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Browsing by master's degree program "Magisterprogrammet i lantbruksvetenskaper"

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  • Määttä, Sara (2023)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko aluskasvillisuuden monimuotoisuudella vaikutusta virustautien esiintyvyyteen ohran viljelyssä ja mikä on monimuotoisuusasteen vaikutus kirvojen esiintyvyyteen. Ohranäytteitä oli vuosilta 2021 ja 2022 sekä molempien vuosien näytteet olivat kerätty Viikin koe- ja tutkimustilalta. Näytteissä esiintyvät virukset selvitettiin eristämällä ohranäytteistä sRNAt ja lähettämällä ne sekvensoitaviksi. Aluskasvillisuuden vaikutusta kirvojen määrään selvitettiin käyttämällä imurinäytteitä kirvoista ja tarkastelemalla kirvojen määrän ja monimuotoisuusasteiden suhdetta. Vuoden 2021 näytteissä esiintyi viruksia huomattavasti enemmän kuin vuoden 2022 näytteissä. Syitä tälle erolle ei pystytty tarkasti sanomaan, mutta mahdollisia eroon vaikuttavia tekijöitä on voinut olla näytteiden keräysajankohtien erot, sääolosuhteet tai muut ympäristölliset tekijät. Monimuotoisuusasteiden ja virusten välillä ei pystytty muodostamaan mielekästä vertailua. Monimuotoisuusasteiden välillä ei huomattu kirvojen esiintyvyydessä tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa, mutta eri näytteiden keräys ajankohtien välillä oli huomattavissa eroja kirvojen esiintyvyyden ja monimuotoisuusasteiden välisten suhteiden regressiosuorissa. Ohranäytteissä esiintyvät virukset pystyttiin menestyksekkäästi selvittämään sRNA:n eristyksen kautta. Imurinäytteet osoittautuivat toimivaksi tavaksi selvittää kirvojen esiintyvyyttä, mutta luotettavien tulosten saavuttamiseksi näytteitä olisi tullut kerätä useammalta vuodelta. Vuoden 2022 näytteiden huomattavasti alhaisempi virusten esiintyvyys vaikeutti myös osaltaan mielekkäiden vertailujen ja luotettavien tulosten aikaansaamiseen. Lopulta aluskasvillisuuden monimuotoisuuden vaikutusta virustautien esiintyvyyteen ohran viljelyssä ei pystytty määrittämään puutteellisen datan vuoksi.
  • Pärssinen, Jonna (2022)
    This study investigated the frost hardiness of cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) in four cultivars (’Early Black’, ’Howes’, ’Pilgrim’ and ’Stevens’), focusing especially on the frost hardiness of roots in soilless cultivation. Plants for the study were forced in a greenhouse from cuttings of mother plants. The cuttings were rooted in pots diameter of 10 cm x 10 cm in forest peat. Plants were set to grow in the high tunnel over the growing season. Two experiments were conducted during winter 2020–2021. In the experiments, whole plants with pots were exposed to freezing treatments in a controlled freeze chamber at the temperatures of -10, -15, -20 and -30 °C. Control plants were exposed to cooling at +2 °C for an equal time. In the first experiment, plants were exposed to freezing treatment in November straight from the high tunnel. The second experiment took place in January, and plants were overwintered outside until the experiment. After the freezing treatment one upright in each plant was cut, set in a glass tube containing distilled water, and forced in the greenhouse for 14 days. The vitality of the buds, leafs and stems in the cuttings was observed with a stereomicroscope. After the freezing treatment the vegetative growth of the plants grown in pots was cut off exluding the main shoot, which was cut 5 cm above the soil surface. Thereafter plants were forced in the greenhouse over 10 weeks (the light period of 18/6 h, temperature +20 °C). The vitality of the roots was determined by measuring the amount of the new vegetative growth. All the plants tolerated -10 ° C freeze in November and -15 ° C in January, respectively without injury. Some new growth was observed in plants exposed to freezing treatments of -5 ° C below the temperature mentioned above, but frost damage occurred, and the re-growth was decreased compared to control plants. Cultivar Stevens was more tolerant than the others in both experiments conducted. It maintained its growth potential after -15 °C freezing treatment in November, and -20 °C in January respectively. Frost hardiness (LT50) of buds ranged in November from -19 °C to -27 °C. In January ’Stevens’ buds had the highest frost hardiness (LT50 =-36 °C) and ’Pilgrim’ buds had the lowest (LT50 =-27 °C). The environmental conditions throughout the whole growing season may affect frost hardiness, thus, this experiment should be repeated for verifying the results obtained. Also the potential impact of dormancy in the experiment conducted in November cannot be ignored.
  • Lemmelä, Henriikka (2023)
    Efforts to cultivate American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) across Finland have not been successful. Even Helsinki is located north (60 ºN) as compared to the main production area of cranberry in North American (39-48 ºN), which causes challenges with cold and frost resistance, as well as with overwintering and low heat sum. Recent research has shown that cranberry could possibly survive in the conditions of Southern Finland. Low temperatures around 0 ℃ break endodormancy during winter. The aim of this research was to find out how growing site affects the dormancy release in four cranberry cultivars, and whether inadequate chilling causes ”umbrella bloom” growth, where the plant blooms but does not grow vegetatively. Samples were taken every fourth week during winter and the depth of dormancy was measured by observing the growth of terminal buds in a greenhouse. In addition, the effect of chilling temperature (-3, +2 and +7 ℃) and duration (8, 10 ja 12 wk) of chilling in controlled condition on the growth of terminal buds of cv. Pilgrim were studied. Under natural chilling conditions, the plants which had grown in a high tunnel during the growth season, needed more chilling units (CU) to achieve normal growth (2755 CU) than the open field growth plants (853-1525 CU). The chilling units accumulated every hour when T < +7 ℃. The amount of normally flowering terminal buds increased with increasing chilling duration. Same time, the amount of ”umbrella bloom” flowering decreased, which refers to the role of inadequate chilling in ”umbrella bloom” flowering. When the plants were chilled under controlled conditions (temperatures +7 ja +2 ℃), chilling units were accumulated more efficiently which caused dormancy release earlier than under natural conditions. Chilling under controlled conditions in temperature -3 ℃ is not recommended because the plants dried up too much. In conclusion, natural chilling in Helsinki (60 ºN) is sufficient for breaking dormancy in American cranberry. Recommendations for chilling cranberry under controlled conditions are in temperature of +2 ℃ for 10 weeks.
  • Freudenthal, Ines (2022)
    The objective of the thesis is to review and characterize (i) typical agroforestry systems in the temperate zone, (ii) levels of soil organic carbon (SOC) in agroforestry and control plots, and (iii) identify the conditions under which agroforestry farming is most likely to enhance SOC. A meta-analysis was conducted to investigate the impact of agroforestry farming systems on SOC stocks at soil depths of 0 – 20, 0 – 40 and 0 – 100 cm. Data was collected from 15 published studies and all sites are located in temperate climates. Studies had to report at least measurements on SOC concentration or stock for an agroforestry plot and a control plot (arable land, grassland, forest). Investigated treatment variables were soil depth, agroforestry system type, soil type, tree species and age. The results have shown significantly higher SOC stocks under agroforestry in comparison to controls in all three soil depth datasets. The largest amount of SOC in agroforestry was found in the first 20 cm of topsoil and at a soil depth of 60 – 100 cm. There were no significant differences found between alley cropping, silvopasture and shelterbelt systems. The most popular tree species in temperate agroforestry were Populus spp., M.domestica, Juglans regia and Picea. But no significant differences in C sequestration could be observed between tree species across all datasets. The assumption that systems with older trees have higher stocks of SOC could not be confirmed. Most common soil types of temperate agroforestry systems were Luvisol, Fluvisol and Chernozem. The meta-analysis did not verify results of other studies, which have shown that clay contents in the soil promote C sequestration. The wide variability and diversity of agroforestry systems has shown to be problematic in conducting a meta-analysis, indicated by a high heterogeneity. Furthermore, different types of study designs, lack of standardized sampling procedures and explanatory variables may have influenced the results. However, the study showed that agroforestry can be a promising carbon dioxide (CO2) mitigation option, also for the temperate climate zone.
  • Pietarinen, Julius (2023)
    Soil compaction has a major effect on the soil fertility. It is important to find the compacted regions in the field for preventive actions. With a soil penetrometer, it is possible to find compactions from the soil. Hand-operated penetrom- eters are physically demanding to operate. By automating the measurement with a machine, the stress can be removed from the user, acquire higher amounts of data and achieve more accurate and consistent data, in comparison to manual measurement techniques. Machine automation achieves constant penetration speed and higher forces than manual op- eration while being not dependent on the user. The built automated penetrometer (AP) can be attached to an ATV or other small offroad machine such as a field robot. The automated penetrometer was built using a S-force sensor and ballscrew operated by a stepper motor. The force sensor is mounted on a sled running on linear guiderails. The system control is done with an Arduino-microcontroller and data processing with a RasberryPi – minicomputer. Surface moisture is measured with the Meter Teros 10 – capac- itive soil moisture sensor during the operation. Initial tests were done in the Viikki research farm, Helsinki, Finland on a perennial grass ley field. The same measure- ments were done from the same areas with proven commercial Eijelkamp soil penetrologger. AP was found to be prac- tical and useful measurement device. With the material costs of 2000 euros, it is significantly cheaper compared to the commercial device. AP data had smaller variance compared to Eijelkamp. Open-source code makes easy to do modifi- cations and changes on the machine. Integrated computer makes real time data collection and processing easy. The developed measurement device will be later implemented to an automated field robot use.
  • Kopakkala, Topi (2022)
    In order to achieve carbon neutrality and slow down climate change, it is necessary not only to curb greenhouse gas emissions but also to remove carbon from the atmosphere. In agricultural sector, adding biochars to soils has proven to be one of the most effective methods to sequester carbon. Using biochars in urban planting soils could be simple and effective way to create carbon sinks also in urban environment. Wood based biochars are already available in the market and their viability as soil amendment is supported by an extensive body of research. Despite large evidence from agricultural and greenhouse sectors, research focused on biochars in planting soils for urban trees is scarce. To assess and demonstrate viability of biochars as component of urban planting soils, an experiment was established in 2019-2020 in Hyväntoivonpuisto-park in Helsinki. The experiment consists of four tree species and nine different planting soils, seven of which include biochars. Three of the planting soils were structural soils installed below a sealed surface. Tree growth in planting soils was followed and biomass accumulation was estimated with allometric equations. Planting soil nutrient composition was analysed at the time of soil application and nine months later after first growing season. Pyrogenic carbon fractions were analysed by BPCA analysis. Planting soil physical and hydrological properties were analysed by water retention curves with pF range of 0 – 4.2. After two growing seasons, biochars had increased tree growth in two planting soils compared to the control while in other planting soils with biochar, the growth was similar to control. In structural soils biochars had improved growth, but there were no statistically significant pairwise differences between treatments. Biochars increased the macroporosity of planting soils, indicating they could improve aeration and water conductivity in planting soils. Effects to total porosity and water retention capacity were mixed, but highest total porosity and water retention capacity was observed in planting soil with the highest amount of biochar. Planting soil nutrient composition varied a lot due to different raw materials, limiting the possibilities of making mechanistic analysis of effects of biochars. These results indicate that biochars are viable and safe constituent for planting soils which may increase tree growth by improving soil physical properties and improve carbon sinks in urban infrastructure.
  • Pitkänen, Nelli (2022)
    Runsas väkilannoitetypen käyttö kasvien typen tarpeen tyydyttämiseksi ja runsaampien satojen saamiseksi sekä karjatalouden keskittyminen tietyille alueille, ovat lisänneet maataloudesta aiheutuvaa typen vesistökuormitusta. Lisääntynyt ympäristötietoisuus on kuitenkin nostanut kestävyyden ja ilmastoviisaan ruoantuotannon osaksi maatalouden tavoitteita, mikä on lisännyt eloperäisten tai kierrätysaineista valmistettujen tai yhteiskunnan sivuvirroista valmistettujen maanparannusaineiden käyttöä. Maanparannusaineina käytettävien tuotteiden kenttä on laaja ja niiden vaikutukset moninaiset, mutta biohiilestä on etsitty ratkaisua liukoisen nitraatin (NO3-) ympäristökuorman vähentämiseksi. Tämän maisterintutkielman tavoitteena oli kartoittaa kahden kaupallisen biohiilen sekä synteettisen hiilipolymeerin vaikutusta nitraatin pidättymiseen, ja toisaalta pidättymisen vaikutusta nitraatin käyttökelpoisuuteen kasveille. Tutkimus koostui kahdesta osasta, josta ensimmäisessä osassa tutkittiin maanparannusaineiden kykyä pidättää maanparannusaineisiin esimuhitettua nitraattia peräkkäisten uuttojen avulla. Toinen osa koostui kasvatuskokeesta, jossa tarkasteltiin maanparannusaineisiin mahdollisesti pidättyneen nitraatin käyttökelpoisuutta ohralle kasvin kasvun ja klorofyllipitoisuuksien avulla. Uuttokokeen perusteella saksanpähkinänkuoresta valmistettu biohiili (Biohiili 1) osoitti kykyä pidättää nitraattia, koska kahden ensimmäisen uuton aikana biohiilestä ei vapautunut käytännössä lainkaan esimuhituksessa lisätystä nitraatista. Sen sijaan kuusesta valmistettu biohiili (Biohiili 2) ja hiilipolymeeri vapauttivat merkittävästi ja asteittain vähemmän nitraattia peräkkäisissä uutoissa. Kolmen peräkkäisen uuton jälkeen Biohiili 1:sta uuttui vain 1,8 % esimuhituksessa lisätystä typestä, kun taas Biohiili 2:sta uuttui 80 %. Hiilipolymeerillä uuttuneen nitraatin määrä oli yli 100 %, josta osa NO3-N oli peräisin itse tuotteesta. Kasvatuskokeen perusteella typpi ei todennäköisesti ollut ohrien kasvua rajoittava tekijä, ja vaikka Hiilipolymeeri sisälsi itsessään merkittävästi enemmän epäorgaanista typpeä, se ei johtanut korkeam-paan biomassaan. Erot ohrien biomassan ja klorofyllin kehityksessä liittyvät todennäköisimmin muihin ympäristötekijöihin. Mahdollisia selityksiä ovat fysikaalis-kemialliset erot kasvualustassa, mukaan lukien kasvualustan pH (biohiilillä emäksinen ja Hiilipolymeerillä hapan), irtotiheys ja huokoisuus, mutta lisäksi kesällä 2021 koettu poikkeuksellisen kuuma sää vaikutti todennäköisesti myös ohran kasvuun. Biohiilet ovat potentiaalisia maanparannusaineita vähentämään maataloudesta aiheutuvaa typen ympäristökuormitusta, ilman että ne vaikuttavat kasveille käyttökelpoisen typen määrään merkittävästi. Biohiilen valmistuksessa käytetty raaka-aine sekä valmistusprosessi vaikuttavat kuitenkin merkittävästi lopulliseen tuotteeseen, minkä vuoksi tarvitaan lisää tutkimusta ominaisuuksista, jotka vaikuttavat nitraatin pidättymisen tehokkuuteen.
  • Heinonen, Petra (2023)
    Securing food production is an important objective, especially as climate change affects production conditions. Good crop yields are part of food security, but disease pressure and abiotic stress factors limit yield potential. Chemical plant protection products, which have traditionally been used in plant protection, pose an environmental risk and efforts are therefore being made to reduce their use and replace them with, for example, biological plant protection products. Biostimulants aim to improve crop yields. The aim of this study was to determine whether biomass products produced in different ways have antifungal or biostimulant effects. Three different concentrations of biomass products were used in the experiments. In screening experiments, the antifungal activity of biomass products was investigated in petri dish experiments to test their effect on the growth of two plant pathogenic fungi, Fusarium graminearum and Rhizoctonia solani. The biostimulant effect was investigated by a germination experiment on barley. In the following experiments, the effect of biomass products was investigated in the model organism Physcomitrium patens moss. P. patens was inoculated with two fungal isolates, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, and treated with biomass products. Biostimulant properties were observed on uninoculated P. patens. In addition, the study examined, whether the gene expressions of P. patens change due to the influence of biomass products using RT-qPCR. In Petri dish experiments, biomass products inhibited the growth of both F. graminearum and R. solani fungi. The highest concentration tested was most effective against fungi. The lowest biomass product concentration tested was most effective in inducing barley growth. Biomass product in combination with S. sclerotiorum infection caused death of P. patens, but the combined effect with R. solani infection induced P. patens growth. Gene expression of the three transcription factors tested and one defense gene changed by the interaction of biomass products and R. solani infection. Based on the results obtained in the study, biomass products have potential to be used in fungal disease control. The use of biomass products as biostimulants also seems promising. A lot of further research on biomass products is needed to understand their effects on different crops and pathogenic fungi.
  • Seppä-Murto, Emilia (2023)
    Puutarhamansikan (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) kysyntä on Suomessa suurta ja mansikka onkin tärkein Suomessa viljelty marja. Suomen olosuhteissa mansikan satotaso jää kuitenkin suhteellisen matalaksi ja satokausi on yleisesti käytetyillä kausisatoisilla lajikkeilla lyhyt. Jatkuvasatoiset lajikkeet ja tunneliviljely pidentävät mansikan satokautta huomattavasti ja ovatkin tehokas tapa kehittää tuotantoa ja mahdollisesti lisätä viljelyn kannattavuutta. Biologisten kasvunparanteiden, biostimulanttien, käyttöä on ehdotettu osaratkaisuksi mansikan satotasojen nostamiseen. Biostimulantit ovat kasvien kasvuun ja kehitykseen positiivisesti vaikuttavia aineita ja parantavat kasvin sietokykyä erilaisia stressejä vastaan. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää kahden biostimulanttivalmisteen, Rhizocell (nyk. Lalrise Vita) ja Greenstim (nyk. Lalstim Osmo) vaikutusta jatkuvasatoisen ’Ria’ mansikan kasvuun ja satoon, sekä kasvinterveyteen. Käsittelyitä kokeessa oli neljä: kontrolli, Rhizocell, Greenstim ja Rhizocell+Greenstim. Tutkimus toteutettiin Luonnonvarakeskuksen Piikkiön tutkimuslaitoksella vuoden 2020 kesällä. Rhizocell on hyötymikrobi Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IT45 sisältävä valmiste, joka nestemäisenä liuoksena kasvin juurelle annettuna vaikuttaa kasvin kasvuun juuriston kehittymisen kautta, ja Greenstim suurimmaksi osaksi glysiinibetaiinista koostuva valmiste, joka kasvustoon annettuna lehtiruiskutuksena vaikuttaa kasvin kasvuun etenkin stressiolosuhteissa. Tulosten perusteella valmisteiden käyttö suomalaisittain ajoittain melko kuumissa oloissa kasvaneilla, mutta hyvin hoidetuilla mansikoilla ei tuonut merkittäviä hyötyjä. Biostimulanttivalmisteiden vaikutus mansikan kasvuun ja satoon oli vähäinen, eikä yksikään valmiste selkeästi hyödyttänyt kasvua, sadontuottoa tai kasvinterveyttä. Valmisteiden käyttö saattoi kuitenkin vaikuttaa kasvien stressinsietokykyyn, sillä Rhizocell+Greenstim -käsittely alensi lehtien flavonoli-indeksiä ja Greenstim-käsittely lisäsi puolustusreaktioissa tärkeän kalsiumin kertymistä lehtiin. Huomioitavaa onkin, että tässä tutkimuksessa kasvit eivät olleet altistettuina stressille ja stimulanttien vaikutuksesta stressiolosuhteissa ei voida olla varmoja.
  • Korhonen, Ida (2023)
    Väestönkasvu lisää tarvetta öljykasvien tuotannolle ihmisravinnoksi ja biopolttoaineeksi. Öljynpuristamisesta saatavat sivutuotteet, kuten rouheet ja puristeet sisältävät hyvälaatuista valkuaista eläinten ruokintaan. Camelina (Camelina sativa) ja hamppu (Cannabis sativa) ovat potentiaalisia vaihtoehtoja nautojen valkuaisruokinnassa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää camelina- ja hamppupuristeen vaikutusta in vitro pötsikäymiseen eri karkearehukäsittelyillä. Karkearehuina käytettiin lämpökuivattua nurmi-, puna-apila- ja maissisäilörehua ja väkirehuna ohraa. Kontrollina toimivat rypsipuriste ja käsittelyt, jotka eivät sisältäneet täydennysvalkuaisrehua eli koostuivat ainoastaan karkearehusta ja ohrasta. Kaikkien käsittelyiden karkearehu:väkirehusuhde oli 1:1 kuiva-aineessa. Valkuaislisättömien käsittelyiden raakavalkuaispitoisuudet vaihtelivat 95–140 g/kg ka välillä riippuen käytetyn karkearehun raakavalkuaispitoisuudesta. Valkuaiskäsittelyissä raakavalkuaispitoisuudeksi tuli 170 g/kg ka. Inkubaatiopulloihin punnittiin rehuja yhteensä 3,5 g ka. Käsittelyitä oli 12 kpl ja lisäksi jokaisessa ajossa oli 2 kpl blancoja, joihin ei punnittu rehuja. Ajoja tehtiin neljä. Jokainen ajo kesti 30 h ja näytteitä otettiin 1, 4, 8, 12, 24 ja 30 h kuluttua inkubaation aloituksesta. Näytteistä määritettiin haihtuvat rasvahapot (VFA), ammoniumtyppi ja pH. Analyysituloksista laskettiin haihtuvien rasvahappojen moolisuhteet. Tutkittavista rehuista analysoitiin lisäksi sekundäärinen kuiva-aine, tuhka, tuhkaton neutraalidetergenttikuitu (NDF), raakavalkuainen ja kokonaisrasva. Valkuaisrehuista analysoitiin typpifraktiot (A, B1, B2, B3 ja C). Rypsi-, camelina- ja hamppupuristeen raakavalkuaispitoisuudet olivat 332, 367 ja 286 g/kg ka vastaavasti. Hypoteesin vastaisesti valkuaisrehun lisääminen ei lisännyt VFA:n kokonaismäärää ja ammoniumtypen muodostusta. Hypoteesin mukaisesti valkuaisrehun lähde vaikutti pötsikäymisen voimakkuuteen. Camelina- ja rypsipuristetta sisältävät käsittelyt vastasivat toisiaan VFA:n kokonaismäärässä (P>0,05) hypoteesin mukaisesti. Camelina lisäsi kuitenkin propionihapon kokonaismäärää (P<0,05) ja mooliosuutta (P<0,01) verrattuna rypsiin sekä pienensi voihapon mooliosuutta verrattuna rypsiin (P<0,01). Hamppupuristeella VFA:n kokonaismäärä oli pienempi kuin camelinapuristeella (P<0,05) ja suuntaa antavasti pienempi kuin rypsipuristeella (P=0,063). Hamppupuriste vähensi propionihapon kokonaismäärää ja lisäsi etikkahapon mooliosuutta verrattuna rypsiin (P<0,001 ja P<0,01, vastaavasti) ja camelinaan (P<0,001 ja P<0,01, vastaavasti). Karkearehun lähde vaikutti VFA:n kokonaismääriin ja moolisuhteisiin. Puna-apilasäilörehua sisältävissä käsittelyissä VFA:n kokonaismäärät olivat suuremmat kuin maissisäilörehua sisältävissä käsittelyissä (P<0,05). Puna-apilasäilörehukäsittely lisäsi etikkahapon ja propionihapon kokonaismääriä verrattuna nurmisäilörehukäsittelyihin (P<0,05 ja P<0,01 vastaavasti) ja maissisäilörehukäsittelyihin (P<0,01 ja P<0,05, vastaavasti). Tulosten perusteella camelinapuristeen raakavalkuaispitoisuus oli rypsiä suurempi ja näiden VFA:n kokonaismäärät ja typpifraktiot vastasivat toisiaan. Camelina voisi siis vastata rypsiä nautojen valkuaisruokinnassa, mutta hampun valkuaisarvo on mahdollisesti näitä alhaisempi VFA:n kokonaismäärän ja moolisuhteiden perusteella. Hamppupuristeen suurempi NDF-kuidun määrä voisi selittää camelina- ja rypsipuristekäsittelyitä suuremman etikkahapon mooliosuuden. Karkearehun lähde vaikutti pötsikäymiseen ja puna-apila lisäsi VFA:n kokonaismäärää verrattuna nurmi- ja maissisäilörehuun, jolla voi olla positiivisia vaikutuksia energiansaantiin ja maitotuotokseen.
  • Varis, Maiju (2022)
    Suomessa on tarvetta uusille kotimaisille valkuaislähteille. Öljyntuotannosta ylijäävä camelinapuriste vastaa aminohappokoostumukseltaan melko hyvin lypsykarjan ruokinnassa yleisesti käytettyä ryp-siä, joten se voisi sopia hyvin valkuaisrehuksi. Camelina ei tarvitse paljon ravinteita ja sitä pystytään kasvattamaan monenlaisissa ilmasto-oloissa, koska se kestää hyvin vaikeita ympäristöoloja, kuten kuivuutta, sekä tauteja ja tuholaisia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia camelinan soveltuvuutta valkuaisrehuksi lypsylehmillä. Tutkimus koostui kahdesta osakokeesta, joissa mitattiin ohutsuoleen virtaavan käyttökelpoisen valkuaisen määrää in vitro. Osakokeessa 1 verrattiin kahta eri camelinalajiketta rypsiin ja osakokeen 2 koe-dieetti sisälsi camelinaa nousevina tasoina siten, että camelinavalkuainen korvasi rypsivalkuaista 0, 1/3, 2/3 ja 3/3. Hypoteesi oli, että camelina voi korvata rypsin täysin ilman ohutsuoleen virtaavan käyttökelpoisen valkuaisen määrän vähenemistä. Tutkimuksessa koerehuista analysoitiin perusanalyysien lisäksi aminohappokoostumus ja Cornellin typpifraktiot. Typpifraktioiden perusteella camelinalla ja rypsillä on samankaltainen hajoavuuspoten-tiaali pötsissä. Ohutsuoleen virtaavan käyttökelpoisen valkuaisen määrää mitattiin laboratoriossa Bioprocess control’in Gas Endeavor in vitro –laitteella inkuboimalla rehuja naudan pötsinesteessä. Osakokeiden tulokset olivat keskenään ristiriitaisia. Osakoe 1:n mukaan ohutsuoleen virtaavan käyt-tökelpoisen valkuaisen määrässä ei ollut merkittäviä eroja valkuaisrehujen välillä. Osakoe 2:ssa ohutsuoleen virtaavan käyttökelpoisen valkuaisen määrä yllättäen väheni camelinan annostasoa nostettaessa. Tässä tutkimuksessa hypoteesi ei toteutunut kaikkien tulosten osalta, mutta sekä osakoe 1:n että typpifraktioiden mukaan camelinan pitäisi soveltua rypsin korvaajaksi valkuaisrehu-na. On epäselvää, miksi osakoe 2:ssa tämä ei toteutunut. Tulevaisuudessa tarvitaan lisää tutkimuk-sia camelinan soveltuvuudesta valkuaisrehuksi, ja in vitro -menetelmä on hyvä tutkimuskeino ennen in vivo -kokeita.
  • Mihailov, Heta (2023)
    Nykyään kuluttajat ovat entistä kiinnostuneempia elintarvikkeiden laadusta ja niiden terveellisyydestä. Eläinperäisten tuotteiden koostumukseen voidaan vaikuttaa eläimille syötettävän rehun kautta. Suomessa täydennysvalkuaisrehun omavaraisuusaste on heikko, 20,9 % vuonna 2021, joten siihen kaivataan uusia vaihtoehtoja rypsin ja rapsin rinnalle. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkittiin camelinan ja hampun soveltuvuutta kotieläinten ruokintaan täydennysvalkuaisrehuna, koska niiden siemenet sisältävät runsaasti valkuaista ja rasvaa. Aineiston siemennäytteet kerättiin camelinaa (n=5) ja hamppua (n=20) viljelyttäviltä yrityksiltä (Janakkalan piensiemen ja TransFarm), näytteet olivat kasvukaudelta 2021. Hampusta analysoitavat siemennäytteet valittiin siten, että niissä on mukana sekä suuren sadon (>600 kg/ha) että pienen sadon (<400 kg/ha) näytteitä ja että ne ovat maantieteellisesti mahdollisimman edustavia. Näytteistä analysoitiin peruskoostumus; kuiva-aine, kokonaisrasva, raakavalkuainen, tuhka ja neutraalidetergenttikuitu (NDF). Lisäksi haitta-aineista analysoitiin glukosinolaatit camelinasta ja trypsiini-inhibiittorit camelinasta ja hampusta. Hampusta kerättiin viljelytietoja kyselyllä, jonka TransFarm oy toteutti sopimusviljelijöilleen kasvukausilla 2021 (n= 61 kpl) ja 2022 (n=59 kpl), vastauksia saatiin yhteensä 120 kpl. Tilastollisia yhteyksiä hampusta selvitettiin SAS-tilasto ohjelmalla ristiintaulukoinnin, varianssianalyysin ja korrelaatioanalyysin avulla. Tilastoanalyyseja ei tehty camelinan koostumuksesta havaintojen pienestä määrästä johtuen. Tulosten mukaan hampun satotasoon vaikuttivat kasvuston korkeus, puintikosteus, taimettuneiden yksilöiden määrä ja tuotantomuoto. Mitä korkeampi kasvusto (P<0,001) ja mitä suurempi puintikosteus (P<0,05), sitä suurempi osuus havainnoista sijoittui suurimpaan satotasoluokkaan (>600 kg/ha). Lisäksi suuntaa-antavasti (P<0,10) taimettuneiden yksilöiden määrän (kpl/m2 ) lisääntyessä suurempi osuus havainnoista sijoittui suurimpaan satotasoluokkaan. Hypoteesin vastaisesti typpilannoitustasolla ja maan fosforiluokalla ei havaittu olevan yhteyttä hampun satotasoon (P>0,10). Luomutuotannossa suurempi osuus havainnoista sijoittui pienimpään satotasoluokkaan (P<0,05) ja suuntaa-antavasti matalampaan kasvuston korkeusluokkaan (P<0,10) kuin tavanomaisessa tuotannossa. Ristiintaulukoinnissa (n=120) ei havaittu yhteyttä tuotantomuodon ja kasvuajan välillä, varianssianalyysissä (n=20) luomutuotannossa oli lyhyempi kasvuaika kuin tavanomaisessa tuotannossa (P<0,05) Kokonaisrasvapitoisuudet olivat camelinan siemenissä 375– 410 g/kg ka, hampun siemenissä rasvapitoisuudet olivat suurempia pienemmän satotason siemenissä, kuin suuremman satotason siemenissä, (P<0,001; 365 vs. 339 g/kg ka). Raakavalkuaispitoisuus camelinan siemenellä oli 267–303 g/kg ka ja hampun siemenellä 275–277 g/kg ka, satotaso ei vaikuttanut hampun raakavalkuaispitoisuuteen (P>0,10). Tuhkapitoisuus oli camelinalla 33,7-40,5 g/kg ka ja hampun siemenellä 56,8-59,3 g/kg ka, satotaso vaikutti suuntaa antavasti hampun tuhkapitoisuuteen (P<0,10) ollen korkeampi pienemmän satotason siemenissä verrattuna suuremman sadon siemeniin (59,3 vs. 56,8 g/kg ka). Camelinan siementen glukosinolaattipitoisuudet olivat 15,7–26,3 mmol/kg ka ja trypsiini-inhibiittoriaktiivisuus (TIA) 15,0- 22,2 mg ka. Hamppunäytteiden TIA-pitoisuudet olivat suuntaa-antavasti korkeammat suuremman sadon siemenissä verrattuna pienemmän sadon siemeniin (P<0,10; 4,29 vs. 4,07 TIA/ mg ka). Tulosten perusteella camelinan ja hampun siementen koostumuksessa esiintyy vaihtelua, johon hampun osalta vaikuttaa satotaso. Hampun satotasoon voidaan vaikuttaa viljelykäytännöin. Camelina ja hamppu soveltuvat siemenen koostumuksen, glukosinolaattipitoisuuden ja trypsiini inhibiittoriaktiivisuuden perusteella täydennysvalkuaisrehuna osaksi kotieläinten ruokintaa
  • Määttänen, Satu (2020)
    Agroforestry, a widespread land-use in tropics and especially in tropical drylands, is gaining increasing attention due its carbon sequestration and storage potential. Majority of African countries acknowledge agroforestry as a national climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy. Despite the large extent of African drylands and the commonness and importance of agroforestry systems to dryland livelihoods, these systems are scarcely studied and research on dryland African agroforestry carbon stocks are few. The aim of the study was to compare carbon stocks of three land-uses: Vitellaria paradoxa dominated parkland (PL), improved agroforestry system (IA) and, as a control, abandoned land (AL), to study carbon allocation between and within the land-uses and to examine the variability of biomass estimates of different allometric equations used in carbon inventory in West African Sahel. Study was conducted in two villages in Yorosso, Southern Mali. Carbon stocks accounted were woody above- and belowground biomass, litter and top-soil organic carbon. Allometric equations and root-to-shoot ratios were used for woody biomass measurement. Comparison of biomass estimations of different allometric equations and root-to-shoot-ratios was conducted by using multiple equations for the dataset. Total system carbon stocks were 24.7 MgC haˉ¹, 29.9 MgC haˉ¹ and 42.2 MgC haˉ¹, for PL, AL and IA, respectively, with statistically significant difference between PL and IA. Top-soil organic carbon (SOC) was important carbon pool, accounting 34.8 % of total system carbon in PL and IA, and 49.6 % in AL. There were no statistically significant differences on the SOC/biomass C ratios between the land-uses. PL had lower SOC stocks than IA or AL, difference being statistically significant. The reason for lower SOC stock of PL could not be explained in this study. IA had larger woody biomass carbon stocks (27.0 MgC haˉ¹) than PL (15.5 MgC haˉ¹ ) and AL (14.4 MgC haˉ¹), but the difference was not statistically significant due to the similar density of large mature trees in all of the land-uses and partly due to the large woody biomass variation within the land-uses. In all of the land-uses, most of biomass carbon was stored in large mature trees and in two species: V. paradoxa and Parkia biglobosa. Large woody individuals had major impact on the land-use level carbon stocks. For carbon conservation, these individuals should be preserved and spared even during land-use change. Despite relatively large density, young trees and shrubs stored diminutive amount of carbon compared to mature trees. As the currently young planted trees in IA will grow and mature in the future, the woody biomass carbon stocks of the system will increase significantly. Lack of regeneration observed in PL threatens the sustainability of the system and its carbon stocks. Future carbon storage potential of AL depends on the regeneration potential of large tree species. Comparison of different allometric equations for tree biomass estimation revealed substantial variation. The choice of allometric equation used affects the obtained results, hampering the comparison of studies using different equations. Commonly used root-to-shoot ratios vary on their estimations, and most probably by underestimating root biomass. There is a clear need for specialised and standard carbon inventory methods for drylands and agroforestry systems.
  • McPartlin, Maria (2020)
    Cellular agriculture is a novel food production technology that utilizes tissue engineering techniques to culture muscle cells to make cultured meat, or microbes and fermenting to create proteins such as casein, albumin and collagen which can be processed to products similar to milk and egg white for example. This thesis aims to explore the challenges that cellular agriculture faces in terms of policy, politics and the society mainly in a Finnish context, but also observing EU regulations. These challenges were investigated by interviewing altogether 15 representatives of stakeholder groups, which are political parties, government administration, organizations of policy executioners, NGO’s, food-tech companies, -funds and research centres. The data from the interviews was transcribed and processed in Atlas.ti-software using the analysis of qualitative content -method. The processed data was then analysed using the analysis of a specialist interview -method. The study revealed that specialists agree that cellular agriculture products will follow EU Novel Food regulations, but that cellular agriculture might have to overcome some regulation-related challenges. Challenges might also arise from markets, consumers and competing with conventionally produced food. Some believed cellular agriculture to have a negative impact on the Finnish society in the form of eroding rural livelihoods, and that the production will be in the hands of large corporations. Many stated that they do not believe cellular agriculture will surpass conventional agriculture, but that it will become just another food innovation. Some believed cellular agriculture offers great possibilities in the form of more sustainable food production. Many of the statements of the interviewees reflected current events already underway in the cellular agriculture and alternative protein field. The challenges cellular agriculture will face are multifaceted, and more information is still needed, especially on the societal effects of cellular agriculture.
  • Valdebenito Alamar, Nerea (2021)
    Despite their immobile nature, their ability for adaptation allows plants to face harmful conditions from the environment to successfully survive and reproduce. Plant cells sense and integrate signals from the environment and activate response mechanisms. Participants in these mechanisms are the receptor-like protein kinases (RLKs) and a subgroup of RLKs, the cysteine-rich receptor-like kinases (CRKs). Members of this family have been associated with functions related to environmental stress responses in plants. CRK2 is one interesting member of the CRK clade of RLKs. While roles of CRK2 in the response to biotic and abiotic stimuli have been recently described, many aspects of the diverse functions of CRK2 remain elusive. The reduced size of the crk2 mutant suggests that developmental processes are affected by the absence of the protein. One of the objectives of this work was to analyse potential reasons for the smaller size of crk2. The difference in plant size could be due to a reduced number of cells. Results from the analysis of young cotyledons showed that the smaller plant size is not due to a reduced cell number in leaves when compared to Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) ecotype Columbia (Col-0). Another way to understand the processes in which a protein is involved is to target possible interaction partners. Therefore, genotyping and analysis of growth phenotypes of T-DNA insertion mutant lines for candidate interaction partners for CRK2 was performed. The results revealed smaller phenotype for a nitrate transporter (NRT1.7) mutant in fresh weight and rosette area whereas for a protein kinase (QSK1) mutant, higher fresh weight but reduced rosette area was observed compared to Col-0. Generation of constructs for fusion protein expression and purification revealed the possibility of expressing tagged cytoplasmic regions of these proteins for further analysis of protein-protein interaction through kinase assays due to the kinase activity of CRK2. Generation of fluorescent-tagged proteins from the candidate interaction partners allowed for localization studies via confocal microscopy to determine the co-localization to the plasma membrane of these proteins with CRK2, which is located to plasma membrane under standard growth conditions. The co-localization results suggest that the proteins NRT1.7 and QSK1 colocalize with CRK2, which is a step forward in the verification of their possible interaction in planta. The smaller size of the nrt1.7 and qsk1 mutants indicates that the lack of these proteins affects plant development.
  • Qin, Kaiyue Jr (2020)
    Strawberries (Fragaria sp.) are perennial plants that belong to Rosaceae family. According to flowering habit, strawberries are classified as seasonal flowering and perpetual flowering strawberries. Environmental factors regulate flowering in plants. Among them, photoperiod and temperature are two important cues to affect flowering in strawberries. Besides, FT is a general flowering activator in many plant species. This thesis explored the flowering habits and FT expression level of two diploid strawberries F. bucharica and F. nilgerrensis under short and long day at cool temperature at 11 °C. The results were compared with F. vesca which has been studied earlier. After 2, 4 and 6 weeks of cool temperature (11 °C) treatment, all F. vesca and the majority of F. bucharica flowered regardless of photoperiod. As for F. nilgerrensis, there was no floral induction under SD and 20 % flowering rate after 6 weeks of LD treatment. After 4 weeks of the treatment, the expression of FT was down-regulated in F. vesca and F. bucharica compared with control groups under long day at 20 °C. In conclusion, the cool temperature at 11 °C induced flowering both in F. vesca and F. bucharica. The photoperiod affected flowering in F. vesca, while not in F. bucharica. As for F. nilgerrensis, the treatments were not strongly inductive for flowering. It may need more time for floral induction. The FT1 expression was down regulated after 4-week cool temperature treatments in F. vesca and F. bucharica, which was negatively correlated with flower induction. The photoperiod and temperature significantly affect branch crown formation in F. nilgerrensis, while the temperature had significant effects on runner formation and leaf formation in these three species.
  • Zhao, Chuanhui (2020)
    The research of this thesis was focused on anaerobic digestion of cow manure mixed with different types of biowaste, especially those material that are available in Finland. The research was conducted by search, collection, and analysis of different data in literature. Topic of the thesis was predetermined by the Co-Creation Lab project of Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), which was seeking solution to achieve carbon neutral cow milk production. The solution was co-approached by three participants conducting thesis from technological, economical, and legislative points of view, in which I was responsible for writing mainly the technological part, and general findings in economic efficiency and legislative terms by the other two co-creators were also included in this thesis. The research was mainly related with the whole cycle of biogas production, including basics about anaerobic digestion (AD), applications of the biogas and digestate as a product and by-product of AD. Substrates for AD were researched with a focus to find the best combination of cow manure (CM) and biowaste in regard with methane yield outcome, especially a mixture of CM and silage waste that suits the cow farming situation in Finland. Methane yields for mono-digestion of various types of biowaste and co-digestion of CM with different biomass were collected and analyzed. Premises for biogas plant establishment were researched briefly, including facility composition, and consideration of feasibility and raw material availability. CM with grass containing 75% timothy and 25% meadow fescue grass at 70%:30% mixing ratio could be the best combination of CM: grass co-digestion, followed by 0.5:0.5 mixed CM and perennial ryegrass. Furthermore, CM mixed with food waste at 52:48% ratio could be the best combination among co-digestion of CM with biowaste other than grass, followed by CM and food waste mixed with 68%:32% ratio, and CM with oat straw mixed at 1:2 ratio could be a considerable combination of CM and crop waste.
  • Huhdanmäki, Tuukka (2021)
    CRISPR-Cas9 is one variant of newly emerging technologies utilizing targeted mutagenesis based on Cas family proteins and guide RNA that enable binding and modifying selected target sequence. The aim of the master’s thesis was to compare different methods of CRISPR-Cas9 induced gene editing in the genus Nicotiana and other secondary protocols necessary to identify successful mutations. PDS1 and PDS2 genes coding phytoene desaturase in plants were selected as target genes as mutant genotype produce visually identifiable photobleaching phenotype. CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complex mediated transformation uses separately produced Cas9 protein and guide RNA that when combined perform transient gene editing in cell. This method was planned to be used but Cas9 protein was challenging to produce in soluble form and final transformation was not achieved. This study suggests that acquiring ready-to-use Cas9 protein might be preferable choice when targeting only few transformations with CRISPR-Cas9 RNP-complex. Agrotransformation is well established method for genus Nicotiana and using Single Transcriptional Unit CRISPR-Cas9 system it is straightforward procedure from plasmid design to transformation. Successfully transformed plants were redeemed from transient agroinfiltration and stable agrotransformation experiments. Off-target mutations are possible and selective outbreeding may be needed. This method lacks the several advantages of CRISPR-Cas9 RNP-complex such as instant gene editing in cell, avoiding RNA interference and transformation over species boundaries, but is simple and functional in genus Nicotiana. Successful mutations were detected using commercial T7E1 and with natural CEL I endonuclease from celery extract. Celery extract can be used as cost-effective alternative to T7E1 for verifying or replicating previously confirmed results.
  • Mäkinen, Arttu Tapio (2021)
    Crop monitoring in commercial indoor farming is a commonly used method in assessing the general productivity of the cultivated plants. This assessment practice is typically conducted manually by greenhouse workers and is sometimes supplemented by certain hand-held or stationary devices. An interesting example of novel device-assisted crop monitoring technologies utilizes digital imaging devices and computer-driven image analysis algorithms that have been prominently employed within the field of plant phenotyping. In the context of botanical studies, they have been used in e.g. characterizing various complex interactions between the genotypes of important food crops and their agronomic traits in specific prevailing environmental conditions. Additionally, image-based data acquisition technologies also present very interesting prospects for precision agriculture management practices. They could be harnessed to scan entire greenhouse compartments continuously and acquire massive amounts of data on multiple morphological and physiological aspects of crop growth and development in a non-destructive fashion. The acquired data could be implemented into mathematical greenhouse control models and utilized in a plethora of useful applications, including e.g. estimating and predicting biomass production and yield, detecting and localizing potential abiotic/biotic stress symptoms at an early stage, and ultimately enhancing overall crop production efficiency. In this thesis, these imaging technologies were explored in practice by designing and constructing a growth chamber embedded with automatic climate control and a low-cost multispectral imaging subsystem. The final assembly was tested by conducting a simple experiment involving drought-stressed sweet basil plants (Ocimum basilicum L. cv. ‘Genovese’) to determine how early drought-stress related symptoms could be detected purely from multispectral images. While the system carried out the tasks of automated climate control and continuous image capture adequately, the implemented approach in drought-stress detection was deemed unsuccessful. Significant differences between drought-stressed plants and their respective controls were not observed until visible symptoms were present. This was assumed to be due to incompatibility of the camera module’s spectral sensitivity in detecting changes in water content in plant tissue.
  • Sarvela, Konsta (2020)
    The purpose of this thesis was to design, build and test a system, which is capable of measuring in real time simple quantities influencing on tire-soil contact of agricultural tractors mobility. The measuring equipment is based on acceleration and distance sensors connected to the Arduino Uno microcontroller. The tractor’s CAN bus was logged and the data was saved using a CAN bus card connected to a Raspberry Pi minicomputer. The sensors were calibrated, and their sensitivity checked before performing the experiments while driving in the field. Accelerometers were placed on top of the rear axle of the tractor at both ends in housings printed for them and distance sensors were mounted behind the rear axle. All sensors were logged by using Raspberry's Raspbian operating system with a python program. The Raspberry was chosen as a computer because of its demanding low space, low cost, and versatility of interfaces. The properties of the field were monitored by monthly penetrometer measurements as well as SoilScout sensors embedded in the ground, which indicated the moisture and temperature of the ground at that depth in real time. The purpose of this was to find out the changes in the field during the growing season, which would also affect the tractor's mobility. The measurement were carried out successfully and the result were considered to be reliable and provide many other opportunities for the future. The results clearly indicated the factors influencing the tractor’s mobility and the different stages of the tillage could be recognized. Future challenges remain the filtering of large amounts of data and the application of measuring equipment in further research. The measurement equipment developed in the work is well suited for its purpose in terms of measurement accuracy and economical affordability. In the future, better accuracy could be achieved with more accurate measuring devices as well as data obtained from this work.