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  • Kyllönen, Tiiu (2018)
    The faba bean (Vicia faba L.) has increased its cultivation area in Finland because of its high protein content. It replaces some of the imported plant proteins, such as soybean (Glycine max) meal, as feed for livestock and has increasing interest as an ingredient in plant-based meat-substitute food products. The faba bean is partly self-pollinating, but insect pollination has been shown to increase yield and reliability. Honeybees (Apis mellifera) are one of the most important pollinators for the bean in Finland. The aims of the thesis were to study the effects of honeybee interactions with faba bean flowers and pollination. This was done mainly via a cage experiment about the pod count and distribution along the plant stem, with and without pollination from honeybees. The second and third aims were to find out more about the honeybee behaviour on the faba bean flowers and the abundance of pollinators and species richness on faba bean fields. For these parts a field survey was conducted on eight different faba bean fields in Southern Finland. The increase in pod count following bee activity was found to be as high as 65% and the increase in pods per node 19%. The distribution of the pods was increased towards the middle of the plant in the plants that were insect pollinated, compared to the plants that were not. There was a strong correlation between the number of honeybees (Apis mellifera) on the fields and the pod counts per plant node. Honeybees visited 1.5 flowers per plant on average and frontal visits constituted 55% of all visits recorded. Pollinator numbers and species diversity varied greatly from field to field. The results show that pollination by of honeybees benefits faba bean yield. They give a good understanding into the potential yield effects and provide pointers for future research on the topic. The study is aimed to prepare the background for introducing a better basis for cooperation between beekeepers and faba bean farmers. The main goal is to increase knowledge about honeybee pollination effects on the faba bean yield and give a solid start into building prospects for commercial pollination services in Finnish agriculture in general. The study was done in collaboration with The Finnish Beekeeping Association.
  • Kai Cheong, Ng (2016)
    Garden strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) is one of the most important soft fruit crops in Finland. Every year, over ten thousand tonnes of strawberries are produced, but in many cases they are affected by grey mould disease (Botrytis cinerea Pers.). Grey mould disease is absolutely devastating for strawberry, as it can affect up to 80% of the yield. Although chemical fungicides are widely used in controlling the pathogen, there are increasing concerns about its safety and environmental impacts. The use of disease resistant cultivars and biological control agents (BCAs) are two of the alternative methods in controlling grey mould disease. However, the breeding progress of resistant cultivars is limited by the selection methods used, while the BCAs require more characterization. In this study, we evaluated strawberry grey mould resistance by inoculation, and tested the amount of Pseudomonas fluorescens in strawberry after biological control application. Inoculation of strawberry is feasible, efficient and reliable to replace the conventional grey mould evaluation method. Foliage application of P. fluorescens did not significantly change the endophyte content of strawberry, proposing that the use of the bacterium is safe from causing any bacterial contamination.
  • Nurmi, Elina (2015)
    Agriculture and other human activity has considerably affected the nitrogen cycle, which initially doubled the amount of nitrogen on the planet. The most well-known consequence of this phenomenon is eutrophication. The objective of this thesis was to study nutrient balances and their usefulness in evaluating the nitrogen usage in beef cattle farms, the nitrogen load and nitrogen use efficiency in those farms as well as how well the farms utilize their inputs. This study based on three organic beef cattle farms which took part in BERAS Implementation –project in 2010-2013. All farms specialized in suckler cow production. The data was collected in July-August 2013 when the farmers were interviewed about their inputs and outputs during the years 2010-2012. On the basis of this information different type of nitrogen balances were calculated. The farm gate nitrogen balances were 27, 36 and 70 kg/ha. Except for the last one, the feed self-sufficiency of the farms was very high, more than 90 %. The farm with the largest nitrogen surplus utilized a considerable amount of input from outside the farm which reflected in low feed self-sufficiency (64 %). The other two with smaller surpluses received excellent primary nutrient ratios (1,38 and 1,40) which indicates active nutrient recycling. However, despite of these results, it is important to remember that nutrient balances should be viewed with a critical eye. The uncertainties primarily concern the amount of biologically fixated nitrogen and the amount of yields of cultivated plants. These variables were taken into consideration in sensitivity analysis. Instead of nutrient balances, it would more useful to draw attention to other indicators such as feed self-sufficiency or animal unit density when evaluating nitrogen load of farms. The efficiency of beef cattle production depends also on how the production is actually implemented. It is especially important to acknowledge the importance of feeding and manure handling. The feed conversion ratio is always low in beef production since it is less than 10 %. Nevertheless, there are other benefits in cattle breeding such as utilization of natural pastures and cultivation of perennial grasses which not only are excellent for soil fertility, but also decrease nutrient leaching.
  • Jauho, Jenny (2014)
    Biowaste is composed of food and garden waste, which can easily be utilized for energy and nutrient recovery. A part of biowaste, however, still goes to landfilling, which cause harmful emissions and leaks to the environment. This pro gradu study was carried out as a part of JaloJäte- project in Etelä- Savo and Satakunta. The purpose of JaloJäte- project was to develop models for biowaste exploitation with corporate social responsibility. The aim of my study was to examine if there was any correlation between the amount of biowaste as dry matter and the revenues of the food companies. My study also gives information on which food sector produces most amounts of biowaste amount as dry matter proportional to the revenues as euros of the food company. The utilization of biowaste is also reported in different food sectors. The method was empirical and the study qualitative. I collected the information for the study by phone and by emails from food companies from the years 2007 to the year 2009. I got 102 interviews from food companies. The results indicate that when the revenues as euros of the food companies grew the biowaste amount as dry matter decreased. According to the study agriculture with fishing and food industry sectors produce more biowaste as dry matter per euro than food stores and restaurants. The biowaste utilization varied in different food chain sectors. The most popular biowaste utilization forms were composting, direct field use and feeding animals. Others more marginal biowaste utilization forms were burning and rotting. Unfortunately a part of biowaste still goes into landfilling. This cannot continue for long, because placing biowaste into landfills will be forbidden from start of the year 2016. Hopefully this will change puplic opinion so that biowaste will be considered more as a useful byproduct than as waste. More researche is needed on biowaste utilization, so more effective and economical recycling forms can be develop.
  • Lassi, Juho (2020)
    Oat (Avena Sativa L.) has been second most cultivated crop in Finland. Oat has been Finland’s most exported grain for several years and its use for human consumption has increased because of dietary benefits. Oat is well suited for northern growing conditions and there has been long tradition for oat breeding in Finland. High yield has been important breeding goal but because the new use purposes, also other quality parameters have more attention in breeding. According to statistics, the average oat yield was 3293 kg/ha in years 2002-2016. The average yields have not changed in past 15 years in farm level. Yield and quality formation of four Finnish oat varieties (Iiris, Meeri, Niklas ja Steinar) and two Central-European oat varieties (Canyon and Harmony) was studied during growing season 2016. The field experiment was carried out at Elimäki in southern Finland. Different characteristics were measured and calculated during the growing season. Dry matter accumulation, growing rhythm, lodging and plant height were determined. Also yield, harvest index, grain filling rate, grading, thousand kernel weight and other quality parameters were determined. Suitability for milling use were studied from the oat varieties. Study was conducted in field as a completely randomized plot experiment with three replicants. Number of growing days correlated positively with yield. The last maturated varieties, Canyon, Harmony and Iiris, produced highest yield and best quality. These highest yielding varieties did not thoug have the highest harvest index. Length of grain filling period correlated positively with thousand kernel weight and grading result which all are also important quality features for oat milling industry. A correlation between grain size and hectoliter weight was not observed in this study.
  • Mikkola, Aino (2019)
    Before parturition the wild boar uses plant material to build a nest, which provides the piglets shelter and keeps them warm. Despite domestication, this behaviour has remained as an important part of maternal behaviour in the domestic pig. Nest building behaviour has a big impact on modern pig production, because the possibilities to practise this behaviour affect the sow and the piglets in various ways. In this study, we investigated nest building behaviour in a group farrowing system. We also studied how nest building behaviour is associated to the sow’s physiology and performance. A total of 31 farrowings of 23 group-housed sows were investigated. The nest building behavior and the location of the sows were monitored continuosly starting 24 hours prior to farrowing. When the sow farrowed, blood and colostrum samples were collected to assess the concentrations of progesterone and immunoglobulins. Also the duration of farrowing, the yield of colostrum and the piglets’ growth, colostrum intake and mortality were observed. The sows had excellent conditions for nest building, because they could move freely in their own group farrowing department and had access to large amounts of straw to use as a nest building material. The total duration of nest building behaviour and the way it was distributed varied greatly between sows. Nest building behaviour started on average 23 h 7 min before farrowing and ceased approximately 18 min before farrowing. The mean total duration of nest building behaviour during 24 hours before farrowing was 4 h 29 min. Most of the nest building behaviour, 3 h 32 min, occurred 12–0 h before farrowing and the peak was seen 6–4 hours prior to farrowing. Younger sows started nest building behaviour earlier and spent less time in the pens than older sows. Starting nest building behaviour earlier correlated with a shorter duration of farrowing and, to a lesser extent, with a smaller number of stillborn piglets. Abundant nest building during 24–12 hours before farrowing tended to correlate with lower piglet mortality in the age of 1–3 days. Opposite to our assumptions, abundant nest building during 12–0 hours before farrowing correlated with poorer piglet growth. Nest building behaviour wasn’t related to colostrum yield and intake or the concentrations of progesterone and immunoglobulins. In conclusion, the total duration of nest building behaviour was greater in group farrowing system than in previously studied systems (farrowing crate, loose farrowing pen). Especially the early start of nest building had a positive effect on sows’ performance.
  • Jämsä, Titta (2020)
    Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää suomalaisen emolehmätuotannon tuottavuutta kuvaavia tunnuslukuja. Emolehmätuotantoa tarvitaan, koska lypsylehmien määrä pienenee ja näin ollen myös lihantuotantoon käytettävissä olevien maitorotuisten vasikoiden määrä. Emolehmien määrä on noussut Suomessa lähes 20 % kymmenen viime vuoden aikana. Emolehmän tärkein tuotos on elävä vasikka, joka saadaan vieroitettua menestyksekkäästi ja riittävän isossa vieroituspainossa suhteessa emon painoon. Naudanlihantuotannon hiilijalanjälkeen on viime vuosina kiinnitetty yhä enemmän huomiota ja emolehmiin perustuvan lihantuotannon tuottavuutta parantamalla voidaan pienentää myös kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä. Emolehmätuotannon tuottavuutta kuvaavia tunnuslukuja ovat hiehojen poikimaikä, poikimaväli, poikimaprosentti, vasikkakuolleisuus, elinikäistuotos ja poistoikä. Nämä analysoitiin Ruokaviraston nautarekisterin tietojärjestelmistä saatavasta datasta vuosilta 1995-2014. Aineiston tilastollinen analysointi toteutettiin SAS-ohjelmalla. Keskimääräisten tunnuslukujen lisäksi analysoitiin rotukohtaiset erot sekä emolehmätilojen parhaimman ja heikoimman neljänneksen väliset erot. Emolehmähiehot poikivat keskimäärin 27,5 kuukauden iässä. Poikimaväli oli keskimäärin 378 päivää. Angus-rodun hiehojen poikimaikä oli matalin ja lehmien poikimaväli lyhyin lähes koko analysointijakson ajan. Limousinen poikimaikä oli korkein ja poikimaväli pisin. Parhaan neljänneksen tiloilla hiehot poikivat keskimäärin 22 kuukauden iässä ja heikoimman neljänneksen tiloilla yli 42 kuukauden iässä. Poikimavälin keskiarvo parhaan neljänneksen tiloilla oli 364 päivää ja heikoimman neljänneksen tiloilla 400 päivää. Poikimaprosentti oli keskimäärin lähes 86 prosenttia. Anguksen poikimaprosentti oli korkein koko analysointijakson ajan. Parhaan neljänneksen karjoissa poikimaprosentti oli keskimäärin 96 % ja heikoimman neljänneksen karjoissa 73 %. Vasikkakuolleisuus oli keskimäärin 6,2 %. Sonnivasikoiden kuolleisuus oli lähes 2 %-yksikköä suurempi kuin lehmävasikoiden. Ensikoilla vasikkakuolleisuus oli suurempi kuin vanhemmilla lehmillä. Vasikkakuolleisuus oli suurin charolais-rodulla. Emolehmän elinikäistuotos oli keskimäärin 4,4 tuotettua vasikkaa. Elinikäistuotos oli paras anguksella ja limousinella ja heikoin simmentalilla. Poistoiän keskiarvo oli 6,8 vuotta. Korkein poistoikä oli limousinella ja matalin simmentalilla. Tilakohtaiset vaihtelut tuotantotuloksissa olivat suuria. Tuotannon tulisi olla riittävän tehokasta, jotta se olisi ympäristöllisesti kestävää ja emolehmätuotannon hiilijalanjälkeä saataisiin entisestään pienennettyä.
  • Vuorentola, Ari-Pekka (2013)
    The aim of this research was to measure energy consumption and energy loss through ventilation in the Viikki research farm, as well as to find possible targets to decrease energy consumption. In order to properly achieve an efficient use of energy it is important to first know how much energy is being used and where. In the literature review I found that the greatest energy consumption comes from ventilation, milking, cooling the milk, warming the water, lightning, taking of the manure and feeding. Previous research has shown that most of the energy is used for feeding and milking. Feeding took 133–650 kWh/year/cow. The energy consumption of milking was 380–570 kWh/year/cow. Milking the cows, cooling the milk and washing up the tank were included in energy consumption of milking. If internal combustion engines are used for feeding the overall energy consumption is higher than when electrical engines are used. To determine energy consumption in the Viikki research farm`s barn, measuring devices were installed. Due to the limited number of devises I concentrated on the sources of the highest energy consumption, as was determined from previous research. The reliability of the results from the chosen targets was acceptable, however, measurement of the total consumption of energy of the entire barn was very challenging and its measurement was eventually abandoned. The barn used for this research is an old renovated stone barn where cows are kept unchained. There are 60 to 70 cows, a couple of heifers and 0 to 30 calves in the barn. The total energy consumption of the barn as measured by the devices is 197 475 kWh/year or 0,267 kWh/kg of milk/year. Most of the energy is used for lightning (56 132 kWh per annum) or 0,076 kWh/kg of milk and 823 kWh/cow per annum. Feeding accounted for 42 000 kWh/year or 0,050 kWh/kg/year. The feeding of one cow required 615 kWh a year of energy. The amount of energy used for one kilo of milk was: milking, 0,047; warming 0,041; manure disposal 0,029; and ventilation 0,018 kWh/year. According to my calculations the amount of energy passing through the ventilation system was 580 000 kWh/year.
  • Niemi, Helka (2013)
    Genetic parameters and relationships were estimated for production, herd life, and udder traits for Finnish Ayrshire and Holstein cows. Data consisted of 25,521 Ayrshire cows and 7703 Holstein cows, born from 1994 to 2005. The estimated production traits were first lactation milk yield and lifetime milk yield, estimated herd life traits were total days in milk and number of lactations. The estimated udder traits were fore attachment, fore teat placement, median suspensory, total udder, rear attachment width, rear attachment length, rear teat placement, balance, teat length, teat thickness, and udder depth. Heritabilities and genetic correlations between traits were calculated by REML using the DMU software. Heritabilities for lifetime milk and herd life traits were near zero. Heritability for first lactation milk was 0.25 for Ayrshire and 0.19 for Holstein. The estimates of heritabilities for udder traits were mainly low to moderate ranging from 0.15 to 0.32. Teat length (Ayrshire 0.32; Holstein 0.29) and udder depth (Ayrshire 0.30; Holstein 0.31) had the highest heritabilities. The genetic correlations between first lactation milk and lifetime milk were moderate (Ayrshire 0.37; Holstein 0.47). Teat length and thickness had a negative genetic correlation to lifetime milk and both herd life traits. The highest positive genetic correlations were between udder depth and herd life traits and between total udder and herd life traits in Ayrshire, ranging from 0.35 to 0.37. Direct selection on lifetime and herd life traits would not be effective because of the low heritabilities and, because longer generation intervals are associated with these traits. Alternatively, progress can be made in herd life traits by putting selection emphasis on udder depth and avoiding thick and long teats.
  • Vienola, Kirsi (2013)
    Tutkimus liittyi moniosaiseen, Maa- ja metsätalousministeriön ja Helsingin yliopiston eläinlääketieteellisen tiedekunnan rahoittamaan projektiin Hyvinvoinnin lisääminen sianlihantuotannossa (INWEPP). Tarkoituksena oli selvittää häkki-, karsina- ja pesäporsimisympäristöjen vaikutukset ja yhteydet alkuimetyskaudella emakon vapaiden rasvahappojen (NEFA) vapautumiseen sekä oksitosiini-, prolaktiini- ja kortisolieritykseen ja porsastuotokseen. Yorkshiren ja maatiaisen 11 risteytysensikkoa ja 22 risteytysemakkoa jaettiin kolmeen erilaiseen porsimisympäristöön noin seitsemän päivää ennen odotettua porsimista. Jokaisessa ryhmässä oli lähes yhtä monta ominaisuuksiltaan samanlaista ensikkoa ja useammin kuin kerran porsinutta emakkoa. Porsimisympäristöinä olivat häkki (2,1m x 0,8m) ja karsina (2,8m x 2,1m) vähäisillä kuivikkeilla sekä karsina runsailla kuivike- ja pesäntekomateriaaleilla (pesä). Kaikki emakot laitettiin heti porsimisen jälkeen häkkeihin. Verinäytteiden ottoa varten ensikoille ja emakoille laitettiin katetri ja verinäytteet otettiin kolmena peräkkäisenä päivänä ennen odotettua porsimispäivää ja neljänä päivänä porsimisen jälkeen. Näytteistä määritettiin NEFA, oksitosiini, kortisoli ja prolaktiini. Porsaiden kuolleisuudessa ei ollut eroja ympäristöjen välillä. Huomioitaessa myös kuolleena syntyneet porsaat, kuolleisuus oli 14,2 % häkkiympäristössä, 24,6 % karsinaympäristössä ja 12,6 % pesäympäristössä. Vapaissa porsimisympäristöissä oli parhaat porsaiden kasvutulokset, erityisesti karsinaympäristössä. Pesäympäristössä oli suurin pahnuepaino porsaiden syntymähetkellä. Häkki- ja karsinaympäristöissä emakoilla oli ensikoita suuremmat pahnueet seitsemän päivän kuluttua porsimisesta. Pahnuepainojen ja pahnuekokojen erot olivat suuntaa-antavia. Porsimisen jälkeen kortisolin tai oksitosiinin pitoisuuksissa ei ollut eroja sen suhteen oliko emakko porsinut yhden vai useamman kerran tai missä ympäristössä porsiminen tapahtui. Prolaktiinipitoisuus oli emakoilla ensikoita korkeampi, mutta pitoisuudet eivät eronneet porsimisympäristöjen välillä. Karsina- ja pesäympäristöissä ensikot mobilisoivat emakoita enemmän kudosrasvoja. Pesäympäristössä porsineilla ensikoilla oli korkeampi plasman NEFA-pitoisuus verrattuna häkki- ja karsinaympäristöissä porsineisiin. Erot olivat suuntaa-antavia. Plasman NEFA-pitoisuuksien erot ympäristöjen välillä eivät selitä karsinaympäristössä porsineiden emakoiden ja ensikoiden hyvää porsaskasvua. Pesäntekomateriaalien tarjoaminen emakoille ja ensikoille saattaa vähentää kuolleena syntyneiden porsaiden määrää ja liikkumisen mahdollistaminen porsimisen päättymiseen asti voi edesauttaa porsaiden hyvää kasvua. Pesäntekomateriaalien tarjoaminen ei tässä tutkimuksessa vaikuttanut yksiselitteisesti emakoiden emo-ominaisuuksiin tai stressiin alkuimetyskaudella.
  • Puhakka, Laura (2011)
    Tämän maisterin tutkielman tarkoituksena oli testata eri maitohappobakteerien ja niiden annostustason vaikutusta säilörehun käymislaatuun ja aerobiseen stabiilisuuteen. Biologisilla säilöntäaineilla eli ympeillä säilöttyjen rehujen laatua verrattiin kontrolleina toimiviin painorehuun ja muurahaishapolla tehtyyn rehuun. Koerehut tehtiin Helsingin yliopiston Maataloustieteiden laitoksella 7.6.2010. Timotei (Phleum pratense) - nurminata (Festuca pratensis) kasvusto korjattiin tähkimisen alkuvaiheessa D-arvon ollessa 711 g/kg ka. Nurmikasvuston kuiva-ainepitoisuus oli 170 g/kg heti niiton jälkeen määritettäessä ja neljän tunnin esikuivauksen jälkeen 208 g/kg. Rehuraaka-aine jaettiin kuuteen erään, joihin lisättiin säilöntäaine. Säilöntäainekäsittelyt olivat: 1) ei säilöntäainetta (painorehu), 2) muurahaishappo (100 %:na 4 l/t), 3) Lactobacillus plantarum ja Pediococcus acidilactici 1x10? pmy/g sekä pektinaasi-, ksylanaasi- ja sellulaasientsyymi, 4) L. plantarum 1x10? pmy/g, 5) L. plantarum 1x10? pmy/g ja 6) L. plantarum ja L. buchneri 2x10? pmy/g. Rehut säilöttiin laboratoriosiiloissa kolmena rinnakkaisena. Laboratoriosiilojen lisäksi rehua säilöttiin jokaisesta säilöntäainekäsittelystä kuuteen rinnakkaiseen minisiiloon säilönnän alkuajan fermentaation ja rehujen pH:n muutoksen seuraamiseksi. Minisiiloista seurattiin kaasuntuotantoa 21 päivän ajan. Raaka-aineen koostumus ja rehujen säilönnällinen laatu sekä aerobinen stabiilisuus määritettiin. Säilörehujen kuiva-ainepitoisuus oli suhteellisen pieni (n. 210 g/kg), jotta voitiin testata biologisten säilöntäaineiden tehoa märässä rehussa. Kosteassa rehussa biologisten säilöntäaineiden toiminnan onnistuminen on haastavaa. Koska raaka-aineen sokeripitoisuus oli kuitenkin erittäin suuri (196 g/kg ka), onnistui ymppirehujen säilöntä hyvin. Kaikkien koerehujen pH oli alle 4:n. Painorehu ei täyttänyt hyvän rehun kriteerejä ammoniumtypen osalta. Muurahaishapporehu oli laadultaan tyydyttävää etikkahapon pitoisuuden osalta. Rehussa tapahtui epätyypillistä etanolikäymistä hiivojen toimesta, jonka johdosta rehussa muodostui suuri määrä kaasua säilönnän aikana. Muurahaishapporehu ei kuitenkaan lämmennyt aerobisen stabiilisuuden mittauksen aikana, johtuen todennäköisesti suuresta etikkahapon määrästä ja toisaalta pienestä sokerin määrästä. Maitohappobakteerisäilöntäaineilla saatiin käymislaadultaan parempaa säilörehua verrattuna painorehuun, lukuun ottamatta maitohappobakteeri-entsyymirehua. Entsyymilisäyksestä ei todennäköisesti ollut hyötyä rehun säilöntälaadun kannalta. Raaka-aineen suuren sokeripitoisuuden johdosta säilörehussa oli koko säilönnän ajan tarpeeksi sokeria maitohappobakteerien käytettäväksi ja sokeri toimi siten substraattina haitallisille mikrobeille tuottaen suuren etikkahappopitoisuuden. Maitohappobakteeri-entsyymiseoksella tehty rehu oli etikkahappopitoisuuden perusteella heikkolaatuista. Lactobacillus plantarumin molemmilla annostustasoilla (1x10? ja 1x10? pmy/g rehua) saatiin laadultaan hyvää rehua. Suuri sokeripitoisuus molemmissa rehuissa johtui todennäköisesti raaka-aineen tavallista suuremmasta sokerin määrästä. Molempien rehujen maitohappo-etikkahappo-suhde oli melko korkea, viitaten homofermentatiiviseen maitohappokäymiseen. Lactobacillus buchneri –lisäyksellä rehu oli säilönnälliseltä laadultaan hyvää. Heterofermentatiivisen ympin lisäys nosti tyypillisesti rehun pH:ta sekä pienensi maitohappoetikkahappo-suhdelukua verrattuna homofermentatiiviseen ymppiin. L. buchneri –lisäys paransi hieman säilörehun aerobista stabiilisuutta verrattuna homofermentatiivisella maitohappobakteerilla säilöttyyn rehuun, mutta tulos ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevä.
  • Kuusisto, Katja (2015)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the ensilability of field pea and faba bean bi-crop with spring wheat when ensiled as whole-crop with different additives. In this study we attempted to clarify use of pea – wheat and faba bean – wheat bi-crop in organic farming. Forages was sown at 4th to 7th of June in Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke) Ruukki and forages were ensiled in laboratory silos at 26th of August 2013. Silages were ensiled without additive (PR), with formic acid (MH) and with two different heterofermentative inoculants (B1 and B2) as additive. Each treatment were made three replicants. Silos were opened after 106 ensiling days at 9th of December in Luke Jokioinen. Chemical and microbiological compositions were determined from samples of herbage. From silage samples were analysed fermentation quality, microbiological composition and aerobic stability. All samples were wet. Faba bean – wheat bi-crop was a little wetter than field pea – wheat bi-crop. Field pea – wheat forage contained more crude protein, water-soluble carbohydrates, starch and had stronger buffering capacity than faba bean – wheat. Faba bean – wheat bi-crop contained more neutral-detergent fiber (NDF) and had also lower digestibility. Both of crops were easy to ensile and growth stage were different between crops. All samples included lot of micro-organism especially yeast, moulds and epiphytic lactic acid bacteria. Field pea – wheat silage contained more fermentation products than faba bean – wheat silage. MH- treated silages had better fermentation quality than other silages although there were higher pH values in MH silages. MH silages contained less lactic and acetic acids and ammonium nitro-gen. Inoculant treated silages mostly did not differ from PR treatment in fermentation parameters. That is probably due to high epiphytic lactic acid bacteria account in herbage. Silages contained only a little butyric acid. Microbiological quality of silages predisposed them to aerobic deteriora-tion because there were considerable high amounts of yeasts and moulds. Field pea –wheat silages were more aerobically stable than faba bean - wheat. This is probably due to higher concentration of fermentation acids in field pea-wheat silages. MH treatment was the most aerobically stable of field pea – wheat silages. B2 treatment was the most stable of field pea – wheat silages. Mixed ration of these silages were more prone to aerobically deterioration than silages.
  • Pousi, Tomi (2017)
    In previous studies of Natural Resources Institute Finland it was noticed that Sphagnum moss had almost as good growing media properties as the white horticultural peat. In addition the Sphagnum moss based growing media prevented efficiently seed-borne Alternaria seedling blight and mosses were not molded with Peziza ostracoderma Korf that appears commonly on white horticultural peat. This thesis was part of the project of Natural Resources Institute entitled “Disease suppressive features of Sphagnum mosses”. The research aimed to survey the existence and applicability of fungistasis of Sphagnum moss as growing media. In the greenhouse experiments comparisons were made between mosses from six different sphagnum bog origins in their ability to suppress damping-off caused by Alternaria, Rhizoctonia and Pythium. Disease suppressive features of four sphagnum bogs mosses from three harvest depths were also determined. In the end of experiments the coverage by molds was determined and the fresh weights of seedlings were measured. In laboratory the amounts of common antagonist microbes in Sphagnum mosses were studied using different selective growth media. Results of different experiments were compared to white peat. In greenhouse experiments it was noticed that disease suppressive features varied a lot depending on the origin of the mosses and had different effects against different damp-ing-off pathogens. Mosses in the uppermost layers had best disease suppressive features against all three pathogens. The healthiest and biggest seedlings were obtained in growing media that contained mainly Sphagnum mosses and only a minimum amount of other peatland vegetation. There were only small amounts of molds on the top of Sphagnum moss growth media but also some phytotoxicity on seedlings was obtained Sphagnum mosses had only small amounts of antagonistic microbes as compared with peat. The results indicated that Sphagnum mosses have potential as growing medium that could efficiently prevent damping-off diseases and molds. However variation of disease suppressive was observed, which calls for more experiments to verify these effects. Minor amounts of antagonistic microbes detected in Sphagnum, as compared with white peat, suggests that disease suppressiveness may be caused by the phenolic compounds of Sphganum mosses.
  • Sikkilä, Markus (2014)
    In Finland, the most common envelope materials around the drain pipe are gravel together with coconut prewrapping and thin fabric sheet. The use of prewrapped envelopes has increased due to the benefits in drainage installationtime compared with other envelope materials. However, failure of subsurface drains with prewrapped envelope materials have been reported in several studies. This has caused disagreement in the use of prewrapped envelopes. Disfunction of subsurface drains leads to wetness of soil, which can cause problems in the bearing capacity of the soil and in the field crop production. Prewrapped envelope materials are important element in subsurface drainage, but there isn t enough information on their functionality in Finnish drainage. The purpose of this study was to examine how prewrapped envelope materials have worked in clay and sandy soils for over 10 years. The most important task was to find out the tendency to the degradation of the envelope materials, and how the degradation influenced in the function of envelopes. Studied prewrapped envelope materials were coconut fibre and a Finnish thin fabric sheet, which didn t meet the standards of prewrapped materials. The chosen soil types, clay and sand soils, had different characteristics, and their influence on the functionality of the prewrapping and clogging of the drain pipe was examined. Field investigations were carried out on subsurface drained fields in seven localities across Finland. Drain pipes were dug open at least in three places of the field and soil samples were collected until the depth of the drain pipe. Particle-size distribution and soil type were determined in the laboratory. Degradation of the envelope material around the pipe was examined visually. The drain pipe was cut open and the quantity and texture of the sediment in the pipe were studied. A sewer camera was used to inspect the condition of the pipe. According to the results, degradation of envelopes had advanced greatly in most of the sites. The thin fabric sheet had decayed totally except one research field. Envelope degradation was also found on quite new drains. The coconut prewrapping was better preserved than the thin fabric sheet in most of the target fields. Clogging of the drain pipes was not directly explained by degradation of the envelopes. Pipes were clogged more sensitively in envelope s problem soil areas, especially when envelopes around the pipes were degradated.
  • Sarviaho, Katri (2019)
    The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters of elk hunting traits in Jämthunds. There were nineteen traits under consideration. Heritabilities, repeatabilities, and genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated for the traits. Also, coefficient of inbreeding and genetic trends were estimated. The data consisted of results from official elk hunting trials collected by Suomen Harmaahirvikoirajärjestö ry in 2012-2016. There were 46 221 results, from which 23 335 of Jämthunds. The pedigree data was provided by The Finnish Kennel Club and it included 31 544 Jämthunds. Significance of the fixed effects was estimated using F-test in analysis of variance with RStudio 1.0.136. The pedigree was pruned with RelaX2 1.54-pedigree analysis programme. Variance components were estimated with DMU-package using AI-REML-approach. The estimated heritabilities were low and varied between 0.00 and 0.047. The highest heritability was obtained for search and the lowest for obedience during work. Genetic correlations varied from -0.25 to 0.98, and the strongest were estimated for most of the bark related traits. The genetic trend has been positive in all traits, except for obedience traits. The coefficient of inbreeding for dogs born in 2016 was approximately 7.03 %, and the coefficient of inbreeding has decreased 0.26 % in the last decade. There are multiple non-genetic factors that affect the traits, and the data is based on subjectively evaluated variables. It is possible to improve genetic evaluation by collecting more information on trial conditions, by using the whole scale of points during the evaluation, and by making more objective evaluations of the traits. The estimated breeding values of the important traits can be used in selection of the parent of the next generation.
  • Ruotanen, Päivi (2020)
    Patellar luxation is a typical orthopaedic disorder in small sized dogs. Patella can luxate either medially or laterally, medial luxation being by far more common than the lateral luxation. PL is considered hereditary since certain breeds have great susceptibility to get the condition, and the symptoms may occur at young age. PL is diagnosed by following the so-called Putnam’s scale where the stifle joint is palpated and manipulated. PL is graded from 0=normal…4=permanent luxation. The aim of this study was to estimate the variance components and the heritability of PL, to visualize PL’s genetic trend and to calculate the genetic correlation between left and right stifle and between PL and hip dysplasia (HD) in Japanese Spitz. The PL, HD and pedigree data were provided by the Finnish Kennel Club. Data were modified with both R-program and Microsoft Office Excel. The pedigree check was performed with RelaX2 program and variance component analyses were done with DMU program using the restricted maximum likelihood method. Heritabilities (h2) were from very low to low depending on the model and breed. When the dependent variable was the mean of left and right patellae of an individual the lowest heritability was in the Pomeranian h2=0.03 and highest in the Chihuahua h2=0.18. The genetic correlation of left and right patellae was 1 in all breeds which suggests that they are genetically the same trait. In the Japanese Spitz the genetic correlation between PL and HD was -0.05. The genetic trend of PL was favorable in the Chihuahua and the Japanese Spitz. In the Pomeranian the trend was negative and neutral in the Finnish Spitz. Based on the results, the selection against PL has not been efficient. In future, patellae health should be controlled by using breeding indexes because the heritability of PL is low. Also, improvements in phenotyping could lead to more accurate selection.
  • Hämäläinen, Aurora (2020)
    The traditional method of estimating inbreeding is based on pedigree information, which only considers the known common ancestors of the animals. In recent years, the animal breeding sector has introduced new genomic tools in breeding schemes. The aim of this study was to estimate and compare the level of inbreeding in Finnish Yorkshire and Finnish Landrace pigs using pedigree and genomic methods. Data consisted of pedigree and genotype information from both breeds. In pedigree data there were 503 315 Landrace and 549 296 Yorkshire animals after pruning for pedigree completeness and errors in the data. In the genotype data, there were 522 individuals of Landrace and 934 individuals of Yorkshire animals after pruning. Inbreeding coefficients (FPED) were estimated from pedigree data using RelaX2 program and for genomic data using PLINK by detecting runs of homozygosity (FROH). Percentage of homozygosity (FPH) was also studied from genomic data. Yearly rate of inbreeding based on pedigree raised steadily. Average inbreeding coefficients from year 2014 were 0.10 for Landrace and 0.15 for Yorkshire. The average inbreeding coefficient based on ROHs for animals born in year 2014 were 0.21 for Landrace and 0.25 for Yorkshire animals. Correlation between pedigree-based estimate and genomic-based FROH was found to be quite low for both breeds; 0.51 for Landrace and 0.58 for Yorkshire. The correlation between the two genomic based methods FROH and FPH was high, 0.86 for Landrace and 0.89 for Yorkshire. The level of inbreeding was found to be quite high in both breeds. The genomic-based estimates were higher overall than pedigree-based estimates, which indicates that pedigree data are missing some common ancestors. Based on the results, the level of inbreeding in Finnish pig breeds should be monitored to maintain sufficient genetic diversity in the populations.
  • Haikarainen, Iina (2017)
    Leaf area index (LAI) is an important biophysical variable which helps to estimate vegetation biomass, radiation use efficiency and potential yield. Traditional LAI-determination methods tend to be slow and they require a lot of labor and data processing. Vegetation indices are one way to estimate LAI of the crops, but it is hard to create a vegetation index that would be suitable for all crops, environments and optical occasions. This is caused by saturation of indices under high LAI and differences in structure between various crop species Leaf inclination angle affects spectral reflectance with LAI (Zou et al. 2014, Zou & Mõttus 2015, Zou et al. 2015). The aim of this study was to investigate effects of leaf inclination angle on LAI-sensitive vegetation indices. LAI-sensitive narrow-band vegetation indices were selected from literature and they were calculated based on reflectance of measured field data and simulated model data. After calculation of vegetation indices, regression between vegetation indices and LAI was performed. Regression was performed with both true field data and simulated model data. Finally, simulated data was plotted based on mean leaf tilt angles (20, 30, 40, 50 and 65) and on low, medium and high chlorophyll contents (25-30, 55-60, 95-100). Regression was determined between vegetation indices and LAI based on plotted data. LAI could be estimated from vegetation indices in true field data (R2=0,36-0,52, RMSE 0,65-0,74 m2/m2) and simulated model data (R2=0,25-0,52, RMSE 0,81-1,02 m2/m2) and they acted similarly. When simulated data was plotted, coefficients of determination were higher (R2=0,50-0,99, RMSE 0,12-0,91 m2/m2). The best goodness of fit was found under MTA-levels 40 and 50. Lowest coefficients of determination occurred on highest MTA-level. Chlorophyll amount effected on the way MTA effects on indices performance: variance between MTA-classes seems to be larger under higher chlorophyll levels. As expected, leaf inclination angle affects performance of LAI-sensitive vegetation indices, and chlorophyll amount has effect on this. These observations should be taken into account while choosing index to estimate LAI of crops.
  • Karim, Abdul (2013)
    Four different Bradyrhizobium sp. (lupin) inoculants were investigated in both greenhouse and field experiments to compare their effects on growth, yield and biological nitrogen fixation. Narrow-leafed and white lupin of the greenhouse experiment compared the strains test in different potting media in a controlled environment, while field experiment tested their performance in field conditions. The greenhouse experiment was conducted with 3 narrow-leafed lupin cultivars (Haags Blaue, Boruta and Sonet) and 1 white lupin cultivar (Ludic). Plants were grown in 3 different potting media (soil, 2 peat : 1 sand and 1 peat : 2 sand) with 5 Bradyrhizobium treatments (uninoculated control, commercial peat inoculant of HAMBI 3118 and liquid cultures of HAMBI 3115, HAMBI 3116 and HAMBI 3118). Plants were grown in a greenhouse unit with average day and night temperature of 22°C and 18°C. Plants were illuminated by using cool white fluorescent tubes maintaining 18 hours day and 6 hours night. In the greenhouse experiment, inoculation significantly increased shoot (117.1-141.9%), root (45.8-64.4%) and nodule (237.0-266.6%) dry weight, plant height (38.3-46%), nodule number (620-659%) and chlorophyll content (29.0-38.5%) over the values found in uninoculated controls. Soil type or potting medium also influenced lupin growth and yield, with better results observed in soil, poorer in 2 peat : 1 sand and poorest in 1 peat : 2 sand. Best performaces were obtaind by inoculating with HAMBI 3115 strain in soil. Uninoculated plants and even inoculated plants grown in peat-sand potting medium, showed relatively poor results, which was more obvious in high-yielding cultivars, Boruta and Ludic, than in low-yielding cultivars, Haags Blaue and Sonet. Inoculation treatments also showed significantly higher shoot (3.15-3.39% N) and root (1.96-2.54% N) nitrogen content. Biological nitrogen fixation rate, measured by the nitrogen difference method, ranged between 87.9 and 90.8% depending on both bacterial strain and host cultivar. The field experiment showed significant increases in shoot (14.4-47.9%), root (11.9-29.1%) and seed (13.8-68.6%) dry weight, plant height (3.6-10.7%), pod plant-1 (10.7-50.6%) and chlorophyll content (5.7-20.7%) following inoculation of the three narrow-leafed lupin cultivars. Uninoculated plants grown in soil in the greenhouse experiment and in the field experiment both produced some nodules, which showed the evidence of presence of indigenous nodule-forming and nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Among the 3 liquid cultures, HAMBI 3115 performed best in terms of lupin growth, yield and biological nitrogen fixation in both greenhouse and field experiments. The performance of the peat-based commercial inoculant of HAMBI 3118 strain exceeded all other inoculants in the field experiment but not in the greenhouse experiment, showing the importance of the carrier. The results indicated that lupin growth and yield are strongly affected by Bradyrhizobium inoculation and soil characteristics. Selection of a suitable Bradyrhizobium strain for inoculation and growing cultivars according to their soil preferences can maximize lupin yield. The suitability of HAMI 3115 for making peatbased inoculants should be tested.
  • Koivunen, Sampo (2019)
    The Oxford Nanopore MinION is a third generation sequencer utilizing nanopore sequencing technology. The nanopore sequencing method allows sequencing of either DNA or RNA strands as they pass through the membrane-embedded nanopores. By measuring the corresponding fluctuations in the ion flow passing through the nanopore the passing strands can be sequenced directly without additional second-hand reactions or measurements. The MinION sequencing has very distinctly different characteristics compared to the market leaders of the sequencing field. The small form factor of the device further helps it to separate itself from the other alternatives. However, the technology has only been on the market for a very short time and thus very little golden standards regarding its capabilities or usage have been established. This thesis describes our experiences testing the capabilities of the MinION sequencer both before its commercial release as a part of a special early access program, as well as our continued experiments with the device following its commercial launch. The main results of this study include successfully sequencing and aligning E.coli and human gDNA samples to their respective reference genomes. Using our sequencing and analysis pipeline specifically tuned to the MinION we were able to sequence the entire E.coli genome on a single MinION flow cell with an average depth of around 180. Over the course of the thesis project the MinION sequencing protocol was evaluated and optimized in order to determine whether it has the potential to achieve our ultimate goal of reliably sequencing the previously inaccessible genomic regions of the human genome. The possibility of augmenting the sequencing protocol by adding the pre-sequencing target enrichment was also explored. Ultimately we were able to confirm that the MinION sequencer can be used to sequence long DNA fragments from a multitude of sample types. The majority of the produced reads could successfully be aligned against a reference genome. However, the limited yield and sequencing quality of a single experiment does limit the applicability of the method for more complicated genomic studies. These issues can be addressed with various techniques, chiefly target enrichment, but adapting such methods into the sequencing pipeline has its own challenges.