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Browsing by master's degree program "Geologian ja geofysiikan maisteriohjelma"

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  • Stark, Piritta (2022)
    In this study, single-grain rutile techniques (rutile U-Pb geochronology, Zr-in rutile thermometry, rutile Nb-Cr systematics and trace element composition) are applied on Red Clay samples from Lingtai, central-southern Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), to reveal more detailed information on provenance of the Red Clay and wind regimes responsible for transporting the particles from source to sink between 7 Ma and 2.6 Ma. The new rutile data are combined with previous zircon U-Pb data from Lingtai and nearby Chaona to strengthen the interpretations with multi-proxy approach. The results suggest that from 7.05 Ma to 6.23 Ma the westerlies and the East Asian Winter Monsoon (EAWM) were relatively equally responsible for the sediment transportation to the CLP. At 5.55 Ma, the Red Clay was mostly derived from the westerly sources. At 3.88 Ma, contribution from northeastern Tibetan Plateau was most dominant suggesting enhanced East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) and surficial drainage from the source regions. At 3.20 Ma, the Red Clay was mainly sourced from proximal areas and fluctuation between EAWM and EASM had begun. This study demonstrates that single-grain rutile techniques have strong potential to aid a more precise distinction between individual primary and secondary sources for aeolian dust in the CLP region, especially when combined with zircon geochronology or other single-grain techniques. However, at present the applicability of rutile in provenance studies is hindered by scarcity of rutile data from the potential primary as well as secondary source regions, and lack of truly homogenous rutile standards for the analysis.
  • Wikström, Jani (2023)
    Maatalouden ravinnekuormituksella on suuri vaikutus viljelysmaiden alapuolisten vesistöjen rehevöitymiseen ja veden laatuun. Kaksitasouomat on suunniteltu viljelysmaiden tulvavesien hallintaan, mutta ne myös vähentävät ravinteiden huuhtoutumista yläjuoksun valuma-alueilta, kun virran kuljettamat sedimentit kertyvät tulvatasanteille. Tulvatasanteet tarjoavat myös suotuisat olosuhteet liukoisen fosforin sorptiolle sekä saostumiselle. Sedimentin ja siihen liittyvää ravinteiden kertymistä tulvatasanteille seurattiin kolmelta toisistaan erottuvalta eteläsuomalaiselta kaksitasouomalta niiden keskinäisen dynamiikan tutkimiseen. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen Valumavesi projekti asensi 32 keräintä kaksitasouoman tulvatasanteille 2021 kesän ja syksyn aikana, jotka kerättiin vuoden 2022 kesällä ja niistä analysoitiin sedimenttikertymä, geokemiallinen koostumus, ravinnepitoisuudet sekä fosforin eri fraktiot. Sedimenttikertymä oli suurempaa viljellyillä kivennäismailla (2.5–6.4 kg m-2 a-1), kuin orgaanisilla viljelysmailla (0.2 kg m-2 a-1), mikä vaikutti merkittävästi tulvatasanteiden ravinnekertymään. Yhdellä tutkimusalueella tämä tarkoitti 3–4 % uoman kiintoaineksen määrästä (2.3–3.2 tonnin sedimenttikertymää) 250 m tulvatasanteelle 223 päivän aikana. Jos tulvatasanteen kasvillisuuden niitto olisi laajennettu koskemaan koko tulvatasannetta, olisi sedimentin pidätyskyky kasvanut 3.3–4.7 % uoman kiintoaineskuormasta. Sedimenttikertymän paikkakohtaiseen vaihteluun vaikuttivat pinnan topografia, tulvinnan laajuus, tulvimistiheys, uoman vakaus ja kasvillisuuden hoitomenetelmät. Tutkimusalueiden geokemiallisen koostumuksen vaihtelu selittyi enimmäkseen sedimenttien kivennäis- ja orgaanisen aineksen määrällä, joka juontui valuma-alueen maaperästä. Maaperästä riippumattomat mangaanipitoisuudet selittivät tutkimusalueiden paikallista horisontaalista vaihtelua sedimenttikeräin näytteissä ja vertikaalista vaihtelua aikaisempien tutkimuksien sedimenttiprofiileissa. Redox-herkän mangaanin ja fosforifraktioiden vaihtelu tapahtui usein samanaikaisesti, jota käytettiin fosforidynamiikan tutkimiseen. Rautasidonnainen fosfori oli merkittävin fosforifraktio viljellyillä mineraali ja orgaanisilla mailla. Kivennäismailla oli enemmän detritaalista apatiittia vähän rapautuneista Litorinanmeren aikaisista savikoista, kun taas orgaanisilla mailla oli enemmän fosforia kiinnittyneenä ei-redusoituviin metalleihin, jotka muodostuvat hapettomammissa olosuhteissa. Tulvatasanteille kertyneet sedimentit eivät olleet kyllästyneet fosforista, mutta se on mahdollista ravinnerikkaiden sedimenttien edelleen kertyessä, jolla voi olla vaikutusta kaksitasouoman kunnostusmenetelmiin tulevaisuudessa. Kaikki tutkitut kaksitasouomat pidättivät ravinnerikkaita sedimenttejä, jonka tulisi näkyä pienempänä ravinnekuormituksena alajuoksun vesistöissä.
  • Kukkonen, Tommi (2022)
    Eutrophication and harmful substances of anthropogenic origin threaten the state of the Baltic Sea and especially its geochemistry and oxygen levels near the seafloor. Water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean can affect oxygen circulation and sedimentation rates, but they are considered very sporadic and it is unclear how the water circulation and flow rates affect element concentrations and sediment deposition in the near seafloor environments. One of the less studied basins is the Western Gulf of Finland and its seafloor environment. During the 2019 voyage, the seafloor located to the south of the city of Hanko was investigated through bathymetric sounding tools and other measurements in which element concentration and sediment deposition rate data was acquired. The sounding revealed a large channel cutting the seafloor which was hypothesized to influence the nearbottom conditions. The obtained data consisted of samples from 13 short, 40 cm sediment cores which were analysed for 137Cs activity, organic content, and grain size distribution. The goal of the thesis was to determine the intensity of water exchange taking place in the seabed channels between the mid-Baltic Sea and the Western Gulf of Finland and investigate the effect of the seafloor channel and flow rates on sediment and element deposition, their relationships, and how they affect the overall conditions in the study area. These relationships were analyzed through spatial and statistical methods by utilizing GIS-tools to interpolate the data obtained from the study locations by using the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) method, and by multielement analyses in the R-environment, namely Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Regression (PLS) to analyze grain size and element concentration correlations and combine them with obtained flow rate data. The results showed strong correlation in flow rate intensities between the Western Gulf of Finland and the mid-Baltic Sea, and they are strongly linked with sedimentation and element deposition rates. However, no long-term trend was identified for the seafloor channel velocity frequencies. The Cs-activity shows stronger sedimentation activity on the western side of the seafloor channel. The overall element and sediment deposition in the study area was largely controlled by monthly and seasonal current velocity fluctuations among other processes. The element concentration comparison showed weakened oxygen conditions in the study area with increased eutrophication and carbon burial since the 1950s. The principal Component Analysis showed smaller grain sizes (0.15 - 2 mm) having a stronger influence on the datasets with Mo, N, and C providing largest variation in the data. Interpolation showed oxygen, pH, and H2S to have more fluctuation in the study area, which can indicate changes in the vertical gradients in each sample point. It could also be determined that other measured concentrations, such as temperature, turbidity, and salinity do not respond very sensitively to water inflow fluctuations or sedimentation rate changes. The results indicate that harmful substances and eutrophication are most likely going to increase in the near-bottom environment in the Western Gulf of Finland, contributed by anthropogenic activity. Water exchange is likely to become more and more uneven, thus affecting the flow rate effects to the sediment deposition in the Baltic Sea. Further studies are needed to link these processes to large-scale global changes and the general state of changes happening in the Baltic Sea and its surrounding areas. The seafloor of the Western Gulf of Finland could also be studied further to gain a better understanding of longer timescale changes on the seafloor channel currents, and element and sediment deposition rates.
  • Galvin, Keith (2020)
    A seismic reflection survey was carried out at the Hannukainen-Rautuvaara Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), and Gold (Au) deposits as part of the HIRE (High Resolution Reflection Seismics for Ore Exploration, 2007-2010) project. The main discovery from this survey was a regional structure showing three reflective layers dipping to the southwest. The top of this package of reflectors is currently planned to be mined at Hannukainen. The deeper parts of this package may have potential continuation of the economically viable deposits seen at shallow depths. In this work, a target-specific, amplitude-preserving workflow for profiles E1 and V5 of the Hannukainen-Rautuvaara HIRE seismic data will be formulated and applied. Then seismic amplitude vs. offset (AVO) and attribute analyses will be used to analyse the reflective layers and identify potential areas of interest for further study. This is a burgeoning area of seismic research, AVO analysis is typically used in hydrocarbon exploration and has only been sparsely used in hard rock settings for mineral exploration. Attribute analysis is more common in hard rock environments, but still underutilised. The seismic reflection data were re-processed focusing on retaining the high-frequency content of the seismic signal, this is key for further analysis. The results of the AVO analysis consist of determining the AVO class of the responses seen across the CMPs of two selected AVO horizons. AVO product and Poisson’s ratio change across the horizons were calculated, and an area of interest was identified from the correlation of these parameters. Attribute analysis was done using the seismic attributes envelope, first derivative envelope, Hilbert Transform, relative impedance, phase, weighted instantaneous frequency and dip. The amplitude attributes (envelope, first derivative envelope, Hilbert Transform, relative impedance) were useful in determining the areas of the reflector package that showed the strongest amplitudes and selecting horizons on the uppermost reflector for AVO analysis. Phase and weighted instantaneous frequency helped determine the continuity of the reflector package which revealed a clear four-layer signature, differing form the earlier three-layer interpretation. The dip attribute showed vertical anomalies, some of which correlated with mapped faulting in the area. Detailed interpretation of the geophysical results requires better borehole coverage, and petrophysical work, to tie in the seismic data results to the alteration and mineralisation. With open pit mine planning ongoing in the study area, the identification of deep-seated mineral deposits will have direct impact on the planning of the mine and the future of exploration in Hannukainen-Rautuvaara.
  • Rinne, Lauri (2021)
    Kappa-parameter (κ) is used to estimate the decay of seismic spectral amplitudes with frequency and is the sum of regional kappa (κr) and site-specific kappa (κ0). The site-specific kappa (κ0) parameter in Olkiluoto (Southwestern Finland) is generally small, approximately 0.002 to 0.004. These values, although smaller, are in the same range that have been found in Eastern North America, where kappa is around 0.006. In Western North America kappa is around 0.04. In Europe, e.g., in alpine region, kappa value is around 0.025. The kappa-value was studied by analysing microearthquake recordings gathered by Posiva Oy’s seismic monitoring network from 2016 to 2019. From these microearthquakes 51 microearthquakes were selected and used in the analysis. All these microearthquakes occurred relatively close to the monitoring stations, from tens of meters to few hundred meters. Each of the events were detected by multiple sensors and the total number of microearthquake registrations used in this study was 297. From these recordings the κ0 was calculated for each component (two horizontal and one vertical). Total number of calculated κ0 values was 473. The kappa-method used was the original introduced by Anderson and Hough in 1984. Besides using earthquake data, the site-specific kappa was also calculated from excavation blasts in Olkiluoto for comparison. Blasting related kappa was smaller than the one calculated from microearthquakes, with average values between 0.0012 and 0.0017. The number of blasts used to calculate κ0 was quite small and the results may not be statistically relevant. Results are in line with similar study areas around the world – harder rock has lower κ0 values
  • Joronen, Satu (2022)
    Weak zones in bedrock might have an impact on the environment, safety and costs of rock construction projects. It is possible to locate them already in the pre-investigation stage with geophysical measurements. This study utilizes ground penetrating radar (GPR) data, seismic refraction data and the data from geological mapping aggregated during the first stage of the West Metro project, more specifically from two of its station areas (Keilaniemi and Otaniemi). The GPR and seismic refraction surveys are cost-effective ways to investigate the ground and the bedrock. Both methods are based on detecting waves – seismic and electromagnetic, respectively – on the surface after they have been transmitted and have travelled through the ground. In this study the West Metro geophysical data was re-examined with new methods to improve the analysis, specifically, the detection of the weak zones. Tomographic velocity models were produced from the seismic data. The processing of the GPR data was done so that especially the bedrock structures would be interpretable. It was noticed in the early stage of this study that the available refraction data was not necessarily suitable for seismic tomography. Despite this, processing of the data with new methods did produce new, improved results. From all the weak zones that were mapped in this study, eight were located close to the reviewed geophysical survey lines. From those eight, 75 % were detected with geophysical methods. Also, other possible structures of the bedrock were discovered with geophysical methods but were not detected during the geological mapping. Anomalies were detected in both the seismic tomography and the GPR results. These anomalies could be interpreted as weak zones. However, without reference data, the interpretation of the source of the GPR reflections and the seismic velocity deviations can not be confirmed. The most important conclusion of this study is that by using geophysical measurements it is possible to detect weak zones, and that such measurements should be used more in rock construction projects for bedrock assessments. The exact purpose for the use of geophysical methods should be taken into account already when planning the geophysical surveys to ensure best possible data for the purpose.
  • Lakshika, Palamakumbure (2022)
    Space weathering can be defined as the combination of physical and chemical changes that occur in material exposed to an interplanetary environment on the surface of airless bodies. This process produces amorphous surface layers often containing small opaque particles such as nanophase metallic iron (npFe0). This darkens the topmost layer resulting in alterations in material spectroscopic features.Eventually it can lead to misinterpretation of remotely sensed data in the visible- near-infrared (VIS-NIR) spectrum. The goal of this research is to simulate solar wind effects on asteroid spectra through low energy 1 keV hydrogen ion irradiation of meteorite powder samples and measure the changes in their reflectance spectra. This allows to understand how space weathering depends on the mineralogy of the material. We used Bjurböle (L/LL4), Avanhandava (H6) and Luotolax (Howardite) meteorites. H+ ion irradiation was carried out on powdered samples compressed into pellets. The pellets were placed into a vacuum chamber with pressure between 1.2 x 10 -7-2.4 x 10 -7 mbar for the whole experiment. To simulate solar wind irradiation, H+ ions were used with 1 keV under three fluences; 1 x 1017, 2 x 1017 and 5 x 1017 ions/cm2. Subsequently reflectance spectra of the samples were measured and processes using Modified Gaussian Model (MGM) to derive key spectral parameters. Both chondrites show significant reddening in the VIS region. Bjurböle being an LL, it is more oxidized than Avanhandava. The reddening in the NIR region is more significant in Avanhandava than in Bjurböle. My work indicates that even for low-energy solar wind conditions, the chondritic materials (Q/S-type asteroids) with high olivine content and/or higher fayalite (Fa) compositions are more susceptible to silicate absorption bands reduction. Luotolax meteorite being howardite rich in orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, shows VIS reddening but not observable band depth changes with increasing exposure to H+ ion irradiation. The smaller change in Luotolax may be due to higher pyroxene resistance to low-energy ion irradiation. Overall, at short timescales and typical solar wind energies, VIS slope reddening is the most dominant factor in all three material compositions.
  • McKevitt, Bláthnaid (2020)
    Phosphate is reported to be subject to “high supply risk” by the EU Commission (European Commission 2017). At present, the Siilinjärvi mine in Finland is the only mine in the EU producing phosphate. Optimising the productivity of the Siilinjärvi mine is crucial to address the demand for phosphate within the EU. The current production prognosis of the mine is to the end of 2035. To improve the prognosis of the mine, an exploration program is being undertaken to investigate the extent of the deposit and possible locations for new pits. The main area of interest is the area south of the current Särkijärvi pit. Exploration drilling is limited in this area due to obstacles created by infrastructure of the mine, including the factory area and gypsum pile. To address this, 3D passive source seismic, 2D active-source reflection seismic, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and magnetic surveys were conducted at the Siilinjärvi mine site as part of the H2020 Smart Exploration project. This study focuses on two of the acquired active-source seismic reflection profiles, SM2 and SM3. The aim of the study is to determine the depth and lateral extent southern continuation of the deposit in the area south of the Särkijärvi pit, next to the gypsum pile, and create a 3D model of the Siilinjärvi deposit based on the obtained results. In addition, obtaining information on waste rocks and zones of weakness, such as shear and fracture zones, is also of interest as this information is critical for mine planning. The main focus for seismic data processing was to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Strong amplitude S-waves and unclear first-breaks were limitations found in the data. As a consequence, in addition to bandpass filtering, seismic line SM2 required a combination of attenuation and muting to supress the impact of S- waves. Seismic line SM3 had a lower data quality in comparison to that of SM2. The suppression of S- waves had a negative impact on the near-surface reflections along SM3 and therefore was not carried out. The GPR and magnetic data were processed using standard workflows. The active-source seismic survey was successful in determining the depth and the lateral extent of the southern continuation of the Siilinjärvi deposit. A 3D model of the deposit was created based on the obtained seismic images. This model expands on the previous model and indicates that the carbonatite- glimmerite deposit expands towards the W, beneath the gypsum pile. This information can be used as a guide for future drilling in the area. In addition, information was obtained on zones of weakness and the waste-rock dike network. Sub-horizontal to gently dipping reflections observed in the seismic data were interpreted as diabase dikes. On a smaller scale, GPR measurements detected shallower near-surface features which are also interpreted to possibly be dikes. For some features, a correlation could be made between the various geophysical measurements. The carbonatite-glimmerite deposit was found to be associated with elevated magnetic total field (nT) values.
  • Suvorov, Alexander (2024)
    In this thesis, fossilized teeth of herbivores from four sites in Western Mongolia (Altanteel, Chono-Kharyakh, Oshin-Boro-Udzyur-Ula and Khrigis Nur) are examined for their stable carbon and oxygen isotope record. The fossils date to the Late Neogene period (ca. 10-3 Ma). The aim of the thesis is to reconstruct the palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment of Western Mongolia during the Late Neogene using the isotopic records obtained from the fossilized teeth. The enamel of fourteen teeth from Rhinoceros, Equids, and a possible Giraffid was sampled and analyzed for δ13C and δ18O-values. The analyses were conducted using well-established methods with Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry. The stable carbon isotopes (13C and 12C) can be used to determine, the types of plants that these animals consume. Plants can be categorized into three groups based on their photosynthesis pathways. This study focuses on the C3 -plants, typically found in moister environments, and the C4-plants, which thrive in dry conditions. Specific δ13C-values have been established for these groups: –34‰ to –24‰ for C3-plants, and –20‰ to – 9‰ for C4. The δ13C-values obtained from the teeth of herbivores can be compared to these limits, allowing evaluation of the mammals’ diets (whether they consisted of C3 or C4-plants). If C3 plants dominate the die, this would indicate a moister climate, and likely a forested environment. Conversely, the presence of C4 plants would suggest grassland areas with more arid climatic conditions. The stable oxygen record in the teeth relates to the δ18O-composition of meteoric water in the area. Analysing δ18O-values facilitates the reconstruction of the mean temperatures of the habitats and allows for a comparison of climatic factors affecting precipitation and temperature over time. The stable carbon and oxygen records are compared to reconstruct the climate and environment of Western Mongolia during the Late Neogene. The results suggest an increase in the δ13C-values over time, which indicating a shift in the animals’ diets towards a more drought-stressed C3 and C4 plant-based one. The δ18O-values, on the other hand, remain stable and do not indicate a change in temperature during the Late Neogene. Comparing both the δ13C- and δ18O- values with studies conducted in China indicates a gradual aridification in Western Mongolia and China during the Late Neogene. However, the temperatures did not change significantly, although there were most likely alternating cooler and warmer periods during the time span of 10-3 Ma.
  • Tolonen, Miika (2023)
    The island of Suur-Pellinki is located near the town of Porvoo in the southern Finland. The bedrock in the area consists of different rock types such as plutonic rocks and rock types that are rare in the southern Finland, for example agglomerate and different kinds of metavolcanites. The bedrock has undergone several tectonic events, of which Svecofennian orogenesis (1.9-1.8 Ga) has been the most notable. The orogenesis caused compression, extension and shearing of the bedrock, and signs of these stresses can be seen as fractures, folds, foliations and faults. The development of unmanned aerial vehicles, such as drones, has been significant in recent years. Thus, usage of them has increased in different fields of science, of which geosciences are not an exception as drones are used in data collecting. In this study, a drone was used to study outcrops of Suur-Pellinki. Four outcrops were photographed by a drone, and photographs were used to build three-dimensional models. The models were built in Pix4D and Metashape software using Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry. In addition, the models were exported to GeoVis3D software, in which orientation of fractures was studied. The aim was to study the bedrock with traditional fieldwork methods and technology that has not been used in the area. It was studied if three dimensional modelling can provide any significant additional benefits over traditional fieldwork methods. Moreover, the aim was to find ways to operate a drone efficiently and build three-dimensional models straightforwardly. The bedrock was found to be undergone extensional and differently oriented compressional events during the orogeny, and the maximum principal stress (σ1) orientations had been firstly NW-SE and later NE-SW. These stress orientations formed the main structures of the bedrock such as fractures, folds, and foliation, which is prevalent in metavolcanites of the area. In addition, some strike-slip faults were seen in the area, which have not been studied significantly in the previous studies. The three-dimensional models turned out to be useful in order to study the bedrock. Critically, building of the models was not fast and straightforward. The final resolution of the models is under three centimetres, which let to study even the smallest structures of the bedrock.
  • Pilkama, Elmiina (2024)
    A significant amount of carbon has been stored in the northern peatlands during the Holocene. These peatlands are an important part of global carbon cycle by sequestering and releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) into the atmosphere. The development of high-latitude peatlands begun at the beginning of the Holocene, about 11,700 years ago after the retreat of the continental ice. To some extend, the carbon accumulation rate history has followed Holocene climate phases. Due to the high primary production during the warm periods, their carbon sequestration has been high and lower during the colder periods as primary production decreased. Perhaps the most important factor determining peatland carbon dynamics moisture conditions, i.e. water table depth. The climate is predicted to warm much faster in the north than elsewhere, making the northern peatlands particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. In the future, climate change is expected to change the humidity and temperature conditions, which likely affecting the carbon dynamics of the peatlands. However, the ultimate effects are not yet fully known. This thesis studies changes in the hydrological conditions of the subarctic Lompolojänkkä peatland in Finnish Lapland over the past 900 years. Based on a testate amoeba analysis of two peat profiles, a quantitative water table depth reconstruction was created using a transfer function based on the surface samples reference data. The supporting plant macrofossil data was available supplemented by chronology based on radiocarbon and lead dating. The results show that the hydrology of Lompolojänkkä has adapted changes in climate conditions over the past 900 years and the data show that the surface of the peatland is now drying. The observed current trend towards drier conditions is in line with previous observations from northern peatlands. Changes in the Lompolojänkkä's plant community indicate extensive peatland lateral growth as well as a small-scale development resembling fen-bog-transition. In contrast to prevailing understanding, changes in the testate amoeba community followed changes in the plant community. This may be due to relative change in water level whereas a result of warming the plant growth accelerated and peat accumulation increased, which resulted in deepening of water table depth. The number of testate amoebae in different peat layers gives the slightly conflicting indications of the development of the carbon sequestration capacity of the peatland over the time studied, and there are some uncertainties associated to applicability of such data. However, the observed vegetation shift suggests future increase in carbon sequestration potential in Lompolojänkkä.
  • Huovari, Iiris (2021)
    Espoossa Nuuksion kansallispuiston lähettyvillä sijaitsevan Suomen luontokeskus Haltian kävijämäärät ovat jatkuvasti nousseet sen avaamisesta lähtien. Nuuksion geologinen historia on todella mielenkiintoinen, ja sitä voisi tulevaisuudessa saada luontokeskuksen kävijöiden tietoisuuteen. Alueen geologista historiaa tutkitaan tässä tutkielmassa laajasta näkökulmasta ottaen huomioon erityisesti viime jääkauden loppuvaiheen vaikutus alueen maa- ja kallioperään sekä selvittämällä jääkauden jälkeisen maaperän, ilmaston ja kasvillisuuden kehitystä. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään alueelta löytyvään pieneen suohon, jonka kehitystä selvitettiin siitepölyanalyysin sekä raekoon ja orgaanisen aineksen määrän muutosten avulla. Suon keskeltä kairatusta profiilista tehtiin lisäksi kolme ajoitusta, jotta sen syvyysulottuvuus saatiin kiinnitettyä aikaan. Samalla saatiin ikä suoaltaan turpeen muodostumiselle. Uurrehavaintojen sekä rannansiirtymisen avulla pyritään selvittämään suoaltaan ja Haltian ympäristön kehitystä. Rannansiirtymisaineiston perusteella tuotettiin karttoja ja video, jotka havainnollistavat alueella vallinneen muinaisen Itämeren vaiheiden vaikutusta maisemankehitykseen. Uurteiden perusteella jäätikkö virtasi alueen yli ensin pohjoisluoteesta ja lopuksi luoteesta. Suoaltaan pohjalla tavataan karkeampaa materiaalia soraisesta diamiktonista karkeaan silttiin, joka viittaa Baltian jääjärven laskeneen äkillisesti valtamerenpinnan tasolle. Tuotetusta rannansiirtymiskäyrästä selviää, että tutkittava suo on kuroutunut Yoldiamerestä noin 11 400 vuotta sitten. Alueelta löytyvän muinaisrantakivikon alatason perusteella Ancylusjärvivaiheen maksimi sijaitsee Nuuksiossa korkeudella 65 m mpy. Suosta löytyneet siitepölyt kertovat alueella vallinneen aluksi metsätön ja avoin kasvillisuus, jossa vähitellen koivut lisääntyivät. Koivun ollessa valtapuulajina ei alueen ympäristö kuitenkaan ollut vielä täysin metsittynyt suuren ei-puumaisten maakasvien osuuden perusteella. Leppä yleistyi alueella 10 300–9 800 vuotta sitten. Lehmus saapui alueelle 8 500–8 300 vuotta sitten ilmaston lämmetessä. Ilmasto alkoi tästä hieman yli 2 000 vuotta myöhemmin kuitenkin vähitellen viilentyä, ja kuusi yleistyi alueella noin 5 100–4 600 vuotta sitten. Tällöin jalopuut väistyivät vähitellen kuusen tieltä. Metsä muuttui kuusen saapumisen myötä ensin havupuuvaltaiseksi ja lopulta nykyisenlaiseksi sekametsää muistuttavaksi metsäksi. Suoaltaan umpeenkasvu ja sitä kautta soistuminen alkoivat sen reunoilta, ja umpeenkasvu oli todennäköisesti pääosin pohjanmyötäistä. Suoaltaan keskiosat ovat soistuneet kokonaan viimeistään 3 300 vuotta sitten turpeen silmämääräisesti määritetyn alaosan ajoitusiän ollessa 3 375 ± 30 vuotta. Suon turve muuttui lopullisesti saravaltaisesta rahkavaltaiseksi aikaisintaan 2 250 vuotta sitten.
  • Noroaho, Kaisa (2022)
    Korroosio voi heikentää kallioperään sijoitettavien ydinpolttoainejätteen säiliöinä toimivien kuparikapselien kestävyyttä. Kalliopohjavedessä esiintyvät sulfaatinpelkistäjäbakteerit pelkistävät sulfaattia korroosiota aiheuttavaksi sulfidiksi. Tämän vuoksi ydinjätteen loppusijoitukseen liittyen on tärkeää selvittää, kuinka paljon ja missä muodossa rikkiä esiintyy kalliopohjavedessä ja mistä sitä päätyy sinne. Sulfaatinpelkistäjäbakteerien esiintyvyys ja sulfaatinpelkistyksen intensiteetti on myös oleellista selvittää loppusijoitukseen liittyvien uhkien minimoimiseksi. Tutkimuskohteena oli Tupoksella sijaitseva 1033 metriä syvä Tupos 001 -kairareikä, joka sijaitsee Muhos-muodostuman savikiviympäristössä, joka muistuttaa ominaisuuksiltaan kuparikapseleiden bentoniittipuskuria. Kairareiän pohjavedestä oli 80-luvulla tehty mittauksia sulfaatin määrästä ja sen isotooppikoostumuksesta. Nyt kairareiän pohjavedestä oli määrä selvittää sulfaattisen, sulfidisen sekä muiden rikkiyhdisteiden eli niin kutsutun X-faasin pitoisuus ja isotooppikoostumus eri osissa kairareikää. Isotooppikoostumuksen perusteella oli tarkoitus selvittää rikin lähteitä ja sulfaatinpelkistyksen intensiteettiä kairareiässä. Pohjavesinäytteet kerättiin letkuprofiilimenetelmällä 100 metrin pätkissä. Pohjavesinäytteistä analysoitiin muun muassa alkuaineiden ja ionien pitoisuuksia spektrometrilla ja ionikromatografilla. Rikin isotooppikoostumus selvitettiin eri rikkifaasien erottelun jälkeen massaspektrometrisin menetelmin. Tupos 001 -kairareiän pohjavedestä havaittiin runsaasti sulfaattia noin 800 metrin syvyyteen asti. Myös sulfidia mitattiin kairareiästä kaikilta syvyyksiltä, minkä lisäksi sulfidipitoisuuksissa havaittiin selkeä piikki 600-700 metrin syvyydellä. Sulfaattisen, sulfidisen ja X-faasin sisältämän rikin δ34S-isotooppikoostumus oli samankaltainen kairareiän ylä- ja keskiosissa vaihdellen noin 6-10 ‰:n (CDT) välillä. Kairareiän pohjalla sulfidinen rikki muuttui selvästi köyhemmäksi ja sulfaattinen ja X-faasiin sitoutunut rikki puolestaan rikastuneemmaksi 34S-isotoopin suhteen. Tupokselta saadut mikrobiologiset tulokset osoittavat sulfaatinpelkistäjäbakteerien runsaan esiintyvyyden pohjavedessä. Tässä tutkielmassa havaittu korkea sulfaattipitoisuus ja sen lasku kairareiän alaosissa, sulfidipiikki sekä sulfaatin ja sulfidin isotooppikoostumus varsinkin kairareiän pohjalla tukevat mikrobiologisia tuloksia. Etenkin tutkimuksessa havaitun sulfidipiikin perusteella sulfaatinpelkistys voi paikoitellen tuottaa huomattavasti kohonneita sulfidipitoisuuksia, minkä perusteella mikrobiologinen sulfaatinpelkistys voi lisätä ydinjäte-säiliöinä käytettävien kuparikapselien korroosion riskiä. Rikkifaasien pitoisuuksiin ja niiden isotooppikoostumukseen on sulfaatinpelkistyksen ohella todennäköisesti vaikuttanut myös merivesi ja rikkimineraalit niin sedimenttikivessä kuin kiteisessä kallioperässäkin. 80-luvulla suoritettuihin rikkitutkimuksiin verrattuna tässä tutkielmassa kolmen eri rikkifaasin ja kattavamman näytemäärän tutkiminen tuotti aiempaa tarkempia tutkimustuloksia rikin geokemiasta Tupoksen kalliopohjavedessä.
  • Kettunen, Kia (2021)
    Ilman saastuminen on maailmanlaajuinen ongelma ja ihmisen toiminta lisää merkittävästi kohonneita epäpuhtauksia ilmakehässä. Merkittävimpiä päästölähteitä ovat fossiilisten polttoaineiden käyttö, energiantuotanto, teollisuus, maatalous, kotitaloudet ja jätehuolto. Happamoittava rikki-, typpi- ja ammoniumlaskeuma on ollut yksi suuri ongelma lisääntyneiden päästöjen myötä, mutta erityisesti rikin ja typen oksidien päästöjä on pystytty vuoden 1990 tasosta vähentämään onnistuneesti. Vuonna 1975 aloitettiin valtakunnallinen lumen seurantatutkimus 53 eri pohjaveden seuranta-asemalla. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tarkastella valituilla asemilla talviaikaisen ilmaperäisen laskeuman pitoisuuksia ja havainnoida niiden mahdollisia vaikutuksia alueen pohjaveteen. Lisäksi haluttiin tarkastella, sopiiko tämänkaltainen pitkäaikainen seuranta-aineisto tilastolliseen tarkasteluun. Seuranta-asemista valittiin kuusi asemaa siten, että ne kattavat Suomen maantieteellisesti mahdollisimman laajasti, asemia olisi sekä hiekka- että moreenialueilla ja näytteenotto olisi aloitettu ainakin osalla asemista jo vuonna 1975. Asemista päädyttiin valitsemaan Valkealan, Parikkalan, Haapajärven, Kuusamon, Lumiahon ja Sodankylän asemat. Aineisto saatiin valmiina Suomen ympäristökeskukselta ja se on saatavissa myös pohjavesitietojärjestelmästä (POVET). Lumi- ja pohjavesinäytteistä mitatuista muuttujista valittiin ne, joita oli mitattu molemmista näytetyypeistä tarpeeksi pitkältä aikaväliltä tilastollisen tarkastelun onnistumiseksi. Analyysituloksia tarkasteltiin ensin asemakohtaisesti, jonka jälkeen lumi- ja pohjavesinäytteille tehtiin erilaisia tilastollisia analyyseja: ei-parametrinen ja parametrinen t-testi, pääkomponenttianalyysi sekä korrelaatioanalyysi. Lisäksi aineistoa tarkasteltiin visuaalisesti laskeuman ja pohjaveden välillä mahdollisesti esiintyvien yhteyksien löytämiseksi. Selvin yhteys laskeuman ja pohjaveden välillä löytyi happamoittavan laskeuman ja pohjaveden happamoitumista indikoivien muuttujien välillä. Happamoittavan kuormituksen lasku näkyi pH:n sekä alkaliniteettipitoisuuden nousuna ja sulfaattipitoisuuden laskuna. Raskasmetallipitoisuuksissa havaittiin myös yhteys laskeuman ja pohjaveden välillä. Muiden muuttujien osalta selvää yhteyttä pitoisuuksissa ei havaittu. Laskeuman ja muiden pohjaveden koostumukseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden suhteen arviointi havaittiin hankalaksi, mutta esimerkiksi metsähakkuiden vaikutus pohjaveden nitraattipitoisuuksiin löydettiin. Jotta tilastollinen tarkastelu oli luotettavaa, tuli aineistosta ensin poistaa tai korjata erilaisista virhelähteistä johtuvat poikkeamat. Aineiston todettiin sisältävän monia erilaisia virhelähteitä liittyen näytteenottoon, näytteiden analysointiin ja tuloksien kirjaamiseen. Lisäksi muutokset määritysrajoissa, mittaustarkkuuksissa ja menetelmien tarkkuuksissa vuosien varrella tuli ottaa huomioon. Ennen tilastollista käsittelyä virheet ja poikkeamat tuli havaita sekä korjata tai poistaa. Toimiviksi jo toteutetuiksi parannuksiksi todettiin Suomen ympäristökeskuksen vuonna 2013 julkaisema laatusuositus ympäristöhallinnon vedenlaaturekistereihin vietäville tiedoille sekä vuoden 2016 jälkeinen keskitetympään analysointimalliin siirtyminen. Poikkeamiin aineistossa voisi kuitenkin jatkossa kiinnittää huomiota jo analyysivaiheessa ja erityisesti tuloksia kirjatessa, jotta aikaa vieviltä korjausprosesseilta jatkossa vältyttäisiin. Korjausten jälkeen aineisto on kuitenkin hyvin käyttökelpoista ja mahdollistaa laajamittaisenkin laskeuman ja pohjavesien pitoisuuksien tilastollisen tarkastelun.
  • Laakso, Viveka (2019)
    Siilinjärvi mine in Finland is the only mine within the European Union producing phosphate rock, a critical raw material for the European Union. With the current mining plans, the production is estimated to continue until 2035. The extent of the ore deposit and new locations for open pits are currently being investigated to ensure continuation of the mining operations also after 2035. The Siilinjärvi carbonatite-glimmerite deposit has been intruded by multiple waste-rock diabase dykes crosscutting the deposit and by a tonalite-diorite intrusion, creating a complex geological setting. To study the depth and lateral extent of the deposit, the diabase dykes, tonalite- diorite, major zones of weakness and the geophysical anomalies related to these features, active-source 2D reflection seismic, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and magnetic surveys were conducted at the Siilinjärvi mine site in fall 2018 as part of the H2020 Smart Exploration project. Understanding the locations of the waste rocks and fracture and shear zones is crucial for mine planning and optimising the production prognoses. The interest of this study is in particular on imaging the sub-horizontal diabase dykes, whose locations and continuation are harder to predict. The focus area of this study is in the southern end of the Särkijärvi pit and the area just south of the pit, where the well-known geology of the pit can be used to constrain the interpretation. Processing of the reflection seismic data focused especially on the static corrections and the methods used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. This was done so that the processed data could serve as a reference for new processing methods, focused on these aspects, developed within the Smart Exploration project and planned to be tested with the Siilinjärvi data. The static corrections were constrained by the limited number of first-break picks clear enough for picking from the data. In addition to the bandpass filtering, suppressing the S-wave arrivals was found to be crucial for increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, particularly in the near subsurface which is the main interest area of this study. The GPR and magnetic data were processed with standard processing workflows. The lateral and depth extent of the Siilinjärvi carbonatite-glimmerite deposit, the large-scale sub-horizontal waste- rock dykes and the major zones of weakness are imaged with the active-source reflection seismic data. The ore deposit is associated with a complex reflectivity pattern due to the intruded diabase dykes and tonalite-diorite, and the fracture and shear zones. The interpreted diabase dykes correlate with a large-scale sub-horizontal waste-rock dyke model created from the production drilling data as part of the Smart Exploration project, supporting the continuation of the sub-horizontal diabase dykes south of the pit. With GPR data, the smaller- scale sub-horizontal dykes within the shallow subsurface (<30 m) are imaged. The GPR data correlates with a detailed waste-rock dyke model created as part of the Smart Exploration project from the southern end of the Särkijärvi pit based on geological mapping, GigaPan images and a 3D photogrammetry model. The reflection seismic, GPR and magnetic data have very different scales and these different data are suitable for different purposes in mineral exploration and mine planning at Siilinjärvi. The carbonatite-glimmerite ore is associated with elevated magnetic total field values and at a larger scale the deposit could possibly be followed with magnetic surveys. With reflection seismic method, the large geological structures can be imaged at depth, and the data could be used for detailed planning of a new open pit. The higher resolution GPR measurements could then be implemented in the operating phase of the mine in a more routine manner to aid creation of reliable production prognoses.
  • Laakkonen, Aliisa (2022)
    Peatlands are complex ecosystems that not only respond to external changes but also influence their environment. Permafrost peatlands have an important role in the global carbon (C) cycle as they store about 200 Pg of C. As permafrost thaws this C can be released either as methane (CH4) or carbon dioxide (CO2). In addition to these peatlands also emit nitrous oxide (N2O). Climate warming may change this sink-source balance of peatlands. Hydrological conditions are an important factor in peatland C dynamics. As permafrost thaws it can shift these ecosystems towards wetter or dryer conditions. Peat decomposition under dry conditions can have a strong positive feedback to climate change due CO2 emissions. Though wetter conditions can increase CH4 emissions. Through topography and hydrology, permafrost also affects vegetation dynamics. In this thesis I am examining peat profiles collected from two subarctic permafrost peatlands located in Kevo, Finland and Karlebotn, Norway. The profiles included an un-frozen active layer profile and a permafrost sample collected from inside a palsa mound. These samples were analysed for vegetation composition and peat properties (C and N content, C/N ratio and bulk density), they were also 14C dated and incubated. The purpose was to simulate a warmer climate to which these ecosystems will be exposed to in the future and observe how they will respond. The observations focused on the three most common GHGs of peatlands, CH4, CO2 and N2O. The permafrost samples showed potential for CH4 and CO2 emissions, whereas the active layer only emitted CO2. The CH4 emissions were interpreted to represent old CH4, whereas the CO2 was interpreted to be produced by the peat.
  • McDonald, Isabel (2020)
    Talc is a problematic alteration mineral at the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-(PGE) mine in Sodankylä, Finland, and its distribution and control were assessed in this thesis. Kevitsa is a polymetallic mine hosted in an ultramafic intrusion, extracting Ni, Cu, Co, Au, Pt and Pd, which are of increasing importance in green energy technologies. Talc – a common alteration product in ultramafic rocks – detrimentally interferes with the recovery of copper in the flotation stage of ore processing when concentrations exceed 5 wt. %, thus affecting the economics of mine operations. It was found different talc concentrations had different spatial associations and controls, with three dominant styles identified, and a multi-stage genesis of talc alteration is proposed. The talc styles identified in the study are as follows: (style 1) pervasive talc-chlorite alteration, (style 2) talc-dolomite alteration haloes proximal to dolomite veins and (style 3) talc on brittle structures, associated with magnetite. Low values of talc between 0.2-0.5 wt.% (style 1) were found to have no preferential spatial distribution, occurring as background alteration throughout the intrusion. Intermediate values (between 1-5 wt. %) were associated with late brittle fractures and structures (style 3), with a notable association with the NE-flt-rv1 fault zone. Style (2) was found to have a dominant structural control, specifically being associated with north-south trending structures. Dominant structures with this association identified are NS-flt1_flt-002 and NS-flt-2_flt-009. Highest values (commonly exceeding >10 wt. %) manifest themselves as alteration haloes proximal to veins, where talc-carbonate replaces the intercumulus mineral phases. Here it is proposed that ‘low talc’ alteration, style (1), was the first talc association to occur, generated by late magmatic fluids or regional metamorphism accompanying amphibole and serpentine alteration. The association observed as style (2) was likely generated by the infilling of north-south trending structures by carbonate-talc veins through metasomatism by a CO2 rich metamorphic fluid, perhaps delivered by a deep-seated structure, often generating talc values in excess of 10 wt.%. The third stage is proposed to be talc enrichment via meteoric fluid percolation, after exhumation. This generated talc along brittle structures associated with magnetite style (3), and talc-carbonate concentrations may also be upgraded at this stage. Further enrichment of talc is observed at the surface, attributed to freeze thaw-cycles of permafrost upgrading talc values. The identification of these processes and controls on talc will not only have implications for the economics of Kevitsa as high talc zones can be avoided, but findings may have useful applications for mining of similar deposits in the Central Lapland Greenstone belt such as the nearby Sakatti Cu-Ni-(PGE) project, when it enters production.
  • Maunu, Liisa (2023)
    Macquarie Island is a subaerial fraction of oceanic crust where lithology from mantle peridotites to crustal gabbro, dolerite, and extrusive rocks are present, thus providing a unique opportunity to study geochemistry and petrology of the oceanic crust. Macquarie Island represents a mid-ocean crust ophiolite in which the potential geochemical modification of continental crust and effects of subduction initiation are absent. A genetic link between plutonic and extrusive rocks and processes leading to formation of the ophiolite sequence were studied in this thesis. A set of samples representing different rock types of the oceanic crust were studied petrographically as well as for whole-rock major and trace element geochemistry. Selected samples were studied for chromian spinel, silicates, and apatite major and minor component geochemistry. Harzburgites of Macquarie Island are depleted in trace element composition and are not a straightforward residue for the source of the crustal section of the island. Melt infiltration of basaltic melt into potentially former lherzolitic mantle source has been dominating process leading to formation of Macquarie Island oceanic crust. As a consequence to melt infiltration plagioclase-bearing wehrlites recrystallized and these rocks probably acted as a more enriched source for crustal rocks.Major and trace element data show that fractional crystallization has not been significant process forming the island. Extrusive basalts are more primitive in MgO and SiO2 contents and more enriched in REE contents compared to gabbroic rocks of the island. This could be explained by porous fluids migrating through oceanic crust modifying both major and trace element compositions of the samples or extrusive and gabbroic rocks forming from different mantle sources. This study shows that formation of oceanic crust is much more complex than often assumed simple model of fractional crystallization from mantle melt leading to formation of the oceanic crust, or a hypothesized gabbro-dolerite-basalt plumbing system forming the genetically linked crustal rocks.
  • Barron, Pelayo (2020)
    Sakatti is one of the most significant magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE deposits discovered in the last decade. With a reported 44.4 Mt resource, is a polymetallic deposit with grades of: 1.90 % Cu, 0.96 % Ni, 1.40 g/t PGE; Anglo American ltd. report (2019). Sakatti is located within the Early Proterozoic Central Lapland Greenstone Belt (CLGB), Finland. The deposit is hosted by three ultramafic magma–derived olivine cumulate bodies: Main body, North-East body and South-West body. Very distinctive ore types can be recognized according to several academic studies: A) Massive ore containing an average 3.04 % Ni and 7 % Cu and showing a wide range in Ni/Cu (average of 1.42) and Pt/Pd of 0.98 (Ahvenjärvi 2015); B) Stockwork ore that is extremely copper-rich containing an average 0.68 % Ni and 26.17 % Cu, with Ni/Cu of 0.03 and Pt/Pd of 0.85 (Fröhlich 2016); C) Disseminated ore, where sulfides form a wide halo around the massive and stockwork ores, again being highly copper-dominated containing an average 0.07 % Ni and 0.61 % Cu. Ni/Cu and Pt/Pd values for disseminated ore are 0.13 and 1.83 respectively. The aim of this study is to shed some light on the genesis of the Sakatti´s disseminated ore and the massive sulfides from the NE and SW bodies. The disseminated mineralization was studied more in depth. Moreover, a comparison with other major Ni-Cu-(PGE) magmatic deposits in the world was done. Overall the disseminated ore seems to be dominated by a patchy texture with low connectivity but high wettability. Chalcopyrite is the predominant sulfide mineral and forms intergrowths with the texturally earlier pyrrhotite and pentlandite. These primary phases are widely altered to secondary phases like marcasite, millerite, violarite, pyrite, bornite, covellite and magnetite. Only a few platinum-group minerals (PGM) were found. They all are tellurides or bismuth-tellurides of which the merenskyite-moncheite-melonite series minerals are the most abundant. The chemical composition of the disseminated ore revealed compositional and fractionation similarities with both the massive and stockwork ores. When recalculated to 100 % sulfides and normalized to mantle values, the disseminated ore showed a moderate content in Ni, Co, IPGE and Rh close to the massive mineralization, and a higher enrichment in PPGE, Au and Cu with similar evolution patterns as the stockwork vein sulfides. This led to a fractionation path of the disseminated sulfide phase that seemed to be a mixture of the other two main ore types. Thus, it is suggested that the disseminated ore is formed by a combination of monosulfide solid solution (MSS) and intermediate solid solution (ISS), which originated from a sulfide melt genetically linked to the one that gave rise to the massive and stockwork ores. The massive sulfides from the NE and SW bodies show compositional similarities with the massive ore from the Main body that suggest a share origin and genesis. The Oktabr'sky, Noril'sk-Talnakh, disseminated ore, when normalized to mantle values, shows similar Ni, Co, PGE, Au and Cu distribution as the Sakatti´s disseminated sulfides. Moreover, the Oktabr'sky deposit seems to have similar S/Se vs Pt+Pd evolution trend to the one from Sakatti deposit.
  • Malinen, Lauri (2024)
    The Early Cretaceous igneous rocks in the circum-Arctic, collectively referred to as the High Arctic Large Igneous Province, are predominantly manifested on Svalbard as dolerite intrusions, classified as the Diabasodden Suite. The well-exposed intrusions in the Grønsteinfjellet- Botneheia study area, Svalbard, provide a window to a magmatic plumbing system, which has not been previously thoroughly studied. Samples collected in 2022 and 2023 were analysed for whole-rock major and trace element geochemistry. Additionally, two thin sections were studied petrographically and analysed for mineral chemistry. Geochemical data were used to model fractional crystallization, calculate primary melt composition and depth of crystallization for clinopyroxene. Stratigraphical maps and available elevation data were used to estimate the final emplacement depths of the intrusions. The geochemistry of the intrusions represents well-evolved tholeiitic basalts. The primary melt composition, with a minimum MgO content of 13.8 wt.%, suggests 45 mol% fractional crystallization before reaching a composition similar to the most primitive sample. Whole-rock major and trace element data, supported by the modelled fractional crystallization, indicate that fractional crystallization has been the primary magmatic differentiation process, while complex zoning and mineral chemistry suggest additional differentiation processes, such as magma mixing. Over-enrichment of K, Rb and Ba, implies crustal contamination. The presence of amygdales and depletion of mobile elements K and Rb indicate hydrothermal alteration. Thermobarometric calculations suggest multi-stage crystallization at depths from 2.8 to 11.2 km. The final emplacement depths were estimated to range from 230 to 560 m, based on elevation differences with the coeval Helvetiafjellet Formation. These findings propose that the Grønsteinfjellet-Botneheia intrusions underwent various and extensive differentiation processes before being emplaced in a shallow environment.