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Browsing by master's degree program "Metsätieteiden maisteriohjelma"

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  • Malinen, Markus (2023)
    Suomessa puun teollinen hyödyntäminen on painottunut vahvasti pääpuulajeihimme eli mäntyyn, kuuseen ja koivuun. Ns. erikoispuulajien käyttö on, suhteellisen runsaista puuvaroista huolimatta, ollut hyvin vähäistä. Erikoispuulajien kohdalla puutavaran myyjät ja ostajat eivät ole löytäneet toisiaan riittävän helposti. Kysynnän ja tarjonnan kohtaamattomuus pyritään tulevaisuudessa ratkaisemaan Suomen Sahayrittäjät ry:n, Puuteollisuus ry:n ja Suomen Metsäkeskuksen yhteisellä erikoissahatavaran kauppapaikka -hankkeella. Tämän maisterintutkielman tavoite on selvittää erikoissahatavaran kotimaan markkinoita, paikallista kysyntää ja saatavuutta Suomen metsistä. Aineisto tutkielmaan kerättiin verkkokyselyllä, joka suunnattiin puuta jalostaville yrityksille. Kyselyyn valittiin harkitusti otannalla yrityksiä eri toimialoilta sekä eri puolilta Suomea. Näin pyrittiin saamaan mahdollisimman tarkka kokonaiskuva erikoispuutavaran paikallisesta tarpeesta ja saatavuudesta. Aineisto koostuu 17 vastauksesta. Tutkielman tulokset perustuvat näihin vastauksiin. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella erikoispuulajien kohdalla ongelma on edelleen pirstaloituneet markkinat. Erikoispuulajeja kaupataan hajanaisissa pienissä erissä, eikä riittävän suurta raaka-ainevirtaa puusepänteollisuuden käyttöön ole ollut. Lehtikuusi-, haapa- sekä leppäraaka-aineen osalta kärsitään paikallisesta pulasta. Suurin vaje markkinoilla on kuitenkin laadukkaasta koivuraaka-aineesta, jonka puutteesta kärsitään joka toimialalla. Venäjän tuontikielto on kärjistänyt tilannetta entisestään. Kaikesta päätellen erikoissahatavaran kauppapaikalle on suuri tarve. Puun jalostajat käyttäisivät mielellään kotimaista puuta ulkomaisen sijaan, mutta monen puulajin kohdalla se ei ole toistaiseksi ollut markkinaehtoisesti mahdollista. Kuitenkin puun jalostajat suhtautuivat optimistisesti kotimaisten erikoispuulajien tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksiin. Myös ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutus sekä kuluttajien ostokäyttäytymisen kehitys ovat isossa roolissa. Puun suosio rakennusmateriaaleissa on kasvussa, lisäksi kuluttajat muodostavat kotimaisuudelle yhä suuremman lisäarvon.
  • Elomaa, Satu (2019)
    Nature is important to people. Urban green areas maintain a big role in provision of citizens’ recreation. Due to increasing urbanization, urban green areas are constantly diminishing. This has caused concern and distress among citizens. Various forest management measures can also cause many different reactions. Thus, nature – forests, meadows, grass fields – hold different meanings for every person. Purpose of this study was to examine how the forest management measures made in western half of Keskuspuisto (Central Park) has impacted on users’ opinions about the area. The study was conducted via web-based survey tool Maptionnaire as a half-structured web survey. 341 users took part in the survey. In total, users marked 512 favourite places, and 116 unpleasant places. Results were examined using cross tabulation, Kruskal-Wallis -test and chi-squared test with a 5 % risk. Mapped responses were examined in QGIS-software, with which the thematic maps of social values were created. Results were compared to a 2009 visitor survey. The first point of interest was how, where and how often survey respondents visited the park. In addition, users' favourite places and unpleasant places and the relating social values were examined, and whether the forest management measures have had an impact on the mapped responses. The results can be used in the forthcoming nature- and landscape management plan in the western half of Keskuspuisto. Based on the results, the western half of Keskuspuisto is very important for its users and its use is versatile. Usage of the area has increased in the last 10 years. A statistical link was not found between forest management measures and mapped responses or social values. Opinions about the forest management of the area varied greatly. It can be concluded that the forest management actions in western part of Keskuspuisto have been quite successful. Users were in general satisfied, but many voiced a concern regarding the future of the area. It is hoped that the area is kept out of future construction plans. Due to varying opinions and wishes, it is important to take the citizens' opinions into account in the city planning. The method of mapping social values and mapping favourite places and unpleasant places were useful ways to gain important information regarding the users and which areas are important to them.
  • Antola, Hanna (2023)
    Metsäalan toimintaympäristö on nopeassa muutoksessa niin kansallisesti kuin kansainvälisesti. Metsiin kohdistuu suuria odotuksia uusiutuvien raaka-aineiden lähteenä, luonnon monimuotoisuuden ylläpitäjänä sekä hiilinieluna. Metsäalan koulutus näyttäytyykin siksi tulevaisuudessa ehkä tärkeämpänä kuin koskaan. Tulevaisuuden ammattilaisilla on edessään aikamme yksien suurimpien kysymysten ratkaiseminen. Yhteiskunnan muuttuvat odotukset julkishyödykkeille, kuten metsäluonnon monimuotoisuudelle, vaativat metsäalan perinteisten opetusaiheiden ja tapojen kehittymistä uuden tutkimustiedon ja muuttuvien odotusten mukana. Erityisesti ympäristöön liittyvien tieteiden opettamisessa painottuu se, miten luonto toimii. Metsätieteiden kohdalla tämä tarkoittaa esimerkiksi konkreettisia maastokäyntejä. Digitalisoituvassa yhteiskunnassa myös perinteisempiä opetustyylejä on hyvä kehittää ja arvioida niiden toimivuutta uusien innovaatioiden avulla. Tulevaisuudessa etämaastokäynnit voivat toimia opetuksen resurssina esimerkiksi niin, että opiskelijat voivat oppia etänä valitsemassaan sijainnissa digitaalisessa ympäristössä ainakin jonkin osa-alueen. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tutustutaan etämaastokäynnin toteutukseen sekä opiskelijoiden kokemuksiin toteutetusta etämaastokäynnistä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan opiskelijoiden kokemusten perusteella sitä, miten etämaastokäyntejä tulisi toteuttaa tulevaisuudessa parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla ja miten opiskelijoiden mielestä etämaastokäyntejä voitaisiin hyödyntää opetuksessa tai työelämässä. Aiempaa tutkimusta aiheesta löytyy niukasti, vaikkakin etämaastokäyntejä on testattu ulkomailla positiivisin tuloksin. Erityisesti ajan ja rahan säästyminen näyttäytyi aiemmissa tutkimuksissa positiiviseksi puoleksi, sen lisäksi että etämaastokäynti mahdollistaa sen, että siihen voi osallistua mistä tahansa ja se on saavutettavissa kaikille. Tulevaisuudessa tämän tutkielman tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää tulevien metsätieteiden etämaastokäyntien suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin Helsingin yliopiston ja Tapion palvelut Oy:n yhteisen Digitaalisuuden hyödyntäminen maastokäynneissä -hankkeen oppilaitososuudessa. Helsingin yliopiston ja Tapion hankkeessa pilotoitiin ja tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia järjestää maastokäyntejä etäyhteyksin. Hankkeessa tuotetun suoratoistetun etämaastokäynnin pohjalta toteutettiin Helsingin yliopiston Metsäekonomian ja markkinoinnin perusteet -kurssin opiskelijoille nauhoitemuotoinen etämaastokäynti. Etämaastokäynnin jälkeen opiskelijoilta kysyttiin heidän kokemuksiaan käynnistä Microsoft Forms - kyselytyökalulla. Saadut vastaukset, yhteensä 51 kappaletta, analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin menetelmällä hyödyntäen teemoittelua. Opiskelijat kokivat etämaastokäynnin pääosin positiivisena kokemuksena, ja ainakin useimmille jäi ainakin jotain oppeja käyttöön. Selkeästi negatiivisena etämaastokäynnissä näyttäytyi se, että ainakin tässä toteutuksessa opiskelijoiden sosiaalinen aspekti jäi puuttumaan. Lisäksi etämaastokäynnin haasteeksi muodostui videomateriaalin heikko laatu, jonka vuoksi osa koki maaston arvioinnin videolta hankalaksi. Etämaastokäyntien eduiksi opiskelijoiden vastauksissa muodostui se, että niiden avulla säästyy toteutuksen osalta aikaa ja rahaa, ja ne ovat perinteistä maastokäyntiä nopeampi suorittaa. Lisäksi ne ovat olla kaikille osallistujille saavutettavissa. Lisäksi osa opiskelijoista huomioi, että etämaastokäynti säästää myös ympäristöä. Vaikka etämaastokäynneissä on runsaasti kehitettävää, uskovat opiskelijat niillä olevan paikkansa niin opiskeluissa kuin tulevaisuuden työelämässä. Erityisesti opiskelijat kokivat, että etämaastokäynnit voisivat soveltua työelämässä metsänomistajapalveluihin sekä henkilöstön koulutukseen. Yhä lisääntyvän etätyön ja monipaikkaisuuden yhteiskunnassa tarvitsemme uusia etäosallistumisen mahdollisuuksia myös metsäalan opetukseen ja työelämään, johon etämaastokäynnit osaltaan voivat vastata.
  • Malm, Micke (2023)
    The European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) is one of the most concerning forest pest to Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst) forests in Central and Northern Europe. The species has been fairly well studied, especially after the storm Gudrun in Sweden in 2005 and some widespread damages in spruce forests in Central Europe in the recent years. I. typographus is a highly opportunistic species and a population can expand drastically if favorable conditions, mainly weakened or windthrown trees and suitable temperatures, are met. After reproducing on these favorable conditions, the species may have reached a population size so large that it is capable of infesting and killing even standing, healthy trees in the nearby areas. Damages caused to standing trees are the most problematic as there losses in economic revenue, carbon storage and, in some cases, ecosystem services. In Finland, the problems caused by I. typographus have fortunately been localized, but with climate change increasing extreme weather patterns, the problems are likely to increase in the future, which is why the species, as well as other potentially problematic species should be studied as intensively as possible, so that informed decisions can be made in case of a windthrown or other pest inducing event was to occur. After the Asta-storm in 2010, some 9000 cubic meters of wood had fallen in Ruokolahti municipality. Quickly after the storm, two areas (Viitalampi and Paajasensalo) were conserved under METSO-program and no commercial harvests were done in the sites, and permissions for bark beetle studies were given to increase knowledge especially on I. typographus. The two sites were mostly harvest-ready or mature Norway spruce dominated forests. Field work began in 2011 in Viitalampi, and new study plots were established in Viitalampi and Paajasensalo in subsequent years. To study bark beetle population dynamics, a total of 140 fallen trees were studied. From each tree diameters were measured at base (d0), breast-height (d1.3) and ten meters (d10), as well as full height of the tree. An entomological analysis was done in two-meter intervals (from 0m to 10m) to establish changes of bark beetle activity on a stem. A 25cmx50cm piece of bark was analyzed on each height, from which new and old entry and exit holes and different bark beetle maternal galleries were calculated. This was done on a different tree each year on a plot, although it was done only to trees which had root connections to the soil and were thus deemed alive and potential breeding and feeding ground for bark beetles. In addition, National Land Survey of Finland provided high resolution aerial images from the study sites so that the surrounding areas and conditions could be taken into account in studying bark beetle population dynamics. From the aerial images, a number of fallen and standing trees were calculated on a 25-meter zone around the center of a plot, as well as the size of the closest windthrown gap and the plot’s distance to that gap. The analysis of each measured factors’ significance to I. typographus maternal gallery density (m²) were calculated with Generalized Linear Models. Yearly changes in I. typographus occurrence were expectedly high and complied with observations in previous studies. In addition, there was a significance found in gap size and distance to gap in 2013, which could be explained with population behavior in previous years and with the exhaustion of larger and more nearby resources in the beginning of population build-up. Extensive field work combined with aerial images and other spatial tools are important in understanding the complexity of bark beetle, or any other forest pest, population dynamics. As extreme weather patterns increase, so do the damages caused by biotic agents, such as the European spruce bark beetle. Future studies are needed to educate and prepare forest owners for forest disturbances, be it from the viewpoint of commercial forestry, carbon storage or biodiversity conservation.
  • Järveläinen, Mikko (2023)
    Urban development can generate substantial greenhouse gas emissions through deforestation and land-use change. This underscores the urgency for effective climate change mitigation strategies. This thesis scrutinizes the feasibility of local forest conservation, specifically at a municipal level, as a strategy to compensate for losses in carbon storage and reductions in carbon sequestration linked to land-use changes. The study uses a case study approach, focusing on a proposed development of a data centre in Espoo's Hepokorvenkallio area in Finland. The proposed construction site spans 19 hectares and consists mainly of a forest earmarked for clearance. As a possible countermeasure, the city is considering conserving the nearby Hynkänlampi forest, covering an area of 79 hectares. The study leverages empirical modelling via long-term forest simulations to assess carbon storage and sequestration dynamics for these two sites under different scenarios. For Hepokorvenkallio, the analysis compares a construction scenario with continued forest management. The findings suggest that land clearing necessary for construction could result in a carbon storage loss of 15,820 tCO2 over a century, thereby indicating a need for compensatory measures. For Hynkänlampi, the modelled forecasts propose that a conserved forest could theoretically offset these losses. However, the offset capacity is notably influenced by the chosen discount rates applied to the carbon storage values. While simulation results for Hynkänlampi indicate a buffer capacity exceeding 10,000 tCO2 with a 0% discount rate, this buffer decreases to approximately 5,800 tCO2 with a 1% discount rate. Beyond the numerical aspects of carbon accounting, the thesis also addresses existing uncertainties and the prevailing regulatory landscape for carbon accounting procedures. Considering Finland's current legal and regulatory framework, the interpretation of this study posits that Espoo could view forest conservation at Hynkänlampi as a viable carbon offsetting measure to mitigate the impacts of land clearing at Hepokorvenkallio.
  • Tienaho, Noora (2021)
    Structural complexity of trees is related to various ecological processes and ecosystem services. It can also improve the forests’ ability to adapt to environmental changes. In order to implement the management for complexity and to estimate its functionality, the level of structural complexity must be defined. The fractal-based box dimension (Db) provides an objective and holistic way to define the structural complexity for individual trees. The aim of this study was to compare structural complexity of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees measured by two remote sensing techniques, namely, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and aerial imagery acquired with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Structural complexity for each Scots pine tree (n=2065) was defined by Db-values derived from the TLS and UAV measured point clouds. TLS produced the point clouds directly whereas UAV imagery was converted into point clouds with structure from motion (SfM) technology. The premise was that TLS provides the best available information on Db-values as the point density is higher in TLS than in UAV, and be-cause TLS is able to penetrate vegetation. TLS and UAV measured Db-values were found to significantly differ from each other and, thus, the techniques did not provide comparable information on structural complexity of individual Scots pine trees. On average, UAV measured Db-values were 5% bigger than TLS measured. The divergence between the TLS and UAV measured Db-values was found to be explained by the differences in the number and distribution of the points in the point clouds and by the differences in the estimated tree heights and number of boxes in the box dimension method. Forest structure (two thinning intensities, three thinning types and a control group) significantly affected the variation of both TLS and UAV measured Db-values. However, the divergence between TLS and UAV measured Db-values remained in all the treatments. In terms of the individual tree detection, the number of obtained points in the point cloud, and the distribution of these points, UAV measurements were better when the forest structure was sparser. In conclusion, while aerial imaging is a continuously developing study area and provides many advantageous attributes, at the moment, the TLS methods still dominate in accuracy when measuring the structural complexity at the tree-level. In the future, it should be studied whether TLS and UAV could be used as complementary techniques to provide more accurate and holistic view of the structural complexity in the perspective of both tree- and stand-level.
  • Laakkonen, Hilla (2022)
    This study was conducted with the participation of HOAS and AYY residents at the two biggest Universities in the Helsinki metropolitan area (HMA), Finland. A total of 187 residents took part in an online survey. The aim of the study is to investigate the association between experiences of nature, environmental identity, and environmental concern. This master’s thesis explores how the experiences of nature (EoN) defined by Clayton and others (2017), as well as the environmental identity, determined by Clayton (2003), were associated with environmental concern. The survey consisted of questions about environmental identity and experiences of nature. The self-estimation about the environmental concern was also taken into consideration. The data were analyzed both via quantitative and qualitative methods, so mixed methods were applied in this study. Factor analysis from multivariate methods was conducted as a part of the quantitative analysis. Content analysis with topic modeling was performed as part of the qualitative analysis. Survey results from the quantitative analysis showed that the residents of HOAS and AYY experience nature mostly as integrated into their daily lives and routines. Yet, the qualitative analysis revealed that more complex nature connections were experienced during vacation times such as leisure time activities (e.g., boating and trekking). Also, experiences of nature are themed under three themes using the results of the factor analysis. Overall, the survey participants were very concerned about the environmental crisis, and they showed a very strong environmental identity. The correlation between EoN and environmental concern was the weakest, and there were stronger correlations between environmental identity and EoN or environmental concern. The result of this study supports Clayton’s (2003) theoretical model that there is a connection between environmental identity and environmental concern.
  • Ingves, Jonas (2021)
    The underlying bedrock is known to have effects on metal contents in soil and water, and thereby onto the major and trace nutrient balances in plants. Heavy metal contents in different rock types are highly variable and changes in the composition of the bedrock can happen over small distances. In Finland, the locally relatively abundant black shales in the eastern part of the country contain elevated amounts of several heavy metals, while the generally more common felsic rock types are in comparison depleted in them. The influence of elemental contents in bedrock on metal distribution in nature can be assessed through comparing metal amounts in various kinds of environmental samples, which at the same time enables identification of areas of potential environmental concern. The aim of this study is to assess the influence of bedrock on heavy metal contents in peat, ditch water, and needle samples between areas underlain by felsic or black shale bedrock in nine peatland catchments in Kainuu in eastern Finland. In addition to comparing differences in elemental contents, effort is put into evaluating strengths of correlations between metal concentrations and ash contents in peat samples and to assess which metals have a tendency of occurring together in peat. For ditch water samples, correlations will be evaluated between concentrations of metals and of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and of amounts of precipitation. In addition to influences of bedrock, other possible reasons behind differences in heavy metal amounts between areas will be looked at. Comparisons with data from other publications will in places also be made. The study is based on material collected by the Natural Resources Institute Finland in the years 2008–2015, which here includes 70 peat, 634 ditch water, and 80 needle samples. All samples were collected in nine separate forestry drained peatland catchments. Five of the catchments were located on areas underlain by felsic bedrock and four by black shales. The peat samples examined in this study range from the surface of the peat layers to 40 cm depth. The ditch water samples were collected from outlet ditches from all nine peatland catchments and needle samples were taken in eight catchments from either Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) or Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst). Half of the samples were of current year’s and half of previous year’s needles. Laboratory analyses of peat samples included measurements of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, U, and Zn concentrations by either ICP-MS or ICP-AES -methods and of ash contents through loss-on-ignition (LOI). Ditch water samples were analysed for Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn concentrations with the ICP-AES method, for DOC concentrations by TOC-V CPH/CPN analysis and for sulphate (SO4-S) by ion chromatography. Tree needles were measured for contents of Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn with ICP-AES. Statistical differences in metal amounts in samples by bedrock were tested with the Mann–Whitney U test and correlations using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient or the Pearson correlation coefficient. Metal concentrations in peat samples were for some tests recalculated to take into account ash contents using a linear general model. Metal stocks in peat layers (mg/m2) were also calculated for the sampling sites. As the main results, the ash corrected metal concentrations in peat were statistically significantly higher in samples collected on black shale as opposed to felsic bedrock in terms of As, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni, and Zn, while metal stocks in peat were significantly different in terms of Ni. In ditch water, samples from black shale areas had significantly higher concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn, and in tree needle samples similar significances were observed for Ni. The only cases were samples from felsic areas had significantly higher concentrations than those form black shale areas were the ash corrected concentrations of U and Cu concentrations in needle samples. Regardless of the underlying bedrock, large variations in metal amounts in all sample types were observed between catchment areas. Correlations between metal concentrations and ash contents in peat were generally relatively strong. Correlations between metals in peat were variable, and often stronger in samples collected in felsic areas. In water samples, correlations between metal and DOC concentrations were variable both between metals and catchments. The correlations between precipitation and metal concentrations in ditch water were generally weak. Overall, the composition of the bedrock was noticed to have some effects on metal concentrations in all sample types. But it was evident by the results that there are also other factors controlling metal amounts between catchments.
  • Lahtinen, Taina (2020)
    Both the ever-increasing littering problem and climate change mitigation have driven towards to develop more sustainable packaging solutions for food. Thus, a sustainability of a food package is a complex issue and needs careful analysis in order to ensure the paramount, the food safety. The recent research has concentrated to find novel solutions to replace for instance plastics as a packaging material. So far there has been very little data about the used food packaging materials and their volumes, especially in product groups, not only as single items. This thesis analysed the single food items sold in the Finnish supermarkets, by categorising the data into product groups and analysing the obtained product data further. The analysis focused to identify product groups for possible packaging material substitution, especially single-use plastics (SUP). Pre-determined criteria were used to identify the most interesting product groups for further research. The criteria included (i) sufficient volumes, either in packaging material weight in grams or in sales share, (ii) the suitability of the polymer type for recycling, and (iii) the possible impact of the SUP directive. The EU’s SUP directive (Directive (EU) 2019/904) sets several restrictions for the SUP use also in the food packaging industry. Therefore, there is a need to substitute some of the most harmful packaging materials. In most cases the main driver for substitution is the environmental impacts, especially littering and its prevention. This thesis concentrates to find possibilities to diminish the littering problem from the packaging material perspective.
  • Adhikari, Gopal (2022)
    Northern peatlands store approximately one-third of total global terrestrial carbon (C). These peatlands were partly drained for agriculture and forestry. In drained peatland forest, beside tree stands, ground vegetation is another relevant component concerning C fluxes between the land and the atmosphere. Thus, to explore ground vegetation gross primary production (GPPGV) dynamics, its affecting factors, and impacts of the partial harvest; forest floor net exchange (NEFF) and respiration (RFF) were measured on an hourly interval with an automated closed flux chamber method were analysed. These measurements were conducted in a forestry drained peatland before (pre-harvest, 2013 – 2015) and after (post-harvest, 2016 – 2017) the partial harvest and a control area (2015 – 2017) located in southern Finland. The results showed a similar diurnal pattern of GPPGV in all three scenarios yet, with a considerably varying magnitude between these scenarios. An 83% increase in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was observed in 2016 followed by the harvest event. However, a markedly higher GPPGV was obtained in the year 2017 (139.04 mg CO2 m-2 h-1) a year after the partial harvest compared to the year 2016 (42.82 mg CO2 m-2 h-1), thereby indicating a delaying effect of partial harvest induced changes on productivity. A linear mixed effect model with fixed effects of treatment (control and partial harvest) and random effects of chambers further supported this result with a significant effect of partial harvest on GPPGV in 2017 as compared to 2016. Further, a strong positive correlation was found between the daily mean GPPGV and PAR. Additionally, types of vegetation and its share of projection cover (PC) also explained GPPGV variations between flux chambers. An increase in GPPGV after the partial harvest event showed that the ground vegetation can play a considerable role in the C cycle of a managed drained peatland forest beside tree stands. As expected, after the partial harvest more lights reached the ground layer altering productivity. Besides light availability, productivity also depends on the types and phenology of inhabiting vegetation. Thus, exploration and realization of the response of ground vegetation to the partial harvest induced changes may contribute to our understanding of natural regeneration and system recovery processes.
  • Inoranta, Elli (2023)
    Social media has emerged as a mainstream communication channel alongside traditional media. Twitter in particular has risen to a significant social role, even though it is not the most popular social media. Twitter serves as an arena for discussion, where a diverse user base expresses its views on issues such as logging. The logging amounts are much discussed because of the carbon emissions and the disruption of biodiversity it causes. This study uses data collected from Twitter, where logging is mentioned, and trends are formed to show the public's opinions on logging. This study uses framing analysis to analyse the content, language, and perspective of the tweets to form frames that describe public opinions. The data set is 500 tweets collected between 1 January 2022 and 31 November 2022, which were collected manually using Twitter's built-in advanced search function to limit the data using the search terms #logging and logging, and by limiting the timeframe. The collected data is analysed using framing analysis, after which larger frames representing consistent trends are formed from the frames. In the analysis, the most common frames were found to be the neutral information sharing frame and the forest use criticism frame, which was contrary to expectations given Twitter's reputation as a platform for heated debate. The next most common frame was the frame of defending nature conservation. The results show that public opinion is a combination of neutral information sharing and condemnation of logging. The results may have been influenced by the keywords chosen to collect the data, which are negatively charged in themselves. Twitter has worked well as a platform for information sharing and discussion, on forests and other topics. The future of Twitter is currently uncertain. Changes made by its current owner have caused problems and many users and advertisers have fled the platform. In the future, it remains to be seen whether a social media replacement for Twitter will be found, or whether the platform will change for the better.
  • Mustola, Marjo (2021)
    The loss of forest biodiversity is a global issue. In Finland, there are many measures aiming at preserving the forest biodiversity, for example, protection of the forest habitats defined in the Forest Act and in the Nature Conservation Act; protection of threatened species; the nature management methods in commercially utilized forests and the forest certification. Information of forest resources is collected mainly by remote sensing methods, but also field inventories are carried out, especially when preservation of the areas of high biodiversity value needs to be verified and monitored. Metsäteho Oy has developed an automated method for delineating harvested stands based on harvester location data. The method can be a beneficial tool for providing up-to-date forest resource information. The objective of this study was to research, if harvester location data can be utilized in verifying preservation of areas of high biodiversity value, and in recognizing potential areas, and how that could be implemented in practice. The harvester data used in this study was collected from geographically diverse areas in Finland, and the data contains stem-wise coordinates of harvester while cutting the tree. The delineations of operated areas were generated from harvester location data using the automated method developed by Metsäteho Oy. After the stand delineation was generated, the automated method was utilized in recognizing non-harvested areas left inside and between the harvested stands. Both harvested stands and non-harvested areas were compared to open forest data (including the data of the protected habitats according to the Forest Act and METSO Programme; other protected areas; habitats of threatened species; the Topographic database) using spatial data analysis. The aim was to investigate, if the known areas of high biodiversity value were delimited outside of the harvested stands or if they were left non-harvested within the harvested stand area. In addition, the aim was to research why the automatically recognized non-harvested areas were left without harvesting, and if the non-harvested areas could be potential areas of high biodiversity value. After the spatial data analysis was completed, also field surveys were carried out. Based on the spatial data analysis and the field surveys, the known areas of high biodiversity value were mainly delimited out-side of the harvested stands. The cases in which they were left without harvesting within the harvested stands, were possible to recognize through spatial data analysis. According to the spatial data analysis, part of the automatically recognized non-harvested areas were potential areas of high biodiversity value. Recognized non-harvested areas can be utilized also in recognizing retention tree groups with certain limitations. According to the results, the recognition method for high biodiversity value areas, based on harvester location data, can be utilized when verifying preservation of the high biodiversity value areas, and also other areas that are recorded in spatial data. Based on the observations of this study, it is possible to develop an automated recognition method for high biodiversity value areas, when spatial analysis of datasets in vector format is automated. The positioning accuracy of harvester and the automated method for delineating harvested stands are still causing some challenges when interpreting the results. Also, timeliness and accuracy of the available data of high biodiversity value areas affect on the results of the automated method. To combine different data sources effectively, a data platform is needed in order to use the automated method fluently. The recognition method for high biodiversity value areas can be utilized, for example, when reporting the quality of harvesting work. In addition, the method can be utilized in targeting and minimizing the amount of field inventories when verifying new areas of high biodiversity value. The method enables collecting information and automated monitoring of how the nature management has been integrated into forest management operations in practice. That information contributes to the utilization of forests in economically and ecologically sustainable way.
  • Vainionpää, Jussi-Pekka (2021)
    The right wood raw material should be delivered to the right wood processing mill at the right time, while minimizing costs. In other words, the log demand distributions and quality requirements of mills should be fulfilled. Bucking control tries to solve two problems; what kind of wood assortments to cut from each stand, and what dimensions to cut within each wood assortment. The success of bucking is important, as it is difficult to fix a poor bucking outcome. Modern harvesters collect stem data, from which virtual trees can be created. The bucking of these virtual trees can be simulated with different product instructions and settings. A bucking simulator can be utilized in predicting and optimizing bucking outcome. However, without quality-information of stems a bucking simulator is overly optimistic. Stem quality-information utilized in previous studies has been laborious to collect, and there has been little validation of log distributions simulated with stem quality-information. The object of this study was to determine whether a method, where stem quality-information is derived from harvester-collected stem and log data, could be utilized to improve the accuracy of simulated wood assortment recoveries and distributions. The study focused on Metsä Fibre’s sawmill in Vilppula and clear-cut stands. The usability of the method in bucking control and wood procurement in Finland was of central interest. Results were examined based on the theoretical framework of the study, which outlined the significance of the results to business operations. The bucking of real stems registered by harvesters was simulated with real quality-information derived from harvester-collected data, predicted quality-information derived from the previously mentioned quality data, and without any quality-information. The bucking outcomes were compared to real bucking outcomes registered by harvesters. The focus was on validating the real quality-information derived from harvester-collected data, while the predicted quality-information worked as an example. Without quality-information the simulated total log distribution and the real total log distribution had a match of 84.2 % (butt log: 86.4 %; top and middle log: 80.8 %). With the real quality-information this percentage increased by 2.9 percentile points (butt log: 2.4 pp; top and middle log: 2.4 pp). With the predicted quality-information the percentage increased by 1.6 percentile points (butt log: 1.4 pp; top and middle log: 2.7 pp). The relative bias and the RMSE of the simulated log recovery were 19.0 % (42.6 m³) and 24.6 % (55.1 m³) with no quality-information. With the real quality-information the relative bias and the RMSE of the simulated log recovery were -0.4 % (-1.0 m³) and 4.1 % (9.1 m³). With the predicted quality-information the relative bias and the RMSE of the simulated log recovery were 2.0 % (4.4 m³) and 12.3 % (27.6 m³). The real quality-information was derived from data that was cost-effectively collected by harvesters. Quality-information derived from harvester-collected data enables the consideration of complex dimensional and qualitative requirements, and the derivation of quality-information predictions, in a situation where clear quality-sections of stems can’t be defined.
  • Hakala, Mikko (2021)
    Up-to-date forest inventory benefits the entire forest industry, all the way from forest owners to buyers of raw wood. The forest inventory gathered through remote sensing data and field sample plots by both National Forest Inventory (NFI) and Finnish Forest Centre supports large-scale strategic planning of forestry management and creates a foundation for forest planning as well as up-to-date forest inventory. Operative planning and up-to-date forest inventory also require information about recent cuttings. Finnish Forest Centre has deemed it necessary to develop tools to monitor the realized cuttings on an annual basis. The aim is that data from annual forest operations and cuttings could be transferred into updated forest inventory as soon as possible. The main focus of this thesis was on a method developed by Metsäteho Oy, whereby a stand delineation is automatically created for each forest stand based on harvester data (Melkas ym. 2020). Stand delineation carried out on the basis of stem-specific harvester location data would enable to constantly update the forest inventory in conjunction with logging operations. Stand delineation is an important information because stand area is routinely used as a coefficient in the estimation of stand-specific logging accumulation (Belbo & Talbot 2020). The harvester data was gathered between December 2017 and June 2018 and comprised approximately 3,000 harvested objects and 5,316,214 locations all over continental Finland. The stem-spesific location data recorded by harvester is used in automated stand delineation. Using triangulation, the location data of the stands was combined into a network, and a buffer zone was created for the resulting polygon to reduce the contribution of errors in GNSS navigation while also reflecting the reach of the harvester boom. The use of harvester location data also made it possible to automatically create a strip road network, which in turn allowed to calculate stand-specific strip road variables. Compared to aerial photography references, automated delineation yielded reliable stand delineations when carried out with three most common logging methods and when the stand area was at least .75 hectares. The automated stand was on average three per cent larger than the reference stand manually created from digital aerial photographs. Compared to reference stands, the relative areas of the automated stands were as follows: 1.044 for the first thinning; 1.020 for later thinnings; 1.034 for clear cutting; and 1.031 for all of these harvesting methods combined. There was little variation between the various harvesting methods, and the correlation between automated stand areas and references increased with the size of the stand. For stands with an area more than 1.5 hectares the relative difference in areas was, on average, only around one per cent. Another aim was the validation of automated strip road calculation. On the basis of harvester locations, a strip road network was created, where the to-and-fro movement of the harvester was ignored. Next, the automatically created strip road network was used to calculate the average spacings between strip roads (in metres) and strip road density (in metres/hectare). This was done comprehensively for each stand. In addition, the strip road variables were calculated by emulating sample plot measurements carried out by the Finnish Forest Centre in the evaluation of the quality of harvesting sites objects. Both results were realistic when compared to best practices in forest management. On average, the spacing between strip roads in thinning areas was 20.7 metres and 17.1 metres in clear cuttings. To sum up, there was a reliable correlation between automated stand delineation and reference stands both in terms of area and location; thus, it would be viable to integrate the automatically delineated stands as part of reliable and up-to-date forest inventory. The results of strip road calculation are applicable to validate the implementation of the recommendations set for strip road networks.
  • Karhumaa, Matias (2021)
    Hakkuutyön tuottavuus on merkittävä tekijä puunkorjuun kokonaiskustannuksien muodostumisessa. Harvennushakkuiden tuottavuuskehitys on viime vuosina ollut maltillista, mikä on johtanut puunkorjuun positiivisen kustannuskehityksen taittumiseen. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia harvennusvoimakkuudeltaan vaihtelevan harvennustavan mahdollisuuksia hakkuutyön tuottavuuden ja korjuujäljen parantamiseksi. Vyöhykeharvennusmenetelmässä hakkuutyötä tehostetaan pienentämällä hakkuulaitteen työskentelyetäisyyttä, jolloin harvennusvoimakkuus laskee edettäessä kauemmaksi ajouralta. Puunkorjuun tuottavuuden ja puuston erirakenteisuuden lisäämiseksi jätetään ensiharvennuksessa ajourien välimaastoon käsittelemätön vyöhyke, johon toisessa harvennuksessa ajoura avataan. Toisessa vyöhykeharvennuksessa ei käsitellä ensiharvennuksessa avatun ajouran lähialuetta, sillä se on jo ensiharvennusvaiheessa harvennettu myöhemmän harvennuksen jälkeiseen tavoitetiheyteen. Aika- ja tuotostutkimus toteutettiin vertailevana aikatutkimuksena, jossa mukana oli kaksi vaihtoehtoista vyöhykeharvennusta ja vertailu toteutettiin harvennusmallin mukaiseen harvennustapaan. Ajouravälit vyöhykeharvennuksilla olivat 24 m sekä 30 m ja harvennusmallin mukaisella 20 metriä. Vyöhykeharvennuksissa kolmannes ajouravälistä jätettiin käsittelemättömäksi vyöhykkeeksi. Kaikkiin kolmeen käsittelyketjuun sisältyi ensiharvennus ja toinen harvennus. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin Ponsse-metsäkonesimulaattorilla, johon luotiin ennakkoleimatut virtuaalileimikot tutkimusasetelman mukaisilla puustoilla. Neljä ammatikseen hakkuukoneella ajanutta koekuljettajaa käsitteli samat työmaat kahdessa osassa. Työskentely videoitiin simulaattorin ruudulta ja mittalaitteelta tallennettiin hakkuun toteumatiedot. Korjuujäljen tarkastelua varten simulaattorista kerättiin jälki-inventointina tieto kosketuksen saaneista puista. Tutkimusaineisto käsitti 48 ajotapahtumaa, joissa kaadettiin yhteensä 3 565 runkoa. Harvennushakkuutyön tuottavuutta selittivät kuljettaja, keskijäreys, harvennustapa sekä kuljettajien kehittyminen tutkimuksen aikana. Lineaarisen regressioanalyysin mukaan vyöhykeharvennustapa pienensi ensiharvennuksella hakkuutyön tehoajanmenekkiä saman kokoisella rungolla keskimäärin 8 % ja toisella harvennuksella keskimäärin 9 %. Kahden harvennuksen yhdistetty hehtaarikohtainen tuottavuus oli vyöhykeharvennusmenetelmällä 17–21 % korkeampi kuin tavallisessa harvennuksessa. Vyöhykeharvennusmenetelmä kasvatti kaadettujen runkojen keskitilavuutta 11–14 %, sillä suurempi osuus rungoista kaadettiin toisessa harvennuksessa. Harvennusmenetelmien välillä työvaiheiden tehoajanmenekit poikkesivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi leimikkotasolla siirtymisessä ja hakkuulaitteen eteen tuonnissa. Kuljettajatasolla myös viennin, kaato-siirron ja prosessoinnin tehoajanmenekit poikkesivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi toisistaan leimikoiden välillä. Kosketuspuiden osuus jäävästä puustosta oli ensiharvennusvaiheessa vyöhykeharvennusmenetelmällä 50 % pienempi kuin tavallisessa harvennuksessa. Vyöhykeharvennusmenetelmän etuna ensiharvennuksella ovat pienempi kosketuspuiden uranvarsitiheys sekä suurempi jäävä puusto ja ajouraväli. Toisessa harvennuksessa ei harvennusmenetelmien välillä ollut merkitsevää eroa puukosketusten esiintymistiheydessä. Poistuma ajourametriä kohden oli vyöhykeharvennusmenetelmän ensiharvennuksessa -6–23 % ja toisessa harvennuksessa 64–111 % suurempi kuin tavallisessa harvennuksessa. Suurin puutavaran ajouranvarsitiheys oli vyöhykeharvennuksessa 30 metrin ajouravälillä. Maastovaurioiden oletetaan vähenevän poistuman kasvaessa, kun maaperää suojaavan hakkuutähteen määrä lisääntyy. Vyöhykeharvennusmenetelmän jatkotutkimustarpeita todettiin olevan hakkuu- ja lähikuljetustyön maastokokeissa sekä metsikön kehityksen seurannassa käsittelyn jälkeen. Metsikön kehitystä tulisi seurata vaihtoehtoisilla puulajeilla, kasvupaikoilla, puuston tiheyksillä ja tilajakaumalla, jolloin jokaiseen metsikköön voidaan luoda metsätaloudellisesti optimaalinen kiertoaika ja ajouraväli sekä poistuman ja jäävän puuston tiheys eri vyöhykkeillä.
  • Kokkonen, Eemeli (2023)
    Puukaupassa eletään monen syyn seurauksena muutoksen aikaa. Entistä kehittyneempi kaukokartoituspohjainen metsä-varatieto, muuttuva metsänomistajarakenne sekä puun noussut kysyntä antavat mahdollisuuksia kehittää, mutta myös pakottavat muuttamaan puukaupan vakiintuneita menetelmiä. Runkohinnoittelun, eli puutavaralajien katkonnasta riippumaton puun hinnoittelutapa on kasvattanut nopeasti osuuttaan markkinoilla. Samanaikaisesti metsävaratiedon tarkkuus on lisääntynyt uuden laserkeilauskierroksen myötä, ja kilpailu uusiutuvasta puuraaka-aineesta kasvanut sekä energia- että teollisuuskäytössä maailmanlaajuisten megatrendien ja Venäjän aloittaman hyökkäyssodan aiheuttaminen maailmankaupan muutosten seurauksena. Metsäkeskus tuottaa avointa metsävaratietoa, joka on saatavissa metsätalouden operatiivisen suunnittelun tueksi erilai-siin metsäjärjestelmiin. Tieto on nopeaa ottaa käyttöön, objektiivista, ajantasaistettua sekä varttuneissa metsissä luotet-tavaa. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin tätä avointa tietoa kuvioina vuoden 2020 ajantasaistetussa muodossa. Referenssiaineiston muodostivat 114 korjuulohkoa, joiden harvennuspoistuman keskijäreys ja puutavaralajijakauma tiedettiin hakkuukoneen mittaustietojen perusteella. Lohkot olivat työn tilaajan, Skogsvårdsföreningen Österbotten rf:n puunkorjuuyhtiön hakkaamia. Tutkimuksessa etsittiin parhaat selittäjät ja luotiin mallit poistuman keskijäreyden ja tukkiprosentin ennustamiseksi metsänvaratiedosta harvennushakkuulla. Lisäksi selvitettiin yllä mainittujen tunnusten ennustettavuus eri järeyksillä. Ennusteiden tilastolliset tunnusluvut laskettiin ja mallien käytännön sovellettavuutta arvioitiin. Tulokseksi saatiin, että etenkin poistuman keskijäreys kyetään ennustamaan jopa suhteellisen vanhasta metsävaratiedosta sen verran tarkasti, että mallien käyttöä voisi kokeilla puunhankinnan operaatioissa. Ennalta tunnetun mukaisesti ennustaminen oli luotettavaa varttuneemmissa puustoissa. Keskijäreyden osalta paras selittäjä oli metsävaratiedon summapuuston keskiläpimitta, johon pohjautuva malli ennusti hakkuussa toteutuneen keskijäreyden alle 10 % suhteellisella ennustevirheellä. Tukkiprosenttia kyettiin ennustamaan vastaavalla tavalla, mutta aineiston vähäisen tukkikertymän vuoksi mallien ennusteet eivät olleet kovinkaan luotettavia. Molempien vastemuuttujien tapauksessa mallien selitysasteet jäivät noin 50 %:n tasolle. Tulokset olivat osittain kuvioittaisen maastoarvioinnin yleisinä pidettyjä virhemarginaaleja parempia, sekä toteuttajasta riippumattomia. Tulokset olivat siten kuitenkin rohkaisevia ja tukevat kaukokartoitetun metsävaratiedon entistä laajempaa soveltamista tulevaisuudessa.
  • Ylönen, Teemu (2022)
    Metsä Group lanseerasi vuonna 2021 uuden harvennusten raakapuun hinnoittelumenetelmän. Järeysrunko-hinta tarkoittaa, että harvennettavat puut ostetaan kokonaisina runkoina. Koko rungolle maksetaan sama kuutiohinta ja metsäomistajan saama hinta määräytyy poistettavien puiden keskijäreyden mukaan. Runkojen katkonta ei vaikuta metsänomistajan saamaan puukauppatuloon, mutta Metsä Group voi katkoa rungot markkinatilanteen vaatimilla mitoilla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, että saako Metsä Group taloudellista etua uudesta harvennusten hinnoittelumallista. Taloudellisen edun selvittämiseksi kartoitettiin puutavaralajihinnoittelun sekä järeysrunkohinnoittelun välisiä korjuunkuluja, täsmällisemmin hakkuukoneen tuottamia kuluja. Hakkuukoneen taksoitus perustuu poistettavan puuston keskijäreyteen. Tutkimuksessa käytetty valtakunnallinen harvennushakkuiden aineisto saatiin Metsä Groupilta ja se ajoittui 1.4.2021-29.3.2022 väliselle ajalle. Tutkittavaa aineistoa oli puutavaralajihinnoiteltujen puiden osalta --- kuutiometriä ja järeysrunkohinnoiteltujen puiden --- kuutiometriä, joka kattoi koko Suomen. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin hakkuukoneesta muodostuneita kuluja hinnoittelumuodoittain koko Suomen osalta, johon sisältyivät neljätoista hankintapiiriä ja niiden sisältämät neljänkymmentä hankintaryhmää. Aineistossa olivat mukana yleisimmät puutavaralajit hinnoittelumuodoittain. Aluksi kartoitettiin kuitupuun ja tukin aiheuttamat hakkuukoneen kulut alueittain, joita verrattiin keskenään hinnoittelumuodoittain sekä selvitettiin, että selittikö mahdolliset järeyserot kulueroja. Eri hinnoittelumuotojen väliset hakkuukoneen kuluerot laskettiin ja raportoitiin jokaiselle hankintapiirille. Lopuksi selvitettiin keskiarvosta johdettavan keskihajonnan avulla, että vaikuttaako järeyteen perustuva puunhinnoittelu hakkuukoneen lopullisiin kuluihin. Hakkuukoneen suuremman kulun selittäväksi tekijäksi muodostui puutavaralajikauppojen osalta poistuman keskijäreyden virhearvio ja pienempi poistuman keskijäreys. Harvennusten poistuvan puuston keskijäreyden arviointivirhe oli järeyden suhteen suurempi kuin toteutunut. Tällöin hakkuukoneen kulu arvioitiin metsähakkuusopimuksen solmimisen yhteydessä pienemmäksi kuin se toteutuessaan oli. Järeysrunkohinnoittelussa vastaavanlaista poistuman keskijäreyden arviointivirheen aiheuttamaa kulua ei esiintynyt. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin harvennusten poistuman keskijäreyden arviointivirheelle rahallinen arvo alueittain, kuitupuun ja tukin osalta hakkuukoneen kuluille. Metsä Groupilla on tavoitteena lisätä järeysrunkohinnoittelua systemaattisesti kymmeneen prosenttiin harvennusten osalta. Kun kymmenen prosentin tavoite täyttyy Metsä Group saa taloudellista etua --- €. Metsä Groupin olisi suotavaa lisätä valtakunnassa uutta hinnoittelumenetelmää harvennuksilla ja korvata sillä useammin käytettyä puutavaralajihinnoittelua. Järeysrunkohinnoittelu tuo etua etenkin kuitupuun osalta hakkuukoneen kuluissa, koska korjuun hinta oli suurempi ja järeyden arviointivirheet olivat suhteessa suuremmat kuin tukin korjuussa.
  • Autio, Johanna (2022)
    Finland is the world's seventh largest producer of softwood timber and the fourth largest exporter. Three-quarters of the approximately 12 million cubic meters of sawn timber produced annually are exported to more than 60 countries. The total annual value of exports in 2021 was approximately EUR 2.8 billion. Finnish sawmills are the backbone of the Finnish economy, but at the same time they are part of a global operating environment whose movements, directly or indirectly, affect product demand and prices, industry profitability, operating conditions, forest raw material prices, Finnish employment, Finland's GDP and society's well-being. This study was conducted as a collective case study. The aim of was to identify global weak signals that could be interpreted to anticipate short-term movements in the global sawn timber market. Also, the aim was to retrospectively identify potential events that have previously triggered or have been a driving force behind market developments and to provide sawmill operators a tool to anticipate these movements, prepare for possible events and support strategic planning. The research question of the thesis was the following: Are there identifiable similar signals or series of events that have had congruent effects on the development of the global sawn timber market in the 21st century? The purpose of the auxiliary research question was to deepen the understanding of the operating environment and the impact mechanisms of change. The auxiliary research question sought to establish whether the effects have been direct or indirect. The methods of future studies and business environment research are used in this research. The key elements in the study are PESTEL framework, scenario method and the future table. The study builds on previous future studies and the use of scenario methods, providing a perspective on a relatively little-studied industry. The study was conducted as an explanatory extensive case study. The research material consisted of industry and customs statistics for selected periods and semi-structured qualitative thematic interviews. Finnish long-term professionals in the export and trade of sawn timber, influencers from the domestic and foreign policy scene in the 21st century, and professionals in the economic and social sciences were selected for interviews. The interview material was themed and a future table describing the industry was built on the basis of it. Three different scenarios utilizing the narrative were formed from the future table. The research question was approached with the help of the PESTEL tool. It was used to map the phenomena shaping the global sawn timber market. Several different factors affecting the market were found. The study also showed that weak signals can be found in the context of the global timber trade. With regard to the auxiliary research question, all the weak signals observed in the research have had indirect effects on the operations of Finnish sawmills in a global context. The study showed that weak signals could be found in the operating environment of the global sawn timber market and that their effects on Finnish companies have been indirect. Since weak signals have occurred in the past, it is entirely expected that they are found now and, in the future, too. In order to succeed in a fast-paced and complex operating environment, it would be advisable for sawmills to build internal processes for a more diverse observation of the operating environment. The results of this study and the future table can be used in companies' strategy work and as a basis for their own scenarios.
  • Ruokojärvi, Harri (2020)
    During the last 100 years, Finnish legislation on the maximum vehicle dimensions and gross weights has been an upward trend. Government’s decree 407/2013 increased the maximum gross weight of the vehicles up to 76 tonnes and made possible to apply a permit for a High Capacity Transport (HCT) vehicle. HCT-vehicles are over 25.25 meters long and over 76 gross weight vehicles which are not classified as special transports. HCT-vehicles are in use in Sweden, Brazil, New-Zealand, Canada, United States, South-Africa, Mexico and in Australia. Research on HCT-vehicles has proven HCT-vehicles to lower transport costs and emissions. HCT-vehicles do not compro-mise traffic safety, congest the traffic flow or be significantly more unstable than a normal vehicle. Government’s decree 31/2019 increased the maximum length of the vehicles up to 34.5 meters, while the maximum gross weight stayed the same. Thus, increasing the cargo space, but decreasing the maximum payload weight on longer (over 25.25 meters) vehicles. In forestry, where the payload weight is a crucial factor, transportation of different timber assort-ments with an extra-long vehicle is infeasible. The study aimed to inspect the possibilities of utilizing HCT-vehicles in long distance transportation of forest energy wood, due to the payload weights being lower, but a requirement of cargo space being higher than the other timber assortments. The study was conducted as a simulation study. Four different types of HCT-vehicles and one normal 25.25-meter vehicle were simulated. Also, two types of chippers and two different types of forest energy woods were simulated. The simulated HCT-vehicles were: 28-, 30-, 32 and 33-meter long HCT-vehicles, based on pre-existing HCT-vehicles. The normal length vehicle was based on an average vehicle. All of the vehicles maximum gross weight were set to be 76 tonnes. Chippers were simulated as a mobile and as a terminal chipper. Every vehicle had their operating costs calculated. The forest energy wood was simulated as a delimbed stems and harvest residuals. The scenarios were divided into a nor-mal and a dry scenario, according to the energy woods moisture content. The normal scenario had energy woods moisture content to be 40 % and in the dry scenario 20 %. In both scenarios, energy wood is transported as comminuted and un-comminuted energy wood. The maneuverability of the simulated vehicles and their potential usage on forest roads were inspected using TrailerWIN-program. HTC- and the normal vehicle were built in the program and taken into Finnish 120-degree maneuverability test. The vehicles were assumed not to have extra turning axles and all the axles were assumed to be lowered. The results in the normal scenario show when transporting comminuted energy wood, HCT-vehicles are inferior when com-pared to the normal vehicle. HCT-vehicles are up to 1 € more expensive than the normal vehicle per transported MWh. This is due to vehicles reaching their maximum gross weight limit, before filling up the cargo space. When transporting uncomminuted energy HCT-vehicles are superior, when compared to the normal vehicle. HCT-vehicles are up to 2 € cheaper per MWh transported when compared to the normal vehicle on long distances. This is due to uncomminuted’ energy woods lower fill grade, thus filling up the cargo space more efficiently. When transporting comminuted energy wood under the dry scenario, HCT-vehicles perform better. HCT-vehicles are up to 0.5 € less expensive per transported MWh than the normal vehicle on long transport distances. This is due to drier energy woods lower density; the extra cargo space can be utilized more efficiently. When transporting uncomminuted energy wood, HCT-vehicles outperform the normal vehicle. HCT-vehicles are up to 2 € more efficient than the normal vehicle per trans-ported MWh on long transport long distances. In the maneuverability test, the 30-meter HCT-vehicle and the normal vehicle can be argued to pass it. Thou the result can be held only as a guideline as if extra-long vehicles can be operated on forest roads. The most important aspect on maneuverability is the construct of the vehicle.
  • Kummunsalo, Saku (2021)
    Hiilinielujen kasvattaminen on olennainen osa ilmastonmuutoksen hillintää. Kasvavan metsän rooli tunnustetaan tärkeäksi, mutta myös metsistä tapahtuvaan hiilen vapautumiseen on kiinnitettävä huomiota. Yksi keino hiilinielujen vahvistamiseen on kompensaatiojärjestelmä metsänomistajille. Hiilensidonnan lisäämiseen tähtäävä kannustin tarjoaa potentiaalisen instrumentin ilmastonmuutoksen hillintään metsäsektorilla. Tässä tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin hiilikompensaatiojärjestelmien piirteitä ja metsänomistajien preferenssejä liittyä hiilensidonnasta maksettavaan järjestelmään kvantitatiivisen kyselyn ja tilastollisen mallinnuksen avulla. Metsänomistajille lähetettiin sähköinen kysely, jossa esiteltiin taustakysymyksien lisäksi yhdeksän vaihtoehtoista hiilikompensaatiojärjestelmää. Jokainen järjestelmä koostui neljästä ominaispiirteistä eli attribuutista, joista jokaisesta oli määritetty kolme vaihtoehtoista tasoa. Kyselyssä käytettiin paras-huonoin valintakoemenetelmää, jossa vastaaja valitsee esitetystä profiilista parhaimman sekä huonoimman vaihtoehdon. Kyselyn tuloksista aineistoon hyväksyttiin 1399 vastausta, joista mallinnettiin vaikutuskertoimet jokaiselle esitetylle attribuutin tasolle. Vaikutuskertoimet kuvastavat metsänomistajien preferenssejä ja niiden avulla voitiin järjestää attribuutit ja niiden tasot vaikuttavuusjärjestykseen. Hiilikompensaatiojärjestelmien ominaispiirteitä ovat kompensaation järjestäjätaho, kompensaatiosta saatava taloudellinen hyvitys, ohjelmakauden ennenaikaisen irtisanoutumisen sanktio ja sopimuksen tai ohjelmakauden sitoutumisaika. Tulokset osoittavat, että metsänomistajien mielestä kielteisimpiä ominaisuuksia olivat sitoutumisaika ja irtisanomissanktio, joskin sanktion suuruudella ei ollut merkittävää vaikutusta koettuun hyötyyn. Tärkeimpänä ominaisuutena nähtiin hehtaarikohtainen hyvitys, joka vaikutti eniten metsänomistajien kokemaan hyötyyn. Vastausaineiston mukaan metsänomistajat haluavat hiilikompensaatiojärjestelmän järjestäjäksi mieluiten voittoa tavoittelemattoman organisaation.