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  • Korhonen, Jaana (2013)
    Direct investments are considered the main source of economic growth and are desirable for countries. Factors driving the geographical distribution of direct investments are unknown. Many forest investments are directed to plantations, which have expanded rapidly during the past two decades. The global forestry scheme is changing; until 1990, developed countries accounted for almost all investments. Since then, developing countries have started to employ them at an accelerating rate. The major changes in a world economy are likely to drive this trend in the future. To assess factors contributing to investment in forest plantation, we drew from methods used by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), which developed a forest attractiveness index (IAIF) to ?measure the business climate to sustainable forest business?. In this research, several multiple linear regression models were developed to examine the effects of different variables. As well, different macro-economic, institutional, and forest-sector factors were considered the main components that drive forest plantation development. Factors attracting direct investment in forest plantations are different on a global scale, in developed and developing countries. Therefore, some general trends can be identified: Macro-economic factors are important. Foreign direct investment inflows and area of planted forests are positively correlated, indicating that the investment behavior of forestry investors is not significantly different from other investors‘. Other significant factors are GDP and the exchange rate. GDP was positively correlated with the area of planted forests. Weak currency is desirable in OECD countries, and a strong currency is favorable for plantation investments in non-OECD countries. Institutional factors were not significant, which suggests investments occur despite the country challenges. The human development index was the most significant factor in this category. The human development index had a negative effect on the area of planted forests. The more developed a country, the fewer plantations. The forest-sector factors were the most important factors that determine plantation investment attractiveness. Production capacity and productivity were globally significant. Productivity was not significant in non-OECD countries, which may have equally beneficial circumstances for tree growth. Macro-economic factors are important especially in these countries. The results suggest macro-economic and forestry factors are key determinants of investment attractiveness in forestry. Macro-economic factors cannot be affected by investors. Forestry-factors can be affected by country level decision making. Investors can choose between countries, and sometimes affect these factors. These results may be useful to firms considering foreign direct investment and to policy makers in potential destination countries.
  • Ingman, Mikael (2023)
    Syftet med avhandlingen är att med ekonometrisk analys undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar prisbildningen på vete under åren 2000–2022 och om det är någon skillnad mellan de förklarande variablerna under stabilare tidsperioder jämfört med volatila tidsperioder. I undersökningen användes prisdata samlat ur Europeiska kommissionens - och världsbankens datamaterial, samt data på lagernivåer samlat ur USDAs rapporter och pristermin data ur CFTCs rapporter. All data som användes hade månatliga observationer mellan januari 2000 och december 2022. De förklarande variablerna valdes på basis av tidigare forskning och teori. Undersökningen gjordes genom att forska i variablernas korrelation, stationaritet och genom ekonometrisk tidsserieanalys. Ekonometrisk tidsserieanalys gjordes i fyra omgångar. En analys för hela tidsperioden mellan åren 2000–2022 med hjälp av dummyvariabler, samt tre analyser för åren 2007–2008, 2010–2013 och 2020–2022. Undersökningen visar att det är skillnad mellan variablerna under de tidsperioder som valdes att forskas i. Också modellernas förklaringskraft varierade i de olika ekonometriska tidsserieanalyserna. Under tidsperioden 2000-2022 visade sig alla förklarande variabler sig vara signifikanta (oljepris, naturgaspris, ureapris, valutakursen och veteslutlagren), förutom spekulanternas innehav av pristerminer. Dummyvariablerna som representerade de olika tidsperioderna visade sig också alla vara signifikanta. Det fanns icke-stationaritet i observationerna för de valda variablerna, men detta lyckades fångas upp genom att tillföra en tidsvariabel i modellen.
  • Lindqvist, Madelene (2020)
    Avhandlingens mål var att ta reda på hur lönsamheten utvecklats på lantbruk i Svenskfinland under en kontinuerlig tidsperiod. Tre forskningsfrågor definierades; Hur ser lönsamheten och dess utveckling ut på lantbruksföretag i Finland? Vilka faktorer påverkar lönsamhetsnivån på lantbruksföretag i Svenskfinland? Hur ser lönsamhetsnivån ut på djurgårdar i Österbotten? Avhandlingen indelades i en teoretisk del och en empirisk del. I teoridelen presenterades centrala begrepp vad gäller jordbruksstöd, lönsamhet samt tidigare undersökningar angående detta. Dessutom gick man igenom strukturutvecklingen inom husdjursproduktionen samt marknadsomgivningen i Finland. Man konstaterade bland annat att både det totala antalet gårdar och antal gårdar med husdjursproduktion stadigt minskat i Finland. Husdjursproduktion har varit en central del av Finlands lantbruk under en lång tid, speciellt mjölkproduktionen. Lönsamhetsutvecklingen på gårdarna har varit negativ i Finland sedan början av 2000-talet. Företagarinkomsten har minskat med 70 procent under perioden 2002 – 2016. På grund av den minskade företagarinkomsten har även lönsamhetskvoten varit negativ under det senaste decenniet. Jordbrukspolitiken är en central del av att idka jordbruk i Finland. Sedan 1995 har Finland varit en del av EU och tillämpar EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik. Finland har en del nationella stöd som betalas ut baserat på antal djur eller hektar, på C-området betalas bland annat ett literstöd till mjölkproduktionen. I den empiriska delen gjordes två multipla regressionsanalyser med bokföringsdata i form av ett paneldata. Data omfattade observationer för totalt 43 kommuner under åren 2010 – 2017. I resultatet fann man i den första regressionen att tiden (år), mjölkproduktion, avskrivningar, utgifter, hektar och stöd hade en statistiskt signifikant effekt på resultatet. I den andra regressionen var mjölk, löner, avskrivningar, utgifter, stöd och jordbruksförsäljning statistiskt signifikanta. Störst inverkan hade jordbruksförsäljning, stöd och utgifter. De två första hade en positiv effekt på resultatet medan utgifter hade en negativ effekt. I diskussionen togs det fasta på den tredje forskningsfrågan hur lönsamhetsnivån ser ut specifikt i Österbotten. Där presenterades lönsamhetsuppgifter från Lukes Ekonomidoktorn. Största andelen av intäkterna bestod av husdjursförsäljning och stöd. Kostnaderna bestod i sin tur till största delen av rörliga kostnader. Lönsamhetskvoten låg under ett (1) för både mjölk-, köttproduktion samt totalt sett i Österbotten. Begränsningar med analysen är att data är i aggregerad form och en stor del av det data som användes var i form av bokföringsdata. Bokföringsdata innefattar inte implicita kostnader såsom en lönsamhetsbokföring gör. Det gör att jämförelsen mellan estimerade resultat och lönsamhetssiffror för Österbotten endast går att göra på ett allmänt plan.
  • Lindroos, Erik (2012)
    Avhandlingen behandlar världsmarknadspriset på socker och de faktorer som påverkar prisbildningen. Målet med avhandlingen är att identifiera och kvantifiera olika förklarande faktorers påverkan på världsmarknadspriserna på socker. Speciell tyngdpunkt läggs på EU:s sockerordning, dess reformering år 2006 samt dess möjliga inverkan på sockerpriserna. Som avhandlingens teoretiska referensram används pristeori ur lantbrukets synvinkel och som empirisk undersökningsmetod tillämpas ekonometrisk estimering. Världsmarknadspriserna för socker har fluktuerat väsentligt de senaste 40 åren. Speciellt det senaste decenniet har prisernas volatilitet ökat och stundvis nått de högsta nivåerna på 30 år. Bakom denna ökning i volatilitet och ökning i prisnivå finns många olika faktorer. I litteraturen nämns balansen mellan utbudet och efterfrågan, den ökande konsumtionen av bioetanol och politisk styrning som orsaker till den senaste tidens utveckling. Även makroekonomiska fenomen så som valutakurser och energipriser lyfts fram. Av de politiskt styrda marknaderna har EU:s sockermarknad varit den som genomgått en av de största förändringarna de senaste åren. I och med reformen av EU:s sockerordning år 2006, sänktes referenspriset på vitt socker med 36 procent. Tillsammans med sänkningar i referenspriserna och nedskärningar i produktionskvoterna minskade produktionen i EU med upp till sex miljoner ton. Detta förvandlade EU till en nettoimportör, från att tidigare varit en nettoexportör. Reformen har i diskussionspapper lyfts fram som en orsak till de stigande priserna de senaste åren. Utgående från litteraturgenomgången, som bestod av böcker, vetenskapliga artiklar och diskussionspapper, samt tidigare studier byggdes flera ekonometriska modeller för att förklara prisbildningen på råsocker. Som undersökningsmaterial användes statistisk data för olika påverkande faktorer från åren 1971-2011. Både linjära och log-linjära modeller användes för att estimera och kvantifiera de olika faktorernas inverkan på råsockerpriserna. Resultaten visar att mängden socker som finns i lager i slutet av året påverkar sockerpriserna negativt. En ökning av lagervärdet med 10 procent innebär en minskning i priset med 13,2 procent. Enligt resultaten innebär en förstärkning av dollarns värde, jämfört med euron, att sockerpriserna sjunker. Då dollarn förstärks med 10 procent innebär det en minskning i sockerpriset med 14,3 procent. Oljepriset påverkar sockerpriserna positivt med en fördröjning på ett år. Ett 10 procent högre oljepris föregående år medför en höjning av sockerpriset med 4,2 procent. Inget samband mellan EU:s sockerreform och sockerpriset kunde dock fastlås i avhandlingen.
  • Ojanen, Meri (2015)
    This thesis is a Rapid Rural Analysis (RRA) of the farmers’ perceptions of potato production in Nicaragua. The thesis data was collected during the summer of 2011 in the main potato production areas of Nicaragua (Matagalpa, Jinotega and Estelí) through structured interviews. The structured interviews gave consideration to the five different capitals of the Sustainable Rural Livelihood- approach (SRL). These five capitals (social capital, natural capital, human capital, financial capital and physical capital) were incorporated in the study in order to achieve the multidisciplinarity of the RRA- methodology. The thesis data, consisting of 63 individual interviews, was compacted and analysed utilizing cross tabulation. A further statistical analysis was then conducted with Cramer’s V allowing a more detailed view of the dependencies between variables (detected in the cross tabulation). The main finding of this study is that the situation of the potato producers cannot be determined by the size of the production, as has been previously suggested. The size of the farm does not determine yield levels nor perceived financial incentive for production. This study gives a more complex view of potato producers and production in Nicaragua. This study suggests an alternative approach to developmental program planning for the potato production sector in Nicaragua; the production environmental zones. Utilizing the production environmental zones as a basis for planning takes the project to a more practically suitable level that considers the existing variance in yields and access to extension. The main conclusion of this study is that sector development of potato production in Nicaragua is complex. Inclusion of the project beneficiaries in the planning processes may significantly improve development programme planning, outcomes and resilience in time. A development programme, like the one implemented by FAO (United Nations Food- and Agriculture Organization) in Nicaragua, with an overly simplified view of the sector, may lead to severe misjudgements and potentially even cause harm.
  • González Rodrí­guez, Ignacio (2016)
    The aim of this thesis was to study the accumulation and depletion of inorganic soil phosphorus (P) in a long term (37 yrs) field experiment in Southern Finland. The soil has a loamy texture and a high pH (7.4) due to heavy liming before the onset of the experiment. The field contains three treatments with different rates of P fertilization 0, 32 and 67 Kg ha-1 a-1 (abbreviated as P0, P1 and P2K) and it has been cultivated with a rotation of barley, oats, spring wheat and rye grass. The grain and straw have been collected every year and analysed for yield and mineral element composition. Soil samples were also collected from the plough layer at the beginning of the experiment in 1978, and also in the years 1995, 2005 and 2015, including also subsoil samples (25-50 cm). The changes in soil inorganic P along the years were studied with the Chang and Jackson fractionation The highest rate of P fertilization (P2K) increased the P concentration extracted with NH4Cl, NH4F, NaOH and H2SO4. These extractions are assumed to dissolve, easily available P, P sorbed by aluminium and iron oxides and calcium phosphates, respectively. On the other hand, the continuous P depletion (P0 treatment) decreased the NH4Cl-P and NH4F-P pools, while the NaOH-P and H2SO4-P pools remained stable. None of the P pools changed significantly at the lower rate of P fertilization (P1). The results indicate that the iron and aluminium oxides have a similar capacity for P sorption. However, P sorbed by iron oxides appears to remain non-available. Moreover, this study shows that in heavily limed soils the formation of secondary calcium phosphate compounds can be an important sink of the applied P. After 37 years, the P2K and P1K treatment increased the inorganic P reserves of the soil by 732 Kg P ha-1and 32 Kg P ha -1, respectively, while the P0 treatment depleted -459 Kg P ha -1. The recovery rates of P in the plough layer (i.e share of the P balance that is accumulated or depleted in the soil) were 79%, 30% and 56% for the P0, P1 and P2K treatments, respectively. An estimation of the P movement between adjacent plots was included in the calculation. These low recovery rates indicate that a significant proportion of the applied P is lost either in surface runoff or leached below the plough layer. However, the Chang and Jackson analysis of the subsoil samples did not reveal any significant changes in any of the P fractions. The lack of P accumulation might be attributed to the use of an invalid sampling strategy, to the loss of P to deeper layers through preferential flow and to the possibility that some P has been lost through surface runoff. The highest rate of P fertilization (P2K) resulted in a decrease of the P buffer capacity of the soil (BC) and increased the EPC0 (i.e. P concentration in solution at which no net P sorption or desorption occurs) as derived from the sorption isotherms. The resulting low BC and high EPC0 (1.30 mg L-1) are in agreement with measurements made in other heavily fertilized soils in Finland. The lower fertilization rate (P1 treatment) did not have an observable effect on the BC or the EPC0 (0.33 mg L-1). The depletion of soil P in the P0 treatment caused a decrease on the EPC0 (0.12 mg L-1) but only a slight increase on the BC. The degree of P saturation (DPS) of the plough layer was calculated as the ratio between the sum of P extracted with NH4Cl, NH4F and NaOH and the P sorption capacity of the soil (PSC; i.e. sum of extractable iron and aluminium multiplied by a 0.5 index (α)). Despite the large P applications during 37 years, the DPS reached only 20% for the topsoil of the P2K treatment, which can be attributed to the high PSC of the soil. The 0.5 α value is an operationally defined parameter, widely used in international publications, which is supposed to represent the proportion of short-range ordered Fe and Al oxides that contribute to the PSC of the soil. Due to the young age of Finnish soils and their usually high organic matter content, a low crystallinity of the oxides is expected, which could result in a higher α value. To prove this hypothesis, a long term incubation was done as a replicate of other published experiments (250 days, soil solution 1:50, P concentration 155 mg P L-1). Since the incubation includes only 4 samples from a single field, they cannot be extrapolated to other Finnish soils. However, the results (α =0.3) might be indicative of a low reactivity of the Al and Fe oxides in our soil. Iron and aluminium oxides are responsible for the accumulation in the soil of large amount of the applied P. However, the P recovery rates in field experiments are usually far for complete. To quantitatively assess the losses of P from the plough layer, a more congruent sampling strategy in the soil profile is needed, together with the analysis of P surface runoff and leaching water
  • Auvinen, Markus (2017)
    The exploitation of remotely piloted aircraft systems has sharply increased for both amateur and professional purposes. Rapid technological development is driven by consumer grade applications. On the professional side, RPAS technologies have already been widely used in different fields of environmental resource management, especially in agriculture. Due to the recent price development, technology has become also attainable for less financially productive purposes, such as environmental surveys. By applying RPAS technologies in environmental surveys of forest industry, a substantial amount of fieldwork can be avoided thus leading to financial savings and possibly to more comparative measurements and results. To test this hypothesis, three different sub-disciplines of forest industry environmental surveys were conducted by both traditional fieldwork and by applying manual and automatic remote sensing methods. Aerial imagery was recorded with a multispectral sensor attached to consumer grade remotely piloted aircraft. Sub-discipline specific attributes were measured and compared to estimates derived from aerial imagery and three dimensional models. It was proved that by using even relatively low-priced instruments the quality of the data was more than adequate for remote sensing purposes. An automated workflows to derive measurements from the subjects of interest did not perform satisfactory, but manual interpretation of imagery gave promising results. It can be assumed that RPAS technologies are able to provide savings for conducting environmental surveys. Manual interpretation was at that moment seen superior to automated workflows.
  • Hendrik, Nathaniel James (2017)
    Cocoa butter (CB) is the predominant continuous phase in chocolate systems and has a significant impact on the macroscopic properties of the end product. Conventional methods such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance (pNMR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and polarized light microscopy (PLM) have been used to study CB crystallization primarily in bulk. Potential of alternative techniques to study crystallization such as Raman spectroscopy and Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) has been explored. The main objective of this thesis research was to study the feasibility of both conventional and alternative techniques to study CB crystallization in different matrices and in tempered conditions. Bulk fat (CB with 1%, 5% or without lecithin), suspensions (CB with 1% lecithin (on fat basis) and sucrose or inulin) and chocolates were sampled as such (non-tempered systems) subjected to a laboratory scale tempering procedure to produce tempered systems. Both non-tempered and tempered products were subjected to DSC, NMR, XRD, PLM, Raman spectroscopy, FTIR and diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS), in which primary crystallization was monitored or long-term storage was assessed. A toolbox was developed comprising feasibility of complementary techniques and, moreover, the toolbox was used to study the effect of lecithin and bulking materials on the CB crystallization behavior. The tempering procedure was successfully validated for every sample, as proven by the melting profile at 6 hours through DSC. The determination of the solid fat content (SFC) from the raw free induction decay signal by NMR showed to be more useful than the scripted SFC, especially for bulk fat systems. XRD showed its feasibility to study fat polymorphism for both bulk matrices and suspensions, except when sucrose is present, due to its interference in short spacings. PLM could only be used for non-tempered bulk fat systems since in other systems sample preparation cannot be standardized to measure crystallinity. FTIR and Raman spectroscopy seemed to be useful complementary techniques and capable of differentiating polymorphic forms, as is also possible using XRD. DWS showed to be comparable with DSC with an additional improved deconvolution of crystallization peaks. This study resulted in a feasibility toolbox and was used to study the effect of lecithin concentration and bulking materials, where the addition of 1% lecithin concentration in bulk fat and usage of inulin in model suspensions improves the crystallization of the CB matrix.
  • Ingves, Jonas (2021)
    The underlying bedrock is known to have effects on metal contents in soil and water, and thereby onto the major and trace nutrient balances in plants. Heavy metal contents in different rock types are highly variable and changes in the composition of the bedrock can happen over small distances. In Finland, the locally relatively abundant black shales in the eastern part of the country contain elevated amounts of several heavy metals, while the generally more common felsic rock types are in comparison depleted in them. The influence of elemental contents in bedrock on metal distribution in nature can be assessed through comparing metal amounts in various kinds of environmental samples, which at the same time enables identification of areas of potential environmental concern. The aim of this study is to assess the influence of bedrock on heavy metal contents in peat, ditch water, and needle samples between areas underlain by felsic or black shale bedrock in nine peatland catchments in Kainuu in eastern Finland. In addition to comparing differences in elemental contents, effort is put into evaluating strengths of correlations between metal concentrations and ash contents in peat samples and to assess which metals have a tendency of occurring together in peat. For ditch water samples, correlations will be evaluated between concentrations of metals and of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and of amounts of precipitation. In addition to influences of bedrock, other possible reasons behind differences in heavy metal amounts between areas will be looked at. Comparisons with data from other publications will in places also be made. The study is based on material collected by the Natural Resources Institute Finland in the years 2008–2015, which here includes 70 peat, 634 ditch water, and 80 needle samples. All samples were collected in nine separate forestry drained peatland catchments. Five of the catchments were located on areas underlain by felsic bedrock and four by black shales. The peat samples examined in this study range from the surface of the peat layers to 40 cm depth. The ditch water samples were collected from outlet ditches from all nine peatland catchments and needle samples were taken in eight catchments from either Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) or Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst). Half of the samples were of current year’s and half of previous year’s needles. Laboratory analyses of peat samples included measurements of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, U, and Zn concentrations by either ICP-MS or ICP-AES -methods and of ash contents through loss-on-ignition (LOI). Ditch water samples were analysed for Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn concentrations with the ICP-AES method, for DOC concentrations by TOC-V CPH/CPN analysis and for sulphate (SO4-S) by ion chromatography. Tree needles were measured for contents of Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn with ICP-AES. Statistical differences in metal amounts in samples by bedrock were tested with the Mann–Whitney U test and correlations using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient or the Pearson correlation coefficient. Metal concentrations in peat samples were for some tests recalculated to take into account ash contents using a linear general model. Metal stocks in peat layers (mg/m2) were also calculated for the sampling sites. As the main results, the ash corrected metal concentrations in peat were statistically significantly higher in samples collected on black shale as opposed to felsic bedrock in terms of As, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni, and Zn, while metal stocks in peat were significantly different in terms of Ni. In ditch water, samples from black shale areas had significantly higher concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn, and in tree needle samples similar significances were observed for Ni. The only cases were samples from felsic areas had significantly higher concentrations than those form black shale areas were the ash corrected concentrations of U and Cu concentrations in needle samples. Regardless of the underlying bedrock, large variations in metal amounts in all sample types were observed between catchment areas. Correlations between metal concentrations and ash contents in peat were generally relatively strong. Correlations between metals in peat were variable, and often stronger in samples collected in felsic areas. In water samples, correlations between metal and DOC concentrations were variable both between metals and catchments. The correlations between precipitation and metal concentrations in ditch water were generally weak. Overall, the composition of the bedrock was noticed to have some effects on metal concentrations in all sample types. But it was evident by the results that there are also other factors controlling metal amounts between catchments.
  • Merinen, Maria (2017)
    Elintarvike-emulsioiden lipidifaasin hapettuminen voi merkittävästi heikentää elintarvikkeen laatua. Stabilointiaineella on vaikutusta emulsion kemialliseen ja fysikaaliseen pysyvyyteen. Kuusesta eristetty hemiselluloosa, galaktoglukomannaanin (GGM), stabiloi hyvin öljy vedessä -emulsioita sekä fysikaalisesti että kemiallisesti. Tutkielman kirjallisuusosiossa tarkasteltiin hemiselluloosien eristysmenetelmien vaikutusta hemiselluloosan rakenteeseen ja fenolisten yhdisteiden pitoisuuteen sekä hemiselluloosien mahdollisia käyttösovelluksia elintarvikkeissa. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin fenolisten yhdisteiden vaikutusta o/w-emulsioiden kemialliseen pysyvyyteen. Työn kokeellisessa osassa selvitettiin eri menetelmillä kuusesta eristettyjen hemiselluloosien sisältämien fenolisten yhdisteiden vaikutusta emulsion lipidifaasin hapettumiseen ja emulsion fysikaaliseen pysyvyyteen. Emulsioiden stabilointiin käytetyt hemiselluloosat olivat kuusen termomekaanisesta massasta eristetyt GGM:t, jotka oli kuivattu joko sumutuskuivauksen (tTMP-GGM) tai etanolisaostuksen (eTMP-GGM) avulla, kuusen sahajauhosta paineistetulla kuumavesiuutolla eristetty GGM (PHWE-GGM) ja alipaineessa kuumalla vedellä eristetty BLN-GGM. Lisäksi tutkittiin, lisäsikö kuusen fenoliuute GGM:lla stabiloidun emulsion pysyvyyttä. Emulsioiden valmistuksessa käytettiin antioksidanteista puhdistettua rypsiöljyä ja emulsioita säilytettiin 40 C:ssa valolta suojattuna. Emulsioiden lipidifaasin hapettumista seurattiin kahden viikon ajan määrittämällä peroksidiluku spektrofotometrisesti, heksanaalipitoisuus head space -kaasukromatografisesti ja jatkoreaktiotuotteiden pitoisuus kokoekskluusiokromatografisesti. Emulsioiden rakennetta ja pisarakokojakaumaa tarkasteltiin optisella mikroskoopilla ja partikkelikokoanalysaattorilla. Fenolisten yhdisteiden pitoisuuksien muutokset kahden viikon aikana määritettiin emulsion jatkuvasta faasista ja rajapinnoilta erikseen erittäin suuren erotuskyvyn nestekromotografisella menetelmällä. Emulsioiden hapettumiskestävyys pysyvimmästä epäpysyvimpään oli seuraava: tTMP > PHWE > eTMPF > eTMP. tTMP-emulsion lipidifaasi ei hapettunut lainkaan. Kaikissa emulsioissa havaittiin fenolisten yhdisteiden pitoisuuden pienenemistä jatkuvassa faasissa tai rajapinnalla. Useammin fenolisten yhdisteiden pitoisuus pieneni rajapinnalla. Fenoliuutteen lisääminen vähensi eTMP-emulsion hapettumista. Kaikilla hemiselluloosilla stabiloidut emulsiot BLN-GGM:a lukuun ottamatta olivat fysikaalisesti pysyviä kahden viikon ajan. PHWE-emulsion keskimääräinen pisarakoko oli pienin. Emulsioiden kemialliseen ja fysikaaliseen pysyvyyteen arvioitiin vaikuttavan sekä pisarakokojakauma että fenolisten yhdisteiden antioksidatiivisuus. Tulevaisuudessa olisi mielenkiintoista selvittää, miksi pienimolekyylinen PHWE-GGM muodostaa pienempiä lipidipisaroita kuin suurimolekyyliset tTMP- ja eTMP-GGM:t.
  • Deoghare, Nazia Ajay (2022)
    The popularity of fermented beverages is on the rise due to signature flavours, associated health and nutritional benefits and a 100% natural label. Research in this sector is currently focused on industrial-scale production of traditional homemade fermented beverages such as Kombucha, Kefir and Kvass. To expand consumer choice beyond these traditional beverages and to provide more nutritional and flavor diversity, it is essential to develop novel products by using new microbial communities and new substrates. The industrial scale-up of fermented beverages produced using microbial communities is challenging as the flavour complexity and functionality of the beverage depends on the complex fermentation processes and interactions between the microbiota species. Fermentation systems that can separate the metabolic stages into separate fermentation steps would be needed to simplify and make the complex fermentation more efficient, scalable, and reliable. The aim of the thesis was to develop and compare different fermentation strategies to control the complex fermentation of previously isolated microbes to produce a bio-flavoured, low-alcohol, malt beverage with a signature fruity flavour and aroma. During the study, green-malt microbial species: Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saprochaete suaveolens were identified as significant contributors to the development of aroma and flavour compounds in the malt fermentates. Using the optimal cell concentration of the selected species, three different fermentation strategies: simultaneous inoculation, sequential inoculation and sequential fermentation were adopted to design five different fermentation systems. Cocktail blends of individual fermentates were also created and tested for flavour and aroma. All potential production methods were compared in contrast for parameters such as ease of operation, time-efficiency, flavour and aroma, and future scalability. The results showed that complex fermentation of the novel and low alcohol malt beverage could be controlled by selecting organoleptically significant microorganisms from the complex community, controlling the time and order of inoculation and using a stagewise or modular fermentation system. Sequential fermentation produced the desired low alcohol level and flavorful, fruity malt beverages. However, this system required centrifugation at each step and thus resulted in limited ease of operation. Sequential inoculation was an optimal and efficient method of controlling the fermentation since it required a single vessel, and the metabolic stages were separated by inoculating microorganisms sequentially with a 24 h time interval between each inoculation. Creating cocktail blends from individual fermentates also produced bioflavoured, fruity, aromatic, low alcohol malt beverages. This method was time-efficient with maximum ease of operation. The resulting beverages from these different fermentation systems were novel and had fruity flavours and aroma from the metabolites synthesized by organisms S. suaveolens, L. plantarum and S. cerevisiae. Thus, bio-flavoured, low-alcohol, malt beverages with signature fruity flavour and aroma were created at VTT. For the first time S. suaveolens was used in combination with L. plantarum and S. cerevisiae for beverage production using novel three-microbe fermentation systems to control complex fermentation.
  • Bui, Chi (2020)
    Sustainable forest management and forest certification is a global issue. They are particularly important in Vietnam where forest covers above 40% of the country’s areas. The thesis aims to anticipate the financial sustainability of PEFC group certification in central Vietnam through a comparison of the costs and benefits of certification, and an analysis of the Acacia value chain. The study sites are in three cooperatives in TTH province. The research approach is qualitative. Data are obtained primarily from observation, group focus discussion and semi-structured interviews with key informants from the management boards of cooperatives, farmers, traders, woodchip factories, furniture processing companies, and experts from governmental organizations and NGOs stretching from the north to the south. Besides, secondary data is collected from scientific journals, documents published and unpublished by the research institutions, and books. Results confirmed the potential of smallholder forestry in securing the sustainable supply of industrial timber and improving the livelihood of farmers by providing a new income stream. However, the contribution of Acacia plantation to the total annual net income is modest, mainly due to small landholdings. The smallholders in Central Vietnam face many bottlenecks preventing them from maximizing benefits from planted forests, including limited access to land, high-quality inputs, capital, advanced silvicultural practices, and fair market. Besides, they bear a high risk of exposure to extreme natural events such as typhoons and floods. These obstacle is also limiting the participation of smallholders in voluntary verification schemes such as forest certification. Engaging in forest certification is proven to create extra revenue for smallholders while reducing pressure on imported certified timber. The total costs of certification are affordable for smallholders if joining together under a single certificate. In Vietnam, forest certification is often associated with the planting of perennial trees for sawlogs and price premiums for certified timber. This scheme is argued inappropriate for smallholders in Central Vietnam, who are often described as high weather-related risks and financial fragility. Under the current situation, forest certification does not create tangible and intangible benefits for middlemen, woodchip factories and local carpenters. Smallholders and furniture processors are the direct beneficiaries. However, the circumstance is predicted to change in the future, resulting in the participation of all actors in the value chain in the forest certification. This study also suggests several interventions for expanding forest certification, starting from recognizing smallholder farmers as a distinctly different category of forest producers whose conditions need to cautiously considered when developing standards for group certification. Secondly, there should be a strong focus on capacity building for the group entity as well as raising awareness for members of group certification. Thirdly, linking smallholders with private sectors are not only attracting more investment but also widening market access for farmers. Additionally, it must be mentioned the importance of secure tenure, clear guidelines for implementing SFM and forest certification, incentive policy and cost-sharing mechanism on insurance and certification.
  • Laugel, Henri (2022)
    Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is an annual herbaceous cool-season food legume widely cultivated worldwide, especially for its high seed protein content. However, its major limitation in being used as food and feed, is the presence of antinutritional factors in its seeds, especially vicine and convicine (VC), two related compounds, which may be harmful to livestock and G6PD-deficient humans. To remove VC, the most sustainable method is breeding for low-VC faba bean cultivars. To improve the efficiency and speed of breeding programs, breeders use marker-assisted selection (MAS). The identification of genes responsible for VC content allows the development of reliable DNA markers and a better understanding of the molecular basis of this trait. The major-effect QTL controlling VC content named “VC1”, was identified in faba bean chromosome 1, and a few minor-effect QTLs were detected in previous studies. Hence, a total of 165 RILs from the cross Mélodie/2 (low-VC) x ILB 938/2 (high-VC) were genotyped and evaluated for VC content. Composite interval mapping was run on R/qtl software with accurate phenotypic data associated with a high-density SNP-based genetic map. Results revealed two minor-effect QTLs in addition to VC1. One was on chromosome 4 and had about 15% effect on convicine content. The other was on chromosome 5 and had 15% effect on vicine and total VC content. This research also reports candidate genes for the newly detected minor-effect QTLs through comparative genomics with the Medicago truncatula genome. Hypotheses were proposed on the role of these candidate genes on the VC biosynthetic pathway or transportation into the embryo beans for further testing.
  • Träskman, Sonja (2020)
    Magisteravhandlingen behandlar temat unga jordbrukare och deras roll i EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik. Målet med avhandlingen är att kartlägga vilken roll unga jordbrukare spelar i Finlands lantbruk och jämföra med situationen i hela EU. Genom att undersöka utvecklingen i åldersstrukturen, stödformer och särdragen på gårdar ägda av jordbrukare yngre än 35 år kan man skapa en grund för utarbetandet av Finlands nationella strategi för att nå EU:s gemensamma målsättningar för inkommande stödperiod 2021–2027. Avhandlingen strävar också till att ge svar på om det finns någon interventionslogik mellan åtgärden att betala ut stöd till unga jordbrukare i Finland och EU:s gemensamma målsättningar för kommande stödperiod. Som teoretisk referensram används teorin bakom den politiska processen och i avhandlingen analyseras aggregerade data. Andelen unga jordbrukare har minskat inom EU, men åldersdistributionen avspeglar samtidigt en allmän trend för Europas befolkning. Oron för en åldrande landsbygdsbefolkning grundar sig primärt på antagandet att Europas lantbruk förlorar potential som unga jordbrukare skulle tillföra lantbrukssektorn. I litteraturen finner man belägg för att unga jordbrukare är mer produktiva än äldre jordbrukare och mer troliga att ta i bruk nya innovationer. Undersökningar visar även på skillnader i miljöbeteende och villighet at satsa på djurens välfärd åldersgrupperna emellan. Inom ramen för EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik har man under den senaste programperioden stött unga jordbrukare främst genom ett riktat arealbaserat direktstöd under första pelaren och ett etableringsstöd under andra pelaren. Bägge stödformerna ser ut att kunna utnyttjas i kommande stödperiod. Speciellt direktstödet till unga jordbrukare har fått kritik för att det saknar tydliga mål, interventionslogik och indikatorer för att granska effekten av stödet. Genom att undersöka aggregerade data, främst från Lantbrukets strukturundersökning, kan man se att andelen jordbrukare yngre än 40 i Finland varit ungefär densamma 2010-2019, medan andelen jordbrukare som är 65 år eller äldre ökat drastiskt. Trenden avspeglar den allmänna situationen för Finlands befolkning och kommer sannolikt att fortsätta i samma riktning. Resultaten visar även att de finländska jordbrukare som är yngre än 35 år främst odlar gårdar i de största storleksklasserna och de är mest sannolika att förbinda sig till miljöåtgärder. Frågan hur jordbrukarens ålder påverkar ekonomiska nyckeltal på de finländska gårdarna har inte fått sitt svar i denna avhandling på grund av bristande tillgång på data. Analysen av interventionslogiken för stödet till unga jordbrukare tyder på att antagandet att en ökad andel unga jordbrukare bidrar till målsättningarna för EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik är korrekt. Däremot finns det skäl att anta att andelen unga jordbrukare inte ökar genom att man riktar ett arealbaserat direktstöd till åldersgruppen och således brister interventionslogiken. Målbilden för jordbrukspolitiken är väldigt komplex och det finns andra stöd som står i konflikt med målet att öka andelen unga jordbrukare.
  • Paatela, Heli (2010)
    At present the operating environment of sawmills in Europe is changing and there are uncertainties related in raw material supply in many countries. The changes in the operating environment of roundwood markets and the effects followed by these changes have brought up several interesting issues from the viewpoint of research. Lately new factors have been influencing the roundwood markets, such as increasing interest towards wood-based energy and implementation of new energy policies as well as changes in wood trade flows that affect the domestic markets in many countries. This Master’s thesis studies the adaptation ability of Finnish roundwood markets in a changing operating environment, aiming to produce an up-to-date analysis considering new development trends. The study concentrates on the roundwood markets from the viewpoint of sawmill industry since the industry is dependent on the functioning of the markets and sawmills are highly affected by the changes on the roundwood markets. To facilitate international comparison, the study is implemented by comparing Finnish and Austrian roundwood markets and analysing changes happening in the two countries. Finland and Austria share rather similar characteristics in the roundwood market structures, forest resources and forest ownership as well as production of roundwood and sawnwood. In addition they both are big exporters of forest industry products. In this study changes in the operating environment of sawmill industry both in Finland as well as in Austria are compared to each other aiming to recognise the main similarities and differences between the countries. In addition both development possibilities as well as challenges followed by the changes are discussed. The aim of the study is to define the main challenges and possibilities confronted by the actors on the markets and also to find new perspectives to approach these. The study is implemented as a qualitative study. The theoretical framework of the study describes the operating environment of wood markets from the viewpoint of the sawmill industry and represents the effects of supply and demand on the wood markets. The primary research material of the study was gathered by interviewing high level experts of forestry and sawmill industry in both Finland and Austria. The aim was to receive as extensive country specific viewpoint from the markets as possible, hence interviewees represented different parties of the markets. After creating country-specific profiles based on the theoretical framework a cross-country comparison was implemented. As a consequence the main similarities and differences in the operating environment and on the roundwood markets of Finland and Austria were recognized. In addition the main challenges and possibilites were identified. The results of the study offer a wide analysis regarding the main similarities and differences of the wood markets of Finland and Austria and their operating environments as well as concerning challenges and possibilities faced on the markets.
  • Hermas, Melina (2023)
    Research shows that Finnish people could increase the consumption of some domestic fish species. Increased consumption has been calculated to have economic, social, and environmental benefits. The current situation of fish consumption is unsustainable. Academic literature on consumption and food systems emphasizes the importance of a holistic view to sustainability. Environmental sustainability has been emphasized and other dimensions of sustainability have been neglected, regarding policies and regulations of the fish industry. In this study, it is argued that observing the consumer perceptions of sustainability dimensions could help to develop a more sustainable fish industry and consumption patterns. The theoretical framework was formed based on literature review. A three-dimensional view to sustainability was used including social, economic, and environmental dimensions. The relevant factors to measure the importance of the dimensions were formed with previous studies on fish consumption. The research aims to reveal perceptions to sustainability dimensions importance from a consumer interface. The research questions are: Which dimensions of sustainability have importance to consumers regarding fish consumption? Are any of the dimensions and factors involved more important than the others? Are there differences between groups on the perception of the dimensions? The research was carried out as a quantitative online survey and shared on social media platforms. Data (N=107) was analysed with quantitative methods (descriptive statistics, crosstabulation and Kruskal-Wallis’s test). Most participants considered all sustainability dimensions important. Environmental dimension was the most important, and especially the factors of protecting the ecosystems, fish stocks and waterbodies. Between age groups a statistically significant difference was found in the importance of the environmental dimension. The results indicate that Finnish people are willing to consume more domestic fish, and care about the sustainability of fish consumption. This study contributes to the discussion of sustainable fish consumption and provides a new approach on developing more sustainable food systems.
  • Vehola, Anni (2021)
    Forests play a key role in climate change mitigation. There are different ways in which forests can contribute to both increasing carbon sequestration and reducing emissions. In Finland, forests are largely owned by private forest owners and thus the actions of these forest owners have a great impact on the climate change mitigation potential of forests. Thereby, this study examined the perceptions of Finnish forest owners on the following climate change mitigation strategies in the forest sector: Forest management, More harvest, Less harvest, Wood products, Conservation, Adaptation, and Land use change. Especially, the study focused on “Less intervention” (a combination of three individual strategies), and “Forest management” as strategies and tested how the following hypothesized aspects are associated with the support for these strategies: the prioritized values affecting the choice between climate change mitigation strategies in the forest sector, risk perception of climate change, political orientation, education level, and the size of forest land. The tested hypotheses were derived from the existing literature on theories and empirical findings on the perceptions of citizens and forest owners. The effect of the independent variables on the chosen climate change mitigation strategies was studied through linear regression analysis based on a quantitative survey with 892 responses. Regression models were established separately for both chosen strategies. On average, forest owners supported all climate change mitigation strategies in the forest sector, except Less harvest. Further the results of the linear regression analysis supported all hypotheses to some degree. Perceived risk of climate change emerged as an important measure affecting the support for climate change mitigation strategies in general. Left-right political orientation was found important, where individuals positioned more on the right side of the political spectrum generally supported strategies that have more human intervention in forests. Forest owners’ prioritized values were discovered to significantly affect the support for climate change mitigation strategies in the forest sector, and forest owners who valued biodiversity gave more support towards Less intervention and less support towards Forest management. Forest owners with a smaller property tended to be slightly more supportive towards Less intervention, but in the Forest management model, the effect was not significant. Similarly, the simultaneous effect of education and political orientation was significant in the Less intervention model, indicating that forest owners with a university degree and right-winged political orientation tended to be more supportive towards strategies with more human intervention in forests, compared to forest owners with a university degree and left-winged political orientation. Apart from hypothesized variables, gender was found a significant predictor of support towards strategies, where, on average, women were more likely to support Less intervention, and similarly be more opposing towards Forest management, compared to men. In light of the results, Finnish forest owners tend to be rather conscious about climate change and support on average different climate change mitigation strategies in the forest sector. Nevertheless, private forest owners are a heterogeneous group of people whose preferences vary greatly, and thus policies need to be implemented accordingly.
  • Pirttilahti, Maria (2013)
    This Master’s Thesis studies the main barriers in exporting forest products from Finland to Russia. The barriers are studied on three levels: the home market in Finland, the host market in Russia, and the internal resources and organization of the firms. In addition, the perceptions of industry producers on Russia’s WTO membership are examined. The focus of the study is on the mechanical forest industry circumstances and on the perceptions of small and medium-size producers that are currently not exporting to Russia. The home and host markets are examined through analyses of previous findings with emphasis on the most influential aspects. In addition, a survey is conducted to study the perceptions of producers. The sample consists of 28 small and medium-size producers within the mechanical forest industry in Finland. The survey was conducted between January and February 2013. The main barriers on the home market were in connection to economic circumstances. The production costs and the challenging competitive circumstances in particular were highlighted. In the host market, challenges were more complex and emerged from a web of factors. Nevertheless, emphasis was given to bureaucracy, corruption, and legal aspects. The surveyed industry producers stressed barriers emerging from the host market. Smaller firms were particularly concerned with cultural and language aspects. The WTO membership was perceived to have only a neutral effect in terms of instigating export activities. The results of this study thus indicate that potential exporters in Finland face a number of export barriers, and Russia’s WTO membership alone does not result in greater inclination towards exporting.
  • Rytkönen, Matleena (2014)
    Tarvetta tienvarsihaketuksen tutkimukseen luo kasvanut energiapuukysyntä. Varsinkin pienläpimittaisen energiapuun kustannustehokkuutta tulee kasvattaa, jotta saavutetaan energiapuun käytölle asetetut tavoitteet. Pieniläpimittaista energiapuuta on saatavissa runsaasti ensiharvennuskohteilta, varsinkin sellaisilla, joilla taimikonhoito on jäänyt tekemättä. Lisäksi ensiharvennuksilta talteen otettava energiapuu ei ole lisäksi riippuvainen teollisuuden ainespuukysynnästä niin kuin hakkuutähde. Tienvarsihaketuksessa paalit haketetaan suoraan kaukokuljetusauton hakekonttiin, josta se on valmis suoraan voimalaitokselle käytettäväksi. Fixteri Oy on keski-suomalainen yritys, joka on kehittänyt kokopuupaalaimen erityisesti nuorten hoitamattomien metsien puunkorjuun tehokkuuden parantamiseen. Paalain toimii automaattisesti yhdessä harvesterin kanssa ja siihen voidaan kerätä puita yksin puin tai joukkomenetelmällä. Paalaus helpottaa ja tehostaa erityisesti metsäkuljetusta. Paalien massa on keskimäärin puoli tonnia ja pituus 2,5?2,7 m. Kaksi Fixterillä tuotettua paalia vastaa energiasisällöltään yhtä öljytynnyriä. Pro gradu työssäni tutkin tienvarsihaketuksen tuottavuutta ja ajanmenekin jakaantumista eri työvaiheisiin. Tutkimuksen aikatutkimuksen videoaineisto kerättiin Padasjoelta viidestä haketustestistä sekä yhdestä murskaustestistä. Kerätty aineisto analysoitiin ajanmenekin suhteen sovelletulla aikatutkimuksella. Tutkimuksessa joudun tyytymään kuorman keskimääräiseen paalikokoon, koska paaleja on noin tuhat varastolla, eikä jokaiseen haketukseen otettuja paaleja pystytty erikseen punnitsemaan. Jokaisen kuorman massa ja tilavuus sekä siihen kerätty paalimäärä on tiedossa, jolloin saadaan haketuksen työn tuotos ja taakanmassa. Panos oli tarkastellessani tehoaika, joka on myös yleisesti metsätyön tutkimuksessa käytetty tehdyn työn määre. Aikatutkimuksen tarkastelun kohteena oli sekä hakkurin kouran työskentelyn jakautuminen eri työvaiheisiin että hakkurin tyhjänä pyöriminen. Lisäksi vertailtiin saatuja hakkeen palakokojakaumia ja niiden suhteutumista tavoiteltuun hakkeen palakokoon. Taakan koolla tai hakkeen kosteudella ja palokoolla ei ole merkittävää vaikutusta haketuksen tuottavuuteen. Taakan kokonaisvientiajalla ja sen vaihtelulla on tilastollisesti merkittävä vaikutus tuottavuuteen.
  • Luhtala, Eve (2023)
    This master's thesis investigated consumers' insights on sustainability, animal welfare, and nutrition-related qualities to increase the attractiveness of red meat. The study focused on Finnish young adult (18 to 35-year-old) flexitarians, who have reduced their red meat consumption and incorporated plant-based proteins into their diets. This study conducted a quantitative analysis through a questionnaire (n=588) and explored consumer dietary behavior, trust in labeling, social pressure, and opinions regarding rational and value-based quality factors through willingness to buy and pay. For Finnish young adult flexitarians, environmental, ethical, and nutritional factors emerge as the most influential aspects when changing dietary behaviors. The effect of social pressure is only mild, but flexitarians do exhibit greater bad conscience for red meat consumption. Domesticity is recognized as an important quality attribute for all respondents in this study. In contrast to other meat-eating consumers, flexitarians perceive plant proteins as healthier alternatives to red meat but still acknowledge its nutritional benefits. Most consumers, especially flexitarians, value ethical production and express willingness to pay more for meat with good animal welfare. Consumers' trust in company-provided sustainability and health-related information about their products is found to be lower than with general packaging information. The study proposes solutions related to carbon footprint and animal welfare labeling among others and emphasizes the significance of objective information and transparency. This master's thesis aids in understanding the quality factors necessary to maintain consumer acceptance of red meat and sheds light on the key drivers prompting consumers to adopt a more plant-based diet. The research guides companies and the meat industry on how to enhance their practices and bolster the attractiveness of red meat for future consumers.