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  • Itäinen, Sandra (2014)
    Avhandlingen undersöker hurudana kulturella identitetskonstruktioner och konstruktioner av kulturell tillhörighet som uppstår då andra generationens somaliska ungdomar talar om sin medieanvändning. Kulturer och identitetsprocesser existerar i en ny globaliserad omgivning som präglas av massinvandring och massutvandring. I Finland har det aldrig tidigare funnits en lika stor grupp av andra generationens invandrare. Det förändrade medielandskapet med nya kommunikationsteknologier i spetsen, och den allt mångkulturellare kontexten utgör utgångspunkten för undersökningen. I undersökningen intervjuades sju finlandssomaliska ungdomar i gymnasie- och yrkesskoleåldern. Somalierna utgör den största enskilda invandrargruppen från Afrika och somaliskan är den tredje största främmande språkgruppen i Finland. Materialet samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. För att tolka intervjumaterialet användes kritisk diskursanalys (CDA) enligt Norman Faircloughs modell som teoretisk referensram. I intervjumaterialet uppstod fem diskurser av kulturell identitet: 'Jag e somalier', 'vilken klan', 'jag e somalier' där den somaliska diasporan formar den finlandssomaliska kulturella identiteten; Islam som kommer från hjärtat där identiteten formas av religionen islam; 'Kvinnor har också en plats i världen' där i sin tur genderperspektivet formar den kulturella identiteten; Flyktingaktig men ingen flykting formas av socioekonomiska faktorer, normer och språkliga uttryck; och i Beyoncé, fotboll och Kevin Hart formar ungdomskulturen i allmänhet den kulturella identiteten genom fritidsintressen och språkliga uttryck. Undersökningen visar att andra generationens somaliska ungdomar utgör en mycket heterogen grupp som karakteriseras av en mångfald av personligheter, sociala bakgrunder och mediavanor. Ungdomarna identifierar sig inte bara på basen av traditionella uttryck för kulturell identitet som exempelvis etnicitet och religion utan till stor del på basen av olika kulturella och socioekonomiska faktorer. Unga människor använder sig aktivt av vänner och bekanta, och kända personligheter från musik- och idrottsvärlden för att definiera sig själv och sina kulturella värderingar. Med hänsyn till processer av identitetskonstruktion spelar nya kommunikationsteknologier, framförallt sociala medier, en central roll för att hålla kontakt, följa med och diskutera, och för att diskursivt konstruera nya kulturella betydelser som överstiger tid och plats. Ungdomarnas tal präglas av motstridigheter, vilket speglar kulturella förändringar såväl inom det finlandssomaliska samfundet som inom det finländska samhället över lag. Trots att samhället blir mer mångkulturellt och tolerant vill ungdomarna uttrycka sin kulturella säregenhet på ett eller annat sätt, vilket sociala medier tillåter. Undersökningen påvisar att mångfaldigare medieinnehåll behövs för att skapa goda förutsättningar och fler plattformar för diskussion om kulturell identitet och tillhörighet. Detta möjliggör deltagande i samhällelig debatt och senare i beslutsfattandeprocesser.
  • Mostýnová, Michaela (2019)
    In Finland, entrepreneurs (both employers and self-employed) are, compared to salaried employees, free to increase their compulsory retirement insurance contributions to the public pension fund; this being an alternative to additional saving for retirement in private pension funds. This thesis seeks to identify and further examine factors which supposedly influence entrepreneurs‘ perceived sufficiency of their retirement insurance payments . The purpose is to subsequently recommend retirement policy designs which would incentivize Finnish entrepreneurs to increase their contributions to the public pension fund. The empirical section of this work was conducted on a sample of 2 294 entrepreneurs (1 533 self-employed and 761 employers) who took part in the 2017 Labor Force Ad hoc Survey on Entrepreneurship carried out by Statistics Finland. The initial hypotheses gave rise to four categories of variables, presumably affecting sufficiency of retirement insurance contributions perceived by the study sample; namely, ’Personal characteristics & Business background’, ’Motivation’, ’Future perspectives’ and ’Job satisfaction & excitement’. The obtained results suggest that the majority of the selected variables have an effect on entrepreneurs’ perceived sufficiency of their pension insurance contributions. Besides, the factors identified as negatively affecting the perceived sufficiency of retirement insurance payments were more frequently present in the group of self-employed compared to the group of entrepreneurs (employers). Therefore, it is expected that the self-employed are more prone to pay themselves insufficient pension insurance contributions. However, all these factors are considered as incorrigible since they stem from the very nature of complex human behaviour. In this sense, the behavioural approach seems to be highly relevant when forming retirement insurance policies seeking to encourage prudent saving behaviour. This study applies an alternative approach of behavioural economics to the problematics of retirement saving. The first part of the thesis outlines foundations of behavioural economics which serve as a theoretical background for further analyses. For instance, propositions of procrastination, self-control and mental accounting are discussed.
  • Yamazaki, Wataru (2019)
    The legacies of WWI often have central position in shaping national memory and in many occasions create national myth that shapes historical understanding in certain ways. The issues often trigger heated debate on how to interpret history in national and transnational context. Such is true for Finland. The history of the historiography of Finnish participation in WWII is a process of national interpretations being challenged from outside, notably researchers from Anglophone regions. The debate surrounding such challenges made from external perspectives are still topic of debate in the current context and calls for deconstructing the national myth to incorporate national history into European context are made. While the details of the Anglophone challenges are found in previous literature, how other researchers outside of Finland explained Finnish history of WWII are not well documented. To expand the landscape of the Finnish history research in other regions, this research will focus on the history writing of Japanese historians on Finnish WWII history. The literature that will be analysed are those published in Japan between 1951 and 2017, which includes works aimed at academic and public audience. Analysis will be made using conceptual history approach to understand the text “as they were written” through comparing them with the context within which it was written. The context includes both historiography of the Finnish WWII in available literature in English by Finnish and Anglophone authors, as well as Japanese sociopolitical and historiographical context of seiyōshi (Western History). Through the analysis, several findings were identified. Key findings include the shift in the nomenclature of the wars from wartime names, Soviet Finnish War, to translation of Finnish names, shift in the “problem space” of the Finnish history in Japanese literature, both of which originates to the clarification of the niche by the contributions from early historians. Another feature was relatively quick presentation and acceptance of Anglophone interpretations regarding the origins of the wars, though with variations between historians. This is most likely due to external perspective they share with those from Anglophone regions. The central finding of this research was the very strong emphasis on the small state in virtually all Japanese literature. While the notions appear in Finnish and Anglophone literature, the genre trope of the Western History research resonates strongly in the literature, especially the notions to “learn from the Occident”.
  • Koljonen, Juha (2016)
    The economy of Finland has encountered a drastic transformation in past 15 years. There has been a shift from industrial economy towards service economy, which had a major effect on the traditional industries. Furthermore, the external shock like the European finance crisis had a great impact on Finnish economy. In this thesis I will examine the implications of these changes for the policy positions of Finnish neo-corporate actors. These actors have traditionally had a major influence on the Finnish economic and social policies. I will use the theory of Competition State by Cerny as a midrange theory in this study. According to this theory, state actors are threatened by globalization and market pressures. They respond to these threats by promoting competitiveness. I will examine the changes using Wordfish, a computer assisted text analysis method, which can be utilized to analyse policy positions. This method has not been applied on texts written in Finnish before. I will test the validity of this method using Finnish party manifestos from elections of the year 2007. I will then use this method to examine the policy positions of Finnish industrial relations industry groups during the time period from 2003 to 2015. The results are then analysed using the theory of competition state theory. The thesis is structured in following way. I will first present the outlines of Finnish industrial relations and collective bargaining. Then I will shortly discuss the economic changes in Finland. After that I will examine institutionalism and the theory of the competition state. After this I will present my methodological approach. I will also present the results of the Wordfish validation using texts in Finnish. After that I will present the results of industrial relations interest group policy analysis. Finally I will discuss the results using the theory of the competition state. There are three main findings in this thesis. First of all, Wordfish as method can be used to analyze also texts which are written in Finnish. The results of the Wordfish analysis are similar to expert policy analysis results from same manifestos. The second main finding is that there has been a shift in language, where certain concepts became used more frequently. These concepts can be partly explained by the competition state theory. The third main result is that the Finnish trade union confederations can be divided into two groups in adaptation of these concepts.
  • Willis, Grant (2024)
    Finnish national identity in defense policy is a concept that is often less emphasized in academic research. By utilizing the historical research method to evaluate 8 Finnish security policy documents from 2001-2022, this thesis seeks to uncover how the idea of national identity is used within the documents. There is an extensive historical background which covers wars and foreign relations of Finland to note the formation of a national identity and its variations over time. Constructivism as an approach to international relations and history in a narrative format is used as a theoretical background to investigate these issues. National identity is found to have some influence upon action taken in Finnish defence policy and can prescribe a range of options for maneuver.
  • Kupiainen, Susanna (2021)
    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Finnish state monopolies, Alko and Veikkaus, as hybrid organizations from an institutional plurality viewpoint, since their duty is to decrease the consumption-related harm of their products. Hybrid organizations have existed for long, but societal changes have induced an increase in institutional pluralism. Hybrid organizations have not been studied very thoroughly despite a recent growing interest. State-owned organizations have been examined from a hybridity viewpoint specifically regarding mixed ownership, but constitutional monopoly research is scarce. Research questions inspect what kinds of pluralistic tensions Alko and Veikkaus face, and how the organizations cope with them. Data collection first included background interviews for confirming relevant research themes. One interview was conducted in each company, with employees whose position includes stakeholder contact. Next, annual reports and responsibility reports for 2015 and 2017-2019 were retrieved from the companies’ websites, and processed with qualitative content analysis, which utilized themes identified in both previous research and background interviews. Results showed that the monopolies faced distinct tensions due to different operating environments. The organizations used different coping mechanisms, which is partly due to differences in the core products. Veikkaus’ mechanisms slightly favored responsibilization and decoupling, while Alko benefitted from a strong organizational identity and collaboration with other organizations. This thesis identifies some specific challenges and tensions related to the monopolies in industries of addictive products and contributes to the understanding of coping mechanisms in hybrid organizations.
  • Blomqvist, Alexandra (2015)
    I avhandlingen granskas socialarbetare inom barnskyddet och deras upplevelser av arbetshälsa. Flera forskningar visar att socialarbetare verksamma inom barnskyddet är mera belastade än socialarbetare överlag. I avhandlingen synliggörs barnskyddssocialarbetares arbetshälsa ur en samhällelig, organisatorisk och individuell kontext, eftersom arbetshälsan berör alla dessa kontexter. Avhandlingens främsta syften är att få socialarbetarnas röster hörda och att förmedla socialarbetares upplevelser av arbetshälsa. Min centrala forskningsfråga är hur barnskyddssocialarbetares arbetshälsa ter sig. Avsikten är även att beskriva vilka aspekter och omständigheter som förefaller att gynna eller missgynna arbetshälsan med speciell fokus på uppkomsten av stress. Dessutom beskrivs vilka variationer det finns i socialarbetarnas upplevelser av arbetshälsa inom samma organisation. Den teoretiska referensramen i avhandlingen är holistiska teorier om arbetshälsa och arbetsrelaterad stress samt en holistisk modell för arbetshälsa. Avhandlingen är en kvalitativ studie av tio socialarbetare inom en barnskyddsenhet i Helsingfors. Socialarbetarna som deltagit i undersökningen har haft en betydande roll och utan dem hade jag inte kunnat genomföra halvstrukturerade tematiska intervjuer. Forskningsmaterialet har analyserats med hjälp av teoristyrd innehållsanalys. Resultaten visar hur komplex arbetshälsan är och hur mycket utmaningar socialarbetare inom barnskyddet har. Det ter sig överlag finnas lite mera faktorer som belastar arbetshälsan än faktorer som gynnar arbetshälsan. Arbetshälsan verkar vara speciellt utmanad organisatoriska faktorer. Resultaten visar att socialarbetarna i stort sett använder sig av individuella faktorer för att hantera arbetsrelaterad stress. Socialarbetarna verkar ha liknande upplevelser av de organisatoriska samt samhälleliga ramarna och utmaningarna, men socialarbetarnas karakteristika kan variera en del samt möjligtvis leda till variationer i upplevelser av arbetshälsa och arbetsrelaterad stress.
  • Saarinen, Erkka (2012)
    Tutkielmassa arvioidaan mikroekonometrisin menetelmin valtion erityisrahoitusyhtiö Finnvera Oyj:n myöntämien vastikkeellisten lainojen ja takausten vaikuttavuutta asiakasyritysten liikevaihtoon, henkilöstömäärään ja liiketulokseen. Tämän lisäksi tarkastellaan, kuinka toistuvasti sama yritys saa Finnveran rahoitusta ja mistä tämä toistuvuus johtuu. Julkisella rahoituksella pyritään paikkaamaan rahoitusmarkkinoilla vallitsevia puutteita. Työssä esitellään Stiglitzin ja Weissin (1981) sekä De Mezan ja Webbin (1987) teoreettiset mallit, joissa tarkastellaan epäsymmetrisen informaation vaikutuksia yritysrahoitukseen. Mallien ristiriitaiset tulokset korostavat yritysrahoitukseen liittyvää teoreettista epävarmuutta. Tutkimusaineisto on epätasapainoinen paneeli Suomessa toimivista pk-yrityksistä vuosilta 2004–2011. Aineisto on koottu useammasta eri lähteestä. Finnveran rahoituksen vaikuttavuutta arvioidaan sekä kiinteiden vaikutusten (fixed effects) paneelimalleilla että erotukset-erotuksissa –vertaistamisen avulla (Heckman ym. 1997). Rahoituksen toistuvuuden tutkiminen perustuu havaittuihin Markovin siirtymätodennäköisyyksiin ja toistuvuuden syyt Finnveran toimihenkilöiltä kerättyihin tietoihin. Paneelimallien estimointitulokset osoittavat, että Finnveran rahoitus mahdollistaa yritysten liikevaihdon ja henkilöstömäärän kasvun. Sen sijaan yritysten kannattavuuden paranemisesta ei saada viitteitä. Erotukset-erotuksissa –vertaistaminen tukee paneelimallien tuloksia. Asiakkuudella on positiivisia vaikutuksia erityisesti henkilöstömäärään. Samalla saadaan kuitenkin näyttöä siitä, että rahoituksen vaikutukset riippuvat vuodesta, jolloin yritys on tullut Finnveran asiakkaaksi. Tulokset ovat yleisesti linjassa niin kotimaisten kuin ulkomaisten vastaavien tutkimusten kanssa. Rahoituksen toistuvuuden tarkastelu osoittaa, että kerran rahoitusta saanut yritys saa sitä melko todennäköisesti myös tulevaisuudessa. Vaikuttaa kuitenkin siltä, että uudempien yritysten luottopäätöksissä Finnvera pyrkii kohti markkinaehtoista rahoitusratkaisua. Toimihenkilöiltä saatu lisäinformaatio havainnollistaa, että pankkien kanssa tehtävät limiittirahoitukset aiheuttavat pääosan tilastollisesta toistuvuudesta. Toistuvuuteen vaikuttavat lisäksi muun muassa pankkien halukkuus riskinjakoon, yrittäjän halukkuus Finnveran rahoitukseen sekä Finnveran halu pitää kiinni vanhoista asiakkaista, joiden toimintalogiikan se on oppinut ymmärtämään. Aineiston analyysin perusteella päädytään tulokseen, että Finnveran rahoitus paikkaa yritysten kohtaamaa markkinapuutetta ja auttaa niitä kasvamaan. Tarkastelujakson lyhyt aikaväli ei mahdollista lopullista päätelmää rahoituksen vaikutuksista kannattavuuteen. Yksi tutkimuksen keskeinen huomioon otettava asia on, estimointeihin valikoituneet koeryhmän yritykset ovat keskimääräistä Finnveran asiakasta vanhempia ja suurempia. Näin ollen tuloksia ei voida yleistää aloittaviin ja pieniin Finnveran asiakkaisiin, jotka muodostavat määrällisesti suurimman asiakasjoukon. Tämä on tiettävästi ensimmäinen tutkimus, jossa voidaan tarkastella Finnveran rahoituksen tarpeellisuutta vuonna 2007 alkaneen finanssikriisin aikana. Tulosten perusteella Finnveran rahoituksella on positiivisin vaikutus juuri kriisin aikana asiakkaiksi tulleisiin yrityksiin. Tämä tulos viittaa siihen, että todellinen markkinapuute vaihtelee suhdannetilanteen mukaan.
  • Wang, Maria (2018)
    A liquidity trap is a situation in which nominal interest rates are near or at zero, and as a result traditional monetary policy interventions to boost economic growth with lower interest rates become ineffective. However, different types of unconventional fiscal and monetary policies can still be used to circumvent the zero lower bound on interest rates. This thesis studies two different kinds of liquidity trap situations: expectations-driven liquidity traps that are caused by exogenous shocks to consumer confidence, and fundamental ones that are caused by discount factor shocks that affect the household's time preferences. The thesis mainly focuses on the expectations-driven traps, and also applies the analysis to the real situation in Japan and its long struggle with low economic growth and near-zero nominal interest rates. In the theoretical setup, the basic fiscal policy tools include government spending and two taxes: a lump-sum tax and labor income tax. In addition, the model includes taxes on consumption and profits. The purpose of the analysis is to see how both conventional and unconventional fiscal policies work in different types of liquidity traps, especially in the expectations-driven case. The main sources that form the basis for the theoretical setup in this thesis are Mertens and Ravn (2014) and Correia, Nicolini and Teles (2013). This thesis also includes a quantitative evaluation that is based on the theoretical model and uses the Japanese economy as a setting. This brings new contribution to existing research, as most of it has taken place in the U.S or Europe. The results of the quantitative evaluation suggest that combining both decreases in labor taxes and increases in consumption taxes could have a stronger effect on inflation than lowering labor taxes alone. However, it is also noted that the actual effects of similar policies in Japan have shown ambiguous results.
  • Salminen, Marja (2017)
    Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan fitnesskilpailijoiden ylläpitämiä blogeja. Tutkimustehtävänä on selvittää, millaisia aineiston fitnessblogit ovat, millaisia merkityksiä fitnesskilpailijat liittävät kehoon blogipäivityksissään sekä miten fitnessbloggaajat rakentavat identiteettejään blogeissa. Fitnessblogeja ei ole Suomessa toistaiseksi viestinnän näkökulmasta tutkittu. Fitness on kuitenkin muotoutunut osaksi populaarikulttuuria ja se saa eri medioissa paljon huomiota. Tutkimus osallistuu yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun fitnessistä laihuuden ihannoinnin, lihavuuden negatiivisen jäsennyksen sekä liikunnan terveysvaikutusten näkökulmista. Tutkimus on verkkoviestinnän tutkimusta. Fitnessblogeja tutkitaan fitnessin, terveysviestinnän ja kuluttajakulttuurin konteksteissa diskurssianalyysin keinoin. Viitekehyksenä toimii sosiaalinen konstruktionismi, jonka mukaan todellisuus rakentuu sosiaalisesti. Tutkimusaineisto perustuu harkinnanvaraiseen näytteeseen ja se koostuu viiden eri fitnessbloggaajan 27:stä blogipäivityksestä. Tutkimusaineistoon valitut blogikirjoitukset on julkaistu 12.11.2013–23.12.2016 välisenä aikana. Analyysin perusteella aineiston fitnessblogeista löytyy muotiblogeille tyypillisiä piirteitä. Keskeisiä ovat myös fitnessiin elämäntyylinä läheisesti liittyvät esitykset ruokavaliosta, kehosta ja identiteetin rakentamisesta. Aineiston fitnessblogit jäsennetään elämäntyyli-blogeiksi. Kyse ei vaikuta olevan pelkästään fitnessistä, vaan laajemmin elämäntyyliin liittyvistä esityksistä. Aineiston fitnessblogit vaikuttavat toimivan projektin parempi minä -areenana. Analyysin perusteella kysymykseen, miten fitnessbloggaajat rakentavat blogeissa identiteettejään, nimetään diskursseiksi uuden normin rakentajat ja nöyrät itsensä ylittäjät. Identiteettejä rakennetaan vahvasti uuden normin hyväksymisen -diskurssissa, jossa voimakkaasti ja toistuvasti muuttuva keho halutaan hyväksyttävän ”normaaliksi” myös muiden silmissä. Syömättömyys jäsennetään osaksi terveellistä elämäntapaa. Identiteettejä rakennetaan myös nöyrän itsensä ylittämisen -diskurssissa, jossa fitnesskilpailijat taistelevat aikaa, kiirettä ja nälkää vastaan. Tutkimuskysymykseen, millaisia merkityksiä fitnessbloggaajat liittävät kehoon, diskursseiksi muodostuvat voimaantuneet, rikkinäisen koneen vangit ja riittämätön keho. Fitnessbloggaajat ovat analyysin perusteella tulkittuna voimaantuneita. He pitävät elämäntapaansa terveyttä edistävänä. Rikkinäisen koneen vangit -diskurssissa fitnesskilpailijat käyvät ankaraa taistoa itsensä kanssa tilanteissa, joissa keho ei toimi halutunlaisesti. Fitnessbloggaajien esityksistä tulee vaikutelma riittämättömistä kehoista, jotka ovat jatkuvan arvostelun kohteena. Ideaalikeho näyttää tarkoittavan kilpailuissa esiteltävää kehoa, josta luopuminen on kilpailupäivän jälkeen hankalaa. Johtopäätöksenä todetaan, että mediassa on tärkeää tuoda esille myös vaihtoehtoisia tapoja jäsentää kehoja. Etenkin laihuuden ihannointiin ja jäsentämiseen tavoittelun arvoisena ideaalina tarjotaan tilalle riittävän hyvän -paradigman omaksumista.
  • Asikainen, Anastasia (2017)
    Five years after the passing of the 2012 Law on Foreign Agents in Russia this thesis contributes to new knowledge about the limitations the law has brought forward and the measures organisations have taken to work under this law. Furthermore, the limitations persisting in the Russian civil society will be discussed by reflecting the empirical findings to previous research and historical trajectories. This thesis focuses on the city of St. Petersburg from where nine experts were interviewed from nine different organisations. The research questions are; what are the expedients the organisations have taken to work under the Law on Foreign Agents and how do the organisations describe their work environment. This thesis also aims at identifying potentials for change using the empirical findings and the framework of a developmental model by Nonet & Selznick (2001). The interviews were conducted in St. Petersburg between June 2015 and January 2016. The methodological approach was qualitative case study and the method for analysing the empirical findings was inductive. Based on previous research, the thesis makes the following presumptions on which it aims to add new knowledge; the civil society in Russia in relatively weak, the legal institutions are not independent of politics and the state plays an active role in defining the boundaries civil society actors. Based on the findings the persistent limitations to the work of the NGOs include lack of public support, misunderstandings on the nature of their work due to foreign financing and/or cooperation with western organisations, lack of understanding for universal rights in general, organisations having problems working for their target groups and weak legal institutions. New limitations, which were brought forward by the Law on Foreign Agents include difficulties accessing foreign funding, self-censorship due to avoiding the work of the organisation to be categorised as political, limits for the organisations to collaborate with state officials, increased amount of bureaucracy, increased stress and fear and the division of the third sector into service-oriented and advocacy-oriented organisations. The emergent adaptations can be roughly divided into two main categories: means of legal proceedings or channeling the work of the organisation through new administrative bodies, such as charities, commercial entities or branches outside of Russia. These expedients also had a mixed character. One other adaptation was to close down the organisation and work in the form of a business or an initiative group, yet keeping the same objectives. The findings raise new questions about the forms organisations can take in repressive conditions and about civil society’s limits in general. The findings contribute to an updated overview of the organisations in St. Petersburg working under the Law on Foreign Agents and raise topical issues for further discussion and research.
  • Lydén, Saga (2001)
    This study examines how same sex attracted persons negotiate their identities within or against heteronormative Christian faith communities. An account is given of the general cultural and religious context that same sex attracted persons in Finland are immersed in. Previous research on the same and similar topics is presented, following themes of wellbeing, stigma, identity conflicts, and ways of coping with, or resolving challenges related to these aforementioned issues. For this study, seven participants were interviewed about their sexual orientation, religious conviction, affiliation with faith communities, as well as norms, ethics, and theology regarding sexuality. To understand aspects of identity, a critical discursive approach is applied to the analysis of the interview material. Interpretative repertoires relevant to the topic are discerned, after which positioning within these repertoires is examined. The aim of this study is to shed more light on the ways in which sexual orientation is preformed and negotiated within a specific cultural and religious context. The participants are found to construct interpretative repertoires specifically regarding homosexuality. These relate to sexual and religious ethics, to various social repercussions, and to the idea of either changing or affirming non-heterosexual orientation. Different positioning occurs within the interpretative repertoires, of which some is problematic. The more problematic positioning and accounts raise concerns from a standpoint of wellbeing and social stigmatization. Hopefully this study can contribute to expanding and furthering the discussion on how persons experiencing same sex attraction could be helped within heteronormative faith communities, without being stigmatized within or outside these communities and without having their wellbeing compromised.
  • Aspholm-Lindqvist, Eivor (2013)
    Materialet till Pro gradu avhandlingen har samlats i början av 2000-talet. Jag var då nyligen anställd som skolkurator och blev intresserad av växelverkan mellan flickor och pojkar i klassituationer. Lärare diskuterade regelbundet ljudliga pojkar och tysta flickor. För flickorna var klassituationen jobbig för att de var tvungna att överrösta de ljudliga pojkarna. Jag fick lov av rektor att intervjua flickor och pojkar i årskurs åtta och årskurs 9, för att ta reda på hur flickor och pojkar upplever växelverkan i klassrummet. Pojkarna visar ofta ilska och frustration I klassituationer, men gör flickorna det? Allt som allt intervjuades tjugofyra elever på band, femton flickor och nio pojkar i två högstadieskolor I huvudstadsregionen. Eleverna intervjuades i grupper på två till fyra. Metoden är kvalitativ och består av en vinjett som beskriver en för eleverna vanlig klassituation med ljudliga pojkar. För att få fram variationer i emotioner och för att väcka diskussion vid intervjutillfället, har jag använt bilder som uttrycker motsatta känslor. Resultatet visar att det finns flickor som ända sedan lågstadietiden klarat av att visa negativa emotioner i en ljudlig klass med pojkar. Motsatsen är lika ofta förekommande, nämligen flickor som inte klarar av att visa negativa emotioner i klassrummet, utan avreagerar sig hemma i eget rum. Ett överraskande resultat är att pojkarna önskar att flickorna kunde visa oftare negativa emotioner under lektionen. Om även flickorna har mera ljud blir också de straffade på samma sätt som pojkarna och det blir mer jämlikt. Slutsatsen är att flickor behöver mycket stöd och uppmuntran för att klara av att visa negativa emotioner i en klassituation. Det finns flickor som klarar av att stå för sina åsikter, men får ofta negativa kommentarer i en klassituation. Det är inte enbart skolans uppgift att stärka flickornas självförtroende. Diskussionen om växelverkan mellan flickor och pojkar I klassituationer är lika aktuell idag som för tio år sedan
  • Al-Eryani, Yasmeen (2012)
    This thesis discusses Yemeni civil society in the context of development aid using Bourdieu’s social theory. It examines the hypothesis that Yemeni aid-civil society comprises a distinct social class in the Bourdieuan sense. It is an analysis of restrictive and asymmetrical structures and the possibilities for social movement and repositioning. Often times Yemeni civil society is studied through a strictly local lens and is pinned down in normative terms; does it represent a popular base, is it donor-driven, is it democratic -in other words, does it fit into the pre-cut mould of civil society as envisioned by development aid or by society at large? Instead this thesis studies aid-civil society as a social class and attempts to understand how this social class is constituted by its members and how, in turn, it constitutes its members. The thesis also presents an initial attempt to broaden the framework and shed light on the position of Yemeni aid-civil society in relation to broader civil society trends and shifting relations between state and society - a phenomenon that is not exclusive to Yemen. The analysis of the social space is done in three stages; the first is through determining the perceptible distinctions that mark the outer boundary of the social space from other social groups; the second is through analysing legitimation practices articulated in the form of putative roles and functions of aid-civil society; and the third is the relational tensions and hierarchies which lead to the clustering of practices in different fields within the social space. Together these three dimensions provide an outline of the social space and allow for a discussion on the possible forms of social movement through which agents assert their subjectivity.
  • Sillanpää, Suvi (2016)
    This study is about translocal marriage and gender relations of the Bhil communities living in Rajasthan, India. It examines how the seasonal and circular migration of men alters gender relations and the role and status of women in terms of division of labour, decision making, social responsibilities and mobility. The study is based on five month’s fieldwork in the villages of Dungarpur district in southern Rajasthan, where rural-urban migration is prevalent. The main research methods used were semi-structured interviews and participant observation. Theoretically the study draws from the works of scholars who understand kinship, gender and space in processual terms. Janet Carsten’s idea that kinship relations are made through practices as well as McKim Marriott and Ronald Inden’s theory of Indian personhood, which suggests that Indian persons should be seen as dividuals (not individuals) formed through interpersonal contacts, are central to the this study’s approach toward understanding marriage and gender. The study also looks at the ways in which space and gender are produced through mutual processes as well as the meaning of the house to the marital relationship in the Bhil communities living in Dungarpur. The key concept of this study is gender complementarity, which defines the roles of the husband and wife in India, and usually leads to the formation of separate gendered spheres and roles. The study demonstrates how the gendered division of labour in Dungarpur is flexible and suggests that it is best understood in terms of fluid complementarity, whereby the husband and wife engage in gendered, but flexible practices to maintain their house, through which the relationship between them is maintained. Migration increases the work-load of the women who stay in the villages as they take responsibility of all the household work and increasingly of the agricultural work. They also maintain the social relationships in the village and take up tasks that used to belong to men such as going out to markets. Changes in decision-making practices vary according to whom women share their house with. The study suggests that the fluidity of the complementarity in the marital relationship in Dungarpur facilitates the flexible reorganizing of work. The increased responsibilities and mobility of women should be seen in the framework of fluid complementarity as the new practices they engage in are incorporated as part of the contributions they make to the house they share with their husbands. The house in the village is also important for belonging to the village community and being part of its reciprocal relationships, both of which are important objectives to the translocal households in Dungarpur.
  • Lindström, Benjamin (2023)
    I demokratins ständiga flöde har två huvudsakliga modeller stått ut: den representativa demokratin och den direkta demokratin. Men en relativt ny och mindre bekant demokratimodell, kallad flytande demokrati, har börjat ta plats på scenen. Medan den representativa och direkta demokratin har långa historiska traditioner, framstår den flytande demokratin som ett fräscht alternativ på dagens utmaningar och behov. Den framstående politiska teoretikern Robert Dahl föreslog fem kriterier för att bedöma demokratier: lika rösträtt, effektivt deltagande, upplyst förståelse, kontroll över dagordningen och allomfattande medborgarskap. I ljuset av dessa kriterier har nyfikenheten i denna avhandling riktats mot om den flytande demokratin, med sin flexibilitet och anpassningsförmåga, kan överträffa sina föregångare. För att väga fördelarna och nackdelarna med de olika demokratimodellerna har jag genomfört en litteraturöversikt och idealtypsanalys, med särskild uppmärksamhet på den flytande demokratin. Genom att använda strategiskt utvalda sökord samlade jag material systematiskt in från olika akademiska tidskrifter, böcker och artiklar. Målet med detta arbete var inte bara att sammanfatta befintlig kunskap utan också att identifiera kunskapsluckor och områden där framtida forskning kan vara givande. Jag använde en idealtypsanalys som en teoretisk ram för att förtydliga förståelsen och jämförelsen av de olika demokratimodellerna. Genom denna analys kunde jag tydliggöra och framhäva varje modells distinkta egenskaper, särskilt med avseende på de fem demokratikriterierna som föreslagits av Robert Dahl. Analysen visar att även om varje demokratimodell har sina specifika styrkor och svagheter, uppvisar den flytande demokratin en spännande potential att förena det bästa av både den direkta och representativa demokratimodellen. Trots denna potential påpekar avhandlingen behovet av mer omfattande forskning och empiriska bevis för att fullt ut utvärdera och förstå den flytande demokratins kapacitet. Även om den flytande demokratin verkar lovande när den utvärderas utifrån Dahls demokratikriterier, betonar denna studie vikten av att närma sig ämnet med en öppenhet och vetenskaplig noggrannhet. Denna avhandling fungerar som en introduktion, men jag anser att den fortsatta utforskningen av den flytande demokratin, dess potential och dess utmaningar, är avgörande för den demokratiska teorins och praktikens utveckling.
  • Rumbin, Ina (2018)
    Denna pro gradu -avhandling replikerar och utvidgar Saskia P. Ruths och Yanina Welps studie The Motivations Behind the Use of Mechanisms of Direct Democracy (2017) i en Central- och östeuropeisk kontext. Syftet med denna avhandling är att klassificera alla fakultativa folkomröstningar som ordnats i Central och Östeuropa under tidsperioden 1987–2016, enligt Ruths och Welps (2017) klassificeringsmodell. Med hjälp av klassificeringsmodellen kan man belysa de vilka de olika motiven bakom användningen av folkomröstningar är samt öka förståelsen för konsekvenserna av dem. Klassificeringsmodellen som används i avhandlingen grundar sig dels på teorin om politiska vetospelare enligt George Tsebelis (2002) och Simon Hug och Tsebelis (2002), och dels på teorin on folkomröstningens syfte enligt Angélica Durán-Martínez (2012). Klassificeringsmodellen och denna avhandling studerar alltså folkomröstningar ur aktörsperspektiv. Detta är en beskrivande studie, eftersom avhandlingen beskriver politiska motiv bakom användningen av folkomröstningar i Central- och Östeuropa. Metoden som används är klassindelande analys, där folkomröstningarna delats in i sex olika kategorier enligt Ruths och Welps klassificeringsmodell. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av en förteckning över de nationella folkomröstningar som ordnats i Central- och Östeuropa under tiden 1987–2016. Materialet har samlats in via databasen på Research and Documentation Centre on Direct Democracys hemsida i oktober 2017. Resultaten visar allmänt att fördelningen mellan folkomröstningar som initierats av en vetospelare och en utomstående aktör är jämn, medan 2/3 av folkomröstningarna strävat efter policyändring och endast 1/3 efter institutionell ändring. Tidsmässigt har policyfolkomröstningar och folkomröstningar initierade av en utomstående aktör varit mer populära på 2000-talet, medan institutionella folkomröstningar och folkomröstningar initierade av en vetospelare har använts i större grad under demokratiseringens första årtionde. Dessa resultat är också i linje med tidigare forskning, eftersom det går att urskilja ”vågor” gällande användningen av folkomröstningar tidsmässigt och eftersom folkinitiativ ändvänds flitigt och kan anses komplettera den representativa demokratin i Central- och Östeuropa. Enligt analysen är de tre största kategorierna policyuppmärksammande (VI), policydelegering (II) och legitimering av makt (I), vilka tillsammans utgjorde 82 % av alla fall. De tre vanligaste motiven för användningen av folkomröstningar är att genom initiativ uppmärksamma beslutsfattarna om folkets vilja, att överlåta beslutsfattandet i kontroversiella beslut åt folket och själv som vetospelare ”rädda sitt eget skinn” samt för den initierande vetospelaren att legitimera sin egen makt och den existerande maktfördelningen i samhället. Gällande folkomröstningarnas konsekvenser i Central- och Östeuropa visar resultaten att konsekvenserna varit både positiva och negativa. Positiva i den bemärkelsen att de kan öka politisk stabilitet och gynna maktfördelning, och negativa i den bemärkelsen att de även kan öka risken för politisk instabilitet och gynna maktkoncentration. Trenden verkar dock vara att mer positiva typer av folkomröstningar används nuförtiden, medan de mer negativa typerna dominerade under självständighetens första årtionde. Slutsatserna är att de tre vanligaste motiven för användningen av folkomröstningar i Central- och Östeuropa är att genom initiativ uppmärksamma beslutsfattarna om folkets vilja, att överlåta beslutsfattandet i kontroversiella beslut åt folket och själv som vetospelare ”rädda sitt eget skinn” samt för den initierande vetospelaren att legitimera sin egen makt och den existerande maktfördelningen i samhället. Konsekvenserna av folkomröstningarna är både positiva i den bemärkelsen att de kan öka politisk stabilitet och gynna maktfördelning, och negativa i den bemärkelsen att de även kan öka risken för politisk instabilitet och gynna maktkoncentration, men med en trend mot det mer positiva hållet. I framtiden kunde Ruths och Welps klassificeringsmodell och denna beskrivande studie prövas genom en förklarande studie för att se om dessa slutsatser stämmer överens med verkligheten.
  • Jakobsen, Morten (2017)
    The present study examines the discursive construction of Nordic identity in a contemporary movement of the twenty-first century known as New Nordic Cuisine (NNC). It contributes to the sparsely researched topic of food and nationalism by uncovering how New Nordic Cuisine relies on a shared history of the Nordic nation-states and roots itself in a primordialist conception of nations in order to create a Nordic identity movement. The thesis incorporates theories and concepts from history, human geography, and political science as its foundation for answering how a Nordic identity is discursively constructed by the movement and what the societal implications are of this construction. The methodology used for this type of interdisciplinary analysis is Critical Discourse Analysis as envisioned by Norman Fairclough. The data consists of two cookbooks, three reports by the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM), and one promotional brochure also by NCM. This range of material ensures that the main figures and initiators of the movement, meaning the chefs and the politicians of NCM, are represented. The analysis locates three discourses on globalization, terroir, and identity respectively. NNC adopts the French gastronomic term ‘terroir’ in order to explain a close connection between food, nature, and identity. The movement defines terroir as the eternal conditions in which produce grows, meaning all the natural elements of the weather and the soil, which together make a place unique. Due to the produce coming to life in these conditions, it is thought to embody the culture of that location. When humans consume the food, their conception of themselves transforms. Thus, the timeless identity of the land is experienced through food and, at the same time, affects the identity of people. The implications of this idea are that societies, who legitimize themselves based on a shared identity, are at least partly created based on the nature of that location. Such a terroir is argued to exist in Norden. The idea of a Nordic terroir means that the Nordic people, in order to establish a stable identity, need to experience the terroir-dimension in the food they consume. However, according to the movement the emergence of globalization has obfuscated a previously close connection to nature by industrializing and homogenising the production of food. This has resulted in a lack of Nordic identity. This thesis argues that the NNC movement due to their romantic vision of nature and people fail to see the creation of Nordic nation-states and the idea of Norden in a historical perspective. Globalization is not antithetical to nation-states, but was instead an essential facilitator in their emergence during the nineteenth century. Only by acknowledging the historical specificity of Norden and its nation-states as well as the changing nature of terroirs throughout history can we live with a vision of the world that complements history and scientific evidence.
  • Salmivaara, Maikki (2013)
    Food has featured in the global development agenda for several decades. However, increasing food prices and the global food crisis of 2007-2008, fuelled the debate around food security, which was also one the main thematic priorities of Finn Church Aid's strategy in 2009-2012. This thesis was commissioned by FCA in order to examine food security in the context of their development cooperation project in Cambodia. The purpose of the study is to support FCA and their local partner organization, the Lutheran World Federation Cambodia’s work on food security. The study has two objectives: to contribute to the understanding of the intertwined issues of rural development and food security, and to the understanding of the food security approach and intervention logics. Firstly, food reality is scrutinized in a Cambodian rural village. The focus is on the functioning of the food system at the local level, and as part of a wider food system reaching beyond the village boundaries and even the national level. In addition, the household level food security is analysed from the perspective of livelihoods - means of gaining a living - and different ways of commanding or accessing food. This level allows scrutinizing how village level changes in the food system affect different kinds of families. Secondly, the study analyses the food security approach of LWF, with regard to the village food reality and in the light of politicised international discourses on food security. The thesis is a contextual case study of the village of Chrokhlong, based on one month’s field work period in November and December 2010, as well as LWF Cambodia’s program documents and interviews with the staff. The field work material consists of 43 interviews with the villagers, 76 informal discussions and personal observation. Food security and general development themes in Cambodia are explored through literature and personal interviews. The study found that the local food security is affected by important changes of the wider food system. Population growth and economic liberalization increase pressures on land and natural resources in the village context. Accumulation and fragmentation of land and degradation of common resources are related to the increasing commoditization of the village food system. Food security has become an issue of purchasing power. Land for rice cultivation appears as the most important factor contributing to household food security. The most food insecure families lack land and means of generating incomes in order to purchase food, such as family members in working age and good health. The poorest families are the most affected by the depletion of common resources and the increasing food prices. At a strategic level, LWF has adopted a holistic approach to food security and defines their objective as 'right to food' in line with a rights based approach to development. However, at the practical level the approach seems narrower, and the work on food security focuses on enhancing food production. This focus risks not taking into account the food insecurity of the land-poor families who do not benefit from increasing productivity. The centrality of the land issue and the specific situation of the most food insecure families is no considered sufficiently. Based on this case study, an integrated and holistic rural development approach would seem to provide relatively more benefits to households that are able to produce to markets, while the food security of the poorest families can be even further threatened by a greater dependence of markets. While LWF’s ideals seem to reflect a 'food justice' discourse, their practical work is more in line with the hegemonic discourse labelled as 'food security', that does not aim at affecting the structural causes of food insecurity at different levels.
  • Kortzanov, Dinko (2012)
    My aim for this thesis will be to analyze one small portion of the social impact that football has had in the terms of political ideology. The thesis will be about how football was regulated and 'politicized' during the 40 or so years of communism in Bulgaria and more specifically what were the signs that politicized it. A lot of changes happened after the socialist revolution of 1944 that were meant to seem as if they promoted political equality and freedom. The promotion that happened were mainly, based on uniting people’s identity with a communist ideology through BCP (Българска Комунистическа Партия/Bulgarian Communist Party). The 'puzzle' or problem is that even though the changes did have some positive effect on uniting Bulgarians under a certain ideology what also happened was significant protest against the regime. This thesis will go deeper and show how the BCP used the football club of CSKA to uphold the ideology of communism as victorious and glorious between 1944 and 1989. Various political connotations were linked with the image of CSKA. These connotations were linked not only with the socialist ideology and BCP, but also with signifiers that supported the ideology as the most powerful and successful one. I will see what kind of organizational changes happened to Bulgarian football, and how they were set to make CSKA the champion and the people’s favourite, whilst being a constant threats to rivals. With this I will also answer a question that has been on many Bulgarian’s lips, 'Why was CSKA supported by the BCP so fiercely?' By the end of the thesis my aim is to show how the political theories of Ernesto Laclau can be used to analyze what happened in Bulgaria. And as mentioned above my personal, will is to show how sports and football have a place in academic studies regarding politics. I will use the works of Bulgarian authors like Georgi Markov, to show how many of the symbols and signifiers that were associated with the socialist ideology were also present in football on a microcosmic level. Using Lacla’s theories on hegemony and empty signifiers I will try to explain how many of these signifiers were 'emptied' as such to link the football club of CSKA with that of the political party BCP. Also there were many regulations done to insure that CSKA, a signifier for socialist ideology, would be the dominant force in Bulgarian football. I will start out by giving a historical background of Bulgarian socialism, where I present some of the symbols and institutions that made the ideology what it was. Then move on to a history of political theories from selected authors. I will end my essay by showing how CSKA also came to stand for the symbols noted in the beginning, and how using the theories we can analyze why was it so.