkeästi virheelliset erät. Eriä jäi jäljelle 1065 kappaletta. Datan pohjalta kuivauserille laskettiin kennokohtainen veden poisto (kg/h) ja ominaisenergiankulutus (kWh/kg). Veden poistosta ja ominaisenergiankulutuksesta luotiin selkeä pistekuvaaja, joka kuvaa erän onnistu-mista näillä mittareilla suhteessa koko dataan. Epävarmuutta tuloksiin aiheuttaa kuitenkin ilmamäärän mittaus, joka perustuu osittain puhallinvalmistajan tietoon, jonka luotettavuutta ei voida täysin todistaa. Tämä saattaa olla yksi syy, miksi tutkielmassa lasketut ominaisenergiankulutukset olivat selkeästi pienempiä aiempiin tutkimuksiin verrattuna. Kuvaajasta tuli selkeä ja helppolukuinen. Kuvaajan huonoja olivat tietyn pisteen identifioiminen ja mahdollisuus tarkastella vain yhden muuttujan vaikutuksia kerrallaan.
  • Vehviläinen, Riikka (2018)
    The emergence of service and experience economy has been described as a response to the development of technology, influence of demanding consumers and the challenges of tightened competitive environment. Successful companies are characterized by the capability of providing unique, memorable and emotional customer experiences. Service design and customer experience management provide tools for combining technologies, customers and experiences into one total customer experience. The purpose of this study is to clarify the possibilities of utilizing mixed reality (MR) in the timber trade and forest management services of a forest industry company. More specifically, the research question is, what is the role of human interaction in service encounter, how the different elements of customer experience management influence the customer experience, customer learning, brand image and behavioral intentions, and are there differences in responses between different forest owner groups. The research method combines both qualitative and quantitative methods, commonly known as mixed research method. The research was conducted as a controlled experiment in which the form of tutoring was manipulated in two treatments: face-to-face tutoring and digital tutoring. The data was collected using quantitative questionnaire and qualitative interview. The results suggest that timber trade and forest management services organized in the virtual forest influence positively customer experience, brand image, willingness-to-recommend and willingness to participate in developing the service. Learning was perceived relatively low but the service was perceived useful for managing forest property. The most benefits were perceived by forest owners whose forests were small-sized or relatively close to their place of residence. No significant differences between face-to-face and digital tutoring were observed. However, overall, face-to-face tutoring had more positive impact on brand image while in digital tutoring learning and perceived benefits were strengthened. The role of the customer service personnel is especially heightened in providing support for those forest owners who rarely manage their forests.
  • Piispanen, Sanni (2024)
    Paperiset kupongit ovat olleet varsin perinteinen myynninedistämisen muoto vähittäiskaupassa, mutta mobiililaitteiden kehittyessä ja niiden suosion kasvaessa perinteisten paperisten kuponkien merkitys myynninedistämisen muotona on vähentynyt. Mobiilikupongit ovat digitaalisia kuponkeja, joita vastaanotetaan ja hyödynnetään mobiililaitteen kautta. Tässä tutkielmassa mobiilikuponkeja tarkastellaan päivittäistavarakaupan kontekstissa, ja tutkimus on rajattu koskemaan päivittäistavarakauppaketju Lidlin Lidl Plus –etusovellusta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia Lidl Plus -etusovelluksen kautta lunastettavien mobiilikuponkien käyttöä, sekä selvittää, millainen rooli mobiilikupongeilla on kuluttajan ostopolulla. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ymmärtää kuluttajan ostopolkua entistä paremmin, ja sitä kautta esimerkiksi tarjota mobiilikuponkeja tarjoaville yrityksille uusia näkökulmia siihen, kuinka hyödyntää mobiilikuponkeja markkinointiohjelmissaan. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu myynninedistämiseen sekä ostopolkuun liittyvän kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Teoria-osuudessa tutustutaan myynninedistämisen käsitteeseen, mobiilikuponkeihin myynninedistäjänä sekä ostopolkuun ja sen vaiheisiin. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osio toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin keväällä 2023 hyödyntämällä kahta aineistonkeruumenetelmää. Shop-along -menetelmällä kerättiin havaintoja mobiilikuponkien käytöstä myymälätilanteessa, ja puolistrukturoidulla haastattelulla pyrittiin avaamaan laajemmin muun muassa tutkimushenkilöiden suhtautumista mobiilikuponkeihin ja tarjouksiin yleisesti. Tutkimukseen osallistui 5 henkilöä, jotka käyttivät Lidl Plus -etusovellusta ja sen tarjoamia mobiilikuponkeja aktiivisesti. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että mobiilikupongeilla voidaan vaikuttaa ostopolun muotoutumiseen ja niillä on oma roolinsa jokaisessa ostopolun vaiheessa. Ostotilannetta edeltävä mobiilikuponkien käyttö voi esimerkiksi ohjata kuluttajan asioimaan nimenomaan Lidl-myymälässä ja saada kuluttajan tekemään ostopäätöksiä jo ennakkoon. Ostotilanteen aikana kuluttaja saattaa olla jatkuvasti kosketuksissa Lidl Plus -sovellukseen, ja mobiilikuponkien käytöllä voi olla jonkin verran vaikutusta siihen, kuinka myymälässä liikutaan ja mitä hyllyvälejä kierretään. Ostotilanteen jälkeen kuluttaja voi arvioida ostokokemustaan. Ostotilanteen jälkeinen mobiilikuponkien käyttö sai tutkimuksen aikana tutkimushenkilön huomaamaan, että kuponki oli jäänyt lunastamatta, ja tästä seurasi pettymys. Toisaalta kuluttaja voi ostotilanteen jälkeen myös iloita saavutetusta raaputuskupongista. Mobiilikupongeilla on kuluttajan ostopolulla moninainen rooli, ja mobiilikupongeilla voidaan vaikuttaa asiakaskokemukseen. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella ehdotetaan, että etenkin ostotilannetta edeltävään mobiilikuponkien käyttöön tulisi kannustaa aiempaa enemmän.
  • Hatara-Pulliainen, Viia (2020)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää suomalaisten kuluttajien mobiilisovellusten käyttöä päivittäistavarakaupassa tällä hetkellä ja sovellusten kehitysmahdollisuuksia tulevaisuudessa. Tarkoituksena on ymmärtää, millaiset mobiilisovellukset kuluttajat kokevat hyödyllisinä. Tutkimuksen viitekehys rakennetaan kartoittamalla nykyisiä monikanavamarkkinoita toimintaympäristönä ja kuvaamalla mobiilisovellusten roolia osana niitä. Teoria muodostaa kuvan mobiilisovellusten ainutlaatuisista ominaisuuksista, ominaisuuksien merkityksestä kuluttajalle, kuluttajan kanavavalintaan vaikuttavista tekijöistä ja päivittäistavaroiden valintaan liittyvistä erityispiirteistä. Viitekehys kuvaa kuluttajan tapaa muodostaa kanavan käyttöarvo peilaamalla sitä ostopäätösprosessin ja käyttökontekstin läpi. Teoriaosuudessa käydään läpi laajasti sekä monikanavaisen että mobiilin ostamisen tutkimusta, ja sitä käytetään avuksi kyselyn suunnitteluun. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään survey-kyselytutkimusta. Aineisto kerättiin 3.1–10.2.2020 verkkokyselyllä, jota levitettiin sähköpostin sekä WhatsUp- ja Facebook-sovelluksen avulla. Kyselyyn saatiin 750 vastausta, joista lopulliseen aineistoon hyväksyttiin 626. Kvantitatiivisen aineiston analysoinnissa käytetään IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 for Windows -ohjelmaa. Vastaajista noin puolet käyttää mobiilisovelluksia päivittäistavaraostosten apuna. Eniten niitä käyttävät perheelliset, taajamassa asuvat nuoret naiset. Sovelluksia käytettään etenkin kotona ennen ostoksia ja kaupassa ostosten aikana. Tuloksen tukevat näkemystä, että mobiilisovellusten käyttö on monipuolista, mutta sitä voidaan yhä monipuolistaa oikeanlaisilla palveluilla. Erilaisia palveluita kaivataan eri vaiheisiin ostopäätösprosessia. Tuloksissa korostuvat ostopäätösprosessin vaiheista, joihin kaivataan mobiilipalveluita, erityisesti etsintä, vaihtoehtojen vertailu ja ostos. Sovellusten käyttöominaisuuksista QR- ja viivakoodien lukua sekä kotiin tilaamista käytetään vähemmän kuin muita ominaisuuksia. Mobiilisovellusten erityisominaisuuksien tuomat mahdollisuudet tulee ottaa huomioon niitä suunniteltaessa. Ainutlaatuisia ominaisuuksia ovat esimerkiksi liikuteltavuus ja paikallistettavuus. Mobiilisovellus mahdollistaa reaaliaikaisen vuorovaikutuksen niin kaupassa kuin sen ulkopuolella. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan mobiilisovelluksia yksittäisen kanava-ajattelun sijaan kokonaisvaltaisena palveluna kuluttajalle. Tavoitteena on lisätä kuluttajan kokemaa käyttöarvoa. Kuluttajat haluavat mahdollisimman kohdennettuja palveluja, jotka mukautuisivat ostopäätösprosessin ja käyttökontekstin mukaan. Mobiilisovelluksesta tulee ikään kuin henkilökohtainen ostoavustaja.
  • Zhang, Qiongchao (2013)
    With the global changes in supply and demand for forest products and their international trade, analyzing the long-term development of the Finnish stumpage market and forecasting different assortments of Finnish stumpage prices is more and more important. There are limited number of studies on forecasting Finnish stumpage prices and even less up to date information about forecasting the markets. According to the previous studies, it is difficult to get precise forecasting results in real-life situations, purely utilizing simple time-series forecasting methods. In addition, the forecasting error is usually unavoidable in the price forecasting studies. The present study increases information on stumpage price forecasting using updated price data and testing alternative statistical approaches that take account of structural changes of stumpage prices in Finnish roundwood market. The aims of this study are to test applicability of alternative statistical approaches in forecasting long-run stumpage price development up to 2050. The annual price data are from the years 1967-2010. First we tested the stationarity of time-series data, using an augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) Unit root test. Compared to the complicated prices behaviors of sawlog, the prices behaviors of pulpwood are much more stationary. It can be seen clearly that there are three business cycles both in sawlog and pulpwood prices, around 30 years per cycle. Further studies can be analyzed involving some impact factors to the demand and supply of Finnish roundwood, such as prices of roundwood and forest products export, prices in domestic market, GDP of Finland, etc. Basing on the results of the study, the forecasted prices of all assortments of Finnish roundwood will decline from 2010 to 2023. We assume that the Finnish roundwood market will suffer from the global changes of demand and supply of forest products. Demands for many traditional end products are decreasing in Europe. Thus we recommend the Finnish roundwood market stakeholders should pay more attention on this situation. The forestry companies can change their products structure: develop more new products in bioenergy industry; what is more, companies can develop new markets in internationally. The forest private owners should communicate more frequently with roundwood market experts and forest industry to build a coherent picture on industry trends impacting roundwood price determination.
  • Holder, Jonathan (2019)
    Forests have acted as a substantial Carbon sink during the last decades. In Finland, forests currently sequester about half of the total anthropogenic CO2 emissions. In order to mitigate climate change, most recent policies, both on the European and the Finnish level, are focussing on increasing forest utilisation, and use forest biomass to substitute fossil resources for material or energy production purposes. However, as increasing harvests commonly reduce the growth potential of forests, their function as a carbon sink could be reduced. This reduction of the forest carbon sink might offset the reduction in emissions gained by substitution. The aim of this study is to analyse how different levels of forest utilisation, i.e. harvest levels, and climate change affect the carbon sink function of Finnish forests at a national level during the period of 2015–2100. In order to quantify these effects in detail, the semi-empirical, climate- and management-sensitive forest growth simulator FORMIT-M is employed to estimate carbon stocks and fluxes in living biomass. The carbon stocks and balances of soils are calculated by applying the Yasso15 soil model to litter input as modelled by FORMIT-M. The carbon balance of harvested wood products is estimated by applying species- and assortment-specific decay functions to harvested timber assortments derived from dimensions. Four harvest scenarios were applied, covering total annual harvest levels between 40 and 87 million m3 a-1, i.e. both reduced and increased levels compared to current levels. The simulations were run for three climate scenarios: current climate (1981-2010 means), and RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 scenarios, the latter two based on predictions of the general circulation model CanESM2. The general findings of the simulations largely confirm earlier research, indicating that higher harvest levels decrease the total C sink. This was true across all climate scenarios examined; in general, the total C sink function of forests was predicted to increase under climate change conditions, with higher C sinks under RCP8.5 than RCP2.6. Under climate change, the relative effect of increasing harvests is reduced, but management in the form of harvest levels remains a more influential factor than climate change. In addition, the reduction in C sink function per unit of additionally harvested C is larger at higher harvest levels, especially under current climate. In the highest harvest scenario, managed forests acted as C sources in the beginning of the modelling period, and the total Finnish forest areas remain net C sinks only due to net C sequestration in preservation areas during this period. The simulations of this study therefore suggest that, from a climate change mitigation perspective, a reduction of harvests is more beneficial than increasing harvests. This is true even when avoided greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fossil resources with forest biomass are considered in the form of a rough estimation of substitution effects. In general, both the absolute magnitude of the C sink and the differences between harvest scenarios are likely to be overestimated in this study, as neither the reduction in growth potential nor the potential reduction of C stocks due to natural disturbances were considered; in addition, potential limiting factors such as nutrient deficiency did not restrict the fertilisation effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 levels. The results include large uncertainties, both regarding the effect and extend of climate change and the potential accumulation of misrepresentations within the growth modelling; hence, the reliability can be expected to decrease during the modelling period. Future applications of the FORMIT-M simulator in Finland should consider the effects of natural disturbances as well as limitations to the substantially improving growing conditions due to climatic conditions and elevated atmospheric CO2 levels; in addition, an optimisation procedure for the distribution of harvests would be beneficial.
  • Söderholm-Emas, Annika (2022)
    Grain legumes are grown on less than 2% of the arable area of Europe, while large quantities of soybean and soymeal are imported for feed for pigs and poultry. Crop rotations need diversifying by adding grain legumes for soil health and for the break-crop effect, lowering pest, disease and weed pressures in the subsequent crop. The economic effects are of interest from adding legumes to crop rotations and can be evaluated by modelling crop rotations and comparing the means of the gross margins (GM) from the rotations. In Finland, cereal-based crop rotations dominate the important crop growing areas of Southwestern Finland. The most common rotation during a five-year-period can consist of a cereal monoculture with two or more cereal species. The largest potential for diversification in crop rotations can be found on pig, poultry, and cereal farms. Modelling of grain legumes in crop rotations has previously been done for Västra Götaland in Sweden, Brandenburg in Germany, Calabria Italy, eastern Scotland in the United Kingdom, and Sud-Muntenia i Romania. The aim of this work was to create modelled crop rotations for Southwestern Finland to evaluate the gross margin, NO3-N-leaching, and N2O-emissions of the crop rotations. Yields were modelled for a ten-year period following actual yield fluctuations. They were analysed and there were no significant differences in gross margin detected in the crop rotations, whether they were a legume or an all-cereal rotation. Significant differences were found in N2O-emissions between the crop rotations
  • Jormanainen, Iina (2021)
    The spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is a global problem. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is the main mechanism implicated in the spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARG). This study is related to a doctoral thesis project that studies HGT in wastewater microbial community by conducting a microcosm experiment that uses Emulsion, Paired-Isolation and Concatenation PCR (epicPCR) to monitor the spread of ARGs between species. The aim of this study was to introduce synthetic epicPCR primer binding sites inside various ARGs and to test the function of the encoded proteins. The goal was to maintain sufficient protein function, i.e., antibiotic resistance despite the modifications, which allows the further use of modified ARGs in microcosm experiment. The ARGs selected for modifications were dfrB2, ermB, ermC, sul1 and sul2. Sequence-based prediction method was applied to find regions that tolerate insertions inside the proteins encoded by ARGs. The modified ARGs carried in plasmid pUC19 were introduced to Escherichia coli DH5α, which was used as the host in antibiotic susceptibility testing. Antimicrobial gradient method was used to test the antibiotic susceptibility of the strains and to verify the function of the proteins. Six ARGs modified in this study encoded for functional proteins that conferred antibiotic resistance while three modified ARGs did not. Two out of four proteins with insertions in predicted permissive stretches in the middle of a protein maintained their function. The six functional, antibiotic resistance conferring genes designed in this study can be used in further studies utilizing epicPCR. Based on the results of this study, sequence-based prediction method for finding permissive stretches seems useful, but it does not guarantee that the protein function is maintained.
  • Honkanen, Henri (2022)
    Remote sensing brings new potential to complement environmental sampling and measuring traditionally conducted in the field. Satellite images can bring spatial coverages and accurately repeated time-series data collection to a whole new level. While developing methos for doing ecological assessment from space in situ sampling is still in key role. Satellite images of relatively coarser pixel size where individual plants or trees are not possible to separate usually utilize vegetation indices as proxies for environmental qualities and measures. One of the most extensively used and studied vegetation index is Natural Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). It is calculated as normalized ratio between red light and near-infra-red radiation with formula: NDVI=NIR- RED/NIR+RED. Index functions as a measure for plant productivity, that has also been linked to species-level diversity. In this thesis MODIS NDVI (MOD13Q1, 250 m x 250 m resolution) and selected additional variables were examined through their predictive power for explaining variation in tree species richness in six different types of moist tropical evergreen forests in the province of West Kalimantan, on the island Borneo in Indonesia. Simple and multiple regression models were built and tested with main focus on 20- year mean-NDVI. Additional variables used were aboveground carbon, elevation stem count, tree height and DBH. Additional variables were examined initially on individual basis and subsequently potential variables were then combined with NDVI. Results indicate statistically significant, but not very strong predictable power for NDVI (R2=0.25, p-value=2.11e-07). Elevation and number of stems outperformed NDVI in regression analyses (R2=0.64, p-value=2.2e-16 and R2=0.36, p-value=4.5e-11, respectively). Aboveground biomass carbon explained 19% of the variation in tree species richness (p-value=6.136e-06) and thus was the worst predictor selected for multiple regression models. Tree height (R2=0.062, p-value=0.0137) and DBH (R2=0.003, p-value=0.6101) did not show any potential in predicting tree species richness. Best variable combination was NDVI, elevation and stem count (R2=0.71, p-value=2.2e-16). Second best was NDVI, elevation and aboveground biomass carbon (R2=0.642, p-value=2.2e-16), which did not promote for biomass carbon as a potential predictor as model including only NDVI and elevation resulted nearly identically (R2=0.639, p-value=2.2e-16). Model including NDVI and stem count explained 54% of the variation in tree species richness (p-value=2.2e-16) suggesting elevation and stem count being potential variables combined with NDVI for this type of analysis. Problems with MODIS NDVI are mostly linked to the relatively coarse spectral scale which seems to be too coarse for predicting tree species richness. Spectral scale also caused spatial mismatch with field plots as being significantly of different sizes. Applicability in other areas is also limited due to the narrow ecosystem spectrum covered as only tropical evergreen forests were included in this study. For future research higher resolution satellite data is a relevant update. In terms methodology, alternative approach known as Spectral Variability Hypothesis (SVH), which takes into account heterogeneity in spectral reflectance, seems more appropriate method for relating spectral signals to tree species richness.
  • Pirttiniemi, Juho (2020)
    The objective was to evaluate how different silage additives can manipulate the ensiling process and the profile of bacterial communities of grass silages under varying management conditions. Silages were made from mixed timothy (Phleum pratense) and meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) grass to laboratory scale silos using two compaction levels. The tightly compacted grass was also contaminated with soil and dairy cow faeces. Four additive treatments were used including control without additive (CONT), formic acid based additive (FA), homofermentative strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and salt based additive (SALT). Tight compaction resulted on average in lower pH and ethanol concentration in silages than loose compaction mostly caused by changes in CONT silages. Soil contamination clearly affected CONT and SALT silages by stimulating extensive fermentation and thus decreasing pH and amount of residual water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) compared to non-contaminated silages. In all conditions, FA restricted fermentation resulting in silages with high WSC and reduced total fermentation products concentration. Soil contamination improved aerobic stability of silages compared to non-contaminated ones because of higher acetic acid concentration in contaminated silages. Abundance of selected 16 bacteria in raw material was low, with Sphingomonas and Stenotrophomonas genera being the most abundant. After fermentation both Lactobacillaceae family and as part of it Lactobacillus genus were dominant with Sphingomonas genus in most of the silages. FA decreased the abundance of Lactobacillaceae family whereas LAB increased it. Soil contamination reduced the amount of other Lactobacillaceae family but boosted the growth of Lactobacillus genus. Lactobacillus presented negative correlations with Mycoplana, Devosia and Sphingomonas. Five bacteria were connected to desirable fermentation pattern and they all were part of same phylum Firmicute. All other selected bacteria had negative correlation with low pH and amount of lactic and total fermentation acids in silage. Use of additives improved fermentation quality of silages ensiled under different management conditions. Different types of additives resulted in varied bacterial profiles. Results confirmed the importance of tight compaction and good hygiene for stable fermentation. Strong correlations between bacterial communities and fermentation quality parameters provided clear insight of the role of the most abundant populations on the fermentation process of grass silage.
  • Tomminen, Hiljahenna (2024)
    Wood as construction material has many great properties, although some challenges exist too, such as durability towards certain biological factors, and other factors like moisture. Wood modification allows us to fight against these problems and increases the number of uses of wood. Thermal modification is already widely used, and it is known that thermally modified wood absorbs less water than unmodified wood. European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) belongs among the most common tree species in Central Europe, and it has a lot of potential what comes to possible uses. In the future the role of beech in wood industry may become more important, as there is higher need for new materials and products. Because of this, it is important to find ways to make it more applicable for use. The aim of this study was to find out how dimensional stability of European beech can be increased by thermal modification once it is modified in different temperatures. European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) wood was from trees harvested in Brno, Czech Republic (49.29534, 16.75125). Timber was kiln dried and specimens were prepared (20 × 60 × 300-400 mm). Specimens were thermally modified in three different temperatures (180°C, 200°C, 220°C) for three hours by using a small-scale (0.75m3) laboratory chamber with superheated steam environment and atmospheric pressure. After thermal modification samples with dimension of 20 × 20 × 20 mm were cut (5-10 of each group plus reference). First, samples from each temperature group and reference group were oven-dried, sized and weighted at dry state. Next, ten samples from each group were soaked in water at room temperature (20°C) for 16 days and their weights were measured. Afterwards equilibrium moisture content (EMC) was determined for each temperature treatment, and values were compared to reference. Furthermore, these samples were conditioned at relative humidity (RH) of 30%, 65% and 90%. EMC was calculated in each RH and the radial (R), and tangential (T) swelling (SW) and anti-swelling efficiency (ASE) was also calculated. Later, other five samples from each group were soaked for 24 hours in the water at room temperature (20°C) and its radial and tangential dimensions were continuously recorded. Afterwards, the radial and tangential swelling and anti-swelling efficiency (ASE) were calculated for them. Moisture related stability characteristic of thermally modified European beech were studied. Results showed that when beech is modified at higher temperatures, its dimensional stability increases. Once beech was thermally modified, its swelling and equilibrium moisture content (EMC) decreased. Changes in the EMC took place fastest right after the exposure of wood to moisture. Swelling of the wood was higher in tangential than in radial direction. Changes in longitudinal direction were not studied. In the future more studies could be done, as it is important to gain more knowledge about the topic. For example, more studies about the sorption behaviour of beech wood could be studied by using dynamic vapour sorption equipment (DSV). Comparison between other softwood and hardwood species could be done, so as comparison with beech from same origin of seeds growing in different areas in Europe. Also, knowledge about the issues the higher modification temperature might cause for the wood when used in constructions or in products should be studied, so as the techno-economic factors related to chosen modification temperature.
  • Zarsav, Artin (2020)
    Heterobasidion annosum is a pathogenic fungus that causes extensive damage to many trees in temperate forests including Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris). Various microbes have been studied for potential use as bio-control agents to inhibit or reduce the H. annosum infection of trees. This study examined the potential use of bacterial isolates, belonging to streptomyces genus, as a bio-control agent for Scots pine seedlings against H. annosum. Streptomyces species were isolated from surface of mycorrhizal fungi in the forest and they are known to have a mutualistic relationship with mycorrhizal fungi. The goal of this study was to understand the relationship between H. annosum and Streptomyces sp. A11. This was tested in in two settings, in presence of pine seedlings, growing in soil and in dual cultures. In the first setting, seedlings from different treatments were inoculated with Streptomyces sp. A11, H. annosum, co-inoculated with both species or grown in sterile conditions as control. After incubation period, growth and root development of seedlings were analysed. H. annosum grown in dual culture against Streptomyces sp. A11 was utilised for gene expression using quantitative real time PCR method. The results indicated that pine seedlings inoculated with both Streptomyces sp. A11 and H. annosum, had more severe infection compared to the seedlings infected with H. annosum alone. This implies that Streptomyces sp. A11 can interfere with pine’s defence response during interaction with H. annosum. Moreover, Streptomyces sp. A11 suppressed the growth of H. annosum in dual culture. The Suppression of H. annosum was potentially because of antifungal secondary metabolites that were produced by Streptomyces sp. A11. These secondary metabolites caused disruption in glucose metabolism and cell wall integrity of H. annosum. Future experiments should include mycorrhizal fungal species along with species tested in this study. Streptomyces sp. are known to respond differently in presence of specific species. The results for this study should be considered for studies of mycorrhizal associated streptomyces species and can be built upon for broader future investigations
  • Hristozova, Nevena (2012)
    The white rot fungus Heterobasidion annosum s.l. is a basidiomycete which is considered to be the most economical important pathogen of conifer trees (Pinus, Picea and Abies) in the northern hemisphere. Presently, the knowledge on the biology and molecular aspects of the Heterobasidion pathosystem is still poor and this is the major set-back in preventing the spread of the pathogen. A deeper investigation at the molecular level of the pathogenicity factors involved during the infection process is very important to better control the disease. Intra-cellular signal-transduction pathways, and in particular the Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases (MAPKs), have been shown to play key roles in the infection cycle in many fungal pathogens, being pivotal in survival, appressorial formation, sporulation and response to various biotic and abiotic stresses. The aim of this study is to characterize a specific H. annosum MAPK, with high sequence homology to FUS3 gene (involved in mating) in S. cerevisiae and with PMK1 gene (involved in appressoria formation) in Magnaporthe grisea. In order to study the function of this MAPK in H. annosum, we performed a complementation experiment in the S. cerevisiae fus3?? mutant. Expression level profiles, proteomics and immunology studies were used to distinguish between phosphorylated/active and non-phosphorylated/inactive form of the MAPK. Some valuable insights on this kinase cascade in Heterobasidion were discovered, but further studies are required to fully understand its role in the lifecycle of this fungus.
  • Govindan, Ashokkumar (2014)
    Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis regulates many basic cellular processes in plant development. Especially, in Arabidopsis thaliana over 1400 genes encode components of the ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway. Approximately, 90% of the genes encode subunits of the E3 ubiquitin ligases, which confer substrate specificity. However, till now few E3 target proteins were known. Hence, identification and characterization of E3-substrate interaction is essential for understanding the role of ubiquitinylation in various plant developmental pathways. The main objectives of my Master’s thesis were derived from the Flower- specific Ubiquitin Proteasome System (FUPS) research project on the identification of proteins related to FUPS by the candidate and genomic approaches. The candidate approach involved molecular cloning of candidate ubiquitin E3 ligase gene RFI2 and its interaction substrates SLK1 and SLK2 (SLKs). The genomic approach includes genotypic and phenotypic characterization of the Salk T-DNA mutant lines corresponding to the selected FUPS E3 components. The cloning of candidate genes RFI2 and SLKs were done by Gateway cloning technology in order to generate overexpression and inducible expression gene constructs. For functional characterization of candidate proteins in vivo, these constructs were transformed into plants by floral dip Agrobacterium mediated transformation. The yeast two hybrid (Y2H) system was employed to study protein-protein interactions. Genotypic characterization of the selected T-DNA mutant lines was carried out by genetic screening through kanamycin selection. Molecular cloning of candidate genes RFI2 and SLKs into various expression vectors was accomplished. The RFI2 expression constructs were successfully transformed into Arabidopsis plants. The overexpression construct of SLK2 and the RFI2+SLK2 double construct were successfully transformed into root callus. However, the Y2H interaction assay was inconclusive about RFI2-SLK protein interaction, but RFI2 was shown to form homodimers. The transformed plants and the tagged protein constructs of RFI2 and SLK2 will be utilized for protein purification, biochemical assay and in vitro ubiquitination assay to study protein interaction, stability and modification. The genetic screening of T-DNA lines resulted in identification of 10 homozygous lines. In phenotypic analysis of these homozygous lines, early-stage growth and developmental phenotypes such as germination, juvenile leaf emergence, rosette size, colour and root growth were observed. The phenotypic analysis is crucial in identification of the informative phenotype changes in the E3 T-DNA mutant lines. This approach has been successfully employed in understanding of genetic and molecular basis for many biological traits in plants.
  • Jiang, Xinyu (2015)
    Biofilms constitute a successful protection mechanism for planktonic bacterial cells to survive in hostile environments. To date, biofilm-associated infections in medical devices represent a major cause of morbidity and mortality among patients. As a potential candidate for anti-biofilm therapy, fungal hydrophobins provide new solutions to manipulate the physical and chemical properties of surfaces, which in turn may give protection against bacterial colonization. However, in practice, native hydrophobin coatings generally have no impact on bacterial surface colonization, because of the lack of being antibacterial by these fungal proteins themselves. The aim of this study was to explore the feasibility of using recombinant fusion hydrophobins to control bacterial growth. In this study, the class I hydrophobin hgfI gene isolated from the edible mushroom Grifola frondosa was in frame fused with two antimicrobial peptide genes (bac8c and p11-5), respectively, and subsequently cloned into the corresponding expression vectors with a view to obtain two recombinant fusion hydrophobins, Bac8c-HGFI and P11-5-linker-HGFI. These two chimeric genes were separately expressed in Pichia pastoris under the regulation of alcohol oxidase 1 promoter. SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analyses confirmed that these two fusion proteins were successfully expressed and secreted into the culture medium. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test demonstrated that the highly active antimicrobial peptide Bac8c became inactivated when it was fused with the hydrophobin HGFI. Interestingly, the hydrophobin HGFI gained an acquired antibacterial nature when it was fused with the antimicrobial peptide P11-5 through a 10-mer flexible polypeptide linker, with the MIC of 100 μg/ml against Escherichia coli. To the best of my knowledge, this study presents the first heterologous expression of an antibacterial fusion hydrophobin in P. pastoris. This finding in combination with surface modification mediated by hydrophobin may broaden the current approaches used for anti-biofilm therapies.
  • Zinchenko, Ganna (2016)
    The characterization of flower-specific ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) components and identification of their functional molecular networks will help to elucidate the involvement of UPS in regulating flower development and/or flowering time and, therefore, reproductive success of the plant. UPS component COP1 ubiquitin E3 ligase is known to regulate flowering time. The earlier data suggests that COP1 could be involved in regulating cytokinin signaling possibly through Arabidopsis Response Regulator1 (ARR1) ubiquitination. ARR1 is a B-type cytokinin response regulator, and it has recently been shown to be an unstable protein. Furthermore, KMD, F-box protein in SCF E3 ligase complex, has been shown to interact with ARR1 as well. The aim of this study is the characterization of COP1 interaction with novel target proteins ARR1, ARR2, ARR10 and ARR12 that appear to be regulated in different ways. Moreover, KMD proteins were included within the study as a possible competitor of COP1 for interaction with ARR1. In order to perform interactome studies, yeast two-hybrid assay with a preceding molecular cloning of the genes of interest was used. The results can be used to unravel the role of ubiquitin mediated regulation of cytokinin pathway.
  • Shehbala, Eyerusalem Sija (2021)
    Genus Vicia comprises more than 190 species that chiefly grow in the temperate area of Europe and Asia as well as some parts of tropical Africa, North America, and South America. Based on inflorescence length and the presence of nectariferous spots on the stipules, the genus is divided into two subgenera Cracca (Vicilla) and Vicia, consist of 17 and 9 sections, respectively. The most widely known species is faba bean (V. faba), also referred to as poor man’s meat. However, the close relatedness of V. faba from section Faba with section Narbonensis is still uncertain while V. hirsuta placed in section Cracca although morphological and biochemical evidence support its separation from Cracca. Moreover, there is also the issue of further dividing the genus by separating Ervum as the third subgenus. Therefore, this work aimed to examine the evolutional relationship among 24 selected species of genus Vicia by using housekeeping genes, nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (Cox1). The plant DNA was extracted and amplified with gene-specific primers followed by PCR product clean up by using GeneJET. The cleaned DNA fragments were cloned with a pGEM-T vector and sequenced. The sequence alignment was performed using CLUSTAL W and MAGA-X to construct maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees. The result showed that most of the species were monophyletic and there were few paraphyletic groupings. Species in section Narbonensis were in the last part of the tree whereas V. faba was placed in the upper part far from those species. V. hirsuta formed a clade with section Narbonensis rather than with section Cracca. Similarly, section Ervum grouped with species of section Cassubicae and Panduralae instead of being separated from the rest of the species. In conclusion, this work showed the molecular phylogenetic tree of 24 selected species of genus Vicia which are able to provide more acceptable details to classify as compared to previous Vicia morphological phylogenetic tree. ITS2 was a more informative tool than Cox1 for dealing with phylogenetic relationships.
  • Culebro, Alejandra (2013)
    Campylobacteriosis, the most common bacterial food-borne disease worldwide, is mainly caused by Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli. Most studies have focused on the genetic diversity of C. jejuni, but little is known about C. coli. The aim of this work was to characterize C. coli from different sources, by evaluating the distribution and/or diversity of certain genetic markers. A total of 145 C. coli isolates from different sources (2 goose, 18 poultry, 35 human and 90 swine) were screened for fucP, ggt, cytC, sialyltransferases genes and CRISPRs. Additionally, the diversity of the LOS loci and of the CRISPRs, were assessed. A frequency of 90.34% was observed for fucP and CRISPRs among C. coli. Conversely, the frequency of GGT phenotype, and cytC, and cst-I genotype was 1.38%, while cst-V genotype was 0.69%. Only one isolate was positive for all markers except fucP; no source association was observed. LOS and CRISPRs exhibited a wide diversity. In conclusion, ggt, fucP, and cytC seem to be lineage related in C. coli, and not host associated. CRISPRs were too discriminatory to be of use in epidemiological investigations. Results suggest a high diversity of the LOS, and there may exist more classes than those previously described.
  • Hyytiäinen, Tiina (2011)
    The human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) contains a complex microbiota which starts to develop after birth. Various factors such as age, health, diet and medication affect the composition of the GIT microbiota. The number and types of bacteria are different in each part of the GIT, but most of the bacteria are anaerobic. In faeces the number of bacterial cells is as high as 1011-1012 cfu/ml. The normal intestinal microbiota is essential for intestinal development, protein and carbohydrate metabolisms, and protection against pathogens. Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are typically anaerobic bacteria which use sulphate as a terminal electron acceptor to produce sulphide in their metabolism. Sulphate-reducing bacteria are widespread in all ecosystems including fresh water and marine sediments but are also present in the GIT. Most of SRB species are Gram-negative and they can use more than hundred compounds as electron donors. Dissimilatory sulphite reduction (dsrAB) gene is essential in sulphate reduction. dsrAB-gene encodes the enzyme called dissimilatory sulphite reductase, which is a key enzyme in the reduction of sulphite to sulphide. Recent findings suggest that SRB may have a role in human diseases, e.g. in periodontitis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Connection between these disorders and SRB may be due to the highly toxic hydrogen sulphide. The aim of this study was to develop PCR-DGGE and qPCR methods for monitoring of sulphate-reducing bacteria from human faecal microbiota. In this study we used dsrAB-gene specific primers, which were used successfully in previous environmental microbiology studies. Previously published dsrAB-specific primers were used for PCR-DGGE. However, besides positive controls, two negative controls also amplified regardless of the modifications on temperature, amplification times, primers and MgCl2 concentration. In qPCR, specific and sensitive amplification was attained by using dsrA-gene specific primers. When the samples from paediatric patients with IBD (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) and healthy children were amplified, no differences were found between different disease groups. However there was a statistically significant difference (P <0.05) between the paediatric patients with Crohn’s disease who were on remission and those patients who’s disease was active (number of SRB; active<remission).
  • Auer, Johanna (2024)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten monialaiset maatalousyrittäjät ovat menestyneet suhteessa muihin maatalousyrittäjiin. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tunnistaa, millaista yrittäjyysosaamista menestyneillä maatalousyrittäjillä on sekä havaita mahdolliset erot monialaisten ja muiden maatalousyrittäjien osaamisessa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä hyödynnettiin Entrepreneurial Competence Frameworkia (EntreComp), jota on käytetty tähän mennessä vähän yrittäjyyden tutkimuksessa. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, voidaanko maatalousyrittäjien yrittäjyysosaamista hahmottaa EntreComp -viitekehyksen kautta. Tutkimuksen aineistona toimi Luonnonvarakeskuksen, Työtehoseuran sekä Pellervon taloustutkimuksen toteuttamassa Smart Farmers -hankkeessa vuonna 2021 tehty viljelijäkysely. Kyselyyn vastasi 1342 satunnaisotannalla Ruokaviraston maatilayrittäjärekisteristä poimittua viljelijää. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin Smart Farmers -hankkeessa muodostettua menestyksen määritelmää. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin määrällistä tutkimusta, jossa aineistoa käsiteltiin määrällisillä analyysimenetelmillä tarkastelemalla jakaumia ja ristiintaulukoimalla muuttujia vertailtavien ryhmien suhteen. Lisäksi muuttujien välistä riippuvuutta selvitettiin tilastollisin testein. Sekä monialaisilla että muilla maatalousyrittäjillä vahvimpia yrittäjyysosaamisen osa-alueita olivat tuotanto-osaaminen, riskienhallinta ja itsensä johtaminen. Monialaiset hallitsivat muita maatalousyrittäjiä paremmin uuden teknologian, mitä selittää mahdollisesti se, että merkittävä osa kyselyyn vastanneista monialaisista yrittäjistä harjoitti maatalouden ohella koneurakointia ja monialaisilla maatalousyrittäjillä oli enemmän maatalousalan koulutusta. Monialaiset olivat myös menestyneempiä kuin muut maatalousyrittäjät, mutta parempaan menestykseen ei tässä tutkimuksessa löytynyt selkeää syytä. EntreComp- viitekehyksen soveltuvuutta maatalousyrittäjien yrittäjyysosaamisen mallintamiseen kokeiltiin tutkimalla menestyneiden maatalousyrittäjien osaamista. Tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että maatalousyrittäjillä on EntreCompissa esitettyjä kompetensseja. EntreComp vaikuttaisi siis sopivan myös maatalousyrittäjien tutkimukseen. Jatkotutkimusta monialaisten maatalousyrittäjien menestystekijöistä voisi tehdä EntreComp -viitekehystä hyödyntäen.