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  • Söderlund, Linda (2020)
    In this modern world with its evolving technological applications the role of pegmatites has risen to an unexpected level. As pegmatites are hosts for rare-element mineralization’s they are mined extensively throughout the world. As a result of the transition to more ecological solutions in propulsions the need for large quantities of certain elements, elements such as lithium, for batteries are on the rise. Even though pegmatites have been studied extensively they have not yet yielded all their secrets to scientists. Even the classification of them is still under some debate before a final cohesion is found. Because of this, the study of pegmatites has also been far from systematic. The aim of this thesis is to map the trace element behaviour of the rare-elements of the Luolamäki pegmatite. This pegmatite was chosen due to the existing drill cores and its rare-element mineralization of pollucite, petalite and possibly rubicline.The drill cores were sampled and analysed with wave dispersive x-ray fluorescence (WD-XRF), electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) and with laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis (LA-ICP-MS). Quartz and three other salient rock-forming mineral groups, feldspars, micas and tourmalines were chosen for analysis. The Luumäki pegmatite is classified as belonging to the LCT-family and being of the petalite-subtype. The previous assumptions of the pegmatites asymmetric inner structure were confirmed with the notation of the reversed order of feldspars in the pegmatite dike with albitic feldspars on the hanging wall side and potassium feldspars on the foot wall side. This coupled with the trace element behaviour in the pegmatite it was confirmed that the pegmatite crystallized from the margins toward the centre instead from top to bottom, as is usual for pegmatitic dikes. The presence of rubicline was not verified, however. The results were then posed against existing research to test if the behaviours recorded are consistent. Some difference was found with the behaviour of the feldspars. The study area of Luolamäki brought up more questions to be answered as the pegmatite itself represents the end of pegmatitic fractioning in the area. It would be beneficial to study the other pegmatites in the area more thoroughly in an attempt to trace the origin for the Luolamäki pegmatite and to research if the enrichment of elements such as Li, Rb and Cs is traceable in the less fractionated pegmatites.
  • Mäkinen, Eeva (2020)
    This study explores the interconnections between dance and geography. The main research questions are: 1. How can dance locate black feminist geographies? 2. What is the role of embodied expression in black feminist geographies? An essential part of this study is to consider dance as an opening of geographical knowledge and new ways of being. The embodied nature of dance and black feminisms will be analyzed. This study is both theoretical and empirical, but the methodological emphasis is on the theoretical discussion.Empirical material was gathered in Brazil using qualitative methods, 6 interviews were conducted with female dancers from Olinda, Brazil. The empirical material of two dances is discussed along with the theoretical frame and more closely in the final chapter. The results of this study were that dance works as an embodied practice of expression which brings black feminist geographies into being through movement. Dance forms a liminal space, which connects the body with material and physical space in time and space through embodiment. Dance can work as a spatial practice to elude power structures and form agency. The study is structured as follows. First, I will introduce the research questions and fieldwork, followed by the theoretical framework, and finally I will conclude with analysis on how dance can trace black feminist geographies.
  • Jin, Haibo (2016)
    Multilingual Latent Dirichlet Allocation (MLDA) is an extension of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) in a multilingual setting, which aims to discover aligned latent topic structures of a parallel corpus. Although the two popular training algorithms of LDA, collapsed Gibbs sampling and variational inference, can be naturally adopted to MLDA, the two algorithms both become time-inefficient with MLDA due to its special structure. To address this problem, we propose an approximate training framework of MLDA, which works with both collapsed Gibbs sampling and variational inference. Through the experiments, we show that the proposed training framework is able to reduce the training time of MLDA considerably, especially when there are many languages. We also summarize the scenarios where the approximate framework gives comparable model accuracy to that of the standard framework. Finally, we discuss several possible explorations as a future plan.
  • Salmenperä, Ilmo (2021)
    Quantum Computing is a novel technology that has wide applicability in the field of machine learning. One of these applications is training Quantum Restricted Boltzmann Machines, which have been shown to have advantages over their classical counterparts. These Quantum Restricted Boltzmann Machines can be then used to pretrain more complex machine learning models, such as Deep Belief Networks, which means that quantum annealing can have applications in the field of deep learning. Main issue of Quantum Restricted Boltzmann Machines is that embedding them into quantum annealing devices will restrict their layer size and connectivity quite drastically. This thesis proposes the use of a common weight regularization method called the unit dropout method to reduce the overall size of these networks by splitting these Restricted Boltzmann Machines into smaller more manageable models, training them separately and composing them into a complete model. While this method can be shown to affect learning negatively, it is yet to be known, whether the advantages of quantum computing can outweigh the disadvantages of extreme use of the unit dropout method.
  • Sironen, Akhilleus (2020)
    This thesis studies methods for inferring time series influences on one another. Specifically transfer entropy is motivated, derived and explained through informa- tion theory and Markov chains. Issues and solutions for the calculation of transfer entropy in the context of discrete, coarse grained and continuous time series are covered. The equality of Granger causality and transfer entropy in the Gaussian case is explored. Software package TISEAN for nonlinear time series analysis is explored and its capabilities are explained. In this thesis nonlinear methods are applied to measurements from SMEAR II station which is located in Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station in Hyytiälä, Finland. The problems caused by nonstationarity of the data are discussed and a solution to these problems is attempted. The ecosystem exchange is found to be nonstationary and containing two dif- ferent strong periodic components implying that the underlying dynamical system changes its characteristics. This prevented obtaining a phase space embedding from the measured data within the scope of this thesis. Further work is needed to find out whether transfer entropy can give new in- sights into analyzing the ecosystem and its influences. Rudimentary ground work has been laid with this thesis and possible ways of mitigating the nonstationarity in the future are given. All the code for reproducing the analysis and plots are included in the appendix to help future work.
  • Lin, Han (2018)
    In order to understand the relationship between organisms and environment, and reconstruct the environment in the past, where occurrence of animal species is known from fossils and climate is unknown, we build predictive models using machine learning algorithms. Our response variable for prediction is terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP) which represents fixed energy stored in vegetation. NPP is one of the main climate determinants and previous research has shown that NPP can be robustly predicted from dental traits of plant-eating mammals. Global occurrence of large plant-eating mammals and their dental traits are used as inputs. Since occurrence of species, their traits and climate characteristic data are not uniformly distributed over time and geographical space, models built on all available training data may generate low prediction accuracy. To achieve accurate prediction, we propose three types of local models such that training data are similar to testing data. They are baseline models, hierarchical clustering based models(HCM) and advanced hierarchical clustering based models(AHCM). Moreover, hierarchical clustering are utilised for clustering data points in HCM and AHCM in order to find training data that match testing data the most. Considering input data are not independently distributed over geographical space and therefore model evaluation is not trivial, we also propose vertical spatial cross validation (VSCV) for evaluating performance of predictive models as well as tuning parameters of models. In experiments, ordinary least squares regression (OLS), decision tree, random forest, rotation forest and gradient boosting regressor are utilised in both global models and local models. Root mean squared error(RMSE) and mean absolute error(MAE) indicates performance of models. In an experiment, we apply VSCV to tune parameters of all models. The baseline is the global model with OLS and Africa continent is testing continent. Experimental results illustrate that there are no models that can perform the best on each small geographic regions. Thus, we develop a scheme to give recommendations on selecting models on different regions. We recommend to use modified hierarchical clustering based models (MHCMs) and global models on the area of Lake Turkana. We propose MHCM as a new strategy to optimize HCMs. In addition, we discover that the prediction on data points in equatorial climate zone is most reliable and prediction error on the Africa continent is equatorial symmetric. Last but not the least, we demonstrate applicability of our models with a case study of fossil data from the Turkana Basin in Africa between 0:01 and 7 millions years ago. The trend of NPP over time for fossil is that NPP firstly decreases slowly and it reaches the lowest value at around 2 to 3 Ma. Then, NPP starts increasing and tends to be stable. NPP in time period between 4 and 7 Ma is higher than in present day.
  • Bolanos Mejia, Tlahui Alberto (2021)
    Credit rating is one of the core tools for risk management within financial firms. Ratings are usually provided by specialized agencies which perform an overall study and diagnosis on a given firm’s financial health. Dealing with unrated entities is a common problem, as several risk models rely on the ratings’ completeness, and agencies can not realistically rate every existing company. To solve this, credit rating prediction has been widely studied in academia. However, research in this topic tends to separate models amongst the different rating agencies due to the difference in both rating scales and composition. This work uses transfer learning, via label adaptation, to increase the number of samples for feature selection, and appends these adapted labels as an additional feature to improve the predictive power and stability of previously proposed methods. Accuracy on exact label prediction was improved from 0.30, in traditional models, up to 0.33 in the transfer learning setting. Furthermore, when measuring accuracy with a tolerance of 3 grade notches, accuracy increased almost 0.10, from 0.87 to 0.96. Overall, transfer learning displayed better out-of-sample generalization.
  • Nevalainen, Janne (2020)
    Neural network based modern language models can reach state of the art performance on wide range of natural language tasks. Their success is based on capability to learn from large unlabeled data by pretraining, using transfer learning to learn strong representations for the language and transferring the learned into new domains and tasks. I look at how language models produce transfer learning for NLP. Especially from the viewpoint of classification. How transfer learning can be formally defined? I compare different LM implementations in theory and also use two example data sets for empirically testing their performance on very small labeled training data.
  • Pelvo, Nasti (2024)
    Object detection and multi-object tracking are crucial components of computer vision systems aiming for comprehensive scene understanding and reliable autonomous decision making. While methods developed for visual input data are widely studied, they are susceptible to environmental factors such as poor lighting and weather conditions. Thermal imaging, on the other hand, is robust against most adversarial environmental conditions and thus presents an intriguing alternative to visual photography. Due to the characteristics of thermal images, current state-of-the-art object detection and tracking methods perform poorly when presented with thermal input. Open source thermal data for training large neural network models is not widely available: existing datasets are small and homogenenous, and the resulting models lack the generalizability required for their application on real world input data. The effect is especially relevant for transformer-based methods, which exhibit a lack of visual inductive bias and thus require large-scale training. This thesis presents the first in-depth literature review and experimental study into transformer-based object detection and tracking on challenging thermal and aerial data. By conducting an analysis on existing transformer-based multi-object tracking methods, we argue for the application of the joint detection and tracking paradigm, where multi-object tracking is treated as an end-to-end problem. Our experiments on two transformer-based multi-object tracking models confirm that fully exploiting multi-frame input can increase the stability of object detection and enforce robustness against the domain issues prevalent in thermal images. Due to the high training data requirement of transformers, the methods are, however, held back by the lack of open source training data. We thus introduce two novel data augmentation techniques which aim to supplement and diversify existing training data, and thus improve the transferability of detection and tracking methods between the visual and thermal domains.
  • Viljamaa, Venla (2022)
    In bioinformatics, new genomes are sequenced at an increasing rate. To utilize this data in various bioinformatics problems, it must be annotated first. Genome annotation is a computational problem that has traditionally been approached by using statistical methods such as the Hidden Markov model (HMM). However, implementing these methods is often time-consuming and requires domain knowledge. Neural network-based approaches have also been developed for the task, but they typically require a large amount of pre-labeled data. Genomes and natural language share many properties, not least the fact that they both consist of letters. Genomes also have their own grammar, semantics, and context-based meanings, just like phrases in the natural language. These similarities give motivation to the use of Natural language processing (NLP) techniques in genome annotation. In recent years, pre-trained Transformer neural networks have been widely used in NLP. This thesis shows that due to the linguistic properties of genomic data, Transformer network architecture is also suitable for gene predicting. The model used in the experiments, DNABERT, is pre-trained using the full human genome. Using task-specific labeled data sets, the model is then trained to classify DNA sequences into genes and non-genes. The main fine-tuning dataset is the genome of the Escherichia coli bacterium, but preliminary experiments are also performed on human chromosome data. The fine-tuned models are evaluated for accuracy, F1-score and Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC). A customized estimation method is developed, in which the predictions are compared to ground-truth labels at the nucleotide level. Based on that, the best models achieve a 90.15% accuracy and an MCC value of 0.4683 using the Escherichia coli dataset. The model correctly classifies even the minority label, and the execution times are measured in minutes rather than hours. These suggest that the NLP-based Transformer network is a powerful tool for learning the characteristics of gene and non-gene sequences.
  • Kalske, Miika (2018)
    Monolithic architecture has been the standard way to architect applications for years. Monolithic applications use a single codebase which makes the deploying and development easier without adding any additional complexity as long as the size of the application stays relatively small. When the size of the codebase grows the architecture might deteriorate. This slows down the development and making it harder to on-board new developers. Microservice architecture is a novel architecture style that tries to solve these issues in larger codebases. Microservice architecture consists of multiple small autonomous services that are deployed and developed separately. Microservice architecture enables more fine-grained scaling and makes it possible to have faster development cycles by decreasing the amount of regression testing that is needed, because each of the services can be deployed and updated separately from each other. Microservice architecture provides also multiple new challenges that have to be solved in order to get the benefit from them. These challenges are such as the handling of distributed transactions, communication between microservices, separation of concerns in microservices and so on. On top of the technical challenges there are also organizational and operational challenges. The operational challenges are such as monitoring, logging and automated deployment of microservices. This thesis studies the differences between monolithic and microservice architecture and pinpoints the main challenges on the transition from monolithic architecture to microservice architecture. A proof of concept on how to transform a single bounded context from monolith to microservices will be made to get a better understanding of the challenges. Also a plan how to migrate tangled bounded contexts from monolith to microservices will be made in order to fully support the transition process in the future. The results from the proof of concept and the plan that was made show that the cohesion and loose coupling is more likely to stay when the bounded context is transformed to microservice.
  • Hirvonen, Minna (2020)
    Several extensions of first-order logic are studied in descriptive complexity theory. These extensions include transitive closure logic and deterministic transitive closure logic, which extend first-order logic with transitive closure operators. It is known that deterministic transitive closure logic captures the complexity class of the languages that are decidable by some deterministic Turing machine using a logarithmic amount of memory space. An analogous result holds for transitive closure logic and nondeterministic Turing machines. This thesis concerns the k-ary fragments of these two logics. In each k-ary fragment, the arities of transitive closure operators appearing in formulas are restricted to a nonzero natural number k. The expressivity of these fragments can be studied in terms of multihead finite automata. The type of automaton that we consider in this thesis is a two-way multihead automaton with nested pebbles. We look at the expressive power of multihead automata and the k-ary fragments of transitive closure logics in the class of finite structures called word models. We show that deterministic twoway k-head automata with nested pebbles have the same expressive power as first-order logic with k-ary deterministic transitive closure. For a corresponding result in the case of nondeterministic automata, we restrict to the positive fragment of k-ary transitive closure logic. The two theorems and their proofs are based on the article ’Automata with nested pebbles capture first-order logic with transitive closure’ by Joost Engelfriet and Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom. In the article, the results are proved in the case of trees. Since word models can be viewed as a special type of trees, the theorems considered in this thesis are a special case of a more general result.
  • Tomassen, Mike Willibrordus Laurentius (2022)
    Throughout history, the growth of cities has been considered a great source of prosperity. However, in recent years negative environmental impacts have led to a growing concern about the consequences of the sometimes seemingly unlimited urban growth. One of the key topics when speaking about these negative environmental impacts is mobility. With the increasing importance of mobility in the modern urbanized world, improving the urban built environment to stimulate the use of sustainable modes of transport is one of the major challenges for today’s land use and transport planners. The research in this thesis builds upon the reciprocal interaction between the (design of the) built environment and travel behavior. Use is made of the concept of transit-oriented development (TOD), a well-established planning approach originating from the US, aiming at achieving a shift in modal share towards sustainable forms of transport, while simultaneously creating a more livable environment with high standards for urban space. Much of the available research on TOD is, however, mainly based on the policy scale and the regional planning scale, while attention to the detailed design level has been minimal. Furthermore, much of the research has focused on the North-American context. Consequently, practical design guidelines for TOD in the European and Finnish context are still lacking. This thesis aims at bridging the gap between academic research on the topic of built environment and travel behavior, and the professional practice of land use planning. This is done, first of all, by examining the relation between land use, design, and sustainable modes of mobility in academic research, and second, by producing spatial design guidelines for TOD in the Finnish context. The main method used to bridge the gap between research and design is the creation of guidelines, a research method for environmental design disciplines defined by Prominski. The creation of the guidelines has been done in two ways. First, a study of three best-practice examples of TOD (Rieselfeld, Vauban, and Hammarby Sjöstad) has been done, from which a number of guidelines have been extracted. Second, the applicability of these guidelines for the Finnish context has been examined through several test designs for the Malmin kenttä district, a new urban development area in Helsinki. Simultaneously, new guidelines have been developed throughout the process. The creation of the toolbox of TOD guidelines for spatial development in the Finnish context forms an important first step in translating the available academic knowledge into usable practical tools for Finnish planners. Although a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of the related theoretical models is still required to achieve overarching goals, such as a modal shift, the toolbox provides a set of practical guidelines that planners can directly apply to their work. Furthermore, the guidelines may, in combination with the test designs, spark a larger discussion on the role of TOD in Finnish planning and the importance of a good integration of land use and transport planning.
  • Pekkanen, Antti Emil (2016)
    Kompleksiluvut jakautuvat algebrallisiin lukuihin ja transkendenttilukuihin. Algebralliset luvut ovat näistä lukujoukoista tutumpi, mutta itse asiassa lähes kaikki kompleksiluvut ovat transkendenttilukuja. Transkendenttilukujen löytäminen ja niiden todistaminen transkendenttisiksi on hyvin vaikeaa, mistä syystä transkendenttilukuja tunnetaan vain harvoja erikoistapauksia, tunnetuimpina pii ja Neperin luku. Transkendenttilukuihin liittyvistä teknisistä vaikeuksista johtuen myös transkendenttilukujen historia on suhteellisen lyhyt. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on antaa lyhyt yleiskuva aiheesta. Ensin tutkielmassa esitellään lyhyesti lukukäsitteen ja transkendenttilukujen historiaa. Tämän jälkeen määritellään ensin transkendenttiluvut, esitetään Liouvillen ja Cantorin olemassaolotodistukset transkendenttiluvuille sekä ensimmäinen esimerkki transkendenttiluvusta, Liouvillen luku. Tämän jälkeen esitetään todistus Lindemannin-Weierstrassin lauseelle, joiden avulla on ollut mahdollista todistaa useita lukuja transkendenttisiksi. Näiden lukujen joukossa ovat muiden muassa pii ja Neperin luku, joiden transkendenttisuustodistukset esitetään lauseen korollaareina. Lopuksi esitellään ilman todistusta Gelfondin-Schneiderin lause sekä esitellään hyvin lyhyesti joitakin transkendenttilukujen teoriaa eteenpäin vieneitä tuloksia sekä transkendenttilukuihin liittyviä avoimia kysymyksiä.
  • Leppänen, Riku (2016)
    Työssä esitellään transkendenttiset ja algebralliset luvut ja todistetaan Liouvullen lause, Transkendenttisten lukujen joukon ylinumeroitavuus, Lindemann-Weierstrassin lause ja tämän avulla lukujen e ja π transkendenttisuus.
  • Paul, Susanna (2013)
    People are internationally increasingly mobile which is why moving should be rather seen as a lifestyle than something exceptional and exotic as tourism research has traditionally viewed traveling. The new mobility paradigm in the tourism field in fact suggests that tourism should be seen as a part of everyday life. When people move more they are also in contact with more places. The new transnational research, that has predominantly been applied in migration studies, is interested in how mobile people form relationships with the different places that they have spent time in, in other words how they form a sense of place. Traditional migration studies has rather focused on how migrants settle in the new place, whereas the new transnational research is interested in how people can feel a belonging to many places at the same time, thus forming a so called multiple sense of self and perhaps feel at home in many places. Exchange students represent one very mobile group of people. The exchange students desire an international experience whereas nations, cities and educational institutions see the students as an important asset in their aims of internationalization. Branding Helsinki an attractive student city was the topic of a work shop meeting in Autumn 2012 held between The University of Helsinki and the City of Helsinki. The significance of exchange-students for this brand was also highlighted. In this study exchange students are understood as educational tourists, and they were studied from the perspective of the new mobility paradigm as well as the new transnational research. The perspective is fresh because the general experiences of exchange students have not been studied a lot, let alone their sense of place. The aim of this study was to examine the exchange students at The University of Helsinki in the semester of 2012-2013 if and what kind of sense of place they formed. Interesting was to examine whether they formed a strong sense of place because according to transnational theories acquiring a multiple sense of place is possible for mobile groups of people. The sense of place was defined through the concepts of emotional and functional attachment to place. The concepts were examined by analyzing how the students settled in Helsinki, if they felt at home, if they felt local and how they felt that the exchange affected their future mobility. Another aim of the study was to examine which specific aspects of Helsinki affected the sense of place of the students and to suggest how these findings could be of help in suggesting how to brand Helsinki an internationally attractive student city. As a method 25 semi structured interviews with exchange students between January and March of 2013 were performed. The method was suitable for this fresh topic because it allowed for the voice of the students to be heard. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using content analysis. The results show that the students were emotionally and functionally very attached to Helsinki. They settled in well, felt at home and identified many positive tangible and intangible aspects of the city. This argues for the fact that they had acquired a strong sense of place. The students experienced the city in the company of other people, but the individual experiences were important too. The students did however not feel like locals in the city. The study nevertheless proved that in order to acquire a strong sense of place, one does not have to feel local. The background theories demonstrate that also temporary residents and visitors can acquire a strong sense of place. The findings imply that acquiring a multiple sense of place (in their home country and Helsinki) is indeed possible. The fact that the students felt that they were living a mobile lifestyle now and in the future also speaks for a multiple sense of place. The results show that the exchange students appreciate the friendly Finns, the climate, the greenness of the city and the working society in Helsinki. Therefore this study suggests that these aspects should be used to brand Helsinki an internationally attractive student city in order to accomplish the internationalization aims of both the City of Helsinki and The University of Helsinki.
  • Autio, Antti (2018)
    Major infrastructure projects have increased in East Africa during the past years. The main aim of these projects is usually to develop regional integration and provide growth potential for national economies. The investments are typically rationalised by improving local accessibility, diminution in transport costs and opening of economies to global markets. The sustainable development of transport networks in Global South is hindered by the network structures formed during colonial times which were not primely meant to increase general and equal regional development. Moreover, the post-monitoring and previous research have revealed that the socio-economic development expectations bestowed upon these projects have not often been realised and thus the viability of the major investments have become under scrutiny. Geography is concerned over spatial interaction and dynamics between regions, and therefore it has an established position in infrastructure related development research. Transport and development research has shifted its focus in the 21st century from the study of transport network development, rural development and mathematic cost-benefit modelling to the study of political frameworks in transport planning, which this study also represents. The case study of this research is the joint road construction project between Voi and Arusha by the Kenyan and Tanzanian governments which began in 2012 and is expected to be fully completed in 2018. More precisely the research is focused on the Taita Taveta County in Kenya. The research uses semi-structured interviews made in January and February 2016 to compare the development and impact expectations of local stakeholders to the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) drafted regarding the project. A qualitative data analysis is conducted to the interview data which is complemented with field observations and previous literature. The results of the study indicate that the views and personal experiences of the local administration, county planners and other stakeholders differ from both each other and from the ESIA. The results also demonstrate that the ESIA was not able to predict all adverse impacts that has come up during the construction phase. Also, it did not take into consideration to various developmental threats expressed by the local administration. Especially problematic was seen the issues regarding sustainable infrastructure, land use planning, land ownership rights and the capacity of the local administration to respond to the challenges brought by the new road. The impacts of the improved road will be significant to the development of the county but their control needs attention. The conclusion is that transport planning in Kenya and in East Africa should be able to integrate more holistically with urban planning so that the expected development brought by the investments would be controlled. Moreover, the planning units of counties require adequate resources and capacity building to be able to respond to the indirect land use pressure emerged from the projects. The relationship between transport investments, socio-economic development and land use planning requires further research in the context of Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Lukkari, Lasse (2014)
    The Internet Of Things (IoT) has been a buzzword for the past decade. While IoT focuses on getting devices connected to the global Internet and other existing networks with new novel communication medias and protocols Web Of Things (WoT), a sidekick of the IoT, is recycling the current web development patterns and tools to integrate everyday objects to the existing World Wide Web. In WoT the idea is to realize the IoT concept using the current web standards and practices. In order to do so WoT uses the REST architectural style implemented on top of the HTTP already in use all over the Internet. The WoT concept can be taken a step further to allow the communications over other protocol stacks than the traditional TCP. By implementing the HTTP client and server components so that they don't directly operate the underlying transport protocol but instead use an abstraction layer between, we are able to switch the whole protocol stack without making any changes to the actual software logic that is built on top of the components. A device designed to be controlled over Ethernet can be for example be managed over any number of compliant media such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and serial port communications.
  • Ghasemi Falk, Homa (2019)
    Greenhouse gases are essential in controlling the surface temperature of the Earth. Methane is one of the most abundant greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. it has an important role in the atmospheric chemical processes, and its atmospheric concentration has increased dramatically from pre-industrial time. In 2006, studies revealed that terrestrial plants are capable of emitting methane under aerobic conditions which led to the conclusion that the contribution of forests to the global methane budget needs to be considered. In my thesis the aim was to assess the capacity of boreal tree stems to transport methane, to quantify the radial diffusivity of methane in the stem of different tree species and evaluate the effects of various factors on regulating stem gas transport. Gas transport of Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris) and Birches (Betula pubescens) tree stems were examined in the laboratory under controlled conditions. The results highlighted that birch stem samples have a higher methane stem fluxes compared to pine samples. The result also indicated that birches accumulated less methane inside the stem compare with pine samples. One of the most significant findings from this study is that birch stem samples have the higher average methane and carbon dioxide diffusivity compared to pine samples. This finding also explains the smaller accumulated methane gas inside the birch stems compared to pine stems. Also, the differences in the diffusivity may result from differences in the anatomical composition of these tree species, including heartwood, sapwood, bark tissue and lenticel densities.
  • Schäfer, Elisa (2015)
    With the ongoing global biodiversity loss, approaches to measuring and monitoring biodiversity are necessary for effective conservation planning, especially in tropical forests. Remote sensing is a very potential tool for biodiversity mapping, and high spatial resolution imaging spectroscopy allows for direct estimation of tree species diversity based on spectral reflectance. The objective of this study is to test an approach for estimating tree species alpha diversity in a tropical montane forest in the Taita Hills, Kenya. Tree species diversity is estimated based on spectral variation of high spatial resolution imaging spectroscopy data. The approach is an unsupervised classification, or clustering, applied to objects that represent tree crowns. Airborne imaging spectroscopy data and species data from 31 field plots were collected from the study area. After preprocessing of the spectroscopic imagery, a minimum noise fraction (MNF) transformation with a subsequent selection of 13 bands was applied to the data to reduce its noise and dimensionality. The imagery was then segmented to obtain objects that represent tree crowns. A clustering algorithm was applied to the segments, with the aim of grouping spectrally similar tree crowns. Experiments were made to find the optimal range for the number of clusters. Tree species richness and two diversity indices were calculated from the field data and from the clustering results. The clusters were assumed to represent species in the calculations. Correlation analysis and linear regression analysis were used to study the relationship between diversity measures from the field data and from the clustering results. It was found that the approach succeeded well in revealing tree species diversity patterns with all three diversity measures. Despite some factors that added error to the relationship between field-derived and clustering-derived diversity measures, high correlations were observed. Especially tree species richness could be modelled well using the approach (standard error: 3 species). The size of the considered trees was found to be an important determinant of the relationships. Finally, a tree species richness map was created for the study area. With further development, the presented approach has potential for other interesting applications, such as estimation of beta diversity, and tree species identification by linking the reflectance properties of individual crowns to their corresponding species.