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  • Hyötyläinen, Annamaria (2023)
    Security of web communication is crucial. When accessing an online bank, for example, one of the key issues is that the user can be assured they are communicating with the bank as they intended to. This assurance is achieved with the public key infrastructure for the Web, Web PKI. Its purpose is to manage digital certificates on the Web. Certificates are used to prove one’s identity with the help of public-key cryptography. Certificate authorities and software vendors that operate certificate root stores have key roles in the Web PKI. The first issue certificates and the latter choose which CAs are trusted. The Web PKI has multiple challenges and it is a highly researched topic. Numerous countermeasures and enhancements to the Web PKI have been developed over the years. This thesis investigates challenges in the Web PKI and proposed countermeasures, some of which are based on blockchain technology. Of the non-blockchain-based solutions, we introduce Certificate Transparency, CAA and DANE. Of the blockchain-based solutions, CertLedger, IKP and a solution for decentralising ACME protocol are described. We find that the challenges are mainly related to certificate authorities, revocation and root stores. From the numerous solutions, Certificate Transparency and CAA are utilised in the Web PKI. Shortening the validity period of certificates can resolve some of the challenges. Blockchain-based solutions are numerous but none has yet seen wide deployment.
  • Hussain, Afaque (2015)
    Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) is a project that aims to enable plug-in free, real time communications across multiple web-browsers. With WebRTC enabled web-browsers, users can make direct browser to browser audio calls, video calls or transfer arbitrary data. In a simple network with no Network Address Translation (NAT), firewalls or HTTP-proxies, WebRTC applications work well without any problems. But in the real world, the networks are complex and clients are usually behind NAT, firewalls and (or) HTTP proxies. Introduction of such network middle boxes creates problems for WebRTC media flow, leading to a failure in WebRTC call establishment. WebRTC uses Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) framework to work around the problems posed by these middle boxes. ICE uses a combination of Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) and Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) depending on the network configuration and tries to give the WebRTC media the best possible chance to traverse these middle boxes. A TURN server is required to relay the WebRTC media between peers when STUN methods fail. In this work, we evaluate the different network configurations in which WebRTC peers can be present and how the WebRTC connectivity problem can be solved using the ICE framework, when peers are present in such network configurations. We also evaluate the TURN server for its computational, memory and bandwidth requirements for relaying different types of WebRTC calls.
  • Fredriksson, Klaus (2022)
    With increasing amounts of software services provided to users and the more demanding requirements needed from them, monitoring of services is becoming increasingly important. Web service monitoring is the process of confirming system functionality by studying its various attributes, such as availability, reliability, and performance. Monitoring the services helps the software developers, maintainers and owners as they allow for increased reliability, robustness and possibly performance analysis. This thesis focuses on web service monitoring and the tools that it is done with. Specific goals are to learn about the different categories that monitoring services can take and to showcase a custom web service monitoring tool and its further development. The subject is important to the case company LogiNets, which has specific monitoring requirements that need to be fulfilled. These goals were achieved by researching literature on different types of monitoring tools for a literature review and then doing a case study of monitoring tool development. The case study was done about adding a new functionality to LogiNets’s indoor web service monitoring tool called Agent. The literature review was successful in identifying different categories of monitoring tools both by their location relative to the monitored service as well as by the quality of service requirements they fulfill. The review did not, however, discover significant research about existing commercial monitoring tools, and thus provided little help in the case study. The case study was more successful, with the new functionality added and similar extensions planned for the future.
  • Juslenius, Santeri (2021)
    The Streamr Network is a decentralized publish-subscribe system. This thesis experimentally compares WebSocket and WebRTC as transport protocols in the system’s d-regular random graph type unstructured stream overlays. The thesis explores common designs for publish-subscribe and decentralized P2P systems. Underlying network protocols including NAT traversal are explored to understand how the WebSocket and WebRTC protocols function. The requirements set for the Streamr Network and how its design and implementations fulfill them are discussed. The design and implementations are validated with the use simulations, emulations and AWS deployed real-world experiments. The performance metrics measured from the real-world experiments are compared to related work. As the implementations using the two protocols are separate incompatible versions, the differences between them was taken into account during analysis of the experiments. Although the WebSocket versions overlay construction is known to be inefficient and vulnerable to churn, it is found to be unintentionally topology aware. This caused the WebSocket stream overlays to perform better in terms of latency. The WebRTC stream overlays were found to be more predictable and more optimized for small payloads as estimates for message propagation delays had a MEPA of 1.24% compared to WebSocket’s 3.98%. Moreover, the WebRTC version enables P2P connections between hosts behind NATs. As the WebRTC version’s overlay construction is more accurate, reliable, scalable, and churn tolerant, it can be used to create intentionally topology aware stream overlays to fully take over the results of the WebSocket implementation.
  • Karppinen, Jussi (2013)
    Ketterässä ohjelmistokehityksessä laadunhallinnan perustana ovat laadukkaat ohjelmistokehityskäytännöt sekä automaattinen testaus. Automaattinen testaus on ennen kaikkea kohdistunut yksikkötestaukseen, jolla pyritään varmistamaan ohjelmiston sisäistä laatua. Toiminnallinen testaus ja hyväksymistestaus ovat myös automatisoitavissa, mutta niiden automatisointia ovat hidastaneet kustannukset sekä testien vaatima ylläpito. Toiminnallisen testauksen automatisointiin on kehitetty työkaluja sekä menetelmiä, joiden avulla voidaan kustannustehokkaasti toteuttaa automatisoituja toiminnallisia testitapauksia. Jatkuva integraatio on yleensä automaattisen yksikkötestauksen pohjana ketterässä kehityksessä ja osana jatkuvaa integraatiota on myös mahdollista automatisoida toiminnallinen testaus. Automaattisen toiminnallisen testauksen kustannuksiin voidaan vaikuttaa valituilla testauskehyksillä, testitapausten suunnittelulla sekä toteuttamalla testitapauksia hyväksi todettujen käytäntöjen mukaan. Toiminnallinen testaus perustuu toiminnallisiin vaatimuksiin, joten käyttötapaukset ja käyttäjätarinat ketterässä kehityksessä sekä niiden hyväksymiskriteerit auttavat testitapausten suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Testitapaukset ovat helposti toteutettavissa nauhoita-ja-toista -menetelmällä ja refaktoroimalla testitapauksista selkeämpiä. Esimerkiksi sivuobjekti -suunnittelumallin mukaisilla testitapauksilla voidaan pienentää testauksen ylläpidon kustannuksia. Testauskehyksiä on tarjolla automaattisen testauksen eri menetelmiin, jolloin automaattinen toiminnallinen onnistuu myös erilaisissa kehitysympäristöissä. ACM Computing Classification System (CCS): Software and its engineering → Software verification; Agile software development; Software testing and debugging; Documentation;
  • Simsiö, Tomi (2020)
    Web-sovellusten tietoturva on jokaiselle internetin käyttäjälle tärkeä asia. Yksittäiseen sivustoon tai web-palveluun tapahtuvasta tietomurrosta voi seurata palvelun käyttäjille paljon harmia, joka olisi usein ollut estettävissä. Pienellä vaivalla toteutettavissa olevalla automaattisella tietoturvaskannauksella pystytään havaitsemaan suuri osa web-sovellusten haavoittuvuuksista. Tässä työssä tutkitaan automaattisen tietoturvaskannauksen liittämistä sovelluksen kehitysprosessiin. Lisäämällä tietoturvaskannaus osaksi kehitettävien sovelluksien jatkuvaa koontiajoa pyritään parantamaan sovellusten tietoturvaa havaitsemalla uudet haavoittuvuudet heti niiden synnyttyä. Automaattisen tietoturvaskannauksen käyttämisellä osana regressiotestausta pyritään myös vähentämään käsin tehtävän testauksen määrää, sekä parantamaan sovelluksen tietoturvaa kehitysprosessin jokaisessa vaiheessa. Tämän työn tavoitteena on tuottaa yksinkertainen ja tehokas GitLab CI -koontiajoon liitettävä tietoturvaskannauksen tekevä komponentti, joka on helppo lisätä myös tuleviin sovellusprojekteihin. Komponentti hyödyntää Arachni- ja ZAP-nimisiä avoimen lähdekoodin skannausohjelmistoja. Työssä selvitetään samalla, kuinka helppoa tämä tietoturvatarkistuksen tekevä komponentti on pystyttää ja miten pienellä vaivalla sen uudelleenkäyttö muissa sovellusprojekteissa onnistuu. Lisäksi tutkitaan, kuinka tehokkaasti toteutettu järjestelmä löytää haavoittuvuuksia sovelluksista.
  • Eriksson, Patrick B. (2008)
    The Weddell Sea on the Antarctic coast is one of the most important areas of deep-water formation in the oceans. The processes that result in deep-water formation depend on the sea area's oceanic transport mechanisms and on the climatological conditions. The primary purpose of this master’s thesis is to calculate the prevailing current conditions and to estimate changes in the water-mass properties in the Weddell Sea. This was performed by using hydrographic data collected during the SWEDARP 88/89 expedition. The first part of the thesis includes a literature study on the oceanographic conditions in the Weddell Sea. The study describes the conditions that regulate the Weddell Sea's circulation field and characteristic oceanographic processes. Transport calculations were performed by applying geostrophic methodology to data from the station network in the southwestern Weddell Sea. First, the baroclinic flow field was determined with the assumption that the cyclonic circulation of the Weddell Sea flows in a clockwise direction through each transect of the gyre. The barotropic component of the current field was then calculated using an inverse method which balances the transports through the measurement transects by meeting given criteria. These were that the transport of salt and mass is equal through each measurement transect. The total volume transport in the Weddell gyre was calculated to be about 19 Sverdrup (1 Sv = 10^6 m^3/s), which is about 60% of the transport estimated in the literature. The formation of Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW) was estimated to 1.4 Sv. The primary result of the study was the amount of heat released from the water column to the atmosphere within the measurement area. The heat loss was calculated to 12 TW (terawatt). The unique SWEDARP 88/89 stations measured in the Filchner depression on the continental shelf would deserve further analysis and would enrich the studies of the global deep-water circulation.
  • Airola, KonstaPetteri (2022)
    Aluminium nitride is a piezoelectric material commonly used in piezoelectric microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) in the form of thin films deposited by sputtering. AlN-based devices are found in wireless electronics in the form of acoustic filters, but they also have prospective applications in a wide variety of sensor systems. To enhance the piezoelectric properties of AlN, some of the Al can be replaced with scandium, which is required for next-generation devices. However, addition of Sc makes both the deposition and patterning of the film more difficult. This work focuses on patterning of AlN and Sc0.2Al0.8N thin films with wet etching. Both materials are etched anisotropically, which in theory enables etching the materials with little deviation from the mask dimensions. However, in practise, undercutting at the mask edges occurs easily making the structures narrower compared to the etch mask. This work investigates and compares the mechanisms and etch rates of AlN and Sc0.2Al0.8N. Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide was mostly used for etching, but also H3PO4 and H2SO4 were tested. Addition of 20 atom-% Sc lowered the etch rate of the material and resulted in more undercutting. The causes behind mask undercutting were examined by using 11 differently deposited etch masks, and the undercutting was minimized by optimizing the mask deposition, using thermal annealing, and optimizing the etching temperature. Finally, the work identifies and discusses the relevant factors in depositing and patterning the AlN, ScxAl1-xN and mask films.
  • Liski, Anna (2018)
    The field of superhydrophobicity i.e. extreme water-repellency is a fast growing one ever since artificial ways of manufacturing such surfaces have been developed. Superhydrophobic surfaces have several potential applications including surfaces that are self-cleaning, corrosion and stain resistant, anti-fogging and anti-fouling. For the use of superhydrophobic surfaces in applications there is a need for a precise characterization of their wetting properties. However, conventional methods for characterization have several drawbacks when applied to superhydrophobic surfaces. This has resulted in a need to develop new method for characterizing wetting properties of superhydrophobic surfaces. This thesis presents one auspicious method for wetting characterization of ultra water-repellent surfaces along with the theory the method is based on. In the method a magnetic water droplet is forced to oscillate on the superhydrophobic surface. The friction affecting droplet during oscillations is proportional to the wetting degree of surface. Furthermore, using a moving droplet allows the investigation of dynamic wetting properties of superhydrophobic surfaces.
  • Lyytinen, Joonas (Helsingin yliopistoUniversity of HelsinkiHelsingfors universitet, 2008)
    The possible presence of periodicity in the terrestrial impact crater data has been discussed in several papers since 1984. The authenticity of this detected periodicity data is controversial. It is possible, however, that real periodicity is present and could be detected from more accurate and complete data. In our study we created simulated different probability distributions for terrestrial impact crater record, that covered completely aperiodic and periodic impact cratering scenarios, as well as two specific combinations of these two cases, with four different impact crater age uncertainties. From these distributions we then generated simulated time series of impact craters with different numbers of craters and tested if the periodicity in the distribution could be detected using the Rayleigh method. Our analysis shows that if only one third of the terrestrial impact craters are caused by periodic cratering events, the detection of a real period in the data is very difficult and probably could not be detected even if better impact crater data became available. If two thirds of the craters are caused by periodic impacts, detection is possible, but would require substantially better data than which is currently available. We conclude that the periodicities reported so far in the impact crater data are not caused by real physical phenomena.
  • Ylöstalo, Otto (2020)
    The decathlon is a track and field event that consists of ten single events, which are performed in the same order during two competitive days. The result from each event is according to the official scoring table transformed into points which are then added together and result in the final score. The aim of this study is to see, what makes an elite decathlete. The individual development in each event is observed. For this study material consisting of all recorded data by decathletes with a personal best of over 8 500 points from year 1970 to 2019 have been used. From the data the best (individual) results made within a decathlon per year was chosen up until the best season. Changes in the decathlete´s profile has been analyzed in four stages (clusters). Changes in the individual development pattern based on the initial level in each event is also observed. The theory part covers the linear mixed-effects model introduced by Laird and Ware. The restricted maximum likelihood method related to the model is deduced in detail. According to the results of the study it seems like the sprint events are of great importance in the decathlon. Especially initially weak 400-meter-runners make a notable progress. However, some initially weak events remain relatively weak compared to the initially stronger.
  • Ylöstalo, Otto (2020)
    Kymmenottelu on yleisurheilulaji, joka koostu kymmenestä yksilölajista, jotka suoritetaan sa-massa järjestyksessä kahden vuorokauden aikana. Kymmenen lajin tulokset pisteytetään viralli-sen pistetaulukon mukaan ja lopputulos on näiden lajien yhteenlaskettu pistemäärä. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia, mikä tekee huippuluokan kymmenottelijaa. Lisäksi tarkastellaan miten henkilökohtaiset kehityskäyrät vertautuvat lajeittain. Aineistona käytetään vuonna 1970-2019 yli 8 500 pisteen kymmenottelijoiden kaudenparhai-den ottelusarjassa tehtyjen tuloksien tietoja. Ottelijaprofiilin muutoksia tutkitaan neljässä tasos-sa. Erikseen tarkastellaan ottelijan henkilökohtainen kehitys lajeittain ja näiden mahdollisia ero-ja. Teoriaosassa käsitellään Lairdin ja Waren lineaarinen sekamalli (LME malli) sekä siihen liittyvä rajoitettu suuremman uskottavuuden menetelmää (REML). Tutkielman tuloksien valossa vaikuttaa siltä, että kymmenottelussa pikajuoksulajit ovat tär-keimmässä roolissa. Varsinkin lähtökohtaisesti heikoille 400 metrin juoksijoille kehitys on suu-ri. Kymmenottelijan profiilissa on havaittavissa, että tietyt lähtökohtaisesti heikot lajit pysyvät suhteellisen heikkona verrattuna muihin.
  • Savolainen, Varpu (2023)
    In the industry categorization, construction industry is one of the largest sources of waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Construction industry, with norms, practices, business models, and legislation connected to it, is built on linear foundations. In a linear economy, energy and material flows are based on value addition and a take-make-use-dispose logic. The circular economy is pursued as a replacement to the linear economic model and is based on the idea of value preservation. Among several other sustainability-driven concepts, the use of the concept of circular economy is growing in local, national and international level environmental governance. This thesis is located in the complex and ambiguous conceptual framework of circular economy as a sustainability transformation in municipal politics. The subjects under observation are four Finnish cities: Helsinki, Joensuu, Turku, and Vantaa. I aim to gain an understanding of why circular economy policy implementation in the construction and demolition of buildings seems inadequate in comparison to the municipalities’ circular economy and sustainability ambitions and whether it really is so. The current city strategies, the policy documents with the most significant guiding impact to circular construction, and interviews with experts from the municipalities and construction sector are analyzed with thematic analysis. This thesis is a part of a six-year transdisciplinary research project, DeCarbon-Home, which studies and co-develops solutions to the just sustainability transitions of living and construction. The results of this thesis show that the understanding and awareness of the concept of circular economy and ambitions attached to it vary significantly not only between cities but also within. The cities are in different phases of circular economy transition, and the results demonstrate various pathways of policy implementation. Some shared challenges that are so far hindering the cities from implementing circularity in construction have to do with the lock-in with the current linear system, division of ownership and responsibility, communication, timing, and paradigm shift.
  • Saksala, Teemu Sakari (2013)
    Pro gradu -tutkielman varsinaisena tavoitteena on johtaa Hassler Whitneyn vuonna 1936 alkujaan todistama hänen nimeään kantava Whitneyn upotuslause, jonka mukaan jokainen sileä monisto on diffeomorfinen euklidisen avaruuden jonkin alimoniston kanssa. Työn ensimmäisessä luvussa tutustutaan kolmeen analyysin keskeiseen tulokseen. Nämä ovat Käänteiskuvauslause, Implisiittifunktiolause ja Astelause. Nämä lauseet käsittelevät sileiden kuvausten lokaalien käänteiskuvausten olemassaoloa eri ulotteisissa lähtö- ja maaliavaruuksissa. Näitä kolmea lausetta käytetään seuraavien kolmen luvun aikana useasti. Toisessa luvussa tutustutaan sileiden monistojen teorian perusteisiin. Tässä luvussa määritellään muun muassa seuraavat käsitteet: kartta, sileä kuvaus, tangenttikimppu ja -avaruus, tangenttikuvaukset, immersio sekä alimonisto. Luvun lopussa perehdytään monistojen parakompaktisuuteen ja kehitetään työkaluja, joilla saadaan olemassaolevien karttojen avulla aikaiseksi hyödyllisempiä karttoja. Kolmannessa luvussa osoitetaan, että jokainen kompakti sileä monisto voidaan upottaa sileästi euklidiseen avaruuteen. Tämä antaa aiheen tarkastella tarkemmin euklidisten avaruuksien alimonistojen ominaisuuksia. Lopuksi löydetään tarkka arvo sille, miten moniulotteiseen avaruuteen sileät kompaktit monistot voidaan sileästi upottaa. Työn neljäs luku aloitetaan jatkamalla monistojen parakompaktisuustutkimusta. Luvun ensimmäisen kappaleen tavoitteena on luoda sileitä ykkösen osituksia. Luku jatkuu monistojen nollamittaisten joukkojen käsitteen määrittelemisellä. Luvun lopussa käytetään aikaisemmin luotuja työkaluja hyödyksi ja osoitetaan, että jokaista sileää kuvausta sopivaulotteiseen euklidiseen avaruuteen voidaan approksimoida sileillä injektiivisillä immersioilla. Tämän tuloksen avulla työn päätulos voidaan todistaa kohtalaisen helposti.
  • Toijonen, Tomi (2024)
    Tutkielman aiheena oleva Whitneyn upotuslause osoittaa todeksi sen intuitiivisen ajatuksen, että jokainen sileä monisto voidaan upottaa johonkin euklidiseen avaruuteen. Lause on nimetty Hassler Whitneyn mukaan, joka ensimmäisenä todisti sen vuonna 1936. Tutkielma jakautuu kolmeen lukuun, joista ensimmäisessä käymme lävitse tarpeellisia yleisen topologian käsitteitä ja niistä johdettuja lauseita aloittaen tärkeimmistä eli topologisen avaruuden ja kuvauksen jatkuvuuden määritelmistä. Esiteltäviin käsitteisiin kuuluvat lisäksi esimerkiksi homeomorfismi, topologinen upotus, topologian kanta, aliavaruudet ja yhtenäisyys. Luvun lopuksi tutustutaan kompaktiuteen, joka on tutkielman kannalta suuressa osassa, koska sitä käytetään myöhemmin Whitnyeyn upotuslauseen todistuksessa. Toisessa luvussa keskitytään sileiden monistojen teoriaan siinä laajuudessa kuin se tutkielman kannalta on tarpeen. Luvun aluksi määritellään monisto, joka on numeroituvan kannan omaava, lokaalisti euklidinen Hausdorffin avaruus. Sen jälkeen määritellään monistolle sileä rakenne, eli maksimaalinen sileä kartasto, jonka avulla monistosta saadaan sileä monisto. Molemmista edellä mainituista annetaan useita esimerkkejä. Lisäksi todistetaan monistojen ja sileiden monistojen ominaisuuksia. Erityisesti todistetaan esikompaktien kantojen olemassaolo kaikille monistoille. Tämän jälkeen määritellään slieä ykkösen ositus ja todistetaan sen olemassaolo sileille monistoille. Käyttäen edellistä voidaan todistaa sileiden töyssy- ja tyhjennysfunktioiden olemassaolo sileille monistoille. Näitä funktioita käytetään myöhemmin Whitneyn upotuslauseen todistuksessa. Seuraavaksi määritellään monistojen välinen sileä kuvaus ja sen jälkeen derivaatio, tangenttivektori ja tangenttiavaruus, joiden avulla voidaan määritellä sileän kuvauksen differentiaali. Tämän jälkeen siirrytään sileän immersion määritelmään, joka tehdään dfferentiaalin avulla. Sileän immersion avulla saadaan sitten määriteltyä sileä upotus. Luvun viimeisessä osiossa määritellään alimonistot ja niihin liittyvät tasojoukot. Erityisesti määritellään vielä kriittiset pisteet ja arvot. Kolmannessa ja viimeisessä luvussa todistetaan ensin joitain aputuloksia ja sen jälkeen Sardin lause, jota käytetään myöhemmin Whitneyn upotuslauseen todistamiseen. Sardin lauseen mukaan sileiden monistojen välisen sileän kuvauksen kriittisten arvojen joukko on nollamittainen. Tämän jälkeen todistetaan vielä kaksi aputulosta ennen Whitneyn upotuslauseen todistusta. Näistä jälkimmäisessä osoitetaan, että jos on olemassa sileä upotus sileältä n-monistolta jollekin euklidiselle avaruudelle, niin on olemssa sileä upotus avaruudelle R2n+1. Näiden jälkeen päästään todistamaan tutkielman päätulos Whitneyn upotuslause, jonka mukaan jokaisella reunallisella tai reunattomalla sileällä n-monistolla on olemassa vahva sileä upotus euklidiseen avaruuteen R2n+1. Todistus jakautuu kahteen osaan, joissa ensimmäisessä todistetaan tapaus, jossa sileä monisto on kompakti. Tämä tehdään rakentamalla sileä upotus sileän töyssyfunktion avulla. Todistuksen toisessa osassa jaetaan ei-kompakti sileä monisto kompakteihin alimonistoihin tyhjennysfunktion avulla. Tämän jälkeen näiden sileät upotukset yhdistetään töyssyfunktion avulla uudeksi koko moniston peittäväksi sileäksi upotukseksi.
  • Milén, Hannu (2023)
    The thesis consists of presenting and analysing the original proof for the Embedding Theorem that Hassler Whitney gave in his 1936 article Differentiable Manifolds. The embedding theorem states that given an m-dimensional Cr-differentiable (r ≥ 1) manifold M, it is possible to embed it in Euclidean space Rn, if n ≥ 2m + 1. Embedding is defined as a mapping f : M → Rn which is Cr-smooth, bijective immersion that is homeomorphism to its image f[M]. Whitney’s proof rests on few important novel concepts and a series of lemmas in relation to them. These concepts include the concept of the k-extent of a set, a sort of a k-dimensional measure in an n-dimensional space; the concept of Cr-function g : M → N approximating (f, M, r, η), where f is a Cr-function f : M → N, η an error function; and the concept of (f, r, η)-properties defined for such g. Outstanding lemmas of general nature are Lemma 7: If f : M → N is a Cr-map and A ⊂ M is of finite (zero) k-extent, then f[A] is of finite (zero) k-extent. Lemma 8: For open sets R and R′ of Rm and Rh, if {Tα} is a h-parameter family of C1-maps of R ⊂ Rm into Rn, and A ⊂ R and B ⊂ Rn closed subsets, such that A is of finite k-extent and B of zero (h − k)-extent, then for some α ∈ R′, Tα[A] does not intersect B. Lemma 9: If f : M → N is a Cr-map, η positive continuous function in M, Ω1, Ω2, . . . are (f, r, η)- properties, then there is a Cr-map F : M → N which approximates (f, M, r, η) and has properties Ω1, Ω2, . . . . Lemmas 11 and 12 then show that bijectivity and immersion property are the logical sum of countable number of (f, r, η)-properties. These facts are used in finding an embedding F : M → Rn by perturbing a given smooth function f : M → Rn. Detailed treatment of all proofs is provided. Adjustments to the proofs are made where deemed necessary; auxiliary assumptions are made where they seem to be required. Clarifications and proofs are given to facts noted but not proven in the article
  • Jossi, Anin (2023)
    Urban development causes a decline of biodiversity, which is alarming as it is crucial for the health of urban nature as well as urban residents. The latter play an important role in the conservation of biodiversity, as they have to accept it. While previous studies have used single attributes and smaller samples to examine whether and how people know about biodiversity, little attention has been paid to place-based perceptions in a more holistic manner at the city level and with including different perception attributes. This study is a secondary analysis of data collected through public participation geographic information system (PPGIS) in Helsinki, Finland, as part of the CO-CARBON project and aims to understand how perceptions of high biodiversity vary between different age groups considering the type of green space, the frequency of access to different green spaces, the distance of perceived high biodiversity from home, and the location of high biodiversity. I analyzed responses of younger (n1 = 290, aged 16-39), middle-aged (n2 = 286, aged 40-52), and older (n3 = 283, aged 53-98) residents of Helsinki using geographical information systems (QGIS and ArcGIS) for spatial and statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) for non-spatial analyses. Statistical significances of the different variables were tested with multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), Chi-square tests, Spearman rho, and optimized hotspot analysis. Some differences, but also similarities, could be found between age groups in their perception of high biodiversity. The age groups are similar in the number of mapped points in terms of green space type, as they mostly perceived natural green spaces as high in biodiversity, but older people differed from the others in terms of frequency of access to green space types, while younger people differed in terms of marking high biodiversity further away from home. Notably, all age groups perceived central bigger green areas, especially Vanhankaupunkilahti, the most as high in biodiversity. Younger people formed the most spatial hotspots of perceptions of high biodiversity, as well as a coldspot at Malmi airport, while the oldest age group formed the fewest hotspots. As a consequence of these results, I discuss and conclude what measures through which media tools could be taken in order to achieve more knowledge and involvement of biodiversity conservation. Further research on perception of biodiversity will benefit from understanding what was understood to be biodiverse at the mapped location, examining other groups, studying effective communication of biodiversity issues and conservation events, looking at biodiversity opposed to high biodiversity, and examining the biodiversity perception of wetland and urban green spaces in more detail.
  • Hakanen, Johanna (2020)
    The liberal peace paradigm focusing on a top-down approach and implementing Western values in a one-fits-all model dominated the field of peacekeeping and crisis management missions especially from the 1980s onwards. Later, local ownership became a “buzzword” in international interventions after some major failures of peacekeeping missions in the 1990s and early 2000s. Since then highlighting the relevance of the inclusion of local actors and of utilizing local knowledge have become inseparable parts of the major international organizations’ policy documents and strategies dealing with crisis management and peacebuilding. However, the definition of who or where is local has not been adequately addressed. This has led to using the local as a concept referring to almost anything and everything within the borders of a state. The vague conceptualization has been criticized by scholars, as it leaves unanswered many questions about who can represent local interests or which actors should be included in a crisis management process to increase the sustainability of the intervention. This Master’s thesis seeks research on who, what or where the local level is seen to be in the context of the EU’s civilian crisis management. It does it by uncovering and discussing discourses of the local level from a set of the EU’s documents dealing with civilian crisis management or external action more generally. In this thesis the local level is framed as a social construction through the notion of scale and level from human geographical literature. The human geographical literature also highlights the importance of not only looking at the discourses of the local level but also how it relates to other levels to gain a fuller understanding. The thesis also discusses the potential political opportunity structures that follow from these discourses. There are three main discourses found in the documents focusing on who the local level comprises of: authorities and government, civil society and a variety of different actors on different levels within the nation. None of these discourses raises above the others. Instead, they co-exist, leaving the local level vaguely defined. It is argued that this gives the EU an opportunity to pick the local actors to cooperate with case-by-case. This choice can reflect the needs and will of the EU, the host country or both. In addition, two discourses relating to what the local level represents more generally were discovered. These form a dichotomy: the local is seen both as a threat to the security of the EU citizens but simultaneously as a necessity to include in missions to increase the effectiveness of CSDP missions. Overall, the importance of local ownership is highlighted throughout the documents. Considering this, the low level of mentions of local actors is somewhat surprising as well as the vague definition of who or where is local.
  • Xu, Lilu (2013)
    WikiMage is an online web game based on Wikipedia which is a free, collaboratively edited, and multilingual Internet encyclopedia. The name WikiMage is a combination of Wikipedia and Image that implies the game is built on those images referenced by Wikipedia articles. The WikiMage will challenge the players in terms of their width and depth of knowledge. During the game, a large number of pictures will be presented, and only the player who is able to distinguish the potential relationships between those images can win the game. It is deployed in CoSCo Demos server. By the time this article is composed, WikiMage is accessible through its URL.
  • Lauri, Tuomo (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2010)
    This study evaluates how the advection of precipitation, or wind drift, between the radar volume and ground affects radar measurements of precipitation. Normally precipitation is assumed to fall vertically to the ground from the contributing volume, and thus the radar measurement represents the geographical location immediately below. In this study radar measurements are corrected using hydrometeor trajectories calculated from measured and forecasted winds, and the effect of trajectory-correction on the radar measurements is evaluated. Wind drift statistics for Finland are compiled using sounding data from two weather stations spanning two years. For each sounding, the hydrometeor phase at ground level is estimated and drift distance calculated using different originating level heights. This way the drift statistics are constructed as a function of range from radar and elevation angle. On average, wind drift of 1 km was exceeded at approximately 60 km distance, while drift of 10 km was exceeded at 100 km distance. Trajectories were calculated using model winds in order to produce a trajectory-corrected ground field from radar PPI images. It was found that at the upwind side from the radar the effective measuring area was reduced as some trajectories exited the radar volume scan. In the downwind side areas near the edge of the radar measuring area experience improved precipitation detection. The effect of trajectory-correction is most prominent in instant measurements and diminishes when accumulating over longer time periods. Furthermore, measurements of intensive and small scale precipitation patterns benefit most from wind drift correction. The contribution of wind drift on the uncertainty of estimated Ze (S) - relationship was studied by simulating the effect of different error sources to the uncertainty in the relationship coefficients a and b. The overall uncertainty was assumed to consist of systematic errors of both the radar and the gauge, as well as errors by turbulence at the gauge orifice and by wind drift of precipitation. The focus of the analysis is error associated with wind drift, which was determined by describing the spatial structure of the reflectivity field using spatial autocovariance (or variogram). This spatial structure was then used with calculated drift distances to estimate the variance in radar measurement produced by precipitation drift, relative to the other error sources. It was found that error by wind drift was of similar magnitude with error by turbulence at gauge orifice at all ranges from radar, with systematic errors of the instruments being a minor issue. The correction method presented in the study could be used in radar nowcasting products to improve the estimation of visibility and local precipitation intensities. The method however only considers pure snow, and for operational purposes some improvements are desirable, such as melting layer detection, VPR correction and taking solid state hydrometeor type into account, which would improve the estimation of vertical velocities of the hydrometeors.