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  • Kekäläinen, Johanna (2020)
    Mikrolevät ovat yksisoluisia organismeja, jotka sisältävät lajista ja kasvatusolosuhteista riippuen proteiineja 25–63 % kuivapainosta, lipidejä 2–25 % kuivapainosta, hiilihydraatteja 35–57 % kuivapainosta ja kivennäisaineita 6–30 % kuivapainosta. Lipideistä 15–57 % on triasyyliglyseroleja ja 0,7–37 % poolisia lipidejä, kuten fosfo- ja glykolipidejä. Mikrolevien koostumusta sekä mikrolevien lipidien uuttoa on tutkittu aiemmin Helsingin yliopistossa, ja näissä tutkimuksissa on herännyt tarve lisätiedolle mikrolevien poolisista lipideistä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli luokitella mikrolevien sisältämät lipidit poolisuuden mukaan selvittäen osuudet rasvahappokoostumuksen perusteella. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli kehittää HPLC-menetelmä mikrolevien fosfo- ja glykolipidien määrittämiseen. Poolisten lipidien rasvahappojen määrityksessä mikroleväuutteiden lipidit erotettiin poolisuuden mukaan kiinteäfaasiuutolla ja uutteista määritettiin rasvahappopitoisuudet kaasukromatografisesti. HPLC-menetelmä kehitettiin tutkimalla poolisten lipidien profiileja nestekromatografia-valonsirontadetektorilla (LC-ELSD). Kehitetyllä LC-ELSD-menetelmällä tutkittiin Euglena gracilis ja Selenastrum sp. -mikrolevänäytteiden poolisia lipidiluokkia. Mikrolevänäytteissä esiintyvät fosfo- ja glykolipidit tunnistettiin nestekromatografia-massaspektrometrisesti (LC-MS). Tutkimuksen tuloksista selvisi, että Selenastrum sp. -mikrolevän kokonaislipidipitoisuus oli suurempi kuin E. gracilis -mikrolevän. Molemmilla lajeilla eniten rasvahappoja oli poolisissa lipideissä ja molempien lajien rasvahappokoostumukset vaihtelivat kasvatuserästä ja -olosuhteista riippuen. Kehitetyllä LC-ELSD-menetelmällä mikrolevänäytteiden poolisten lipidien profiileissa erotettiin monogalaktosyylidiasyyliglyseroli (MGDG) ja fosfolipidit luokkana. Tulosten perusteella MGDG vaikuttaisi olevan yleisin glykolipidi tutkituissa mikrolevänäytteissä ja fosfatidyylietanolamiini yleisin fosfolipidi. Glyko- ja fosfolipidiluokissa ei ollut eroa mikrolevälajien tai kasvatuserien välillä. Mikrolevien MGDG:t vaikuttivat sisältävän monityydyttymättömiä rasvahappoja ja fosfolipidit tyydyttyneitä tai kertatyydyttymättömiä rasvahappoja. Lisätutkimusta tarvitaan poolisten lipidien kvantitatiiviseen määrittämiseen ja menetelmän kehittämiseen fosfolipidien erottumisen osalta.
  • Asikainen, Aava (2019)
    Research on phosphorus (P) fertilization of white cabbage has been limited even though white cabbage is an important field vegetable in Finland. The quantities of phosphorus recommended in Finland when cultivating white cabbage are relatively large and excessive fertilization increases the risk of runoff to water systems. Scientific research is needed to determine fertilization levels that ensure good yields while reducing risks to the environment. The effects of P fertilization on yield, phosphorus uptake and phosphorus balance of white cabbage were studied in two soils of different P status in Piikkiö, Finland. The experiment on soil with loamy sand texture and high P status consisted of four fertilization treatments between 0-32 kg P ha-1 while the experiment on clay parcel with relatively low P status consisted of five treatments between 0-100 kg P ha-1, including a starter treatment. Yield, plant P content and P uptake were unaffected by the treatments. Yield was 83-87 t ha-1 on high P soil and 66-69 t ha-1 on low P soil. In high P soil, uptake of P by the plants was 50 kg ha-1 and field P balance was negative in all treatments. In low P soil, uptake was 40-45 kg ha-1 and P balance was positive starting from treatment level 30 kg P ha-1. It is likely that P fertilization levels based on the maximum limits set by the national Agri-environmental Programme are unnecessarily high for white cabbage. A level of fertilization equaling the P uptake of the yield can be recommended.
  • Mäkinen, Suvi (2019)
    Ruokasipuli (Allium cepa L.) on yksi Suomen eniten viljellyistä avomaan vihanneksista. Sipulin fosforinotosta on vähän kotimaisia tutkimustuloksia ja nykyiset fosforilannoitusmäärät perustuvat asiantuntija-arvioihin ja laskennallisiin keskiarvoihin fosforin otosta. Fosfori on kasveille välttämätön makroravinne, jonka puute heikentää merkittävästi kasvien kasvua. Lannoitteiden sisältämä fosfori on louhittu pääosin uusiutumattomista luonnonvaroista, joten fosforilannoitteiden käytön tulisi olla ympäristön kannalta järkevää. Sipulin fosforinottoa tutkittiin 2014 kahdella maalajilla (karkea hieta, korkea fosforipitoisuus ja hiuesavi, välttävä fosforipitoisuus) Luonnonvarakeskuksen toimipaikalla Piikkiössä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää fosforilannoitustasojen vaikutus sipulin kasvuun, ravinteikkuuteen ja satoon sekä seurata maaperän liukoisen fosforin pitoisuutta kasvukaudella. Tutkimuksessa mitattiin sipulin lehtien kasvu ja ravinnepitoisuus kerran kasvukauden aikana, sekä sadonkorjuun jälkeen satotaso, sipulien ja lehtien ravinnepitoisuus sekä sadon mukana poistuneet ravinteet. Maan helppoliukoisen fosforin pitoisuutta seurattiin viikoittaisilla maanäytteillä. Neliportaisen lannoituskokeen tulokset osoittivat, ettei yksivuotisella lannoituskokeella saatu esiin tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja satomäärissä tai sadon mukana poistuneiden ravinteiden määrissä eri lannoitustasojen välillä. Fosforilannoitus vaikutti sipulien ravinnepitoisuuksiin vain yksittäisten ravinteiden osalta. Myös maan liukoisen fosforin pitoisuudet tasoittuivat lannoituseroista huolimatta nopeasti samalle tasolle kummallakin maalajilla. Sipulin ravinteiden otto oli hietamaalla 22–26 kg P /ha, 86–102 kg N /ha ja 92–111 kg K /ha ja savimaalla 18–20 kg P/ha, 84–90 kg N /ha ja 92–101 kg K /ha. Sipuleissa ei havaittu fosforinpuutosta, eikä kasvustonäytteiden perusteella voida sanoa, soveltuuko sipulikasvuston mittaaminen tai lehtien ravinteiden analysointi mittaamaan kasvuston fosforin ottoa tai tunnistamaan fosforinpuutoksen oireita. Kokeen tulosten perusteella nykyisin käytettävät fosforilannoitusmäärät ovat sipulin sadonmuodostuksen kannalta riittävät.
  • Peltokangas, Kenneth (2016)
    Loppijärvi on Kanta-Hämeessä sijaitseva matala humusjärvi, jonka rehevöityminen on edennyt poikkeuksellisen nopeasti viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana. Useista hoito- ja kunnostustoimista huolimatta järven rehevöityminen on jatkunut voimakkaana ja tilannetta pidetään huolestuttavana. Järven veden laadussa tapahtuneista muutoksista vesikasvillisuudesta ja kalastosta on saatavilla paljon tutkittua tietoa. Sen sijaan järven pohjasedimentistä tiedetään hyvin vähän. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli kartoittaa järven pohjasedimentin tilaa, luoda yleiskuva järven rehevöitymiseen vaikuttavista fysikaalis-kemiallisista ominaisuuksista sekä arvioida sedimentin kuormituspotentiaaliin vaikuttavien ilmiöiden merkitystä. Tutkimus koostui kahdesta osasta. Ensimmäisessä tutkittiin järven pohjasedimentin ominaisuuksia järven eri osista otettujen sedimenttinäytteiden ja niistä määritettyjen raudan, alumiinin, kalsiumin ja fosforin kokonaispitoisuuksien avulla. Toinen osa koostui muhituskokeesta, jossa tarkasteltiin sedimentin happitilan ja järvikunnostuksessa yleisesti käytetyn alumiinikloridin vaikutuksia sedimentin sisältämän fosforin pidättymiseen ja jakautumiseen sekä arvioitiin sen soveltumista järvikunnostukseen laboratoriomittakaavassa. Sedimenttitutkimuksen perusteella Loppijärven nykyinen rehevöitymiskehitys johtuu sisäisestä kuormituksesta, eikä järveen kohdistu kuormitusta pistemäisistä lähteitä. Loppijärven sedimentin Fe:P-suhde vaihteli välillä 15–30. Sedimentin fosforipitoisuus oli noin 2,1 g P kg-1 koko sedimenttiprofiilin syvyydellä ja Fe:P-suhteen vaihtelu johtui pääasiassa sedimentin rautapitoisuudesta. Tulosten perusteella sedimentin fosforinpidätyskyky ei vastannut Fe:Psuhdetta, mikä viittaa muiden tekijöiden vaikuttavan raudan kykyyn pidättää fosforia. Muhituskokeen perusteella alumiinikloridikäsittely ei soveltunut sitomaan fosforia alumiinin aiheuttaman happamoitumisen takia. Alumiinikloridikäsittelyn vaikutus fosforin käyttäytymiseen vaihteli näytteiden hapetustilasta riippuen. Tulosten perusteella rauta sääteli fosforin vapautumista sedimentistä ja paras tulos kunnostustavoitteiden kannalta saatiin hapellisissa olosuhteissa ilman alumiinikloridikäsittelyä. Sedimenttitutkimuksen perusteella kemikaalikäsittelyt voivat auttaa kunnostustavoitteiden saavuttamisessa, mutta rehevöitymisen pysäyttäminen vaatii toimenpiteitä, jotka vaikuttavat sedimentissä vallitseviin olosuhteisiin tai sisäistä kuormitusta sääteleviin prosesseihin.
  • Uhlgren, Oona (2023)
    Phosphorus is one of the three main nutrients for plants and sufficient phosphorus uptake is a prerequisite for crop production. Phosphorus exists in organic and inorganic forms in soil, and the stability and biological availability of different forms of phosphorus vary. Fertilizer phosphorus is efficiently adsorbed by aluminium and iron oxides in mineral soils, and due to positive phosphorus balances in the last decades, cultivated soils contain residual phosphorus. In addition to topsoil, phosphorus can accumulate in soil layers below the plough layer. Knowing the size of the phosphorus reserves in soil profile and the proportions of different forms of phosphorus could provide a more reliable assessment of the possibilities for utilizing and considering phosphorus reserves for example in fertilization. The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution and stocks of different forms of phosphorus in depth profiles of conventionally and organically managed clay soil and in unmanaged natural grassland. In a field experiment that has lasted 24 years before the sampling, conventional plots were fertilized with inorganic fertilizers, and organically managed plots with organic fertilizers. Total phosphorus, organic phosphorus, and water-extractable phosphate phosphorus were determined in 10 cm layers to an average depth of 70 cm. The stocks of soil total carbon and nitrogen were also determined. Changes in the carbon-to-phosphorus (C:P) and carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) ratios of soil can affect the mineralization of soil organic matter and thus the release of nutrients for use by organisms. In addition, oxalate-extractable aluminium and iron, representing the concentrations of aluminium and iron oxides, were determined from the samples. Stocks were calculated using the equivalent soil mass (ESM) method, which quantifies stocks in terms of soil mass layers rather than depth layers. The differences in the concentrations and total stocks of the investigated forms of phosphorus between management systems were found to be relatively small. The slight differences in total stocks may indicate that phosphorus fertilization in the cultivated plots has corresponded well with the amount of phosphorus taken up by the crops. However, both conventional and organic plots also showed indications that phosphorus had accumulated in organic form below the plough layer. The use of organic fertilizers on the organically managed plots appeared to maintain the organic carbon content at deeper soil depths, as the carbon concentration of the organically managed plots and the unmanaged grassland with the highest carbon total stock did not differ statistically significantly at depths of 20–30 cm and below 40 cm. In all management systems, approximately one-third of the total phosphorus stock was in organic form. Based on the carbon-to-organic-phosphorus ratios (C:Porg), the soil organic matter in the cultivated plots contained more phosphorus than the unmanaged grassland, which may indicate that more phosphorus net mineralization occurs in the cultivated plots than in the unmanaged grassland.
  • Hakala, Kati (2010)
    Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin öljy-yhdisteryhmien horisontaalista ja vertikaalista jakautumista öljyjätteen loppusijoituspaikkana käytetyssä pellossa. Työn tarkoitus oli saada tietoa maassa tapahtuneesta öljyn mikrobiologisesta hajotuksesta sekä öljyn liikkuvuudesta. Tutkimus on osa viisivuotista kenttäkoetta, jossa selvitetään vuohenherneen (Galega orientalis) kykyä edesauttaa öljyllä pilaantuneen maan biopuhdistumista. Kentän maaperän ominaisuudet karakterisoidaan kattavasti kemiallisin, fysikaalisin ja biologisin menetelmin. Koekenttä perustettiin syksyllä 2006. Se sijaitsee kaltevalla pellolla ja sitä reunustaa toisella puolella metsä ja toisella pengermä. Kenttä jaettiin viiteen kerranteeseen, joista jokainen jaettiin edelleen kasvilliseen ja paljaaseen koeruutuun. Kasvillisiin koeruutuihin kylvettiin vuohenherneen siemeniä. Tutkimusta varten otettiin pintamaanäytteet kuudesta ruudusta, joista kolme oli kasvillisia ja kolme paljaita. Öljyn vertikaalisen jakautumisen tarkastelua varten otettiin näytteet kahdesta maaprofiilista ruutujen ulkopuolelta syvyyksiltä 0–20 cm, 20–40 cm ja 40–60 cm. Yhdisteryhmien suhteellisten osuuksien kvantitointia varten kehitettiin fraktiointimenetelmä, jossa alifaattiset, aromaattiset ja pooliset öljy-yhdisteet eluoitiin poolisuudeltaan kasvavilla liuottimilla silikapylvään läpi. Alifaattien ja aromaattien fraktioista yhdistettiin osa gravimetrisesti määritettävien kokonaisöljyhiilivetyjen määrittämiseksi. Lisäksi analysoitiin kokonaisöljyhiilivedyt C10–C40 ISO 16703:2004 -standardin mukaan (eluointi Florisil-pylvään läpi) sekä kokonaisuuttuva aines. Alifaatit, aromaatit ja kokonaisöljyhiilivedyt C10–C40 määritettiin kaasukromatografisesti. Gravimetrisesti määritettävien kokonaisöljyhiilivetyjen lisäksi kokonaisuuttuva aines ja pooliset yhdisteet määritettiin gravimetrisesti. Pintamaanäytteiden yhdisteryhmien konsentraatiot kasvoivat mentäessä koekentällä pengermää kohti, mikä johtui öljyn kerääntymisestä alarinteeseen ja veden seisomisesta. Profiilinäytteiden konsentraatiot kasvoivat syvemmälle mentäessä, koska öljy liikkuu maaperässä painovoiman vaikutuksesta. Yhdisteryhmät korreloivat positiivisesti keskenään. Poikkeuksen muodosti poolisten yhdisteiden fraktio, joka ei noudattanut samoja trendejä kuin muut öljy-yhdisteryhmät. Kokonaisöljyhiilivetyjen C10–C40 konsentraatiot olivat suunnilleen yhtä suuria kuin alkaanien. Tästä voidaan päätellä, että Florisil oli pidättänyt aromaattiset yhdisteet. ISO 16703:2004 -standardin perusteella saadun kokonaisöljyhiilivetyjen C10–C40 pitoisuuden käyttö mm. riskinarvioinnissa on siten kyseenalaista.
  • Kangas, Petra (2019)
    Some horses experience a problem called free faecal liquid (FFL). The condition is not characterized by classical diarrhoea but by free liquid that is voided separately from the solid part of the faeces. Problems with FFL include irritation and abrasive lesions in the skin in the rear end. No health issues of more severe character are usually present in these horses, apart from preliminary findings indicating a higher risk of colic when compared to horses without FFL. The reason for why horses develop FFL, and its effects on the horse, are unknown as the subject has not been studied much. It has been suggested that one reason could be in how the horses are fed. It has been speculated that haylage could have an impact on the development of FFL. A study was done with the aim to collect information about feeding and management of horses affected with FFL in Sweden and Norway (n = 100), and to compare faecal composition in horses with and without FFL. This particular part of the study focused on the faecal properties. The objective was to compare chemical composition of the faeces of affected and unaffected horses, in order to detect possible reasons for FFL, which could be studied further. The study was performed with three repeated samplings on all horses. Case and control horses were paired and were housed at the same farm and were fed the same forage. The horse owners were collecting faecal samples using a standardized protocol. The variables examined in faecal samples were dry matter (DM), pH, volume of free liquid after centrifugation, sand, osmolality, acetate, propionate, isobutyrate, n-butyrate and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration of the samples. In samples from the first sampling occasion, differences (P < 0.05) between cases and controls were found in concentration of acetate, isobutyrate and total amount of VFA. Tendencies toward differences (0.10 < P > 0.05) were found in the volume of liquid and sand as well as in n-butyrate concentration. At the second sampling tendencies toward differences were found in the amount of sand and in n-butyrate concentration. In samples from the third sampling a tendency toward difference was present for pH value. All values were or tended to be higher for horses with FFL. Also, clear correlations were found between nearly all the variables. The pH value was found to correlate negatively with osmolality and all the VFAs except for isobutyrate where no correlation was found in any of the sampling occasions. Osmolality was also found to correlate positively with all the VFAs. VFAs correlated positively with one another. The results showed a tendency toward difference in n-butyrate concentration and presence of sand in faecal samples when case and control horses were compared, although not with consistency as samples form the third sampling occasion did not follow results from the first and second samplings. As the results were not constant throughout the study, these two variables may not be reliable when trying to find possible reasons for FFL. Almost all the variables were found to correlate with one another, exception being isobutyrate with pH. As butyrate is a major source of energy for horses and important for the health of the equine intestine, this information could be useful in further studies concerning the possible reasons for FFL.
  • Kemppinen, Pilvi Katriina (2023)
    Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, is a common condition in the elderly population that can lead to malnutrition and other health complications. Texture-modified food (TMF) has traditionally been used to address this issue, but they often lack the visual appeal and variety of regular food, which can impact the quality of life of individuals with dysphagia. 3D food printing technology offers a promising solution by allowing for the creation of customised and visually appealing food with modified textures, shapes, flavours and nutrient contents. In addition, fruit and vegetable (F&V) intake of individuals in residential aged care facilities (RACF) is considerably low, hence innovative solutions such as 3D food printing technology has potential to address some of these challenges and improve the provision of nutrient-dense foods in aged care settings. This report investigates the provision and consumption of F&V-based TM and 3D printed foods in RACF. The report explores 1) TMF provision and consumption in Australian RACF by a quantitative data analysis of food consumption data, 2) barriers and enablers in the current TMF provision and consumption while exploring the potential of 3D food printing to be an answer for better nutrition among residents, 3) the sensory acceptance of 3D printed food among RACF staff members and 4) modelling the use of 3D printed food in a current TM menu. The results of the study suggest that F&V consumption of RACF residents is below recommendations, although the intake is still considered adequate on average. The provision and consumption of F&V-based food were spread throughout the day, although there was great between-meal variation. The average total provision of vegetables, fruit and juice were 4.1, 0.7 and 1.2 respectively, whereas consumed amounts were lower: 3.6, 0.6 and 1.1 respectively. Interviewees disclosed 3D printed food to be acceptable, albeit there are multiple barriers for its implementation. 3D printed food has the potential to provide benefits for residents on a TM diet in RACF but was not considered timely or practical for the moment. In particular, 3D printed food was considered to be a promising technology to address the emerging challenges that aged care sector will face in the next decades, however, the technology and its implementation still require development and planning. Menu modelling demonstrated how easily F&V intake can be altered, yet its impact on the intake of nutrients need to be further researched. The study highlights that further research and development are needed to improve technical feasibility and practicality of 3D food printing in aged care settings. Overall, while F&V-based 3D printed food has potential benefits, there are significant challenges that need to be addressed before this technology can be widely adopted in RACF, and for it to be beneficial for the nutritional intake and quality of life of the residents.
  • Viinamäki, Miia (2015)
    Ruisleipä on keskeinen elintarvike suomalaisten ravitsemuksessa. Sen valmistuksessa käytetään yhä perinteistä juuritaikinaa eli raskia, joka sisältää maitohappobakteereja ja mahdollisesti hiivoja. Ruis sisältää runsaasti fruktaaneja ja lisäksi raskin fermentoinnin aikana muodostuu mannitolia. Fruktaani ja mannitoli imeytyvät huonosti ohutsuolesta, mutta suoliston bakteerit fermentoivat ne nopeasti. Nopeasti fermentoituvat substraatit saattavat aiheuttaa vatsaoireita jopa yli 10 % väestöstä. Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin erään teollisen raskin fruktaani- ja mannitolimetaboliaa, raskimikrobistoa sekä raskimikrobiston fruktaaninhajottamiskykyä. Tutkimuskohteeksi valittiin BF-raski. BF-raskin fruktaanin, mannitolin ja pelkistettyjen sokerien pitoisuutta mitattiin raskituksen edetessä. Mittausten jälkeen käyttövalmiista BF-raskista eristettiin maitohappobakteerit ja niiden fruktaanin hajottamiskykyä testattiin kromogeenisillä maljoilla ja puhdasviljelmistä tehdyillä fermentaatioilla. Lisäksi valmistettiin BF-raskin kaltainen spontaani raski pienessä mittakaavassa ja mitattiin sen fruktaanipitoisuutta. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että BF-raskin raskitusprosessin aikana fruktaani ja prosessissa syntynyt mannitoli hävisivät. Yhdellä raskin maitohappobakteereista havaittiin olevan kyky kuluttaa tehokkaasti fruktaania ja geenit, jotka koodaavat solunulkoista fruktaanihydrolaasi-entsyymiä sekä FOS/fruktoosi-kuljetussysteemiä. Lisäksi siltä löytyivät mannitolin käyttöön tarvittavat geenit. BF-raskin kaltainen fruktaania kuluttava raskisysteemi saatiin aikaan myös spontaanisti pienemmässä mittakaavassa. Fruktaanivapaan ruisraskin avulla voidaan valmistaa niukasti fruktaania ja mannitolia sisältävää ruisleipää. Tällainen ’vatsaystävällinen’ ruisleipä voisi sopia perinteisestä ruisleivästä vatsaoireita saaville kuluttajille.
  • Shiradhonkar, Rohan (2019)
    The complex inflorescence architecture in Asteraceae is characterized by the presence of morphologically distinct flowers having specialized functions. In gerbera, the presence of three different flower types (ray, trans and disc), intricate inflorescence organization and an underlying complex molecular control makes it an excellent target for research on functional genomics, flower development and evolution. The genes governing flower development have been shown to have undergone sub- and neo-functionalization in gerbera leading to morphological features that are not present in the conventional model plant species. The genes encoding the CYC2 subclade of CYC/TB1-like TCP domain transcription factors are known to regulate the flower type identity in gerbera inflorescence. Although most genes of the CYC2 subclade have demonstrated functional redundancy, one such gene, GhCYC5, was found to have diverged function in regulating rate of initiation of flowers. This study aimed at investigating and affirming the function of GhCYC5 by studying two RNAi lines. Phenotypic analysis of the RNAi inflorescences showed that the length of ray ligules was significantly decreased along with the number of disc flowers and the number of involucral bracts. However, gene expression analysis could not confirm the downregulation of GhCYC5 in the RNAi lines mainly due to low endogenous expression of the gene. However, GhCYC3, another CYC2 clade gene was found to be downregulated due to the off-target silencing effect of the RNAi product and the observed phenotype was associated with suppression of GhCYC3. Further, the role of GhCYC5 in regulating the rate of involucral bract and flower initiation was unclear based on the SEM imaging and expression analysis of the inflorescence meristem, and still requires further studies.
  • Andrés Jiménez, Javier (2017)
    The Rosaceae family accounts for more than 90% of the total fresh fruit production in Finland and for more than 25% worldwide in 2013. Thus, improving the yield potential of Rosaceae species works in favor of economic growth and food security. To achieve that, expanding the knowledge on Rosaceae species is required. Fragaria vesca (F. vesca), particularly the everbearing F. vesca semperflorens accession ‘Hawaii-4’ (H4), provides several features that makes it formidable as a model organism for the study of physiological processes in Rosaceae species, where the CENTRORADIALIS/TERMINALFLOWER 1/SELF-PRUNING (CETS) genes play a remarkable role. In this Thesis, I have studied the expression patterns and functions of the CETS genes by performing gene expression analysis, generation of H4 transgenic lines and observation on H4 plants (both transgenic and wild type) grown under different sets of conditions. My results confirmed the expression patterns and functions previously reported for F.vesca TERMINAL FLOWER1 and F.vesca FLOWERING LOCUS T1. I showed that F.vesca CENTRORADIALIS-LIKE2 is a floral repressor and demonstrated that F.vesca FLOWERING LOCUS T3 is a flowering promoter. Additionally, our data suggest that F.vesca MOTHER OF FT is directly related with stolon formation and that F.vesca CENTRORADIALIS-LIKE1 is most likely a floral repressor. This new information could be used in the future to improve the efficiency of Rosaceae crops farming by adapting flowering and vegetative responses and also for breeding more productive Rosaceae crops.
  • Wang, Changyin (2017)
    Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is a widely-cultivated legume with high nutritional value, especially rich in protein. However, the presence of antinutitional factors (e.g. phytic acid, condensed tannins, vicine and convicine and others) are hindering its utilization. Lactic acid fermentation is widely applied in food production and it is closely related with the promotion of nutritional, technological and health properties of the fermented food. The aim of this master’s thesis was to explore several functional characteristics of 28 lactic acid bacteria previously isolated from Italian and Finnish faba bean sourdoughs. In this study, phytase activity, β-glucosidase activity and the effect on degradation of condensed tannins, which are potentially directed towards reduction of anti-nutritional factors, were investigated. Three peptidase activities and dextran production capacity of the isolates were also evaluated. Besides, six antibiotics were used to study antibiotic susceptibility among the strains. Leuconostoc mesenteroides I01 and Pediococcus pentosaceus I214 expressed the highest phytase activity while P. pentosaceus I02, F01, F213 had the highest β-glucosidase activity. P. pentosaceus F15 was the most effective to decrease condensed tannins. Among analyzed peptidases, PepL showed the highest activity, especially in Pediococcus strains. High dextran production capacity was observed among isolates of Weissella spp. The strains showing functional traits could be used as starter to improve the nutritional and technological properties of faba bean. Further investigation is still ongoing to evaluate other properties of these lactic acid bacteria as functional starter cultures for faba bean and legume fermentation.
  • Zhao, Yafei (2013)
    The transition from vegetative growth to flower formation is especially crucial for the reproduction of flowering plants. This transition is controlled through the regulatory activities of a group of genes named as floral meristem identity genes, of which LEAFY (LFY) is thought as the most important one. As a plant-specific transcription factor, LFY controls flower formation and floral patterning, which has been most intensively studied in the model annual plant Arabidopsis. In contrast to the plant architecture and flower morphology in Arabidopsis, Gerbera (Gerbera hybrida), belonging to the large sunflower family (Asteraceae), processes head-like inflorescences with different types of flowers distinct in floral morphs, sex and sometimes coloration. Within the last decades, a number of MADS-box and TCP transcription factor genes have been functionally characterized using stable transgenic plants. Recently, another functional assessment method using virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) has been developed in Gerbera hybrida. In this study, the expression pattern of GhLFY was analyzed in wild-type Gerbera and TRV-based GhLFY silencing was conducted in two Gerbera cultivars – Terra Regina and Grizzly. It could be concluded that the activity of GhLFY is involved in regulating flower development. In VIGS:GhLFY lines, leaf-like organs emerged in disc flowers and the identity of stamen and carpel was interrupted. However, further VIGS trials are needed verify the observed phenotypes. At the same time, two potential lfy mutants – Pingpong and Marimbo were analyzed in both phenotype and genotype. These cultivars show phenotypic alteration in inflorescence development and floral organ structures that were distinct from WT Gerbera. Although the expression level of GhLFY did not change among these cultivars, but the GhLFY sequences contained amino acids mutation sites and four missing proline amino acids in Marimbo were detected. The role of these mutation sites need to be further analyzed in later experimental steps.
  • Chandrakusuma, Angga (2016)
    There is a need to find more sustainable sources of protein due to increasing demand and population growth. Dry milling and air classification yields oat protein concentrate (OPC, 45.5% protein) from defatted oat kernels. However, applications of oat protein in foods require improved technological functionalities. The literature review of this study discusses the chemical composition of oats, and modifications of plant protein through thermal treatment, microfluidizer, and high hydrostatic pressure (HHP). The experimental work aimed to understand the effect of heat treatment (40, 60, 80 °C), microfluidization (50 MPa), and high hydrostatic pressure (HPP, 300 and 600 MPa) on the applicability of OPC in semi-solid food matrices. The treatments were performed on OPC suspensions with 2.4, 4.6, 8.5, 12, or 20 % protein. Changes in particle size, protein solubility, surface hydrophobicity, and rheological properties were measured. Stability of OPC dispersion was improved by microfluidizer treatment while HHP at 600 MPa accelerated sedimentation. Viscosity increased significantly by thermal treatment at 80 °C and HHP at 600 MPa. Gel formation occurred at 12 and 20% protein concentration with 80 °C heat treatment. Highest increase in particle size was shown by HHP at 600 MPa resulting in volume mean diameter, d4,3 of 32-38 µm. On the other hand, microfluidizer reduced d4,3 to 3.3-3.4 µm. Protein solubility increased from 13 to 23% by increasing protein concentration from 2.4% to 20%. Protein solubility was improved by 1-1.7% at 2.4-8.5% protein concentration by thermal treatment at 60 °C, homogenization, and HHP at 300 MPa. Protein solubility was reduced by HHP at 600 MPa by 1.4-1.5 %. Protein surface hydrophobicity was increased by thermal treatment at 60 and 80 °C and HHP. Microfluidizer showed slight increase in solubility at 4.6% protein concentration (1.1-1.6 %) and lowered surface hydrophobicity at 8.5% protein concentration. Thermal treatment showed best result in achieving gel-like structure, whereas microfluidization showed potential for stabilising dispersion.
  • Turkki, Tuomas (2020)
    Constant increase in protein consumption is global trend and can be seen in consumer behavior of Finnish markets. Consumers are interested in replacing meat proteins with plant proteins, and therefore, it is important to develop locally grown-domestic products and invest in local crop research. Due to this, the current study focuses on the domestic vegetable protein (faba bean and oat) texturing by extrusion cooking and on their functionality when included in burgers. The literature section presents an overview of previous studies on extrusion of vegetable proteins and the functionality of textured vegetable proteins (TVP). In the experimental work the research materials were faba bean protein concentrate and oat concentrate with high β-glucan content. The flour concentrates were texturized with high-moisture extrusion, in different mixtures. Mixtures were prepared in the ratio of: 3:1 (FO) and 1:3 (OF) and soy protein concentrate (S) was used as a reference sample. Moisture content and water absorption capability of TVP samples were measured instrumentally. TVPs were later on applied to develop burgers based on a mixture of meat and vegetable sources. Burgers were prepared for instrumental analysis with seven different recipes, where TVP inclusion, water addition and meat content varied. TVP was included in three different percentages: 0, 25 and 50% and water was added in 0, 12.5 and 25%. In relation to TVP inclusion and water addition, the meat content varied between 25-100%. Sample with 100% meat was used as control sample (0-sample) and burgers with S inclusion as reference samples. Samples were analyzed for cooking loss, shear force and texture profile (hardness, fracturability, springi-ness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness and resilience) which was measured with a compression method. Based on the results of the instrumental analysis, five different burger samples were selected and evaluated for sensorial properties (chewiness, biting force, juiciness and pasty mouthfeel). The highest TVP moisture content was in OF and lowest in FO, hence the difference between S and FO was not significant. The highest water absorption was in S and lowest in OF. 25% TVP inclusion in burgers reduced the cooking loss (p<0.05) and 50% inclusion reduced it even more (p<0.05). With 25% TVP inclusion S had higher (p<0.05) cooking loss compared to FO and OF. With 50% TVP inclusion the difference was eliminated. Water addition increased cooking loss significantly (p<0.05) with each type of TVP. The FO and OF inclusion showed to weaken (p<0.05) the textural properties of burgers and reduced (p<0.05) the shear force. The reference sample S was found to maintain the structure similar as from the meat control sample. Water addition, while replacing meat, weakened also the textural properties and shear force in each TVP included sample. Based on the results, the inclusion of FO and OF in burgers reduces the cooking loss compared to the 0-sample and the reference sample S. The texture of burgers became weaker with FO and OF inclusion, however sensory evaluation revealed them to be similar to S included sample. Therefore additional studies focusing on improving the textural properties of these TVPs are needed. Faba bean and oat concentrates with higher protein contents could be needed to obtain a texture closer to meat.
  • Eharand, Anna (2015)
    Tässä tutkielmassa selvitetään, kuinka venäläiset kuluttajat suhtautuvat funktionaalisiin elintarvikkeisiin. Funktionaaliset elintarvikkeet ovat Venäjällä verrattain uusi ilmiö ja kuluttajien asenteet tuotteita kohtaan yhä vakiintumattomia. Tutkimuksen kannalta keskeisiä aiheita ovat kuluttajien asenteet teknologisesti muokattuja elintarvikkeita kohtaan, elintarvikkeen terveysväitteen merkitys tuotteen lisäarvon muodostumisen kannalta sekä venäläisten kuluttajien yleinen suhtautuminen terveysväittämällä varustettuja elintarvikkeita kohtaan. Suhtautumista selvitettiin venäläisille kuluttajille suunnattuna internet-kyselynä. Tutkielman aineisto koostuu 159 vastauksesta, jotka analysoitiin tilastollisia työkaluja apuna käyttäen. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että Venäjällä ollaan hyvin kiinnostuneita funktionaalisista elintarvikkeista, mutta käsite ”funktionaalinen elintarvike” ei ole kuluttajille juuri itsessään tuttu. Saatujen tulosten mukaan suurin osa kuluttajien funktionaalisiin elintarvikkeisiin liittyvistä epäilystä kohdistuu hyvin periaatteellisiin kysymyksiin, esimerkiksi uusi valmistusteknologia saattaa saada valintatilanteessa merkittävää painoarvoa. Funktionaalisten elintarvikkeiden omaksumisessa korostuu kuluttajan luottamus niin tieteelliseen tutkimukseen, tuotteiden valmistajiin kuin tuotteiden markkinoijiin. Tulosten mukaan kuluttajat harvemmin luottavat markkinointikampanjoihin, joten erityisesti asiantuntijoiden rooli tiedonvälittäjänä on tärkeä. Terveydenhuollon ammattilaisilla nähdään olevan olennainen rooli kuluttajien tietoisuuden kasvattamisessa Venäjällä, sillä elintarviketeollisuuden yritykset koetaan liian puolueellisina todenmukaisen informaation levittämiseen. Lisäksi tulokset osoittavat, että terveysväitteen nähdään tuovan tuotteelle lisäarvoa. Motivaatio tuotteen käytölle syntyy kuitenkin ainoastaan siinä tapauksessa, mikäli kuluttaja ymmärtää terveysväitteen ja tuotteen terveysvaikutus tuntuu itselle merkitykselliseltä. Venäjällä suomalaisia elintarvikkeita pidetään saatujen tulosten perusteella korkealaatuisina, ja tuotteen suomalainen alkuperä lisää kuluttajien luottamusta funktionaalisen elintarvikkeen toimivuuteen. Hyvin Suomessa menestyneet funktionaaliset elintarvikkeet luovat uskoa alaan kohdistuville suurille odotuksille, ja saadut tutkimustulokset lisäävät toivoa menestystarinoihin myös Venäjällä.
  • Ghimire, Sadikshya (2021)
    Fusarium proliferatum has recently become a major threat to onion, which is an important food crop for food security and has a significant role in the agricultural sector. This fungus is found causing rots and producing mycotoxin fumonisin that, if ingested, can cause carcinogenic effects in humans and fatal diseases in animals. F. proliferatum has been identified as a pathogen causing rots and wilts in many plants in several countries, and recently some isolates of this pathogen were also found in Finland causing basal rot in onion. Though F. proliferatum has wide adaptability and pathogenicity, there are research gaps on this newly emerging pathogen, which is mostly limited to some specific hosts such as maize. There is a lack of knowledge of its infection mechanisms and mycotoxin production dynamics in onion. This experimental work was conducted at the University of Helsinki, Finland, to study the nature of pathogenicity and toxin gene expression of F. proliferatum in laboratory conditions as a function of time. Spore suspensions of three isolates of F. proliferatum, Fpr047, Fpr049, and Fpr919, were prepared and used as inoculums that were injected into healthy organically grown onions, which were then stored in dark for five weeks. Control bulbs were inoculated with sterile water. Pathogen virulence, based on symptom development, and fungal colonization in the onion tissues were determined at five different time points and the toxin gene expression was determined at three time points. Colonization levels were determined by real-time PCR using primers binding to the intergenic spacer (IGS) region of F. proliferatum. A part of the IGS region of the three isolates was sequenced to study the diversity between the isolates. All the tested isolates were found to be virulent, and they colonized the onions after one week from inoculation. However, the isolate Fpr919 appeared different from the other two in terms of symptom severity. It was more aggressive than the other two, causing disease symptoms earlier and causing more severe rot symptoms in the infected bulbs. It also had nucleotide sequence variations in the IGS region in comparison with the other two isolates, suggesting genetic diversity. No significant differences were observed between the isolates in the fungal colonization levels. Expression of FUM1 gene and a putative virulence gene SIX2-1 was detected by RT-RT-PCR in most of the infected tissue samples. The results obtained signify that F. proliferatum is a pathogen with the potential of producing fumonisin toxin in onion, suggesting the need for further molecular study on this fungus to control the disease and prevent mycotoxin contamination in plant products.
  • Koskivaara, Atte (2018)
    Tieteen- ja politiikanaloilla on viime vuosina esiintynyt kasvavissa määrin mielenkiintoa biotaloustermiä kohtaan. Viime aikoina julkaistuihin poliittisiin dokumentteihin kuuluvat eri valtioiden ja kansainvälisten organisaatioiden kuten Euroopan unionin ja OECD:n biotalousstrategiat. Tähänastinen aiheeseen liittyvä tutkimus on keskittynyt lähinnä eri biotalousstrategioiden sisältöjen tutkimiseen. Lisäksi biotalouden määritelmään ja tulevaisuuteen liittyviä tutkimuksia erityisesti teknologisestä näkökulmasta on tehty jonkin verran. Tutkimuksia biotalouden sosiaalisesta puolesta, kuten sen eri sidosryhmien näkemyksistä biotalouden kehittymiseen ei sen sijaan ole juurikaan tehty. Biotalousstrategioiden onnistuneen toteutuksen varmistamiseksi on tärkeää, että eri sidosryhmät hyväksyvät biotalouskonseptin ja jakavat samansuuntaiset visiot sen tulevaisuudesta. Näin ollen on tärkeää ymmärtää miten eri toimijat käsittävät konseptin ja kuinka se mahdollisesti vaikuttaa heidän tuleviin toimiinsa. Tämä tutkimus auttaa hahmottamaan miten biotalouskonsepti ymmärretään Suomen kuitupohjaisella pakkaussektorilla ja millaisena eri sidosryhmät näkevät tulevaisuuden kehityksen. Tutkimus perustuu kirjallisuuskatsaukseen sekä laadulliseen analyysiin, jota varten on haastateltu 14:ää biotalouden asiantuntijaa. Tutkimus on ensimmäisiä laatuaan, joten sidosryhmät valittiin tarkoituksena kattaa sektori laajasti. Painotus asetettiin kuitenkin teollisuuden edustajille, jotta riittävä ymmärrys tulevaisuuden kehityspoluista liiketoiminnan näkökulmasta olisi mahdollista saavuttaa. Muita sidosryhmiä tutkimuksessa edustivat tutkimus, julkinen hallinto ja kansalaisjärjestöt. Tulokset osoittavat, että, sidosryhmien ymmärrys biotalouskonseptista oli samantapainen. Konseptin taloudelliset motiivit tunnistettiin tärkeäksi tekijäksi, vaikka myös ympäristöön liittyviä kestävyystekijöitä nostettiin laajasti esille. Keskityttäessä tarkemmin joihinkin aiheisiin, haastateltavien mielipiteet alkoivat erota toisistaan. Suurimmat erot hyväksyttävyydessä ja asenteissa löytyivät teollisuuden edustajien ryhmän sekä sen ja muiden sidosryhmien välillä. Teollisuuden edustajien näkemykset ulottuivat optimistisista näkemyksistä erittäin skeptisiin ja turhautuneisiin näkemyksiin biotaloudesta ja sitä kuvailtiinkin usein markkinointiterminä. Kuitenkin eri kestävyystekijöiden huomioiminen koettiin tulevaisuuden kilpailukykyä parantavana tekijänä. Muut sidosryhmät jakoivat positiivisen näkemyksen biotaloudesta sektoreita yhdistävänä konseptina. Tutkimus osoitti, että kaikki sidosryhmät on huomioitava biotalouskonseptin tulevaisuuden kehityksessä. Brändien omistajat koettiin kaikkein potentiaalisimmiksi muutoksen synnyttäjiksi, mutta heidän näkemykset puuttuivat tästä tutkimuksesta. Tutkimus keskittyi biotalouden operatiivisiin toimijoihin, jota voidaan pitää toisena tutkimusta rajoittavana tekijänä, koska se heikentää tutkimuksen luotettavuutta strategisesta näkökulmasta. Lisäksi osassa haastatteluissa ei päästy haastateltavan omien tarkoitusperien yli vaan haastattelut jäivät siltä osin pinnallisiksi, haastateltavien omia asemiaan suojeleviksi.
  • Kihlström, Laura (2010)
    Towards the year 2030 in Finland, sustainability issues will be dominated by climate change, the worsening state of the Baltic Sea, technological and technical development, globalization, the degradation of ecosystem services and increasing energy consumption. At the decision-making level, setting strategic objectives towards the year 2030 should consist of increasing energy efficiency, halting the reduction of biodiversity and changing consumption habits. Furthermore, promoting public transportation, limiting greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the proportion of renewable energy sources and linking climate policy to all sustainable development policies should be targeted in strategic long-term planning. This master’s thesis research was implemented as a Delphi study, a method commonly used in futures research. In a Delphi study the expertise of a chosen panel is utilized to gather information on a given topic. The research aimed at investigating the experts’ views on 1) the most important driving forces – changes and trends – affecting sustainable development towards the year 2030 2) the desirability and probability of different sustainability objectives and 3) recognizing the potential political conflicts brought by these strategies. The Delphi study was carried out during February 2010 – April 2010. It consisted of two rounds. The first round questionnaire was sent 43 experts (response rate 56 %). During the second round the most interesting first round results were completed with qualitative arguments (response rate 50 %). The results were analyzed in the manner that the research issues of most interest were 1) the trends having the most importance towards the year 2030 2) the most desirable strategic objectives with a high probability for political conflicts. The results indicate a high risk for political conflict especially with the targets on halting the reduction of biodiversity and changing consumption habits. These two objectives were considered difficult to grasp and often overruled by economic interests. Changing the current societal system based on continuous growth and consumption would require profound alterations in economy, society and individual values. The results also indicate that energy is a key issue for the coming decades: setting strategic objectives for replacing fossil fuels should be among the top priorities of the Finnish national government. Also, in addition for climate change being an important trend, the deviation of rankings in importance among the panel indicated a possibility for social and economic trends to have unexpected, sudden effects as we move towards the year 2030. These include global poverty and inequality, changing age structures and the sustainability of the Finnish economy.
  • Pölkki, Annika (2015)
    The scope of the literature review was to define the physical properties and crystallization of amorphous sugars as single substances and mixtures. The purpose of the experimental part was to measure the water sorption, glass transition and crystallization of sucrose, isomaltulose and different mixtures of both. Crystallization and water sorption was measured with Dynamic Vapour Sorptions (DVS) -system, and with a differential scanningcalorimeter (DSC). Water sorption was studied by weighing samples that were stored at different relative humidities (11 - 85 %). Crystal forms were studied with the x-ray diffraction method. The sucrose samples reached a stable-state at relative humidities of 11-33% in one day of storage. The same was true for isomaltulose samples. Mixtures adsorbed more water the higher the relative humidity. Mixture samples reached a stable state in a day of storage at relative humidities of 11 - 44 %. Water sorption was modelled with the BET-model. The glass transition temperature, measured with DSC, of anhydrous sucrose was measured at 57 ºC. The glass transition temperature of anhydrous isomaltulose was slightly lower 47 ºC. The glass tranition temperature of a mixture sample, at 0 % relative humidity, was in between those two, 50 ºC. The glass transition temperature of sucrose was higher than that of isomaltulose after storage at relative humidities of 11 - 33 %. The critical water content of sucrose and mixture was 3, for isomaltulose it was 2 (g water/100 g solid). The critical storage humidity for sucrose was 25 %, for isomaltulose and mixtures it was 20 %. In testing with DSC sucrose was the only sample to crystallize. The higher the storage relative humidity before testing, the lower the crystallization temperature was for all sucrose samples. Crystallization temperature test run with the DVS system showed that sucrose crystallized at lower relative humidity than a mixture. Pure sucrose and mixtures did not share any reflection angles in x-ray diffraction tests, but isomaltulose and mixtures shared many reflection angles. This led to the conclusion that the mixtures contain more isomaltulose crystals than sucrose crystals. Adding isomaltulose to sucrose did not have a large effect on glass transition temperatures. Glass transition temperatures for mixtures were inbetween sucrose and isomaltulose. Isomaltulose however retarded crystallization greatly. The mixture required a significantly higher relative humidity in order to crystallize than either sucrose or isomaltulose.