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Browsing by Subject "globalisation"

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  • Möller, Ada (2021)
    Avhandlingen ser på ekonomisk brottslighet (white-collar crime, på svenska ofta kallat manschettbrottslighet) speciellt i formen av förskingringar, och hur de visar sig i välfärdsstater såsom Finland och Sverige. Avhandlingen ger även en översikt över kriminologisk teori, manschettbrottslighet och dess kopplingar till globalisering. I ljuset av avhandlingens källmaterial är en kort diskussion beträffande kriminaljournalistik även inkluderad. Teorimässigt ligger fokus på hur manschettbrottslighet och kriminologiska teorier har utvecklats genom åren. Avhandlingens källmaterial och fallen som analyseras samlades genom användning av internetbaserade nyhetsmedier i januari och februari 2021. Som sökmotor användes Google, där sökningen begränsats till och Finland och Sverige blev valda tack vare deras många likheter samt relativt lätta jämförbarhet. Det som skiljer avhandlingen från andra studier inom samma område är dess fokus på Finland och Sverige, samt dess metod för datainsamling, vilket ter sig unikt, eftersom en liknande analys mellan länderna inte gjorts tidigare. Forskningens resultat visar på en variation mellan gärningsmannens ställning och tillvägagångssätt, där brottsmetoden ofta var överraskande enkel. Dessutom kan man i analysen finna påfallande likheter mellan Finland och Sverige. Några uppenbara slutsatser på globaliseringens direkta inverkan på själva brottet förblir dock tvetydigt. Hursomhelst kan det ändå konstateras att medan globalisering i sig inte är källan till allt det onda, är det ändå ofrånkomligt att fenomenet globalisering samt allt vad det innebär nog underlättat genomförandet av en del former av ekonomisk brottslighet. Dock visar även avhandlingens slutsatser på att den stereotypiska manschettbrottslingen som en manlig medelålders chef inte stöds av källmaterialet. Poängteras bör ändå också att definitionen av manschettbrottslighet, som den används i denna avhandling, samt omfattningen av vad som räknats som förskingring, tvingar betydelsen av denna traditionella, och aningen konservativa, stereotypen att minska i värde.
  • Väänänen, Ronja (2022)
    Labour markets have changed due to globalisation, and this is challenging the traditional way of defining the notion of worker. Currently the international labour legislative system is based on a state centred way of defining the concept of worker. Each country hence defines the scope of the term on the basis of their national social and economic conditions. These national definitions have remained as the starting point even though the labour markets have internationalised. Workers may move from a country to another, businesses reach beyond national borders and across border competition has increased. Furthermore, regional, and international instruments containing their own ways to define the notion of worker, have added layers of regulation. Globalisation has hence changed the playing ground firstly with regards to the ways of work as well as with adding new layers of regulation. As the definition of worker grants rights and obligations to persons working, it is necessary to know who is categorised as a worker. The challenges caused by globalisation in defining the notion of worker based on national needs is amplified with the rise of atypical employment. Next to the traditional employment relationship based on an employment contract new forms of employment are becoming more prominent. These new forms of working do not fit into the traditional binary distinction between the workers and the self-employed. A current example of a form of atypical employment is platform work, which is work done on, or intermediated by digital platforms. Not only national regulation, but also regional and international instruments are being challenged with the changes in the global labour markets. This thesis seeks to outline the changes globalisation has brought to the labour markets. The current way of defining the concept of worker in all national, regional, and international contexts are explained. Based on this, the concepts are compared to see how similar or different the approaches to the concept are. Challenges caused by new forms of labour to the concept are furthermore presented. On the basis of this analysis, the durability of the current system of state centred way of defining the concept of worker is contrasted to the possible future changes in the labour markets and the possibility of harmonising the notion is contemplated as a solution for the changes caused by globalisation.
  • Placeres Miranda, Daniel (2024)
    Motivated by the polycrisis that the neoliberal global governance is facing, geopolitics and geoeconomics have taken a strong hold on trade and industrial policy in the race for critical raw materials required for the green and digital transition. In this context, the European Commission has introduced a plethora of instruments under its 2021 Trade Policy Review framework seeking to level the playing field with its strategic competitors and thus achieve open strategic autonomy in global value chains to reach its objectives in reciprocity, sustainability, and security. While a significant focus remains in examination of the initiative of enhanced coordination between export credit and development finance, the paper sheds light on other trade and industrial policy instruments as well. The paper argues that the toolkit influenced by the concept of open strategic autonomy could go against the EU's constitutional norms of international cooperation, trade liberalisation, and international law, as enshrined in Art. 3(5) and Art. 21 TEU. Simulatenously, while engaging with international political economy scholarship, it pits this development against the disintegrating phenomenon of 'slowbalisation', arguing that this could have a protectionist, 'race to the bottom' effect on free trade and multilateral trade governance as a whole.