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Browsing by discipline "Biotekniikka (EYT)"

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  • Ariwo-ola, Taofiq Adewale (2011)
    Polyphenolic compounds occurring naturally in knotwood of plants are known to have antimicrobial effects. The knots (i.e. the branch bases inside tree stems) and outer branches in pine trees contain a remarkably high concentration of phenolic stilbenes, while lignans are the major phenolic constituents of spruce knots. Large amount of these phenolic compounds can be extracted from wood knots at pulp and paper mills where their presence is undesirable. In Finland, marinating of broiler meat is done not only to increase or add value to the meat, but also to enhance the safety and shelf-life. These products are usually packed under a modified atmosphere for further protection against spoilage microorganisms. However, studies have revealed that addition of marinades to poultry products do not have an inhibitory effect on either some psychrotrophic anaerobic bacteria, such as Brochothrix thermosphacta or lactic acid bacteria associated with spoilage. Also, the activity of pathogenic Campylobacter jejuni is not affected by marinating. The objective of this study was to investigate the inhibitory and lethal activities of extracts from spruce (Picea spp.) and pine (Pinus spp.) knotwood and outer branches that are dissolved in ethanol against the spoilage microorganisms in modified atmosphere packaged marinated broiler products. Modified atmosphere packaged broiler products were separately inoculated with ‘normal’ marinades, marinades with 70% ethanol, marinades with a mixture of spruce and pine extracts dissolved in 70% ethanol or mixture of spruce and pine extracts in powder form. The bacterial colony forming units per gram obtained from each of the samples were analysed on de Man Rogosa and Sharpe agar at days 1, 6, 12 and 15. The results showed that there were significant differences in bacterial colony forming units per gram (P <0.05) between packages with ‘normal’ marinades and packages with extracts added to their marinades on the 12th and 15th day. It can be concluded that the addition of extracts from spruce and pine knotwood to marinades significantly retarded growth of spoilage microorganisms during the 15 day test period. However further research is warranted to characterise and establish the safety and suitability of the compound(s) in spruce and pine knotwood extracts that are responsible for inhibitory or lethal activity against the microbes that may be present in marinated poultry meat.
  • Pärnänen, Katariina (2015)
    Antibiooteille vastustuskykyisistä eli resistenteistä bakteereista on tullut maailmanlaajuinen ongelma, joka on vakavuudeltaan verrattavissa pandemioihin. Tautia aiheuttavien bakteerikantojen vastustuskyky vaikeuttaa infektioiden hoitoa ja voi aiheuttaa pahimmillaan jopa kuolemantapauksia. Bakteerien antibioottivastustuskyky on antibioottiresistenssigeeneihin perustuva ominaisuus, joka on yleistynyt antibioottien käytön seurauksena sekä tautia aiheuttavilla bakteereilla että vaarattomilla ympäristöbakteereilla. Erityisen ongelmallisia ovat liikkuvissa geneettisessä elementeissä sijaitsevat antibioottiresistenssigeenit, joissa on DNA:n aktiiviseen siirtymiseen vaadittavia geenejä. Liikkuvissa geneettisissä elementeissä sijaitsevat resistenssigeenit siirtyvät erittäin tehokkaasti bakteerien välillä, jolloin resistenssigeenien leviäminen ympäristöbakteereilta tautia aiheuttaville bakteereille aiheuttaa maailmanlaajuisesti oleellisen riskin ihmisten terveyden kannalta. Maisterintutkielmassani kehitettiin IPCR:ään (engl. inverse PCR) pohjautuva menetelmä antibioottiresistenssi-geenejä ympäröivien geenien tutkimiseen. Antibioottiresistenssigeenejä ympäröivien alueiden avulla voitiin päätellä, sijaisivatko resistenssigeenit liikkuvassa geneettisessä elementissä, ja sitä kautta arvioida antibioottiresistenssigeenien leviämisriski. Liikkuvissa geneettisissä elementeissä on antibioottiresistenssiresistenssigeenien lisäksi muita kullekin liikkuvalle geneettiselle elementille tyypillisiä geenejä, jotka voitiin monistaa käyttämällä kehitettyä IPCR-menetelmää. Menetelmää käytettiin kalanviljelylaitoksen bakteerien sul1- ja tetM-resistenssigeenejä ympäröivien geenien tutkimiseen. IPCR:ää ei ole aikaisemmin sovellettu liikkuvien geneettisten elementtien ja antibioottiresistenssigeenien tutkimiseen ympäristönäytteillä. IPCR:ää ja uuden sukupolven PacBio-sekvensointimenetelmää käyttämällä onnistuttiin monistamaan ja sekvensoimaan useita sul1- ja tetM-geenejä sisältäviä liikkuvia geneettisiä elementtejä, mikä osoitti, että menetelmä sopii antibioottiresistenssigeenien liikkuvien geneettisten elementtien tutkimiseen ympäristössä. Kaikki sul1- ja tetM-geenit sijaitsivat liikkuvissa geneettisissä elementeissä, minkä vuoksi geeneillä on suuri siirtymisriski kalankasvattamolla esiintyviltä ympäristöbakteereilta ihmisille tai kaloille tautia aiheuttaville bakteerikannoille. tetM-geenit sijaitsivat Tn916-tyyppisissä transposoneissa tai sul1-geenin kanssa samassa integronissa. sul1-geenit sijaitsivat puolestaan integroneissa, joissa oli lisäksi muita resistenssigeenejä, ja myös geenejä jotka aiheuttavat vastustuskykyä terveydenhuollossa tärkeille antibiooteille, joita ei käytetä kalanviljelyssä. Yksi sul1:n kanssa samasta liikkuvasta elementistä löytyneistä geeneistä oli mahdollisesti uudentyyppinen blaoxa-β-laktaamiantibioottiresistenssigeeni. Uuden mahdollisen resistenssigeenin löytyminen osoittaa, että IPCR soveltuu hyvin myös uusien liikkuviin elementteihin liittyneiden resistenssigeenien etsimiseen. Maisterin tutkielmassani kehitetty IPCR-pohjainen menetelmä, joka perustui perinteisiin molekyylibiologisiin tekniikoihin eikä vaatinut kalliita reagensseja tai laitteita, osoittautui käyttökelpoiseksi ympäristössä esiintyvien antibioottiresistenssigeenien siirtymisriskin arvioimiseen. Menetelmää voitaisiin jatkossa käyttää edullisesti ja helposti antibioottiresistenssigeenien ja -geenejä sisältävien liikkuvien geneettisten elementtien monitorointiin ympäristössä, myös silloin kun antibioottiresistenssigeenit eivät vielä ole levinneet sairaalaympäristöön. Tällöin ihmisen toiminta voi vielä vaikuttaa haitallisten antibioottiresistenssigeenien leviämiseen tautia aiheuttaville bakteereille.
  • Reinert, Linnea (2010)
    Vitamin D is either obtained through synthesis in the skin due to UVB-light (290-315 nm) or from the diet. The hydroxylased metabolite 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) is the metabolite to measure when vitamin D status wants to be determined. The active form of vitamin D is 1,25- dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)?D) which interacts with a large set of tissue cells (especially bone) through its nuclear receptor the vitamin D receptor (VDR). Vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets in children and osteoporosis or osteomalacia in adults. Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease which is caused by the destruction of the pancreatic ?-cells. The disease has genetic and environmental features but the whole mechanism of disease development is still unknown. The prevalence of T1D is constantly growing in the whole world. Therefore it is important to study possible environmental factors that can eventually serve as pathogenesis modifiers. Vitamin D and T1D have been associated among others because there is a seasonal and geographical variation in T1D incidence, more cases have been identified in the North and during winter. The aim of this study was to investigate if the serum 25(OH)D status during first trimester of pregnancy is associated with T1D development in the offspring. The subjects where mothers of T1D children (N=310) and the controls were mothers of healthy children (N=310). Serum samples were obtained from the Finnish Maternity Cohort (FMC) and analyzed for S-25(OH)D. S- 25(OH)D measurement was performed with an indirect enzyme immunoassay (EIA). No significant (p>0.05) difference was seen between S-25(OH)D mean concentrations in cases and controls. The mean concentration of cases was 43.3 ± 15.9 nmol/l and 43.0 ± 15.5 nmol/l (mean ± standard deviation (SD)) of controls. Insufficient and deficient S- 25(OH)D status was seen in 72% of the whole study population. As a result of this study it has been shown that the S-25(OH)D status during first trimester of pregnancy is not associated with T1D development in the offspring. Samples from later stages of pregnancy could be analyzed to determine if the overall status during pregnancy has an effect on T1D development in the offspring. Considering the possible health outcomes of vitamin D insufficiency, recommended vitamin D supplementation should be raised to improve maternal and fetal health.
  • Kajasniemi, Petri (2016)
    The literature part of the thesis discusses about Agaricus mushrooms and the structure and function of laccase and tyrosinase. Also the potential and existing applications of these enzymes were reviewed. In experimental part the activity levels of tyrosinase and laccase were measured in two 28 day cultivations. Medium in the cultivation was 2% (w/v) malt extract broth and in other cultivations the medium was 1.5% (w/v) soybean meal. In soybean meal medium seven white rot fungi were cultivated and in malt broth six Agaricus strains were cultivated. Agaricus bisporus FBCC396 strain was cultivated in pure malt broth and with 25 µM copper addition. The laccase activity from culture media and tyrosinase activity, both monophenolase and diphenolase activities, were measured in seven different time points (day 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 24 and 28). Tyrosinase activity was measured with bound quinone method from all samples. Diphenolase activity from samples from soybean meal cultivations was measured also with free quinone method in addition to bound quinone method. Morphological identification of all strains was confirmed with the ITS region sequencing. Also attempts to isolate the copper binding regions of laccase and tyrosinase genes were made, and the sequences from isolated copper binding regions were compared to existing data in gene databases. The highest laccase activity was measured from Phlebiopsis gigantea FBCC730 culture broth in soybean meal cultivation and in malt broth cultivation the highest laccase activity was measured from A. bisporus FBCC396 strain with the addition of copper in the culture medium. The highest tyrosinase activities were measured from Agrocybe praecox and P. gigantea mycelium extracts, which had both highest mono- and diphenolase activities. Both used tyrosinase activity measurement methods had their own difficulties and uncertainties, and neither results are absolutely reliable, mainly due to overlapping activities of phenol oxidising enzymes
  • Sun, Mengyi (2016)
    As the sustainable energy is becoming increasingly important, utilization of lignocellulosic biomass for biofuel production is the central part of this area. Fungal enzymes play an important role in lignocellulose degradation. Glucuronoyl esterase (GE) is a less studied fungal enzyme which degrades the ester linkage between lignin alcohol and hemicellulose side chain 4-O-methyl D-glucuronic acids. Genes encoding GE have been identified from various fungal species and they have been expressed in different production systems to be able to study their biochemical properties in detail. The gene encoding GE from the basidiomycete litter-decomposing fungus Stropharia coronilla was cloned and heterologous expressed in Pichia pastoris yeast. The expression and secretion of GE was induced by growing S. coronilla on lignocellulose supplemented cultivations. ScGE activity can be detected after the fifth day cultivation and it peaked on the 14th day. The heterologous expression of ScGE in P. pastoris showed that ScGE was produced as an enzymatically active protein. The commercial K-URONIC kit supplemented with a GE specific substrate benzyl-D-glucuronate was used to determine GE activity.
  • Järvi, Riia (2015)
    Although a vaccine for measles was developed already in 1963 by Enders et al., in 2012 there were still 122 000 deaths caused by measles according to the World Health Organization. More than 95% of the incidences happen in developing countries, but there are still outbreaks also in areas with good vaccination programs. In these regions, the onset of decease happens because of the extreme high infectivity of the measles virus (MV) and the decrease of herd immunity of a population because of vaccine refusals or other fails to immunize. Measles can cause serious complications and there is not a specific antiviral treatment for it. In addition, there are also other human pathogens in the same group of paramyxoviruses that have not a specific cure or even a vaccine: parainfluenza (PIV) and Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV). MV has −ssRNA genome that is packed inside a helical nucleoprotein capsid. Phosphoprotein (P) keeps the nucleoproteins (N) from self-assembling prematurely by binding to them and keeping them as monomers. P also works as a cofactor in viral RNA replication and transcription by helping the polymerase to access the genome inside the nucleoproteincapsid. Matrix protein (M) helps to concentrate the ribonucleocapsid to the sites where new virus particles are released from the host cell. The phosphorylation of MV proteins affects virus signalling with the host cell. In this Master’s thesis, I produced and purified recombinant measles N, P and M proteins as well as wild type MV. I determined the phosphorylation status of these proteins alone and in the P-N complex by using phosphate affinity electrophoresis method developed by Kinoshita et al. (2006). The phosphate affinity electrophoresis uses tag molecules that bind reversibly to phosphate groups in proteins. Determining the significance of post-transcriptional modifications in measles proteins would shed light to understanding paramyxovirus structure and signalling and possibly help the development of biomedical applications.
  • Faruq, Mohammad Omar (2020)
    In this research, lignocellulose decomposition and bioethanol production potentiality of the white rot fungus Phlebia radiata 79 was studied at different atmospheric conditions on several solid substrate mixtures containing spent brewery barley mash (SBBM), barley straw, spruce wood sawdust, and birch wood sawdust. The fungus was capable of growing on all substrate mixtures, subsequently converting them into fermentable sugars like glucose, producing various primary metabolites involving ethanol, acetate, and glycerol. Ethanol accumulation was always dominant under nitrogen flushed anaerobic conditions as well as semi-aerobic conditions. The highest concentration of ethanol accumulated on the second week of cultivation on all solid substrate mixtures. Under anaerobic conditions, the detected amount of ethanol was 88 mmol/l, 87 mmol/l, and 108 mmol/l, after two weeks of cultivation of the fungus on lignocellulose substrates containing SBBM mixed with barley straw, spruce wood sawdust, or birch wood sawdust, respectively. Under semi-aerobic conditions, corresponding concentrations of ethanol - 90 mmol/l, 61 mmol/l, and 105 mmol/l - accumulated in the cultures after two weeks of cultivation on the same substrate mixtures, respectively. Under aerobic conditions, only small amounts of ethanol were detected during the first two weeks of cultivation. Another part of the study was to establish an enzyme assay method for pectin degradation and conversion, in order to measure the activities of specific carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) involving pectinase, as well as cellulolytic β-glucosidase and cellobiohydrolase (CBH) activities. The highest β-glucosidase activity (5.2 nkat/ml) was observed under aerobic conditions in cultures on the substrate mixture of SBBM and barley straw. CBH activity was also prominent under aerobic conditions, and the maximal activity (0.7 nkat/ml) was detected on the substrate mixture of SBBM and spruce wood sawdust, while elevated pectinase activity (83 nkat/ml) was recorded under aerobic conditions on substrate mixtures containing SBBM and barley straw. Thus, the conclusions are that composition of the solid waste lignocellulose substrate mixture affected enzyme production by the fungus, whereas production of ethanol was mainly controlled by the cultivation atmosphere. Interestingly, both anaerobic and semi-aerobic atmospheric conditions supported similar bioconversion efficiency resulting with similar high levels of bioethanol production in the fungal cultures within two weeks.
  • Puhakka, Heikki (2019)
    The aim of this thesis was to study and develop the process hygiene of the new R1 bottling line at Altia Rajamäki alcoholic beverage plant. The products bottled on the line are mainly low- and non-alcoholic beverages that have limited amount of previously studied knowledge about the efficiency of hygienic practices of their production. In addition, the microbiological quality of the products’ raw materials was studied, and an attempt was made to identify the microbes occurring in the products and on the production line. The literature review deals with the legislation of food industry and the microbiological risks related to various types of beverages and their processing. In the experimental part of the thesis the microbiological hygiene of the bottling process was studied by collecting samples from the surfaces of the bottling line using mainly the microbiological swabbing method. The microbiological analyses of the bottled products were conducted by filtering the sample to a filter paper. Various culture mediums and antibiotics were also tested to identify the bacteria from yeasts and molds. 16S rRNA gene sequencing was used to identify the bacteria frequently occurring in the analyses. DNA isolation and PCR were conducted at the University of Helsinki and the gene sequencing was carried out by the Institute of Biotechnology. Sequence alignment was made using BLAST. The public version of the thesis lacks the confidential information which is provided only for Altia Oyj. Based on the results, the process hygiene of the R1 bottling line is sufficient in case the hygienic practices are followed. No significant microbiological growth was observed in the process hygiene samples. However, endospore producing bacteria were found in the products and these bacteria were presumed to originate from the raw materials of the products or from storage tanks and pipelines of these raw materials. Four bacterial genera, which frequently occurred in the products, were successfully identified. Nevertheless, based on the literature, it was noticed that these bacteria are not able to spoil alcoholic beverages nor to grow in the conditions of bottled products. However, some of these bacteria can substantially form biofilm.
  • Koskela, Salla (2016)
    Fungal ferulic acid esterases (FAEs) are important accessory enzymes that participate in degradation of plant cell wall hemicellulose in grasses, including cereals and many energy crops. They could be used to convert agricultural wastes into a variety of value-added products such as biofuel, feed and paper. In non-aqueous media, they have been shown to act as catalysts for enantioselective reactions. Putative faes are widespread in genomes of plant pathogenic and saprotrophic fungi. However, only few FAEs have been characterized in detail. Additionally, despite of their diverse biotechnological potential, fungal FAEs have not been produced recombinantly on a bioreactor scale, which is a necessary step for their commercial applications. The aim of the present study was recombinant production on a bioreactor scale and biochemical characterization of a putative FAE from Aspergillus terreus. The enzyme demonstrated a broad substrate profile and an excellent storage stability. Its catalytic activity was highest against methyl 3,4-dimethoxycinnamate, but the enzyme was also active against methyl ferulate. It preferred methoxy groups to hydroxyl groups on the substrate’s phenyl ring, while shortening of the aliphatic side chain diminished the activity. The enzyme was observed to be fully stable at 37 °C for 1 h, and it demonstrated thermal activation at the same temperature. At 45 ˚C, it retained 75 % of its initial activity for 1 h. McIlvaine’s buffer was observed to increase the activity by 85 % compared to the standardly used MOPS buffer. The results of this study have contributed to the biochemical knowledge of fungal FAEs and elucidated their substrate preferences.
  • Seyed Hameed, Ahkam Saddam (2015)
    Increased consumption of raw milk has been observed among the urban population in Europe along with an increasing consumer interest in foods that are less processed and locally produced. Raw milk and raw milk products have been associated with listeriosis caused by Listeria monocytogenes. These new trends in consumer behavior increase the need for more effective surveillance methods for L. monocytogenes at farm level. In Finland, raw milk sales are allowed directly from the farms to the consumer. The renewed Finnish national legislation stipulates that screening of L. monocytogenes on farms that sell raw milk includes five replicates of 25-ml bulk tank milk (BTM) samples. Due to dilution to the high volume of BTM, it is unlikely to detect low levels of bacterial contamination from the milk samples. Testing milk samples is also expensive and logistically difficult for continuous monitoring of L. monocytogenes at the farms. An alternative approach could be the testing of milk filters. Theoretically, milk filters may be more sensitive than BTM as a sampling material since all of the milk in the bulk tank has to pass through the filter. The objective of this longitudinal study is to compare milk filters and BTM for the best sampling material suitable for routine monitoring of L. monocytogenes in the dairy farms selling raw milk. Five BTM samples and a milk filter sample from two farms were tested for L. monocytogenes each week, for a period of 10 months, using NMLK 136:2010, ISO 11290-1:1996 and ISO 11290-2:1998 methods. The isolation of L. monocytogenes and other Listeria species were identified by API biochemical assay and multiplex PCR. The results indicate that milk filters are ideal as a sampling material in detecting L. monocytogenes than BTM samples. However, the presence of L. monocytogenes in milk filters was not associated to the presence of L. monocytogenes in BTM. Thus, milk filters could be used as indicators of the farm’s contamination status. Along with these findings, seasonal variation in detection, and advantages of identification methods were also discussed in this thesis.
  • Pulkkinen, Essi (2019)
    The Baltic Sea is a geologically and biologically unique sea highly vulnerable to environmental hazards, and the most emphasized threat is the risk of oil spills. The microbiology of the Baltic Sea has not been extensively studied, and most studies have focused on bacteria, leaving archaea and fungi to less attention. In addition to the natural microbial communities of different parts of the Baltic Sea, the effects of diesel oil, and dispersants applied in case of an oil spill, on these microbial communities is yet to be elucidated. The focus of this Master’s thesis was to compare the bacterial, archaeal and fungal community compositions of the Baltic Sea surface water at three distinct locations; the open sea, a pristine archipelago, and putatively oil contaminated coastal water at an oil refinery. In addition, the short-term effects of diesel oil and dispersant on the three locations were studied during a 72-hour microcosm experiment. Next-generation Ion Torrent sequencing of bacterial V3–V4 and archaeal V4 regions of 16S rDNA and fungal ITS regions was used for a community composition analysis. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was applied to determine the changes in the copy numbers of bacterial 16S rRNA genes and two genes associated with microbial hydrocarbon degradation, i.e. ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases (RHD) and alkane hydroxylases (AlkB). Based on the findings, the three sites under investigation harbored differing surface water microbiomes demonstrating differing responses to diesel and dispersant amendments, and furthermore, the results indicate that the putatively oil contaminated coastal site has higher natural petroleum hydrocarbon degradation potential compared to the pristine archipelago and especially the open sea. It is noteworthy, that over 90% of the fungal sequences from the open sea and the pristine archipelago, and over half of the fungal sequences from the putatively oil contaminated coastal site were unidentified even at phylum level. In addition, almost half of the archaeal sequences from the putatively oil contaminated site were unindentified. Assessing the petroleum hydrocarbon degradation potential of the indigenous microbiome in different parts of the Baltic Sea is of great importance, since the data can potentially be utilized when developing suitable biological oil spill response methods as well as predicting the rates of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation in different parts of the Baltic Sea area.
  • Shanthi Venkatesan, Aadhavan (2017)
    A new myopathy called “wooden breast” affecting Pectoralis major muscles of broilers was described by researchers in Finland and other countries and it has affected the economy of the poultry industry in the last few years. The exact mechanisms behind this myopathy are yet to be discovered. This study focused on establishing any relationship between this new myodegeneration disorder “wooden breast” and small heat shock proteins. The primary aim of this work was to study the 3 important small heat shock proteins such as HSP20, HSP27 and αβ-crystallin in wooden breast and normal breast fillets by means of immunoblot technique. Six random fillet samples identified as wooden breast and six normal breast muscle samples were selected for this study. The presence of small heat shock protein HSP27 was comparatively higher in wooden breast muscles in both the myofibrillar fraction (p-value = 0. 02) and sarcoplasmic muscle fraction (p-value = 0. 01) than their presence in the normal breast muscles. Stress suffered by the birds belonging to the wooden breast condition is suggested to upregulate the heat shock proteins to antagonize against protein misfolding, protein denaturation and for protection of myofibrillar and structural proteins. As an outcome of the study, a proposal can be made about the possible mechanism behind the wooden breast to be ischemia and heat stress causing the upregulation of heat shock proteins, which was supported by the presence of HSP27 in both the myofibrillar and the sarcoplasmic muscle fraction. The presence of a relative higher amount of HSP27 in wooden breast muscles suggests that they defend against the stress suffered by the bird. Detecting the exact time point of onset of stress and factors causing the stress might unravel more information about this disorder, and studying the presence of small heat shock proteins at different time points post slaughter till the start of rigor mortis might provide additional details behind this muscle disorder.
  • Heini, Tuomas (2019)
    Ihmisen suolistomikrobisto on monimuotoinen ekosysteemi, jonka koostumuksen ja toiminnan on osoitettu olevan merkittävässä asemassa ihmisen terveyden kannalta. Mikrobien osallisuus erilaisissa tautitiloissa tekee niistä mahdollisia kohteita tai keinoja lääkehoidolle. Tutkimuksissa yhdeksi tehokkaista hoitokeinoista esimerkiksi toistuvissa Clostridium difficile -infektiossa on osoittau-tunut ulosteensiirto, jossa terveen henkilön ulostetta viedään sairastuneen henkilön suolistoon. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli mitata onnistuneissa ulosteensiirroissa C. difficile -infektion hoidossa Helsingin yliopistollisen keskussairaalan (HYKS) gastroenterologian poliklinikalla käytetystä ulosteensiirteestä tutkimusryhmämme kehittämän menetelmän avulla eristettyjen Bacteroidales -lahkoon kuuluvien 16 eri bakteeri-isolaatin kykyä vähentää tulehdusta in vitro sekä niiden adheroitumista HT-29- ja Caco-2-soluihin sekä mukukseen. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää, oliko tutkittavien bakteeri-isolaattien mahdollinen kyky vähentää tulehdusta riippuvaista adheesiosta. Menetelmä, jossa mitattiin bakteeri-isolaattien kykyä vähentää tulehdusta, perustui siihen että HT-29-solut inkuboitiin ensin tutkittavan isolaatin kanssa ja sen jälkeen soluihin indusoitiin tulehdus endotoksiini lipopolysakkaridin (LPS) avulla. Tämän jälkeen soluista tuottuneen proinflammatorisen interleukiini-8:n (IL-8) määrä mitattiin ELISA-kittiä käyttäen. Adheesion mittaus puolestaan perustui siihen, että bakteeri-isolaatit leimattiin ensin radioaktiivisella leimalla ja inkuboitiin epiteelisolujen tai mukuksen kanssa, jonka jälkeen adheroitumattomat bakteerit pestiin solujen päältä ja soluihin jäljelle jääneen radioaktiivisen säteilyn määrä mitattiin. Mitatun säteilyn määrästä voitiin laskea, kuinka paljon bakteeri-isolaateista oli prosentuaalisesti adheroitunut epiteelisoluihin. Menetelmä, jossa tulehdus-adheesio-riippuvuussuhdetta selvitettiin, perustui siihen, että HT-29-solut inkuboitiin ensin tutkittavan isolaatin kasvatusliuoksen kanssa, jonka jälkeen soluihin indusoitiin tulehdus LPS:n avulla. Tämän jälkeen soluista tuottuneen IL-8:n määrä mitattiin ELISA-kittiä käyttäen. Tulosten perusteella näytti siltä, että kymmenellä kuudestatoista tutkitusta isolaatista oli kantaspesifisesti kyky alentaa merkitsevästi proinflammatorisen IL-8:n tuottoa. Isolaattien adheroitumis-% vaihteli epiteelisolulinjojen sekä tutkittujen lajien ja niiden kantojen välillä. Isolaattien adheroituminen Caco-2-soluihin oli voimakkainta, kun taas mukukseen se oli erittäin heikkoa. Lisäksi adheesiomittauksen tulokset yhdessä tulosten, jossa tarkasteltiin isolaattien kasvatusliuoksen vaikutusta IL-8:n tuottoon, osoittivat että tutkittujen isolaattien kyky alentaa IL-8:n tuottoa ei välttämättä ole riippuvaista adheesiosta, mikä jatkossa lisää mielenkiintoa selvitää bakteerien tuottamien molekyylien merkitystä tulehduksen vähentämisen tai eston kannalta.
  • Uotila, Sarri (2013)
    Haemoglobin and globin from blood cells and albumin, fibrinogen and immunoglobulins from blood plasma are the most important proteins in slaughter blood. Different fractions of blood have slightly different technological properties. Adding blood proteins can have an effect on the gelling, foaming and emulsifying properties of foodstuffs. Blood protein hydrolysates have antioxidative and antigenotoxic effects that could be utilised as food preservatives or in functional foods to strengthen health. The nutritional value of food can be improved by adding blood proteins. Blood proteins can be utilized by replacing egg, fat and sodium caseinate in foods, to improve structure and shelf life of food. Blood proteins can also be utilised replacing egg white, milk or soy proteins or replacing fat in light products. Ultrafiltration is a common method in the food industry and it is also suitable for processing blood proteins. The aim of the study was to optimize an ultrafiltration method to concentrate porcine slaughter blood for use in the food industry and to determine the technological properties of plasma concentrate and its suitability for use in the food industry. Response surface methodology was used to create a mathematical model to calculate the optimal ultrafiltration parameters for plasma concentrations. Optimal conditions for the ultrafiltration were an Ultracel PLTK 30 membrane, temperature of 40 ºC and pressure of 2 bar. The technological properties of blood proteins were measured at pH 4.5, 5.5, 6.3 and 7.0. Volume and stability were measured from foams prepared by whipping from plasma concentrate diluted to protein concentration of 5.8 %. Foam volume and stability were greatest at pH 5.5 and weakest at pH 7.0. Emulsifying capacity was measured from plasma concentrate diluted to 0.01 % protein concentration. Emulsifying capacity was weakest at pH 5.5 and increased towards high and low pH. Rheological properties of gels made from 10 % plasma concentrate were measured. The gels were weakest near the isoelectric point of plasma proteins at pH 5.5. Plasma concentrate was used to prepare bologna sausage. The structure and sensory properties of the sausages were evaluated. The sausages containing plasma concentrate were evaluated as equal to control sausages in every category.
  • Ahmed, Muhammad Nouman (2016)
    Natural products have enormous structural and chemical diversity and are either the source or direct inspiration for many drugs in use today. Cyanobacteria are prolific producers of complex natural products with serine protease inhibiting activity. Many of these natural products are the product of non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) modular enzyme complexes. Suomilide is a complex tetrapeptide produced by strains of the benthic cyanobacterium Nodularia sphaerocarpa. It has a highly complicated structure and contains an unusual azabicyclononane moiety, a methylglyceric acid, a xylose unit with hexanoic acids and a terminal 1-amidino-3-(2-aminoethyl)-3-pyrroline moiety. Suomilide inhibits thrombin, plasmin and trypsin in low micro-molar concentrations. The biosynthetic of this unusual glycoside remain unclear. However, suomilide is long predicted to be part to the aeruginosin family of protease inhibitors. A 5.4 Mb draft genome of Nodularia sphaerocarpa HKVV was obtained in order to identify the suomilide biosynthetic. The 43.7 kb suomilide gene cluster was identified on a single contig by performing tBLASTn searches on the draft genome of Nodularia HKVV using aerDEF genes from aeruginosins gene cluster as query. This gene cluster encodes 27 genes including two complex NRPS enzymes and a set of tailoring enzymes for the assembly of suomilide. The suomilide gene cluster shares extensive homology to known aeruginosin gene clusters including two aerB and aerG genes encoding NRPS enzymes, 12 genes (aerC, aerD, aerE, aerF, aerI, aerK, two copies of aerN and four copies of aerH) encoding for the enzymes responsible for synthesis of precursor non-proteinogenic amino acids and 13 other tailoring enzymes. The suomilide gene cluster was much larger and encoded a greater number of biosynthetic enzymes reflecting the structural complexity of suomilide. We identified 10 aeruginosin gene clusters and 2 suomilide gene clusters from 12 strains of cyanobacteria by genome mining. Bioinformatics analyses suggested these gene clusters encoded an unanticipated chemical diversity of aeruginosins and suomilides. LC-MS and Q-TOF analysis detected aeruginosins or suomilide variants from 12 of the 15 strains. Surprisingly, inhibition assays with the crude extracts using all three isoforms of human trypsin suggest that these compounds may have potent and selective inhibition of human trypsin isoforms. Further work is required to prove that suomilide alone can carry out selective inhibition of trypsin isoforms or is it a result of synergism between the compounds produce by cyanobacteria. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the aeruginosin evolved through the acquisition of multiple loading mechanisms and tailoring enzymes through horizontal gene transfers. Our results support the hypothesis that suomilides are a part of aeruginosin family as they are made through the same genetic pathway, however have gained a greater degree of structural diversity due to the acquisition of tailoring enzymes. These results together suggest that cyanobacteria produce an unexpected wealth of complex natural products belonging to the aeruginosin family and that some of these may be potent and selective inhibitors of isoforms of human trypsin.
  • Kilpeläinen, Niko (2014)
    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic autoimmune disease in which insulin-producing beta-cells in pancreatic islets are destroyed by the body's own immune system. Patients with T1D require a life-long treatment with exogenous insulin. In Finland the incidence of T1D is the highest in the world. Interleukin-17 producing T helper cells (Th17 cells) have been linked to the disease pathogenesis in animal models of T1D. Increased activation of Th17-immunity, including elevated expression of IL-17 and interleukin-22 (IL-22) in the peripheral blood has been associated with human T1D. Additionally, IL-17 has been demonstrated to be harmful to mouse beta cells and human pancreatic islets. The publications reporting detrimental effects of IL-17 on mouse beta cells and human pancreatic islets lack the information regarding the role of IL-22 in the inflammatory conditions mediated by the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1b, IFN-? and IL-17. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of IL-17 and IL-22 on mouse beta cells and human pancreatic islets under the inflammatory conditions mediated by IL-1b and IFN-?. Cytokine-induced apoptosis of mouse beta cells was studied using MIN6 cells. Gene expression of anti-apoptosis, beta-cell function and IL-17-signaling related genes was studied from cytokine-stimulated MIN6 cells. Stress response and apoptosis related genes were studied from the human pancreatic islets. The proportion of apoptotic and necrotic cells of cytokine stimulated MIN6 cells was studied with fluorescence microscopy. Gene expression analyses were performed with quantitative reverse transcription qPCR (RT-qPCR). In this study IL-17 and IL-22 was demonstrated to modulate the outcome of IL-1b and IFN-? induced stress response in mouse beta-cells and human pancreatic islets as measured by the changes in the frequency of apoptotic cells and gene expression of stress, function and cytokine-signaling related genes.
  • Loivamaa, Iida (2017)
    In dairy industry starter cultues are used to acidify milk and, in addition, produce aroma compounds, such as diacetyl. Diacetyl have buttery aroma and it is a desired flavor compound in products like butter, buttermilk and cottage cheese. Diacetyl can be metabolised from pyruvate which is a common intermediate of carbohydrate and citrate catabolisms. The metabolism from pyruvate to lactic acid or citrate depends on the strains and their growth conditions. Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis biov. diacetylactis is an exceptional lactic acid bacteria type, which can use citrate as a sole energy source. The citrate metabolism enzymes and the citrate uptake to the cell, have a key role, when diacetyl production is tried to increase in LABs with their growth conditions. New starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria are needed to solve for acidification problems caused by bacteriophages. Dairy industry has developed control methods for bacteriophages like starter rotation. For starter rotation there should be more than one starter culture, which has same properties in acidification and aroma compounds production but different bacteriophage insensitivity. The aim of this Master’s thesis was to find a strain, which can be used as an aroma producer starter culture in milk based products. Requirements for the strain were a diacetyl production of 120 ppm or more and different phage insensitivity than the strain in use. Diacetyl productions of 132 strains were determined with a colorimetric method, which is based on Voges-Proskauer reaction. The strains were grown in 1.1% citrate containing milk medium in aerobic conditions. Based on absorbance measurements 23 selected strains’ diacetyl production levels in same growth conditions were determinded with headspace gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Two of the 23 strains produced more diacetyl than the strain in use, but they had the same phage insensitivity. Because of similarity to the features of the used strain, it was decided to find out growth conditions, which affect the diacetyl production by the strain L. diacetylactis H63, when growing in bioreactors. Factors for two experimental designs were chosen based on literature. Partial least square (PLS) regression method was used to analyse, which of the chosen parameters affects the diacetyl and acetoin production of the strain H63. Copper concentration, pH and the redox-potential of the growth medium, when samples were taken to determinations, explain the diacetyl and acetoin production of the strain H63 based on the model, which PLS method created. Also the initial pH of the growth correlates with diacetyl production. Result of this research is that by using same growth conditions it was not possible to find a strain from selected collection with the same diacetyl production capabilities but different phage insensitivity as the strain in use.
  • Pajula, Elina (2016)
    Vitamin D is an essential vitamin linked especially to bone health. There are two biologically active forms of vitamin D: Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) and ergocalciferol (vitamin D2). Although cholecalciferol is synthetized endogenously in the skin by sun light, it is not always enough to maintain sufficient vitamin D levels. For example, living on high latitudes, ageing and dark skin increase the risk for insufficient vitamin D status. Also, natural dietary sources of vitamin D are limited. This is why different fortification policies have been introduced. Fungi produce a unique sterol, ergosterol, which is converted into ergocalciferol when exposed to UVB irradiation. UVB-irradiated yeasts and mushrooms have been studied for their potential to provide an affordable and non-animal origin alternative for vitamin D3 supplementation. In this thesis, UVB-treated, vitamin D2 -rich baker´s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was used to enrich the rat diets. The aim was to study the bioavailability and safety of the yeasts and compare them to D2 and D3 supplements. Two different forms of yeast were used: The whole irradiated and dried yeast cells (vitamin D2 -rich yeast) and the cell wall fraction of the same yeast (yeast cell walls). Both yeasts were tested with two different doses: 375 µg/kg and 750 µg/kg. The positive control diets contained vitamin D3 and D2 from the supplements and the same test doses were used. Further, there was control diet containing the recommended amount of vitamin D3 for rats, 25 µg/kg. 54 Sprague-Dawley female rats were divided into groups of six, each group receiving a different diet The experiment period was eight weeks after which the rats were sacrificed for serum 25(OH)D, 3-epi-25(OH)D, calcium, phosphorus and intact PTH analyses, as well as BMD, BMC and bone area measurements. The results were analysed for statistical significance with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlations between the variables with Pearson´s two-tailed correlation test. The bioavailability and safety were evaluated based on the results.