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  • Tuomaala, Jussi-Henrikki (2019)
    Lukuteoriassa tarkastelun kohteena ovat kokonaisluvut tai jokin niiden osajoukko, esimerkiksi alkuluvut. Tavoitteena voi olla löytää jokin viehättävä lukujen välinen yhteys, tai vain osoittaa tällaisen olevan olemassa. Moderni lukuteoria otti suuria harppauksia 1600-luvulla, jolloin intohi- moinen matematiikan harrastaja ja lakimies, Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665), havaitsi tuloksen, joka nykyään tunnetaan Fermat’n pienenä lauseena. Fermat’n pieni lause on yksi alkeislukuteorian keskeisistä tuloksista. Tässä työssä perehdytään lauseen sisältöön luoden lukijalle ensin historiallinen konteksti sekä esittäen välttämättömät poh- jatiedot, jonka jälkeen edetään kronologisesti kohti yleisimpiä muotoja syventäen samalla teoriaa Fermat’n pienestä lauseesta sekä sen keskeisistä sovellutuksista. Tarkastelu huipentuu katsaukseen, jossa kryptografian tematiikka sitoo Fermat’n pienen lauseen lukion opetussuunnitelmaan: tiedon salaaminen voidaan nähdä paitsi yhteiskunnallisesti relevant- tina ja ajankohtaisena myös matemaattisesti mielekkäänä aiheena lähestyä Fermat’n pientä lausetta.
  • Demeslay, Lise (2023)
    The plastic pollution has become a massive problem in the Arctic, affecting aquatic, and terrestrial ecosystems, the cryosphere, and the atmosphere. One of the solutions proposed by the Arctic Council is to improve waste management by using renewable and sustainable materials. This is where bioplastics reveal their importance. They can be bio-produced by microorganisms from organic waste, they are biodegradable and can be reused. Their production relies on a circular economy system making it sustainable. Here lies the relevance of developing the bioplastic bioproduction and technology. The present research focused on the development of a specific production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) from organic waste, in collaboration with the start-up Dionymer (Bordeaux, France). First, the purpose of the study was to up scale the process from the fermentation of chemical volatile fatty acids in flasks (400 mL culture medium) to 2 L bioreactors (BR) by characterizing the main differences in the two processes. Secondly, the research consisted in implementing and testing different set-up for the BR to enhance and improve bioplastic and biomass yields, including aeration and agitation. The characterization of the culture parameters differences between BR and flask pointed out; a higher viscosity of the medium at the end of the process, a darker PHA product and a lower final optical density (OD) (8 versus 12) respectively. Secondly, the focus was on the increase of the OD in BR and finding the origin of the stress, to do so, the following parameters were tested; - three aerations strategies; pO2<10%, <20% and >20%; - two agitations blades; marine and Rushton with baffles; - two aerations spargers; circular and micro. The results revealed that; the pO2 needs to be higher to 20% and it may be linked with the reduction of stress induced to the cells; the marine blades increased the OD and reduced the medium viscosity; the impact of the micro sparger seemed to improve aeration and tent to be very sensitive to antifoam agent that reduced the aeration of the medium. So far, the optimum BR set-up seemed to include the use of marine blades and a pO2 above 20%. More experiments of optimization still need to be performed to unsure a stable and higher production performance.
  • Saressalo, Anton (2016)
    Ferroelectric materials show many promising features for applications in tomorrow's electronics. The ability to use polarization to store information in a dense space and good endurance make them one of the top contestants for the next generation memory applications, such as Ferroelectric or Resistive Random-Access Memory elements (FeRAM / ReRAM). The ReRAM elements are also a promising type for the missing circuit element, memristor, which links together the magnetic induction flux and the electric charge. Some materials also exhibit simultaneous ferroelectric polarization and magnetization. These are called multiferroics and could be a key towards magnetoelectric memories and a realization of four-state logic in a single device. A solid state ceramic, BiFeO 3 , has been under recent interest for such a multiferroic material since it exhibits large polarization simultaneously with magnetization. The challenges of BiFeO 3 include its high conductivity for an insulator and poor phase stability. Other materials with similar unit cell structure have been mixed with the material to successfully improve the properties. In this work, the ferroelectric properties of a ceramic solid state compound 0.80[BiFe 0.95 Mn 0.05 O 3 ]–0.20[BaTiO 3 ], or BFBT(Mn), were investigated under various electrical measurements. The results show that the material is ferroelectric. They also show that the conduction mechanism inside the material varies with the applied electric field, hinting to Space Charge Limited Conduction mechanism and Resistive Switching. The phenomenon is expected to be linked to migration of oxygen vacancies inside the sample and formation of conductive filaments.
  • Latikka, Mika (2014)
    Extremely water-repellent, i.e. superhydrophobic, surfaces display self-cleaning, anti-icing and anti-fogging characteristics, and can be used to reduce viscous drag in liquid flow. Despite the auspicious prospects of superhydrophobicity, methods for measuring wettability and energy dissipation in droplets moving on these surfaces have been insufficient. In this thesis I present the theoretical basis of non-wetting phenomena and review contemporary wetting characterization methods. I also discuss a measuring technique we developed for superhydrophobic surfaces based on magnetically induced oscillations of water-like ferrofluid droplets, which was recently published in Nature Communications. This method can simultaneously measure forces caused by two independent dissipative processes at a precision of ca. 10 nN. One is related to the contact angle hysteresis at the three-phase contact line and the other to viscous dissipation near the droplet-solid contact area. The ability to provide quantitative information about droplet dynamics, inhomogeneities and defects on extremely non-wetting surfaces can make this a useful research and quality control technique for academic and commercial use.
  • Türkman, Minna (2015)
    Feuerbachin lause liittyy euklidisen tasogeometrian keinoin todistettavaan tulokseen kolmion yhdeksän pisteen ympyrästä. Feuerbachin lause osoittaa kolmion yhdeksän pisteen ympyrän olevan tangenttina kolmion sisäympyrälle ja sen kolmelle sivuympyrälle. Sisäympyröiden sivuamistapauksen todistaminen vaatii lisäksi inversiivigeometrian keinoja. Ensimmäisen luvun johdannon jälkeen toisessa luvussa esitetään Eukleideen Alkeissa esitettyjä postulaatteja, määritelmiä ja lauseita todistuksineen, joita tarvitaan yhdeksän pisteen ympyrän ja Feuerbachin lauseen todistamiseen. Näitä seuraa Eulerin suoran todistus sekä yhdeksän pisteen ympyrään liittyvät todistukset. Kolmannessa luvussa esitellään inversiivigeometriaa ja erityisesti määritellään inversiokuvaus, niiltä osin kuin Feuerbachin lauseen todistamisen kannalta on tarpeen. Neljännessä luvussa esitetään Feuerbachin lause todistuksineen.
  • Sauvala, Sanna (2015)
    Tutkielmassa tutustutaan Fibonaccin lukuihin ja Lucasin lukuihin. Tavoitteena on ensinnäkin tarkastella Fibonaccin lukuja ja näiden yhteyttä Lucasin lukuihin ja kultaiseen leikkaukseen. Toiseksi tavoitteena on tarkastella erityisesti Fibonaccin lukuja lukuteorian näkökulmasta tutkimalla alkulukuihin ja jaollisuuteen liittyviä ominaisuuksia. Lisäksi todistetaan Zeckendorfin lause. Tutkielmassa on neljä lukua. Ensimmäisessä luvussa on johdanto ja viimeisessä luvussa on loppusanat. Johdannossa on lyhyt historiallinen katsaus aiheeseen. Toisessa luvussa on ominaisuuksia ja määritelmiä. Luvussa 2.1 määritellään Fibonaccin luvut. Ensimmäiset Fibonaccin luvut ovat nolla ja yksi. Seuraava Fibonaccin luku saadaan aina määrittämällä kahden edellisen Fibonaccin luvun summa. Luvussa 2.2 tarkastellaan lyhyesti Fibonaccien lukujen yhteyttä matriiseihin ja todistetaan tämän avulla kaksi tulosta Fibonaccin luvuille. Luvussa 2.3 esitetyt Lucasin luvut määritellään alkuarvoja lukuun ottamatta samoin kuin Fibonaccin luvut. Ensimmäiset Lucasin luvut ovat kaksi ja yksi. Luvussa 2.4 tutkitaan kultaista leikkausta. Kultainen leikkaus saadaan, kun jaetaan jana kahteen osaan. Jaon ehtona on, että pidemmän ja lyhyemmän osan pituuksien suhde on yhtä suuri kuin koko janan ja pidemmän osan pituuksien suhde. Luvussa 2.5 todistetaan Binet'n kaava Fibonaccin luvuille ja Lucasin luvuille. Binet'n kaavan avulla voidaan määrittää valittu Fibonaccin tai Lucasin luku tuntematta muita Fibonaccin tai Lucasin lukuja. Binet'n kaavan avulla osoitetaan, että peräkkäisten Fibonaccin lukujen suhde lähestyy kultaista leikkausta indeksin kasvaessa rajatta. Lucasin luvuille saadaan samanlainen tulos. Kolmannessa luvussa tarkastellaan lukuteorian ominaisuuksia. Luvussa 3.1 Määritellään Fibonaccin ja Lucasin alkuluvut. Nämä ovat alkulukuja, jotka ovat myös Fibonaccin tai Lucasin lukuja. Osoitetaan, että peräkkäiset Fibonaccin luvut ovat suhteellisia alkulukuja. Luvussa 3.2 on jaollisuusominaisuuksia. Osoitetaan Fibonaccin lukujen olevan jaollisia toisillaan, jos niiden indeksit ovat jaollisia toisillaan. Tulos pätee myös toiseen suuntaan, jos jakajan indeksi ei ole kaksi. Todistetaan lisäksi, että Fibonaccin lukujen suurin yhteinen tekijä on aina Fibonaccin luku. Jaollisuusominaisuuksien perusteella osoitetaan, että alkulukuja on ääretön määrä. Luvussa 3.3 todistetaan Zeckendorfin lause. Sen perusteella jokainen positiivinen kokonaisluku voidaan esittää yksikäsitteisesti Fibonaccin lukujen summana, jos Fibonaccin luvut eivät ole peräkkäisiä ja jos niiden indeksi on suurempi kuin yksi.
  • Stenlund, Jan (2014)
    Työ aloitetaan tutustumalla Fibonaccin lukuihin. Fibonaccin luvut ovat lukujono, jossa seuraava luku saadaan aina kahden edellisen luvun summana. Fibonaccin luvuille on olemassa myös eksplisiittinen esitys, niin sanottu Binet'n kaava, joka esitellään ja osoitetaan työssä. Binet'n kaavan esittelyn jälkeen sitä helpotetaan vielä tuomalla mukaan kultaiseksi leikkaukseksi nimetty luku. Kultainen leikkaus on aina läsnä, kun puhutaan Fibonaccin luvuista, sillä kahden peräkkäisen Fibonaccin luvun suhde lähestyy kultaista leikkausta, kun Fibonaccin lukujonoa mennään pidemmälle. Fibonaccin lukuihin tutustumisen jälkeen tutustutaan lukujärjestelmiin. Tämä aloitetaan tutustumalla tuttuihin ja yleisesti käytössä oleviin lukujärjestelmiin, kymmenenkantaiseen kymmenjärjestelmä ja kaksikantaiseen binäärijärjestelmä. Lukujärjestelmä on järjestelmä, jonka avulla mikä tahansa positiivinen kokonaisluku voidaan ilmoittaa. Tässä luvussa tuodaan esiin myös määritelmänä täydellinen lukujärjestelmä, jossa jokaisen positiivisen kokonaisluvun esittämisen lisäksi vaaditaan, että esityksiä kullekin luvulle on vain yksi. Luvun lopussa luodaan vielä epätäydellinen lukujärjestelmä, Fibonaccin lukujärjestelmä, jonka kantalukuina toimii Fibonaccin lukujono. Luvussa neljä esitetään ja osoitetaan Zeckendorfin lause ja sen perusteella mille tahansa positiiviselle kokonaisluvulle saatava Zeckendorfin esitys. Zeckendorfin lause kertoo, että mikä tahansa positiivinen kokonaisluku on yksikäsitteisesti esitettävissä summana ei-peräkkäisiä Fibonaccin lukuja. Zeckendorfin lauseen seurauksena luodaan toinen Fibonaccin lukujonoon perustuva lukujärjestelmä, Zeckendorfin lukujärjestelmä, joka on täydellinen. Lukujärjestelmässä vaaditaan esitys vain positiivisille kokonaisluvuille. Tutkielman lopuksi vastataan kysymykseen, entäs sitten negatiiviset kokonaisluvut? Vastauksena kysymykseen aluksi luodaan uusi lukujono nimeltään negafibonacciluvut, joiden avulla saadaan käyttöön myös negatiivisia kokonaislukuja. Lukujonon esittelyn jälkeen luodaan algoritmi, jonka avulla jokaiselle nollasta poikkeavalle kokonaisluvulle löytyy sitä vastaava yksikäsitteinen summa ei-peräkkäisiä negafibonaccilukuja. Tämän avulla saadaan muodostettua yksikäsitteinen esitys mille tahansa nollasta poikkeavalle kokonaisluvulle.
  • Paajanen, Annukka (2013)
    Tämän Pro gradun aiheena on Fibonaccin luvut ja työn tavoitteena oli antaa yleisluontoinen kuva niistä; siitä, mitä ne ovat, minkälaisia ominaisuuksia niillä on ja miten ne käyttäytyvät sekä koota lukuihin liittyviä olennaisia teemoja ja tuloksia johdonmukaiseksi kokonaisuudeksi. Työn johdantoluvussa perustellaan aihevalinta ja annetaan yleiskuvaus työstä. Luvussa 2 käsitellään Fibonaccin lukujonon historiaa lähinnä sen henkilön kautta, jonka nimeä se kantaa. Luvussa 3 annetaan Fibonaccin luvuille rekursiivinen ja analyyttinen määritelmä sekä esitellään samalla tavoin rekursiivisesti määriteltävät Lucasin luvut, joita tarvitaan työssä myöhemmin esitettävissä todistuksissa. Tästä siirrytään osoittamaan, miten kultainen leikkaus konstruoidaan Fibonaccin lukujonon avulla, esitetään muutamia yksinkertaisia Fibonaccin lukujonolle ja sen jäsenille päteviä kaavoja ja tuloksia, tuotetaan Fibonaccin lukuja generoiva funktio ja osoitetaan, miten Fibonaccin lukujen avulla voidaan tuottaa Pythagoraan kolmioita. Luvun loppupuolella käsitellään Fibonaccin lukujen jaollisuusominaisuuksia ja todistetaan niihin liittyviä tuloksia ja päädytään lopulta antamaan ratkaisu johdannossa esitettävään kaniongelmaan osoittamalla Fibonaccin lukujen ja Pascalin kolmion välinen yhteys. Työn viimeisessä luvussa analysoidaan työn kirjoitusprosessia suhteessa asetettuihin tavoitteisiin ja suhteutetaan teemaa yleisempään matemaattiseen kontekstiin sekä pohditaan lukujen mahdollisia opetuksellisia sovelluksia.
  • Tiusanen, Kirsi (2019)
    Continuously progressive climatechange has built a need for sustainable energy source. In the near future we need an alternative source to fossil fuels. At the same time we should secure lower carbon emissions to the atmosphere and increase carbon sinks and accumulate bigger carbon pools to biosphere.Wood based second-generation biofuels are potential option for a sustainable source of energy and therefore an alternative for fossil fuels and also for first-generation biofuels which are produced from food suitable sources. The high cellulose content of wood drives the use as an energy source but long investment time to raw material production impairs the wood’s possibility to be a quick solution to current climate and energy challenges. Hybrid aspen (Populus tremula x tremuloides) as a fast growing tree is one of the species under research to produce cellulose faster. Institute of Biotechnology at University of Helsinki has developed a method for gene manipulation of aspen to enhance the cambial development and tree growth which would shorten the rotation time of harvesting raw material. Simultaneously we need to predict possible side effects that may come with the use of gene manipulation. The wood based production of bioenergy creates a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide until logging. Furthermore many of the Populus species including aspen emit biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) which slow the climate change due to the secondary particle (SOA) formation. This study investigates seasonal BVOC emission profile and concentration of aspen Populus tremula in natural forest environment during years 2010, 2011 and 2013. The other part of the study concentrates on emissions from gene manipulated hybrid aspen species Populus tremula x tremuloides in greenhouse environment. The results will show the seasonal profile of BVOC emissions and other trace gas exchange (CO2 ,H2O) and their concentration on leaf level. Small part of the atmospheric carbon that tree takes in as CO2 is released back in air as BVOCs and based on these results from three year time aspen releases carbon 0.44-0.57 %per year as BVOVs. The emission profiles show clearly that temperature and light conditions affect to BVOCemission volume. Furthermore, the leaf development phase has a huge effect on seasonal emission profile. The other part of the study that investigate the differences in BVOC emissions between genetic manipulated trees and control trees. Based on these measurements there is no significant difference in BVOC emissions between gene manipulated and wild type hybrid aspen on leaf level. Since environmental conditions affect emission profile and volumes, the climate change with increasing temperature may increase aspen’s seasonal BVOC emissions. Based on measurements of this study the potential use of gene manipulated aspen does not increase BVOC emissionson leaf level but on canopy level the result may be different.
  • Peltola, Olli (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2011)
    Eddy covariance (EC)-flux measurement technique is based on measurement of turbulent motions of air with accurate and fast measurement devices. For instance, in order to measure methane flux a fast methane gas analyser is needed which measures methane concentration at least ten times in a second in addition to a sonic anemometer, which measures the three wind components with the same sampling interval. Previously measurement of methane flux was almost impossible to carry out with EC-technique due to lack of fast enough gas analysers. However during the last decade new instruments have been developed and thus methane EC-flux measurements have become more common. Performance of four methane gas analysers suitable for eddy covariance measurements are assessed in this thesis. The assessment and comparison was performed by analysing EC-data obtained during summer 2010 (1.4.-26.10.) at Siikaneva fen. The four participating methane gas analysers are TGA-100A (Campbell Scientific Inc., USA), RMT-200 (Los Gatos Research, USA), G1301-f (Picarro Inc., USA) and Prototype-7700 (LI-COR Biosciences, USA). RMT-200 functioned most reliably throughout the measurement campaign and the corresponding methane flux data had the smallest random error. In addition, methane fluxes calculated from data obtained from G1301-f and RMT-200 agree remarkably well throughout the measurement campaign. The calculated cospectra and power spectra agree well with corresponding temperature spectra. Prototype-7700 functioned only slightly over one month in the beginning of the measurement campaign and thus its accuracy and long-term performance is difficult to assess.
  • Jones, Rachel (2020)
    Violence against women causes serious health and psychological impacts and is pervasive in society. This is partly due to gender and social norms. These have been addressed through educational campaigns, aiming to overcome pluralistic ignorance - when people wrongly believe that they feel differently from their peers, even though they are behaving in the same way. Pluralistic ignorance can prevent people intervening or reporting gender-based violence. This project proposes that public space can also play a role in overcoming pluralistic ignorance, through the medium of street political messages, such as stickers and graffiti. To show that this is possible, fieldwork exploring the existing feminist street messaging in Kallio and interviews based on this data were conducted. The interviews asked what role street media can play in spreading feminist messages, what the advantages and disadvantages of street media are and whether the existing street messaging in the Kallio district can help with overcoming pluralistic ignorance around gender-based violence issues. Four key aspects of theory are used in the thesis. Firstly, an exploration of gender-based violence literature found that domestic violence is a difficult topic to get people to engage with and that using outreach tools can spark important conversations. Secondly, a sociological study of pluralistic ignorance found that educational campaigns are the main route taken to address gender-based violence issues and that there is a gap in studies of pluralistic ignorance when considering the role of everyday public life in addressing these issues. Thirdly, public space is explored, determining that it can play a key role in feminist activism because it provides an open forum and an anonymity which prevents the activist from being verbally abused or silenced. Finally, street media were explored. This found that the eye-catching and unexpected nature of the media can catch people’s attention. In the fieldwork, seventy feminist street messages were found in Kallio, with a variety of agendas. The majority were in sticker form and located on posts on the streets of Kallio. Interviews conducted with activists and a community group determined the importance of stickers in spreading feminist messages. Street messaging had advantages of being easy to spread, having high outreach, anonymity and as conversation starters. Identified disadvantages included illegality, the potential to provoke people or trigger trauma, limited space for text and that messages can often be too niche for a general audience. The study concludes that street messaging can help overcome pluralistic ignorance by acting as a conversation starter and as a confidence boost to people. However, the results indicate that street media alone will not be enough to address pluralistic ignorance and that wider conversation is needed to have a real impact.
  • Kyyrö, Paula (2012)
    Filamentary structures appear to be very common in molecular clouds which are known to be the birth sites of stars. These interstellar filaments of gas and dust can have a dominant role in star formation. According to the current understanding of star formation, large-scale supersonic MHD turbulence present in the clouds tends to form these narrow elongated structures which are then broken into dense clumps through gravitational instability. The aim of my Master's thesis is to study the formation of stars by first reviewing the classical stability analysis of the most common self-gravitating structures subject to harmonic disturbances, having an emphasis on cylindrical symmetry which can be used to describe the behaviour of filamentary structures. Especially the density distribution, the critical line mass and the stability criterion (Jeans length) for self-gravitating isothermal cylinder are presented. Then the theory is applied to an individual target, a filament known as Taurus Molecular Cloud–1 (TMC–1). The goal is to investigate if the observed structures are in agreement with theoretical models and if stars can be formed in the filament through gravitational instability. By examining the properties of the cloud it is possible to find out when gravity (instead of external pressure) begins to dominate the evolution of the cloud. Important supportive forces, thermal pressure and turbulence, can be studied by observing standard molecular line tracers as ammonia. Ammonia NH3(1,1) and NH3(2,2) inversion lines are measured with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope in order to derive e.g. gas kinetic temperatures and non-thermal velocity dispersions along the TMC–1 filament. Furthermore, supplementing the molecular line data with the data from SCUBA 850 micron dust emission map of the cloud (Nutter et al., 2008) and assuming that the gas kinetic temperature equals to the dust temperature (Tkin = Tdust), hydrogen column densities can be calculated. Moreover, the cross-sectional column density profiles in several places along the filament can be fitted with the classical model of a hydrostatic isothermal cylinder by Stodolkiewicz (1963). The model fits roughly to the cross-sectional column density profiles. The fragment lengths or the projected clump separations along the ‘backbone’ of the filament (longitudinal profile) are derived from the intensity maxima seen in the SCUBA data. The observed fragment lengths along the filament are compared with the Jeans lengths and the fastest growing modes of disturbance predicted from Stodolkiewicz's model in order to investigate the star-forming potential of TMC-1. The observed clump separations are in a rough agreement with the local theoretical Jeans lengths. Moreover, the longitudinal SCUBA intensity profile is expanded into Fourier series, and the wavelengths corresponding to the dominating amplitudes are calculated. These wavelengths are compared with theoretical Jeans lengths in order to investigate if the perturbations travelling in the filament can cause collapse or if they are only ‘sound waves’. Two wavelengths, lambda = 0.23 pc and lambda = 0.30 pc, exceed the local theoretical Jeans length and hence may cause collapse within the filament and trigger star formation in the fragments.
  • Nurmi, Akseli (2024)
    Deep neural networks are widely used in natural language processing. Large language models, trained with large corpora, enable improved information extraction from data that is too large for human processing. This thesis reviews the performance of a deep learning natural language processing pipeline in detecting and removing (anonymising) personal information. Methods for fast and accurate ano- or pseudonymisation of data containing sensitive information are vital to research and development in science and industry, as legislation demands extensive procedures concerning handling of data with direct or indirect personal information. We propose a method that achieves state of the art results on noisy data, and good performance on a contemporary benchmark. Our comparison of anonymisation performance is one of the first for Finnish free texts.
  • Nurmi, Akseli (2024)
    Deep neural networks are widely used in natural language processing. Large language models, trained with large corpora, enable improved information extraction from data that is too large for human processing. This thesis reviews the performance of a deep learning natural language processing pipeline in detecting and removing (anonymising) personal information. Methods for fast and accurate ano- or pseudonymisation of data containing sensitive information are vital to research and development in science and industry, as legislation demands extensive procedures concerning handling of data with direct or indirect personal information. We propose a method that achieves state of the art results on noisy data, and good performance on a contemporary benchmark. Our comparison of anonymisation performance is one of the first for Finnish free texts.
  • Kangas, Kaisa (2014)
    We study quasiminimal classes, i.e. abstract elementary classes (AECs) that arise from a quasiminimal pregeometry structure. For these classes, we develop an independence notion, and in particular, a theory of independence in M^{eq}. We then generalize Hrushovski's Group Configuration Theorem to our setting. In an attempt to generalize Zariski geometries to the context of quasiminimal classes, we give the axiomatization for Zariski-like structures, and as an application of our group configuration theorem, show that groups can be found in them assuming that the pregeometry obtained from the bounded closure operator is non-trivial. Finally, we study the cover of the multiplicative group of an algebraically closed field and show that it provides an example of a Zariski-like structure.
  • Korhonen, Tuukka (2020)
    The task of organizing a given graph into a structure called a tree decomposition is relevant in multiple areas of computer science. In particular, many NP-hard problems can be solved in polynomial time if a suitable tree decomposition of a graph describing the problem instance is given as a part of the input. This motivates the task of finding as good tree decompositions as possible, or ideally, optimal tree decompositions. This thesis is about finding optimal tree decompositions of graphs with respect to several notions of optimality. Each of the considered notions measures the quality of a tree decomposition in the context of an application. In particular, we consider a total of seven problems that are formulated as finding optimal tree decompositions: treewidth, minimum fill-in, generalized and fractional hypertreewidth, total table size, phylogenetic character compatibility, and treelength. For each of these problems we consider the BT algorithm of Bouchitté and Todinca as the method of finding optimal tree decompositions. The BT algorithm is well-known on the theoretical side, but to our knowledge the first time it was implemented was only recently for the 2nd Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments Challenge (PACE 2017). The author’s implementation of the BT algorithm took the second place in the minimum fill-in track of PACE 2017. In this thesis we review and extend the BT algorithm and our implementation. In particular, we improve the eciency of the algorithm in terms of both theory and practice. We also implement the algorithm for each of the seven problems considered, introducing a novel adaptation of the algorithm for the maximum compatibility problem of phylogenetic characters. Our implementation outperforms alternative state-of-the-art approaches in terms of numbers of test instances solved on well-known benchmarks on minimum fill-in, generalized hypertreewidth, fractional hypertreewidth, total table size, and the maximum compatibility problem of phylogenetic characters. Furthermore, to our understanding the implementation is the first exact approach for the treelength problem.
  • Savela, Jarkko (2020)
    This thesis presents a computational study of a fundamental open conjecture in geometric group theory using an intricate combination of Boolean Satisfiability and orderly generation. In particular, we focus on Gromov’s subgroup conjecture (GSC), which states that “each one-ended hyperbolic group contains a subgroup isomorphic to the fundamental group of a closed surface of genus at least 2”. Several classes of groups have been shown to satisfy GSC, but the status of non-right-angled groups with regard to GSC is presently unknown, and may provide counterexamples to the conjecture. With this in mind Kangaslampi and Vdovina constructed 23 such groups utilizing the theory of hyperbolic buildings [International Journal of Algebra and Computation, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 591–603, 2010], and ran an exhaustive computational analysis of surface subgroups of genus 2 arising from so-called periodic apartments [Experimental Mathematics, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 54–61, 2017]. While they were able to rule out 5 of the 23 groups as potential counterexamples to GSC, they reported that their computational approach does not scale to genera higher than 2. We extend the work of Kangaslampi and Vdovina by developing two new approaches to analyzing the subgroups arising from periodic apartments in the 23 groups utilizing different combinations of SAT solving and orderly generation. We develop novel SAT encodings and a specialized orderly algorithm for the approaches, and perform an exhaustive analysis (over the 23 groups) of the genus 3 subgroups arising from periodic apartments. With the aid of massively parallel computation we also exhaust the case of genus 4. As a result we rule out 4 additional groups as counterexamples to GSC leaving 14 of the 23 groups for further inspection. In addition to this our approach provides an independent verification of the genus 2 results reported by Kangaslampi and Vdovina.
  • Virtanen, Elina (2015)
    African climate science is still underdeveloped; the related infrastructure is limited and climate observation network is sparse. The lack of observations is usually compensated with coarse macro-climate models (1 km2), of which only few concentrates on tropical Africa and on the spatial variability of rains. The need for fine-resolution data is growing, as more accurate information (5-100m) is utilized in different sciences. There has been a surge in micro-climate studies utilizing small dataloggers to observe climate variability, as loggers can be placed to different environments regardless of the complexity of a terrain. Accurate, fine-scale climate models are needed in ecological research, where species distributions are related to environmental gradients. Most of the studies describing species occurrences rely on macro-scale climate models that have been averaged over years, although the factors restricting species occurrences in an environment are developed even under one growth season, and are dependent on climate extremes. Accurate information of species and its occurrence environment is even more needed as climate is changing; species habitats are threatened through the warming of climate and its resulted effects. Fine-resolution data of micro-climate is needed especially in the studying of epiphytes living in tropical montane cloud forests, as epiphytes are dependent on the surrounding environments' specific atmospheric composition, namely relative humidity. The knowledge of epiphytic species distributions is poorly studied, although epiphytes are known to react fast to quick changes in environmental conditions. In this study small dataloggers were placed around the Taita Hills in a mountainous region of Kenya to record spatial and temporal micro-climate variability. Annual, monthly and extreme temperature and humidity parameters were studied through statistical spatial modelling, with generalized additive models (GAMs). The significance of each thriving factor of climate parameters were studied separately with bootstrapping. Of thousands of models created, temperature was best explained by elevation, and humidities by land cover (e.g. distance to forests), a proxy of canopy cover. Modelling extremes requires more research, as extreme models proved to be most difficult to model. More weight should be put on accurate environment gradients (e.g. canopy cover) when modelling spatial climate variability in a fine-scale. Created fine-resolution grids were tested in modelling the distributions of epiphytic species through Boosted Regression Trees (BRT). Models created gave an insight to the drivers of epiphytic species distributions and to the limitations of their occurrences in a limited environment. Different explanatory variable groups were tested (topographical, in situ, climate groups), of which climate explained most of the variations in epiphytic species occurrences when considered with AUC-values. Some epiphytes seemed to be specialized to certain habitat trees, highlighting the value of not only indigenous trees but exotic ones. Epiphytes were restricted to occur under certain temperatures and humidities ranges that is an indication of the vulnerability of epiphytes to changing climate.
  • Palmerio, Erika (2015)
    Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) often travel in the interplanetary space faster than the ambient solar wind. When their relative velocities exceed the local magnetosonic speed, a shock wave forms. The region between the shock front and the leading edge is known as a sheath region. Sheaths are compressed regions characterized by turbulent magnetic field and plasma properties and they can cause significant space weather disturbances. Within the sheath region, it is possible to find fine structures such as planar magnetic structures (PMSs). The magnetic field vectors in a PMS are characterized by abrupt changes in direction and magnitude, but they all remain for a time interval of several hours nearly parallel to a single plane that includes the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) spiral direction. PMSs have been associated to several regions and phenomena in the heliosphere, but many of them occur in CME sheath regions. This suggests that CMEs play a central role in the formation of PMSs, probably by provoking the amplification and the alignment of pre-existing discontinuities by compression of the solar wind at the CME-driven shock or because of the draping of the magnetic field lines around the CME ejecta. The presence of PMSs in sheath regions, moreover, suggests that PMSs themselves can be related to space weather effects at Earth, therefore a comprehensive study of PMS formation and structure might lead to a better knowledge of the geoeffectiveness of CMEs. This work presents the study of PMSs in the sheath region of CMEs with a magnetic cloud (MC) structure for a sample of events observed in situ by the ACE and WIND spacecraft between 1997 and 2013. The presence of fine structures is evaluated through the minimum variance analysis (MVA) method, needed for determining the normal vector to the PMS-plane. Then, the position of each PMS within its corresponding sheath region is determined and the encountered cases are divided into different groups. Eventually, a number of shock, sheath and MC properties is evaluated for each group, aiming to perform a statistical analysis. The conclusions are that PMSs are observed in 80% of the studied sheath events and their average duration is ∼5 hours. PMSs tend to form in certain locations within the sheath: they are generally observed close to the CME-driven shock, close to the MC leading edge or they span the whole sheath. PMSs observed near the shock can be associated to strong shocks, while PMSs located near the MC leading edge can be related to high density regions and, therefore, to compression.
  • Ayele, Michael Haileyesus (2018)
    Nowadays, billions of people access the Internet on mobile phones and a significant portion of the traffic comes from browsers. Mobile browsers could be used as a gateway to access the underlying resources of mobile devices for fingerprinting purposes. Browsers include APIs to access the underlying hardware and software resources, such as sensors, audio and media devices, battery, and so on. The growing number of APIs have created new opportunities for browser fingerprinting mechanisms. However, the widely used browser fingerprint systems are designed for the desktop environment and the identifying information gathered using these systems do not include the unique features of mobile phones such as device sensors. The goal of this thesis is to explore additional fingerprintable metrics in the mobile context and analyze their contribution in fingerprinting browsers. In this thesis, we investigated time evolution of browser's features fingerprints and fingerprinting in the wild in the context of mobile devices. In time evolution of feature's fingerprinting, we have examined the change in permission requirements of browsers over time and evolution of browser's features fingerprints for both Google Chrome and Firefox. In our experiment, we have seen that permission requirements have increased over time, e.g. Firefox 4.0 requires only four permissions, while Firefox 55.0 requires 24 permissions. In evolution of browser's features, we have seen fingerprints that are related to media, audio, WebGL, and canvas elements of the browser show a frequent change across versions. In addition, we have seen, for both Chrome and Firefox, the user agent string is unique for each version and media devices for Chrome is unique for each version as well in our dataset. In fingerprinting in the wild, we have collected fingerprints from 134 browsing sessions of which 96 were unique. From the gathered dataset, we have calculated the identifying information, entropy, contribution of each browser's feature in our test. The result shows that IP address, user agent, and media devices are the highest entropy contributors. In addition, we have observed that the maximum possible entropy gain in our dataset, 6.58 bits, can be obtained by joining only media devices and user agent strings. To sum up, in our experiment, we have acquired additional fingerprintable metrics form modern APIs, such as sensors, audio and media devices, and battery. In time evolution of browser feature's fingerprint experiments, we have seen that modern API feature's fingerprints show frequent change across versions. Similarly, in fingerprinting in the wild experiments, these APIs are among the highest entropy contributors.