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Browsing by Subject "design science"

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  • Hiillos, Nicolas (2023)
    This master's thesis describes the development and validation of a uniform control interface for drawing robots with ROS2. The robot control software was tasked with taking SVG images as input and producing them as drawings with three different robots. These robots are the Evil Mad Scientist AxiDraw V3/A3, UFACTORY xArm Lite6, and virtual xArm Lite6. The intended use case for the robots and companion control software is experiments studying human perception of the creativity of the drawing robots. The control software was implemented over the course of a little over six months and used a combination of C++ and Python. The design of the software utilizes ROS2 abstractions such as nodes and topics to combine different components of the software. The control software is validated against the given requirements and found to fulfil the main objectives of the project. The most important of these are that the robots successfully draw SVG images, that they do so in a similar time frame, and that these images look very similar. Drawing similarity was tested by scanning images, aligning them using using minimal error, and then comparing them visually after overlaying the images. Comparing aligned images was useful in detecting subtle differences in the drawing similarity of the robots and was used to discover issues with the robot control software. MSE and SSIM were also calculated for a set of these aligned images, allowing for the effect of future changes made to the robot control software to be quantitatively evaluated. Drawing time for the robots was evaluated by measuring the time taken for drawing a set of images. This testing showed that the Axidraw's velocity and acceleration needed to be reduced by 56% so that the xArm Lite6 could draw in similar time.
  • Laaja, Oskari (2022)
    Mobile applications have become common and end-users expect to be able to use either of the major platforms: iOS or Android. The expectation of finding the application in their respected platform stores is strongly present. The process of publishing mobile applications into these application stores can be cumbersome. The frequency of mobile application updates can be damaged by the heaviness of the process, reducing the end-user satisfaction. As manually completed processes are prone to human errors, the robustness of the process decreases and the quality of the application may diminish. This thesis presents an automated pipeline to complete the process of publishing cross-platform mobile application into App Store and Play Store. The goal of this pipeline is to make the process faster to complete, more robust and more accessible to people without technical knowhow. The work was done with design science methodology. As results, two artifacts are generated from this thesis: a model of a pipeline design to improve the process and implementation of said model to functionally prove the possibility of the design. The design is evaluated against requirements set by the company for which the implementation was done. As a result, the process used in the project at which the implementation was taken into use got faster, simpler and became possible for non-development personnel to use.
  • Männistö, Jouni (2021)
    Micro frontend -arkkitehtuuri on mikropalveluarkkitehtuurin erikoistapaus, jossa mikropalveluiden rooliin kuuluu tuottaa datan lisäksi myös käyttöliittymä toimintoineen. Toistaiseksi tästä arkkitehtuurimallista on julkaistu kirjallisuutta varsin vähän ja esitetyt mallit ovat enimmäkseen prototyyppitoteutuksia. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan erään tietyn ohjelmistoprojektin tuloksena syntynyttä micro frontend -ratkaisua design science -kehyksessä. Aluksi kuvataan toimintaympäristö, ongelmat ja sieltä nousevat vaatimukset. Tähän esitetään Web Components -teknologiaan perustuva ratkaisu, jonka kelpoisuutta arvioidaan sekä sen tuotantokäytöstä saatujen kokemusten perusteella että ATAM-evaluointimenetelmää käyttäen. Saadut tulokset osoittavat muun muassa sen, että edellä mainittu Web Components -teknologia mahdollistaa HTML-standardin määrittelemien ohjelmointirajapintojen suoran ja tehokkaan käytön web-kehityksessä — ilman tarvetta ohjelmistokehyksille. Lisäksi kyseenalaistetaan näkemys, jonka mukaan micro frontend -arkkitehtuurin kehitys olisi järkevää vain organisatorisista syistä: sille voi olla myös vahvat perustelut esimerkiksi ohjelmiston muokattavuudelle asetettujen vaatimusten vuoksi, ja se on mahdollista toteuttaa myös pienen kehittäjäryhmän toimesta.
  • Hyttinen, Miika (2022)
    An industrial classification system is a set of classes meant to describe different areas of business. Finnish companies are required to declare one main industrial class from TOL 2008 industrial classification system. However, the TOL 2008 system is designed by the Finnish authorities and does not serve the versatile business needs of the private sector. The problem was discovered in Alma Talent Oy, the commissioner of the thesis. This thesis follows the design science approach to create new industrial classifications. To find out what is the problem with TOL 2008 indus- trial classifications, qualitative interviews with customers were carried out. Interviews revealed several needs for new industrial classifications. According to the customer interviews conducted, classifications should be 1) more detailed, 2) simpler, 3) updated regularly, 4) multi-class and 5) able to correct wrongly assigned TOL classes. To create new industrial classifications, un- supervised natural language processing techniques (clustering) were tested on Finnish natural language data sets extracted from company websites. The largest data set contained websites of 805 Finnish companies. The experiment revealed that the interactive clustering method was able to find meaningful clusters for 62%-76% of samples, depending on the clustering method used. Finally, the found clusters were evaluated based on the requirements set by customer interviews. The number of classes extracted from the data set was significantly lower than the number of distinct TOL 2008 classes in the data set. Results indicate that the industrial classification system created with clustering would contain significantly fewer classes compared to TOL 2008 industrial classifications. Also, the system could be updated regularly and it could be able to correct wrongly assigned TOL classes. Therefore, interactive clustering was able to satisfy three of the five requirements found in customer interviews.