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  • Nyholm, Cecilia (2024)
    As the grazing decreases on farms in Finland, and we face several challenges with restoring different ecosystems such as natural grasslands, we need new innovations. One recently introduced technology, virtual fencing, has been evaluated for its effect on animal health and wellbeing around Nordic countries and Europe. However, there are few studies examining farmers’ opinions on the technology, which is important to determine if the technology will be implemented in practice in the future. This master thesis therefore examined dairy farmers opinions on virtual fences. The objectives of the study were to investigate if the producers knew what virtual fencing was before taking part of the study if they have a positive or negative view of virtual fencing and if they could consider using virtual fencing for their cows in the future. The background factors such as the number of dairy cows, field area, education and age were also investigated to see if they affected the results. The study used quantitative methods to evaluate the responses to a survey and results were analysed with Chi-Square tests to study possible factors affecting the answers. As equipment, Webropol was used for making the survey and IBM SPSS Statistics for analysing results. The survey was sent out by email to Arla and Valio producers, on social media and other channels. There were 119 respondents in total, and they represented demographically all Finnish dairy farmers well. The results indicated that around 60% of the respondents knew what virtual fences were beforehand, that over 50% thought that the technology is positive and around 45% could consider using the technology in the future. None of the factors investigated (including number of dairy cows, field area, education, and age) had a significant relationship with respondents’ opinions about virtual fences. Although some minor statistical relationships were found, their effects were minimal and followed no clear pattern. The respondents thought the technology would have benefits in grazing difficult pasturelands and to decrease the workload while individual learning difficulties and bad mobile network were considered as challenges. In the open answers, there were concerns to increased wolf attacks with virtual fences due to the lack of a physical barrier. The study suggests there is an interest regarding virtual fences among dairy farmers and, therefore further studies within the technology would be important to eventually legalize it in Finland in the future. As further studies, opinions among other animal producers as well as physical tests on different herds would be recommended.
  • Bi, Yaqi (2012)
    Plant is able to recognize dsRNA, and cleave the dsRNA into siRNA in the cell. This mechanism helps plant to against virus. A novel method of virus detection based on siRNA deep-sequencing has been developed. The method does not require any prior supposition, and it provides an unbiased view for detecting of all viruses. Thus it was used to detect viruses from a wild plant (Arctium tomentosum) with viral symptoms in Helsinki, Finland. Overlapping siRNA reads were used to build contigs using the program Velvet. Programs MAQ and Novoalign were used to align the siRNA reads to a reference sequence for the viral sequence recovery. In this study, two viruses, Alstroemeria virus X (AlsVX, genus Potexvirus, family Alphaflexiviridae) and Fig mosaic virus-Hel (FMV, unassigned genus Emaravirus) were identified. This is the first report for the occurrences of both viruses in Finland. The siRNA deep-sequencing detection results were confirmed by RT-PCR. The distributions of the viruses in Helsinki were also studied. Partial sequences of AlsVX-Hel and FMV-Hel were compared with related viruses in NCBI. The amino acid identity of the coat protein gene between AlsVX-Hel detected from Helsinki and AlsVX-Jap from Japan is 90%, and the amino acid identities of the putative nucleocapsid protein gene between FMV-Hel and other FMV strains were about 78%. The differences indicate that the AlsVX-Hel in Helsinki might be a new strain of AlsVX, and FMV-Hel might be a new strain of FMV, or a new virus.
  • Chiunga, Evangelista (2013)
    Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV), Potato virus Y (PVY), Potato virus X (PVX), Potato virus S (PVS), Potato virus A (PVA), and Potato virus M (PVM) are widely distributed in potato (Solanum tuberosum) all over the world. This study was conducted to establish if these viruses also infect potato in Mbeya region, Tanzania. A total of 219 potato leaf samples from 13 farmers’ fields were collected. Of these, 20 samples were pressed on FTA cards. Samples were screened for viruses by Double Antibody Sandwich Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (DAS-ELISA). Those which were pressed on FTA cards were further analysed by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Virus-like symptoms such as yellowish-green mosaic, leaf rolling and vein necrosis were observed and recorded at the time of field sample collection. DAS-ELISA results suggested the occurrence of all six viruses in samples from Mbeya region. RT-PCR analysis confirmed the presence of these viruses except PVY. PVS and PLRV were the most prevalent viruses. Complete coat proteins (CP) encoding sequence of five viruses (PLRV, PVX, PVA, PVS and PVM) were sequenced. Blast searches detected presence of sequences in the GenBank sharing nucleotide sequence identities of 94%-100% with isolates of viruses sequenced in this study. The complete CP sequences of the aforementioned viruses from the current study were closely related with virus isolates from different countries. The Tanzania isolates of PLRV, PVX, PVA, PVS and PVM were each suggested to belong to the one group as well as one isolate. These results are important in seed potato multiplication systems in Tanzania for improving seed quality in the local seed potato chain, an important service currently lacking to potato farmers in Tanzania.
  • Pajula, Elina (2016)
    Vitamin D is an essential vitamin linked especially to bone health. There are two biologically active forms of vitamin D: Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) and ergocalciferol (vitamin D2). Although cholecalciferol is synthetized endogenously in the skin by sun light, it is not always enough to maintain sufficient vitamin D levels. For example, living on high latitudes, ageing and dark skin increase the risk for insufficient vitamin D status. Also, natural dietary sources of vitamin D are limited. This is why different fortification policies have been introduced. Fungi produce a unique sterol, ergosterol, which is converted into ergocalciferol when exposed to UVB irradiation. UVB-irradiated yeasts and mushrooms have been studied for their potential to provide an affordable and non-animal origin alternative for vitamin D3 supplementation. In this thesis, UVB-treated, vitamin D2 -rich baker´s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was used to enrich the rat diets. The aim was to study the bioavailability and safety of the yeasts and compare them to D2 and D3 supplements. Two different forms of yeast were used: The whole irradiated and dried yeast cells (vitamin D2 -rich yeast) and the cell wall fraction of the same yeast (yeast cell walls). Both yeasts were tested with two different doses: 375 µg/kg and 750 µg/kg. The positive control diets contained vitamin D3 and D2 from the supplements and the same test doses were used. Further, there was control diet containing the recommended amount of vitamin D3 for rats, 25 µg/kg. 54 Sprague-Dawley female rats were divided into groups of six, each group receiving a different diet The experiment period was eight weeks after which the rats were sacrificed for serum 25(OH)D, 3-epi-25(OH)D, calcium, phosphorus and intact PTH analyses, as well as BMD, BMC and bone area measurements. The results were analysed for statistical significance with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlations between the variables with Pearson´s two-tailed correlation test. The bioavailability and safety were evaluated based on the results.
  • Stark, Taina (2015)
    The honey bee is ecologically important and nowadays, it is intensively studied species because of its decline worldwide. Vitellogenin (vg) is a pleiotropic gene that affects especially yolk formation but also e.g. longevity, immunity and labour division in honey bee. Recently, three vitellogenin-like genes have been found, but their functions are not yet discovered. They are named vitellogenin-like-A, vitellogenin-like-B and vitellogenin-like-C. Objectives of this MSc thesis were: i) Are vg and vg-like-genes expressed when the bee is exposed to oxidative stress, ii) Is Vg protein removed from the bee’s hemolymph after shielding her, and iii) Are vg-like-genes expressed abundantly in overwintering bees, like vg is. Oxidative stress was induced by injecting Paraquat. Sham injection was done with physiological saline. Control group had no injections. We found that inflammation by injection (both sham and Paraquat) had a surprisingly strong upregulating effect on vg and vg-like-A expression. Vg-like-B was only significantly upregulated by Paraquat, and vg-like-C had very low expression level with no treatment effect. When measuring Vg protein from fat body and hemolymph samples, no differences were found between treatments. Winter bees expressed high amounts of vg and vg-like-A. Taken together, it looks like vg-like-A works the same shielding way as vg, and vg-like-B slightly too, but vg-like-C might have specialized in other functions.
  • Soini, Reija (2018)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan kuluttajalähtöistä palautteenantoa elektronisella palautelaitteella: syitä palautteen antamiselle sekä laitteen käyttäjäryhmää. Lisäksi sivutaan laitteen käyttökokemusta ja annetun palautteen sävyä. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu palvelujohtamisen tutkimuksen, liiketalouden sekä markkinoinnin varaan. Tutkielma perustuu suomalaisen päivittäistavarakaupan yrityksen tekemään toimeksiantoon. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu 248 vastauksesta, jotka kerättiin määrällisiä menetelmiä hyödyntäen: satunnaisotannalla sähköpostitse. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään määrällisten ja laadullisten menetelmien yhdistelyä (mixed methods). Aineisto analysoitiin SPSS Statistics- sekä Excelohjelmistojen ja teemoittelun avulla. Tutkielma käsittelee elektronisen palautelaitteen käyttöä asiakaspalautteen antamisessa. Tutkimuksen mukaan laitteen käyttäjäryhmä on heterogeeninen. Vuorovaikutuksen ja palvelun onnistuneisuus tai epäonnistuminen ovat yleisin syy laitteen käytölle. Samat tekijät nousevat esille myös kysyttäessä laitetta ei-käyttäneiltä syitä laitteen mahdolliselle käytölle tulevaisuudessa. Arviot laitteen käyttökokemuksesta korostavat laitteen helppokäyttöisyyttä ja nopeutta. Palautelaitetta käytetään pääasiassa yksin, mutta palautteen sävy ei eroa muulla tavoin annetusta palautteesta. Tutkimuksen perusteella laitteella annetaan palautetta niin kielteisestä kuin myönteisestä palvelukokemuksesta.
  • Lepistö, Satu (2011)
    Tämän pro gradu-tutkielman tavoitteena oli kartoittaa voittoa tavoittelemattoman Slow Food-organisaation brandiin liitettyjä mielikuvia ja niitä tekijöitä, joilla brandin tavoitekuvaa tulisi jatkossa rakentaa. Koska nykyisin brandi ei ole enää pelkkien liikeyritysten yksityisomaisuutta, tutkimuksen teoreettinen asemointi perustui yhtäältä organisaation tunnettuuden kasvattamiseen brandin rakentamisen avulla ja toisaalta voittoa tavoittelemattoman toimintaympäristön erityispiirteiden näkökulmaan. Case-osion avulla haluttiin tarkastella globalisaation ja elintarviketalouden keskittymiselle vaihtoehtoisen, paikallisuuteen perustuvan ruokajärjestelmän vaikutuksia, mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus muodostui laadullisesta tapaustutkimuksesta, jonka kohteena oli Slow Food-organisaatio. Tutkimus suoritettiin haastattelemalla kahtatoista Slow Food-organisaation sidosryhmien edustajaa Italian Piemontessa henkilökohtaisin haastatteluin, joiden pohjana oli brandi identiteetin elementeistä luodut kaksi teemaa: mielleyhtymiin ja arvoväittämään liittyvät tekijät. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin teemoittelua ja sisällönanalyysia. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa oli abduktiivinen. Tulosten mukaan Slow Food-brandi identifioituu sidosryhmilleen ensisijaisesti luotettavan ruoan kautta, johon katsottiin kuuluvan aidot, puhtaat raaka-aineet ja paikallisesti tuotetun ja jalostamattoman ruoan hyvä jäljitettävyys. Myös tiettyyn paikkaan ja arvoihin sidottujen kokemusten ja odostusten täyttymisen kautta saatu sosiaalinen ja kulttuurinen jatkuvuus nimettiin brandin vahvuudeksi. Lisäksi vastuullisen tuottamisen ja kuluttamisen sekä aitojen makujen ja laadukkaan ruokavalion edistäminen korostuivat jonkin verran vastauksissa. Näillä perusvahvuuksilla toivottiin brandin identiteettiä rakennettavan myös tulevaisuudessa. Haastateltavien mielestä Slow Food-organisaatio erilaistaa itsensä muista ensisijaisesti lupaamalla yksilölle korkealuokkaisia, aitoja tuotteita ja palveluja, joilla on henkilökohtaisten hyötyjen lisäksi positiivisia seuraamuksia myös oman alueen työllisyyden ja talouden kehitykseen. Organisaation tulisi myös jatkossa luoda uskottavuutta toimintaansa eritoten sen kautta, että brandi lunastaa lupauksensa laadusta ja aitoudesta. Toisaalta erottautuakseen muista lähi- ja luomuruokabrandeista Slow Food-brandin arvoväittämässä tulisi tulevaisuudessa selkeämmin korostua myös toiminnan voittoa tavoittelemattomuus ja brandiin liittyvä elämyksellisyys. Sidosryhmien kiinnostusta ja brandin lupauksen tehoa alentaviksi tekijöiksi nimettiin yleinen ruoan arvostuksen väheneminen sekä Slow Food-tuotteiden ja -palvelujen korkea hinta, huono saatavuus ja näkyvyys. Keskeisimpinä ratkaisuina pidettiin kuluttajien informatiivisen tiedon lisäämisen ohella pientuottajien verkostoitumista ja uusia yhteistyön muotoja kuten tuottajien yhteisiä jakeluketjuja ja paikallismyymälöitä. Näiden lisäksi brandin tunnistettavuuden parantaminen ja aktiivisempi tarjonta kyltityksin, tuotteiden pysyvän läsnäolon ja vähittäiskaupan mukaantulon kautta sekä eräät muut markkinoinnin osa-alueet kuten sosiaalinen media, Internet ja kansainväliset ruoka-alan tapahtumat nimettiin brandin lupausta kirkastaviksi elementeiksi. Pientuotannon lisääminen verotuksen kohdentumisen muutoksilla nähtiin keinoksi pudottaa paikallisen ruoan hintaa.Toisaalta korkeaa hintaa perusteltiin laadukkaaseen imagoon liittyvien argumenttien lisäksi luonnollisen kysynnän kasvulla, jota arveltiin saatavan tulevaisuudessa suurista ikäluokista, yhä kasvavasta koulutus- ja tulotasosta sekä valveutuneemmista kuluttajista.
  • Juvonen, Siri (2022)
    Coffee is one of the most traded goods in the world, and Finns are the ones consuming the beverage the most on a per capita basis. In terms of sustainability, the value chain of coffee is of interest from an environmental, social and economic perspective. Being a global value chain, coffee production, processing and trade is affected by regulation and therefore several certification schemes and voluntary sustainability standards are trying to address multiple sustainability issues in the coffee industry. The aim of this thesis is to explore which stakeholder groups effect the decisions related to sustainability practices of organization’s operating in the Finnish coffee business, and to understand to what extent the choice of different voluntary sustainability standards by coffee value chain (VC) stakeholders is a function of "legitimacy trade-offs", in terms of balancing an organization’s internal expectations and norms with external expectations and norms. The overall research question is as follows: To what extent is the choice of different voluntary sustainability standards by coffee value chain (VC) stakeholders a function of "legitimacy trade-offs", in terms of balancing an organization’s internal expectations and norms with external expectations and norms? This is studied first through a short literature review on stakeholder theory, institutional theory and a recourse-based theory. The subsequent empirical study part was based on survey research, which was executed through a self-administrative web questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent out to Finnish companies in the coffee business. The results of the empirical study highlighted that there is pressure from both internal stakeholders (employees and shareholders) and from some external stakeholders (including domestic customers) to adopt or not to adopt different standards, confirming that coffee businesses in Finland (roasters/ processors) must indeed be balancing the needs and wishes of different stakeholders in the coffee value chain. The results also suggest why different organizations adopt different certification schemes while some did not use any. In sum, the views on the usefulness and stakeholder expectations regarding certifications varied, and some organizations hope that certifications contribute to improved coordination and cost savings.
  • Pitkänen, Juha-Matti (2014)
    Vedenalaisen arkeologisen puun hajoaminen eroaa merkittävästi maanpäällisestä puusta. Vähähappiset tai hapettomat olosuhteet ja suolapitoisuus inhiboivat kantasienten kaltaisten tehokkaiden puunhajottajien kasvua vedenalaisissa ympäristöissä. Tällöin merkittävimmiksi puunhajottajiksi nousevat bakteerit. Työssä kartoitettiin Vrouw Maria hylyn kannelta nostetun tammipuupalan mikrobidiversiteettiä prokaryoottien osalta. Tutkimuksessa monistettiin prokaryoottien 16S rDNA:ta nested-PCR-menetelmällä kolmesta eri puun syvyydestä. Sekvensoinnin ja fylogeneettisten analyysien avulla selvitettiin puusta monistettujen 16S rDNA-geenien alkuperä, ja pyrittiin kirjallisuuden avulla selvittämään kyseessä olevien organismien funktioita. Vedenalaisen arkeologisen puun mikrobidiversiteetin määrittäminen puun syvyysgradientin mukaan oli uusi lähtökohta aiempiin tutkimuksiin verrattaessa. Tässä työssä pystyttiin osoittamaan mikrobidiversiteetin kapeneminen ja yhteisöjen jäsenten metabolisten ominaisuuksien muutos syvemmälle puussa mentäessä. Puun pintakerroksesta löydettiin odotetusti lähinnä raudan ja rikin kiertoihin osallistuvia ja hajonnutta puumateriaalia käyttäviä bakteereita. Syvemmälle puussa mentäessä alkoi löydettyjen bakteerien lähisukulaisilta nousta esiin kykyjä hajottaa erilaisia kompleksisempia hiilivetyjä. Läheltä tutkitun puupalan ydintä löydettiin asidobakteereihin kuuluva bakteeri, jonka lähimmät sukulaiset osoittautuivat sellulolyyttisiksi. Arkkeja ei löydetty yhdestäkään tutkitusta syvyydestä. Tutkimuksessa saatujen tulosten perusteella kyseinen tammipuupala on altistunut melkein läpikotaisin selluloosaa hajottavien bakteerien toiminnalle, vaikka silmämääräisesti tarkasteltuna puun kunto syvemmissä kerroksissa vaikutti hyvältä. Näitä tuloksia ei kuitenkaan voida yleistää koko hylyn kattaviksi, sillä olosuhteet hylyn kannen ja pohjasedimentin läheisyydessä olevien rungon osien välillä voivat erota suuresti.
  • Ronkainen, Kaisamaija (2017)
    Vuokratun pellon osuus kaikesta viljelysmaasta on kasvanut Suomessa 1970-luvulta lähtien. Maatalousmaan vuokrauksen yleistymisen taustalla on tilojen lukumäärän väheneminen ja peltoalalla mitatun tilakoon kasvu. Usein tuotannon lopettavat maatilat vuokraavat pellot aktiiviviljelijöille lisämaaksi. Pellon vuokrahinnat vaihtelevat merkittävästi ja vuokrahinnoista ei ole olemassa valtakunnallisesti kattavaa tilastotietoa. Vuokrahintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä on kuitenkin tutkittu paljon. Vuokrattavan viljelysmaan hintaan vaikuttavat muun muassa maatalouden kannattavuus, maatalouspolitiikka, tilakoko ja pellon viljelytekniset ominaisuudet. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin pellon vuokramarkkinoita, niihin liittyviä tekijöitä ja vuokramarkkinoiden kehittymistä Suomessa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää Porin maaseutuhallinnon yhteistoiminta-alueella toteutuneita pellon vuokrahintoja sekä erilaisten tila-, lohko- ja viljelijäkohtaisten tekijöiden mahdollista yhteyttä vuokrahintaan. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin Porin maaseutupalveluihin vuosina 2011–2014 toimitettuja maanvuokrasopimuksia. Näytteen kooksi muodostui 319 viljelijän 692 vuokrasopimusta. Kerätty aineisto oli pääsiassa numeerinen ja asetettuihin tutkimusongelmiin löytyi perusteluja aiemmista tutkimuksista. Tutkimustavaksi valittiin kvantitatiivinen tutkimusote. Tutkimustulosten perusteella saatiin tutkimukselle asetettujen vaatimusten mukaista tietoa peltovuokran hintatasosta. Tulokset osoittavat, että vuokrapeltoa viljelevän tilan tuotantosuunnalla, tilakoolla ja vuokrattavalla pinta-alalla on yhteys maksettuun hehtaarivuokraan. Myös kuntien välillä oli eroja maksetuissa hehtaarihinnoissa ja kunnan maatalousvaltaisuudella oli yhteys hehtaarihintoihin.
  • Ahonen, Elina (2014)
    Tutkielman tavoitteena oli arvioida genomiarvostelujen toteutunutta luotettavuutta analysoimalla genomiarvostelujen ja jälkeläisarvostelujen välistä yhteyttä. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää, muuttuuko parhaiden sonnien keskinäinen paremmuusjärjestys arvostelujen välillä ja, miten suuri on genomiarvostelussa keinosiemennyssonnien odotettu ja toteutunut valintaero sekä perinnöllinen edistyminen jälkeläisarvosteluun verrattuna. Aineisto koostui vuonna 2008 syntyneistä Viking Genetics:n holstein-sonneista, joilla oli vuodelta 2012 genomiarvostelutulokset ja vuodelta 2014 jälkeläisarvostelutulokset. Tulosten mukaan genomiarvostelun luotettavuus tuotosindeksille oli 0,48 ja vastaavasti arvosteluvarmuus 0,69. Genomiarvostelujen ja jälkeläisarvostelujen väliset korrelaatiot vaihtelivat 0,52:n ja 0,73:n välillä indeksistä riippuen. Tulosten mukaan genomiarvostelun perusteella voidaan ennustaa jälkeläisarvostelutuloksia kohtalaisen luotettavasti, mutta yksittäisten sonnien tulokset ja sonnien keskinäiset järjestykset voivat vaihdella huomattavan paljon. Genomiarvostelussa arvostelujen luotettavuus ja valinnan tarkkuus ovat jonkin verran heikompia kuin jälkeläisarvostelussa. Kuitenkin genomiarvostelun lyhemmän sukupolvien välisen ajan takia perinnöllinen edistyminen on nopeampaa. Tulosten mukaan perinnöllinen edistyminen on suurempaa genomiarvostelussa jälkeläisarvosteluun verrattuna, kunhan genomiarvostelun sukupolvien välinen aika on vähemmän kuin 4,35 vuotta.
  • Rautia, Riikka (2017)
    City of Helsinki, Public Works Department, is responsible for the City’s parks, and the maintenance is an ongoing process. Nowadays the designers often are external operators, which has aroused the interest to compile periodical lists of the plants that have been used to maintain the original atmospheres of the parks. The aim of this master’s thesis is to compile lists of the plants characteristic for the period of 1965 - 1975 and to observe the popularity of mass plantings and the diminished use of herbaceous borders. The aim is also to clarify the plant assortment and the activities characteristic to various park types. During the period of 1965 – 1975 there was a strong internal migration in Finland from the countryside to the cities and in Helsinki this led to extensive building of new residential and recreational areas. Because of the haste, the parks were built with less details, without herbaceous or rose borders or climbers, and the emphasis was laid on the imposing greeneries with bushes and trees.
  • Jaeschke, Eric (2014)
    The pocosins of the North Carolina Atlantic Coastal Plain (ACP) region play a vital role in controlling hydrologic patterns and determine wetland development and ecosystem structure and function. However, these low-lying, shallow water table forested watersheds have received little research attention due to the relative scarcity of long-term monitoring data, watershed delineation challenges and scarcity of unmanaged sites. Without holding anthropogenic activities constant, specific hydrological processes such as runoff generation, are difficult to describe because of drainage network influence on soil water storage. The principal goal of this study was to develop and test a water balance framework for investigating runoff characteristics and the active watershed area contributing to runoff of a managed pocosin watershed in the ACP. Using a water balance approach, the first objective was to calculate monthly and annual water balances with particular emphasis on deriving, mathematically, the area contributing to runoff. The second objective was to explore the concept of variable contributing area by converting discharge measured at the outlet to runoff using a watershed area. The watershed area needed to produce runoff values that result in closure of the water balance equation represents the variable runoff contributing area. The calculation was done for different temporal periods: monthly, seasonal, and annual and runoff contributing area values compared to the topographically defined watershed area. The results of the study indicated that water balance components were generally in good agreement and closure tended to occur at longer time scales, decreasing for shorter periods. Lack of system closure at shorter temporal scales suggested that the contributing area to runoff varied and differed from the topographically defined watershed area. Active contributing area clearly varies temporally but on average is estimated to be approximately 600 hectares. Regression predicted watershed size was smaller than expected which could have been due to the difference between measured and predicted streamflow. The extent at which the active contributing area fluctuates depends on the compounding uncertainty of water balance components.
  • Eklund, Eveliina (2016)
    Old historic gardens are at a risk of being ruined by lack of care and knowledge. Old gardens can transmit a lot of information about their history. They are significant monuments of cultural heritage. Gardens are living, evolving creations that will soon revert to woodland, if left without maintenance. At the same time the story told by the garden about it’s past disappears, when the features typical for different eras vanish. The interest towards gardening started to grow in Finland among the upper class from the 18th century forward and near the 20th century even common people got familiar with gardening culture, little by little. In mansions cultivation of food plants was important in the 18th century era of subsistence economy and utility. From the end of the 18th century also ornamental plantings gained popularity in mansion gardens. Mansions have had a big impact on the range and spread of garden plant species in Finland, and oldfashioned garden plant species, landraces and heritage cultivars can still be found in their gardens. Heritage plants are valuable for the cultural history and biodiversity point of view. Historic gardens can be significant living gene banks for threatened plant taxa. The purpose in this research was to assess the value of Wehmaa mansion garden based on it´s vegetation and garden history. The research material included the garden itself, old documents and oral information. The aim was to delineate the features that make the garden historically valuable and worth of conservation. Planning the care, restoration and conservation of a historic garden calls for a comprehensive assessment of its value and potential. In this research the present vegetation of Wehmaa garden was surveyed and the results of the inventory were utilized in the process of valuing the garden. Cultivation of food plants dominated the garden of Wehmaa mansion in the first half of the 20th century, while today only remnants of the utilitarian garden are left. Besides food plants, the mansion garden housed even ornamental plantings at least from around the mid 19th century. At present, the garden of Wehmaa has turned into a parklike garden that still holds old trees, bushes and perennial plants from old times. For example Rosa `Poppius`and a heritage variety of Viola cornuta L. have remained from the beginning of the 20th century till today. As the garden of Wehmaa mansion has also kept its integrity and authenticity rather well and contains features either typical or rare in an old country house garden, it can be considered as a valuable historic garden worth of preservation.
  • Rehn, Sophia (2019)
    Background: A few Finnish municipalities have chosen to offer the option of a vegan diet at day-care if the parents request it. The food offered at day-care plays an important part in a child’s nutrition and should be guided by official recommendations. As little evidence exists for the adequacy of a vegan diet for children in day-care more studies on the subject is needed. The food provided by the day-care should cover 2/3 of the daily energy requirements and the quantity of saturated fat, salt and sucrose should be limited. Aim: The aim of this thesis is to compare and analyse the nutritional adequacy of vegan and omnivore meals offered by the municipality of Helsinki. Additionally, to describe the dietary sources of intakes from both meals. Data and methods: This thesis is part of the MIRA Helsinki study, conducted by the University of Helsinki. The objective of the project is to study the impact of a vegan diet on the nutritional status of children in day-care in Helsinki. The data for this thesis was collected through food diaries. The children range in age from one to six years and are divided into two groups based on meals eaten at day-care, vegan meals (n=9) and omnivore meals (n=16). All statistical analyses were done with the SPSS program (version 25). Results: In most cases the dietary intake followed official recommendations. Of concern is that salt intake was high in both groups. The two diets provided similar amounts of energy, carbohydrates and sucrose at day-care. However, protein (p<0,001), fat (p=0,008) and fibre (p<0,001) intakes were significantly more favourable when eating vegan meals. The group eating vegan meals also had a higher intake of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat (p=0,007; p<0,001) as well as linolenic acid (p<0,001) and α-linolenic acid (p<0,001) in comparison to the omnivore group. Further, the omnivore group had higher intakes of cholesterol (p<0,001) and saturated fat (p=0,007). There was no dietary intake of EPA and DHA in the vegan meals. Intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol outside the day-care were higher than at day-care. The vegan meal group had significantly higher intakes of folate (p<0,001), iron (p<0,001) and zinc (p=0,001) while lower intakes of iodine (p=0,006) and calcium (p=0,01), were noted in comparison to the omnivore group. Although the intake of vitamin C does not significantly differ between the groups, the intake at day-care is low in both groups (vegan meals 38 %, and omnivore 21 % of total intake). In the diet of the children eating vegan meals at day-care, fortified plant-based milk played a central role as a source of many nutrients. Conclusions: Because of the small sample size no general conclusions can be drawn from these results, but it seems the vegan meals have many positive characteristics compared to the omnivore meals. The results may give an insight to nutritional differences between a vegan and an omnivore diet of under school age children in Helsinki. A more plant-based diet would be a sustainable choice for the future, but supplementation is recommended to guarantee sufficient intakes of critical nutrients. More studies are needed on the long-term effects of a vegan diet on young children and the characteristics of a vegan diet in Finland.
  • Gordillo Ruesta, Harold Augusto (2015)
    The current study examined the particular land use land cover change process that occurred in one segment of the Tambopata Natural Reserve Buffer Zone, in the Southeastern Peruvian Amazon region of Madre de Dios, during the period 2004-2011. During such period of time, the study area experimented significant land use transitions, mostly from tropical forest and farming areas towards illegal gold mining activities. Theory explained that such processes occur due to a particular combination of direct and underlying drivers. Therefore, the research objectives of the study, focused to undercover both drivers and their intricate interaction and dynamics that shaped the particular transitions in the study site. Theory also indicated that an integral land use cover change analysis is required to properly formulate sound and adequate measures and policies in order to effectively tackle further land use change leading to deforestation. The long term impact of such measures are transcendental in terms of climate change by avoiding considerable carbon emissions to the atmosphere. The chosen methodology was an integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches, which required primary and secondary data correspondingly. The collection of secondary data included land use change maps for each year of analysis and its corresponding land use change matrix, whereas the collection of primary data required extensive semi-structure interviews in the field. Additionally, the qualitative approach required in the inclusion of grey literature. The analysis of each set of data was initially conducted separately, which resulted in two different but complementary interpretations of the particular land use change in the study site. Both results were later integrated and examined altogether, which resulted into a complete and detailed analysis of the particular event in the study area. The final integration exposed the direct and underlying drivers of change. The integral results exposed a dynamic area that experimented rapid forest loss towards mostly illegal gold mining activities, together with a non-compensatory natural regeneration. In addition, important economic activities identified as forestry and farming concessions, experimented similar transitions. Integral results exposed the direct drivers of change, such as the development of illegal gold mining, the pavement of the Inter Oceanic Highway and new informal agricultural expansion. Similarly, the underlying causes of change were also identified as an intricate and complex combination of pre-established variables such as cultural, economic, demographic, social, political and institutional ones. It was acknowledged that a complex interaction of direct and hidden drivers created the particular deforestation process in the site. However, it was identified that new extraordinary variables remarkably accelerated the transition process towards illegal mining. Such variables were the astonishing international gold price, together with the Inter Oceanic Highway pavement and the relatively new but inefficient decentralization of the national forestry system. Such combination resulted into the remarkable land use conversion towards illegal mining, which caused rapid and pervasive deforestation. Finally, the government proved incompetent to deal with such event and its corresponding development by implementing actions that lacked a complete analysis of the direct and underlying causes, including the social and economic particularities of the area. This resulted into insufficient achievements and inefficient solutions.
  • Hares, Jukka-Pekka (2022)
    The archipelago is a unique urban green space and a popular place to visit in the city of Helsinki. Nevertheless, multiple factors, such as urban expansion, recreational and environmental values create pressure on the development of the Helsinki archipelago. Visitors form an important group of stakeholders considering the development and future of the area. This qualitative interview study examines what do the visitors value in the Helsinki archipelago and what value the islands’ biodiversity has for them. A value framework by Himes and Muraca (2018) was applied as a theoretical framework in this thesis. The values of visitors are divided into categories of instrumental, relational and intrinsic values. The data were collected via 20 semi-structured interviews at three different islands in Helsinki archipelago. The interviews were conducted in August 2021. The results are analyzed with thematic method and are supported with quantified data analysis by applying the co-occurrence analysis with Atlas.ti 9.0 software. For the visitors interviewed, the most frequently emphasized value of the Helsinki archipelago is related to nature. In general, the islands are seen as an accessible recreational day-trip destination, where nature provides an environment to relax and recover. Many visitors enjoy sharing the experience with family or friends – sometimes even with strangers. A contrast to the constructed urban environment is important for the urban residents. Bridges to, or excessive infrastructure on the islands are not desired. The main value of biodiversity in Helsinki archipelago emerges via new experiences that are different from elsewhere in the urban environment. Additionally, biodiversity facilitates an immersive nature experience that supports well-being. Biodiversity in the archipelago has also intrinsic value: The archipelago is a valuable place for the ecosystems and biota to flourish. For the visitors, the archipelago is a pristine natural environment worth maintaining as it is.
  • Wang, Hao (2008)
    Anabaena is a common member of the phytoplankton in lakes, reservoirs and ponds throughout the world. This is a filamentous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial genus and is frequently present in the lakes of Finland. Anabaena sp. strain 90 was isolated from Lake Vesijärvi and produces microcystins, anabaenopeptilides and anabaenopeptins. A whole genome shotgun sequencing project was undertaken to obtain the complete genome of this organism in order to better understand the physiology and environmental impact of toxic cyanobacteria. This work describes the genome assembly and finishing, the genome structure, and the results of intensive computational analysis of the Anabaena sp. strain 90 genome. Altogether 119,316 sequence reads were generated from 3 genomic libraries with 2, 6 and 40 kb inserts from high throughput Sanger sequencing. The software package Phred/Phrap/Consed was used for whole genome assembly and finishing. A combinatorial PCR method was used to establish relationships between remaining contigs after thorough scaffolding and gap-filling. The final assembly results show that there is a single 4.3 Mb circular chromosome and 4 circular plasmids with sizes of 820, 80, 56 and 20 kb respectively. Together, these 4 plasmids comprise nearly one-fifth of the total genome. Genomic variations in the form of 79 single nucleotide polymorphisms and 3 sequence indels were identified from the assembly results. Sequence analysis revealed that 7.5 percent of the Anabaena sp. strain 90 genome consists of repetitive DNA elements. The genome sequence of Anabaena sp. strain 90 provides a more solid basis for further studies of bioactive compound production, photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation and akinete formation in cyanobacteria.
  • Salo, Katri (2022)
    Tausta: Matalan- ja keskitulotason maissa ruokavaliot voivat usein olla yksipuolisia ja aliravitsemus on myös yleistä alueella. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan villiruokien kulutus saattaa olla yhteydessä ihmisten ruokavalioihin ja niiden monipuolisuuteen etenkin maaseudulla. Useat tekijät voivat kuitenkin vaikuttaa ruuan kulutukseen tietystä lähteestä kuten sosiodemografiset tekijät. Tästä huolimatta maan käytön muutokset ja metsien häviäminen saattavat heikentää villiruokien saatavuutta ja siksi on tärkeää tutkia niiden roolia ruokavalioissa ja ruokavalioiden monipuolisuudessa. Erityisesti luonnoltaan monimuotoisessa Laosissa, jossa talouskasvu on ollut nopeaa ja kaupallinen maatalous on lisääntynyt, mutta aliravitsemus on edelleen kansanterveysongelma. Tavoitteet: Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli tutkia laosilaisten aikuisten luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien kulutuksen ja ruokavalion monipuolisuuden välisiä yhteyksiä Nambakin alueella Pohjois-Laosissa. Toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten erilaiset ruuan lähteet (oma tuotanto, ostettu tai luonnosta kerätty) eroavat kotitalouksien sosiodemografisten taustojen mukaan. Menetelmät: Aineisto oli kerätty vuonna 2019 kotitalouskyselyillä, jotka sisälsivät myös seitsemän päivän frekvenssityyppisen ruuankäyttökyselyn 90 kotitaloudelle kolmessa kylässä Laosin maaseudulla. Kotitalouden materiaaliseen varallisuuteen perustuva varallisuusindeksi luotiin pääkomponenttianalyysillä ja kotitalouden korkein koulutus valittiin edustamaan kotitalouden koulutusasemaa. Luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien monipuolisuutta ja kotitalouksien (n=89) ja naisten ruokavalion monipuolisuuden pistemääriä (n=46) analysoitiin yleistetyillä lineaarisilla malleilla (kaksiarvoinen logistinen malli), jotka oli vakioitu kolmella varallisuusryhmällä ja kotitalouden koulutusasemalla. Lisäksi kotitalouden varallisuuden, koulutusaseman ja ruokien monipuolisuutta eri lähteistä (vastaajan oma tuotanto, ostettu tai luonnosta kerätty) välisiä yhteyksiä analysoitiin yleistetyillä lineaarisilla malleilla (lineaarinen malli). Tulokset: Luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien kulutus oli yleistä ja 90 % vastaajista kulutti niitä ainakin kerran edellisten seitsemän päivän aikana. Luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien suurempi monipuolisuus oli yhteydessä pienempään kotitalouden (OR=0.64, 95 % CI 0.47-0.89) ja naisten (OR=0.49, 95 % CI 0.28-0.84) ruokavalion monipuolisuuden pistemäärän todennäköisyyteen. Kotitalouden matalampi koulutusasema oli yhteydessä suurempaan luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien monipuolisuuteen verrattaessa korkeimpaan kotitalouden koulutusasemaan. Varallisuusryhmät eivät olleet yhteydessä erilaisiin kulutettujen ruokien lähteisiin. Päätelmät: Tulokset osoittavat, että villiruokien kulutuksen ja kotitalouksien ja naisten ruokavalioiden monipuolisuuden yhteys on monimutkainen ja siihen mahdollisesti vaikuttavat useat erilaiset tekijät. Aiheesta tarvitaan lisää tutkimustietoa validoiduilla ruuankäytön mittaamisen menetelmillä Laosista.
  • Veach, Victoria L. (2012)
    In 2009 and 2010 a study was conducted to determine if whole-tree harvest (WTH) would deplete the soil nutrients in Rubicon soil. The specific objectives of the study were: 1) Estimation of biomass and nutrient content of above- and below-ground tree components in mature jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands growing on a coarse-textured, low-productivity soil, 2) Determination of total C and N and exchangeable soil cations and other physical properties in mature jack pine stands, and 3) Comparison of the possible impacts of CH and WTH on subsequent soil nutrient pools. In total, four even aged jack pine stands on Rubicon soil were studied. Allometric equations were used to determine aboveground biomass and nutrients, and soil samples from each stand were analyzed for total C and N, exchangeable Ca, K, and Mg, pH, organic matter content, texture, and available water holding capacity. Results indicate that WTH will leave enough nutrients on-site for the next rotation of trees, but the potential for increased decomposition and leaching may still result in nutrient loss, especially in these coarse-textured soils with low mineral soil organic matter.