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Browsing by master's degree program "Magisterprogrammet i atmosfärsvetenskaper"

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  • Van den Broek, Daan (2024)
    Supercells are thunderstorms characterized by a persistently rotating updraft, which is separated from, and in quasi-steady state with the downdraft. The structure of a supercell allows for long-lived thunderstorms, capable of producing severe weather such as significant hail (hail with a diameter >5 cm) and tornadoes. Despite their relative rarity, supercells are responsible for a disproportionate share of thunderstorm related hazards and damage. Although uncommon at high latitudes, supercells do occur in Finland, where documented cases have led to severe weather events and substantial damage. The goal of this study is to improve our understanding on the meteorological environment in which supercells in Finland occur. Specifically, we aim to discriminate between the meteorological environment of supercell thunderstorms and ordinary thunderstorms in Finland. This is done by examining how kinematic and thermodynamical parameters from proximity soundings between both groups differ. Additionally, we inspect the difference in meteorological environments of significant hail-producing supercells (acronym HAIL) and tornado-producing supercells (acronym TOR) environments. The results indicate that bulk wind shear in various levels, as well as effective bulk wind shear (the bulk wind shear over the unstable layer), are strong discriminators between supercell and ordinary thunderstorm environments in Finland. Composite parameters such as the Energy Helicity Index (EHI) and Supercell Composite Parameter (SCP) also show some utility in distinguishing supercell and ordinary thunderstorm environments. Equilibrium Level (EL) and low-level Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) stand out as significant discriminators between significant hail-producing and tornado-producing supercell environments, while Lifting Condensation Level (LCL) and low-level humidity appear to show critical threshold values that may help distinguishing significant hail-producing supercell and tornado-producing supercell environments. Interestingly, the ratio of low-level CAPE to CAPE discriminates very strongly between significant hail-producing supercell and tornado-producing supercell environments. Composite parameters and Storm Relative Helicity (SRH) exhibit very limited utility in differentiating between significant hail and tornado-producing supercell environments in Finland.
  • Turunen, Tarja (2023)
    Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) is one of the economically most important tree species in Finland. It is known to be drought-sensitive species and expected to suffer from the warming climate. In addition, warmer temperatures benefit pest insect Eurasian spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) and pathogen Heterobasidion parviporum, which both use Norway spruce as their host and can make the future of Norway spuce in Finland even more difficult. In this thesis, adult Norway spruce mortality was studied from false colour aerial photographs taken in years between 2010 and 2021. Dead trees were detected from the photos by visual inspection, and mortality was calculated based on the difference in the number of dead trees in the photos from different years. The aim was to find out if Norway spruce mortality in Finland had increased over time, and what were the factors that had been driving tree mortality. The results indicate that tree mortality was the highest in the last third of the studied 10-year period, so it was concluded that tree mortality had increased over time. Various possible tree mortality drivers were analysed and found to be connected to tree mortality. Each driver was analysed individually by testing correlation with tree mortality. In addition, linear regression analysis and segmented linear regression with one breakpoint were used with the continuous variables. Increased tree mortality correlated with higher stand mean age, mean height, mean diamater, and mean volume, supporting the findings in earlier research. Mortality was connected to the proportion of different tree species in the stand: the higher the proportion of spruce, the higher the mortality, and the higher the proportion of deciduous trees, the lower the mortality. Of different fertility classes, tree mortality was the highest in the second most fertile class, herb-rich heat forest, and mortality decreased with decreasing fertility. Dead trees were also found to be located closer to stand edges than the stand centroid. Increased temperature resulted in increased mortality. Increased vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and drought, which was analysed with Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) of different time scales, were also connected with increased tree mortality. Further research is required for understanding and quantifying the joint effect of all the interacting mortality drivers. Nevertheless, it seems that for Norway spruce, the warmer future with increased mortality is already here, and it should be taken into consideration in forest management. Favouring mixed stands could be one of the solutions to help Norway spruce survive in the warming climate.
  • Mahó, Sándor István (2021)
    This thesis analyses the alterations of vertically integrated atmospheric meridional energy transport due to polar amplification on an aqua planet. We analyse the energy transport of sensible heat, latent energy, potential energy and kinetic energy. We also cover the energy flux of the mean meridional circulation, transient eddies and stationary eddies. In addition, we also address the response of the zonal mean air temperature, zonal mean zonal wind, zonal mean meridional wind, zonal mean stream function and zonal mean specific humidity. Numerical model experiments were carried out with OpenIFS in its aqua planet configuration. A control (CTRL) and a polar amplification (PA) simulation was set up forced by different SST (sea surface temperature) patterns. We detected tropospheric warming and atmospheric specific humidity increase 15-90° N/S and reduction of the meridional temperature gradient throughout the troposphere. We also found reduced strength of the subtropical jet stream and slowdown of the mean meridional circulation. Important changes were identified in the Hadley cell: the rising branch shifted poleward and caused reduced lifting in equatorial areas. Regarding the total atmospheric vertically integrated meridional energy transport, we found reduction in case of the mean meridional circulation and transient eddies in all latitudes. The largest reduction was shown by the Hadley cell transport (-15%) and by midlatitude transient eddy flux (-23%). Unlike most studies, we did not observe that meridional latent energy transport increases by polar amplification. Therefore, it is stated that the increased moisture content of the atmosphere does not imply increased meridional latent energy transport, and hence there is no compensation for the decrease of meridional dry static energy transport. Lastly, we did not detect stationary eddies in our simulations which is caused by the simplified surface boundary (i.e. the water-covered Earth surface). The main finding of this thesis is that polar amplification causes decreasing poleward energy transport on an aqua planet.
  • Al Dulaimi, Qusay (2020)
    Sand and dust storms are one of the major regional environmental problems that affect human health. Many environmental studies have focused on airborne dust concentrations observed at different regions and have tried to connect the observations to specific dust source regions. This thesis aims to provide a new dust classifications scheme for the Eastern Mediterranean region, specifically observed in Amman, Jordan. I utilized a combination of a long-term data-base consisting of aerosol particle number concentration in coarse mode (1–10 µm) during November 2013 – July 2018 and air mass back trajectories analysis to visually identify the Sand and Dust Storm (SDS) episodes. The classification included three main source regions of for the submicron dust, namely Sahara, Arabia, and Levant. I also classified the data according to the, episode intensity according to their corresponding number concentrations as no-dust, mild, intermediate, and strong intensities and further classified the range of back trajectories as short, intermediate, long, and very long, which indicates the distance between the observation site and the source region.. The results showed that majority of the dust events and an elevated number of dust days are influenced by a source in Levant and Sahara source region. These events which dominated during 70 days in 2016. The Levant source governed during 60 days during the same period. Other dust sources contributed less to the dusty days, and the lowest dusty days number was due to emissions from Levant & Arabia (19 days). The episode intensity varied censurably and underlined variability from the different source areas. The maximum intensity in the dust episode concentration was linked to Levant & Sahara with a max number concentration of 95 /cm3. The classification method was successful and it was able to establish a dust source database in the Eastern Mediterranean region based on the long-term observations performed in Amman with variable dust concentration and dust periods in different seasons and different meteorological circumstances.
  • Uusinoka, Matias (2022)
    Sea-ice dynamics is becoming increasingly essential for the modelling warming climate as the extent and thickness of the ice cover are decreasing along with increasing drift speeds and mechanical weakening. The description of the sea-ice dynamics involves an enormous variety of spatial and temporal scales from meters to the scale of the Arctic Basin and from seconds to years in the geophysical approaches. The complex coupled spatio-temporal scaling laws prohibit the commonly utilized procedures for scale linkage of ice mechanics. Currently, deformation scaling presents one of the principal open questions in sea ice dynamics for which the thesis aims to provide observational analysis. The high-resolution ship-radar imagery gathered during the MOSAiC expedition from October 2019 to September 2020 for which deformation component rates were calculated to generate a seasonal deformation time series. Current research of deformation scaling commonly relies on satellite imagery and drift buoys for which the spatial and temporal resolutions often tend to be considerably lower than for the ship-radar data. The formerly observed dominant deformation mode of shear and the strong spatial correlation of divergence and shear in the Arctic sea ice were confirmed with no signs of seasonal variation. The temporally averaged deformation variations were found to coincide with satellite derived deformation events rather poorly. A strong length scale dependence of deformation was confirmed in the ship-radar data. The spatial scaling law exponents were found to show unexpectedly high values with the behaviour of both spatial and temporal scaling law exponents disobeying the previously observed large-scale characteristics. The seasonal variation of both scaling law exponents were found to exhibit the commonly observed trends following the progression of total deformation rate. The obtained results showed unexpected values and behaviour for the deformation scaling law exponents, which was suggested to be due to the technical faults in the ship-radar data. The faults were often spatially local and lasted merely for a single time step leading to a possible increase in the localization and intermittency of the deformation rates. Additionally, the new ice conditions of the Arctic Ocean and drift route along the Transpolar Drift were suggested as a possible physical source of the unexpected results. Further studies with different methodologies were suggested for the verification and possible the dismissal of the unexpected results.
  • Ovaska, Aino (2021)
    Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) participate in controlling the climate, and a better understading of their number concentrations is needed to constrain the current uncertainties in Earth’s energy budget. However, estimating the global CCN concentrations is difficult using only localised in-situ measurements. To overcome this, different proxies and parametrisations for CCN have been developed. In this thesis, accumulation mode particles were used as a substitute for CCN, and continental proxy for number concentration of N100 was developed with CO and temperature as tracers for anthropogenic and biogenic emissions. The data utilised in the analysis contained N100 measurements from 22 sites from 5 different continents as well as CO and temperature from CAMS reanalysis dataset. The thesis aimed to construct a global continental proxy. In addition to this, individual proxies for each site (the site proxy) and proxies trained with other sites’ data (the site excluded proxy) were developed. The performance of these proxies was evaluated using a modified version of K-fold cross-validation, which allowed estimating the effect of dataset selection on the results. Additionally, time series, seasonal variation, and parameter distributions for developed proxies were analysed and findings compared against known characteristics of the sites. Global proxy was developed, but no single set of parameters, that would achieve the best performance at all sites, was found. Therefore, two versions of global proxy were selected and their results analysed. For most of the sites, the site proxy performed better than the global proxies. Additionally, based on the analysis from the site excluded proxy, extrapolating the global proxy to new locations produced results with varying accuracy. Best results came from sites with low concentrations and occasional anthropogenic transport episodes. Additionally, some European rural sites performed well, whereas in mountainous sites the proxy struggled. Comparing the proxy to literature, it performed generally less well or similarly as proxies from other studies. Longer datasets and additional measurement sites could improve the proxy performance.
  • Mikkola, Johannes (2020)
    Local mountain winds have a diurnal cycle of flowing up the slopes and valleys daytime and down nighttime. It is important to improve the understanding on these thermally driven winds, because they have a major role in pollution transport in mountain areas, which are highly sensitive for air-quality problems. This thesis determines if the slope and valley winds in the Khumbu valley, Himalayas, are driven by the textbook mechanisms. By the textbook mechanisms the slope and valley winds are driven by horizontal temperature differences caused by uneven heating over an area of complex terrain. Slope winds are driven by the horizontal air temperature difference in the slope surface vicinity when the slope surface is heated or cooled. Valley winds are driven by the uneven heating caused by the air volume difference between the valley and above an adjacent plain. If the valley slopes narrow and the floor is elevated towards the head of the valley, both the valley and slope wind mechanisms drive the winds along the valley. The slope and valley winds in the Himalayas are studied using Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF), that is run for 5 days period in December 2014 with 1 kilometer horizontal grid spacing and 61 vertical levels. Earlier studies have shown that WRF is capable of simulating the thermally driven mountain winds on this resolution with the length scales of the Khumbu valley topography. Horizontal gradient of air temperature and slope wind component at the slope surface have a matching daily cycle in the lower and middle parts of the valley. The boundary layer air volume decreases from the mouth of the valley towards the middle parts of the valley indicating the valley wind mechanism. The daytime potential temperature profiles yield that also the slope wind mechanism drives the winds along the valley. The slope winds have a textbook daily cycle in the lower and middle parts of the valley and the analysis yields that they are driven by the slope wind mechanism. In the upper part of the valley the thermally driven slope winds are dominated by synoptic scale channelling and gravity wave developing into the valley. The daytime up-valley winds are driven by both valley wind mechanism and slope wind mechanism due to the valley narrowing and elevation towards the head of the valley, respectively. Nocturnal along-valley winds are weak less than 0.5 meters per second flowing up or down-valley. The wind patterns are similar to what is shown in earlier studies done in Khumbu valley.
  • Keränen, Tuukka (2021)
    A stably stratified layer is often observed to form near the surface during nighttime. If the terrain is not flat, cold air near the surface can start to flow down the slope despite the wind direction above the stable layer being different. This slope flow is called katabatic wind. Katabatic winds are challenging for eddy covariance measurements that are commonly used to calculate the fluxes of gases and energy between the soil and the atmosphere. If the measurement is done above the canopy, the katabatic wind may lead to significant advective transport of gas and energy not detected by the measurement. Therefore eddy covariance measurements might underestimate the fluxes by a significant amount. Therefore it is important to understand the mechanisms of katabatic flow so that the effects of it can be taken into account when eddy covariance measurements are used in sloping terrain. This thesis determines how the katabatic flow within a boreal forest canopy in Hyytiälä, Finland depends on the static stability and depth of the stable layer within the canopy. The measurements are also compared to a simplified theory to find out how well the existing formulations of katabatic flow within canopies describe the observed conditions. Wind measurements done with sonic anemometers and temperature measurements done with distributed temperature sensing system during June-October 2019 are analyzed in this thesis to form understanding of the vertical profiles of temperature and wind within the canopy layer at the measurement site. In addition to the wind and temperature measurements, solar radiation measurements are also used to find the dominant driver for the formation of the stably stratified canopy layer. The measurement site represents typical Finnish Scots pine forest and has sloping terrain with main slope of 2° in the north-south direction. This study found evidence of katabatic northerly flow forming at the measurement site during stable nights. However, this study could not find a relation between the depth of the stable layer and strength of the katabatic flow. The katabatic flow was observed to get stronger in the open trunk space with increasing static stability within the canopy layer. The results of this study suggest, that katabatic flow follows the simplified theory well within the upper part of the canopy, where the majority of the foliage is. At lower levels within the open trunk space, the simplified model greatly underestimates the flow speed.
  • Tuovinen, Saana (2019)
    Observations of frequent new particle formation events have been made in severely polluted environ- ments in China. In theory this should not be possible because of the large condensation sink caused by large concentrations of particles. This thesis tries to shed light on reasons why this happens by investigating heterogeneous nucleation in different conditions, for different vapours and seed particles. Especially of interest are those situations where heterogeneous nucleation is considered to be ineffective which would affect the condensation sink of vapours. Theoretical modelling was used to investigate heterogeneous nucleation and measured data was analyzed to complement theoretical results. In this thesis, special focus is on contact angle θ of heterogeneous nucleation, a variable that depends on surface tensions of the vapour and the seed particle the vapour condenses on. θ has a strong effect on the heterogeneous nucleation probability and the larger it is the less likely nucleation is to occur. Many situations where there was at least in theory little heterogeneous nucleation were found. Conditions similar to real atmospheric conditions were investigated and contact angles needed for heterogeneous nucleation to be ineffective for a vapour were determined. Because θ is related to chemical properties of the seed particle, aerosol chemical composition was also investigated alongside with the corresponding condensation sink and particle formation rates using data measured in Beijing, China. This was done in hopes of finding indications of if and how effective condensation sink and aerosol chemical composition are related. However, no clear connection was yet found. Influence of ineffective heterogeneous nucleation on effective condensation sink was considered. It was found that if ineffectiveness of heterogeneous nucleation affects the condensation sink, effective sink can in theory be significantly smaller than condensation sink. Thus, ineffective heterogeneous nucleation due to multiple factors explored in this thesis could in part explain why new particle formation events are observed even in heavily polluted areas.
  • Maalampi, Panu (2024)
    Fog has a significant impact on society, by making transportation and aviation industries difficult to operate as planned due to reduced visibility. Studies have estimated that 32 % of marine accidents, worldwide, and 40 %, in the Atlantic Ocean, took place during dense sea fog. Therefore forecasting fog accurately, and allowing society to function, would help mitigate financial losses associated with possible accidents and delays. However, forecasting the complex fog with numerical weather prediction (NWP) models remains difficult for the modelling community. A NWP model typically operates in the resolution of kilometres, when the multiple processes associated with fog (turbulence, cloud droplet microphysics, thermal inversion) have a smaller spatial scale than that. Consequently, some processes need to be simplified and parametrised, increasing the uncertainty, or more computational power is needed to be allocated for them. One of these NWP models is HARMONIE-AROME, which the Finnish Meteorological Institute develops in collaboration with its European colleague institutes. To improve the associated accuracy, a brand new, more complex and expensive, option for processing aerosols in HARMONIE-AROME, is presented. This near-real-time (NRT) aerosol option integrates aerosol concentrations from Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Services' NRT forecast into HARMONIE-AROME. The statistical performance of the model's sea fog forecast in the Baltic Sea was studied in a case study using marine observations. The quantitative metric, proportion score, was studied. As a result, a forecast using the NRT option showed a slight deterioration in visibility (0.52 versus 0.59), a neutral improvement in cloud base height (0.52 versus 0.51), and a slight deterioration in 2-meter relative humidity (0.73 versus 0.76) forecasts with respect to the reference option. Furthermore, the score in general remained weak against observations in the case of visibility and cloud base height. In addition, based on qualitative analysis, the spatial coverage of the forecasted sea fog in both experiments was similar to the one observed by the NWCSAF Cloud Type-product. In total, the new aerosol option showed neutral or slightly worse model predictability. However, no strong conclusions should be made from this single experiment sample and more evaluations should be carried out.
  • Landon, Kaisa (2024)
    Pohjois-Suomen tuntureilla tapahtuu useita lumivyöryjä vuosittain. Ihmishenkiä menetetään kuitenkin harvoin. Vuosituhannen vaihteessa kaksi henkilöä kuoli ja yksi loukkaantui vakavasti lumivyöryonnettomuuksissa Pohjois-Suomessa. Tämän seurauksena Ilmatieteen laitoksella kehitettiin lumivyöryennuste, jota on laadittu Pohjois-Suomeen talvisin vuodesta 2003 lähtien. Vuoden 2024 tammikuussa kaksi hiihtovaeltajaa eksyi huonossa säässä lumivyörymaastoon ja menehtyi lumivyöryssä. Viimeisten vuosikymmenien aikana lumivyöryennustusmenetelmiä on kehitetty maailmalla aktiivisesti. Lumivyörypalveluiden tarve on lisääntynyt luontoliikunnan ja vapaalaskun voimakkaan lisääntymisen seurauksena. Myös muuttuva ilmasto aiheuttaa tarvetta lumivyörypalveluiden kehittämiselle. Suomi liittyi mukaan eurooppalaiseen lumivyöryvaroituspalveluun (EAWS) vuonna 2018 sitoutuen samalla tavoittelemaan yhtenäistä, tuoreeseen tutkimustietoon perustuvaa lumivyörypalvelua. Ilmatieteen laitoksen lumivyöryennusteen suhteen tämä ei ole toteutunut toivotulla tavalla. Tutustumalla Ruotsin ja Norjan lumivyörypalveluiden toimintaan, tarkastelemalla lumivyöryjen laukeamiseen vaikuttavien säätapahtumien toistuvuutta Lapissa sekä keskustelemalla alan asiantuntijoiden kanssa kartoitin, miten Ilmatieteen laitoksen lumivyöryennuste saataisiin vastaamaan nykyaikaisia tavoitteita. Suurin puute nykyisessä Ilmatieteen laitoksen lumivyöryennusteessa on maastohavaintojen vähäisyys. Analysoimalla säähavaintoja arvioin, että havaintokierroksia lumivyörymaastossa on tehtävä lumivyörykaudella keskimäärin 3 kertaa viikossa. Merkittävin lumivyörymaaston olosuhteita muuttava tekijä on tuuli ja sen kuljettama lumi. Muutaman tunnin tuisku voi lisätä kuormaa lumipeitteen päällä jopa yli 500 kg/m². Yhteistyössä FINLAV- ja CAA-koulutettujen (Suomen lumivyörykoulutusja Canadian Avalanche Association) lumivyöryasiantuntijoiden kanssa Ilmatieteen laitoksen meteorologit voisivat laatia EAWS-tavoitteiden mukaisen lumivyörytiedotteen. Yhteistyöllä Pohjoismaiden kanssa voitaisiin löytää Suomen oloihin parhaimmat työkalut maastohavaintojen keruuseen, analysointiin, mallintamiseen ja tiedon jakoon. Lopputuloksena saataisiin Pohjoismaihin yhtenevät lumivyörypalvelut, mikä tekisi talvisessa erämaassa liikkumisen turvallisemmaksi niin kotimaassa kuin ulkomaillakin. Rahoituskysymystä tarkastelin Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficomin ihmishengen hinnan arvion pohjalta. Liikenneturvallisuutta lisäävä hanke katsotaan kannattavaksi, jos 2,4 miljoonan euron panos tuksella pelastetaan yksikin ihmishenki. Tämä tarkoittaisi vastaavasti, että 240000 euron rahoitus lumivyörypalveluun vuosittain kannattaa, jos sillä pelastetaan yksikin ihmishenki 10 vuoden aikana.
  • Taurinen, Janina (2021)
    Maapallon keskilämpötila on ollut selkeässä nousussa jo noin sadan vuoden ajan ja nousun odotetaan jatkuvan tulevaisuudessakin. Suurimman osan eri kuukausien keskilämpötiloista on ennustettu nousevan ilmastollisiin vertailuarvoihin suhteutettuna normaalia korkeammiksi. Lämpeneminen vaikuttaa etenkin korkeiden leveysasteiden talviin. Muutos Suomen lämpötiloissa sekä pohjois- ja eteläosien välisessä lämpötilaerossa on huomattavasti suurempi talvisin kuin kesäisin. Talvi 2019-2020 oli Suomessa ennätyksellisen lämmin. Tässä tutkimuksessa pyrin kartoittamaan kuinka poikkeava talvi 2019-2020 oli lämpötilojen suhteen edellisten 30 talven muodostamaan vertailukauteen verrattuna. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kuutta kuukautta, loka-maaliskuu, ja vertailukauden on valittu olevan tammikuusta 1989 – maaliskuuhun 2019. Lisäksi käsitellään korkeiden lämpötilojen todennäköisimpiä aiheuttajia tarkastelemalla valittuja perusmuuttujia; paine, geopotentiaalikorkeus, ominaiskosteus, ilmapilarin kokonaiskosteus ja yläilmakehän tuulen nopeus ja suunta. Lämpimimmät poikkeamat havaittiin joulu-helmikuussa, kun lounaasta puhaltava suihkuvirtaus toi mukanaan lämpimiä, kosteita ilmamassoja sekä voimakkaita matalapaineita. Tammikuu 2020 rikkoi monilla asemilla lämpöennätyksiä ja Etelä-Keski-Suomessa vertailukauden keskiarvot ylittyivät jopa 7-8 asteella. Helmikuu oli mittaushistorian toiseksi lämpimin. Loka-marraskuu sitä vastoin olivat vertailukautta noin asteen viileämpiä ja maaliskuun puolella poikkeuksellinen lämpimyys tasoittui lähelle vertailukautta. Runsaan matalapainetoiminnan sekä ilman korkean kosteussisällön vuoksi sadetta tuli läpi talven paikoin jopa kaksi-kolminkertaisesti verrattuna keskiarvoihin.
  • Hasu, Mikael (2022)
    This thesis investigates how the Lorenz model state sensitivity appears on the prior state error of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) process. The Lorenz model is a well-known ordinary differential equation system. Its simple nonlinear equations show that a chaotic system, like the atmosphere, does not have a single deterministic solution. Edward N. Lorenz also showed that the predictability of the state depends on the flow itself, and numerical weather prediction models, therefore, cannot always be trusted equally. For this reason, when computing a forecast, it is necessary to consider both the model and observations with their weight uncertainties to get the most probabilistic analysis state. The EKF is an algorithm that provides a powerful data assimilation method for nonlinear systems. Its operating principle is based on the evolution of prior state (model evolution) and observation updates. Each observation update calculates the most likely state based on the prior state and observation errors. The process continues from the new analysis state by evolving the model until the next observation update. In this study, I made the EKF utilizing the Lorenz model and sent ensembles from the analysis states on the Lorenz attractor. I calculated the variance of evolved ensembles and compared them to the magnitude of prior state error at the observation update time levels. The results showed that these two parameters are positively correlated. For the 18-timestep observation interval, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was 0.850, which indicates a very high correlation. Therefore, it can be concluded that when the prior state error is small, the ensemble on the Lorenz attractor indicates good predictability (i.e., dispersion of ensemble members is small) and vice versa.
  • Aino, Kaltiainen (2024)
    The planetary boundary layer (PBL) is a layer of the atmosphere directly influenced by the presence of Earth's surface. In addition to its importance to the weather and climate systems, it plays significant role in controlling the air pollution levels and low-level heat conditions, thereby directly influencing the general well-being. While the modification of the boundary layer conditions by varying atmospheric forcings has been widely studied and discussed, it remains unknown what the dominant states of the PBL variation in response to this modification are. In this study, the dominant boundary layer types in both daytime and nighttime layers are examined. To understand the factors contributing to the development of these layers, weather regimes in the northern Atlantic-European region are considered. Machine learning techniques are utilized to study both the boundary layer and the large-scale flow classes, with an emphasis on unsupervised learning methods. It was found that the boundary layers in Helsinki, Finland, can be categorized into four daytime and three nighttime boundary layers, each characterized by the dominant turbulence production mechanism or the absence thereof. During the daytime, layers driven by both mechanical and buoyant turbulence are observed in summer, autumn, and spring, while individually buoyancy-driven layers occur in summer and winter, and individually mechanically-driven layers emerge in autumn, winter, and spring. Additionally, a layer characterized by overall reduced turbulence production is present throughout all seasons. During the nighttime, all three boundary layer types---individually buoyancy-driven, individually mechanically-driven, and stable layer---are observed in all seasons. Each boundary layer type exhibits season-specific variations, whereas daytime and nighttime boundary layers driven by the same mechanisms reflect the diurnal cycle of their relative intensities. The analysis revealed that the weather regimes producing cyclonic and anticyclonic flow anomalies over southern Finland collectively influence the boundary layer conditions, whereas the impact of individual weather regimes remains relatively small. Large-scale flow variation is associated with changes in the boundary layer dynamics through alterations in surface radiation budget (cloudiness) and wind conditions, thereby influencing the relative intensities of mechanical and buoyant turbulence production. However, inconsistencies in the analysis suggest that additional mechanisms, such as mesoscale phenomena, must also contribute to the development of the observed boundary layer types.
  • Koskentausta, Juho (2023)
    Global warming is rapidly reducing the Arctic sea ice cover. Along with its major impacts in the Arctic, the sea ice loss is known to affect the climate in remote continental areas. In this thesis, the remote effects are studied by analysing data from experiments carried out using the ECHAM6 atmospheric general circulation model forced with simple sea ice concentration and sea surface temperature configurations. The European and Asian midlatitude winter responses of surface air temperature are investigated, together with anomalies of variables potentially affecting them: sea level pressure, thermal advection, adiabatic and diabatic heating and surface energy fluxes. Arctic sea ice loss was found to have contributed weakly to the European warming from the 1980s to the 2010s. With sea ice and sea surface temperature conditions projected for 2071–2100, the warming response was about 1 °C relative to the 1979–2008 climatology, despite a negative North Atlantic Oscillation phase response. In Asia, the model simulates slight cooling of about 0.5 °C east of the Urals in the past and in the eastern parts of the continent in the future. However, the cooling responses are overwhelmed by the warming effect of global forcings. The effects of internal variability are large, and the role of the thermodynamic processes and surface energy fluxes in the link between the Arctic and Eurasia is not very clear. However, the temperature responses are mostly consistent with previous research, even though the model does not capture the observed past changes well.
  • Strömberg, Jani (2021)
    Air temperatures are commonly higher in urban environments compared to rural ones. The energy input of solar radiation and its storage in urban surfaces changes the way the surface interacts with the atmosphere through turbulent fluxes and mixing processes. The complexity of radiative properties combined with the effect of urban geometry makes the magnitude of the effect radiation has on the dynamics of boundary layer flow an important area of study. The aim of this study is to understand and quantify how much the radiative processes alter the flow field and turbulence in a real urban street canyon in Helsinki. The model used is the large-eddy simulation (LES) model PALM, which solves for the flow and the most relevant atmospheric scales that describe interactions between the surface and atmosphere. An additional library called RRTMG (Rapid Radiative Transfer Model for Global Models) is used in this study to provide the radiation input impacting the boundary layer flow. Two embedded surface models in PALM, USM (Urban Surface Model) and LSM (Land-Surface Model) are used to solve the local conditions for radiative balance based on the output of RRTMG. Two model runs are made (RRTMG On & RRTMG Off), both identical in terms of the large-scale forcing boundary conditions and land-use data, but with additional radiation input in RRTMG On. The results show that radiation alters the low level stratification of potential temperature, which leads to more unstable conditions. Near-surface air temperatures within the canyon were increased by 3.9 C on average. Horizontal wind speeds increased by 76 % close to the ground compared to RRTMG Off. RRTMG On also showed a change in the structure of the topographically forced canyon vortex, as the low wind conditions enabled the radiative effects to have a stronger effect in its forcing. The center of the vortex changed in location more towards the center of the canyon and the vertical motions on opposing sides of the street were strengthened by 0.15 m/s in both vertical directions. Additionally both mechanical and thermal turbulence production increased with RRTMG On, while the thermal production remained smaller by one magnitude compared to mechanical production within Mäkelänkatu. Higher wind speeds and their variance gave rise to increased mechanical production of turbulence and radiative effects increased the thermal production. More research is however needed to determine thermal turbulence's role in situations with different meteorological conditions or in other cities.
  • Häkkinen, Ella (2020)
    Atmospheric aerosol particles affect Earth’s radiation balance, human health and visibility. Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) contributes a significant fraction to the total atmospheric organic aerosol, and thus plays an important role in climate change. SOA is formed through oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and it consists of many individual organic compounds with varying properties. The oxidation products of VOCs include highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOM) that are estimated to explain a large fraction of SOA formation. To estimate the climate impacts of SOA it is essential to understand its properties in the atmosphere. In this thesis, a method to investigate thermally induced evaporation of organic aerosol was developed. SOA particles were generated in a flow tube from alpha-pinene ozonolysis and then directed into a heated tube to initiate particle evaporation. The size distribution of the particles was measured with parallel identification of the evaporated HOM. This method was capable of providing information of SOA evaporation behaviour and the particle-phase composition at different temperatures. Mass spectra of the evaporated HOM and particle size distribution data were analyzed. The obtained results suggest that SOA contains compounds with a wide range of volatilities, including HOM monomers, dimers and trimers. The volatility behaviour of the particulate HOM and their contribution to SOA particle mass was studied. Furthermore, indications of particle-phase reactions occurring in SOA were found.
  • Virta, Henrik (2020)
    TROPOMI eli TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument on lokakuussa 2017 Sentinel-5 Precursor -satelliitin mukana laukaistu spektrometri, joka mittaa useiden eri ilmakehän hivenkaasujen pitoisuuksia, aerosoleja sekä pilviä. Se on samalla myös uusin ja resoluutioltaan tarkin typpidioksidin (NO2) pitoisuuksia mittaava satelliitti-instrumentti. NO2:ta havainnoivien satelliitti-instrumenttien mittaukset perustuvat ilmakehästä siroavaan auringon valoon, minkä perusteella niiden algoritmit laskevat ilmakehässä olevien NO2-molekyylien lukumäärän käyttäen apuna erilaisia syötetietoja. Saadussa tuloksessa on tämän vuoksi paljon erilaisia virhelähteitä, minkä vuoksi satelliitti-instrumenttien mittausten oikeellisuutta seurataan jatkuvasti vertaamalla niitä erilaisiin referenssiaineistoihin. Tällaista seurantaa kutsutaan myös instrumentin validoinniksi, ja se on erityisen tärkeää uusien instrumenttien kuten TROPOMIn tapauksessa. Tässä työssä validoidaan TROPOMIn NO2-mittaukset käyttäen Helsingin Kumpulassa sijaitsevan Pandora-referenssi-instrumentin mittauksia. Tämän lisäksi TROPOMIn herkkyyttä lähellä maanpintaa tapahtuville pitoisuusvaihteluille arvioidaan vertaamalla sen mittauksia Kumpulassa sijaitsevan in situ -ilmanlaatuaseman mittauksiin. Lopuksi arvioidaan TROPOMIn ja Pandoran mittausten ja niiden välisen vastaavuuden riippuvuutta rajakerroksen paksuudesta ja siellä vallitsevasta tuulesta. Tutkimus ajoittuu 19.4.–29.9.2018 väliselle ajalle. Vertailuissa tarkastellaan erityisesti instrumenttien mittausten välisiä eroja (TROPOMI – Pandora) ja niiden keskiarvoa, erojen suhteellisia arvoja (suhteessa Pandoraan) ja niiden mediaania, sekä mittausten välistä Pearsonin korrelaatiokerrointa. Näiden tunnuslukujen riippuvuutta ajasta tarkastellaan eripituisia aikavälejä kattavien aikasarjojen avulla. Tulosten mukaan TROPOMIn ja Pandoran mittausten välinen Pearsonin korrelaatiokerroin on 0,66 ja niiden välisten suhteellisten erojen mediaani 12,1 %. Tätä voidaan pitää hyvänä tuloksena, sillä TROPOMIlle asetettu suhteellisten erojen tavoite on enintään 30 %. Positiivinen arvo on kuitenkin epätyypillinen kaupungissa tehtävälle validoinnille, mikä voi tarkoittaa Kumpulan alueen edustavan pitoisuuksiltaan enemmän tausta-aluetta kuin tyypillistä kaupunkiympäristöä. Mittausten välisen korrelaation havaittiin riippuvan rajakerroksen paksuudesta, mikä voi johtua TROPOMIn tulkinta-algoritmin käyttämästä NO2:n pystyprofiilista tai paksussa rajakerroksessa tapahtuvasta voimakkaammasta sekoittumisesta. Asian selvittäminen edellyttää kuitenkin lisätutkimuksia. Lopuksi TROPOMIn todettiin olevan herkkä viikon- ja päivänsisäisille pitoisuusvaihteluille Pandora-instrumenttiin verrattuna, mikä on lupaava tulos TROPOMIn mahdollisten ilmanlaadun seurantaan liittyvien sovellusten kannalta. TROPOMIn parantuneen resoluution vaikutus on tutkimuksessa nähtävissä aiempiin instrumentteihin verrattuna parantuneena korrelaationa ja positiivisempina mittauseroina, sekä herkkyytenä päivänsisäisille pitoisuusvaihteluille. TROPOMIn voidaankin odottaa tulevaisuudessa lisäävän satelliittipohjaisten NO2-mittausten käyttökohteita.
  • Karvo, Sara (2023)
    Zooplankton are an important link in marine pelagic food webs as they transfer energy from primary producers to higher trophic levels such as planktivorous fish. They migrate vertically in the water column, ascending to feed near the surface at night and descending to hide from visual predators for the day (diel vertical migration, DVM). Zooplankton are detected with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs). These devices were developed for measuring water currents using acoustic pulses, a technique which requires particles such as zooplankton in the water column to scatter the sound. As a by-product of the velocity measurements, it provides information of these scatterers as echo intensity. This method has been used in researching zooplankton DVM, however, not in the northern Baltic Sea prior to this study. In this thesis, the data processing steps required to analyze echo intensity were examined for the specific environment of the Finnish Archipelago Sea. A one-year-long time-series was processed and averaged seasonally to investigate different patterns in zooplankton DVM. Vertical velocity data were used in estimating migration speed, and available reference measurements were combined to the data to examine the environmental factors affecting zooplankton DVM. Synchronized DVM was observed especially in autumn, however, indications of other migration patterns such as unsynchronized and reverse migration were detected during summer and winter, respectively. The primary cue behind zooplankton DVM was light, but additional contributing factors such as phytoplankton and currents were identified and discussed. The maximum migration speeds detected were approximately 10 cm/s downwards and 4 cm/s upwards. ADCP data are a good indicator of zooplankton migration in the northern Baltic Sea and in the future, it could prove beneficial in zooplankton monitoring and biomass estimates.
  • Lobo, Hannah (2021)
    The lidar depolarisation ratio is used for aerosol categorisation as it is indicative of aerosol shape. Commonly, depolarisation ratio is measured in short term studies at short wavelengths such as 355 nm and 532 nm. The depolarisation ratio has a spectral dependency and so exploring values at longer wavelengths could be valuable for future studies. Here, aerosol depolarisation ratio at 1565 nm is measured across Finland’s ground based remote sensing network over a four year period. The Halo Photonics StreamLine Doppler lidars instruments were found to be stable over long time periods and cloud based calibration was used to correct for the bleed though. The depolarisation ratio of elevated aerosol layers was compared to boundary layer aerosol. A higher average depolarisation ratio was found for elevated aerosol with the exception of boreal forest sites in the summer months where values were similar. Elevated aerosols over Finland were found to originate mostly from the Arctic, Europe, Russia and North America using aerosol transport models. Four case studies were looked at in more detail: Saharan dust with a depolarisation ratio of 0.249 ± 0.018, pollen with a depolarisation ratio of 0.207 ± 0.013, anthropogenic pollution with a depolarisation ratio of 0.067 ± 0.009, and a mixed layer with a depolarisation ratio of 0.152 ± 0.019 thought to be pollen and smoke. Based on this study, Halo Doppler Lidar can be used to measure elevated aerosol at 1565 nm in the long term. Future studies could use 1565 nm depolarisation ratio alongside commonly used shorter wavelengths to aid aerosol categorisation.