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  • Järnstedt, Janne (2010)
    The objective of this study was to develop a method for estimation of forest stand variables and updating the forest resource data, based on a well known and widely used method among forest sector, aerial photography. The second objective was to produce information of cost-effectiveness and accuracy of digital surface model (DSM) generated from very high resolution aerial images in comparison of methods based on aerial laser scanning (ALS). The study area covering circa 2000 hectares is located in state owned forest in Hämeenlinna, Southern Finland. The study material consisted of 85 digitised and orthorectified colour-infrared (CIR) aerial photographs, LiDAR measurements of the corresponding area and field measurements of 402 concentric circular plots. Both the remote sensing data and the field measurements were acquired in 2009. In this study, the accuracy of DSM generated from very high resolution CIR - aerial images was examined in the estimation of forest stand variables. Estimation of forest stand variables was made using non-parametric k-nearest neighbour method. Sequential forward selection was used for selecting features from remote sensing data and the examination of accuracy was done with cross validation. The variables examined were mean diameter, basal area, mean height, dominant height and mean volume. Relative RMSE -values of DMS estimation were at the best with mean diameter, basal area, mean height, dominant height and mean volume 33,67 %, 36,23 %, 25,33 %, 23,53 % and 40,39 %. For the reference ALS-data, relative RMSE-values were 25,26 %, 27,89 %, 19,94 %, 16,76 % ja 31,26 %. Photogrammetric DSM was best suited for estimating dominant and mean height and produced estimates slightly more inaccurate than those of reference ALS-data. When estimating mean diameter, photogrammetric DSM was slightly better, but at mean volume estimation, ALS-data proved again to be a little more a accurate than photogrammetric DSM. At basal area estimation, ALS-data gave considerably better results than photogrammetric DSM. This research showed that the photogrammetric DSM suits well for updating the forest resource data, and also satisfies the requirements in a more economic way.
  • Venäläinen, Pekka (2014)
    Erityisruokavaliot ovat kasvattaneet viime vuosina merkittävästi suosiotaan. Usein erityisruokavaliota noudatetaan terveydellisistä syistä. Ihminen voi esimerkiksi olla allerginen tietyille ruoka-aineille. Tässä työssä tutkitaan vähähiilihydraattista ruokavaliota, karppausta, ja kasvisruokavaliota. Näitä ruokavalioita noudatetaan monesti muistakin kuin vain terveydellistä syistä. Nämä syyt olivat tutkimuksen pääaiheena. Ruoan valinta on usein moniulotteinen prosessi, jossa erilaiset motiivit ja halut ohjaavat enemmän tai vähemmän valintaa. Teoriaosuudessa perehdyttiin ruoan valintaan vaikuttaviin tekijöihin ja pohdittiin kuluttajan valintaa yleisesti. Valintaa käsiteltiin tarpeiden, halujen ja vaikuttimien kautta. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin aineistona karppauksesta ja kasvisruokavaliosta käytyjä sosiaalisen median keskusteluja. Vastauksia haettiin empiirisellä, netnografisesti suoritetulla tutkimuksella. Keskusteluista etsittiin teemoittelun avulla yhteisiä teemoja ja yhtäläisyyksiä teoreettiseen viitekehykseen, joka oli muodostettu erilaisten ruoan valintamallien pohjalta. Kasvisruokavalio ja karppaus osoittautuivat siinä mielessä hyvin tyypillisiksi erityisruokavalioiksi, että ne molemmat perustuivat jonkun ruoka-aineen välttämiseen. Karppaajat karttoivat hiilihydraatteja ja kasvisruokailijat lihaa. Vaihtoehtoisen ruokavalion huonous nähtiin usein suurempana syynä erityisruokavaliolle kuin oman ruokavalion hyvät puolet. Terveellisyys ja oma hyvinvointi korostuivat myös valintaa tehdessä, näin oli etenkin karppaajien kohdalla. Karppaajien valinnassa korostuivat selvästi enemmän henkilöön itsessään liittyvät tekijät. Valinta nähtiin siis lähinnä henkilökohtaisena asiana. Jotkut karppaajat halusivat valinnallaan myös kapinoida yleisiä normeja ja ruokasuosituksia vastaan. Kasvisruokailijoilla valintaan sen sijaan vaikuttivat eniten eettisyys ja ekologisuus. Ruoan valinnalla ajateltiin eläinten hyvinvointia ja myös muita ihmisiä.
  • Jumppanen, Heimo (2014)
    Recreational use of forests promotes both health and well-being thus reducing health care costs, which in turn gains the whole national economy. When moving around in the forests the recreational users value the attractive landscapes and the facilities for outdoor activities provided by the forests. A great deal of the recreational use takes place in commercial forests, which means that in forest management planning there is a need to take into account the interests of different stakeholders. According to previous preference studies recreational users in Finland in general prefer open forest stands with old trees and dislike large clearcut areas, logging residues and tracks made by the logging machinery. Also the forest owners in Finland have been showing a growing interest towards uneven-aged (continuous cover) forestry and matters concerning forest landscape and recreational use of forests. In order to produce forests suitable for recreational use by means of forest management planning there is a need for better information on how and to what extent the recreational users notice the structural features of a forest stand (e.g. density, tree species etc.) when judging on the scenic beauty of the stand or it’s suitability for their leisure activities. This was the aim of this study as well as to find out how well the methods used in this study work in finding the answers to these questions. The study was done as a survey in Ruunaa hiking area where the respondents were asked to fill a questionnaire where they were met unlike in previous preference studies, where the interviews have been done in predefined places. According to the results the judgement of how attractive a forest stand is is affected not only by the structural features of that forest stand. This has also been the conclusion of many previous studies. In case of Ruunaa the lake scenes and the sounds of the rapids form an essential part of the landscape and this affected the valuations. Structural features were seen only in the landscape close to the beholder. When the respondents compared the interview site to a commercial forest of same age, they found that the commercial forests were suitable for various leisure activities as well as the interview site, thoug Ruunaa was considered to be better for activities related with nature (e.g. birdwatching or botanical interests). One of the original aims of the study was also to find out how the respondents related to the small scale gap felling experiments in Ruunaa. No respondents were met at these felling sites, but some of the respondents told they had seen them and that they didn’t seem to have anything against the gap fellings.
  • Manngård, Jessica (2019)
    Background and aim: Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common form of cancer in the world and the third most common in Finland. One third of the cases are supposed to origin from lifestyle factors. Some studies have even suggested that as much as 30 - 70 % of the cases can originate from the diet. A diet with a smaller amount of red and processed meat has in some studies been associated to a smaller risk for developing colorectal cancer. Processed meat is considered to have a convincing connection to colorectal cancer and red meat is considered to have a possible connection. A possible explanation to this can be the formation of N-nitroso compounds (NOC) which arises from red meat. NOCs are considered to be potentially cancer-causing compounds, when they come in contact with the surface of the intestine. The aim of this study was to examine whether there is a difference in the amount of NOCs in the faeces among healthy humans, when replacing proteins from animal sources in the diet with an equal amount of proteins from plant sources. Material and methods: This thesis is a part of the study ScenoProt at the University of Helsinki. ScenoProt examines which effect diets with different types of protein sources have on markers for health. The study was conducted in 2017 as a controlled clinical intervention study with parallel and randomized design. The participants were voluntary healthy humans between the ages of 20 and 69 years. The intervention period lasted 12 weeks and the participants were allocated into three different diet groups. In group 1 (n=48) the amount of protein in the diet consisted of 70 % animal proteins and 30 % plant proteins, in group 2 (n=48) 50 % animal proteins and 50 % plant proteins and in group 3 (n=49) 30 % animal proteins and 70 % plant proteins. Faecal samples were collected before the intervention period and during its last week. The participants kept a food diary four days before the intervention period, four days during its last week and 1 day/three weeks during its time. Faecal samples were analysed for the amount of N-nitroso compounds, N-haem compounds and N-thiol compounds with a NO-analyser that measures the nitrogen oxide released from nitrogen compounds. The statistical analyses were carried out with IBM SPSS Statistics. Variance analysis between groups were carried out with Bonferroni test and correlation was examined with Pearson test. As the limit for statistical significance, <0,05 was used. Results: 136 participants, 107 women and 29 men, completed the study. A dose-dependent decrease in total NOC concentration was observed between the groups (group 1: 4,0 ± 2,4, group 2: 3,2 ± 1,8, group 3: 2,7 ± 1,5 pmol/mg). There was a significant difference in the amount of N-nitroso compounds (p=0,000), N-haem compounds (p=0,000) and N-thiol compounds (p=0,030) between groups 1 and 3 at the end of the intervention. A significant difference in N-haem compounds (p=0,035) was also observed between groups 2 and 3. The amount of protein in the diet didn’t correlate with the amount of NOC in the faeces (p=0,622), whereas the total intake of fibre did correlate with the amount of NOC (0,036). The faecal weight increased gradually from groups 1 to 3 and the weight correlated with the amount of fibre (p=0,000) in the diet and the amount of NOC (p=0,000). Conclusion: A replacement of animal proteins with plant proteins in the diet leads to a dose-dependent decrease in the amount of NOC in the faeces. A diet with a greater amount of plant proteins and a smaller amount of animal proteins might therefore protect against the development of colorectal cancer. The increased amount of fibre in a plant protein-based diet might to some extent contribute to the decrease in NOC, since fibre in some cases has been seen to decrease the formation of NOC. Seen to previous studies, it is however most likely that the decrease in NOC is mostly attributed to the differences in protein sources.
  • Sikkilä, Markus (2014)
    In Finland, the most common envelope materials around the drain pipe are gravel together with coconut prewrapping and thin fabric sheet. The use of prewrapped envelopes has increased due to the benefits in drainage installationtime compared with other envelope materials. However, failure of subsurface drains with prewrapped envelope materials have been reported in several studies. This has caused disagreement in the use of prewrapped envelopes. Disfunction of subsurface drains leads to wetness of soil, which can cause problems in the bearing capacity of the soil and in the field crop production. Prewrapped envelope materials are important element in subsurface drainage, but there isn t enough information on their functionality in Finnish drainage. The purpose of this study was to examine how prewrapped envelope materials have worked in clay and sandy soils for over 10 years. The most important task was to find out the tendency to the degradation of the envelope materials, and how the degradation influenced in the function of envelopes. Studied prewrapped envelope materials were coconut fibre and a Finnish thin fabric sheet, which didn t meet the standards of prewrapped materials. The chosen soil types, clay and sand soils, had different characteristics, and their influence on the functionality of the prewrapping and clogging of the drain pipe was examined. Field investigations were carried out on subsurface drained fields in seven localities across Finland. Drain pipes were dug open at least in three places of the field and soil samples were collected until the depth of the drain pipe. Particle-size distribution and soil type were determined in the laboratory. Degradation of the envelope material around the pipe was examined visually. The drain pipe was cut open and the quantity and texture of the sediment in the pipe were studied. A sewer camera was used to inspect the condition of the pipe. According to the results, degradation of envelopes had advanced greatly in most of the sites. The thin fabric sheet had decayed totally except one research field. Envelope degradation was also found on quite new drains. The coconut prewrapping was better preserved than the thin fabric sheet in most of the target fields. Clogging of the drain pipes was not directly explained by degradation of the envelopes. Pipes were clogged more sensitively in envelope s problem soil areas, especially when envelopes around the pipes were degradated.
  • Elomaa, Satu (2019)
    Nature is important to people. Urban green areas maintain a big role in provision of citizens’ recreation. Due to increasing urbanization, urban green areas are constantly diminishing. This has caused concern and distress among citizens. Various forest management measures can also cause many different reactions. Thus, nature – forests, meadows, grass fields – hold different meanings for every person. Purpose of this study was to examine how the forest management measures made in western half of Keskuspuisto (Central Park) has impacted on users’ opinions about the area. The study was conducted via web-based survey tool Maptionnaire as a half-structured web survey. 341 users took part in the survey. In total, users marked 512 favourite places, and 116 unpleasant places. Results were examined using cross tabulation, Kruskal-Wallis -test and chi-squared test with a 5 % risk. Mapped responses were examined in QGIS-software, with which the thematic maps of social values were created. Results were compared to a 2009 visitor survey. The first point of interest was how, where and how often survey respondents visited the park. In addition, users' favourite places and unpleasant places and the relating social values were examined, and whether the forest management measures have had an impact on the mapped responses. The results can be used in the forthcoming nature- and landscape management plan in the western half of Keskuspuisto. Based on the results, the western half of Keskuspuisto is very important for its users and its use is versatile. Usage of the area has increased in the last 10 years. A statistical link was not found between forest management measures and mapped responses or social values. Opinions about the forest management of the area varied greatly. It can be concluded that the forest management actions in western part of Keskuspuisto have been quite successful. Users were in general satisfied, but many voiced a concern regarding the future of the area. It is hoped that the area is kept out of future construction plans. Due to varying opinions and wishes, it is important to take the citizens' opinions into account in the city planning. The method of mapping social values and mapping favourite places and unpleasant places were useful ways to gain important information regarding the users and which areas are important to them.
  • Häkkänen, Tessa (2021)
    Cryptosporidium, a parasitic eukaryote, is the causative agent of cryptosporidiosis, a diarrheal disease with the potential to be life threatening in immunocompromised people. The number of cases has been rising as diagnostics have improved, suggesting the disease is more common than previously thought. Currently in Finland, samples are only typed to the genus level. The objective of the study was to establish a Cryptosporidium typing protocol for outbreak investigation nationally at the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare with the long-term goal of preventing outbreaks. Reliable typing methods could also help find new reasons behind the increase in cases, monitor the emergence of new subtypes, and reveal new transmission routes. Typing was set up with samples from the Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District laboratory as well as the Finnish Food Authority. DNA was extracted from stool samples, species were identified with real-time PCR of the 18S rRNA gene, and gp60 subtypes were determined with nested PCR as well as Sanger sequencing. The Zymo QuickDNA Fecal/Soil Microbe Miniprep Kit was suitable for extracting troublesome parasite DNA. Out of the successfully subtyped samples, the majority was identified as Cryptosporidium parvum, out of which 60 % belonged to the IIaA15G2R1 subtype. The typing method described in this study was successful in typing 19 of 22 samples and will be utilised by the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare for outbreak investigation on the national level.
  • Agustin, Debby (2024)
    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a crucial problem in the clinical field worldwide. The need for novel antimicrobials to tackle AMR is imminent. Image-derived data can be used to understand the mechanism of action (MoA) of newly discovered compounds and classify them within known classes of antibiotics. This study aimed to develop a simple image-based measurement method for screening new antimicrobials and simultaneously defining the MoA. In the process, Escherichia coli ATCC 25292 was selected as a model strain from the Gram-negative bacterial group. This strain was treated with antibiotics belonging to different classes. Treated bacteria were imaged with Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Reader and analyzed using ImageJ2 software. The developed workflow was validated by testing the pipeline to be applied for some ESKAPE strains categorized as antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The results revealed that this pipeline enables us to observe the bacterial single-cell phenotypic changes in response to antimicrobials, such as the elongation caused by ampicillin and ciprofloxacin treatments, which are cell wall synthesis and DNA replication inhibitors, respectively. The treated bacterial cells were significantly longer than untreated cells from the sample without antibiotic. Thus, the image-based-high throughput assay can support the drug discovery by identifying the preliminary MoA of new antimicrobials against AMR bacteria. Promising data obtained on E. coli and some pathogenic bacteria allow for pursuing similar approach with other AMR Gram-negative bacterial species.
  • Piispa, Meeri (2023)
    Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) resist carbapenem class of antibiotics in addition to the other type of antibiotic resistances they usually carry. The blaKPC-3 gene is one of the genes causing the carbapenemase production in bacteria. The aim of this study was to establish the Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION sequencing method and integrate it with Illumina sequencing into a hybrid assembly for investigating the location of the blaKPC-3 gene in the bacterial genome. We used 14 isolates suspected of plasmid-mediated gene transfer and prepared three libraries using different DNA extraction methods. The contigs from the hybrid assembly sequences were used to annotate the target genes, which were then included in a phylogenetic tree and distance matrix analysis. DNA extraction method had an impact on the amount of data and the length of reads produced in MinION and the Smart DNA prep extraction kit with InnuPure C16 touch extraction device produced the best results. The blaKPC-3 gene was located on plasmids in each isolate, and the similarity of the plasmid sequences indicated that horizontal plasmid-mediated gene transfer has likely occurred between different species. However, the clonal spread cannot be excluded, and further research is needed to confirm these findings.
  • Wang, Jue (2015)
    Forest carbon offset projects have been growing vigorously in China in the last ten years. It is necessary to form an overall picture of the projects, to analyze the quality of their development processes, and to shed light on the development of upcoming projects. In order to evaluate their development process, a framework of assessment was built up and applied in practical project assessment. In this thesis, firstly, the situation of the global carbon markets and Chinese forest carbon offset projects was introduced. Especially, different international and domestic carbon accounting and other carbon related standards were presented and compared. Secondly, the previous studies about the assessment of sustainable development impacts of the forestry carbon projects were reviewed; the approaches and indicators were compared and summarized. Then, in combination with checklists and multi-criteria approaches, a new assessment framework was established, consisting of a set of indicators and a four-level scoring system. Finally, 16 Chinese forestry projects which have applied different carbon standards were evaluated with this assessment framework. Their performances were compared and analyzed, the characteristics of standards were also compared. According to the results of the assessment, the successfully registered Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects gained higher scores, suggesting their development processes were of higher quality. The projects applying Climate, Community, and Biodiversity Standards (CCBS) in pair with another carbon accounting standard also tended to get higher scores, indicating the positive effect of CCBS on the consideration of sustainable co-benefits. The international standards are stricter than domestic standards, which can be seen from the comprehensiveness and meticulousness of the Project Design Documents (PDDs). The result of the assessment corresponds to the previous understanding about the projects and standards, which supports the validity of the assessment framework.
  • Leskinen, Tia (2023)
    Ruokakulttuuri on kokenut merkittäviä muutoksia viime vuosien aikana. Siihen liittyvät ilmiöt ovat herättäneet runsaasti kiinnostusta niin tutkijoiden kuin kuluttajienkin keskuudessa. Erilaiset syömisen mahdollisuudet ovat lisääntyneet ja ravintoloissa käymistä sekä ruokahifistelyä kotikeittiöissä pidetään trendikkäänä. Tässä sosiokulttuurisen tutkimuksen piiriin kuuluvassa maisterintutkielmassa tutkitaan ruokakulttuurin estetisoitumista keskittyen ravintolakulutukseen sekä ravintolamaisten käytäntöjen harjoittamiseen kotona. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella esteettisyyden ja ravintolamaisuuden ilmenemistä osana nuorten aikuisten ruoka-arkea. Lisäksi tarkastellaan koronapandemiasta ja Ukrainan sodasta johtuvia muutoksia näissä ruokakäytänteissä, haasteita esteettisten ja ravintolamaisten käytäntöjen toteuttamisessa ja selvitetään, miten erilaiset käytäntöjen elementit näyttäytyvät ravintolamaista kulutusta koskevassa kuluttajien puheessa. Elementeillä viitataan materiaaleihin, toimintatapoihin sekä merkityksiin. Tutkimus pyrkii täsmentämään ja tarjoamaan uutta tietoa ruokaestetisaation ja kotona harjoitettavien ravintolamaisten käytäntöjen välisestä suhteesta. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin kymmentä ruoasta kiinnostunutta pääkaupunkiseudulla asuvaa henkilöä puolistrukturoiduin teemahaastatteluin. Aineisto analysoitiin laadullisesti teoriaohjaavan sisältöanalyysin keinoin aiempaa tutkimusta sekä käytäntöteoriaa hyödyntäen. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että estetisoituneemmat kulutustavat painottuvat erityisesti viikonlopuille niin ravintoloissa käymisen kuin kotona valmistettavan ruoan suhteen, ja arkipäivinä ruokailutavat voivat olla hyvinkin vaatimattomia. Ravintoloissa vierailu sekä ravintolamaisten käytäntöjen harjoittaminen kotona koetaan erityisesti nautinnon lähteenä sekä merkityksellisenä kenttänä sosiaalisten suhteiden ylläpitämiselle. Ruokaan liitetään myös erilaisia ominaisuuksia, jotka samalla ohjaavat ruokailun suhteen tehtäviä valintoja. Syötiin ruokaa sitten kotona tai ravintoloissa, ruoalta odotetaan hyvää makua ja hinta-laatusuhdetta sekä terveellisyyttä. Estetisoituneemmissa ruokailuhetkissä myös ympäristön ja tunnelman merkitys korostuu. Estetisoituneet ruokailukäytännöt heijastelevat kasvanutta kiinnostusta ruokaa sekä ruoanlaittoa kohtaan tehden niistä mielenkiintoisia kulutussosiologisia tutkimuskohteita. Tutkielman lopussa esitelläänkin muutamia jatkotutkimusehdotuksia, joille tämä tutkimus voisi toimia taustoituksena. Estetisoituneiden ruokakäytäntöjen yhteydessä olisi esimerkiksi mielekästä tutkia lisää ikärakenteen ja asuinalueen merkitystä käytäntöjen toteuttamiselle sekä toisaalta myös autenttisten ja esteettisten käytäntöjen kytkeytymistä nuorten kaupunkilaisten ruoka-arjessa.
  • Mattila, Kaarle (2018)
    Cost-effective mitigation of climate change is essential for climate policy. Forest rotation age is a silvicultural measure by which forest carbon stocks can be influenced with in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, Article 3.4. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how lengthening the forest rotation periods would affect the profitability of forestry and carbon sequestration. The discounted net revenues of the forest owner’s economical optimal (Faustmann’s rotation model) were compared with 10 and 20 years longer rotation periods, where the additional carbon dioxide sequestrated was compensated with prices 20 € and 50 € per ton of CO2. All calculations were made with a 2 % and a 4 % interest rate. Ten test sites were selected from a list of forest stands in Eastern-Finland, 5 of which were Norway spruce stands and 5 were Scots pine stands. The forest growth of these stands was simulated with Motti-simulator, a software developed by Metsäntutkimuslaitos (METLA) to estimate tree growth at forest stand levels. The results indicate, that lengthening the rotation period increases the carbon stocks of forests. The additional carbon dioxide sequestrated obeys the rule of decreasing marginal utility, so that the increment is greater for the first 10 years than the following 10 years lengthening of lengthening. The unit costs for carbon sequestration were between 2.3 – 18.1 (€/ton of CO2) for Norway spruce and 0.2 – 15.9 for Scots pine. However, the carbon sequestration was by average higher and more cost-efficient for Norway spruces than for Scots pines. The discounted net revenues of the forest owner increased in almost every case, which implies that the carbon sequestration is profitable in the right circumstances. The incompleteness of carbon trading is an obstacle for the commercialization of forest carbon sequestration. In the future, more research data is required to enable a more efficient execution for the forest carbon sequestration markets.
  • Juntheikki, Joni (2014)
    Purpose of this thesis is to estimate the carbon sequestration potential in eucalyptus plantations in Uruguay. This study also aims to show how beneficial these plantations are for carbon sinks. The aim of this research is calculate total carbon balance in eucalyptus plantations and compare the results to degraded lands. This study is first-of-its-kind study in Uruguay, but not unique globally. The objective was to use a modeling approach to formulate the results. The methodology of this study is based to the dynamic growth model (CO2fix V3.1). Model is developed to calculate and estimate forest carbon fluxes and stocks. In this study the model was utilized for estimating how much carbon is sequestered in eucalyptus plantations and soils. In this thesis the model was used to simulate eucalyptus forest plantations that stem from numerous studies and different data. Ad hoc Excel model was generated to form calculated results from the simulated data. A separate sensitivity analysis is also formulated to reveal a possible different outcome. The framework is based on a stand-level inventory data of forestry plantations provided by the Ministry of Uruguay (MGAP) and companies. Also multiple scientific reports and previous studies were used as guidelines for simulations and results. The forest stand, yield, soil and weather data used for this study are from three different departments. There are over 700 000 hectares of different species of eucalyptus plantations in Uruguay. The theoretical framework was tested computationally with eleven simulations. CO2fix was parameterized for fast-growing eucalyptus species used in different parts of Uruguay. The model gave outputs per hectare and then this result was scaled up to the national level. This study will also estimate how much grassland (Pampa) and former pasture land could sequester carbon. Situation prior to plantation is a baseline scenario and it is compared to the expected carbon sequestration of plantations. The model is also used to calculate the effect of changing rotation length on carbon stocks of forest ecosystem (forest vegetation and soil) and wood products. The results of this study show that currently the 707,674 hectares of eucalyptus plantations in Uruguay have the potential to sequester 65 million tonnes of carbon and reduce 238 million tonnes of CO2. The calculated carbon storage is 38 and simulated 25 million tonnes of C, products are deducted from the equation. During 22 years (1990–2012) the annual carbon sequestration benefit (afforestation-baseline) without products is 1 757 847 Mg C. The results suggest that it is reasonable to establish eucalyptus plantations on degraded, grassland (Pampa) and abandoned pasture land. The implications of the results are that eucalyptus plantations in Uruguay actually enhance carbon sequestration, are carbon sinks and store more carbon than grassland and abandoned pasture land. Plantations have a vast sequestration potential and are important in mitigating of CO2 emission and effects of the climate change. The findings endorse the significance of plantations to increase carbon sinks and this role will broaden in the future. The most relevant findings of this study are that afforestation increases the soil carbon in 10-year rotation plantations by 34% (101.1>75.6) and in 12-year rotation 38% (104.4>75.6 Mg Cha-1) in a 60-year simulation. The net (afforestation-baseline) average carbon stock benefit in the soil is 25.5 Mg C ha?1 in a 60-year simulation. The (CO2Fix) model indicate that the total average carbon sequestration for eucalyptus plantations is 92.3 Mg Cha?1. The average total carbon storage ranges from 25.8–138.5 Mg Cha?1 during a 60-year simulation. The simulations show that the net annual carbon storage in the living biomass is 29.1, 25.5 (soil) and 37.6 Mg C (products) on the average scenario. There is some fluctuation in the sequestration results in other 10 simulations. Previous studies have showed that the average carbon stock for eucalyptus plantations varies from 30–60 Mg C ha-1, when soil and products are deducted. The capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester carbon in the long run could be even more strengthened if a rotation length increases. Extending rotation from 10 to 12 years increased the average soil carbon stock from 25.5 to 28.8 Mg C (by 13%) in 60 year simulation. The results also indicate that mean annual precipitation (MAP) alters the carbon sinks of the forest ecosystem. There are some limitations in this study and they are clearly explained and analyzed. Hence, most of the results are estimations. Ministry and companies need to prolong planting of trees and even intensify annual programs in order to achieve carbon sequestration targets. Further research is needed to get an estimate of the total forest ecosystem carbon storages and fluxes.
  • Sarviaho, Katri (2019)
    The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters of elk hunting traits in Jämthunds. There were nineteen traits under consideration. Heritabilities, repeatabilities, and genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated for the traits. Also, coefficient of inbreeding and genetic trends were estimated. The data consisted of results from official elk hunting trials collected by Suomen Harmaahirvikoirajärjestö ry in 2012-2016. There were 46 221 results, from which 23 335 of Jämthunds. The pedigree data was provided by The Finnish Kennel Club and it included 31 544 Jämthunds. Significance of the fixed effects was estimated using F-test in analysis of variance with RStudio 1.0.136. The pedigree was pruned with RelaX2 1.54-pedigree analysis programme. Variance components were estimated with DMU-package using AI-REML-approach. The estimated heritabilities were low and varied between 0.00 and 0.047. The highest heritability was obtained for search and the lowest for obedience during work. Genetic correlations varied from -0.25 to 0.98, and the strongest were estimated for most of the bark related traits. The genetic trend has been positive in all traits, except for obedience traits. The coefficient of inbreeding for dogs born in 2016 was approximately 7.03 %, and the coefficient of inbreeding has decreased 0.26 % in the last decade. There are multiple non-genetic factors that affect the traits, and the data is based on subjectively evaluated variables. It is possible to improve genetic evaluation by collecting more information on trial conditions, by using the whole scale of points during the evaluation, and by making more objective evaluations of the traits. The estimated breeding values of the important traits can be used in selection of the parent of the next generation.
  • Ruotanen, Päivi (2020)
    Patellar luxation is a typical orthopaedic disorder in small sized dogs. Patella can luxate either medially or laterally, medial luxation being by far more common than the lateral luxation. PL is considered hereditary since certain breeds have great susceptibility to get the condition, and the symptoms may occur at young age. PL is diagnosed by following the so-called Putnam’s scale where the stifle joint is palpated and manipulated. PL is graded from 0=normal…4=permanent luxation. The aim of this study was to estimate the variance components and the heritability of PL, to visualize PL’s genetic trend and to calculate the genetic correlation between left and right stifle and between PL and hip dysplasia (HD) in Japanese Spitz. The PL, HD and pedigree data were provided by the Finnish Kennel Club. Data were modified with both R-program and Microsoft Office Excel. The pedigree check was performed with RelaX2 program and variance component analyses were done with DMU program using the restricted maximum likelihood method. Heritabilities (h2) were from very low to low depending on the model and breed. When the dependent variable was the mean of left and right patellae of an individual the lowest heritability was in the Pomeranian h2=0.03 and highest in the Chihuahua h2=0.18. The genetic correlation of left and right patellae was 1 in all breeds which suggests that they are genetically the same trait. In the Japanese Spitz the genetic correlation between PL and HD was -0.05. The genetic trend of PL was favorable in the Chihuahua and the Japanese Spitz. In the Pomeranian the trend was negative and neutral in the Finnish Spitz. Based on the results, the selection against PL has not been efficient. In future, patellae health should be controlled by using breeding indexes because the heritability of PL is low. Also, improvements in phenotyping could lead to more accurate selection.
  • Hämäläinen, Aurora (2020)
    The traditional method of estimating inbreeding is based on pedigree information, which only considers the known common ancestors of the animals. In recent years, the animal breeding sector has introduced new genomic tools in breeding schemes. The aim of this study was to estimate and compare the level of inbreeding in Finnish Yorkshire and Finnish Landrace pigs using pedigree and genomic methods. Data consisted of pedigree and genotype information from both breeds. In pedigree data there were 503 315 Landrace and 549 296 Yorkshire animals after pruning for pedigree completeness and errors in the data. In the genotype data, there were 522 individuals of Landrace and 934 individuals of Yorkshire animals after pruning. Inbreeding coefficients (FPED) were estimated from pedigree data using RelaX2 program and for genomic data using PLINK by detecting runs of homozygosity (FROH). Percentage of homozygosity (FPH) was also studied from genomic data. Yearly rate of inbreeding based on pedigree raised steadily. Average inbreeding coefficients from year 2014 were 0.10 for Landrace and 0.15 for Yorkshire. The average inbreeding coefficient based on ROHs for animals born in year 2014 were 0.21 for Landrace and 0.25 for Yorkshire animals. Correlation between pedigree-based estimate and genomic-based FROH was found to be quite low for both breeds; 0.51 for Landrace and 0.58 for Yorkshire. The correlation between the two genomic based methods FROH and FPH was high, 0.86 for Landrace and 0.89 for Yorkshire. The level of inbreeding was found to be quite high in both breeds. The genomic-based estimates were higher overall than pedigree-based estimates, which indicates that pedigree data are missing some common ancestors. Based on the results, the level of inbreeding in Finnish pig breeds should be monitored to maintain sufficient genetic diversity in the populations.
  • Dey, Methun Chandra; Dey, Methun Chandra (2023)
    Inbreeding is a significant concern in animal breeding programs as it can lead to decreased genetic diversity, impaired fertility and production traits and a higher prevalence of genetic disorders. Therefore, estimation of inbreeding in pig breeds is crucial for the development of breeding programs that maintain genetic diversity while also improving production traits and health. In this study, inbreeding coefficients were estimated using both pedigree-based methods and runs of homozygosity (ROH) based methods. Pedigree-based methods involve tracing the ancestry of individuals through a pedigree, while ROH-based methods use genomic data to identify regions of the genome that are homozygous due to common ancestry. The results from the two methods were compared to evaluate their effectiveness in estimating inbreeding coefficient in the two pig breeds. The study used data from 941 pigs with both genotype and pedigree information and found that ROH-based estimates were higher than pedigree-based estimates even though the differences were not too big. The results also showed that the pig breeds had moderate levels of inbreeding, with the mean inbreeding coefficient estimated from pedigree were 0.15 and 0.11 for Yorkshire and Landrace, respectively; mean inbreeding coefficient from runs of homozygosity were 0.18 and 0.16 for Yorkshire and Landrace, respectively. These findings are important for pig breeding programs as they highlight the need to monitor and manage inbreeding levels to maintain genetic diversity and prevent potential negative effects on production traits and health traits. The results also demonstrate the usefulness of ROH-based analysis in estimating inbreeding levels and identifying recent inbreeding events in pig populations. In conclusion, this study will provide an extensive comparative analysis of estimation of inbreeding coefficient through pedigree and genomic information that will be useful in the breeding strategies of these Finnish pig breeds.
  • Haikarainen, Iina (2017)
    Leaf area index (LAI) is an important biophysical variable which helps to estimate vegetation biomass, radiation use efficiency and potential yield. Traditional LAI-determination methods tend to be slow and they require a lot of labor and data processing. Vegetation indices are one way to estimate LAI of the crops, but it is hard to create a vegetation index that would be suitable for all crops, environments and optical occasions. This is caused by saturation of indices under high LAI and differences in structure between various crop species Leaf inclination angle affects spectral reflectance with LAI (Zou et al. 2014, Zou & Mõttus 2015, Zou et al. 2015). The aim of this study was to investigate effects of leaf inclination angle on LAI-sensitive vegetation indices. LAI-sensitive narrow-band vegetation indices were selected from literature and they were calculated based on reflectance of measured field data and simulated model data. After calculation of vegetation indices, regression between vegetation indices and LAI was performed. Regression was performed with both true field data and simulated model data. Finally, simulated data was plotted based on mean leaf tilt angles (20, 30, 40, 50 and 65) and on low, medium and high chlorophyll contents (25-30, 55-60, 95-100). Regression was determined between vegetation indices and LAI based on plotted data. LAI could be estimated from vegetation indices in true field data (R2=0,36-0,52, RMSE 0,65-0,74 m2/m2) and simulated model data (R2=0,25-0,52, RMSE 0,81-1,02 m2/m2) and they acted similarly. When simulated data was plotted, coefficients of determination were higher (R2=0,50-0,99, RMSE 0,12-0,91 m2/m2). The best goodness of fit was found under MTA-levels 40 and 50. Lowest coefficients of determination occurred on highest MTA-level. Chlorophyll amount effected on the way MTA effects on indices performance: variance between MTA-classes seems to be larger under higher chlorophyll levels. As expected, leaf inclination angle affects performance of LAI-sensitive vegetation indices, and chlorophyll amount has effect on this. These observations should be taken into account while choosing index to estimate LAI of crops.
  • Latva-Käyrä, Petri (2012)
    The intensity and frequency of insect outbreaks have increased in Finland in the last decades and they are expected to increase even further in the future due to global climate change. In 1998-2001 Finland suffered the most severe insect outbreak ever recorded, over 500,000 hectares. The outbreak was caused by the common pine sawfly (Diprion pini L.). The outbreak has continued in the study area, Palokangas, ever since. To find a good method to monitor this type of outbreaks, the purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of multitemporal ERS-2 and ENVISAT SAR imagery for estimating Scots pine defoliation. The study area, Palokangas, is located in Ilomantsi district, Eastern-Finland and consists mainly even-aged Scots pine forests on relatively dry soils. Most of the forests in the area are young or middle-aged managed forests. The study material was comprised of multi-temporal ERS-2 and ENVISAT synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. The images had been taken between the years 2001 and 2008. The field data consisted 16 sample plots which had been measured seven times between the years 2002 and 2009. In addition, eight sample plots were added afterwards to places which were known to have had cuttings during the study period. Three methods were tested to estimate Scots pine defoliation: unsupervised k-means clustering, supervised linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and logistic regression. In addition, it was assessed if harvested areas could be differentiated from the defoliated forest using the same methods. Two different speckle filters were used to determine the effect of filtering on the SAR imagery and subsequent results. The logistic regression performed best, producing a classification accuracy of 81.6% (kappa 0.62) with two classes (no defoliation, >20% defoliation). LDA accuracy was with two classes at best 77.7% (kappa 0.54) and k-means 72.8 (0.46). In general, the largest speckle filter, 5 x 5 image window, performed best. When additional classes were added the accuracy was usually degraded on a step-by-step basis. The results were good, but because of the restrictions in the study they should be confirmed with independent data, before full conclusions can be made that results are reliable. The restrictions include the small size field data and, thus, the problems with accuracy assessment (no separate testing data) as well as the lack of meteorological data from the imaging dates.
  • Miajee, Md. Jahidul Hasan (2020)
    The agricultural management of soil organic carbon (SOC) is highly important to build a climate-smart and eco-friendly agricultural system. For this reason, our study was conducted to test the hypothesis that the effect of different treatments consisting of soil textures and crop varieties on SOC stock has a major influence on any loss or accumulation of SOC storage. We also test the hypothesis that equivalent soil mass (ESM) is more consistent than fixed depth (FD) in estimating SOC content. In our study, the results were not found statistically significant but they showed minor differences in the SOC estimation. The difference was not clearly observed between ESM and FD methods. The influence of soil textures and crop varieties on SOC content was not significantly different. However, the cultivation of grass in fine-textured soils slightly increased the SOC stock compared with that in coarse-textured soils probably due to enhanced grass root growth and aggregation in fine-textured soils that protects soil organic matter from microbial oxidation.