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  • Jäntti, Salla (2018)
    Usually enterprises make careful considerations about where to set up their business, but at times coincidence may also be a factor. Locations theories aim to explain the reasons impacting decisions over the location of their businesses, with Porter’s cluster theory being one of the best-known theories of this kind. Clusters are concentrations of actors that work in the related field and interact with each other. Knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) especially benefit from clustering. Accessibility is one of the main factors that impact firm locations. Accessibility, for example, helps enterprises expand their markets and improves availability of labour. The public sector has also impact on firm locations, for example through land use and industrial policy. When companies relocate they have already their history which impacts their relocation choices. The reason for the relocation is usually lack of space caused by firm expansion. Because of personal perception and uncertainty locations which are nearer are chosen more often. Creative destruction is force that maintains economical structure, having a crucial role to play in a company’s survival in the market. Accordingly, weaker companies are destroyed and replaced by more efficient ones. The aim of this thesis has been to explain dynamics of KIBS establishments in the Helsinki metropolitan area between the years of 2008-2013, answering questions of where companies locate, where new companies come into existence, how companies relocate and where companies fail. The information source for this thesis was SeutuCD data, with companies that had less than 1 employee removed from the data. The data were analysed with GIS methods and statistics. The main software utilised were ArcMap and Excel. 17 of the main establishment concentrations by employee were modelled by Hot Spot -analyse. The number of establishments were 7565–10705 over the sample period. Establishments were concentrated mainly in inner city districts of Helsinki, with other concentrations near main roads. History has impacted the development of at least some of the concentrations. 74 % establishments were from the subgroup of the business services. 69 % of the establishments had fewer than 4 employees. Smaller establishments were scattered around metropolitan area. Only less than one in five stayed in the same place between 2008 and 2013. Establishment might have failed, relocated or the size of the firm might have fallen to under 1 employee. On average, each year there were 570 new establishments and 612 establishments that failed. A total 4777 establishments relocated during the period in question. 17% of the establishments initially located in clusters relocated to the same area. In five areas the majority of relocations occurred within the same area. In other areas the majority of relocations occurred in the same municipality outside of the clusters. It is important to understand the dynamics of company locations because companies are central to municipal economies. The public sector also impacts the dynamics of companies. The same concentrations have stayed in the same place for years but establishments of the concentrations have regenerated many times. This thesis analysed the dynamics by using quantitative methods, with the potential for further study of the dynamics to be done using qualitative methods.
  • Malmström, Mikko (2012)
    One significant contemporary change is the disappearance of the industry from the downtown areas and now also from suburbs. By moving further away from the city centers, the industry freed and is still freeing valuable land that has lately been harnessed to whole new purposes. The industrial district of Pitäjänmäki is now experiencing the second wave of the industrial movement. The industry has once moved away from the center to new and more spacious areas and now it is moving away also from the suburbs. The aim of the study is to find answers to the next two questions: What is the reason for the areal changes of use in the former industrial areas? How well is the industrial area of Pitäjänmäki suitable for housing? Methods of the study are literature review and passive observation in the study area. There is no single term for the areal change of use but many related terms can be found. Regarding the terms the study concentrates on the gentrification, the zone of transition of the concentric zone model of Burgess, the urban fallows and the restructuration. In the observation part the areal change of use is seen concretely in the areal changes from industry to housing. Strömberg living area and Kutomotie area were chosen as subjects of the observation study. In addition two residential areas next to the industrial area, Talinlehto and Pajamäki, were observed in order to find the differences between the residential area built in the industrial area and the more ordinary residential area. There are two things, that support each other, that have an effect on the areal changes of use in the former industrial areas. After moving further away from the city centers the industry has left behind unoccupied usable buildings. It has required a prolonged battle for conservation in order to save the industrial buildings. The change of the general planning ideology to the direction of valuing the old structures has been significant. On the other hand the desire of individualism in housing and the change of housing preferences have been equally important. The so called creative class living in the cities has been in the vanguard of the progress. The suitability of the industrial area of Pitäjänmäki as an housing area was studied by observing the chosen residential areas. According to the points given in the observation the result was bipartite amongst the residential areas situated inside the industrial area. Kutomotie area, the recent area of change, is clearly the weakest of the study areas. The lack of space is the main weakness of the area and it is caused by the trend of preserving and reusing the industrial buildings which prevents the major changes in the area. On the other hand the success of the Strömberg residential area compared to the similar residential area of Talinlehto shows that it is possible to build normal blocks of flats in the industrial areas as functional wholes as long as the residential area and the surrounding streets are well planned.
  • Kyytsönen, Tiina (2015)
    The aim of this study is to review hide watching and to find out what type of people are interested and why they are interested in this activity. In hide watching luring the animals into sight is based on feeding. The activity is especially focused on brown bear, but also on wolf and wolverine. The study uses a dualistic approach, where authenticity and otherness play an important part when considering tourism. Also the shift from the fordist tourist, who favors mass tourism, to the post-fordist tourist who values the experience and the foreignness of it is remarkable in this context. When talking about authenticity in tourist space it is also important to pay attention to notion of staged authenticity. Hide watching is relatively new product in Finland and thus there have been only few studies on the topic. However, the popularity of this activity is increasing and therefore knowing the product, the customers and their motivations to participate is important in developing the industry in the future. In this study we focus on Kuhmo and Suomussalmi, located in Kainuu region. Mixed methods were used as is typical in case studies. The questionnaires directed to the customers represent the quantitative methods and the interviews with the entrepreneurs represent the qualitative methods. The questionnaires were sent to six service providers. Total of 121 usable questionnaires were returned and the response rate was 28.8 percent. The interviews were made with five of the hide watching entrepreneurs and with the sixth entrepreneur a smaller e-mail survey was made because of mismatched schedules. Most of the respondents, 53.7 percent, were foreigners, primarily from the UK and Sweden, with the remaining 46.3 percent being Finnish. The typical hide tourist is a Western European, aged between 30 to 60 years and has a higher education, often arriving to the destination with friends or a partner. Especially foreign customers have visited commercial, natural area wildlife watching destinations all over the world already before coming to Finland. The most important motives to participate in hide watching are to see animals in their natural habitat and to get good nature photographs of the animals. Most of the customers think of hide watching as an authentic, natural and a memorable experience. All of the service providers consider the watching situation to be as authentic as it can be in the given conditions. The features of the post-fordist tourist are quite well fulfilled as hide tourist are more experienced, independent and flexible compared to the fordist tourist. Also the values of the hide tourist are closer to the post-fordist tourist with high appreciation of nature and the search for the authentic and real. Most of the customers live in large cities which supports the argument about experiencing the other: nature periphery serves as a refuge from the stress and noise of the city. Many customers have visited wildlife destinations all around the world and next they want to see something new, like a brown bear. Hence Finland's periphery rises to wildlife tourist's consciousness as an excellent place to see this exotic animal. The authenticity of hide watching is partly contrived, because there are elements such as the hide and food that do not belong to the area naturally. However, these are essential for the tourist activity. Some service providers have improving elements concealed from the tourist view such as a boardwalk for guiding the animals into better sighting places. This can be considered as staged authenticity. On the other hand, compared to many other tourist activities, hide watching can be said to be relatively authentic.
  • Vitikka, Henrik (2015)
    The Helsinki region is growing, with processes of both centralisation and decentralisation characterising its development. Population growth, its distribution and ageing, the amount of jobs and their distribution on the regional level as well as climate change and developments in the economy on the global level induce challenges for urban planning. Planning should simultaneously be ecologically, socially and economically sustainable and promote regional competitiveness. Due to the complexity of this planning task and the recognition that the measures taken by different planning sectors affect each other and that their solutions are frequently common, it has been noted that the traditional sector-planning does not meet the requirements of achieving planning objectives effectively. Thus, new modes of planning, such as strategic planning and inter-administrative cooperation have been emphasised in literature. This view is central to the MAL cooperation as well. MAL cooperation consists of planning of land use (M), housing (A) and transport (L), which are integrated under one umbrella. This comprehensive approach to planning is thought to give the regions the most effective tools in improving prerequisites to the curbing of climate change, to securing of the functionality of people's everyday life and for development of the regions' competitiveness. The MAL cooperation in the Helsinki region has produced two letters of intent between the state and the municipalities (2008-2012 and 2012-2015). This study concerns itself with the current one (2012-2015), in which I focus on the intended development of the regional transport system. For the analysis, I also study three planning documents on transport and land use that form the background to the objectives and measures presented in the agreement. The documents are: National land use guidelines (2008), Transport policy report (2012) and Helsinki region transport system plan - HLJ 2011 (2011). At the heart of this study lies the assumption that, in the foresterian way, planning involves both technical uncertainty over knowledge and political ambiguity over means and ends. Together these two dimensions lead to the wicked problems of planning. In this research, I have approached the uncertainty/ambiguity dimensions from the perspectives of ecological, social and economical sustainable development and regional competitiveness. The assumption is that as these views are placed to overlap each other, differing ways of knowing and distinct interests promote contradictions and ambiguity and, thus, wicked problems. The study has been divided into four research questions: 1. How do the wicked problems take shape in developing of the regional transport system? 2. How are the wicked problems of the planning goals tried to be solved and what kind of challenges do these solutions include? 3. How are the solutions to the wicked problems legitimised in the planning documents? 4. What would be the answer of the agonistic planning to the question of managing the wicked problems? Based on the analysis, I propose that the wicked problems concentrate on the following themes: 1. Land use, especially commitment to the strategy of making the urban structure compact. 2. Financial challenges of the public sector, that is, who pays the bill of the targeted developments? 3. Improvement of the functionality of the transport system, especially what mode of transport (sustainable and equal transport or logistics and private cars) will be given the primary status. 4. Financial steering instruments (allocation, levels and means of taxes and subsidies). 5. The promotion of the new cooperative planning culture and how different ways of knowing, interests (ecological, social and economical) and working cultures could be reconciled in it? Finally, in order to manage the wicked problems, I suggest the agonistic planning as a possible method. The idea is, that within planning practices, conflict should be legitimised. But at the same time, it should be tried to be solved with other means than creating 'authoritative' consensus defined by the most powerful actors. I also suggest that with the agonistic pluralism, it would be possible to move from traditional 'either-or' planning solutions toward more democratic 'both-and' solutions.
  • Kramar, Vladimir (2022)
    This work presents a novel concept of categorising failures within test logs using string similarity algorithms. The concept was implemented in the form of a tool that went through three major iterations to its final version. These iterations are the following: 1) utilising two state-of-the-art log parsing algorithms, 2) manual log parsing of the Pytest testing framework, and 3) parsing of .xml files produced by the Pytest testing framework. The unstructured test logs were automatically converted into a structured format using the three approaches. Then, structured data was compared using five different string similarity algorithms, Sequence Matcher, Jaccard index, Jaro-Winkler distance, cosine similarity and Levenshtein ratio, to form the clusters. The results from each approach were implemented and validated across three different data sets. The concept was validated by implementing an open-sourced Test Failure Analysis (TFA) tool. The validation phase revealed the best implementation approach (approach 3) and the best string similarity algorithm for this task (cosine similarity). Lastly, the tool was deployed into an open-source project’s CI pipeline. Results of this integration, application and usage are reported. The achieved tool significantly reduces software engineers’ manual work and error-prone work by utilising cosine similarity as a similarity score to form clusters of failures.
  • Rudko, Liliya (2013)
    Efficient service-oriented inter-enterprise collaboration focuses on the business processes of the enterprises and hides the technology differences between them. However, such collaboration induces two main challenges. First, there should be an accessible and functioning infrastructure available for the collaboration. Second, as the growing number of participants can lead to the growing level of misbehaving among them, and thus market deterioration, that is why the parties should have common understanding of the behavior that is appropriate and can be trusted. We focus on the trust relationships between the agents' interactions. Agents make a trust decision before interacting, and this decision among other factors is based on an estimation of another agent's reputation. A reputation management system collects and analyzes interactions experience between agents. Let us call a person, company or any other possible entity whose goal is to build an infrastructure for the interactions between enterprises using one of the trust and reputation management algorithms as an infrastructure builder. For an infrastructure builder it is important to evaluate and compare reputation management systems, choosing one of them based on the evaluation and comparison results. This remains an open question in research. The thesis aims at supporting the decision-making process of this kind. We suggest evaluation criteria for a trust or reputation management systems' evaluation. We implement a generic tool which can plug in a trust or reputation management algorithm and simulate the behavior of the multiagent system where every agent follows the same algorithm. We illustrate the tool's support for some of the suggested evaluation criteria. We provide some recommendations for further development of the generic tool for evaluating and comparing the above-mentioned behavior characteristics of different trust and reputation management algorithms. ACM Computing Classification System (CCS): Human-centered computing → Collaborative and social computing → Collaborative and social computing systems and tools → Reputation systems Computing methodologies → Artificial intelligence → Distributed artificial intelligence → Multi-agent systems
  • Heliö, Juhani (2017)
    Nokia has been maintaining its own Linux distribution, dubbed Nokia Linux, for quite some time, and while the distribution has been successful, supporting it has become tedious at very least. The current version of Nokia Linuxes build system builds a monolithic distribution. This creates a multitude of problems ranging from having to rebuild all of the distribution's software packages after patching a single package to not being able to efficiently customise images according to user needs. The current version also lacks any kind of stable release management causing every user to either maintain their own stable releases or having to constantly update from the official version. Apart from being too monolithic, the support of the software packages is insufficient. An efficient support team needs to be created to answer any internal support requests Nokia Linux users might have. In this thesis we first define our corporate environmental needs. We identify three needs: support, storage and security. We then define three methods for organising the support. We compare them then to the current way of delivering support. We conclude that the three methods are probably better than the current one, but more research is needed before any definite answer can be given. We then define three processes for creating and maintaining an own Linux distribution in our corporate environment. We show two of these processes in action through a proof of concept project. With this project we show that the two processes we tested can be used to create and update an own Linux based distribution image composed of RPM packages. These two processes were tested with multiple tools to show that these processes can be used flexibly and without having to lock into only one set of tools.
  • Wang, Ping Jr (2017)
    Latent semantic structure in a text collection is called a topic. In this thesis, we aim to visualize topics in the scientific literature and detect active or inactive research areas based on their lifetime. Topics were extracted from over 1 million abstracts from the database using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Hellinger distance measures similarity between two topics. Topics are determined to be relevant if their pairwise distances are smaller than the threshold of Hellinger distance we set beforehand. The dynamic topic graph displays the evolution of topics over time. Topic hierarchical relationships are shown in a tree, where topics near the leaves are subtopics to those far from the bottom. The dynamic topic graph of category focuses on topics associated with a particular categories in the arXiv classification system. Logistic regression was used to predict topic lifetime and discover which factors have positive effect on lifetime and which ones induce the death of topics. Especially, we are interested in the effect of time, category, the number of documents, the number of topic variety and their interactions. In the experiment, we investigated topics in the dynamic topic graph of category under thresholds of Hellinger distance of 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6, respectively. Categories whose coefficients were negative for all datasets are defined to be popular as topics in this field are more probable to survive.
  • Suvanto, Susanne (2012)
    Climate change is predicted to cause changes in vegetation productivity and biomass in northern areas. Understanding the factors affecting biomass helps us to estimate the future changes in plant communities and the amount of carbon stored in vegetation. In this thesis I examine the effects of soil properties (soil moisture, temperature, pH and calcium), geomorphological processes and topography on the small scale variation of aboveground vascular biomass. I also compare two biomass variables: the dry weight of a biomass sample and the vegetation volume. The data was collected during summer 2011 on the northern slopes of fell Saana, north western Finland. Modeling was done with generalized linear models (GLM) and also with generalized estimation equations (GEE) since they are able to take spatial autocorrelation into account. Variation partitioning was used to find out the single and combined effects of variable groups (soil, geomorphology and topography). The connections between the most common plant species and the biomass variables were also studied. Soil properties have a stronger impact on both biomass variables. Soil group alone explains 7 % of variation in the dry weight of biomass and 20 % of variation in vegetation volume. Geomorphology explains 4,7 % of variation in the biomass dry weight and 14,5 % in vegetation volume. Topography has the least effect on the biomass variables (2,2 % and 2,0 %). The combined effects of groups are also relatively strong, e.g. the combined effects of geomorphology and topography explain 9,7 % of variation in vegetation volume. Models with vegetation volume as a response variable were able to explain more of the variation (unexplained variation 48,7 %) than models of biomass dry weight (67,1 %). Also the relative importance of the variable groups differed for the two biomass variables, e.g. the soil group affected vegetation more than biomass dry weight. Both biomass variables correlated strongly with the two species with the largest coverage on the study site, crowberry (Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum) and dwarf birch (Betula nana). The correlation of crowberry with vegetation volume was stronger than with biomass dry weight. Even though the models explain only about half of the variation, results suggest that soil properties and geomorphological processes have a clear impact on vegetation biomass. The impact of topography is strongly linked to other variable groups. A large amount of the unexplained variation and the importance of the combined effects of variable groups are due to the complexity of the factors controlling vegetation biomass. This makes it more complicated to predict the future changes of vegetation biomass. Changes will depend on how rising temperatures and increasing rainfall will affect not only soil properties and geomorphology but also all the factors that are behind the unexplained variation of biomass in the models.
  • Kulonen, Aino (2013)
    Arktis-alpiinisen kasvillisuuden taustalla vaikuttavat lukuisat ympäristötekijät, ja pienikin spatiaalinen tai temporaalinen muutos ympäristöoloissa voi vaikuttaa merkittävästi koko kasviyhteisöön. Tässä työssä tarkastelen, miten paikalliset ympäristömuuttujat topografia, maaperätekijät ja geomorfologinen häiriö vaikuttavat putkilokasvien lajirunsauteen paljakalla. Tutkin myös ovatko vaikutukset erilaisia toiminnallisten kasviryhmien välillä. Aineisto kerättiin kesällä 2011 Saanatunturin rinteeltä Kilpisjärveltä. Kasvilajistosta sekä erilaisista abioottisista ja bioottisista muuttujista kerättiin tietoa yhteensä 960 neliömetrin ruudulta, jotka sijaitsivat kuudella yhtenäisellä ruudukolla. Tutkimusasetelmassa minimoitiin alueellisten muuttujien vaihtelu ja maksimoitiin kasvipeitteen ja topografian paikallinen vaihtelu. Aineistoa analysoitiin monimuuttujamenetelmillä. Putkilokasveille ja niiden toiminnallisille ryhmille etsittiin hajonnan osituksella lajirunsauden alueellista vaihtelua parhaiten selittävät GLM ja GEE-mallit. Abioottisilla muuttujilla pystyttiin selittämään jopa 75 % lajirunsauden vaihtelusta tutkimusalueella, mikä osoittaa, että stressi on merkittävin paikallista lajirunsautta rajoittava ilmiö paljakalla. Myös tutkituilla häiriömuuttujilla on kasvillisuuteen stressivaikutuksia. Yksittäisistä muuttujista maankosteus selittää lajirunsautta ylivoimaisesti parhaiten, mutta myös muut maaperätekijät ovat tärkeitä. Maaperätekijät ovat vahvasti yhteydessä myös mesotopografiaan ja gemorfologiseen häiriöön, joiden itsenäiset merkitykset osoittautuivat pieniksi. Mesotopografia ja fluviaalinen häiriö olivat kuitenkin yksinään tärkeitä muuttujia kaikille lajirunsauksille. Lähes kaikki muuttujat ovat mukana parhaissa malleissa, eli myös yksinään vähäpätöisiltä vaikuttavat muuttujat ovat lajirunsaudelle merkityksellisiä, mutta niiden merkitys saattaa ilmetä vasta muiden muuttujien kautta. Tulos tukee aiempaa teoriaa siitä, että abioottisten muuttujien välillä vaikuttaa monimutkaisia vuorovaikutussuhteita. Eri toiminnalliset ryhmien lajirunsaudet reagoivat abioottisten muuttujien vaihteluun yllättävän samankaltaisesti. Suurimmat erot ilmenivät ruohojen ja ainavihantien varpujen välillä. Tulos johtuu ennenkaikkea ruohojen kapeasta sietoalueesta kosteus-, pH- ja lumenpaksuusgradienteilla, kun ainavihannat varvut taas sietävät paremmin kuivuutta ja hapanta maaperää, eivätkä ole tarkkoja lumenpaksuuden suhteen. Kaikki toiminnalliset ryhmät esiintyvät lähes koko tutkimusalueella rinnakkain, ja niiden väliset erot tulevat näkyviin vasta lajirunsauksien maksimeissa. Toiminnallisten ryhmien morfologisista ja fysiologisista eroista huolimatta ne ovat sopeutuneet ennenkaikkea paljakan karuihin ympäristöoloihin, mikä tekee niiden ympäristövasteista samankaltaisia.
  • Suppula, Meri (2023)
    Soil moisture plays a key role in ecosystems. Soil moisture varies spatially and temporally, and the variations are influenced by many different factors. On a large scale, climate has a large effect on soil moisture, but more locally, especially topography, soil and vegetation become important factors. In addition, mean soil moisture content affects whether soil moisture variations are greatest when soil is dry or moist. Climate change will significantly affect soil moisture around the world, and effects will also be visible in the boreal forest. Therefore, it is important to study soil moisture more comprehensively in boreal environment. The purpose of this thesis is to find out how soil moisture varies spatially and temporally, and how topography, soil and vegetation explain this variation in different parts of the boreal forest and in different environments. Study area covers eight areas of varying size (3,5–37 km2) in the boreal forest around Finland. Each study area has 44–96 study points from which soil moisture has been measured every 15 minutes during July 2020. Mean and standard deviation of soil moisture (response variables) of each research point were calculated from the measurements, of which the mean describes the spatial variation of soil moisture and the standard deviation the temporal variation. The response variables were explained by environmental variables. Variables explaining topography’s effect were altitude, SAGA wetness index (SWI), topographic position index (TPI) and radiation. Vegetation was explained by canopy cover and site fertility class, and soil was explained by soil class. The effect of environmental variables on spatial and temporal variations of soil moisture was analysed using a generalized additive model (GAM), which was fitted for each study area and for both response variables separately. Explanatory power of the models was examined with an adjusted R2 value using the bootstrap method. Relative importance of the individual environmental variables in the model was examined by randomizing the variables, and the direction of the effect of the environmental variables was examined using response curves. Soil moisture varied considerably spatially and temporally within the study areas and between the areas. Soil moisture was generally high in study areas with a lot of peatlands, and moisture varied most spatially usually in topographically heterogeneous areas. Often, the temporal variation of moisture was highest on dryer study areas and lowest on moister areas. Indeed, it was found that when the mean soil moisture was high, the standard deviation was often small and vice versa. Topographic factors influenced to the mean and standard deviation of soil moisture more in the northern than in the southern regions, while the role of canopy cover was emphasized in the southern regions when explaining the mean moisture. Soil influenced to the moisture more in the northern than in the southern areas. From all variables, SWI clearly explained the best both the mean and standard deviation of moisture. Canopy cover and radiation also explained well the mean moisture in a part of the study areas. In addition to SWI, the standard deviation of moisture was best explained by site fertility class and soil class. Altitude and TPI rarely explained the mean and standard deviation of moisture well. SWI often increased moisture and decreased moisture’s temporal variability in the study areas, but the directions of the effects of other environmental variables varied a lot between areas. This study shows that the large spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture in different environments of the boreal forest is dominated by different factors, and even the same environmental factors affect soil moisture in very different ways between areas. Research must be continued to get a better general picture of the factors affecting soil moisture variations in the boreal forest, and to be able to prepare better for the environmental changes caused by climate change.
  • Järvinen, Miikka (2020)
    Two different bio transfer standards (BTS), composed of fatty acid bilayers, NanoRuler and NanoStar were developed. NanoRuler consists of a nanometer scale staircase with eight steps that are 5 nm tall each and NanoStar is designed to have topological structure with sharp edge and three height planes 5 nm elevated with respect to each other. With NanoRuler nanometer vertical calibration from 5 nm to 40 nm is possible and NanoStar allows the evaluation of the instrument transfer function (ITF). Due to the soft nature of the standards, the topographical stability was researched. Thus, an investigation of the topographical stability of three NanoRulers and one NanoStar across 24 months was done by measuring the surface topography with a custom-built Scanning White Light Interferometer (SWLI). The BTS were measured over 100 times during the experiments and were stored in laboratory conditions. The step heights of the structures were calculated with a histogram method and the surface roughness of the samples was evaluated using the Sq parameter. The step height analysis method was compared to the standard method (ISO 5436-1) where applicable and no notable differences were found. In both roughness and step height data no linear or non-linear trends were found, and the step heights compared well with the literature values. For NanoRuler the step heights were 4.9 nm, 10.1 nm, 15.1 nm, 20.1 nm, 25 nm, 30.1 nm, 35.1 nm and 40.2 nm and the respective stabilities were 0.3 nm, 0.3 nm, 0.6 nm, 0.9 nm, 1.3 nm, 1.6 nm, 2.1 nm, and 2.5 nm. For NanoStar the step heights were -5.1 nm and 5.2 nm with stabilities 0.3 nm and 0.4 nm respectively. The NanoRuler had a surface roughness stability of 0.02 nm whereas NanoStar had a roughness stability of 0.01 nm. After 24 months both BTS types preserved their topographical structure and no issues with surface topographical stability were observed.
  • Lahtinen, Hanna (2024)
    Satellite positioning is vulnerable to interference due to the power of satellite signals. Satellite signals are exceptionally weak when they arrive to the Earth and therefore susceptible to radio frequency interference (RFI). This makes even low-power interference effective, possibly for radius of several kilometers. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) services, such as positioning, navigation and timing services (PNT), are widely used among our society by civilians and authorities. Critical infrastructures, such as money transfer and electricity transmission networks, rely on accurate timing data provided by GNSS’s atomic clocks. These services are under a serious threat by RFI —intentionally created or not. In the areas that GNSS jamming signal can cover, the PNT services are most likely degraded or entirely unavailable. The easiest way to intentionally create RFI is to create jamming interference by broadcasting empty signal on satellite signal frequency with simple jamming radio devices aka jammers. Jammers disturb GNSS services by blocking entire positioning data or deteriorating positioning accuracy which leads to inaccurate location information. Jamming is an emerging global threat for GNSS services since jammers can be easily bought online, even though jamming is illegal in Europe and many other regions. Incentives for jamming differ by the user group of jamming equipment. Civilian jamming is mostly done with low-power jammers for protecting privacy by hiding location information and it is normally done without further knowledge about the effects for the surrounding environment. The more severe threat is done with high-power jamming equipment by professionals. This kind of interference has motives for either disturbance or denial of GNSS services or to defend against different location-based measures. Jamming and RFI are significant parts of electronic warfare. This study tested the usability of MATLAB’s RF Toolbox on simulating jamming signals horizontally in different topographies across Finland to demonstrate how spatially effective jamming actually is. Used jamming signals were simulated with four different powers on Galileo’s E1 and GPS’s L1 signal (1575.42 MHz) to exemplify the effects of different power interference. The simulations and inspection of signal propagation were done with MATLAB by visualizing the expected power of jamming signal and calculating propagation loss for receiver matrix above digital elevation model (DEM). The used method was not able to calculate propagation values for varying power and exact values for signal attenuation of jamming signal cannot be calculated with MATLAB. RFI is illegal in Finland, therefore field work is not possible for this kind of study. This study highlights the hindering or blocking effect of topography on jamming signal propagation alongside with the effectiveness of different jammer power levels. Signals obey signal propagation models, but topographic characteristics, such as hills, have an ability to hinder the propagation. The results emphasize the spatial effects of even low-power jammers that are used by civilians and accentuates the significance of topography to signal propagation. Effective jamming over different topographic characteristics can be conducted with even 500 mW jammer and increase of jammer power is able to cover extensive areas of irregular terrain. The most vulnerable areas to GNSS jamming are open, unbuilt areas. However, the impact of locally bounded urban jamming scenario is also severe to the population and infrastructures of the area.
  • Rajamäki, Hermanni (2023)
    Fysikaalisten kenttien rakenteista solmittuja linkkejä ja solmuja on osoitettu esiintyvän useissa eri systeemeissä, optisista ja akustisista kentistä aina supranesteisiin. Tällaisten solmujen evoluutio ideaaleissa systeemeissä rajoittuu perinteisten solmujen, kuten kengännauhoista löytyvien, tyyppiseksi. Fysikaalisissa systeemeissä, joissa energiahäviöt ovat mahdollisia, mahdolliset evoluutiot ovat eksoottisempia; kentässä olevan solmun säikeet --- kentän topologisten pyörteiden ytimet --- voivat mahdollisesti kokea solmun topologiaa muuttavia evoluutioita ja purkautua erillisiksi solmuttomiksi silmukoiksi. Hyödyntämällä väritettyä linkkidiagrammiesitystä osoitamme yllä mainittuja evoluutioita välttävien topologisesti suojattujen pyörresolmujen olemassaolon spin-2 Bosen--Einsteinin kondensaatin syklisessä faasissa. Nämä ovat ensimmäiset suojatut pyörresolmut, jotka on löydetty fysikaalisesti toteutettavasta systeemistä. Todistuksessa käytetty väritysformalismi on yleinen viitekehys. Sitä voidaan soveltaa useisiin muihin systeemeihin, kunhan näiden järjestysparametriavaruuksien toinen homotopiaryhmä on triviaali. Syklisen faasin pyörresolmut ja -linkit mahdollistavat myös osittaisen luokittelun: jokainen solmu on ekvivalentti joukkoon irtonaisia apilasolmuja ja/tai kahdeksikkosolmuja, tai on triviaali. Kokonaislukuaskelin kvantittuneista pyörteistä muodostuvat linkit ovat ekvivalentteja joko Borromeon renkaisiin, suljettuun kolmen silmukan ketjuun tai triviaaliin silmukkaan.
  • Westström, Alex (2015)
    Majorana quasiparticles are zero-energy modes theorised to exist at the boundaries of topological superconductors. Due to their topological protection and non-Abelian exchange statistics, Majorana quasiparticles have in recent years garnered much interest within the condensed matter community as a promising platform for fault tolerant quantum computing. To this end, theorists constantly attempt to come up with new experimentally feasible models that can host these quasiparticles. In this thesis, we investigate a recent proposal for realising an effective topological superconductor with Majorana quasiparticles, namely the helical Shiba chain. The system consists of a one-dimensional array of magnetic impurities deposited on a conventional superconductor, such that the overall magnetic texture is helical. A single impurity hosts a bound electron state with an energy within the superconducting gap. For many impurities, these so called Shiba states hybridise and form energy bands, that for a certain range of parameters support topological superconductivity and Majorana bound states at the ends of the chain. Prior to this work, the Shiba chain has only been studied in the deep-dilute limit where the energies of the individual Shiba states are assumed to be very close to the centre of the gap, and the magnetic impurities are placed sufficiently far away from each other as to keep the resulting bands deep within the gap. By re-expressing the problem in terms of a non-linear eigenvalue equation, we go beyond this limit and extend the study of the topological properties of the Shiba chain to a novel domain of experimental interest — a domain which has until now remained unexplored. We compare our results with previous work and observe an agreement between our more general theory and the deep-dilute limit in the expected parameter regime. However, qualitative differences emerge when the coherence length of the underlying superconductor becomes very large.
  • Lahtinen, Ville (Helsingin yliopistoUniversity of HelsinkiHelsingfors universitet, 2006)
    There exists various suggestions for building a functional and a fault-tolerant large-scale quantum computer. Topological quantum computation is a more exotic suggestion, which makes use of the properties of quasiparticles manifest only in certain two-dimensional systems. These so called anyons exhibit topological degrees of freedom, which, in principle, can be used to execute quantum computation with intrinsic fault-tolerance. This feature is the main incentive to study topological quantum computation. The objective of this thesis is to provide an accessible introduction to the theory. In this thesis one has considered the theory of anyons arising in two-dimensional quantum mechanical systems, which are described by gauge theories based on so called quantum double symmetries. The quasiparticles are shown to exhibit interactions and carry quantum numbers, which are both of topological nature. Particularly, it is found that the addition of the quantum numbers is not unique, but that the fusion of the quasiparticles is described by a non-trivial fusion algebra. It is discussed how this property can be used to encode quantum information in a manner which is intrinsically protected from decoherence and how one could, in principle, perform quantum computation by braiding the quasiparticles. As an example of the presented general discussion, the particle spectrum and the fusion algebra of an anyon model based on the gauge group S_3 are explicitly derived. The fusion algebra is found to branch into multiple proper subalgebras and the simplest one of them is chosen as a model for an illustrative demonstration. The different steps of a topological quantum computation are outlined and the computational power of the model is assessed. It turns out that the chosen model is not universal for quantum computation. However, because the objective was a demonstration of the theory with explicit calculations, none of the other more complicated fusion subalgebras were considered. Studying their applicability for quantum computation could be a topic of further research.
  • Sahlberg, Isac (2018)
    In this thesis, we examine a fairly novel area of physics that concerns topological materials, and in particular, topological superconductivity. A goal in the research of topological materials is realizing applications in quantum computing, which could be aided by the emergent quasiparticles that exhibit non-Abelian exchange statistics. These are called Majorana bound states, and they are elusive quasiparticles predicted to be found on the boundary of topological superconductors. We first study a one-dimensional chain of potential impurities placed on the surface of a two-dimensional $p$-wave superconductor. As is usually the case, such chains are composed of perfect lattice structures, which is very challenging to achieve in any laboratory setting. Nevertheless, they serve as a good example of systems where an analytical solution can be well established. We investigate the model without employing any deep-dilute approximation, which gives us an accurate description even far away from the gap center. This is done by formulating the problem as a non-linear eigenvalue equation, which complicates it significantly, but also extends the region of applicability of our theory. We use reciprocal space calculations of two topological invariants to obtain the topological phase diagram of the system. The model is shown to host topological quasiparticle excitations at the ends of the chain, with multiple distinct topological phases. The near-perfect localization of the excitations makes them good candidates for probing Majorana bound states in experimental setups. We then move on to study topological superconductivity in random lattices, as opposed to regular structures which assume arbitrary precision. We frame our work starting with the mathematics of random numbers. Our work is thus in stark contrast with previous studies on topological materials that start off with a perfect lattice structure, and investigate some degree of disorder as perturbations to the regular lattice case. Our work establishes a first-ever realistic candidate for realizing topological superconductivity in an amorphous material. This could enable a novel approach to creating topological materials, and drastically aid in the development of fault-tolerant quantum computing.
  • Yli-Seppälä, Oona (2023)
    Reshetnyakin lauseen mukaan kvasisäännöllinen kuvaus, joka ei ole vakio, on avoin, diskreetti ja suunnansäilyttävä. Suunnansäilyttävät kuvaukset määritellään topologisen asteen avulla ja siksi tässä tutkielmassa Reshetnyakin lauseen todistuksessa keskeistä on kvasisäännöllisen kuvauksen osoittaminen suunnansäilyttäväksi. Topologiselle asteelle on tässä tutkielmassa valittu analyyttinen lähestymistapa. Luvussa 3 topologinen aste määritellään jatkuvasti differentioituville funktioille ja luvussa 4 siirretään topologisen asteen määritelmä ja keskeiset tulokset Sobolev-funktioille. Reshetnyakin lauseen todistuksen runkona käytetään Titus–Youngin lausetta, jonka mukaan jatkuvat, kevyet ja suunnansäilyttävät kuvaukset ovat avoimia ja diskreettejä. Titus–Youngin lause esitellään ja todistetaan luvussa 5. Luvussa 6 esitellään kvasisäännölliset kuvaukset. Alaluvussa 6.1 tarkastellaan kvasisäännöllisten kuvausten ja elliptisten osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälöiden yhteyttä. Osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälöiden avulla voidaan osoittaa kvasisäännöllinen kuvaus kevyeksi. Viimeisessä luvussa esitellään Reshetnyakin lause ja osoitetaan, että kvasisäännöllinen kuvaus, joka ei ole vakio, on kevyt ja suunnansäilyttävä. Tällöin kvasisäännöllisen kuvauksen avoimuus ja diskreettisyys seuraa Titus–Youngin lauseesta.
  • Harju, Tuomas (2021)
    Julkinen tila on kaupungissa keskeinen tekijä ja tori on julkisista tiloista leimallisin. Historiallisesti torien merkitys kaupungissa on suuri ja vaihdellut historian aikana. Tori on mielenkiintoinen keskus kaupungissa: dynaaminen ja eläväinen torikaupan aikoina, hiljainen ja autio niiden ulkopuolella. Julkisten tilojen monipuolistuminen on asettanut torit asemaan, jossa ne eivät enää ole ensisijainen kokoontumispaikka. Tori elää kaupungin mukana ja saa kehityksen tuloksena uusia funktioita. Tutkimus selvittää näitä käyttötarkoitusten muutoksia käyttäen tapausesimerkkinä Porvoon toria 1832–2021. Tutkimus on saanut alkunsa Porvoon kaupungin keskustakehittämishankkeesta, johon liittyen tutkimuksen tekijä laati toriympäristön historiaselvityksen vuonna 2020. Tutkimuksen metodina on temaattinen tarkastelu, joka torin historiallisia vaiheita vertaamalla ja yhteiskunnalliseen kontekstiin asettamalla vastaa kysymykseen, kuinka torin muuttuvat funktiot ovat vaikuttaneet sen rooliin kaupungissa. Lähdeaineisto koostuu arkistolähteistä, valokuvista, sanomalehtijulkaisuista täydennettynä toriyrittäjien haastatteluilla. Kirjallisuus hyödyntää erityisesti julkisen tilan piirteitä sekä Porvoon historiaa selvittäneitä teoksia. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys soveltaa Lefebvren tilan tuotannon teoriaa korostamalla ihmisen oikeutta kaupunkiin ja toria kaupunkilaisten arjen tilana. Teoria tarjoaa perustan kaupunkisuunnittelun historiassa tehtyjen arvovalintojen tutkimiseen. Tutkimus teoretisoi myös tilaa suhteellisena käsitteenä ja tarkastelee paikan merkitystä kaupungissa siihen liitettyjen mielikuvien avulla. Tutkimus jakaa torin neljään toiminnalliseen funktioon, jotka ovat tulleet torille eri aikoina, mutta ovat kaikki läsnä nykyisin. Ensimmäinen funktio, torikauppa, on pitkään hiipuneenakin yhä elävä torin käyttötarkoitus. Toinen funktio on torin symbolisesti merkittävä edustusrooli. Se näkyy paitsi torin varrelle sijoittuneissa instituutioissa myös torin ajoittain korostuvassa roolissa kansalaisaktivismin näyttämönä. Kolmas funktio on kaupungin keskeisenä liikennealueena toimiminen. Keskeinen sijainti on tuonut torille linja-auto- ja taksiasemat, jotka ovat merkittävästi muokanneet torikuvaa 1930-luvulta tähän päivään. Neljäs funktio on tapahtumapaikka, joka liittyy kaupunkikeskustojen kehittämisen trendiin. Tori tarjoaa puitteet niin perinteisten kuin uusien kaupunkitapahtumien paikkana. Lisäksi tutkimus vertaa Porvoon toria kolmeen muuhun suomalaiskaupungin samanikäiseen toriin ja niiden historiaan. Torien taustojen analysointi selvittää, miksi ne ovat kehittyneet eri tavoin ja asettaa Porvoon torin historian laajempaan yhteiskunnalliseen kontekstiin.
  • Kukkonen, Mika (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2010)
    Tosiaikainen tietovarasto on keskitetty tietokantajärjestelmä pehmeitä tosiaikaisia liiketoimintatiedon hallintasovelluksia varten. Näiden sovellusten perusvaatimuksena on tuoreen tiedon jatkuva saatavuus. Työssä käsitellään tosiaikaisen tietovaraston suunnittelua, tietovaraston jatkuvan ylläpidon eri vaiheita sekä näihin vaiheisiin soveltuvia menetelmiä. Tarkoitus on tuoda esiin kompromisseja, joita väistämättä joudutaan tekemään tietovaraston kyselytehokkuuden, viiveen ja jatkuvan saatavuuden välillä. Johtopäätöksenä suositellaan sitä suurempaa varovaisuutta mitä pienempiä viiveitä tavoitellaan. Liiketoimintatiedon hallintasovellusten tosiaikaisuus on ominaisuus, jota käyttäjät tavallisesti haluavat enemmän kuin tarvitsevat. Joissakin tapauksissa tosiaikaisuus on suorastaan haitallista. Mutta jos tosiaikainen tieto on välttämätöntä, samanaikaisia käyttäjiä on paljon, ja tarvittavat tiedot pitää yhdistää useasta lähdejärjestelmästä, niin tosiaikaiselle tietovarastoinnille ei ole kelvollista vaihtoehtoa. Tällöinkin riittää, että jatkuvasti ylläpidetään vain pientä osaa koko tietovarastosta.