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Browsing by discipline "Metsäekonomia (kansantaloudellinen metsäekonomia)"

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  • Vanhatalo, Anna (2009)
    Outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism have increased during the last ten years. In addition, the interest towards national parks has grown, which can be seen also as an increasing trend in the development of the number of visits to national parks. The aim of this thesis is to explain the cross-sectional variation in the visitation data representing different parks and hiking areas. Another aim is to explore the question of why the visitation in national parks has increased in Finland. These questions are studied separately for the national parks and hiking areas, because the development of the number of visits in national parks and hiking areas has been different. In addition, the separation is made also between Southern Finland and Northern Finland due to for example the size differences and close link of the national parks in Northern Finland with the ski-resort centers. Explanatory factors are divided into supply side factors (services inside and outside the park) and demand side factors (economic and demographics factors). The data is a panel data, including all national parks and hiking areas in the time period 2000?2008. The one-way fixed effects model is used in the regression analysis. According to results the land area of the park, services inside the park and population size seemed to have positive effects on the number of visits. Income per capita had negative impact on the visits. In Southern Finland the size of the age-class 65?74 affected positively the number of visits, whereas the effect of gasoline price was negative. Used time period was short due to the lack of appropriate data. Thus, the results reflect more the cross-sectional variation between parks. Results can be used in the planning of the management of national parks and hiking areas.
  • Jaakonsaari, Taina (1999)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteet Tutkimuksen teoreettinen osa esittelee yhteiskunnallisten hankkeiden arvottamiseen liittyvää koti- ja ulkomaista kirjallisuutta. Empiirinen osa tutkii Savonlinnasta poimitun metsätilaotoksen avulla maiseman- ja luonnonhoidon aiheuttamia taloudellisia vaikutuksia tilojen metsänomistajille sekä vertaa näitä tuloksia haastattelututkimuksesta saatuihin vastauksiin maksuhalukkuudesta monimuotoisuuden hyväksi. Lähdeaineisto Metsämaiseman- ja luonnonhoidon aiheuttamia taloudellisia vaikutuksia tutkittaessa case-aineistona käytettiin keskeisen Saimaan Pihlajaveden saaristoalueen 24 tilaa, joiden omistajat olivat tilanneet Etelä-Savon metsäkeskukselta uudentyyppisen maiseman- ja luonnonhoidon arvot huomioivan metsäsuunnitelman. Samalla aineistolla suoritettiin myös metsänomistajien haastattelu, jonka avulla selvitettiin metsänomistajien maksuhalukkuutta monimuotoisuudesta ja maisemamansuojelusta. Lisäksi kysyttiin mielipiteitä nykyisistä metsänhoitosuosituksista ja alueelle kaavailluista luonnonsuojeluhankkeista. Aineiston käsittely Taloudellisia vaikutuksia tutkittaessa maisema- ja luontoarvoja korostavaa metsäsuunnitelmalaskelmaa verrattiin maksimaaliseen puuntuotantoon tähtäävään metsäsuunnitelmaan. Näiden kahden vaihtoehtoisten laskelman välinen erotus tulkittiin monimuotoisuuden turvaamisen metsälötason puuntuotannolliseksi vaikutukseksi. Vastaavasti haastatteluosuudessa metsänomistajilta kysyttiin, kuinka paljon he olisivat valmiita luopumaan metsätuloistaan monimuotoisuuden edistämiseksi. Maksuhalukkuutta tutkittaessa käytettiin contingent valuation -menetelmää. Tulokset Siirtyminen ns. perinteisestä metsänkäsittelystä maiseman- ja luonnonhoidon huomioivaan metsänkäsittelyyn pienentää metsästä saatavia nettotuloja ensimmäisen kymmenvuotiskauden aikana 36 % eli 289 mk/ha vuosittain. Vastaavasti metsänomistajien maksuhalukkuus monimutoisuuden edistämisestä oli 5,3 % metsätuloista, joka on rahassa 18 mk/ha vuosittain. Nettotulojen merkittävä pieneneminen selittyy kohteen arvokkailla maisema-arvoilla ja ekologisten elinympäristöjen runsaalla lukumäärällä. Tulosten tilastollista luotettavuutta ei otoksen pienuuden vuoksi voitu tarkastella.
  • Nurminen, Hanne (2006)
    The object of this study was to find out which factors made landowners interested in From Sea to Forest co-operation network. Co-operation networks protect biodiversity across boundaries and among groups of landowners with different kind of protection contracts. The social effects of From Sea to Forest - project are studied by analyzing the experience of co-operation and trust. Furthermore the possibility to influence decision making when choosing the pilot areas and doing the contracts was surveyed. Economical effects are estimated for those landowners, who signed a protection contract for ten years. The study is part of The Finnish Forest Research Institute s Ecological considerations in landscape-level collaborative planning of private forestry project. The material of the study comprises 13 interviews done in January 2006; seven interviewed were landowners and six forest professionals. The interviews were transcripted and analyzed with Atlas.ti programme. The economical effects were estimated with MOTTI forest simulation programme. From Sea to Forest project interested the landowners for similar reasons: the voluntariness of participation, compensation, fixed-term contracts and the possibility to protect forests so that the proprietary right remains. It was possible to form four different groups of interviewed landowners according to trust: networkers , opportunists , carefuls and selfemployed . Only in the group of opportunists the project created so much trust that a significant increase of interest to participate in the project was noticed. In all the other groups the project didn t create remarkable trust, so trust didn t have an effect on landowners decisions to participate. Other factors, like compensation and voluntariness were decisive for their interest to participate. From Sea to Forest project wasn t a network based on landowners co-operation, the communication was directly with the project worker. The effects on landowners income by signing a ten year ´Natural value trading´ -contract was analyzed by comparing the protection income with predicted forestry income in case that the protection contract wouldn t have been agreed on. For two landowners there was no suggested forestry work within ten years, so their protection income might be an additional income, if they decided to log their forests later. For three landowners delayed thinning of the sapling stand would cause income losses in the future, if they decided to move to active forestry after ten years of protection. For eight landowners the effect of protection is positive to income if they moved to active forestry after the ten years protection period. This occurred, because the tree stand is now mature for final felling on behalf of its age, but ten more years of growth increase the net present value. Longer term protection might diminish the net present value. The protection was profitable because hectare specific forestry income grew compared to forestry cutting plan income.
  • Ahlberg, Magnus (2006)
    The general change in the population structure and its impacts on the forest ownership structure were investigated in the thesis. The research assumed that the structural change in society has an effect on the outlook of the non-industrial private forest ownership. The changes in the structure of society were mainly restricted to population, education and occupation structures. The migration of the rural population into cities was also taken into consideration. The structural changes both in society and the non-industrial private forest ownership were examined as phenomena and their development directions were investigated since the middle of the 1970s. It could be established that the changes in the structures were mainly of the same kind in society as in forest owner structure. The clearest similarities between the changes in population and forest owner structure could be found in an increased mean age, a decrease in the 18 to 39 age bracket, those without a degree and in the farmers' shares. Furthermore it could be stated that migration into cities had taken place among both the forest owners and the general population. The main part of the research was concentrated on estimating regression models that explain the non-industrial private forest ownership change by the structural change in the population. A panel data was gathered from population statistics and previous forest ownership research information. The panel contained the years 1990 and 1999. With the assistance of the panel data it was possible to estimate regression and fixed effects' models that explained the structural changes in the non-industrial private forest ownership by evolution in the whole population. In the use of the estimated models authorities' forecasts considering the population were exploited. Only a few of the estimated models were statistically significant. This could be explained due to lack of a larger panel data. In addition the structural change of the non-industrial forest ownership was forecasted by trends.
  • Mäki, Olli (2009)
    Sustainable forestry has been the primary principle of Finnish forest policy for decades. However the concept has extended to areas of ecological and socio-cultural sustainability alongside with the more usual economic sustainability. Goals for the use of forests have multiplied and made an impact on forest legislation and policy programmes. Timber production remains as the main objective of forest policy but other objectives, such as carbon sequestration and preservation of forest biodiversity, have also reached the policy agenda. The co-production of material and immaterial goods in forests is not straightforward and the conflicts can prevent a consistent implementation of sustainable forestry. The purpose of the study is to develop a comprehensive evaluation matrix (or table) in order to determine the logic and structure of forest policy instruments. The matrix comprises the evaluation of goals, motivation, effects and effectiveness of instruments. Theories considering process and impact evaluations are used in the analysis. Furthermore, the table is tested in practice by examining the following three policy instruments: 10§ of the Forest Act, public funding for tending of young stands and public forest planning. Content analysis was used in examining the data set of policy documents. The evaluation matrix enables a systematic assessment of policy instruments. It provides information on the consistency of the aim and effects of the instrument. Certain points in the table were sometimes difficult to fill in, but the reason can be in the structure of the instrument that public documents provide rather than in the structure of the matrix. In general, more detailed information on policy goals and motivation of the instruments would make public forest policy more transparent. In addition, the use of indicators that measure effectiveness should be further increased for easier evaluation of policy effectiveness.
  • Räsänen, Jenni (2013)
    The purpose of this study was to define economically optimal stand structures and harvesting cycles for uneven-aged Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Finland. According to a recent proposal by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, uneven-aged management will be included in the new Forest Act as an alternative for future forest management in Finland. Uneven-aged management is also planned to be included in the Forest management practice recommendations by the year 2014. However, only little knowledge exists on optimal uneven-aged management in Finland, particularly on uneven-aged Scots pine. This thesis aimed at filling the gap in knowledge regarding economically optimal management of uneven-aged Scots pine. So far, economic studies on uneven-aged Scots pine have been conducted only in a static optimization framework, where optimal stand structure is constrained with a classic “reversed-J” diameter distribution, and transition cuttings are limited to one single harvest. In this work, stand structures and harvesting cycles were optimized for maximum volume yield and maximum stumpage revenues by applying both static and dynamic optimization. Until now, no dynamic optimization has been conducted on uneven-aged Scots pine. Static optimization was applied for different growth sites from mesic sites in Southern Finland (MT1300) to sub-xeric sites in Central Finland (VT1100). Mesic sites in Southern Finland were also optimized in a dynamic framework. A density-dependent individual tree model with latest ecological growth models was applied in optimization. The large-scale nonlinear problems were solved by means of numerical computing with discrete-time formulations. Present value of stumpage revenues was maximized applying 1% and 3% discount rates. Economically optimal harvesting cycle became 40 years in Southern Finland (site MT1300), and even longer at more northern and less fertile site types. Results imply that it is not economically optimal to manage Scots pine with a traditional selection method with short harvesting cycles, but rather with a heavy harvesting regime including low after cut basal areas. When maximizing present value of stumpage revenues, optimal after cut basal areas in Southern Finland were as low as 5 m2 (1% discount rate) and 3.2 m2 (3% discount rate) per hectare. A proposal of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry suggests minimum after cut basal areas of 10–11 m2 per hectare for Southern Finland, which clearly exceed the optima of this study. Contrary to the existing results for uneven-aged Scots pine, economically optimal stand structure did not follow the classic reversed-J diameter distribution.
  • Ghazanfari, Darius (2008)
    During recent years the use of forest fuels such as felling residues has increased in Finland, mainly due to the emission trade system and the inflation in fossil fuel prices. The procurement area of forest fuels must be diversified and enlarged to get sufficient amount of fuel from the forest to the major customers (CHP, combined heat and power production). There may be a need for different type of logistical and longdistance transportation methods in future. The use of forest fuels is important in mitigating climate-change. The reductions in CO2-emissions can be achieved due to its greenhouse gas neutrality but also from better procurement. The procurement of forest chips has usually been based on truck transportation and comminution at the landing sites using mobile chippers (roadside chipping). Truck transportation from longer distances is however expensive because of the low energy density of forest chips. An alternative procurement system based on waterway transportation from satellite terminals and chipping at the terminal could be more costefficient, and produce less CO2 in large-scale procurement of forest fuels. The loading and unloading places at terminals could also be used as buffer storage. The alternative procurement could be suitable for power plants next to large inland water areas such as the Lake Saimaa region. The study was based on Stora Enso Varkaus' increasing use of forest fuels, which could reach 2 TWh (1 milj. m3 forest chips) in future for the CHP-plant and the new biorefinery. The maximum procurement distance around the city is 80 km due to the demand from neighbouring cities. The comparison of the CO2- emissions indicated that the alternative procurement produced 3-18 % less CO2, depending on the transportation distance in traditional method (60-120 km). If crushing (electricity) instead of chipping was deployed the difference grew to 28-39 %. The alternative method became favorable after 52 km distance in traditional procurement. The decrease in CO2 is a consequence of less diesel-fuel needed in the procurement chain and thus can be connected with the costs of procurement. However, for a complete cost-analysis much more information is needed, such as the variable and fixed costs and the indirect emissions.