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Browsing by Subject "maahanmuutto"

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  • Tanska, Topias (2024)
    Sosiaalinen aktiivisuudella on positiivisia vaikutuksia yksilön elämään. Sosiaalisten aktiviteettien tärkeys korostuu erityisesti ikääntyvillä ihmisillä. Sen on todettu olevan positiivisessa suhteessa monien eri tekijöiden, kuten esimerkiksi koetun terveyden kanssa. Suomen väestö ikääntyy koko ajan ja ikääntymiseen liittyvä tutkimus on erittäin ajankohtaista. Ikääntyvän väestön tuottamia haasteita on pyritty kompensoimaan maahanmuutolla. Maahanmuuttajien osuus onkin noussut Suomessa merkittävästi viimeisen 30 vuoden aikana. Suomeen muuttaneista vieraista kieliryhmistä suurin on venäjänkieliset. Tämä ryhmä eroaa muista kieliryhmistä siten, että se omaa paljon myös ikääntyvää väestöä ja sopii siten hyvin ikääntyviä käsittelevän tutkimuksen kohteeksi. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan Suomeen muuttaneiden venäjänkielisten sosiaalista aktiivisuutta ja siihen yhteydessä olevia yksilö- ja aluetasoisia tekijöitä. Aineistona toimii kyseiselle CHARM-kysely, joka on kohdistettu Suomeen muuttaneille venäjänkielisille 50-vuotiaille tai sitä vanhemmille. Aktiivisuutta mitataan kulttuurisen osallistumisen indikaattorilla, joka koostuu aktiivisuudesta käydä elokuvissa, teatterissa, konserteissa, oopperassa, museoissa ja taidegallerioissa. Yksilö- ja aluetasoisten tekijöiden välistä yhteyttä aktiivisuuteen tutkitaan monitasoisella regressiomallilla. Kulttuurisesta osallistumisaktiivisuudesta muodostetaan faktori, jonka yhteyttä eri yksilö- ja aluetason muuttujiin voi tutkia. Tuloksena saatiin, että yksilötason muuttujista sukupuoli, ikä, kielitaito, koulutustaso, koettu terveys sekä läheisten ystävien määrä ovat selkeässä yhteydessä aktiivisuuden tasoon. Erityisen suuri merkitsevyys oli kielitaidolla, koetulla terveydellä sekä läheisten ystävien määrällä. Viimeisimpänä mainitun merkitsevä yhteys korosti kulttuuriaktiivisuuden sosiaalista ulottuvuutta. Tutkimuskysymysten kohteena olevina aluetason muuttujina toimivat kulttuuripalvelujen läheisyys sekä asuinalueen sosioekonominen eriytyminen. Näiden ja aktiivisuuden välitä ei kuitenkaan löytynyt tilastollisesti merkittävää yhteyttä. Yksilötason muuttujista kielitaito vaikutti myös eriytymisen ja aktiivisuuden väliseen yhteyteen, mikä vähensi alueellisen tason merkitsevyyttä.
  • Hatunpää, Fanny (2020)
    This Master’s thesis examines the prerequisites of successful integration services. In my thesis I examine the Kotoklubi Kaneli integration service organized by the city of Helsinki as part of the integration of immigrant women. The purpose of Kotoklubi Kaneli is to offer experiential learning of the Finnish language for adults and children in the playgrounds and family houses of Helsinki. In my thesis I study the significance of playground services for the integration of immigrant women through the perspective of participants as well as employees (instructors). My research question is: What prerequisites of successful integration services are there in the City of Helsinki’s playground services? Finnish integration politics have reached a turning point and are considered to need reform. According to remarks given to the state of Finland, Finnish integration politics should focus more on better integrating women and children. Discussions and decision making concerning integration often occurs without the participation of target groups. This renders decision making dynamics discriminatory and leads to an imbalance of power. Therefore, my research examines the service through the experiences of its participants. The purpose is to provide information in order to improve the integration services specifically in Helsinki and Finland, but also elsewhere. This thesis represents the field of urban sociology and pioneer research, since research on the integration processes and the significance of social networks for immigrant women is scarce. This thesis also represents a piece of feminist research, as it is research conducted by a woman about women (a predominantly female clientele) and for women (to improve their integration processes). The research data consists of interviews with participants and instructors (n=15). The focus on women is based on the fact that a large proportion of the participants are women, as are all of the interviewed participants in this study. The data has been analysed through content analysis and is based on grounded theory. The analysis groups excerpts from the interviews as significations and entities of significations that describe the studied phenomenon. The theoretical framework that supports the analysis is based mainly on the theories of Mark Granovetter (1973) on weak ties, Judith Lynam’s (1985) research on support networks of immigrant women and the model of different forms of social capital (BR, BO+ and BO–) by Nannestad et al. (2008). The theoretical framework also discusses Otherness, resocialisation and the structure of integration services. The core finding emerging from research is that the prerequisite of successful integration services is the successful realization of an unofficial integration process that is connected to social interaction, wherein a participant or user of a service feels that they are met and accepted without prejudice as their true self. This creates a crucially important atmosphere suitable for learning and integration through the social interaction that is based on trust. Immigrant people are just like anyone who finds themselves in a new environment and whose need for help is ample, but specifically concerns social interaction amidst a lack of relations in a strange environment. My results complement those of earlier studies on the significance of social networks in the integration processes. If the realised quality of the service corresponds with the needs of its target group, people will wish to participate. These participants in turn enable a successful service together with its executors, that is, the employees. The flexibility of the employees is significant in enabling the service, but their work seems to suffer if the service is governed and measured with disregard to the expertise of the employees. The results can be applied in improving integration processes and services for early support.
  • Matveinen, Kanerva (2020)
    Research on highly skilled work-based migration has been a minority in the research of immigrant groups in Finland. From the perspective of "geographies of privileges" highly skilled work-based migrants (HSWB migrants), working often in knowledge-based jobs, are presented as a group of migrants that doesn’t need support with adjustment to new places. In this research the differences of areas and locations are brought up as well as things affecting the adjustment. The regions studied are cities of Espoo, Helsinki, Oulu, Turku and Tampere for HSWB’s adjustment experiences. Helsinki, Espoo and Tampere were research area for HSWB services. At the same time the discussion includes the perspective of cities and Finland to this phenomenon. Adjustment is seen as a geographical process in which adjustment happens in and to a place or places. The theories of transnationalism, translocalism and cross-cultural adjustment are used to highlight how adjustment is seen and influenced. The HSWB migrant’s life and adjustment is looked through outside influence (friends, language, family, hobbies, expectations) and through the regional differences. Methods used were semistructured interviews and content analysis as well as by survey and statistical methods. The sample size of the survey was 77. The results show that more satisfied the HSWB migrants are the longer they expect themselves to live in Finland. Also, the adjustment of their families and had a positive impact on the length of expected stay in Finland. According to result the location didn't affect satisfaction or any other factor. Neither had nationality impact on satisfaction nor ethnicity. One of the biggest challenges the HSWB migrants faced was finding Finnish friends. From cities point of view HSWB migrants are an important resource to Finland and the regions. The adjustment of HSWB was seen by officials as adjusting to a place instead of seeing it as a national level adjustment. According to results in Finland the HSWB migrants are seen as transmigrants. The challenges they meet have not had as much attention as asylum seekers and refugees as well as other more vulnerable groups of migrants. Still HSWB migrants face some of the same difficulties as other migrant groups. In times of Finland needing more highly skilled people for work the need for foreign talent is getting more serious and obvious. Because of this there should be some focus on the well-being of HSWB migrants.