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Browsing by Subject "ympäristökasvatus"

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  • Sydänmaa, Lilli (2014)
    Metsähallituksen luontokeskukset ja -talot ovat asiakaspalvelupisteitä, joiden tehtävänä on jakaa tietoa ja neuvoa luonnonsuojelu- ja retkeilyalueille menijöitä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli lisätä ymmärrystä niissä tapahtuvasta oppimisesta. Syvällisempi ymmärrys oppimisesta mahdollistaa asiakaspalvelupisteiden toiminnan ja niissä esillä olevien materiaalien kehittämisen niin, että ne tukevat paremmin kävijöiden oppimista. Tutkimus rajoittui Tunturi-Lapin alueella sijaitseviin luontokeskuksiin ja luontotaloon sekä näiden asiakaspalvelupisteiden yli 15-vuotiaisiin kävijöihin. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin vain luonto-, retkeily- ja saamelaiskulttuuritietojen oppimista. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin luontokeskus Kellokaan, Pallastunturin luontokeskuksen, Tunturi-Lapin luontokeskuksen ja Kilpisjärven luontotalon viimeisimpiä asiakastutkimusaineistoja. Kyseiset asiakastutkimukset on toteutettu vuosien 2004 ja 2011 välillä. Aineisto koostui yhteensä 1546 täytetystä kyselylomakkeesta. Tilastollisessa analyysissä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia ja lineaarisia regressiomalleja. Analyysi pohjautui pitkälti museo-oppimista koskevissa tutkimuksissa saatuihin tuloksiin, erityisesti Falkin ja Dierkingin museokokemusmalliin, jonka mukaan museokokemus rakentuu persoonallisesta, sosiaalisesta ja fyysisestä kontekstista sekä välittömästä toimintakontekstista. Kävijöiden neljä yleisintä syytä vierailla luontokeskuksessa olivat tiedonsaanti, näyttelyt, ostokset ja kahvila. Tiedonsaannista kiinnostuneet kävijät hakivat luontokeskuksesta ennen kaikkea luontoon liittyvää tietoa. Valtaosa kävijöistä oppi vierailun aikana luontoon ja retkeilyyn liittyviä tietoja. Kävijät myös pitivät tiedonsaantia keskimäärin hyvänä. Tietojen oppimiseen vaikuttivat voimakkaimmin elämykset sekä näyttelyn kiinnostavuus ja laatu. Mitä elämyksellisempänä kävijät kokivat vierailun ja mitä kiinnostavampana tai laadukkaampana he pitivät pysyvää näyttelyä, sitä paremmaksi he keskimäärin arvioivat tiedonsaannin. Asiakaspalvelupisteissä esitettävien video- ja diaesitysten katsominen paransi hieman kävijöiden luontotiedonsaantia. Tunturi-Lapin luontokeskuksen Vuovjjuš - Kulkijat -näyttelyyn tutustuminen lisäsi selvästi kävijöiden tietoja saamelaiskulttuurista. Tulosten perusteella luontokeskukset ja -talot onnistuvat jo nykyisellään melko hyvin tehtävässään jakaa tietoa. Kävijöiden oppimista olisi kuitenkin mahdollista parantaa panostamalla elämysten tarjoamiseen, selvittämällä kävijöiden kiinnostuksen kohteet näyttelyitä uudistettaessa, esittämällä näyttelyissä käsiteltävät asiat selvästi ja riittävän yksinkertaisesti sekä houkuttelemalla yhä useammat kävijät katsomaan video- tai diaesitys.
  • Verkkosaari, Heidi (2022)
    This research will study commercial field students' relationship with nature and how it affects their sense of responsibility. The aim is to find out what the students' relationship with nature is like, whether it has a connection to a sense of responsibility and whether the background factors have an effect on the relationship with nature. The issue is topical, as life on Earth is threatened by many environmental problems, such as climate change, the loss of biodiversity and the over-consumption of natural resources. As a result of urbanization, people can somehow become estranged from nature. We need more information about the background factors of our relationship with nature and the connection with a sense of responsibility. Maybe that will help us to maintain our relationship with nature and take responsibility for our environment. Based on previous research, it seems that the more distant a person experiences nature, the less he appreciates it and wants to take care of its well-being. The relationship with nature is always a subjective experience; an individual experiences his relationship with nature differently depending on the experiences, feelings and attitudes towards being in nature and towards it.In the study, I used the Nature Relatedness (NR) Scale to measure the nature relationship. Responsibility refers to a person's responsibility for the effects of his or her actions on, for example, the environment and society. This study focuses on a sense of responsibility; how a person feels responsible. The sense of responsibility was measured with the Responsibility scale (RS). The study was carried out in collaboration with the Ruralia Institute of the University of Helsinki. The data was collected in the autumn 2020. Students were told that the purpose of the survey was to research their relationship with nature and their views on the use of state hiking areas and national parks. Data was collected from 246 Finnish business schools students with the electronic survey. In the analysis of the data, the average sum variables were created from the responses of the survey in order to obtain figures describing the nature relatedness and responsibility for each respondent. The correlation between the nature relatedness and the sense of responsibility was then examined using linear regression. Background variable analyzes were performed using the Mann-Whitney U test and cross-tabulation. The study found a positive correlation between the nature relatedness and the sense of responsibility, making students with a stronger nature relatedness also feel more responsible. Background variable studies revealed that women have a slightly better level of nature relatedness than men. In addition, respondents born before the 1990s were found to have a higher level of nature relatedness. However due to the small number of respondents in older age groups, no more precise conclusions could be drawn. The results are similar to those obtained in previous environmental studies. Although a correlation was found between the nature relatedness and the sense of responsibility, the sense of responsibility does not necessarily tell anything about responsible behavior. New ways should be found to explore the connection bet-ween the sense of responsibility and behavior towards nature. More information would also be needed on how various background factors, such as childhood residence, will affect on the relationship with nature. As people's relationships with nature develops throughout life, information on the cause-and-effect relationship between nature relatedness and responsibility could be used even more in the environmental education of not only children but also adults, too.
  • Saloranta, Satu Susanna (2010)
    Schools’ sustainable development work is described as ecological, economic, social and cultural sustainability-based environmental education. Sustainable development tools such as environmental mapping and environmental programs focus on environmental design, curriculum implementation and maintenance functions, such as waste management in Helsinki’s primary and secondary schools. The Helsinki city Education Department assesses schools’ environmental performance on a scale 1 to 3, where grade 3 describes the environmentally most advanced school. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in waste costs and waste quantities (cost per person per year and kilo per person per year) among schools belonging to different environmental performance levels and then explore the possible factors affecting these differences. This Master’s thesis was commissioned by the 4V project, which among other things aims at studying the impact of sustainable development education work in schools. The data used in the study was collected and elaborated as a part of this master’s thesis. The data includes Helsinki primary school 2009 waste costs and quantities collected by the 2010 waste monitoring survey. Schools’ waste costs and quantities are combined and the schools are grouped by their 2009 environmental performance level. The initial sample included 64 schools. The analysis of waste costs and quantities was conducted on smaller sample of 29 school buildings in which only school activities took place. The analysis focused on the cost and quantities of mixed municipal waste and biowaste. It was found that schools with different environmental performance level differ in the waste costs and quantities. Most environmentally advanced schools had the smallest mixed municipal waste cost and quantities, and moreover schools with grade 2 had the highest biowaste costs and quantities. The total amount of waste was not diminished but waste sorting had become more effective. Waste costs and quantities appear to be influenced by the factors such as the number of waste containers, their sizes, and the frequency with which they are emptied. In particular, there appears to be scope for improvement in the efficient and optimization degrees of containers’ filling. In conclusion the study recommends that schools should focus their sustainable development work on waste prevention and reduction. This study’s findings provide information to the Education Department and other agencies, such as HSY and Palmia, and to the Helsinki Real Estate department, which holds the school buildings development of waste management.
  • Lahtinen, Leena (2017)
    The experiences of an individual build and shape his or her personality. Experiences of nature contribute considerably to the development of children’s self-esteem and self-image. It is worth bearing in mind that the children of today will become the builders and decision-makers of tomorrow and, therefore, their education is of great importance. Their attitudes and values will define the development and well-being of our society. Children’s experiences of their daily lives are a key element of this study. The study explored 5–6-year-old kindergarten children’s (n = 98) experiences of garden activities. The garden was examined as a physical, psychological, social and cognitive environment for growth and learning. The study concentrated on the children’s emotional responses that were aroused by garden activities and on the function of the garden as a social meeting place for children. A further aim of the study was to follow the development of the 5–6-year-old participants’ knowledge of the garden and nature. The children’s experiences were assessed with a drawing task, Me as a Gardener, that was supplemented with individual interviews, conducted between 2014–2015. The children’s emotional experiences and knowledge of nature were enhanced as a result of the garden activities. The activities contributed to an increase in positive experiences and self-image, especially in the case of boys, and to the development of an understanding of the effects of gardening. Based on this study can be expected to, an intentional use of the garden as a growth and learning environment encourages the growth of children in early-childhood education settings.