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  • Lehtonen, Inka (2013)
    Tutkielma käsittelee ihmisen tekemiä tulkintoja luonnonympäristöstä Ecuadorille kuuluvilla Galapagossaarilla, Tyynellä valtamerellä. Tulkinta tarkoittaa erilaisia näkökulmia ja käytäntöjä, joiden kautta saarten materiaalinen luonto erotetaan inhimillisen tiedon ja toiminnan kohteeksi. Tutkimuksen lähtökohta on, että luonto on sosiaalisesti rakentuva käsite. Samasta materiaalisesta luonnosta voidaan tehdä erilaisia tulkintoja riippuen tulkitsijasta. Työn tavoitteena on tarkastella Galapagossaarten erilaisia luontoja ja pyrkiä näkemään niiden keskinäisen vuorovaikutuksen tuloksena syntyviä luonnon hybridejä. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty antropologisen kenttätyöjakson aikana, lokakuusta joulukuulle 2010, Galapagossaarilla. Tutkimusaineisto käsittää kahdeksan nauhoitettua ja yhden sähköpostitse toteutetun haastattelun, kenttätyöpäiväkirjan, osallistuvaa havainnointia ja muuta kentällä kerättyä tutkimusmateriaalia sekä lukuisia epävirallisia keskusteluja informanttien kanssa. Lisäksi tutkimusta varten on luettu runsaasti tutkimuskirjallisuutta, mikä tukee teoreettisen viitekehyksen valikoitumista tutkimusaineiston tarkastelussa. Tutkimus keskittyy kolmen erilaisen luonnonympäristön tulkinnan tarkasteluun. Niitä edustavat tiede ja ympäristönsuojelu, paikalliset pienviljelijä-kalastajat sekä turismi, kukin omissa käytännöissään. Erilaisia tulkintoja tarkasteltaessa nousee esille, että tieteen ja ympäristönsuojelun edustama, luonnontieteelliseen tietoon perustuva globaali suojeludiskurssi nostetaan usein muiden tulkintojen yläpuolelle, hallitsevaan asemaan määrittää, miten inhimillisen ja ei-inhimillisen keskinäistä suhdetta tulisi rakentaa. Tiedon ja vallan diskurssiin liittyvät myös Ecuadorin valtiolliset intressit ja toisaalta paikallisen väestön käytännöllinen ymmärrys suhteessa luonnonympäristöön. Tutkimus tuo esille, miten nämä erilaiset tulkinnat vaikuttavat toisiinsa ja luovat uusia luontoja. Galapagossaaret ovat olleet avainasemassa modernin luonnontieteellisen maailmankuvan muodostumisessa Charles Darwinin nostettua ne merkitykselliseksi paikaksi evoluutioteorian elävänä laboratoriona. Saarten luonnontieteellistä arvokkuutta on suojeltu ihmisen aiheuttamia muutoksia vastaan jo vuosikymmenien ajan. Samalla saarille muuttavien uudisasukkaiden ja niiden luontoa ihailemaan saapuvien turistien määrä on ollut jatkuvasti kasvussa, toinen toisiaan ruokkien. Tänä päivänä Galapagossaaret elävät erilaisten luonnonympäristön tulkintojen solmukohdassa. Erilaisten tulkintojen ja niitä tukevien käytäntöjen yhteensovittaminen on osoittautunut haasteelliseksi tehtäväksi. Galapagos heijastelee universaalilla tasolla inhimillisen ja ei-inhimillisen keskinäisen tasapainon löytämisen haasteellisuutta.
  • Larjanko, Leo (2024)
    As playing video games or gaming has become a growing hobby worldwide, so too has research into “gaming addiction” received more scholarly attention. While the field of “gaming addiction” research is somewhat fractured and researchers disagree on how to define and measure the phenomena that some people seem to play too much video games, or lose control over their gaming habits, the MMORPG-genre of video games have consistently been found to be over-represented when studying players with addiction-like symptoms or problematic gaming behaviour. Using a social constructionist perspective and Critical Discursive Psychology tools for analysis, this thesis aims to analyse how World of Warcraft-players, a popular MMORPG, discuss and construct gaming addiction on a forum focused on the game. Even as gamers used different ways to construct gaming addiction, either allowing it to exist or not, most of the discourses identified in the forum discussions work to shield gamers or gaming as a hobby from the negative connotations inherent in the word “addict” or “addiction”. Thus, this study aims to contribute to the nascent field of studying “gaming addiction” from a social sciences perspective.
  • Pautola, Iisakki (2017)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan klassisen brittiläisen filosofin Georg Edward Mooren (1874–1958) teoriaa moraalisen ajattelun filosofisista perusteista. Lähtökohtana on Mooren vuonna 1903 ilmestynyt klassikko-teos Principia Ethica, jossa esitetty ”tieteellisen etiikan teoria” käynnisti 1900-luvun moraalifilosofiassa niin sanotun analyyttisen etiikan tai metaetiikan vaiheen, jossa huomio kohdistettiin moraalisten kysymysten (Mikä on oikein? Mikä on hyvää?) sisällöstä niiden käsitteelliseen merkitykseen ja filosofiseen (loogiseen, tiedolliseen) luonteeseen. Historiallisesti merkittävää ei niinkään ollut Mooren teoria etiikan luonteesta (moraalirealismi) vaan ajatus sen todistettavuudesta loogis-käsitteellisten argumenttien avulla. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tämän ajatuksen historiallis-kriittinen arviointi. Tutkielman ensimmäisessä luvussa esitellään Mooren filosofian yleisemmät lähtökohdat, kuten sitoutuminen analyyttiseen filosofiakäsitykseen sekä niin sanottuun ”terveen järjen realismiin” (common sense realism) filosofisen teorianmuodostuksen perustana. Toisessa luvussa käydään lävitse Mooren etiikan teorian keskeisimmät osat, kuten analyysit etiikan tutkimuskohteesta, eettisten käsitteiden merkityksestä sekä eettisen päättelyn periaatteista. Kolmannessa kriittisessä luvussa tarkastellaan Mooren teorian ja argumenttien filosofisia ongelmia myöhemmän metaeettisen keskustelun näkökulmasta. Huomion kohteena ovat eritytyisesti Mooren arvoteorian (moraalirealismi) kielifilosofiset, tieto opilliset ja ontologiset ongelmat, joihin haetaan ratkaisua antirealismista, nonkognitivismista, ja arvokonstruktivismista. Viimeisessä luvussa pohditaan Mooren merkitystä etiikan teoreetikkona sekä vedetään yhteen tutkielman tärkeimmät tulokset. Tuloksena todetaan, että Mooren teoria oli tärkeä lähtökohta 1900-luvun metaeettiselle teorianmuodostukselle. Teorian ansiona oli yritys antaa arkiselle käsitykselle moraalisesta ajattelusta filosofinen muotoilu ja perustustelu. Lisäksi Mooren analyysi eettisen kielen, päättelyn ja totuuksien erityisluonteesta selvensi ajatusta etiikan itsenäisyydestä, jota koskeville sekannuksille Moore vakiinnutti nimikkeen ”naturalistinen virhepäätelmä”. Mooren tapa ymmärtää sekä perustella tämä sekannus osoittautui kuitenkin teoreettisilta oletuksiltaan ongelmalliseksi, joten käsite vaati täsmennyksiä sekä parempia perusteluja. Mooren päätelmien kriittinen arviointi havainnollistaa, minkälaisiin kysymyksiin etiikan perusteiden systemaattinen teoria joutuu vastaamaan. Samalla selvenee, minkälainen keskinäisriippuvuus vallitsee perusteiden teorian sekä yleisempien kielifilosofisten, tieto-opillisten ja ontologisten näkemysten välillä. Tästä näkökulmasta Mooren teorian tutkimus auttaa ymmärtämään myöhempää metaeettistä keskustelua, ja sen myötä eettistä ajattelua (päättelyä) sinänsä. Tutkielman näkökulma on historiallis-systemaattinen eli siinä tutkitaan kysymystä etiikan perusteista menneen aikakauden ajattelijan ajatusten ja niiden kritiikin kautta. Metodeina on alkutekstin ja kommentaari-kirjallisuuden kriittinen luenta sekä filosofinen käsite- ja argumentaatio-analyysi.
  • Elovainio, Mirka (2016)
    More studies are needed to analyse eating related behaviours due to the health and wellbeing related outcomes of unhealthy eating habits. In addition, choosing between multiple food items and different diets has become more complicated, because selection of foods available has increased. As a result, the importance of individual factors affecting food choices has increased. Individual factors that have found to be associated with food choices and food include gender and food choice motives. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the potential changes in food choice motives from the year 2007 to year 2014 between genders, and examine whether changes in food choice motives predict relative vegetable and fruit intake in 2014. Additionally, one aims was to test whether differences in changes in food choice motives mediate the gender differences in vegetable and fruit intake. This study is based on data from on-going population-based prospective study called DIetary, Lifestyle, and Genetic determinants of Obesity and Metabolic syndrome (DILGOM). DILGOM is a sub-study of national FINRISK study. The data was analysed with quantitative methods. The main findings of this study were: (a) the importance of ethicality and price motives increased but the importance of health and pleasure food choice motives decreased between years 2007 and 2014 in all participants, (b) the importance of ethicality motive was the only food choice motive that increased more in women than in men from 2007 to 2014. Female gender, being married and change in health and ethicality motive predicted higher vegetable and fruit intake in 2014. Furthermore, change in the importance of ethicality motive mediated partly the associations between gender and vegetable and fruit intake in 2014. As health and ethicality motives predicted higher use of vegetables and fruit, influencing to these motives could be used in promoting higher vegetable and fruit intake in the future. More precisely, if the target is to decrease the disparity of vegetable and fruit intake between genders, should the target be on increasing importance of ethicality motive for men in respect of the results of this study. More studies should be conducted to gain more information about this topic. The methods should be improved and widen in the future if more and more reliable information about the associations and trends in food choice motives and food choices are needed.
  • Kärkkäinen, Eeva (2019)
    Finland is considered one of the best countries in the world in regards gender equality. In today’s Finland, women are more educated than men and they vote more actively. However, women are a still a minority in the Finnish parliament, and are less likely to serve as ministers as well as in other powerful political positions. Furthermore, there are large variations among Finnish political parties when it comes to the proportion of woman parliamentarians. The Finnish Centre Party is one of the least balanced political parties in Finland when it comes to the proportion of female parliamentarians. However, there are great regional differences. This Master’s Thesis is a case study that aims to explain what causes these regional differences. First, the study explores how women’s political representation has developed in different constituencies over time when it comes to the number of elected female parliamentarians. Starting from the 1991 election until the 2015 election, the quantitative overview of the constituencies shows that there are substantial differences between the electoral constituencies. These show in gender parity of elected parliamentarians, as well as the share of the votes that female candidates have received for their party’s list. Furthermore, constituencies differ when it comes to the turnover in the composition of the group of elected parliamentarians. The first part of the study also addressed constituencies’ differing trends in regards to women’s representation – some constituencies were more gender balanced, others more male dominated. Based on the first part of the study, three case studies are selected for in depth case studies: Kymi, Oulu and Central Finland. The case studies are explorative in nature and conducted by interviewing central Centre Party actors, parliamentarians and candidates who have experience in the workings of the regional party organization. Interviews are analysed by using thematic analysis. Based on the interviews it is clear that while all Centre Party organisations have the same formal rules, the list formation process, the regional practises and the electoral setting are different in all three constituencies. The study provides support to many findings of previous studies. In accordance with previous feminist institutionalist research, the supply of candidates seems to be a challenge for the Centre Party, but according to the interviewees the supply of woman candidates is a challenge in all three constituencies. Therefore, it is unlikely that the supply of candidates could explain regional differences. A major difference between the constituencies is their electoral setting and the role of regional party organisation and actives. Based on the interviews it seems that in the Kymi constituency, the constituency with the fewest female parliamentarians, internal competition is less equal as the incumbent parliamentarians have a strong position within the Centre Party organisation. The setting changes when an incumbent parliamentarian steps aside. When an elected parliamentarian steps down, it creates a situation where more voters and supporters are available for newcomers. It seems, however, that female candidates have not succeeded in inheriting supporters from the relinquishing parliamentarians.
  • Dahllund, Olivia (2023)
    The school environment plays an essential role in the development of students’ identities and in the construction of the self. These processes are crucial for creating a sense of purpose in life, and they fuel students’ future aspirations. Recently, there have been increasing concerns about the well-being of students. Findings from both international and national studies present a trend of decline in well-being. Therefore, new methods are called for to provide resources for supporting and increasing student well-being. The aim of my master’s thesis is to explore the subjective well-being (SWB) of upper secondary school students and examine whether gender and regional differences exist in SWB derived from the data in the project Study with Strength. The regions examined are Ostrobothnia, Uusimaa/Southwestern Finland and the Åland Islands. Prior studies indicate that female students score lower in well-being and higher in ill-being than male students. In this study, six questionnaires measuring SWB, including scales of both well-being and ill-being, are examined using analysis of covariance. The results from 282 participants showed that female students scored lower in well-being and higher in ill-being than male students. No major regional differences were found. Prior research indicates that female and male students have different patterns of decreased well-being and increased ill-being. The results of this thesis are a valuable source of information in understanding the different patterns and contribute to the process of creating tailored solutions that promote health and support student well-being. Research targeting gender inequality shows that promoting equality has a positive effect on the SWB of males but not on females. Therefore, it is crucial for the school environment to identify the differences between objective and subjective gender equality and nurture the well-being of both genders.
  • Kashfia, Ishrat Jahan (2024)
    Corruption poses a significant threat to political and economic stability in many developing and least-developed countries. There is increasing research exploring gender differences and attitudes towards corruption. While literature suggests that men tend to be more corrupt than women, the thesis investigates whether it holds true in the case of Uganda. Eight rounds of the Afrobarometer Survey, conducted in Uganda from 2002 to 2022, have been utilised to explore the gender difference in the engagement in bribery, a proxy used to capture corruption, with the help of a linear probability model. The results show that women are less likely to engage in bribery and the association is statistically significant while controlling for various demographic and political characteristics as well as round and region-specific fixed effects. However, this difference may be due to the gender difference in corruption perception. Even though the gender gap is persistent across all rounds, involvement in bribery has been increasing over time for both men and women. There are several limitations of the study, and further research is required to verify the gender gap as bribery involvement does not explain the other aspects of corruption. Future research can explore the Afrobarometer Survey even further and repeat the analysis for other African nations. Additionally, the datasets can be compiled together to assess the statistical significance of the gender gap in the presence of country-specific fixed effects. Furthermore, it is worth exploring the motivation behind involvement in bribery along with individual characteristics, such as degree of risk aversion, belief about oneself, and personality traits.
  • Peijari, Minerva (2020)
    This thesis aims to study if personal values mediate the effect of gender on pro-environmental behavior, PEB. It is important to investigate the antecedents of PEB, since the current climate crisis is caused by human behavior. Among the most influential areas of behaviors are those related to energy. Therefore, two energy related behaviors were chosen to represent PEB in this study: energy use reduction and intention of buying an energy efficient appliance. Values have been shown to affect behavior and there is some evidence of gender differences in values, thus gender and values were chosen as predictors of the behaviors. The theoretical basis for this argument lies in Schwartz theory of basic values and several models on antecedents of PEB, e.g. the Value-Belief-Norm Theory. The material comes from the 2016 dataset of the European Social Survey Round 8 (ESS8), which included a module on climate change and energy and used the Portrait Values Questionnaire for measuring values. The data is limited to the Finnish nationally representative sample. The hypotheses examine whether Finnish women behave more proenvironmentally than Finnish men do, and whether women’s higher self-transcendent values and men’s higher self-enhancement values explain this difference in PEB. Hypotheses were tested through hierarchical stepwise regression analysis and mediation analysis. The results were as expected, with small, but statistically significant, differences between men and women in both values and behavior. On average, Finnish women have more self-transcendent values and behave more pro-environmentally, than Finnish men do. The mediation was supported even when covariates were included, which further supports the findings. The only exception to this was the mediation of gender on energy efficacy behavior through self-enhancement values. Explanations for this and the other results are discussed, as well as critique of the binary definition of gender and other limitations. This study adds to the understanding of antecedents of pro-environmental behavior, which is fundamental to achieving effective behavior change.
  • Kivelä, Lotta (2023)
    The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 prompted Finland to re-evaluate its national security and led to increased support for NATO membership. This study examines how Finnish news media portrays national security at the time of heightened sense of insecurity. The objective of the study is to explore and expose the nexus of security and gender within the NATO discussion context. Drawing on feminist security studies, this study views security as a gendered concept. It takes an interdisciplinary approach, integrating security studies, gender studies, and media studies. The thesis investigates the gendered nature of security by using traditional masculine and feminine values as tools in discourse analysis. Additionally, the thesis analyses whose voices are heard in the media. This case study focuses on the NATO discussion in Helsingin Sanomat, Iltalehti, and Yle from January to March 2022. The thesis comprises two parts from the perspective of methodology and data. The quantitative content analysis of 671 online news articles examines gender representation in the media, while the qualitative analysis of 70 opinionated online news media articles employs thematisation and Wodak’s approach to critical discourse analysis. The findings of this study imply that the dominant notion of security in the media is narrow and masculine. The hegemonic notion of Finnish national security aligns with traditional masculinity, emphasising militaristic, physical, and rational characteristics. The analysis shows that growing insecurity appears to correspond with decreasing feminine notions of security. The study argues that the prevailing security discourse in the media is exclusive to the performances of militarised masculinity. Additionally, security is predominantly discussed by male voices in the media. Finally, this thesis argues that the dominant narrow, masculine, and militaristic notion of security is not contested in the media, thereby lacking a comprehensive understanding of securities and insecurities as well as inequalities. The study addresses a need for further critical research to examine the interrelation of national security, militarism, and gender in Finland.
  • Hakoniemi, Mervi (2020)
    Equal education is a fundamental human right that each child is entitled to. Education and gender equality benefit all individuals and promote both social and economic development. However, despite numerous legal instruments and practical measures taken by the international community, as well as by national governments, the right to education remains unclaimed universally for all children and inequality in education is pervasive all over the world. As a legacy of colonization Peruvian society suffers from persistent multifaceted inequalities that are manifested and reproduced in the education system in multiple ways. These inequalities are seen, amongst others, between genders, but also intersect with other individual characteristics such as poverty, rurality and indigeneity. This Master’s thesis explores gender equality in education in Peru and how gender is mainstreamed in the country program of Save the Children Peru. To do so, it explores how legal instruments, policy documents and the country programme of the organization address gender (in)equality and attempt to mainstream gender; and analyses how an education project that the organization implemented among indigenous Aymara adolescents between 2015 and 2018 managed to mainstream gender. This thesis is a qualitative case study. It follows the rights-based 4A framework by Katarina Tomaševski, which encompasses availability, accessibility, acceptability, and adaptability as key aspects of quality of education. The data for it consists of normative documents, literature on inequality in education, institutional documents of Save the Children International and transcribed interviews with key informants from Save the Children Peru. These were analysed by using interpretive analysis and then considered in the light of the model of Caroline Moser on different stages of gender mainstreaming. The results of the study demonstrate that despite recent achievements, gender inequalities in education persist in Peru, but focus has shifted from quantitative to qualitative disparities. Many stakeholders consider gender mainstreaming a rather ambiguous concept, and challenging to both implement and assess, which is why it often remains on a rhetoric level. This yields in a need for the organizations to provide the necessary tools and capacity building, not only for the monitoring personnel but for the whole staff. Promoting gender equality across the whole program cycle must be an institutional commitment, gender mainstreaming must permeate the whole organization and adequate resources must be allocated for it.
  • He, Yiqian (2023)
    This thesis explores the intersections of gender equality, parenthood, and the Nordic welfare state with an aim to investigate the equality paradox embedded within the Nordic welfare model. The gender equality paradox refers to the contradictory situation in egalitarian Nordic countries where women still face persistent inequality while state-driven initiatives unintentionally create new challenges for them. This thesis conduct a case study on the Finnish childcare regime after the 2022 reform. This regime embodies an aggregate framework encompassing all aspects of childcare policies, including the paid parental leave system, Home Care Allowance, and Early Childhood Education and Services. Through the lens of Nancy Fraser's care-work models, this thesis questions how the Finnish childcare regime recognises and potentially resolves the gender equality paradox by a contextual analysis of the regime’s development and current policy design data. The main finding indicates that the newly reformed Finnish childcare regime presents an “equality within difference” scenario rather than pursuing shared care and breadwinning as in Fraser’s universal caregiver model. Firstly, the latest reform shows the ambition towards gender equality, yet there is a split between political ambition and the private sphere. Secondly, while the principle of freedom of choice embedded in the Finnish childcare policy ostensibly empowers parents to make individual decisions autonomously, parental choices seem to be influenced more by necessity than freedom. This thesis identifies a tension in the Finnish childcare regime between promoting gender equality and preserving freedom of choice, revealing a contradicting political logic. Although providing an ostensibly gender-equal policy structure, the childcare regime in Finland falls short of adequately addressing the persistent equality dilemmas faced by women.
  • Repo, Jemima (2006)
    This thesis contributes to the development of poststructuralist feminist International Relations analyses about the US War on Terrorism. Gender is significantly involved in the justification and conduct of wars and militarism, established and supported by a particular hierarchal structure of masculinities and femininities. Hierarchal power relations prioritise the bodies and values of some, and demean, attack or conceal those of others. These are expressed in discourses of the various masculinities and femininities of the US self and its enemy Other, which are deconstructed and analysed by Foucauldian discourse analysis and theories of representation. Discourses of a male-performed 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks and US rescue response endowed hegemonic masculinity on the muscular masculinity of fire fighters. This was subsequently extended to soldiers of the US military, who fought in retaliation to the humiliation of feminised US nationhood, remasculinising the US national identity. This necessitated the representation of terrorists and Muslim men as morally and sexually deviant, homosexual, woman-oppressive demons. Likewise, Muslim women were victimised as helpless sufferers to be unveiled and rescued by a macho US crusade against terrorism. On the other hand, female terrorists confused the men-lifetakers/ women-lifegivers dichotomy, and were depicted as excessively violent, hypersexual beings, who were nonetheless victims of the seductions of manipulative Muslim men. Disciplinary action was taken against Muslim men in Guantánamo Bay and Abu Ghraib, which especially in the latter case resulted in scandals that evoked public pity for the unfortunate and uncivilised detainees who endured the torture of cruel un-American men and irrational women of the US Military Police. Meanwhile, the discourses of US soldiers in Iraq are examined through their own autobiographical voices, demonstrating that the military is indeed a misogynistic boy's club. The fate of Private Jessica Lynch and the autobiographical works of soldiers also unsympathetic to the Iraqi population, continuing the Othering discourses established on 11 September. At the US home front, military mothers, both pro and anti-war, are supportive of the well being and honouring of their sons. There is a complex set of dominant discourses in continuous fluctuation sustaining the gender hierarchies that support war by privileging the bodies of some and discriminating and harming the bodies others. There is hope for change however, as the malleability of gender enables possibilities for resistance through counter discourses and female empowerment.
  • Härkönen, Iiris (2018)
    The low proportion of women among attorneys-at-law in Finland is striking, particularly among attorneys-at-law in partner positions. Previous research has shown that female attorneys-at-law in Finland, although not working in the prestigious positions of power or financial decision-making, can express a belief in gender equal career opportunities. However, the idea of equal opportunities has been shown to be a myth, which ignores for instance how women are faced with greater expectations concerning family caretaking than men. Overall, the traditionally masculine norms of the legal field have been shown to carry a male advantage. While previous research on the topic has focused on the experiences of female attorneys-at-law, this thesis aims to study also men’s perspectives. The objective of this thesis is to understand better how attorneys-at-law, women and men, talk about gender equality and inequality within their profession, and what kind of attitudes towards the topics are being expressed. The theoretical framework for this thesis draws from social constructionism, rhetorical social psychology and the qualitative attitude approach. Altogether 13 women and men, of different age and living in different parts of Finland, were interviewed in October-November 2017. Three topics were discussed within the interviews: 1) career development as an attorney-at-law, 2) gender and gender equality, and 3) professional success. The analysis of this thesis focused only on the second theme of the interviews, gender and gender equality, and more precisely, on argumentative talk generated by five attitude statements concerning the role of gender, work and family reconciliation and gender inequality. The analysis revealed three different attitudes towards gender equality or inequality in the legal field: 1) gender inequality as women leaving the legal field, 2) gender equality as gender-neutral attitudes and treatment, and 3) men’s gender inequality as an upcoming problem. In addition, an important finding was how work and family reconciliation was constructed as a women’s concern. The attitudes drew from the discourses of individual choice, equal opportunities, and gender neutrality, the idea of work and family reconciliation concerning women, low amounts of boys in faculties of law, as well as a belief in the proportion of female partners changing. Functions of the attitudes included, among others, representing women or oneself as making justified choices over family caretaking or as having opportunities to leave or stay in the legal field, representing oneself as a supporter of gender neutrality or as a person who sees the situation from a larger perspective. Overall, the attitudes represented gender inequality as a problem or not as a problem in varying degrees. The most important references for this thesis were Choroszewicz’s (2014a) Managing Competitiveness in Pursuit of a Legal Career: Women Attorneys in Finland and Poland and Vesala’s & Rantanen’s (2007) Argumentaatio ja tulkinta.
  • Nguyen, Tam (2015)
    This thesis studies a case of female Vietnamese immigrants in Finland and the structure of new gender roles due to the adaptation in the new land. Considering gender roles are practiced differently in different cultures and societies (Lindsey, 1990; Spain, 1993), it is sensible to study the changes of gender roles in families occurring as the result of adaptation when Vietnamese immigrants move from prevalent Confucius culture to Nordic one. The main objective of this thesis is to find out how Vietnamese female immigrants have defined their familial roles after migrating to Finland. Following the framework adopted from Foner (1997), this thesis analyzes the data taken from in-depth interviews with 10 lately-arrived female immigrants and supplementary information from 3 male immigrants, field notes and biographical questions. The research determines that these women experience new types of gender roles, which are formed by both some elements brought from home country and newly-learnt practices in Finland. The results show that although the main features of traditional gender relations are maintained, radical changes in different aspects including familial model, kin relationship, division of labour and decision-making power, could be noticed. Adapting to Finland, Vietnamese families in Finland have been transformed from traditional extended to nuclear family model, which has had a major effect on traditional familial relationships and defining gender roles. These Vietnamese women lose the position of co-breadwinners, therefore, they maintain the traditional role as homemakers. However, as a strategy of coping with the lack of support and influence of external family members, Vietnamese women seem to have more power in making decision and benefit better involvement of husbands in domestic work and child-care.
  • Ahvonen, Onni (2022)
    This thesis is concerned with the intellectual formation of two radical political thinkers in the Black radical and anti-colonial traditions: Walter Rodney and Cedric J. Robinson. Deploying the “Horne biographical method”, it contextualizes the knowledge-formation of Rodney and Robinson vis a vis the broader social, cultural, political, and intellectual environments in which they were situated. Particularly central are the national liberation-, Black power-, and post-colonial movements in the U.S., Jamaica, Tanzania, and Guyana during the 1960s and the 1970s. Furthermore, this thesis discusses the epistemological foundation of their knowledge-praxis through Enrique Dussel’s notion of the “geopolitics of knowledge” and Stuart Hall’s conceptualization of “the politics of location”, and contends that knowledge is to be understood in relational and positional terms. In analyzing the knowledge production of Rodney and Robinson, this thesis focuses on three central themes that emerge in their respective writings: (1) the role of the radical political intellectual, (2) the utility of Marxism to Black, Indigenous, and Third World peoples, and (3) the theorization of the emergence and development of the racial-colonial world-system. Finally, this thesis argues that in combining their deconstructive critiques with a constructive politics of worldmaking, Rodney and Robinson provide an important model for “guerrilla intellectualism”, where radical knowledge production is seen to emerge “from below” and conceived of as inseparable from material praxis and liberatory struggles.
  • Honkanen, Saara (2016)
    Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa selvitetään, millä tavalla sevastopolilaiset opiskelijat hahmottavat kotikaupunkinsa geopoliittisen aseman Ukrainan ja Venäjän välisessä ristipaineessa. Tutkimuksen ongelmanasettelua ohjaavana teoreettisena taustana on kriittinen geopolitiikan tutkimus ja siihen viime vuosina kohdistunut kritiikki. Tästä keskustelusta laaditun katsauksen perusteella tutkielmassa päätellään, että kriittisen geopolitiikan tutkimuksen tulisi kehittyä suuntaan, jossa paikallistaso ja yksilö otettaisiin aiempaa tutkimusta vakavammin ja jossa paikan ja diskurssien sosiaalisen konstruoitumisen prosessi saisi osakseen aiempaa enemmän huomiota. Nämä kehitystarpeet ovat tutkimuksen asetelmallisten valintojen perustana. Paikan sosiaalista konstruoitumista ruohonjuuritasolla niin sanottujen 'tavallisten kaupunkilaisten' puheessa tarkastellaan tässä tutkielmassa marginaalisuuden, perifeerisyyden ja hybridisyyden diskursiivisten kehysten avulla. Tutkimusaineisto muodostuu viidentoista sevastopolilaisen korkeakouluopiskelijan haastatteluista, jotka toteutettiin Sevastopolissa loppuvuonna 2011. Tutkimuksen keskeisenä menetelmänä on ihmisyksilöiden subjektiivisuuden tarkastelemisen mahdollistava Q-metodologia. Haastattelutilanteessa haastateltavat jaottelivat Sevastopolin asemaa koskevia väittämiä sen mukaan, olivatko he väitteiden kanssa samaa vai eri mieltä. Q-metodologian etuna on se, että menetelmä siirtää valtaa tutkijalta tutkittavalle ja antaa yksilölle itselleen aktiivisen roolin diskurssin rakentajana. Qmetodologista tutkimusaineistoa täydennettiin lisäksi vapaamuotoisilla teemahaastatteluilla. Tutkimuksen päätulokset koostuvat neljästä Sevastopolin asemaa kuvaavasta diskurssista, jotka on nimetty niiden sisältämien johtoajatusten mukaan seuraavasti: 'venäläistä kaupunkia sorretaan vaan ei nujerreta' (diskurssi I), 'riippumattomuus on tie kaupungin menestykseen' (diskurssi II), 'slaavilainen sotasatama vailla tietoa tulevasta' (diskurssi III) ja 'ajan kanssa kaupunki oppii ukrainalaisille tavoille' (diskurssi IV). Tutkimuksessa havaitaan, että mikään näistä diskursseista ei ilmennä marginaalisuuden, perifeerisyyden tai hybridisyyden kehyksiä puhtaassa muodossa vaan ne sekoittavat näiden kehysten elementtejä monimuotoisin tavoin. Vapaiden haastatteluiden pohjalta tässä diskurssien kentässä voitiin niin ikään tunnistaa tiettyjä kehitystendenssejä; yhtäältä diskurssissa I havaitaan liikettä marginaalisuudesta kohti alati kasvavaa perifeerisyyttä, toisaalta diskursseissa II ja III ja tietyssä määrin myös diskurssissa I nähdään liikettä kohti hybridisyyttä. Tutkimuksen tuottaman aineiston perusteella näyttää siltä, että vakiintuneita käsityksiä Sevastopolin asemasta ja erityisesti sen asukkaiden geopoliittisesta mielenmaisemasta olisi aiheellista tarkistaa. Ennen kaikkea tämä koskee sevastopolilaisten diskurssien marginaalisuuden luonnetta: vaikka marginaalisuus onkin diskursseissa vahvasti läsnä, mikään diskurssi ei edusta 'puhdasta marginaalisuutta', eikä edes selkeimmin venäläismielinen diskurssi I suhtaudu tarkemmassa tarkastelussa varauksettoman myönteisesti ajatukseen takaisin Venäjän yhteyteen palaamisesta. Sen sijaan haastatellut näyttävät olevan halukkaita pohtimaan avoimesti Sevastopolin kehitysmahdollisuuksia ja etsimään sille 'omaa ääntä'. Niin ikään marginaalisuuden, perifeerisyyden ja hybridisyyden käsitekolmikko osoittautuu tutkimuksessa mielekkääksi tavaksi analysoida Sevastopolin kaltaisen reuna-alueen geopolitiikkaa. Tutkimuksessa nämä käsitteet ja niiden väliset suhteet näyttäytyivät hyvin monimuotoisina ja alati muuttuvina.
  • Silvennoinen, Joel (2023)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Georg Henrik von Wrightin mielenfilosofiaa hänen varhaisemman teonfilosofiansa avulla. Von Wrightin teonfilosofia tunnetaan nimellä analyyttinen hermeneutiikka, mutta tätä nimeä ei tavallisesti yhdistetä hänen mielenfilosofiaansa. Tämä tutkielma pyrkii osoittamaan, että von Wrightin mielenfilosofiassa on kyse samoista tieteenfilosofisista periaatteista kuin hänen teonfilosofiassaan. Tutkimuskysymyksenä on, mitä Georg Henrik von Wrightin analyyttinen hermeneutiikka tarkoittaa mielenfilosofisena näkemyksenä. Tutkielma perustuu ensisijaisesti von Wrightin teoksiin Explanation and Understanding (1971) ja In the Shadow of Descartes (1998), joiden olennaisia ideoita avataan von Wrightin muun filosofisen tuotannon sekä kommentaarikirjallisuuden avulla. Tutkielman ensimmäisessä osassa jäsennetään ja selvennetään, mitä analyyttinen hermeneutiikka tarkoittaa von Wrightin teonfilosofiassa. Analyyttisen hermeneutiikan ydin kiteytyy siihen, että ihmisen käyttäytymistä koskevilla kausaalisilla ja teleologisilla selityksillä on toisistaan riippumattomat explanadat, ja selitysten todentamisessa on kyse eri asioista: kausaalinen selittäminen koskee fysikaalisia tosiseikkoja ja on empiirinen kysymys, kun taas teleologinen selittäminen koskee intentionaalisia tosiseikkoja ja on semanttinen kysymys. Tutkielman toisessa osassa analyyttisen hermeneutiikan teoreettinen jäsennys kytketään von Wrightin mielenfilosofiaan: kausaalinen selittäminen koskee fysikaalisia ilmiöitä ja ominaisuuksia, eli ruumiin neurofysiologisia tapahtumia, ja teleologinen selittäminen koskee mentaalisia ilmiöitä ja ominaisuuksia, eli mielen intentionaalisia tapahtumia, jotka muodostavat psyko-fysikaalisen parallelismin. Seuraavaksi von Wrightin psyko-fysikaalista parallelismia verrataan lähihistorian mielenfilosofista keskustelua hallinneisiin näkemyksiin ja ideoihin. Lopuksi selvennetään, mitä von Wright tarkoittaa episteemisellä, kausaalisella ja semanttisella prioriteetilla, joihin hänen psyko-fysikaalisen parallelisminsa a priori argumentaatio perustuu. Tutkielman perusteella voidaan todeta, että Georg Henrik von Wrightin mielenfilosofia perustuu yhdenmukaisiin tieteenfilosofisiin periaatteisiin kuin hänen teonfilosofiansa, joten näkemyksestä voidaan puhua analyyttisena hermeneutiikkana. Mielenfilosofisena näkemyksenä analyyttinen hermeneutiikka tarkoittaa: etteivät mieli ja ruumis ole kaksi eri substanssia, vaan tosiseikkoja samasta neutraalista todellisuudesta; niiden suhde ei ole kausaalinen, vaan semanttinen; eivätkä ne redusoidu toisiinsa tai ole keskenään identtisiä, vaan mieli ja ruumis ovat kaksi aspektia yhdestä ja samasta käyttäytymisestä, joista toinen koskee tarkoituksia ja toinen neurofysiologiaa.
  • Chamorro Ayala, Francisco Oscar (2017)
    This thesis is a sociological-historical study of nineteenth century German immigration to Chile. It attempts to show how and why a particular group of immigrants came to won substantial power in their new homeland. It also attempts to show the extent of their influence on important social institutions. Although the period of this study concentrates on the nineteenth century, methodological considerations have made it useful to place this wave of immigration into the context of the Spanish colonialism, since Spanish transoceanic enterprises had led to the stifling of the spirit and organizational skills of the indigenous people in all the territories they conquered. This approach is compatible with relevant work done by Eugenio Herrera, Pablo Huneeus, Francisco Moreno, and Max Weber, but not with that done by Andre Gunder Frank. According to the former, certain key circumstances had negative consequences that persisted in the occupied areas throughout the colonial period and after independence, and were, at least to some extent successfully overcome by the German immigrants. Based on this background, the thesis touches on the main trends of immigration to the Spanish colonies and deals more closely with the attempt to attract immigrants to Chile. Drawing especially on Herrera’s research on German immigration to Costa Rica and Huneeus’ analysis of the economic mentality of the Chileans, this study brings insights into the influence of foreign values and lifestyles on the host society. The study particularly aim to show how and why the German immigrants were able to adapt to and overcome adversity in an unknown environment by establishing networks and organizing themselves. The influence of the German immigrants was thus far from passive: indeed, the evidence shows dynamism and enduring influence.
  • Nerg, Liisa (2017)
    Street children is a broad topic that has been studied by various researchers often focusing on some more specific part, for example street life and activities in the street. In the previous years, the voices of the children themselves have been increasingly taken into account. In this study the focus is on the ways of helping the children and how to support them to get out of the street. The aim is to find the best practices to support the children and to see if the strategies of the centres meet the needs of the children. Therefore, it is important to study why the children have ended up in the street at the first place and what kind of survival strategies they have. Also the reasons for them to run away back to the street again are discussed. The study is an ethnographic case study. The methods used for data collection were interviews and participant observation. The field study was conducted in Lusaka, Zambia, in three different centres for street children. Some participant observation was done in the street too. For clarity’s sake the perceptions of the children and the strategies of the centres are analysed and discussed in different chapters. The findings show that there are various push factors for children ending up in the street, for example poverty and violence at home. Also not having anywhere to go to and the need to survive are pushing children to the street. Running away from the centres is linked to violence but also to freedom, addiction to drugs and alcohol as well as peer pressure. In the street the most usual activity is begging, which is considered as a mean of survival. Aside of begging, children do different kinds of piece works. Street life is hard and unsafe: there is violence, hunger, theft and addiction to glue and drugs. The friends in the street were seen as an important thing in order to survive. Among the children, the centres are generally considered as a good way to get out of the street, alongside education. However, the violence used in some centres is criticised and the child’s willingness to go to the centre is considered as important. Children who are willing to come to the centres can be found through street outreach. From the point of view of the centre staff children working and staying in the street is problematic because these children are deprived of their rights, for example right to education. Often the children do have parents or relatives but they are working in the street in order to support the families. The domestic work is considered as a normal thing whereas the work in the street is seen as abuse and exploitation. Sometimes the parents even send the children to the street to earn money. Work in the street often prevents the children from going to school but sometimes the work can help them to afford going to school. However, children working in the street are often taken advantage of. Both the street life and the work in the street has a lot of consequences for the child’s health and well-being, both physical and psychological. Despite the hardships in the street, there is also friends, belonging and freedom. A simple solution to tackle the street child phenomenon is to stop giving money to the children in the street and direct them to the facilities, where they can obtain education and life skills. The staff of the centres have a consensus of home being the best place for the child. The children’s perceptions are somewhat similar to the strategies of the centres when discussing the best ways to help the children. One simple solution is to stop giving the children money in the street. For the child to integrate to the society he/she needs a place he/she can consider as home, family or guardians, rehabilitation and education. Also the government’s intervention would be important in order to support the families to get help from the social welfare and to send the children to school. This study contributes to the discussion of street children, their lives in the street and how to help them, both from the point of views of the children and the staff of the centres.
  • Nuuttila, Sakari (2022)
    The counterintuitive relationship between Finland/Finnishness and coloniality – traces of colonialism in contemporary society and culture – is an expanding area of academic research. This thesis contributes to the field by reflecting on this relationship with a focus particularly on manifestations of issues of coloniality in public debates on social media. On these platforms, contrasting political groups engage in discursive struggles over the construction of memory and identity narratives. The context of the research is the international wave of protests that started in the summer of 2020, which attracted vast popular attention to racism and inequality, and the colonial power structures lying behind them. The social movements began in North America and expanded to Western Europe, where the history of imperialism and colonization is apparent – but the debate also reached Finland, a country that has, until recently, rarely been associated with questions of colonialism and coloniality. This thesis aims to shed light on Finland’s relationship to coloniality as a periphery-of-the-center space, which retains a share of colonial complicity, but also distinct differences vis-à-vis traditional colonial centers. The approach of the study is interdisciplinary, synthesizing features of postcolonial/decolonial theory, discourse theory and memory studies. The research identifies three of the dimensions in which coloniality is involved in discursive struggles in Finland: acknowledgement, reconciliation, and cosmetic decoloniality. In the research, these dimensions are represented, respectively, by three case studies: the Afrikan tähti boardgame, the public apology by MP Pirkka-Pekka Petelius to the indigenous Sámi people, and the rebranding of traditional consumer products exhibiting stereotypical orientalist names and imagery. Each case study includes an analysis of a social media discussion thread related to it. A central analytical framework is provided by Laclau’s discourse theory applied to populist movements, which emphasizes the convergence of attitudes and values within a group following equivalential logic, and the construction of antagonistic frontiers between different groups. By means of qualitative analysis, the thesis reflects on these processes particularly as they pertain to discursive struggles related to coloniality in Finland on social media, where such polarizing features can be identified. Finland is, in its own way, embedded in coloniality, and issues related to coloniality are an increasingly contentious topic in Finnish public debate. Negotiations and struggles over narrative and identity construction can be seen to follow ideological lines to some extent, but there is plenty of nuance in the re-negotiation of Finnish identity in the comparatively novel context of coloniality. Further, more detailed and broader study of discursive struggles related to coloniality and decoloniality is in order, as these issues become ever more prevalent in Finland.