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  • Pekkonen, Hannele (2009)
    The purpose of my thesis was to portray the contemporary flea markets as a phenomenon. I examined flea markets by using three themes, relationship to products, cleanliness and the flea market tourism. The emipirical part of the thesis consisted of 11 interviews that covered all three themes and of observations made at flea markets. Interviewees were found through an ad posted at flea market Valtteri at the Vallila storehouses. Furthermore, I also found intervieewes when I had my own stall at flea market Valtteri on 15th November 2008. I wrote summaries of the interviews and analysed the information by themes. The relation to used goods and clothing is not unambiguous. At flea markets, products evoke personal memories. Sometimes the buyer does not even want to know the history of the item. Associating background information with the item can hinder the creation of personal connection with the item and thus complicate custody. Old or used products also create a sense of nostalgia. The most important thing is not necessarily the product itself or its history, but rather a personal nostalgic memory that is created. Cleaning used goods and clothes is a ritual-like procedure, through which custody of the product is taken. The aim of the cleaning ritual is to cut the bond between the product and its previous owners. According to my findings, especially the elderly may be suspicious about the cleanliness of flea markets. However, feelings of disgust, previously associated with flea markets, do no longer exist. It is very difficult to define and measure cleanliness despite civilization and public standardsystem. According to my findings, people gladly browse through flea markets in their spare time. A flea market tourist perceives the environment, the people and the flea market culture, which may differ from the conventional culture. At flea markets, the flea market tourist also meets his or her fellowmen. Although conversing and socialising at flea markets is often relaxed, the throng can aggravate tourists spending time at the flea market. In addition, spending time at flea markets meets the criterion of shopping, hence it can be difficult to leave without a “souvenir”.
  • Falck, Axel (2016)
    Syftet med avhandlingen är att med statistiska metoder undersöka skinnstorlekens och valpningsresultatets inverkan på lönsamheten för blårävsfarmer samt att undersöka vilka andra variabler som kan inverka på lönsamheten. I undersökningen användes skinnstatistik, valpningsstatistik och bokslutsuppgifter för åren 2011 till 2014 från österbottniska pälsfarmer. Skinnstatistiken låg till grund för beräkningen av pälsfarmernas medelskinnstorlek, valpningsstatistiken för beräkningen av pälsfarmernas valpningsresultat och bokslutsuppgifterna för beräkningen av ekonomiska nyckeltal. Endast pälsfarmer där minst 75 procent av valparna var blårävsvalpar togs med. Detta gav undersökningen totalt 101 observationer mellan 2011 och 2014. I undersökningen användes programmen SPSS och Excel för att presentera och analysera resultaten. Pälsfarmerna hade mycket god lönsamhet, likviditet och soliditet under alla undersökningsåren och farmernas valpningsresultat för blåräv var också under undersökningsåren större än hela landets medeltal. Undersökningen slog vidare fast att det förekommer stora årliga variationer i lönsamheten för en blårävsfarm. Den årliga variationen kan sägas bero på variationen i priserna på blårävsskinn. Undersökningen visar att bättre valpningsresultat och större skinnstorlek har en positiv inverkan på lönsamheten, men denna inverkan är ändå inte signifikant. Ingen korrelation kunde heller hittas mellan valpningsresultatet, skinnstorleken och lönsamheten. Enligt en stegvis regressionsanalys förklaras lönsamheten bäst av årsvariationen, kassalikviditeten, storleken på avelsinköpen samt köpet av utomstående tjänster. Nackdelen med denna analys är att modellen antar att t-testets och f-testets nollhypotes är korrekt specificerad från början, vilket betyder att den bör tolkas kritiskt.
  • Majuri, Jan (2009)
    There are several reasons for increasing the usage of forest biomass for energy in Finland. Apart from the fact that forest biomass is a CO2 -neutral energy source, it is also a domestic resource distributed throughout the country. Usage of forest biomass in the form of logging residues decreases Finland’s dependence of energy import and increases both incomes and employment. Wood chips are mainly made from logging residues, which constitute 64 % of the raw material. A large-scale use of forest biomass requires heed also to the potential negative aspects. Forest bioenergy is used extensively, but its impacts on the forests soil nutrition and carbon balance has not been studied much. Nor have there been many studies on the heavy metal or chlorine content of logging residues. The goal of this study was to examine the content of carbon, macronutrients, heavy metals and other for the combustion harmful substances in Scots pine and Norway spruce wood chips, and to estimate the effect of harvesting of logging residues on the forests carbon and nutrient balance. Another goal was to examine the energy content of the clear cut remains. The Wood chips for this study were gathered from pine and spruce dominated clear cut sites in southern Finland, in the costal forests between Hankoo and Siuntio. The number of sample locations were 29, and the average area was 3,15 ha and the average timber volume 212,6 m3 ha -1. The average logged timber volume was for Scots pine timber 70 m3 ha -1 and for Norway spruce timber 124 m3 ha -1 and for deciduous timber (birch and alder) 18,5 m3 ha -1. The proportion of spruce in the logging residues and the stand-volume were relevant for how much nutrients were taken from the forest ecosystem when harvesting logging residues. In this study it was noted that the nutrient content of the logging residues clearly increased when the percentage of spruce in the timber volume increased. The S, K, Na and Cl -contents in the logging residues in this study increased with an increasing percentage of spruce, which is probably due to the fact that the spruce is an effective collector of atmospheric dry-deposition. The amounts of nutrients that were lost when harvesting logging residues were less than those referred to in the literature. Within a circulation period (100 years), the forest soil gets substantially more nutrients from atmospheric deposition, litter fall and weathering than is lost through harvesting of logging residues after a clear cut. Harvesting of the logging residues makes for a relatively modest increase of the quantity of carbon that is removed from the forest compared to traditional forestry. Due to the fact that the clear cut remains in my study showed a high content of chlorine, there is a risk of corrosion in connection to the incineration of the logging residues in power plants especially at coastal areas/forests. The risk of sulphur -related corrosion is probably rather small, because S concentrations are relatively low in woodchips. The clear cut remains showed rather high heavy metal contents. If the heavy metal contents in this study are representative for the clear cut remains in the coastal forests generally, there might be reason to exert some caution when using the ash for forest fertilizing purposes.
  • Nyholm, Gustav (2022)
    Lantbrukets lönsamhet är ett ständigt återkommande diskussionsämne. Åkermarkens pris är i sin tur en av de främsta faktorerna som påverkar jordbrukets lönsamhet. Målsättningen med den här magistersavhandlingen var att undersöka hur mycket det lönar sig att betala för åkermarken som man brukar och med betoning på arrende. Frågesättningen var vilka odlingsväxter det lönar sig att odla och ifall det finns skillnad mellan de olika CAP-perioderna som varit i kraft under åren 2011–2020, innan 2015 och efter. Data som används i avhandlingen är LIR-data från Nylands svenska lantbrukssällskap från åren 2011–2020. LIR står för lantbrukets individuella rådgivning och är en pakettjänst för växtodlingsgårdar som omfattar bland annat växtodlingsrådgivning och uppföljning av de ekonomiska resultaten som sedan utges i form av en publikation för medlemmarna. De ekonomiska nyckeltalen består av riktiga värden i mån av möjlighet och därtill bestämda kalkylvärden. Det fanns stora variationer mellan gårdarna i både ekonomiskt resultat samt i skördemängd. Bland annat präglades åren 2013 och 2018 av dåliga skördar. Optimeringen har gjorts med hjälp av linjär programmering. Genom att optimera växtföljden har så kallade skuggpriser tagits fram, det vill säga ett marginalvärde vad ytterligare en hektar åkermark skulle avkasta. Skuggpriset innebär i det här fallet täckningsbidrag c (TB C), det vill säga vinsten innan åkerkostnader dragits av. Som jämförelse till optimeringsmodellen gjordes också en modell som skulle motsvara den nuvarande växtodlingen på LIR-gårdarna. Avhandlingen har endast koncentrerats till odlingsväxter som kan odlas med de vanligaste jordbruksmaskinerna, således har potatis och sockerbeta lämnats bort, dessutom har kummin medvetet inte tagits i beaktande. Täckningsbidrag C maximerades genom att välja ut den kombinationen grödor som ger den högsta vinsten på en modellgård på 150 hektar med restriktionerna att det max fick vara 20 % oljeväxter, max 20 % proteingrödor samt max 40 % höstsäd, därtill måste gården ha minst 20 % vårspannmål för att vara representativ samt för perioden 2015–2020 ha minst 5 % i gröngödslingsvall för att simulera EFA-kravet. Det genomsnittliga skuggpriset för perioden 2011–2014 blev 449 euro per hektar efter maximeringen samt 413 euro per hektar för perioden 2015–2020. Motsvarande resultat för LIR-modellen var 383 euro per hektar respektive 299 euro per hektar. Den utarbetade modellen gav således 66 euro bättre resultat i medeltal för perioden 2011–2014 samt 116 euro per hektar för perioden 2015–2020. Den andra CAP-perioden (2015–2020) verkade ge ett något sämre resultat än den första, en möjlighet är att EFA-arealen har en negativ inverkan på vinsten. Gemensamt var att det överlag lönade sig att maximera arealen med höstsäd samt odla ryps och ärter eller bondböna. I den här avhandlingen har det använts medeltal för optimeringarna, vilket är ett riktgivande svar men förslag på vidare forskning är att på detaljnivå undersöka vinsten för enskilda gårdar i Nyland. En ekonometrisk forskningsmetod kunde således övervägas för att reda ut de bakomliggande faktorerna som påverkar betalningsmöjligheten.
  • Virkki, Säde (2020)
    Increasing crop yield is one of the objectives of plant breeding to turnip rape (Brassica rapa subsp. oleifera), which could be achieved with hybrid breeding method. Most promising method for turnip rape is the Ogu-INRA cms / Rf hybrid seed production method, which transferred from Japanese radish (Raphanus sativus) to rapeseed (Brassica napus subsp. oleifera). The hybrid breeding method for turnip rape still lacks a fertility restorer paternal line and solution has been sought through interspecific crosses between turnip rape and rapeseed. Turnip rape, rapeseed and radish contain similar regions in their genetic material, which allows the transfer of radish’s fertil-ity restoring PPR-gene region from rapeseed to turnip rape. The aim of this Master’s thesis was to develop an SNP-tool for the identification of R9 chromo-some regions and using SNP-tool to identify turnip rape F1 hybrid offsprings, which have fertility restoring PPR-B gene region, integrated from radish extra chromosome into the turnip rape ge-nome. Earlier in the project PPR-gene was located to the R9 chromosome with BAC64-clone, therefore work focused solely on identifying R9 chromosome regions. For the development of the SNP-tool, objective was to search for a database and select species-specific SNP-markers with in silico-method. B.rapa databases were selected for the work and SNP-markers species specificity tested in the laboratory. The developed SNP-tool consisted of species-specific 28 radish SNP-markers and 48 turnip rape SNP-markers. The results showed amplification of four radish SNP-markers in fertile indi-viduals of turnip rape offspring, which located closest to the PPR-B gene region that restores fertility on the R9 chromosome. However, the SNP-tool could not determine whether integration occurred in fertile individuals of F1 hybrid offsprings, or whether the fertility restoring PPR-B gene region was unintegrated radish chromosome, as all SNP-tools turnip rape SNP-markers am-plified in the turnip rape offsprings. The SNP tool cannot be utilized to develop turnip rape hybrid breeding method, because screening of integration would done to turnip rape F1 hybrids. In fertile individuals amplificated radish SNP-markers could be used as DNA selection markers to identify the individuals with the PPR-B gene region, that restores fertility in F1 hybrids. In addition, the SNP-tool revealed, that the excess of extra radish chromosome is not complete in the genome. This research is part of a research project of the development of a hybrid breeding method for turnip rape, which is studying the utilization of cross breeding between closely related plant spe-cies in the breeding to turnip rape in cooperation with Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd.
  • Pelto, Isa (2018)
    This thesis investigates the factors and variables of social innovations around different Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) in Spain. The general objective is to determine, if social innovations have improved the Spanish NWFP sector. It is not profitable to manage Spanish forestry as timber oriented. Due to this, many forest areas are left unmanaged, leading them to become shrublands, which is socially- ecologically and economically harmful. There seems to be a need for tools with the objective of making the forestry sector both socially and economically more appealing. Social innovations have the potential to facilitate the construction of forest management which considers the benefits of both complementary products and services, as well as the trade-offs between conflicting interests. The research methodology is qualitative, and it is a combination of inductive- and deductive approaches. Literature reviews were done on social innovations and Mediterranean NWFP sector. Six definitions were carefully selected and used as a base for determining if included case studies could be considered as social innovations. The eight case studies are collaborations within the Spanish NWFP sector, and the qualitative data was collected either through semi- structured interviews or tailor-made questionnaires,. The obtained data was analysed using the MAXQDA coding tool until the point of saturation. A social innovation in the field of NWFP in Spain was found to be social in both its means and ends, and to have long durability and internal acceptance within the society. All case studies were defined as social innovations. Initial contexts of the case studies were shown to affect the objectives, activities and outcomes of the case studies. The results showed, that net outcomes for all case studies were strongly positive. The case studies reported positive social- environmental and economic outcomes, and 66% of all reported positive results were economic. Based on the results, social innovations in the field of NWFP in Spain have positive economic effects, even if economic improvement is not the primary driver for the formation of the collaboration.
  • Havukainen, Anna (2024)
    The essential role of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) in mitigating further climate warming, alongside substantial emission reductions, is undeniable. However, the actions to remove carbon dioxide are not without consequences, necessitating the integration of external costs into decision-making processes based on cost-efficiency. Previous literature has dominantly focused on the private costs associated with carbon dioxide removal, excluding external costs and their impact on society. The objective of this thesis was to identify the Negative Emission Technologies and Practices (NETPs) that yield the lowest social costs, thereby providing insights into which NETPs should be prioritized for investments in CDR. This evaluation was conducted by developing a Social Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (SMACC) framework, to examine the potentials and social costs of various NETPs. The year under analysis was 2050, the target year for the European Union to achieve net-zero emissions. Results of a comprehensive life-cycle analysis, including impacts on human health and ecosystems, were monetized to establish external costs for each NETP. These external costs were subsequently incorporated with private costs, gathered from existing literature. The final step involved combining these social costs with NETPs’ removal potentials to construct the SMACC curve. The SMACC identified the most feasible NETPs as Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) with combustion technology, Direct Air Capture and Storage (DACCS) with High-Temperature Solid-Sorbent technology, and Enhanced Weathering. The study found that each impact category had a considerably different impact on the SMACC results, with human health impacts and ecosystem impacts providing distinct insights. The socially optimal prioritization was proved to be significantly different from cost-effective prioritization, indicating the importance of incorporating external costs into the analysis. As key conclusions, the policies applied to NETPs necessitate careful application to avoid supporting the implementation of NETPs associated with high negative externalities. Furthermore, to achieve optimal outcomes across the globe, the SMACC necessitates careful consideration of the characteristics of each region where the NETPs are to be implemented. The thesis recommends further research on the economic valuation of LCA results.
  • Haarasilta, Teemu (2013)
    The concept of social media includes a wide range of online, word-of-mouth forums including blogs, company sponsored discussion boards, chat rooms, consumer product or service ratings websites, and social networking sites. Social media is top of the agenda for many business executives today. Decision makers and consultants try to identify ways in which firms can make profitable use of applications such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. One of the main goals of an industrial company is to execute its new product development process in a way where new technological opportunities can be identified and commercialized before its competitors. In this study it was investigated how wood processing companies, log house builders and hardware stores currently exploit social media in their commercial efforts such as marketing and sales. Further it was also examined do wood processing companies, log house builders and hardware stores use social media in their new product development (NPD) process. The empirical part of the study was carried out by interviewing a small number of companies and conducting a desk research of the social media activity of a larger number of companies. Most of the companies studied were present in social media. The type and the intensity of social media presence varied depending on the type of the company. E.g. hardware stores used social media merely for marketing and sales related purposes whereas in wood processing companies the focus was on communication and PR. Besides the normal customer feedback systems there was no evidence that the companies of this study would actively use social media in collecting end user driven ideas for R&D purposes. Based on the theoretical background, framework of the study, desk research and company interviews a model for collecting feedback and product development ideas from end users is created. Furthermore some ideas for more effective usage of social media regarding the topic of the study are offered as well.
  • Laine, Christine (2021)
    Aquaculture production has enabled the considerably increased consumption of fish for the past decades. While fish is a good source of nutrition, its production is causing negative externalities for instance in a form of eutrophicating nutrient releases. These are attempted to diminish by regulation which has in turn enhanced the stagnation of the aquaculture sector in the EU. Most of the production is currently performed in marine net cages but to harness the economic potential of the sector without further deteriorating the waters, new, more environmentally sustainable options are sought. Bringing the production to land-based indoor facilities with recirculating water is one plausible option. The nutrient releases from these Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) are significantly smaller as most of the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) can be purified. However, despite the efficiency perks the indoor rearing with adjustable conditions is yielding, the operation and especially the investment costs are likely to be much higher than in the prevailing cage-based production decreasing the desirability of the technology. I conducted a social cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to compare these two alternative aquaculture production technologies, net cage and RAS, from the society’s perspective. In addition to private costs, i.e., investment and production costs, the analysis takes into consideration the eutrophication damage of the released nutrients. The eutrophication damage is determined in monetary terms to make them commensurate with the other costs. For the same reason, all the costs and benefits are discounted to present values prior the comparison. The analysis has special focus on the Baltic Sea and Finland. Due to its dominance in the Finnish aquaculture production, rainbow trout was chosen as the main specie to study along whitefish as a higher value specie. To further examine the economic performance of RAS technology, pike perch production is also included. In addition, due to the uncertainties regarding the cost factors and developing technology, I present a comprehensive sensitivity analysis regarding the discount rate, investment costs of RAS, producer price, and eutrophication damage valuation. When it comes to large scale production of rainbow trout, the results show higher net present value (NPV) for the net cage production. However, when the eutrophication damage costs are taken into consideration the difference between net cage and RAS production decreases. RAS technology seems to be highly profitable in whitefish production, implying that is economically sensible to focus on higher value species. Under the strict environmental legislation regarding the Weser ruling of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) activities preventing or hindering to reach the good environmental status waters cannot be allowed. As this can also cause denial of permits for RAS production and further decreasing the distinctive nutrient load of the net cage aquaculture is a challenge considering the economic and technological restrictions, one solution could be offsetting the nutrient load. Gypsum amendment of fields has been found to be a cost-effective measure in preventing phosphorus releases; thus, the initial analysis is extended to include onetime nutrient offsets from farmers. According to the results, it is sensible offsetting measure as the environmental benefits from offsetting are higher than the costs of doing so under net cage production and at the same level under RAS production. The current environmental regulation is affecting hardest on the point sources such as aquaculture farms. This is felt unfair by the fish farmers. To shed light on the issue, another social CBA examines the social net benefits of beef and cultured meat production and compares the NPVs with rainbow trout farming under net cage and RAS technologies. The analysis is conducted with respect to produced protein to make the alternative food sources commensurate. In addition to private costs and eutrophication damage costs of nutrients, it also includes the atmospheric damage costs of carbon dioxide emissions. The results show clear superiority of aquaculture as a protein producer. The thesis concludes that due to the efficiency of aquaculture in producing protein and its potential in the blue growth sector, it is definitely reasonable to seek sustainable ways to produce fish. While net cage technology is currently the best option for large scale aquaculture, RAS has potential on the niche market of higher value species. The technological development has tendency to decrease the costs related to the necessary equipment and if the technology is to overcome its other uncertainties, it may have an important role in the future. Nevertheless, the environmental regulation ought to be adjusted to enable the blue growth in an environmentally and financially sustainable manner.
  • Laasonen, Ville (2014)
    The objective of this thesis was to study the social profitability of combustion technology in poultry manure management in the Leningrad region, Russia. The method was environmental cost-benefit analysis (ECBA), in which two combustion power plant scenarios and a reference scenario were considered. All scenarios would treat 94000 tons of manure annually over a project lifetime of 12 years. Scenario 1 (S1) is a combustion power plant that produces only thermal energy and scenario 2 (S2) is a combustion power plant that produces combined heat and power (CHP). Scenario 0 (S0) is a reference point to the power production scenarios and it assumes that the poultry manure would be disposed untreated by stockpiling or to lagoons, causing nutrient leaching to the surface waters. The final objective of the ECBA was to find out if the scenarios are socially profitable and which one is preferable. The ECBA showed that from the viewpoint of a private producer or investor and under the current market conditions and policy environment, the power plant scenarios were not profitable. However, when environmental benefits of the power plant scenarios were added to the calculations, both scenarios were found to be socially profitable. The social net present values (NPV) of S1 and S2 were EUR 21,2 million and EUR 8,2 million respectively. The reference scenario (S0) led to significant social costs, causing EUR 27,6 million losses to society over the scenarios lifetime. Thus according to the NPV criteria, S1 should be carried out, because it showed the highest NPV. For S0 and S1, the results held constant under all sensitivities, but for S2 several critical parameters were found, from which investment cost was the most significant. Implementation of economic policy instruments would improve the profitability of the scenarios and it would be beneficial to all parties that the main environmental impacts concern (e.g. Sweden and Finland). The nutrient load reduction benefits were the crucial factor that made the power plant scenarios socially profitable. The climate benefits from manure FBC were also significant although moderate if compared to the eutrophication benefits. If the future focus of policies is to reduce the nutrient loads from poultry manure in the Leningrad region, poultry manure combustion with FBC technology could be an effective way to meet that goal.
  • Marigold, Venla (2023)
    Background: Different protein sources can have a major impact on not only our health, but also on the environment. We also know that dietary habits learned in early childhood often carry into adulthood. A novel way to examine dietary and purchase behaviour is using loyalty card data. This thesis utilises loyalty card complied by the LoCard research group from Finland’s largest grocery chain (S-group) in assessing the protein source purchases made by Finnish families with children in 2018. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to examine what protein sources Finnish families with chil- dren purchase, and to assess whether relationships exist between different sociodemographic factors and protein source purchases, as well as the amount of money used on food purchases overall in 2018. Methods: This study utilised data from the LoCard data set which included food purchase data, as well as information on sociodemographic factors obtained from a background questionnaire. Inclusion criteria stated that self-assessed loyalty score (to S-group stores) had to be >60% to be included into this study, and the main study population could only include families with at least 1 child under 7-years of age. Overall, 7807 participants’ purchase data was received from LoCard, with 3904 being households with young children, and 3903 being control households. The statistical analysis methods utilised in this thesis study included linear regression analyses, as well as the independent samples Mann-Whitney U-test and chi-squared test. Results: Statistically significant findings included the following; Finnish families with small children had a larger share of their total protein purchases coming from dairy (30.4% of total protein), red meat (16.9%), and infant formula (0.3%), but less from plant-based protein sources (2%) compared to the control group (2.5%). In terms of sociodemographic factors, increase in household size, age and being employed were associated with increased proportion of protein from red meat purchases. Increase in educational level was associated with less protein from red meat purchases. For poultry, increase in age was associated with decreased protein from purchases. For plant-based protein sources, having an undergraduate degree or higher level of education, as well as being unemployed were associated with increased proportion of protein from purchases. Being in the highest income category and increase in age and household size were associated with decreased protein from plant-based protein source purchases. For protein coming from fish, increase in income category as well as age and having a graduate degree were associated with increased proportion of protein. Increase in household size and being employed were associated with decreased protein proportions. In terms of the money used on all food purchases, families with small children spent less money, as well as those with graduate degrees. Increase in income category, as well as in age and household size were associated with more money spent on food purchases. Conclusions: The main protein sources purchased by Finnish families with small children were dairy and red meat. Fish and plant-based protein source purchases were relatively low. Existing research is well in line with the findings of this thesis. More work needs to be done to shift diets of families with small children to adhere to the dietary guidelines more closely. Future LoCard research should include specific ages of other household members in the background questionnaire, as well as work on acquiring purchase data from other grocery chains.
  • Bleyer, Maja (2015)
    The low population density and consequent high land availability in Niassa, Mozambique have attracted foreign private forest investments. Since 2005 forest companies have acquired the right to establish forest plantations in the area, which naturally affects the livelihoods in communities located close by. This study aimed to analyse the impact of forest plantations on the livelihood and wealth of local communities. The main objectives were the evaluation of impacts on natural resources, livelihood strategies and differences in the experienced impacts between different wealth groups. With these objectives, household interviews, focus group meetings and key informant interviews were held in five different villages in the province of Niassa. With principal component analysis (PCA) weights for valuable assets possessed by households were created and summed up to a factor score. On the basis of these scores the households were divided into three wealth groups, which were used to analyse differences in the perception of different groups of households. The main analysis of the perception of impacts on the natural resources, livelihood strategies and overall livelihood was carried out with binomial and multinomial logistic regression models. The results showed that while the natural capitals were impacted negatively by the establishment of forest plantations, households benefited from more diversified livelihood strategies. Furthermore, it was discovered that the wealth of a household does not have a major impact on the perception of impacts of a household. Instead relocation of farm plots and formal employment have been identified as determining factors. The study showed that the perception of the impacts differs greatly between the villages due to different initial resource endowment and different forest companies. Throughout the study it became evident that the weak implementation of land use rights is an underlying cause for many conflicts between companies and local communities.
  • Aaltonen, Henna (2014)
    Consumers have rated meat tenderness as one of the most important quality of the meat and they are ready to pay more for tender than tough meat. All tenderization methods have effect on meat myofibrillar structures and/or meat collagen. During tenderization myofibrillar structures fragmentate and collagen changes more soluble. According to earlier studies soy sauce contains enzymes which have proteinase activities. These enzymes are the metabolites of Aspergillus moulds which are added to soy sauce in the beginning of its fermentation process. The aim of this study was to examine if used soy sauces have tenderization effects on meat. Effects of soy sauces were tested by treating beef top loin slices with five different marinades. Marinades included two different soy sauces in two different concentrations. There was also one control marinade with salt and water. The measurements used in the study were pH, MFI (myofibrillar fragmentation index), percentage of soluble collagen of total collagen, cooking loss, loss during marinating and sensory evaluation. In sensory evaluation panellists evaluated meat tenderness, juiciness and taste with a 9-point scale. Percentage of soluble collagen of total collagen did not variate between treatments. Trend was that solubility increased in all but not in control samples when marinating time became longer. MFI values were slightly different between samples which were treated with different marinades. Based on the results of this thesis, soy sauce can be used in marinades for the purpose of tenderizing meat. Soy sauce included marinade does not have effect on taste and juiciness of the meat. Meat tenderness correlated positively with MFI value. There was also a positive correlation between meat tenderness and juiciness. MFI explained 28 % of the meat tenderness.
  • Xu, Yi (2020)
    Tiivistelmä/Referat – Abstract Global warming and its coinstantaneous disturbance are intensively influencing the northern area. As a major natural disturbance in northern forest, winter moth (Operophtera brumata) and autumn moth (Epirrita autumnata) has caused wide defoliation in the mountain birch forest (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) at the subarctic area, exerting great impact on soil C stocks. Increasing temperature has promoted the vegetation expansion in the northern area and elevated the plant productivity, leading to higher C input to soil C stock. Litter decomposition may be accelerated by higher temperature, which decreases soil C storage. Moth herbivory usually increases the soil C stock in the short-term through litter and frass deposition, despite its aboveground suppression on photosynthesis. Belowground microbial community and composition shift would happen after moth outbreak, mediating the soil C turnover. However, the long-term effect of moth outbreak on soil C stock is still uncertain. This study investigated the influence of different tree status on soil C stock at subarctic mountain birch treeline forest, which went through severe moth outbreaks at 10 and 60 years ago. Living trees have observed with higher soil C stock than dead trees and treeless tundra, indicating the living tree may have a positive impact on soil C stock probably due to great aboveground photosynthesis. Living tree and its understory vegetation enhanced the soil respiration and ecosystem respiration, which would speed the C turnover, especially in the peak growing season. Dead trees were observed with slightly higher soil C stock than treeless tundra, both at 10 and 60 years’ perspectives. In contrast to direct C input provided by the living tree, the positive effect of dead tree on soil C stock is mainly due to the recalcitrant accumulation in the soil organic layer. Thus, soil C stock at the subarctic treeline after moth outbreak showed variations depending on the tree status, but overall remained as a C sink, which is good for mitigating the climate change. The mechanism behind the changes of soil C stock needs to be further investigated in future.
  • Cao, Son (2024)
    Soil rutting in forest operations is a critical phenomenon, characterized by depressions or tracks on the forest floor, often caused by heavy machinery use such as logging equipment. These disturbances can have profound impacts on forest health and ecosystem integrity, disrupting soil structure, compacting soil layers, and altering drainage patterns. Consequently, soil erosion may occur, leading to the loss of topsoil, nutrient depletion, and reduced soil fertility, ultimately affecting forest vegetation growth and vitality, while also posing aesthetic concerns. This study aims to explore the relationship between soil rutting and various influencing factors by utilizing Random Forest machine learning model to predict soil rut severity based on these predictors within forest stands across Finland. Encompassing 40 forest stands comprising 420 sample plots and 425 rut measurement points, the study aims to produce soil rut susceptibility maps to aid forest managers and stakeholders in identifying high-risk areas and implementing targeted mitigation strategies. The study seeks to understand the dynamic relationship between soil rutting and its controlling factors, while also determining the most influential contributors to severity of rut in forest operations in both mineral soils and peatland forest stands. The rut severity index (RSI) which was defined as the number of rut occurrences exceeding 10 cm in depth within a 30m width measurement area, served as our main target for prediction. The findings indicate that tree volume in mineral soils and aspect in peatlands are the most important variables explaining rut occurrences. Furthermore, disparities in susceptibility to soil rutting are observed among different soil types, particularly between mineral soils and peatlands. The Random Forest predictive models showed better performances in mineral forest stands than in peatland stands, with their ability to predict approximately 72% of the variability in rut severity index in mineral soils and 26% in their counterparts. Accuracy assessment was conducted using the Mean Squared Error (MSE), a measure of the average squared difference between predicted and actual rut severity values. A lower MSE indicates a closer alignment between predictions and actual values. Our study found that the Random Forest model achieved a MSE of 0.839 for mineral soils, indicating more precise predictions compared to peatlands, which exhibited a higher MSE of 25.341. This study underscores the importance of comprehending the interplay between soil rutting and its controlling factors for sustainable forest management, as well as the application of machine learning techniques, providing robust capabilities for future research, enabling more accurate predictions and informed decision-making in forest management practices.
  • Mäenpää, Juha (2021)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mikä tuotantofunktiomuoto parhaiten kuvaisi typpilannoituksen vaikutusta sokerijuurikkaan juurisatoon, ja arvioida, mikä vaikutus typpilannoitteen ja sokerijuurikkaan hintasuhteella on taloudellisesti optimaaliseen lannoitustasoon sokerijuurikkaalla. Lisäksi tavoitteen oli tutkia, mikä vaikutus sokerijuurikkaan sokeripitoisuuden huomioon ottamisella on taloudellisesti optimaaliseen lannoitustasoon ja sokerijuurikkaan katetuottoon. Tutkimuksen teoriaosassa tarkastellaan ensisijaisesti sokerijuurikkaan viljelyä Suomessa, viljelyn edellytyksiä sekä sokerijuurikkaan lannoitusta. Teoriaosassa käydään läpi myös klassisen tuotantofunktion määritelmä ja siihen liittyviä oletuksia. Lisäksi tarkastellaan aiempia tutkimuksia, jotka liittyvät eri tuotantofunktiomallien käyttöön vertailtaessa typpilannoituksen vaikutusta satovasteeseen. Teoriaosassa käydään läpi myös taloudellisen optimin määrittäminen. Tutkielman aineistona on Sokerijuurikkaan Tutkimuskeskuksen vuosina 2013–2020 suorittamien typpiporraskokeiden tulokset. Typpilannoituskokeet oli suoritettu viiden kerranteina ja testituloksia oli yhteensä 830 kappaletta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään regresioanalyysiä ja vertailtavina funktiomuotoina kvadraatti-, neliöjuuri- ja Mitscherlich-funktiota, lineaarista funktiota tasanteella (LRP-malli) sekä kvadraattista funktiota tasanteella (QRP-malli). Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella sokerijuurikkaan typpilannoituksen satovastetta kuvasi parhaiten BIC-testisuureen ja selitysasteen perusteella LRP-mallin paikka- ja vuosi-dummy-muuttujalla perustuva malli, mutta ero kvadraattifunktioon ja Mitscherlich-funktioon vastaavilla dummy-muuttujilla oli hyvin pieni. Neliöjuurifunktioon perustuvissa malleissa osa mallin antamista lannoitussuosituksista olivat epärealistisen korkeita ja siten epäluotettavia. Taloudellisesti optimaalista lannoitustaso vertailtiin vuosien 2006, 2010, 2014 ja 2019 typpilannoitteen ja sokerijuurikkaan hintasuhteilla. Vertailuvuosista vuoden 2006 sisällä eri funktiomuotojen välillä erot olivat suurimmat, muina vuosina eri funktiomuotojen välisen erot eivät olleet suuret. LRP-mallissa on vain kaksi suositeltavaa lannoitustasoa. Nämä ovat 0 kg/ha tai eri LRP-muodoille tässä estimoidut lannoitustasot. Mikäli LRP-mallissa rajakustannus olisi rajatuottoa isompi, typpilannoitusta ei kannattaisi tehdä. Tarkastelu vuosien typpilannoitteen ja sokerijuurikkaan hintasuhteilla, lannoitus oli kannattavaa jokaisena tarkasteluvuotena. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös, mikä vaikutus sokerijuurikkaan sokeripitoisuudella on taloudellisesti optimaaliseen lannoitustasoon. Tulosten perusteella sokeripitoisuuden huomioon ottaminen alensi optimaalisia lannoitustasoja ja sadosta saatava katetuotto kasvoi.
  • Virtanen, Jere (2022)
    Tutkimukseni tavoite ja teoreettinen viitekehys on kolmiosainen. Ensimmäinen tavoite on taustoittaa kotimaisen sokerin tuotantoa esittäen niin perustiedot sokerijuurikkaan viljelystä kuin myös kotimaisen sokerintuotannon murrokseen johtaneista syistä. Toinen tavoite on esittää sokerijuurikkaan tuotantofunktioanalyysiin liittyvät keskeisimmät tuotantoteoreettiset pääperiaatteet. Kolmas tavoite on määrittää Sokerijuurikkaan Tutkimuskeskuksen vuosina 2013–2016 keräämistä typpiporraskoetuloksista sokerijuurikkaan taloudellisesti optimaaliset typpilannoitus- ja satotasot. Lopuksi taloudellisesti optimaalisista typpilannoitus- ja satotasoista johdetaan sokerijuurikkaan typpilannoituksen katetuottolaskelma hintasuhteen ja laskennallisen sokeripitoisuuden mukaan määritettynä. Tutkimukseni tuotantoteoriaosassa tarkastellaan typpilannoitepanoksen vaikutusta sokerijuurikkaan juurisadon tuotantoon. Tarkastelu rajataan käsittämään vain muuttuvan typpilannoitepanoksen tuotantovaikutusta. Voitonmaksimointiongelma rajataan käsittämään typpilannoitepanoksen ja sokerijuurikkaan juurisadon tapaus panospuolelta ratkaistuna. Ekonometrian teoriaosassa tarkastellaan pienimmän neliösumman menetelmää (OLS), joka on yksi yleisimmin käytetty menetelmä ekonometrisen mallin estimoimiseksi. Lisäksi tarkastellaan kriteereitä, joita OLS-estimaattoreiden tulee teoreettisesti täyttää. Kriteerien tarkastelu johtaa myös painotetun pienimmän neliösumman menetelmän (WLS) hyödyntämiseen, koska virhetermeissä havaittiin heteroskedastisuutta. Tutkimustulosten tarkastelu osoittaa, että kvadraattifunktioon perustuvat sokerijuurikkaan juurisadon tuotantofunktiomallit OLS-menetelmällä estimoituna kuvaavat juurisadon tuotantofunktiota huomattavasti paremmin kuin neliöjuurifunktioon perustuvat mallit. Tuotantofunktiomalleissa hyödynnetään dummy-muuttujia typpilannoitustavan, vuosivaihtelun ja paikkavaihtelun huomioimiseksi. Dummy-muuttujien perusteella todetaan jaetun lannoituksen tuottavan sokerijuurikkaan sadonlisän. Siirryttäessä OLS-menetelmästä WLS-menetelmään vuosivaihtelua kuvaavien dummy-muuttujien tilastollinen merkitsevyys juurisadon tuotantofunktiomalleissa korostuu. WLS-menetelmällä parhaan mallisovitteen (A2) biologiseksi typpioptimiksi saadaan 204 kg typpeä hehtaarille ja biologiseksi sato-optimiksi 49 235 kg hehtaarilta. Saman mallin taloudelliseksi typpioptimiksi saadaan hintasuhteista riippuen 97‒154 kg typpeä hehtaarille ja sato-optimiksi 45 408‒48 399 kg hehtaarilta. Samasta mallista johdetusta sokerijuurikkaan typpilannoituksen katetuottolaskelmasta havaitaan, että sokerijuurikkaan hehtaarikate nousee keskiarvolta 136 tai 142 euroa laskennallisen sokeripitoisuuden noustessa prosentilla hintasuhteesta riippuen. Typpilannoitepanoksen taloudellisesti optimaalinen käyttö kasvaa hintasuhteesta riippuen 2–9 kg/ha laskennallisen sokeripitoisuuden noustessa prosentilla. Teoreettisesti tarkasteltuna todetaan, että sokerijuurikkaan hinnan noustessa sokeripitoisuuden kasvaessa panoskäytön intensiivisyyttä kannattaa lisätä.
  • Narinen, Lauri (2019)
    Controlling crystallization is an important factor in the production of food, whether it is preventing crystallization or enabling it, depending on the food product. To control crystallization, one must understand the theory behind crystallization and the components in food that affect crystallization. In sugar icing the most obvious components are sugars and water that affect crystallization. Also, the frozen storage has an important role concerning shelf-life of the sugar icing. The aim of this study was to prolong the shelf-life of the sugar icing on top of the donuts and to understand the phenomena that have an influence on the quality of the sugar icing during freezer storage. The experimental part of the study was divided into two parts. Preliminary tests were conducted in the first part. In these preliminary tests the aim was to measure the temperature and relative humidity during the melting of donuts in its packaging and to evaluate the applicability of ultracentrifuge and Karl Fischer titration in the measurement of the sugar icings properties. In the main experiment part, the water activity was measured from the different parts of the donut, the freezing of the sugar icing as well as its viscosity were evaluated and the shelf-life of the sugar icing on top of the donuts was evaluated. Karl Fischer titration was found to be a suitable method for measurement of water content of sugar icings. Also, the ultracentrifuge was found to be a suitable method to measure the liquid phase of the sugar icing. In the measurement of the conditions during the melting of the donuts it was detected that the conditions in the package that was open during the melting of the products, balanced with the conditions surrounding the packaging rather quickly. At the same in the closed package the conditions remained same during melting even though the melting was done in different surrounding conditions. The shelf-life of the donuts was found to be shortest in those icings that had less water or if the water was less free in the icing. The longest shelf-life was found to be in the coated sugar icings. Methods to prolong the shelf-life of the sugar icing on top of the donut were found in this study. Also, the phenomena affecting the quality of the sugar icing during frozen storage were discovered to some extent but to understand them even further requires more research.
  • Tepponen, Daniela (2024)
    Kuluttajat ovat yhä kiinnostuneempia terveydestään ja hyvinvoinnistaan ja tämä kehityssuunta näkyy myös kasvavana kiinnostuksena sokerin kulutuksen vähentämiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää sokeria välttävien kuluttajien sokerin välttämiseen ja erilaisiin makeutustapoihin liittämiä merkityksiä. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksen muodostavat kirjallisuus kulutuksen merkitysten rakentumisesta, ruoan kulutuksen merkityksistä sekä ruokaan liittyvistä vastakkainasetteluista. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena ja tutkimusmenetelmänä toimi teemahaastattelut. Aineisto koostui 11 sokeria välttävän kuluttajan haastattelusta. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavaa laadullista sisällönanalyysiä käyttäen. Sokerin välttämiseen sekä makeutustapoihin liittyviä merkityksiä löytyi monia. Tutkimuksen perusteella sokerin välttämiseen yhdistettäviä merkityksiä ovat: 1) terveys, 2) elämäntapa, 3) vaivannäkö – vaivattomuus, 4) luottamus ja 5) sosiaalinen. Makeutustapojen merkityksissä esiin nousivat 1) luonnollisuus ja 2) turvallisuus. Tutkimus osoitti, että sokerin välttämisen tärkeimmät motiivit löytyvät terveys- ja elämäntapamerkityksistä. Vaivannäkö – vaivattomuus ja luottamus merkitykset olivat vahvasti yhteydessä toisiinsa ja liittyivät sokerin välttämisen toteuttamiseen käytännössä. Sosiaalinen merkitys liittyi sokerin sallimiseen tai välttämiseen sosiaalisissa tilanteissa, ja sokerin sallivuuteen vaikutti erityisesti juhlapyhät sekä muut merkkipäivät. Sokerin välttämiseen voidaan tämän tutkimuksen perusteella todeta liittyvän sosiaalisia normeja sekä kulttuurisia arvolatauksia. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että terveys arvona ohjaa makeutustapojen valintaa ja liittyy vahvasti luonnollisuus sekä turvallisuus -merkitys.
  • Mäkelä, Matti (2009)
    Political incentives often have a central role in bioenergy production. Influence of these incentives is expected to increase, because conventional fossil fuels are draining and the climate change forces policy makers to react. Hence, the demand for biofuels is also expected to grow. Woodbased fuels are the most important biofuel and renewable energy source in Finland. Woodbased fuels are almost equally divided into liquid byproducts of the pulp industry and solid woodbased fuels. This study focuses on solid woodbased fuels, because these solid fuels have markets unlike e.g. black liquor and because these shares increase. In this study, the solid woodbased fuels include forest chips, bark, sawdust, industrial chips, recycled wood and pellets. One aim of the study is to formulate a general view of the Finnish woodbased fuel markets. The demand is analysed by using the statistics of The Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla) and the supply by using existing literature. Metla compiles statistics about the utilization of woodbased fuels from over 700 energy facilities, comparing several categories of woodbased fuels. This study overwiews the period from 2003 to 2007. Energy facilities are divided into four different so that the specifics of the demand can be identified. Another aim of the thesis is to study the impact of emissions trading on woodbased fuel utilization. Emissions trading is the most important instrument for improving the competitive advantage of renewable energy production for energy facilities that belong to the scheme, producing heat or electricity with over 20 MW nominal effect. The growth in the credit price of 2 co emissions increases the demand for biofuels and reduces the demand for fossil fuel in energy facilities of over 20 MW. Empirical analysis are carried out for different energy facility categories. Large community facilities are more sensitive to the changes of credit price than the forest industry`s plants. Energy facilities with 520 MW nominal capacities reduce the woodbased fuel utilization, when the credit price rises. This flux diminishes the effect of the emissions trading. On the other hand, it seems that changes in credit price do not affect the woodbased fuel consumption in energy facilities of less than 5 MW. The utilization of woodbased fuels will change due to the stuctural changes in the forest industry. The production of byproducts, such as bark, decreases with diminishing quantaties of traditional forest industry products. If the increasing demand was met, forest chip utilization should be added. However, especially the restriction of production in the sawmill industry decreases the supply of harvesting residues chip and forest chip production shifts more towards energy wood thinning. Also, the use of woodbased fuels among different energy facilities is changing. The utilization of woodbased fuels has traditionally been centralized in the forest industry units using industrial byproducts. Nowadays, it is also an important energy source for the energy production facilities of the communities due to different policy instruments. This has affected that the trade of woodbased fuels has increased.