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Browsing by master's degree program "Master 's Programme in Forest Sciences"

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  • Lemström, Emil (2023)
    Tiivistelmä * Referat * Abstract Kasvava kysyntä uusiutuvalle energialle on ajanut Suomen energiasektoria yhä enemmän hyödyntämään biopohjaisia raaka-aineita, kuten kiinteitä puupolttoaineita energiantuotannossa. Asetettujen ympäristötavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi on ensiarvoisen tärkeää, että energia tuotetaan kestävästi ja resurssitehokkaasti mahdollisimman vähäisin ilmastovaikutuksin. Kaskadikäyttöperiaate on osa EU:n uusiutuvan energian direktiiviä (RED), joka tavoittelee kestävämpiä energiaratkaisuja kaikilla EU:n talouden aloilla. Kasvava tarve uusiutuvalle energialle ja fossiilisten raaka-aineiden korvaamiselle luovat kestävyyttä ajatellen tarpeen selvittää, missä määrin Suomen kiinteän puupolttoaineen raaka-ainemarkkinat noudattavat kaskadikäyttöperiaatetta. Tutkielma keskittyy selvittämään, päätyykö aineskelpoista puuraaka-ainetta energiatuotantoon korkeamman jalostusasteen sijaan ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat puuraaka-aineen ohjautumiseen polttoaineeksi. Hypoteesina oli, että appropriate fit -periaate, joka edellyttää laadukkaimpien resurssien hyödyntämistä ensisijaisesti kaikkein vaativimpaan käyttöön, ei kaikilta osin toteudu Suomen nykyisillä kiinteän puupolttoaineen teollisilla raaka-ainemarkkinoilla. Hypoteesiin liittyy epäilys kiinteitä puupolttoaineita koskevan tilastoinnin paikkansapitävyydestä, joka on osaltaan mahdollistanut aineskelpoisen puuraaka-aineen energiakäyttöä. Tutkielma yhdistelee tilastollista vertailua ja asiantuntijahaastatteluihin nojaavaa laadullista analyysia. Tulokset osoittavat, että kiinteän puupolttoaineen teolliset raaka-ainemarkkinat noudattavat pääosin kaskadikäyttöperiaatetta, mutta yksittäisten poikkeamien todennäköisyyttä pidettiin mahdollisena puuraaka-aineen markkinaehtoisen ohjautumisen myötä. Yksittäisten poikkeamien lisäksi esiintyy kuitenkin alueellisesti jopa systemaattisia eroavaisuuksia siinä, missä määrin kiinteät puupolttoainemarkkinat noudattavat kaskadikäyttöperiaatetta. Lukuisten markkina-alueiden sekä metsäteollisuuden, suhteessa energiantuotantoon, maantieteellisesti epätasaisen jakautuneisuuden vuoksi, esiintyy Etelä-Suomessa ja rannikolla epätasapaino kiinteän puupolttoaineen tarjonnan ja kysynnän välillä. Puuraaka-aineen kysyntä on kasvanut sekä metsä- että energiateollisuuden parissa. Kasvavan kysynnän odotettiin lisäävän myös jalostuskelpoisen puuraaka-aineen energiankäyttöä erityisesti edellä mainituilla alueilla, joilla esimerkiksi metsähaketase on jopa nykyisellään alijäämäinen. Kiinteän puupolttoaineen tilastoinnin osalta tilastoviranomaisten julkaisut koettiin luotettaviksi ja tarkastelukin osoitti tilastoinnin olevan luotettavaa pääpuupolttoaineluokkatasolla. Tutkielman tulokset vahvistavat kuitenkin hypoteesia ja tunnistivat tarpeen kehittää runkopuuhakkeen laatua koskevan tilastoinnin luotettavuutta ja tarkkuutta. Etenkin runkopuuhakkeen jakautumisessa pienpuuhun ja järeään puuhun, esiintyy tilastoinnissa enemmän epävarmuustekijöitä, eikä teknistä tilastointiharhan mahdollisuutta voida poissulkea aines- ja energiapuun kulutuksen välillä.
  • Papunen, Saija (2022)
    Measuring the effectiveness of protected areas (PAs) is essential as they are key tools in tackling the ongoing biodiversity loss and there is substantial variation in their effectiveness (the estimated ability of protected areas to prevent unnatural disturbances). In forested PAs, the most common variable in effectiveness estimation is forest loss, but fire can also be used as a proxy for conversion. There is, however, a lack of robust comparisons between different data sets and proxies. This thesis aims to provide more insight into the issue by comparing three satellite-based data sets in protected area effectiveness assessment using Madagascar as a case study. The questions to be answered here are whether the data sets and variables derived from them produce similar PA effectiveness estimates and whether they could be used interchangeably in research and for practical management purposes. The hypotheses are as follows: H1: The three proxies produce similar results with the two fire proxies most likely having a stronger relationship. H2: The data sets can be used interchangeably both for science purposes and in practical management of PAs. The effectiveness of Malagasy protected areas established in or before 2005 (N=42) was examined from 2005 to 2017. Three binary response variables were compared: forest loss, fire incidence, and burned area. In addition, a continuous forest loss variable was examined. Forested areas and the full landscape were studied separately i.e. estimates were produced for both forested areas only and full landscape (forested areas + other areas). 1-kilometre parcels in a uniform grid were sampled using nearest neighbour Mahalanobis distance matching, controlling for the factors affecting conversion pressures with appropriate covariates: altitude, slope, distance to cities, distance to roads, distance to waterways, and rainfall for forested areas and full landscape, and in addition, distance to forest edge for forested areas. Relative effect, pooled relative effect, and network relative effect were calculated for the binary variables, mean effect for the continuous variable. The effects were calculated on country level, biome level (tropical and subtropical moist broadleaved forests, tropical and subtropical dry broadleaved forests, and deserts and xeric shrublands), and individual PA level. Protected areas appeared to be at least moderately effective, and all variables produced parallel, consistent results on the country and biome level, especially when using pooled relative effect. On average, PAs in tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests were most effective in avoiding land-use pressures, the ones in tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests slightly less, and the ones in deserts and xeric shrublands most ineffective. There was substantial variation between and inside individual PAs, and in approximately half of the PAs all variables indicate that the given area is significantly effective (α = 0,05). In a little over half of the PAs the effects were mixed, and in forested areas, no PA was indicated to be ineffective by all variables. In full landscape, this was the case for one PA. There were small differences between forested areas and the full landscape in all levels, but they were statistically significant only in a few cases. This study thus suggests that the data sets could be used interchangeably, at least on country and biome level, when conducting matching to assess PA effectiveness in a tropical setting. They could be utilised on individual PA level, too, with certain precautions and understanding of the nature and behaviour of the data. They are well suited for research; however, in practical management forest loss and fire incidence might be more feasible than burned area, due to its certain characteristics (it for example demands quite a lot of processing depending on the use purpose) and accessibility issues.
  • Dmitrijeva, Anastasija (2023)
    The construction sector is a substantial contributor to waste and global carbon emissions due to the extraction and consumption of natural resources. Scholars underscore the critical importance for the construction sector to embrace the principles of the circular economy (CE), with a central focus on the efficient and careful use of natural resources, promoting material reuse and avoiding waste. Previous research conducted on the CE transition within the construction sector has shown a gap in addressing its material perspective. In Finland, the use of wood in construction is actively promoted by the government due to its potential to reduce industry’s carbon emissions. However, most used wood materials and waste from construction end up in energy recovery processes releasing absorbed carbon. This study explores the reasons for the limited wood recirculation within the shortest and most preferable loops in construction sector in Finland. The qualitative research data is based on 12 semi-structured qualitative interviews with professionals working either directly or closely to the construction sector. Employing the method of thematic analysis, this study endeavors to discover barriers, drivers and opportunities associated with recirculation of wood in the construction industry of Finland. While the findings of this study were found to be aligned with previous research that has identified barriers and drivers to CE implementation both within the construction industry and more broadly, multiple new wood-specific challenges were identified. The research findings demonstrate the necessity of adopting a holistic and systematic approach to increasing wood recirculation in construction and underscore the significant role of mediating actors, such as management of material hubs, in facilitating its implementation. This study suggests that supported by mediating actors, the development of the business ecosystem for circulated wood, enhancement of construction industry’s experience beyond internal projects is needed. Harmonization of the industry’s practices within the interplay of CE and bioeconomy thinking would promote wood recirculation in construction.
  • Blomberg, Laura (2022)
    Since the 1980s, international funding provided by diverse and changing donors has significantly changed Madagascar’s conservation landscape. The various challenges and development needs related to biodiversity conservation and its international funding have long been known to the international community and solutions have been sought. Despite this, deforestation and the destruction of the environment in Madagascar continue. The aim of this study was to identify the perceptions of various stakeholders on the current challenges and development needs for biodiversity conservation and its international funding in Madagascar by using qualitative methods. This study was based on 26 semi-structured interviews. The interviewees represented stakeholders involved in internationally funded biodiversity conservation projects in Madagascar. 14 of these interviews were conducted specifically for this study. The remaining, 12 interviews were from the material collected for the research project “Conservation Legacies: Understanding the Long-term Impacts of Private Foundation Investment in International Biodiversity Conservation”. The qualitative content analysis combining a deductive and inductive approach revealed a number of different challenges and development needs that were strongly interlinked. The identified challenges were related to, for example, weak governance and its different indicators, political instabilities, poverty and internal migration, donor requirements, insufficient amount of funding, funding gaps, dependency of international funding, donor-driven priority setting, lack of coordination, and the challenges posed by the operating environment. The identified development needs included the need for longer funding cycles, flexibility, stronger local participation, more holistic and cross-sectoral approaches, and involvement of private sector. Extensive cooperation across actors and sectors is still needed to tackle the challenges and put development needs into practice. Without this, there is a risk that the objectives for conserving biodiversity and making development aid more effective will not be achieved. Achieving these objectives would be supported by research into how the prioritisation and ownership of biodiversity conservation could be increasingly transferred to the local level, while ensuring that all aspects of sustainable development - social, ecological and economic – are considered.
  • Waldmann, Salla (2023)
    Carbon dioxide (CO2) has an important role in tree functioning, as it is needed for photosynthesis, used in biomass growth, and released in respiration. Stem CO2 efflux depends mainly on the stem respiration, which is why air temperature is the best predictor of the efflux. Most of the respiratory CO2 is released to the atmosphere, while a part is re-fixated in woody tissue photosynthesis and some dissolves in xylem water and is transported up along the stem in the sap flow. Stem CO2 efflux rate is therefore also affected by solar radiation and vapour pressure deficit. CO2 efflux varies vertically within the stem, as respiration rate is higher in the younger parts of the stem, younger parts have thinner bark and thus smaller diffusion barrier, and since some CO2 is transported up along the stem in the sap flow the increased xylem gas-to-water ratio in the higher parts of the stem accelerates the diffusion rate of CO2. Studies of stem CO2 efflux that use long-term data are rare. Long-term measurements enable the study of seasonality, annual variations, and the effect of different environmental factors more deeply than shorter measurement periods or point measurements allow. Chamber measurements give information on the gas exchange of a single component and its reactions to environmental factors. Long-term chamber measurements are therefore important in understanding forest carbon balance. This thesis analyses long-term stem chamber CO2 flux data measured continuously year-round at the SMEAR II station in the years 2010 – 2020. It studies the differences of different stem chamber types used in collecting the data, how the stem CO2 dynamics vary annually, seasonally, diurnally, individually, between two boreal tree species (Pinus sylvestris & Betula pendula) and vertically within the stem, and how different environmental factors affect the efflux. The data consists of two steady-state chamber types (measured in 2010 – 2012 and 2012 – 2016, respectively) and one dynamic chamber type (measured in 2016-2020) attached to one birch tree and four pine trees. The effects of environmental factors were studied through the temperature-dependence of respiration. It was modelled from the night-time efflux, as during night photosynthesis does not occur and sap flow is almost non-existent, and was utilized to predict whole-day respiration. Modelled respiration values were reduced from measured values and the part of stem efflux that was not caused by respiration but with photosynthesis and sap flow was left. The different chamber types were analysed with correlations of chamber and ambient temperature. Monthly and yearly effluxes were estimated and compared, and monthly estimates were normalized to compare the seasonality of the efflux. The results indicate that the stem CO2 efflux varies between years, seasons, species, individuals and vertically within the stem. The seasonal dynamics of birch occur more suddenly while the dynamics of pine increase and decrease more gently in spring and autumn, which might be due to birch being a deciduous and pine a coniferous species. There was clear vertical variation in stem CO2 efflux rates, which was possibly due to differences in growth respiration rates in different heights of the stem. The difference in the efflux sizes between higher and lower measurement point was higher in warmer months, and the efflux followed air temperature more closely in the higher measurement point. Photosynthesis and sap flow both decreased the stem CO2 efflux especially in warmer months, and sap flow had also a slight positive effect on the efflux when transpiration was low. The dynamic chamber type had chamber conditions closest to ambient conditions due to its adequate air mixing and can be said to alter the measurement results less than the two steady-state chamber types. This thesis highlights the importance of long-term continuous measurements of stem CO2 flux in the future. Annual, seasonal, individual, and vertical variation together with species stem CO2 efflux dynamics should all be accounted for when upscaling the efflux to stem- or stand-scale.
  • Aaltio, Anniina (2022)
    Rakennusteollisuuden suuret päästöt, alati nouseva ympäristötietoisuus ja tavoitteet kohti hiilineutraaliutta yhdessä väestönkasvun kanssa ajavat rakennusteollisuutta vääjäämättä keskelle muutosta. Puukerrostalojen on nähty toimivan yhtenä ratkaisuna tämän muutoksen edesauttamiseksi. Puukerrostalohankkeiden ekosysteemiin liittyvillä toimijoilla onkin täten mahdollisuus yhdessä toimien löytää uusia rakennusalan innovaatioita, joilla vastata koko alan kohtaamiin ulkopuolelta tuleviin muutostekijöihin, jotka osaltaan luovat painetta niin sisäisesti kuin ulkoisesti. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli saada parempi käsitys liiketoimintaekosysteemikonseptin soveltuvuudesta puukerrostalohankkeisiin ja miten hanketoiminta tukee ekosysteemin toimintaa. Ensimmäisellä tutkimuskysymyksellä pyrittiin saamaan vastauksia yhteistyöstä ja viestinnästä. Toinen tutkimuskysymys käsitteli puukerrostalohankkeissa mukana olleiden toimijoiden ympäristötietoisuutta. Tutkimus toteutettiin tekemällä 10 teemahaastattelua, jotka liittyivät kolmeen eri puukerrostalokohteeseen, jotka sijaitsivat Suomessa eri paikkakunnilla. Tutkimuksen tuloksena havaittiin, että näiden kolmen puukerrostalohankkeen liiketoimintaekosysteemit muodostavat useiden eri toimijoiden verkostoja, jotka toimivat ekosysteemin eri tasoilla yhteisenä päämääränään tuottaa laadukasta ja ympäristöystävällistä rakentamista, joka osaltaan lisää maamme hiilivarastojen määrää. Tätä edellyttää toimijoiden välinen yhteistyö, jossa viestintä koettiin pääsääntöisesti sujuvaksi. Toisaalta haasteita oli havaittavissa keskinäisessä kommunikoinnissa ja toimintatapojen yhteensovittamisessa, johtuen työskentelystä uuden asian äärellä. Aikataulutus, tutut toimijat sekä materiaalitoimittaja vaikuttivat positiivisesti hankkeen lopputulokseen. Hiilijalanjälki ja -kädenjälki laskelmiin toivottiin yhteneväisiä laskentatapoja, jotta vertailtavuus lisääntyisi. Hankkeissa tunnistettiin rakennusten potentiaali hiilivarastona ja puukerrostalohankkeiden ympäristömerkitys nähtiin suurena. Hankkeessa mukana olleet toimijat kokivat, että tarvittaisiin asennemuutosta niin kuluttajien kuin rakennusteollisuuden osalta, jotta puukerrostalohankkeiden määrää saataisiin nostettua. Nähtävissä oli haastateltujen taholta pohdintaa siitä, ovatko yritykset tarpeeksi laajasti omaksuneet ympäristöajattelun ja tullaanko asetettuihin vastuullisuustavoitteisiin pääsemään niin yrityksissä kuin laajemmalti rakennusteollisuuden puolelta. Tästä huolimatta puukerrostalorakentaminen nähtiin positiivisena asiana, jonka myötä on mahdollisuus ottaa askel kohti nykyrakentamista kestävämpää tilaa ja siten olla osana suurempaa, yhteistä muutosta, johon pääseminen edellyttää toimialat ylittävän yhteistyön laajentumista. Tämä kuitenkin vaatisi rakennuskäytäntöjen muuttamista ja rohkeutta tehdä asioita uudella tavalla sekä avoimempaa yhteistyötä eri toimijoiden keskuudessa.
  • Kettunen, Kaisa (2022)
    This Master’s thesis compares different nature and recreation associations in terms of their activity to organize species observation activities and collect species data. The aim is to fill gaps in knowledge concerning on which volunteer groups are actively producing data, and if some of them could be included stronger in biodiversity monitoring and evaluation work. Further, the thesis evaluates how important the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility (FinBIF) is for different nature and recreation associations as a data sharing channel. The main study material was collected by a qualitative questionnaire that was sent to variety of different nature and recreation associations. As a result, species enthusiast associations, hunting associations and nature conservation associations were shown to be the most active in organizing species observation, that is in accordance with earlier studies such as Santaoja (2013). From other studied groups the Scouts surprisingly showed relatively high interest toward species observation, but they were not active in data sharing. Evaluating associations willingness to use the FinBIF’s services and devises for observation data sharing, revealed, that the FinBIF’s channel was not popular among the studied associations, keeping in mind that the study did not examine FinBIF’s popularity among individual volunteers. In the light of the results, the FinBIF services and the concept of citizen science should be more actively promoted toward nature and recreation associations, especially to the Scouts who would be potential group to co-operate with in biodiversity monitoring and evaluation work.
  • Vahteristo, Väinö (2023)
    The textile industry is in a need of various solutions to address its sustainability and responsibility issues and goals the industry players have set. Sustainable textile material sourcing plays a remarkable role as a solution for such issues. In addition to sourcing cotton, polyester or other conventional textile materials, next generation textile fibres are a part solution for the industry. However, market diffusion of such innovative products is a complex process. Purpose of the study is to study the innovation commercialisation and innovation selling from the point of view of a start-up or an innovator company that develops such technologies for the market. The literature part of the study defines the key determinants for a successful innovation commercialisation, which are reflected to results of semi-structured interviews with innovators from the industry. By collecting views and perceptions by textile brand owners and consumers, the study forms a practical pathway for innovators to make their commercialisation process succeed, ultimately, in support to tackle the sustainability issues of the industry. Results of the study elaborate the importance of flowing exchange of information throughout the textile value chain. Information flow is based on the value propositions of the innovation, which function as core values of innovators’ team building and communication with the value chain and the consumers, to build grounds for innovation acceptance and market diffusion. Reciprocally, collecting feedback from both is crucial to adapt to expectations flexibly. Lack of consumer awareness and, therefore, currently slow implementation pace of next generation textile fibres by the brand owners limit the resources of innovators and slow down market diffusion. The study finds that the role of brand owners in shifting consumer perceptions of prevailing issues in the industry is centric. Generally, consumers find the sustainability topics the brand owners promote and state to be addressing, as the most concerning. Therefore, as the brands are sparsely involving or offering next generation textile fibres as solutions for the issues, consumers do not see them as sufficient solutions. The study concludes that commercialisation of next generation textile fibres requires better facilitated educative information flow from innovators with all stakeholders of the process to build consumer demand and to activate the value chain. The most evident measure for it would be the better utilisation of various key opinion leaders. Well facilitated information flow and early start of educative sharing of information are centric for the successful market diffusion.
  • Mäkipää, Tiina (2023)
    Opinnäytetyö on tehty osana Suomen metsäkeskuksen esiselvityshanketta Keski-Suomen ensiharvennuksien laadusta. Työssä tarkastellaan Metsäkeskuksen tekemän korjuujäljen laadun seurannan perusteella ensiharvennusmetsiköiden jäävän puuston tunnuksia, pääasiassa runkolukuja. Aineiston avulla simuloitiin OpeMotti-ohjelmistolla puuston kehitys koko kiertoajalle. Mitattuja ensiharvennuskuvioita oli 85, joista simulaatioissa mukana oli 83. Mäntyvaltaisia metsiköitä oli 42, kuusivaltaisia 32 ja koivuvaltaisia 9 kappaletta. Simulaatioiden tuloksista selvitettiin koko kiertoajan muutoksia ensiharvennettujen metsiköiden puuston runkoluvuissa, tilavuudessa, biomassassa ja hiilen sekä hiilidioksidin sidonnassa. Maastomittausten perusteella ensiharvennusten laatu oli heikko. Kaikki kuviot oli harvennettu liian harvoiksi, ja ajouran osuus pinta-alasta oli keskimäärin 28 %. Hakkuuvaurioita tai ajourapainaumia oli alle 3 %. Suositusten mukaisen maastodatan puuttuessa kiertoaikasimuloinnit tehtiin sekä maastodatan että laskettujen suositusarvojen perusteella. Simulaatioita tehtiin yhteensä 166 eri kuviotiedoilla; mitattu data ja suositusdata jokaisesta 83 kuviosta. Simulointien mukaan tarkastettujen ensiharvennettujen kuvioiden runkotilavuus vähenisi kiertoajan aikana 15 % ja biomassan tuotto 14 % verrattuna suositusten mukaisesti ensiharvennettuihin. Vaikka voimakas harvennus hieman nopeutti puuston kasvua, nopeampi kasvu ei korvannut menetettyä puumäärää normaalin kiertoajan aikana. Tulos ei juurikaan muuttunut valtapuulajeittain tarkasteltuna, vaikka puulajien kasvutavat ja -nopeudet erosivat toisistaan. Liian voimakkaat ensiharvennukset saattavat aiheuttaa metsänomistajille tulonmenetyksiä tulevaisuudessa. Simulaatioiden mukaan suositusten mukaan ensiharvennetuista kuvioista voisi saada päätehakkuussa 800–2000 euroa enemmän tuloa hehtaarilta. Suositusten mukaiset kuviot sitoivat hiilidioksidia 15 % ja hiiltä 14 % enemmän kiertoajan aikana. Vaikka esiselvitys oli alueellinen ja verrokkina olleet suositusarvot olivat mallien mukaisia keskiarvoja, tulokset kertovat ensiharvennuksen laadun heikkenemisestä. Ensiharvennuksen voimakkuudella on pitkäaikaiset vaikutukset metsän puuston tilavuuteen ja metsien hiilensidontaan. Koska ensiharvennuksia tehdään liian vähän tarpeeseen nähden, ensiharvennusten oikea-aikainen ja suositusten mukainen tekeminen on hyvin tärkeää. Ongelman korjaamiseen tarvitaan koko metsäalan toimijoiden yhteistyötä, koska syitä ensiharvennusten laadun heikentymiseen on monia.
  • Ahokas, Aarne (2022)
    The root rot fungus Heterobasidion annosum is one of the worst conifer pathogens in the boreal forests. Root diseases decrease forest growth, and their abundance could increase with climate change. Disease can reduce the carbon stored into forests even more than wildfires or pest outbreaks, further impacting the climate. Widespread Heterobasidion root rot can develop within the stem of susceptible trees without external symptoms. Therefore, research on the pathogen is difficult on a large extent and its dynamics at the landscape level could be researched with models. A model may be used to understand a system better or to predict its behaviour. Random maps are neutral landscape models, and they are not always significantly different from real random landscapes, except that things shaping real landscapes, such as waterways, human activities, or topography, are missing and the focus is on map cells representing habitats, their occupancy and connectivity across the landscape. Neutral landscape models are an application of percolation theory within landscape ecology; therefore, the connectivity and randomness are important. Heterobasidion spread by sporulation at the landscape level is of interest, as the focus of research has been on the spread by root contacts. In this study, simulations made with Motti and iLand software are compared, the effects of Heterobasidion spread on the dimensional variables of trees at the landscape level are evaluated, and the effects of various maximum dispersal distances on the number of new Heterobasidion colonies and the tree volume per hectare are studied. Forest growth and management practices were simulated with the Motti software, forest dynamics were simulated with the iLand software that uses a neutral landscape model, and Heterobasidion dynamics were simulated with the BITE modelling framework that was connected to iLand for the vegetation and environmental data. Betula pendula had a trend of underestimated values of the dimensional variables except for the basal area in iLand when compared to Motti. There was no clear trend for Picea abies or Pinus sylvestris. Overall, the change in basal area was overestimated the most and height was the most underestimated variable by iLand. A single dimensional variable could have different trends during a forest growth cycle in Motti and iLand. The effect of Heterobasidion on the dimensions of trees at the landscape level was minimal. Larger maximum dispersal distances resulted in more Heterobasidion colonies than shorter distances.
  • Antola, Hanna (2023)
    Metsäalan toimintaympäristö on nopeassa muutoksessa niin kansallisesti kuin kansainvälisesti. Metsiin kohdistuu suuria odotuksia uusiutuvien raaka-aineiden lähteenä, luonnon monimuotoisuuden ylläpitäjänä sekä hiilinieluna. Metsäalan koulutus näyttäytyykin siksi tulevaisuudessa ehkä tärkeämpänä kuin koskaan. Tulevaisuuden ammattilaisilla on edessään aikamme yksien suurimpien kysymysten ratkaiseminen. Yhteiskunnan muuttuvat odotukset julkishyödykkeille, kuten metsäluonnon monimuotoisuudelle, vaativat metsäalan perinteisten opetusaiheiden ja tapojen kehittymistä uuden tutkimustiedon ja muuttuvien odotusten mukana. Erityisesti ympäristöön liittyvien tieteiden opettamisessa painottuu se, miten luonto toimii. Metsätieteiden kohdalla tämä tarkoittaa esimerkiksi konkreettisia maastokäyntejä. Digitalisoituvassa yhteiskunnassa myös perinteisempiä opetustyylejä on hyvä kehittää ja arvioida niiden toimivuutta uusien innovaatioiden avulla. Tulevaisuudessa etämaastokäynnit voivat toimia opetuksen resurssina esimerkiksi niin, että opiskelijat voivat oppia etänä valitsemassaan sijainnissa digitaalisessa ympäristössä ainakin jonkin osa-alueen. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tutustutaan etämaastokäynnin toteutukseen sekä opiskelijoiden kokemuksiin toteutetusta etämaastokäynnistä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan opiskelijoiden kokemusten perusteella sitä, miten etämaastokäyntejä tulisi toteuttaa tulevaisuudessa parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla ja miten opiskelijoiden mielestä etämaastokäyntejä voitaisiin hyödyntää opetuksessa tai työelämässä. Aiempaa tutkimusta aiheesta löytyy niukasti, vaikkakin etämaastokäyntejä on testattu ulkomailla positiivisin tuloksin. Erityisesti ajan ja rahan säästyminen näyttäytyi aiemmissa tutkimuksissa positiiviseksi puoleksi, sen lisäksi että etämaastokäynti mahdollistaa sen, että siihen voi osallistua mistä tahansa ja se on saavutettavissa kaikille. Tulevaisuudessa tämän tutkielman tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää tulevien metsätieteiden etämaastokäyntien suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin Helsingin yliopiston ja Tapion palvelut Oy:n yhteisen Digitaalisuuden hyödyntäminen maastokäynneissä -hankkeen oppilaitososuudessa. Helsingin yliopiston ja Tapion hankkeessa pilotoitiin ja tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia järjestää maastokäyntejä etäyhteyksin. Hankkeessa tuotetun suoratoistetun etämaastokäynnin pohjalta toteutettiin Helsingin yliopiston Metsäekonomian ja markkinoinnin perusteet -kurssin opiskelijoille nauhoitemuotoinen etämaastokäynti. Etämaastokäynnin jälkeen opiskelijoilta kysyttiin heidän kokemuksiaan käynnistä Microsoft Forms - kyselytyökalulla. Saadut vastaukset, yhteensä 51 kappaletta, analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin menetelmällä hyödyntäen teemoittelua. Opiskelijat kokivat etämaastokäynnin pääosin positiivisena kokemuksena, ja ainakin useimmille jäi ainakin jotain oppeja käyttöön. Selkeästi negatiivisena etämaastokäynnissä näyttäytyi se, että ainakin tässä toteutuksessa opiskelijoiden sosiaalinen aspekti jäi puuttumaan. Lisäksi etämaastokäynnin haasteeksi muodostui videomateriaalin heikko laatu, jonka vuoksi osa koki maaston arvioinnin videolta hankalaksi. Etämaastokäyntien eduiksi opiskelijoiden vastauksissa muodostui se, että niiden avulla säästyy toteutuksen osalta aikaa ja rahaa, ja ne ovat perinteistä maastokäyntiä nopeampi suorittaa. Lisäksi ne ovat olla kaikille osallistujille saavutettavissa. Lisäksi osa opiskelijoista huomioi, että etämaastokäynti säästää myös ympäristöä. Vaikka etämaastokäynneissä on runsaasti kehitettävää, uskovat opiskelijat niillä olevan paikkansa niin opiskeluissa kuin tulevaisuuden työelämässä. Erityisesti opiskelijat kokivat, että etämaastokäynnit voisivat soveltua työelämässä metsänomistajapalveluihin sekä henkilöstön koulutukseen. Yhä lisääntyvän etätyön ja monipaikkaisuuden yhteiskunnassa tarvitsemme uusia etäosallistumisen mahdollisuuksia myös metsäalan opetukseen ja työelämään, johon etämaastokäynnit osaltaan voivat vastata.
  • Malm, Micke (2023)
    The European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) is one of the most concerning forest pest to Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst) forests in Central and Northern Europe. The species has been fairly well studied, especially after the storm Gudrun in Sweden in 2005 and some widespread damages in spruce forests in Central Europe in the recent years. I. typographus is a highly opportunistic species and a population can expand drastically if favorable conditions, mainly weakened or windthrown trees and suitable temperatures, are met. After reproducing on these favorable conditions, the species may have reached a population size so large that it is capable of infesting and killing even standing, healthy trees in the nearby areas. Damages caused to standing trees are the most problematic as there losses in economic revenue, carbon storage and, in some cases, ecosystem services. In Finland, the problems caused by I. typographus have fortunately been localized, but with climate change increasing extreme weather patterns, the problems are likely to increase in the future, which is why the species, as well as other potentially problematic species should be studied as intensively as possible, so that informed decisions can be made in case of a windthrown or other pest inducing event was to occur. After the Asta-storm in 2010, some 9000 cubic meters of wood had fallen in Ruokolahti municipality. Quickly after the storm, two areas (Viitalampi and Paajasensalo) were conserved under METSO-program and no commercial harvests were done in the sites, and permissions for bark beetle studies were given to increase knowledge especially on I. typographus. The two sites were mostly harvest-ready or mature Norway spruce dominated forests. Field work began in 2011 in Viitalampi, and new study plots were established in Viitalampi and Paajasensalo in subsequent years. To study bark beetle population dynamics, a total of 140 fallen trees were studied. From each tree diameters were measured at base (d0), breast-height (d1.3) and ten meters (d10), as well as full height of the tree. An entomological analysis was done in two-meter intervals (from 0m to 10m) to establish changes of bark beetle activity on a stem. A 25cmx50cm piece of bark was analyzed on each height, from which new and old entry and exit holes and different bark beetle maternal galleries were calculated. This was done on a different tree each year on a plot, although it was done only to trees which had root connections to the soil and were thus deemed alive and potential breeding and feeding ground for bark beetles. In addition, National Land Survey of Finland provided high resolution aerial images from the study sites so that the surrounding areas and conditions could be taken into account in studying bark beetle population dynamics. From the aerial images, a number of fallen and standing trees were calculated on a 25-meter zone around the center of a plot, as well as the size of the closest windthrown gap and the plot’s distance to that gap. The analysis of each measured factors’ significance to I. typographus maternal gallery density (m²) were calculated with Generalized Linear Models. Yearly changes in I. typographus occurrence were expectedly high and complied with observations in previous studies. In addition, there was a significance found in gap size and distance to gap in 2013, which could be explained with population behavior in previous years and with the exhaustion of larger and more nearby resources in the beginning of population build-up. Extensive field work combined with aerial images and other spatial tools are important in understanding the complexity of bark beetle, or any other forest pest, population dynamics. As extreme weather patterns increase, so do the damages caused by biotic agents, such as the European spruce bark beetle. Future studies are needed to educate and prepare forest owners for forest disturbances, be it from the viewpoint of commercial forestry, carbon storage or biodiversity conservation.
  • Järveläinen, Mikko (2023)
    Urban development can generate substantial greenhouse gas emissions through deforestation and land-use change. This underscores the urgency for effective climate change mitigation strategies. This thesis scrutinizes the feasibility of local forest conservation, specifically at a municipal level, as a strategy to compensate for losses in carbon storage and reductions in carbon sequestration linked to land-use changes. The study uses a case study approach, focusing on a proposed development of a data centre in Espoo's Hepokorvenkallio area in Finland. The proposed construction site spans 19 hectares and consists mainly of a forest earmarked for clearance. As a possible countermeasure, the city is considering conserving the nearby Hynkänlampi forest, covering an area of 79 hectares. The study leverages empirical modelling via long-term forest simulations to assess carbon storage and sequestration dynamics for these two sites under different scenarios. For Hepokorvenkallio, the analysis compares a construction scenario with continued forest management. The findings suggest that land clearing necessary for construction could result in a carbon storage loss of 15,820 tCO2 over a century, thereby indicating a need for compensatory measures. For Hynkänlampi, the modelled forecasts propose that a conserved forest could theoretically offset these losses. However, the offset capacity is notably influenced by the chosen discount rates applied to the carbon storage values. While simulation results for Hynkänlampi indicate a buffer capacity exceeding 10,000 tCO2 with a 0% discount rate, this buffer decreases to approximately 5,800 tCO2 with a 1% discount rate. Beyond the numerical aspects of carbon accounting, the thesis also addresses existing uncertainties and the prevailing regulatory landscape for carbon accounting procedures. Considering Finland's current legal and regulatory framework, the interpretation of this study posits that Espoo could view forest conservation at Hynkänlampi as a viable carbon offsetting measure to mitigate the impacts of land clearing at Hepokorvenkallio.
  • Laakkonen, Hilla (2022)
    This study was conducted with the participation of HOAS and AYY residents at the two biggest Universities in the Helsinki metropolitan area (HMA), Finland. A total of 187 residents took part in an online survey. The aim of the study is to investigate the association between experiences of nature, environmental identity, and environmental concern. This master’s thesis explores how the experiences of nature (EoN) defined by Clayton and others (2017), as well as the environmental identity, determined by Clayton (2003), were associated with environmental concern. The survey consisted of questions about environmental identity and experiences of nature. The self-estimation about the environmental concern was also taken into consideration. The data were analyzed both via quantitative and qualitative methods, so mixed methods were applied in this study. Factor analysis from multivariate methods was conducted as a part of the quantitative analysis. Content analysis with topic modeling was performed as part of the qualitative analysis. Survey results from the quantitative analysis showed that the residents of HOAS and AYY experience nature mostly as integrated into their daily lives and routines. Yet, the qualitative analysis revealed that more complex nature connections were experienced during vacation times such as leisure time activities (e.g., boating and trekking). Also, experiences of nature are themed under three themes using the results of the factor analysis. Overall, the survey participants were very concerned about the environmental crisis, and they showed a very strong environmental identity. The correlation between EoN and environmental concern was the weakest, and there were stronger correlations between environmental identity and EoN or environmental concern. The result of this study supports Clayton’s (2003) theoretical model that there is a connection between environmental identity and environmental concern.
  • Adhikari, Gopal (2022)
    Northern peatlands store approximately one-third of total global terrestrial carbon (C). These peatlands were partly drained for agriculture and forestry. In drained peatland forest, beside tree stands, ground vegetation is another relevant component concerning C fluxes between the land and the atmosphere. Thus, to explore ground vegetation gross primary production (GPPGV) dynamics, its affecting factors, and impacts of the partial harvest; forest floor net exchange (NEFF) and respiration (RFF) were measured on an hourly interval with an automated closed flux chamber method were analysed. These measurements were conducted in a forestry drained peatland before (pre-harvest, 2013 – 2015) and after (post-harvest, 2016 – 2017) the partial harvest and a control area (2015 – 2017) located in southern Finland. The results showed a similar diurnal pattern of GPPGV in all three scenarios yet, with a considerably varying magnitude between these scenarios. An 83% increase in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was observed in 2016 followed by the harvest event. However, a markedly higher GPPGV was obtained in the year 2017 (139.04 mg CO2 m-2 h-1) a year after the partial harvest compared to the year 2016 (42.82 mg CO2 m-2 h-1), thereby indicating a delaying effect of partial harvest induced changes on productivity. A linear mixed effect model with fixed effects of treatment (control and partial harvest) and random effects of chambers further supported this result with a significant effect of partial harvest on GPPGV in 2017 as compared to 2016. Further, a strong positive correlation was found between the daily mean GPPGV and PAR. Additionally, types of vegetation and its share of projection cover (PC) also explained GPPGV variations between flux chambers. An increase in GPPGV after the partial harvest event showed that the ground vegetation can play a considerable role in the C cycle of a managed drained peatland forest beside tree stands. As expected, after the partial harvest more lights reached the ground layer altering productivity. Besides light availability, productivity also depends on the types and phenology of inhabiting vegetation. Thus, exploration and realization of the response of ground vegetation to the partial harvest induced changes may contribute to our understanding of natural regeneration and system recovery processes.
  • Inoranta, Elli (2023)
    Social media has emerged as a mainstream communication channel alongside traditional media. Twitter in particular has risen to a significant social role, even though it is not the most popular social media. Twitter serves as an arena for discussion, where a diverse user base expresses its views on issues such as logging. The logging amounts are much discussed because of the carbon emissions and the disruption of biodiversity it causes. This study uses data collected from Twitter, where logging is mentioned, and trends are formed to show the public's opinions on logging. This study uses framing analysis to analyse the content, language, and perspective of the tweets to form frames that describe public opinions. The data set is 500 tweets collected between 1 January 2022 and 31 November 2022, which were collected manually using Twitter's built-in advanced search function to limit the data using the search terms #logging and logging, and by limiting the timeframe. The collected data is analysed using framing analysis, after which larger frames representing consistent trends are formed from the frames. In the analysis, the most common frames were found to be the neutral information sharing frame and the forest use criticism frame, which was contrary to expectations given Twitter's reputation as a platform for heated debate. The next most common frame was the frame of defending nature conservation. The results show that public opinion is a combination of neutral information sharing and condemnation of logging. The results may have been influenced by the keywords chosen to collect the data, which are negatively charged in themselves. Twitter has worked well as a platform for information sharing and discussion, on forests and other topics. The future of Twitter is currently uncertain. Changes made by its current owner have caused problems and many users and advertisers have fled the platform. In the future, it remains to be seen whether a social media replacement for Twitter will be found, or whether the platform will change for the better.
  • Ylönen, Teemu (2022)
    Metsä Group lanseerasi vuonna 2021 uuden harvennusten raakapuun hinnoittelumenetelmän. Järeysrunko-hinta tarkoittaa, että harvennettavat puut ostetaan kokonaisina runkoina. Koko rungolle maksetaan sama kuutiohinta ja metsäomistajan saama hinta määräytyy poistettavien puiden keskijäreyden mukaan. Runkojen katkonta ei vaikuta metsänomistajan saamaan puukauppatuloon, mutta Metsä Group voi katkoa rungot markkinatilanteen vaatimilla mitoilla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, että saako Metsä Group taloudellista etua uudesta harvennusten hinnoittelumallista. Taloudellisen edun selvittämiseksi kartoitettiin puutavaralajihinnoittelun sekä järeysrunkohinnoittelun välisiä korjuunkuluja, täsmällisemmin hakkuukoneen tuottamia kuluja. Hakkuukoneen taksoitus perustuu poistettavan puuston keskijäreyteen. Tutkimuksessa käytetty valtakunnallinen harvennushakkuiden aineisto saatiin Metsä Groupilta ja se ajoittui 1.4.2021-29.3.2022 väliselle ajalle. Tutkittavaa aineistoa oli puutavaralajihinnoiteltujen puiden osalta --- kuutiometriä ja järeysrunkohinnoiteltujen puiden --- kuutiometriä, joka kattoi koko Suomen. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin hakkuukoneesta muodostuneita kuluja hinnoittelumuodoittain koko Suomen osalta, johon sisältyivät neljätoista hankintapiiriä ja niiden sisältämät neljänkymmentä hankintaryhmää. Aineistossa olivat mukana yleisimmät puutavaralajit hinnoittelumuodoittain. Aluksi kartoitettiin kuitupuun ja tukin aiheuttamat hakkuukoneen kulut alueittain, joita verrattiin keskenään hinnoittelumuodoittain sekä selvitettiin, että selittikö mahdolliset järeyserot kulueroja. Eri hinnoittelumuotojen väliset hakkuukoneen kuluerot laskettiin ja raportoitiin jokaiselle hankintapiirille. Lopuksi selvitettiin keskiarvosta johdettavan keskihajonnan avulla, että vaikuttaako järeyteen perustuva puunhinnoittelu hakkuukoneen lopullisiin kuluihin. Hakkuukoneen suuremman kulun selittäväksi tekijäksi muodostui puutavaralajikauppojen osalta poistuman keskijäreyden virhearvio ja pienempi poistuman keskijäreys. Harvennusten poistuvan puuston keskijäreyden arviointivirhe oli järeyden suhteen suurempi kuin toteutunut. Tällöin hakkuukoneen kulu arvioitiin metsähakkuusopimuksen solmimisen yhteydessä pienemmäksi kuin se toteutuessaan oli. Järeysrunkohinnoittelussa vastaavanlaista poistuman keskijäreyden arviointivirheen aiheuttamaa kulua ei esiintynyt. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin harvennusten poistuman keskijäreyden arviointivirheelle rahallinen arvo alueittain, kuitupuun ja tukin osalta hakkuukoneen kuluille. Metsä Groupilla on tavoitteena lisätä järeysrunkohinnoittelua systemaattisesti kymmeneen prosenttiin harvennusten osalta. Kun kymmenen prosentin tavoite täyttyy Metsä Group saa taloudellista etua --- €. Metsä Groupin olisi suotavaa lisätä valtakunnassa uutta hinnoittelumenetelmää harvennuksilla ja korvata sillä useammin käytettyä puutavaralajihinnoittelua. Järeysrunkohinnoittelu tuo etua etenkin kuitupuun osalta hakkuukoneen kuluissa, koska korjuun hinta oli suurempi ja järeyden arviointivirheet olivat suhteessa suuremmat kuin tukin korjuussa.
  • Autio, Johanna (2022)
    Finland is the world's seventh largest producer of softwood timber and the fourth largest exporter. Three-quarters of the approximately 12 million cubic meters of sawn timber produced annually are exported to more than 60 countries. The total annual value of exports in 2021 was approximately EUR 2.8 billion. Finnish sawmills are the backbone of the Finnish economy, but at the same time they are part of a global operating environment whose movements, directly or indirectly, affect product demand and prices, industry profitability, operating conditions, forest raw material prices, Finnish employment, Finland's GDP and society's well-being. This study was conducted as a collective case study. The aim of was to identify global weak signals that could be interpreted to anticipate short-term movements in the global sawn timber market. Also, the aim was to retrospectively identify potential events that have previously triggered or have been a driving force behind market developments and to provide sawmill operators a tool to anticipate these movements, prepare for possible events and support strategic planning. The research question of the thesis was the following: Are there identifiable similar signals or series of events that have had congruent effects on the development of the global sawn timber market in the 21st century? The purpose of the auxiliary research question was to deepen the understanding of the operating environment and the impact mechanisms of change. The auxiliary research question sought to establish whether the effects have been direct or indirect. The methods of future studies and business environment research are used in this research. The key elements in the study are PESTEL framework, scenario method and the future table. The study builds on previous future studies and the use of scenario methods, providing a perspective on a relatively little-studied industry. The study was conducted as an explanatory extensive case study. The research material consisted of industry and customs statistics for selected periods and semi-structured qualitative thematic interviews. Finnish long-term professionals in the export and trade of sawn timber, influencers from the domestic and foreign policy scene in the 21st century, and professionals in the economic and social sciences were selected for interviews. The interview material was themed and a future table describing the industry was built on the basis of it. Three different scenarios utilizing the narrative were formed from the future table. The research question was approached with the help of the PESTEL tool. It was used to map the phenomena shaping the global sawn timber market. Several different factors affecting the market were found. The study also showed that weak signals can be found in the context of the global timber trade. With regard to the auxiliary research question, all the weak signals observed in the research have had indirect effects on the operations of Finnish sawmills in a global context. The study showed that weak signals could be found in the operating environment of the global sawn timber market and that their effects on Finnish companies have been indirect. Since weak signals have occurred in the past, it is entirely expected that they are found now and, in the future, too. In order to succeed in a fast-paced and complex operating environment, it would be advisable for sawmills to build internal processes for a more diverse observation of the operating environment. The results of this study and the future table can be used in companies' strategy work and as a basis for their own scenarios.
  • Rauhala, Mikko (2022)
    The populations of several birds have declined in Finland and overall, in the boreal zone during the last centuries. There is not only one reason behind this decline in the populations of the birds, because it is a result of many different factors and combinations of these factors. Especially, the nesting success of birds affects the size of the bird population. Artificial nest experiments are commonly used for measuring the nesting success of ground-nesting birds worldwide. Artificial nests are done with eggs of some bird species, and the meaning of this is to mimic the real nests of the chosen ground-nesting birds. Usually, the aim with artificial nests is to figure out the number of predations and the distribution of predator species in the research area. Nowadays artificial nests are often monitored with trail cameras. The credibility and truthfulness compared to the situation of real nests have awakened a lot of discussion among researchers (ex. Skagen et al. 1999, Weldon 2022). Especially, the human scents and subjectivity in the setting stage is believed to decline the credibility and the comparability of artificial nest experiments. This master's thesis, figured out with artificial nests and signposts, does the human scent work as a source of bias in artificial nest experiments. The subjects of this research were decided to be mammal predators because these animals search for food mostly with olfaction. From a scientific perspective, the experienced mammal predator group included both small and medium-sized predators. In this master's thesis, the directions from where the mammal predators came to the experimental setups in relation to where the research came from were analysed. The data of this study was collected from a large area where there is human impact in Finland, during the spring and early summer of 2021. Three kinds of experimental setups were used: experiment nests, control nests and signposts. All experimental setups were monitored with trail cameras during a seven-day period, during this time researchers do not visit the area. The experiment and control nests were made in natural nesting places. Depending on the habitat the nests would have been nests of waterfowl, ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus cochicus) or capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus). The experiment nests were done in the ground by digging as natural nest holes as possible with wood stick, and after this, four pheasant eggs were placed in the nest holes. Control nests were done same way as experiment nests but without any eggs. The signposts were done by setting commercial predator lure made from the scent gland of grey fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) with 20cm wood stick to the underside of small flat stone (rain cannot wash the lure away). After this the stick was placed upright next to the stone to spread the smell. The purpose of signposts was to mimic natural territory signs of predators, and to attract predators to the experimental setups. The signposts were made in the same areas as the experiment and control nests. The data consist of 178 experiment nests, 75 control nests and 79 signposts, so in total the data were collected from 332 experimental setups. The modelling of the data was done with R -program and Microsoft Excel. The situation of the first visits (sector analyses) and the survival of experiment nests was analysed by using Generalized linear model (GLM). The situation of all visits was analysed by using G-test (Goodness of Fit). For the analyses, the directions where the mammals came from, were divided into four sector categories. The directions were imagined as a circle around the setup and the circle was divide into four equal-sized sectors (90 degrees each). The sector that the researcher used was always the number one and trail camera was set up in the middle of the sector. There were four most common mammal predators included in the analyses of the directions: raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), European pine marten (Martes martes) and European badger (Meles meles). This research showed that despite the common beliefs, scent of a researcher does not lead the mammal predators to the experimental setups. According to the results the cues of human scent did not increase the risk of setups found by predators. Neither the passage of time did not change the relation of used sectors in the situation of the first visits. In the situation of first visits mammal predators preferred side sectors (sector two and four) in the experiment nests and signposts, but in the control nests mammal predator did not prefer any sector. There is obvious need of further research because the reason why mammal predators preferred side sectors stayed unclear. The species-specific analyses showed that raccoon dogs, pine martens and badgers arrived in the experimental setups from random directions. However, as expected red foxes were sceptical and avoided the human used sector and the opposite sector three. This research showed that the predatory behaviour of mammal predators is not completely known and there is still need for further research.
  • Jyrinki, Vilja Johanna (2022)
    Climate change and the degradation of soils are global and increasingly prevalent issue. Pyrolyzed organic materials, biochars, are progressively studied as a promising tool to sequester carbon in soils, whilst also improving soil properties. It is important to understand how different biochars affect other integral features of the soil ecosystem, such as soil biota, before they are utilized. Biochars are currently mostly utilized in agricultural settings; in order to extend their use for carbon sequestration in forest soils, more research regarding different biochars in forest settings is necessary. This Master’s thesis was conducted as literature review and meta-analysis of existing forest field studies in which the effect of biochars on soil biota was measured. Two sources (the University of Helsinki digital library collection (Helka), and internet search engine Google Scholar were used. From the studies gathered, soil respiration and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) were used as variables to estimate the effect of biochars on soil biota. Due to the scarcity of existing research, experimental conditions included in this thesis are diverse, including plantations, three climatic regions (boreal, temperate and subtropic) and different biochar types. Subgroups were formed from received data according to different treatments and standard mean differences (SMD) were compared. Contrary to the hypothesis, within this meta-analysis, soils amended with biochars demonstrated either no change or decreased soil respiration and MBC. On average, soil respiration did not show any significant change to biochar amendment, whilst MBC decreased significantly in some subgroups: short-term studies (<= 12 months), small difference in pH between soil and biochar (< 4), low pyrolysis temperature of biochar (<= 450 ˚C) and small quantity of biochar applied (< 10 t/ha). The decreasing in MBC was not consistent and diminished with increasing quantity of biochar and in study periods over 12 months. Given that biochars do not seem to have clear effects on microbial forest soil biota or microbial respiration, the application of biochars to forest soils has its potentials. However, larger scale use should be considered with caution, and further research is necessary.