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  • Männistö, Lauri (2022)
    Tämä tutkielma käsittelee valittujen kuusi-koivu-sekametsätaimikoiden rakennetta, tilajärjestystä sekä niiden tulevaisuuden kehityksiä eri tavoin toteutettavilla taimikonharvennuksilla. Työ on osa Luonnonvarakeskuksen monivuotista SEKAVA-hanketta. Sekametsät ovat Suomessa harvinaisia puhtaiden havumetsien ollessa vallitsevia. Sekametsien suosimisella olisi kuitenkin lukuisia etuja yhden puulajin metsiin verrattuna. Sekametsällä voidaan pienentää tuhoriskiä, lisätä monimuotoisuutta ja metsien virkistysarvoa sekä hajauttaa taloudellista riskiä. Sekametsillä voidaan valmistautua myös ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamiin muutoksiin. Taimikkovaihe on kriittinen sekametsän kasvatuksessa, sillä mikäli sekapuusto menetetään, ei sitä saada takaisin saman kiertoajan aikana. Taimikonharvennus on merkittävä vaihe metsikön tulevaisuuden kannalta, sillä siinä määritetään metsän tilajärjestys ja puulajirakenne. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin kesällä 2021 mittaamalla Etelä- ja Keski-Suomen alueilta sekametsätaimikoita, joihin on tehty varhaisperkaus, muttei taimikonharvennusta. Metsiköissä mitattiin kaksi 500 m2:n ympyräkoealaa, joilta mitattiin jokainen kehityskelpoinen taimi. Kuhunkin mitattuun metsikköön simuloitiin neljä vaihtoehtoista taimikonharvennusta tarkoituksena selvittää eri taimikonharvennusten vaikutusta metsikön kehitykseen. Ensimmäisessä vaihtoehdossa taimikko harvennettiin puhtaaksi kuusikoksi, jossa runkoluku on 1800 r/ha. Toisessa vaihtoehdossa runkoluku pysyi samana, mutta puhtaan kuusikon sijaan metsikköön jätettiin 15 % koivua. Kolmannessa vaihtoehdossa koivun osuus oli 25 % ja neljännessä vaihtoehdossa 25 %, mutta metsikön tiheydeksi jätettiin 1600 r/ha. Taimikkovaiheen metsikkörakenteen tulee olla soveltuva, jotta sekapuustoisuus saadaan aikaan. Taimikossa tulee olla tarpeeksi laadukasta ja oikeassa kehitysvaiheessa olevaa lehtipuustoa, ja puuston täytyy olla jakautunut sopivasti. Mikäli jokin kasvatettavista puulajeista on huomattavasti kehityksessä edellä, kehityksessä perässä olevien lajien kehitys hidastuu tai pahimmillaan ne kuolevat. Sekapuusto ei myöskään saa olla omina ryppäinään, vaan sen tulee tasaisesti alueella. Tämän vuoksi tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin myös kehityskelpoisen puuston tilajärjestystä Ripleyn L- ja L12-funktioilla sekä lähinaapurianalyysilla ja mingling-indeksillä. Metsiköissä oli keskimäärin 3012 kehityskelpoista taimea hehtaarilla. Taimikoiden keskipituus oli 3,8 m. Koivut olivat keskimäärin kuusta edellä kehityksessä, mutta eivät kaikilla koealoilla. Osassa metsiköistä kuusen tiheys ei riittänyt puhtaan kuusikon kasvattamiseen. Kaikki metsiköt soveltuivat sekametsiksi taimiaineksen perusteella. Puuston tilajakauma oli niin ikään sekapuustolle sopiva, sillä viljelytaimet olivat istutuksesta johtuen tasaisesti järjestäytyneet, mutta koko metsikön mittakaavassa kuuset olivat sijoittuneet keskimäärin satunnaisesti. Luontaisesti syntyneet koivut puolestaan kasvoivat metsiköissä satunnaisesti järjestäytyneinä. Puulajit olivat sekoittuneet metsikköön keskenään satunnaisesti, eli ne eivät olleet omina ryhminään. Simulaatioiden perusteella eri taimikonharvennukset eivät juurikaan vaikuttaneet myöhempiin toimenpiteisiin tai kiertoaikoihin. Simulaatioiden lehtipuun osuus pysyi keskimäärin melko muuttumattomana kiertoajan kuluessa, mutta yksittäisissä metsiköissä muutokset olivat suuria. Lievä lehtipuusekoitus johti keskimäärin puhdasta kuusikkoa suurempaan hakkuupoistumaan, mutta erot eri simulaatioiden välillä olivat pieniä. Lehtipuusekoitus kuitenkin pienensi tukkiosuutta ja täten suurin tukkitilavuus saatiin keskimäärin puhtaan kuusikon vaihtoehdolla. Suurin tukkiosuus yhdistettynä kuusen parempaan kantohintaan johti siihen, että suurimmat tulot saavutettiin puhtaalla kuusikolla. Sekametsän kasvatus voi olla houkutteleva vaihtoehto metsänomistajalle, joka ei tavoittele suurinta mahdollista tuottoa vaan taloudellista turvaa, arvostaa myös ei-materiaalisia arvoja tai metsien monikäyttöä, taikka haluaa valmistautua ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamiin riskeihin.
  • Laiho, Toni (2014)
    The aim of this study is to examine the profitability of cultivation and stand rotations of Norway spruce in Finland. This information is needed by the forest owners when making decisions on forest cultivation. The results were compared to previous studies and to silviculture recommendations published by the Forestry Development Centre TAPIO’s in 2006. Forest management chains used in this study were simulated with the Forest Research Institute’s Motti program. Six different management chains in two different forest types, Oxalis-Myrtillus (OMT) and Myrtillus (MT), were simulated in the thermal area of 1300 with planting density of 1300, 1700 and 2100 per hectare. Either one, two, three or four thinnings were done for each of the planting density variations. Based on the results from these cultivations, the spruce cycle was analysed by comparing the value of the growth to alternative rates of return. Profitability calculations were based on the Motti programme and timber stumpage prices were obtained from the Metinfo service. The results showed that the optimal rotation periods were in line with previous studies. The rotation periods settled between 60–90 years depending on the rate of return that was required. However, the results were not identical to the theoretical optimum models. The Motti program forest management recommendations, are in line with the previous studies when requiring a four percent return. Sensitivity analysis of prices and costs were calculated for the rotation and based on the results, even by varying the price and cost by one third, this had very little effect on the optimal rotation time. The most important factor for the rotation period is the function of the tree's growth, which of course, is affected by the forest management measures.
  • Råberg, Santtu (2017)
    Tutkimus käsittelee kuusikuitupuun tuoretiheyden vaihtelua. Tuoretiheyden yksikkö on kg/m³. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka suurta vaihtelu on kahden eri vastaanottopisteen välillä. Lisäksi saadaan selville, voidaanko eri tehtailla mitattuja tietoja käyttää toisella maantieteellisellä alueella sijaitsevalla tehtaalla. Tutkimuksessa vertailtiin kahdelta eri tehtaalla mitattuja tuoretiheyksiä sekä metsäntutkimuslaitoksen alueellisia tuoretiheyslukuja. Tutkimusaineisto koostui 254 otantanipusta, jotka mitattiin Rauman paperitehtaalla 22.6.–30.12.2015. Otanta käsitti 3859,8 m³ kuusikuitupuuta, joka jakautui 254 nippuun. Otantanippujen keskimääräinen kiintotilavuus oli 15,5 m³. Pölkyt mitattiin mittasaksilla keskuskiintomittauksella. Pituus mitattiin 5 cm tasaavaa luokitusta käyttäen ja läpimitta 1 mm:n tarkkuudella. Vertailuaineistona käytettiin nipun saapumisajankohtana Jämsänkosken paperitehtaan vastaanotossa käytössä ollutta keskimääräistä tuoretiheyttä. Vertailussa oli mukana myös vuodesta 2012 alkaen kuukausittaisia tuoretiheyksien keskiarvoja. Aineistoista selvitettiin tuoretiheyksien vaihtelun aiheuttamien tilavuuserojen tilastollinen merkitsevyys t-testillä sekä tutkittiin erojen ja hajonnan suuruutta ja suuntaa. Lisäksi selvitettiin vuorokauden keskilämpötilan ja haihdunnan vaikutusta tuoretiheyteen. Tuoretiheyksien erojen todettiin olevan eri maantieteellisillä alueilla niin suuria, että paras keino päästä puunmittauslain asettamien raja-arvojen sisälle on käyttöpaikoittainen mittaus. Syyksi eroihin todettiin sää- ja varastointiolosuhteiden sekä puuvirtojen suuruuden vaihtelu. Eri tehtaille raakapuuta saapuu eri tahdissa, jolloin myös tuoretiheyden päivitystaajuus on erilainen.
  • Karimo, Jussi (2018)
    Kuusen puuosa jakautuu kosteaan pintapuuhun ja kuivaan sydänpuuhun. Kuusipölkkyä sorvatessa syntyy viilumatto, jonka alkupää on kosteaa pintapuuviilua ja loppupää kuivaa sydänpuuviilua. Viilut leikataan arkeiksi ja lajitellaan kosteusluokkiin, jotta eri kosteussuhteisia viiluja voidaan kuivata niille sopivalla ajonopeudella ja oikeassa lämpötilassa. Eräällä vaneritehtaalla on viilun valmistusprosessiin lisätty uusi vaihe, jossa märkiä viiluja esikuivataan ennen varsinaista kuivausta märkäpuristamalla. Tämän vaiheen tarkoituksena on tasata kosteuden hajontaa ja laskea viilujen kosteussuhdetta. Esikuivaus nopeuttaa viilun kuivaamiseen käytettävää aikaa ja vähentää varsinaisen kuivauksen energian kulutusta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kirjallisuuden perusteella selvittää, mitkä asiat kuusen rakenteessa vaikuttavat sorvattujen viilujen kosteusjakaumiin. Laboratoriokokeiden tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka märkäpuristusolosuhteiden hallinta ja kosteusluokkien sekoittaminen vaikuttavat esikuivauksen tulokseen. Tavoitteena oli minimoida märkäpuristuksen jälkeinen kosteuden hajonta ja poistaa viiluista mahdollisimman paljon vettä jo esikuivauksessa, jotta niiden kuivaaminen varsinaisessa kuivauksessa olisi tehokkaampaa. Tutkimusta varten näytteet otettiin vaneritehtaan prosessista ja kokeet tehtiin laboratoriossa. Esikuivaukseen käytettiin laboratoriokäyttöön tehtyä yksivälistä puristinta, jossa viilupinkkoja puristettiin 50 kappaleen erissä. Viilut punnittiin yksitellen ennen ja jälkeen esikuivauksen. Lisäksi kaikki viilut kuivattiin absoluuttisen kuiviksi ja punnittiin kuivina. Näin saatiin selville poistuneen veden määrä, kosteussuhde ennen esikuivausta sekä sen jälkeen ja kuiva-tuoretiheys. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen mukaan kosteusjakaumia viiluissa aiheuttaa sydän- ja pintapuun vaihtelu viiluissa. Kosteusjakaumiin vaikuttaa myös oksien korkeampi tiheys. Koska kuusen oksat ovat tiheämpiä kuin runkopuu, ne eivät sido itseensä yhtä paljon kosteutta kuin oksattomat kohdat. Laboratoriokokeissa havaittiin, että märkäpuristusolosuhteiden hallinta vaikuttaa esikuivauksen tulokseen. Myös kosteusluokkien sekoittamisella havaittiin olevan vaikutusta esikuivauksen tulokseen. Johtopäätöksien mukaan märkäpuristusolosuhteiden hallinnalla voidaan saavuttaa esikuivausprosessissa parempia kuivaustuloksia ja energiasäästöjä. Märkäpuristusolosuhteisiin voidaan vaikuttaa tehtaalla märkävaraston logistiikkaa muuttamalla ja tarvittaessa myös laitteistolisäinvestoinnein. Tutkimuksessa jo tehtyjen märkäpuristusolosuhdemuutoksien vaikutuksia viilun rakennemuutokseen esikuivauksen jälkeen olisi tarpeen tutkia viilun saannon parantamiseksi.
  • Lehto, Pekka (2018)
    Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, minkälaisia omistajatyyppejä yhteismetsien omistajissa on ja miten omistajat kokevat omistajuuden tunteen. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä oli organisaatiotutkimuksissa paljon käytetty psykologisen omistajuuden teoria. Tutkimuksen aineisto saatiin osittain Helsingin yliopiston Ruralia-instituutilta, mutta myös lisäaineistoa kerättiin tutkimuksen tekovaiheessa. Aineisto koostui kahden eri yhteismetsän omistajista tehdyistä teemahaastatteluista. Toinen yhteismetsä oli Etelä-Pohjanmaalla sijaitseva Kauhavan yhteismetsä, joka on perustettu vuonna 2011 ja josta tehtiin 20 haastattelua. Toinen yhteismetsä oli vuonna 1991 perustettu Pahkakosken yhteismetsä, joka sijaitsee Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla ja josta tehtiin 10 haastattelua. Aineisto koodattiin manuaalisesti. Aineistosta löytyi neljä erilaista omistajatyyppiä. Löydetyt tyypit olivat perinnönvaalijat, aktiivit, talousmetsän omistajat ja etääntyneet. Jatkotutkimusehdotuksiksi esitettiin muun muassa aiheen tutkimisen laajentamista kvantitatiivisin menetelmin, jolloin saataisiin numeerista dataa eri omistajatyyppien osuuksien esiintymisestä suomalaisissa yhteismetsissä.
  • König, Emilia (2019)
    The percentage of silage in total dry matter consumption of cows belonging to milk recording in Finland was 51 % in 2018. Harmful microbes can be found in feed. Of these microbes’ clostridia cause problems in cheese production in dairies and yeasts affect the aerobic deterioration of silage and produce ethanol, which causes great dry matter losses. Feed microbe concentrations have traditionally been determined by cultivating, but PCR methods bring novel rapidity and sensitivity to silage microbe research. The aim of this study was to test and develop a PCR based method to detect harmful microbes in silage samples. An additional aim was to specifically identify and quantify four clostridia species and one yeast species from samples of a silage trial. First, a literature review and a database search on harmful microbes in silage were conducted. Based on the results, seven primer pairs were selected, of which three were general primer pairs and four species-specific primer pairs. The usefulness of these primers was tested on silage, cheese and yeast samples in laboratory conditions with gel electrophoresis and qPCR. Additionally, was a white lupin-spring wheat mixture ensiled without additive, with formic acid (2, 4 or 6 l/t fresh matter) and natrium nitrite (900 g/t fresh matter) -hexamine (hexamine 0, 300 or 600 g/t fresh matter) in three laboratory silos/treatment. A chemical quality analysis and quantification of harmful bacteria with qPCR were conducted on pre-ensiling forage and silage samples for Clostridium tyrobutyricum, C. butyricum, C. sporogenes, C. perfringens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microbes were found in abundance. From the chosen primer pairs, two general primer pairs would have been suited for quantification on agarose gel and S. cerevisiae primers proved to be suitable for qPCR. Compared to the amount of microbe DNA, surprisingly few clostridia were found in the samples. Clostridia/spores were found only in five silos ensiled with formic acid. Butyric acid was found in more silos. Possible explanations for the small amounts of clostridia found, might be the effect of formic acid on microbe populations, minor soil contamination while mowing and collecting the forage, PCR-inhibitors in lupin, the nitrate concentration in the feed, and activity of other microbes. Yeast concentrations in the samples were high. Ethanol concentrations were small compared to yeast concentrations. There might have been too little oxygen available for the yeast. PCR-methods can be used to specify and support chemical analyses from silage. Conclusions on microbe concentrations in silage cannot be solely based on chemical analyses. Furthermore, a too specific microbe quantification might raise contradictions and problems in the interpretation of results. Primers that are genus’s specific or recognize even broader taxon might be more functional than species-specific primers.
  • Räfså, Tomas (2014)
    More than half of the agricultural land in Finland is cultivated with cereals, and on many farms, cereals are also grown in monoculture. Studies have shown that crop rotation can decrease the need of inputs and also increase crop yields. At the same time more knowledge is needed about qualities and benefits of different crops. The aim of this study was to investigate the qualities of white lupin as a one year green manure crop, and to investigate its impact and nitrogen effect on barley yield formation and yield quality during the subsequent growth period. The aim was furthermore to investigate if white lupin affected soil mineral nitrogen content. A two year long field experiment was established during the growth season of 2010 at Viikki research farm in Helsinki. In year 2010 white lupin, barley and fallow was cultivated as precrops for the following growth period. In year 2011 only barley was cultivated and different nitrogen treatments were included in the experiment to be able to evaluate precrop nitrogen effect. In year 2011 cultivation of white lupin and barley was also repeated in a second field experiment. In the experiments, white lupin lenght development, ground coverage and biomass accumulation were recorded and compared with barley. The total amount of nitrogen that white lupin accumulated was also determined. In year 2011 precrop and nitrogen treatment effects on barley yield formation and yield quality was determined. Precrop and nitrogen treatment effects on soil mineral nitrogen was investigated from fall 2010 to fall 2011. White lupin was successfully cultivated without any input of fertilizers. White lupin showed less ground coverage in early summer, and therefore showed inferior weed competition compared with barley. White lupin achieved the same plant lenght and total biomass as barley, but accumulated over 200 N kg/ha. In the precrop and nitrogen treatments, barley grain yield did not indicate any need of nitrogen fertilizer, where white lupin had been used as precrop. Grain protein content, however, showed that even with white lupin as precrop, a 20 kg/ha nitrogen starter was not sufficient. Soil mineral nitrogen content was clearly increased by white lupin only before sowing in year 2011.
  • Tenho, Suvi (2020)
    Kvinoa on luontaisesti gluteeniton, monenlaisiin viljelyolosuhteisiin sopeutuva kasvi, jonka siemenistä jauhettuja jauhoja voidaan käyttää leivonnassa. Kvinoan korkea proteiinipitoisuus ja ihmiselle suotuisa aminohappokoostumus, sen kuitupitoisuus sekä vitamiini- ja mineraalisisältö tekevät siitä lupaavan raaka-aineen gluteenittomaan leivontaan. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdyttiin kvinoan käyttösovelluksiin, sen koostumukseen ja käyttöön leivonnassa, ja kokeellisen tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia kvinoan leivontaominaisuuksia gluteenittomassa leivonnassa kolmella kvinoalajikkeella: Minttumatildalla (käsittelemättömiä ja hiottuja siemeniä), Cuchiwilalla ja Negra Collanalla. Tutkimuksen kokeellisessa osassa eri lajikkeiden siemenistä jauhetuista jauhoista leivottiin gluteenittomia leipiä, joiden jauhoista 100 % tai 70 % oli kvinoajauhoja. Leipätaikinasta mitattiin kumulatiivinen hiilidioksidintuotanto. Leipien ulkonäköä, rakennetta ja makua havainnoitiin aistinvaraisesti ja niistä mitattiin paistohäviö, väri ja ominaistilavuus. Leipien tärkkelyksen amylopektiinin sulamisentalpia ja leipien kovuus mitattiin kolmena päivänä. Kvinoalajikkeiden välillä todettiin olevan eroja kaikissa tutkituissa ominaisuuksissa. Taikinan kumulatiivinen hiilidioksidintuotanto oli pienempi 100 % kvinoajauhoja sisältävissä taikinoissa kuin 70 % kvinoajauhoja sisältävissä taikinoissa. Leipien tärkkelyksen amylopektiinin sulamisentalpiat olivat kolmen mittauspäivän ajan pieniä, mikä viittaa vähäiseen tärkkelyksen uuskiteytymiseen ja sitä kautta leivän hitaaseen vanhenemiseen. 100 % kvinoajauhoja sisältävissä leivissä amylopektiinin sulamisentalpiat olivat selkeästi pienempiä kuin 70 % kvinoajauhoja sisältävissä leivissä. Myös leipien kovuuden lisääntyminen oli kolmen mittauspäivän aikana huomattavan pientä. Lajikkeiden välillä oli selvää eroa, Cuchiwilasta ja Negra Collanasta leivotut leivät olivat kovempia kuin käsittelemättömästä ja hiotusta Minttumatildasta leivotut leivät. 100 % kvinoajauhoja sisältävät leivät olivat keskimäärin kovempia kuin 70 % kvinoajauhoja sisältävät leivät. Tutkimuksessa kvinoan todettiin soveltuvan hyvin gluteenittomaan leivontaan. Kvinoalajikkeilla havaittiin kuitenkin olevan suurta vaikutusta leivontaominaisuuksiin. Lajikkeiden erilaiset saponiinipitoisuudet selittivät taikina- ja leivontakäyttäytymistä ja makuominaisuuksia.
  • Rauma, Asta (2018)
    The literature review focused on quinoa saponins, on their extraction, isolation and chromatographic analysis. The aim of this study was to develop a quantitative and qualitative analysis method for saponins in quinoa. Gas chromatograph (GC) was used for separation. Saponin aglycones were indentified by mass spectrometry (MS) and quantified by flame ionization detector (FID). Sample pretreatment included extraction of fat soluble compounds and saponins by accelerated solvent extraction (Dionex ASE). Saponin aglycones liberated by acid hydrolysis followed by liquid-liquid extraction. Aglycones were derivatised to silylethers and analysed with GC-MS/FID. Finally this method was used to analyse saponins in washed and pearled quinoa seeds. Method evaluation included repeatability test (4 separate days, total n = 14). Average, standard deviation, relative standard deviation and Horrat(r) - value were calculated for the results. Method realability was evaluated by recovery test. Known amount of saponin was added to flour samples (n = 3). Additions responded 6, 4 µg, 12, 8 µg and 32 µg hederagenin aglycone. Four saponin aglycones, oleanolic acid (ole), hederagenin (hed), serjanic acid (ser) and phytolaccagenic acid (phy), were successfully identified in all samples by method prescribed. Method was repeatabale for ole and ser quantition but not for hed and phy. Satisfactory recovery, 80 %, was achieved on 32 µg addition level. Recoveries for 6, 4 µg and 12, 3 µg addition levels were 76 and 66 %. Results could be explained by aglycones pH dependent solubility combined to inaccurate pH adjustment after hydrolysis. In the future neutralization step should be revaluated. Washing reduced saponins 20–58 % and pearling reduced 58 % saponins in quinoa seeds. However pearling caused loss of protein from 12, 3 % to 5, 8 %.
  • Ketola, Maija (2020)
    Quinoa has adapted to living under very varied conditions, and within the species, genetic variation is wide. Therefore, there may be differences in the functional properties of quinoa starches between these different varieties and populations. Furthermore, quinoa starch also differs from conventional cereal starches. Thus, knowing these differences is essential in order to find more suitable applications for quinoa in food product development. Increasing the use of quinoa is supported at least by its adaptation to varying growth conditions and nutritional quality. The aim of this master's thesis was to isolate starch from different quinoa varieties and to study the functional properties of starch and to determine the amylose content with the intention to find out whether there are differences in the properties of starches in quinoa varieties. Five different quinoa varieties had been received for this study: Rosada de Taraca, Real quinoa, Titicaca, Pasankalla and Minttumatilda. A separation process was planned for the starch based on previous studies and the separation process was carried out on a laboratory scale. Starch gelatinization properties were measured by RVA (rapid visco analyzer) and by DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) and retrogradation properties by DSC. Amylose content was determined by Megazyme Amylose/Amylopectin Assay Kit. The yield of the separation process remained low. This may have been influenced by the small size of the quinoa starch granules. Differences in gelatinization properties were observed between quinoa varieties. There were more differences at 50% than at 10% starch contents, which could be influenced by different methods. There were also differences in the thermal properties characterizing the retrogradation between the starches at a concentration of 50%. The amylose contents of quinoa starches were low. This may explain why no retrogradation was observed in starch gels containing 10% starch. The starch of the population cultivated in Finland differed from other quinoa starches both in its gelatinization properties and in the thermal properties describing retrogradation. In conclusion, there were differences in the functional properties between the varieties and the choice of quinoa variety is important for the use of quinoa. Quinoa starch differs in characteristics from conventional cereal starches and has its own uses. Thus, increasing the use of quinoa is also supported by the unique properties of quinoa starch.
  • Juslin, Lotta (2014)
    Introduction: Vitamin K is required in the carboxylation reaction of osteocalcin (OC). Concentration of serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin (ucOC) is regarded as a sensitive marker of vitamin K status. Low serum concentration of ucOC has been inversely associated with bone mineral density (BMD). However, the role of dietary vitamin K in bone health remains unclear. The aim of the study was to investigate the associations among vitamin K intake, serum OC concentrations and tibial BMD, bone mineral content (BMC) and bone strength indices (BSI, CSI, SSI) in Finnish middle-aged women. Methods: A sample of 364 37- to 47-year-old premenopausal females who participated in the PHOMI Study was included in the analyses. Fasting blood samples were collected, as well as habitual dietary intake by 3-day food records and food frequency questionnaires. Serum total osteocalcin (totOC), carboxylated osteocalcin (cOC) and ucOC were assessed by two-site immunoassay. Bone traits from distal and proximal sites of tibia were measured with peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT). The data was analysed by analysis of variance and covariance as well as correlation analysis and partial correlation analysis adjusted for height, weight, physical activity, dietary calcium intake, smoking and serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D concentrations. Results: Dietary vitamin K was not associated with bone traits nor serum OC concentrations (p>0.05). Serum ucOC correlated negatively with BMC (r=-0.133, p=0.014), BMD (r=-0.164, p=0.002) and BSI (r=-0.147, p=0.006) in distal tibia and with BMD (r=-0.130, P=0.015) in proximal tibia. Serum cOC correlated negatively with BMD in distal tibia (r=-0,124, p=0,021) and in proximal tibia (r=-0,132, p=0,014). Serum totOC correlated negatively with BMC (r=-0,148, p=0,004) in distal tibia and with BMD (r=-0,175, p=0,001) and BSI (r=-0,171, p=0,002) in proximal tibia. Conclusion: There were no associations between vitamin K intake and bone health in the adjusted model in the current study but serum OC concentrations correlated negatively with some bone traits. Differences in bioavailability of vitamin K and high intake of calcium and vitamin D in the study sample could explain why associations were not found between dietary vitamin K and bone traits. Moreover, the association between vitamin K and bone traits may be different in pre- and postmenopausal women.
  • Gröhn, Wilma (2023)
    Länsimaisten ruoankulutustottumusten on muututtava vastauksena ekologiseen kriisiin. Lihankulutuksen vähentäminen ja kasvipohjaisen ruoankulutuksen lisääminen on yksi keskeinen keino ekologisen kestävyyden saavuttamiseksi. Lihantuotanto nykyisessä mittakaavassa on ekologisesti ongelmallista ja lihaa kulutetaan länsimaissa liikaa. Muutos ei kuitenkaan ole helppo, sillä lihaan liitetään runsaasti myönteisiä merkityksiä, jotka lisäävät sen arvostusta. Lisäksi arjen rutiinit ja ruokakulttuuri ylläpitävät nykyisenkaltaista kulutusta ja vastustavat kulutustottumusten muuttamista. Lihaa syövät kuluttajat tunnistavat, että lihantuotanto aiheuttaa eettisten ongelmien lisäksi myös ilmasto- ja ympäristöongelmia. Näiden ongelmien ja lihansyönnin välistä ristiriitaa pyritään ratkaisemaan perustelemalla ja oikeuttamalla omaa lihankulutustaan eri tavoin. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan sitä, millaisia merkityksiä ja ulottuvuuksia lihansyönti saa nuorten naisten arjessa ja millaisten tekijöiden koetaan tukevan lihankulutuksen jatkamista ja toisaalta vastustavan muutosta kohti kasvipainotteisempaa ruokavaliota. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on lisätä ymmärrystä lihankulutuksesta ja siihen kohdistuvasta muutospaineesta nuorten naisten näkökulmasta. Tutkimusta varten toteutettiin kahdeksan laadullista haastattelua, joista saatu aineisto analysoitiin teemoittelevalla, teoriaohjaavalla analyysillä. Analyysissä nojattiin aineistolähtöisiin teemoihin, joita tarkasteltiin teoreettisen viitekehyksen kirjallisuuden avulla ja liitettiin siten osaksi aiempaa tutkimustietoa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että lihalla on tutkittavan ryhmän arjessa moninaisia merkityksiä. Sitä pidetään helposti lähestyttävänä ruoka-aineena, jota on vaivatonta käyttää arjessa. Lihaan liitettiin siis myönteisiä merkityksiä. Ongelmatonta liha ei kuitenkaan ole, vaan enenevässä määrin pohditaan myös sen ympäristö- ja ilmastovaikutuksia sekä eettisiä ulottuvuuksia, jotka liittävät lihaan kielteisiä merkityksiä. Vaikka lihankulutus mietityttää, kulutusta silti jatketaan, sillä erilaiset tekijät tukevat lihankulutuksen jatkamista. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat neljä keskeistä syytä lihankulutuksen jatkamiselle. Ensimmäiseksi lihankulutus on tottumus: se on muodostunut olennaiseksi osaksi ruoanlaittoa ja ruokailun arkirutiineja. Toiseksi ajatukset lihan ravitsemuksellisesta paremmuudesta verrattuna kasviproteiineihin esti muutosta. Kolmannes syy oli muutoksen tarpeen kyseenalaistaminen. Jos kuluttajalle ei ole selvää, miten lihankulutus tarkalleen vaikuttaa ilmastoon, ei muutosta nähdä kannattavaksi tehdä. Neljäs syy oli alueelliset erot. Sosiaalinen ja kulttuurinen viitekehys vaikuttaa ruokailutottumuksiin ja mikäli tämä viitekehys ei tue muutosta, on lihankulutusta helpompi jatkaa. Lihankulutuksen aiheuttamasta ristiriidasta huolimatta kulutusta oli vaikea muuttaa, ja siten ristiriitaa häivytettiin lihankulutusta rationalisoiden ja perustellen. Ajattelua pyrittiin aktiivisesti välttelemään ja lihankulutusta perusteltiin itselle vedoten sen tarpeellisuuteen, normaaliuteen ja mukavuuteen.
  • Rintanen, Kristiina (2013)
    The aim of this study was to describe where dog owners are looking for information from when pet becomes ill or shows symptoms and what factors affect clinic of choice. In addition to explaining how the pet's medical care is realized, as well as how consumers see veterinarian status and professionalism. The main data consists interviews of 17 dog owners, as well as interviews of the three veterinarian. Secondary data was collected by observing the work, facilities and atmosphere of three veterinary clinic, as well as social media by reading a dog-themed discussion forums. The research data analysis has been used thematic analysis. The main subjects are the pet health-related information search, a veterinary check, the owner's commitment to pet care and veterinary medicine expert status. Dog owners tell about their pets' health and care for them to be important. When pet shows symptoms or illness, dog owners are looking for information and guidelines on social media, acquaintances, breeders and veterinarians.Veterinary clinic is usually chosen for their location and the recommendations of the (WOM) basis. Good service offering and veterinary expertise get a dog owner to remain a user of services. Dog owners and veterinarians have different point of views when it comes to commitment to drug therapy. Dog owners say they are committed to the pet medication, but veterinarians feel that the owners tend to forget or do not get fed drugs to pets successfully. Dog owners are seen to rely veterinarians even more than the people of the treating physician, as a pet treated as a small child, who can not speak. In this case, the layman is a reliable professional. Vets feel pride in themselves and their own profession. Vets feel that they are in professional expert position.
  • Malin, Minna-Helena (2010)
    One of the biggest challenges in Finland in the future will be the growing number of elderly people. It means that more and more people will be dependent on care and medication. According to research elderly people consider physical working order and an option for social interaction with other people to be the most important things for their well-being. As one ages the activity of living decreases. As a result other matters relating to the quality of life suffer as well. Older people are entitled to life worthy of a human being. To underpin this objective we have to maintain their independence and activity. This requires a certain level of health, well-being and working order which can all be influenced by other people. All activities are surrounded by some sort of an environment, so it is an important part of well-being. Green environment in particular is believed to have a positive effect to the well being and health. This is emphasized in hospitals and institutions. The first aim of this study was to map out the factors in green environment that motivate and encourage to use more time outdoors. The second aim was to study the impacts of the increased activity for the elderly people in the assisted living building Palta in Paimio, Finland. The research was carried out during summer 2009. Method was to observe the use of green environment and to interview nine habitants and their relatives and the staff of Paltanpuisto. The habitants were interviewed twice, spring and autumn. Other participants were interviewed once late summer. The object was to find out what were the reasons that got the habitants to go out and how did they feel it had affected their well-being The results were organized into three categories that were considered to activate habitants to go out: Safety, operationality and experientiality. The categories are interactive and in part overlapping. Experiences of well-being were considered as one category, which once again interacts with the three mentioned above. Main reasons to go out were the feeling of independence, other people and the affect going out has on general mood. In general this study confirms that green environment has a positive affect for the habitants of assisted living buildings. Most habitants saw the opportunity to go out as a vitally important factor behind good quality of life.
  • Jääskeläinen, Susanna (2016)
    The cold storage, utilized to increase the shelf life of raw milk, favors the growth of psychrotrophic bacteria. Psychrotrophs are considered as problematic because they produce heat-stable spoilage enzymes. In addition, some pathogenic bacteria are capable of growing at cold storage temperatures and it has been observed in previous studies that the psychrotrophs in raw milk can be resistant to several antibiotics. In the literature review section of this study, the microbial composition of raw milk and the effect of cold storage, nitrogen gas (N2) treatment and activation of the lactoperoxidase system (LPS) on the raw milk bacteria was reviewed; moreover, the evolution, spread and mechanisms of bacterial antibiotic resistance and the antibiotic resistance on dairy farms and of raw milk bacteria was reviewed. Also the methods to study raw milk bacteria and their antibiotic resistance were documented. The aim of the experimental part was to study the effects of cold storage, N2 gas treatment and LPS treatment on the levels of antibiotic resistant bacteria in raw milk. Untreated, N2-treated and LPS-treated raw milk samples were stored at 6 °C and the counts of bacteria resistant to gentamicin, ceftatzidime, levofloxacin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole were determined in the beginning of the experiments and after three and seven days of cold storage. The antibiotic resistance and spoilage features of bacterial isolates selected from different plates were compared. In addition, DNA fingerprints of selected isolates were obtained by rep-PCR method and for a couple of isolates 16S rRNA gene partial sequencing was performed. The presence of certain antibiotic resistance genes for the isolates partially identified was investigated using a PCR-based method. The length of cold storage affected the proportions of antibiotic resistant bacteria in raw milk. The proportions of antibiotic resistant bacteria in the control milk sample were generally, with the exception of TS-resistant bacteria in some cases, at their lowest after seven days of cold storage when the milk was, though, microbiologically unacceptable. There was a lot of variation in the prevalence of bacterial antibiotic resistance between the milk samples treated differently. The proportions of resistant bacteria were on average clearly higher in LPS samples than in control samples, whereas the effect of the N2 treatment on the proportions of resistant bacteria varied between the experiments. The bacterial isolates resistant to all the considered antibiotics produced less frequently protease and phospholipase than the isolates resistant to fewer antibiotics. The isolates from LPS samples were more frequently resistant to all the antibiotics studied and produced less frequently protease and phospholipase than the isolates from control and N2-treated samples. On the basis of the rep-PCR fingerprints, there were both similar and different strains among the bacterial isolates. Based on the 16S rRNA partial gene sequence, two isolates were identified as Pseudomonas spp. and two isolates as Stenotrophomonas spp. The targeted antibiotic resistance genes were not detected among the considered isolates. Possible reasons can be variations in the gene sequences, suboptimal PCR conditions or that the isolates lacked the genes studied. A PCR product was obtained for one Pseudomonas isolate using mexA-F/R primers, but according to the database the gene sequence did not show homology with antibiotic resistance genes. Further analyses would be required to confirm if the gene studied is linked to antibiotic resistance.
  • Saukkonen, Antti (2010)
    In future the importance of crop production will increase worldwide as a result of continuous population growth and changing diet routines from rice to cereals. Also the possibility to use cereals as biofuel rawmaterial will increase the need for crop cultivation area all over the world. In Finland the number of farmers is decreas-ing and farms are getting bigger and bigger. Seedtimes have to be done with low-input in labour force and for this reason the automatization of different sectors of work would ease the workload. Utilization of automation e.g in sowing would increase the accuracy and easiness in determination of working depth. Aim of this study was to develop automatic depth control system, which was based on measuring the position of coulters and lift cylinder. The study is part of the Farmix –project, which concentrates on integrated automa-tion of tractor and implement. The study utilized a combination of tractor and implement that were already instrumented with a system fulfilling the ISO 11783 (ISOBUS) standard. To meet the aim of the study, it required setting up a field experiment, in which material was collected for the working depth model. For the field experiment the sensors of seed drill’s coulters and lift cylinder were cali-brated. Coulters had three sensors and the lift cylinder one. The final working depth automatic was tested in the autumn sowings. The sowing depth was confirmed by measuring shoots manually in the field both in spring and in autumn sowing. Manual measuring was done from 2 meters distance and from the position of the left share. Calibrating the sensors of the coulters worked well, because the calibrationcurves were parallel within all coulters and the sensor of lift cylinder. Based on the material from field experiments done in spring a new working depth formula was created. When the position of the lift cylinder changed from 0 to 50 mm, the work-ing depth was theoretically 15 – 60 mm. Manual measuring in the field suggested that seeding depth was 20 to 50 mm so a correction factor had to be calculated. Accomplished working depth automatic was tested in autumn sowings and target working depths were 20 – 50 mm.Working depth automatic worked well in 30 mm and 40 mm test drives. Standard deviation of theoreti-cal working depth in these foregoing test drives was 4 – 9 mm compared to a target working depth. Based on the measurements taken in the field working depth was an average 5 mm deeper in lower seeding (target 20 mm). Deeper seeding depth (target 50 mm) couldn’t be reached and field measurements suggested that real seeding depth was 40 mm. This failure was caused by deep furrow type coulters that weren’t able to seed any deeper, altough the lift cylinder was completely closed.
  • Laine, Anna Sofia (2006)
    The objective of this thesis is to evaluate different means of increasing natural reproduction of migratory fish, especially salmon, in the river Kymijoki. The original stocks of migratory fish in Kymijoki were lost by the 1950s because of hydropower plants and worsened quality of water in the river. Nowadays the salmon stocks is based on hatchery-reared fish, even though there is significant potential of natural smolt production in the river. The main problem in the natural reproduction is that the migratory fish cannot ascend to the reproduction areas above the Korkeakoski and Koivukoski hydropower plants. In this thesis alternative projects which aim to open these ascencion routes and their costs and benefits are evaluated. The method used in the evaluation is social cost-benefit analysis. The alternative projects evaluated in this thesis consist of projects that aim to change the flow patterns between the eastern branches of Kymijoki and projects that involve building a fish ladder. Also different combinations of these projects are considered. The objective of this thesis is to find the project that is the most profitable to execute; this evaluation can be done in comparing the net present values of the projects. In addition to this, a sensitivity analysis will be made on the parameter values that are most uncertain. We compare the net present values of the projects with the net present values of hatchery-reared smolt releases, so we can evaluate, if the projects or the smolt releases are more socially profitable in the long term. The results of this thesis indicate that especially the projects that involve building a fish ladder next to the Korkeakoski hydropower plant are the most socially profitable. If this fish ladder would be built, the natural reproduction of salmon in the Kymijoki river could become so extensive, that hatchery-reared smolt releases could even be stopped. The results of the sensivity analysis indicate that the net present values of the projects depend especially on the initial smolt survival rate of wild salmon and the functioning of the potential fish ladder in Korkeakoski. Also the changes of other parameter values influence the results of the cost-benefit analysis, but not as significantly. When the net present values of the projects and the smolt releases are compared, the results depend on which period of time is selected to count the average catches of reared salmon. If the average of the last 5 years catches is used in counting the net benefits of smolt releases, all the alternative projects are more profitable than the releases. When the average of the last 10 years is used, only building of the fish ladder in Korkeakoski and all the project combinations are more profitable than the smolt releases.
  • Paakala, Elina (2011)
    The aim of this master’s thesis was to study genetic diversity within and between ten dog breeds. The original data was produced by Finnzymes Oy and it contained raw data files that were used to genotype microsatellite markers. The final data contained information from 395 dogs belonging to ten fairly different dog breeds. The amount of dogs per breed was from 31 to 53. The data was genotyped with 18 microsatellite markers. A llelic richness varied between 2,0 – 9,9. The most variable microsatellite locus was AHT137 and the least variable AHTk211. Over all loci allelic richness was highest in Jack Russell Terrier and lowest in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. S c hipperke had the largest amount of microsatellite loci that were not in Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium. In Coton de Tulear, German Shepherd Dog and Finnish Lapphund all microsatellite loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The lowest overall heterozygosity was in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (0,50) and highest in Finnish Lapphund (0,73). The only statistically significant FIS-values were in Schipperke in locus INU030 (0,39) and over all loci (0,11). The most distant breeds according to FST-value were Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Rough Collie (0,34) and the closest breeds were Chihuahua and Coton de Tulear (0,07). Overall between breeds diversity was 17,7 %. On the grounds of these results the ten breeds are distinct populations. Coton de Tulear had clearly the highest amount of allele pairs in linkage disequilibrium (94) and Tibetan Spaniel the lowest amount (15). Effective population size was lowest in Rough Collie (35) and highest in Chihuahua (86). Based on many population genetic measures Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Rough Collie and Schipperke seem to have the lowest genetic diversity and Chihuahua, Jack Russel Terrier and Finnish Lapphound the highest. Reasons for different levels of genetic diversity can be found on histories of these dog breeds.
  • Rajanen, Hanne (2011)
    The forest industry achieves each year large quantities of waste material, such as wood, bark and branches. The waste material is mainly used for energy production, but new applications are being investigated. The bark has been identified as a potential source of numerous bioactive compounds, which would have use, for example, in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries as well as in the pest management of agriculture, forestry and horticulture. The thesis is part of the European Union-funded ForestSpeCs project, which aims to find alternative ways to use the materials of forest industry. The bark extracts of ten economically remarkable northern trees were tested for possibilities as antifeedants for the larvae of the cabbage white (Pieris brassicae L.), the Egyptian cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis Boisduwal), and some of them also for the mustard leaf beetle (Phaedon cochleariae Fabricius) and the alder leaf beetle (Agelastica alni L.). The extracts were prepared in cooperation with the project groups or independently using different methods. Testing was carried out in laboratory conditions by using the dual-choice leaf-disc bioassays for the crude extracts and the individual compounds separated from them. The feeding deterrent indices (FDI) were calculated from the measurements. On the basis of the results, nearly all the tested extracts, at least to some extent, appeared to have an effect on the insect’s eating behavior. Slightly more than half of the 46 extracts tested with the cabbage white caused more than 50% feeding deterrence, in other words the cabbage butterfly preferred the control leaves more often than the treated ones. For Egyptian cotton leafworm larvae over 50% feeding deterrence was caused only by the seven of the tested 56 extracts. In addition, three of the extracts stimulated the consuming of the treated leaves significantly. The alder leaf beetle larvae and adults were deterred by the leaves treated with abietic acid, in particular. The extracts tested on the mustard leaf beetle were also working promisingly. It is possible to extract biologically active compounds from the bark of the tested tree species, but it is necessary, in the context of pest management, to have more research on the correct concentrations of the extracts and effective extracting methods. The quality and quantity of compounds in the bark depend on many factors, such as the impact of the environment and genetics. Tolerance in insects varies a lot by species and there are also differences between individuals. The pesticides manufactured of extracts could be possible to include in the integrated pest management alongside the other methods in the future.
  • Heikkinen, Emmi (2020)
    The purpose of this study was to study the effect of processing temperature on the digestibility of meat-based dog food. The research was conducted together with the University of Helsinki and with dog raw food manufacturer Mush Oy. The research hypothesis was that intense heat-treatment would impair the digestibility of the feed. The research was conducted using voluntary house dogs. The dogs that participated in this research were living with their owners during the whole experiment. All of the feed used in this research was produced from the same batch of pork-bovine minced meat where vitamin mineral mix and digestibility marker Celite 545 silica (10 g/kg) were added. The silica provides additional acid-insoluble ash (AIA), which acts as a tracer. The test feeds were divided to three groups according to processing including unprocessed raw meat, lightly cooked meat and heavily cooked meat. The dogs were fed twice a day by the owner. The duration of the experiment was 10 days. The experiment began with a preliminary period of five days. A collection period of five days was then performed. During the collection period, the dog owner collected the dog's feces in a plastic bag for each occasion. The dry matter, organic matter, ash, crude protein, crude fat, gross energy, and AIA tracer were determined from feed and fecal samples. All digestibility values were numerically highest for unprocessed feed, and digestibility decreased by heat-treatment. The difference in digestibility between different processing methods was significant only with dry matter digestibility. Dry matter digestibility was significantly higher with unprocessed feed. The difference in dry matter digestibility between the heat treatments did not differ significantly. However, the differences in digestibility between the various processing methods were so little that they have no practical relevance to the dog's nutrition. Further research is needed on the possible influence of cooking meat-based feed to nutrient loss of vitamins or minerals and to microbiota.